1 3 inches per mm. What is the size of inch pipes in mm? Diameter of thread G "

The description of pipe diameters contains data on all parameters - internal, external, conditional, nominal. Knowledge of the characteristics are required when installing the network and selection of fittings. Otherwise, incorrectly collected communication threatens the loss of tightness, a short term of service due to breakdowns. Next, consider the diameters of the pipes in inches and millimeters.

Overall characteristics of pipes

They are reflected in the appropriate gostas and that contain the following definitions:

  • The outer diameter is the main characteristic of the pipe.
  • Inner diameter.
  • Nominal.
  • Conditional pass.

More info:

  • Outside diameter classified on small, medium and large values - Why apply the pipe under appropriate conditions. The small diameter is used - in the apartment and private water pipes, the middle - in urban communications, large - in industrial. Outer diameter - most important characteristic Pipes, since it determine the required fitting thread. Designation - DN.
  • Internal diameter or true. It depends on the wall thickness and can differ much from external, even with the constant size of the latter. Denoted as DVN. It is calculated mathematically (DN - 2S), where S is the wall thickness of the pipe. Example - outside diameter Pipes - 60 mm. Output of the walls of 4 mm, its inner diameter will be 52 mm. With an increase in the wall thickness, the internal parameter decreases.
  • The conditional passage or the diameter of the lumen of the pipe is marked as DU. This is averaged internal diameter value, rounded up to a standard parameter. For example, the outer diameter of the pipe will be 159 mm. The true inner diameter after the deduction of the wall thickness of 5 mm - 149. Then the conditional passage after rounding is 150 mm. This parameter is considered to select suitable fittings and fittings.
  • Nominal diameter. The concept is introduced in order to standardize the labeling of pipes from different materials. Meaning equal conditional aisle and marked in inches. This allows you to correctly select pipes from various raw materials for combining on the network - steel and plastic are marked in inches, copper and aluminum - in millimeters.

Thus, the correct selection of components for home communications in accordance with the concepts described is not relieved. Tables of transfers of dimensions from inches in millimeters and back will help in independent repairs and replacing defective sections of networks.

Table size diameters in diameters and millimeters

Conditional passage (DY) pipes in mm

The diameter of its thread (G), in inches

Outer diameter (DH), Pipes, in mm

Steel suture tube, water and gas pipeline

Seamless steel pipe

Polymer trumpet

Full table diameter table

Diameters, inch Diameters, mm.
1/2 d15
3/4 d20
one' d25
1’/1/4 d32.
1’/1/2 d40.
2 ' d50
2’/1/2 d65.
3 ' d89.
four' d100
Inch Millimeter Inch Millimeter
1/64 0,397 33/64 13,097
1/32 0,794 17/32 13,494
3/64 1,191 35/64 13,891
1/16 1,587 9/16 14,287
5/64 1,984 37/64 14,684
3/32 2,381 19/32 15,081
7/64 2,778 39/64 15,478
1/8 3,175 5/8 15,875
9/64 3,572 41/64 16,272
5/32 3,969 21/32 16,669
11/64 4,366 43/64 17,066
3/16 4,762 11/16 17,462
13/64 5,159 45/64 17,859
7/32 5,556 23/32 18,256
15/64 5,953 47/64 18,653
17/64 6,747 49/64 19,447
9/32 7,144 25/32 19,844
19/64 7,541 51/64 20,241
5/16 7,937 13/16 20,637
21/64 8,334 53/64 21,034
11/32 8,731 27/32 21,431
23/64 9,128 55/64 21,828
3/8 9,525 7/8 22,225
25/64 9,922 57/64 22,622
13/32 10,319 29/32 23,019
27/64 10,716 59/64 23,416
7/16 11,112 15/16 23,812
29/64 11,509 61/64 24,209
15/32 11,906 31/32 24,606
31/64 12,303 63/64 25,003

With the help of this online calculator You can translate integers and fractional numbers from one number system to another. Given detailed solution With explanations. To translate, enter the original number, set the source number system base, set the base of the number system to which you want to translate the number and click on the "Translate" button. Theoretical part and numerical examples see below.

The result is already received!

Translation of whole and fractional numbers from one number system to any other - theory, examples and solutions

There are positional and not positional number systems. Arabic number system that we use everyday life, It is a positional, and Roman - no. In positional surgery systems, the position of the number uniquely determines the value of the number. Consider this on the example of the number 6372 in a decimal number system. Number this number on the right left since scratch:

Then the number 6372 can be represented as follows:

6372 \u003d 6000 + 300 + 70 + 2 \u003d 6 · 10 3 + 3 · 10 2 + 7 · 10 1 + 2 · 10 0.

The number 10 defines the number system (in this case it is 10). As degrees, the positions of the number of this number are taken.

Consider real decimal number 1287.923. Number it starting from scratch the position of the number from the decimal point to the left and right:

Then the number 1287.923 can be represented as:

1287.923 \u003d 1000 + 200 + 80 + 7 + 0.9 + 0.02 + 0.003 \u003d 1 · 10 3 + 2 · 10 2 + 8 · 10 1 + 7 · 10 0 + 9 · 10 -1 + 2 · 10 -2 + 3 · 10 -3.

In general, the formula can be represented as follows:

C n · s. N + C N-1 · s. N-1 + ... + C 1 · s. 1 + C 0 · s 0 + d -1 · s -1 + d -2 · s -2 + ... + d -k · s -k

where c n is a number in position n., D -k - fractional number in position (-k), s. - Number system.

A few words about the number systems. The number in the decimal number system consists of a plurality of numbers (0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), in an octaous number system - from a plurality of numbers (0.1, 2,3,4,5,6,7), in a binary number system - from a plurality of numbers (0.1), in a hexadecimal number system - from a plurality of numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E, F), where A, B, C, D, E, F correspond to the number 10,11,12,13,14,15. In Table Table.1 The numbers are presented in different number systems.

Table 1
10 2 8 16
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2
3 11 3 3
4 100 4 4
5 101 5 5
6 110 6 6
7 111 7 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A.
11 1011 13 B.
12 1100 14 C.
13 1101 15 D.
14 1110 16 E.
15 1111 17 F.

Translation of numbers from one number system to another

To transfer numbers from one number to another to another, the easiest way to first translate the number to a decimal number system, and then, from the decimal number system to translate to the desired number system.

Translation of numbers from any number system in a decimal number system

Using formula (1), you can translate numbers from any number system to a decimal number system.

Example 1. Translate the number 1011101.001 from the binary number system (SS) in a decimal SS. Decision:

1 · 2 6 +0 · 2 5 + 1 · 2 4 + 1 · 2 3 + 1 · 2 2 + 0 · 2 1 + 1 · 2 0 + 0 · 2 -1 + 0 · 2 -2 + 1 · 2 -3 \u003d 64 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 1 + 1/8 \u003d 93.125

Example2. Translate the number 1011101.001 from the octaous number system (SS) in a decimal SS. Decision:

Example 3 . Translate the number AB572.CDF from a hexadecimal number system in a decimal SS. Decision:

Here A. - per 10, B. - by 11, C.- by 12, F. - by 15.

Translation of numbers from a decimal number system to another number system

To transfer numbers from a decimal numbering system to another number system, it is necessary to translate separately by the integer part of the number and fractional part of the number.

An integer part of the number is translated from a decimal SS to another number system - a sequential division of a whole part of the number on the base of the number system (for a binary CC - by 2, for an 8-character SS - by 8, for 16-smoke-16, etc. ) Before getting a whole residue, less than the base of the SS.

Example 4 . We translate the number 159 of the decimal SS into the binary SS:

159 2
158 79 2
1 78 39 2
1 38 19 2
1 18 9 2
1 8 4 2
1 4 2 2
0 2 1

As can be seen from fig. 1, the number 159 during division by 2 gives the private 79 and the residue 1. Next, the number 79 during division by 2 gives Private 39 and the residue 1, etc. As a result, by building a number from the balances of divisions (right to left) we get a number in binary ss: 10011111 . Consequently, you can write:

159 10 =10011111 2 .

Example 5 . We translate the number 615 of the decimal SS into the octal SS.

615 8
608 76 8
7 72 9 8
4 8 1

When the number from the decimal SS in the octal SS, it is necessary to sequentially divide the number on 8 until the whole residue is less than 8. As a result, building a number from the balances of division (right to left), we get a number in the octane SS: 1147 (See Fig. 2). Consequently, you can write:

615 10 =1147 8 .

Example 6 . We transfer the number 19673 from the decimal number system to hexadecimal SS.

19673 16
19664 1229 16
9 1216 76 16
13 64 4

As can be seen from Fig.

For the translation of the right decimal fractions (real number with zero whole part) To the number system with the base S, this number is needed to multiply on S, until a clean zero does not get in the fractional part, or we will not get the required number of discharges. If you get a number with a whole part, different from zero, then this whole part does not take into account (they are consistently enrolled in the result).

Consider the foregoing on the examples.

Example 7 . We transfer the number 0.214 from the decimal number system to binary SS.

x. 2
0 0.428
x. 2
0 0.856
x. 2
1 0.712
x. 2
1 0.424
x. 2
0 0.848
x. 2
1 0.696
x. 2
1 0.392

As can be seen from Fig. 4, the number 0.214 is multiplied by 2. If the multiplication is obtained with a whole part, different from zero, then the integer part is written separately (to the left of the number), and the number is written to the zero integer. If, when multiplying, a number with a zero integer is obtained, then zero is written to the left. The multiplication process continues until the fractional part does not get pure zero or do not get the required number of discharges. Recording fatty numbers (Fig. 4) from top to bottom We obtain the desired number in the binary number system: 0. 0011011 .

Consequently, you can write:

0.214 10 =0.0011011 2 .

Example 8 . We translate the number 0.125 from the decimal number system to binary SS.

x. 2
0 0.25
x. 2
0 0.5
x. 2
1 0.0

To bring the number of 0.125 of the decimal SS into a binary, this number is multiplied by 2. In the third stage it turned out 0. Therefore, the following result turned out:

0.125 10 =0.001 2 .

Example 9 . We translate the number 0.214 from the decimal number system to hexadecimal SS.

x. 16
3 0.424
x. 16
6 0.784
x. 16
12 0.544
x. 16
8 0.704
x. 16
11 0.264
x. 16
4 0.224

Following examples 4 and 5, we obtain numbers 3, 6, 12, 8, 11, 4. But in hexadecimal CC, the numbers 12 and 11 correspond to the number C and B. Therefore, we have:

0.214 10 \u003d 0.36C8B4 16.

Example 10 . We translate the number 0.512 from a decimal number system in the octal SS.

x. 8
4 0.096
x. 8
0 0.768
x. 8
6 0.144
x. 8
1 0.152
x. 8
1 0.216
x. 8
1 0.728


0.512 10 =0.406111 8 .

Example 11 . We translate the number 159.125 from a decimal number system to binary SS. To do this, we translate separately an integer part of the number (Example 4) and the fractional part of the number (Example 8). Next, we get the merging of these results:

159.125 10 =10011111.001 2 .

Example 12 . We transfer the number 19673.214 from a decimal number system to hexadecimal. To do this, we translate separately an integer part of the number (Example 6) and the fractional part of the number (example 9). Next, we get the combining results.

inches mm. inches mm. inches mm. inches mm. inches mm.
- - 1 25,4 2 50,8 3 76,2 4 101,6
1/8 3,2 1 1/8 28,6 2 1/8 54,0 3 1/8 79,4 4 1/8 104,8
1/4 6,4 1 1/4 31,8 2 1/4 57,2 3 1/4 82,6 4 1/4 108,8
3/8 9,5 1 3/8 34,9 2 3/8 60,3 3 3/8 85,7 4 3/8 111,1
1/2 12,7 1 1/2 38,1 2 1/2 63,5 3 1/2 88,9 4 1/2 114,3
5/8 15,9 1 5/8 41,3 2 5/8 66,7 3 5/8 92,1 4 5/8 117,5
3/4 19,0 1 3/4 44,4 2 3/4 69,8 3 3/4 95,2 4 3/4 120,6
7/8 22,2 1 7/8 47,6 2 7/8 73,0 3 7/8 98,4 4 7/8 123,8

Parameters of inch threads

The outer diameter of the pipe connected

SAE thread rating

Nominal Threads UNF.

Outer thread diameter, mm

The average diameter of the thread, mm

Pitch thread




thread / inch

6 1/4"""" 1/4"""" 7/16""""-20 11,079 9,738 1,27 20
8 5/16"""" 5/16"""" 5/8""""-18 15,839 14,348 1,411 18
10 3/8"""" 3/8"""" 5/8""""-18 15,839 14,348 1,411 18
12 1/2"""" 1/2"""" 3/4""""-16 19,012 17,33 1,588 16
16 5/8"""" 5/8"""" 7/8""""-14 22,184 20,262 1,814 14
18 3/4"""" 3/4"""" 1""""-14 25,357 23,437 1,814 14
18 3/4"""" --- 1""""1/16-14 26,947 25,024 1,814 14
20 7/8"""" --- 1""""1/8-12 28,529 26,284 2,117 12
22 7/8"""" 7/8"""" 1""""1/4-12 31,704 29,459 2,117 12
22 7/8"""" --- 1""""3/8-12 34,877 32,634 2,117 12
25 1"""" 1"""" 1""""1/2-12 38,052 35,809 2,117 12

Copper veins, wires and cables

Section of conductive veins, mm Copper veins, wires and cables
Voltage, 220 V Voltage, 380 V
Talk, A. power, kWt Talk, A. power, kWt
1,5 19 4,1 16 10,5
2,5 27 5,9 25 16,5
4 38 8,3 30 19,8
6 46 10,1 40 26,4
10 70 15,4 50 33,0
16 85 18,7 75 49,5
25 115 25,3 90 59,4
35 135 29,7 115 75,9
50 175 38,5 145 95,7
70 215 47,3 180 118,8
95 260 57,2 220 145,2
120 300 66,0 260 171,6

Aluminum veins, wires and cables

The cross section of the current veins, mm Aluminum veins, wires and cables
Voltage, 220 V Voltage, 380 V
Talk, A. power, kWt Talk, A. power, kWt
1,5 19 4,1 16 10,5
2,5 27 5,9 25 16,5
4 38 8,3 30 19,8
6 46 10,1 40 26,4
10 70 15,4 50 33,0
16 85 18,7 75 49,5
25 115 25,3 90 59,4
35 135 29,7 115 75,9
50 175 38,5 145 95,7
70 215 47,3 180 118,8
95 260 57,2 220 145,2
120 300 66,0 260 171,6

Dimensions of inch thread

Thread diameter in mm Thread step in mm Number of threads per 1 "
Outdoor D. Middle D. Inner D.
3/16 4,762 4,085 3,408 1,058 24
1/4 6,350 5,537 4,724 1,270 20
5/16 7,938 7,034 6,131 1,411 18
3/8 9,525 8,509 7,492 1,588 16
1/2 12,700 11,345 9,989 2,117 12
5,8 15,875 14,397 12,918 2,309 11
3/4 19,05 17,424 15,798 2,540 10
7/8 22,225 20,418 18,611 2,822 9
1 25,400 23,367 21,334 3,175 8
1 1/8 28,575 26,252 23,929 3,629 7
1 1/4 31,750 29,427 27,104 3,629 7
1 1/2 38,100 35,39 32,679 4,233 6
1 3/4 44,450 41,198 37,945 5,080 5
2 50,800 47,186 43,572 5,644 4 1/2

Nominal thread diameter in inches
Thread diameter in mm Thread step in mm Number of threads per 1 "
Outdoor D. Middle D. Inner D.
1/8 9,729 9,148 8,567 0,907 28
1/4 13,158 12,302 11,446 1,337 19
3/8 16,663 15,807 14,951 1,337 19
1/2 20,956 19,794 18,632 1,814 14
5/8 22,912 21,750 20,588 1,814 14
3/4 26,442 25,281 24,119 1,814 14
7/8 30,202 29,040 27,878 1,814 14
1 33,250 31,771 30.293 2,309 11
1 1/8 37,898 36,420 34,941 2,309 11
1 1/4 41,912 40,433 38,954 2,309 11
1 3/8 44,325 32,846 41,367 2,309 11
1 1/2 47,805 46,326 44,847 2,309 11
1 3/4 53,748 52,270 50,791 2,309 11
2 59,616 58,137 56,659 2,309 11

Table of translation units

Translation of energy units Translation of pressure units
1 J \u003d 0.24 Cal 1 Pa \u003d 1 n / m * m
1 kJ \u003d 0.28 W * h 1 Pa \u003d 0.102 kgf / m * m
1 W \u003d 1 J / s 1 atm \u003d 0,101 MPa \u003d 1.013 bar
1 Cal \u003d 4.2 J 1 bar \u003d 100 kPa \u003d 0,987 atm
1 kcal / h \u003d 1,163 W 1 psi \u003d 0,06895 bar \u003d 0,06805 atm

Sizes Translation Tables: Just and fast

The process of selecting the necessary sizes of the threaded section, cables and pipes often causes a variety of time. In addition to choosing suitable dimensions, taking into account the equipment parameters, the customer has to independently translate data into suitable units of measurement. Such a process is turning to be significant temporary costs.

We simplify this task, as we suggest you to use the ready-made translation tables. On the page of our site you will find tables that will help you easily choose the necessary threads of inch pipes, copper and aluminum wires and cables. Also, you can use the table of translation in the metric, thereby accurately calculate the necessary section sizes.

Unfortunately, most equipment manufacturers leave the customer one to one with the execution of calculations. Therefore, a person has to independently search for the translation table on the internet for the purpose of selection optimal sizes The cross sections of the wires and diameters of pipes.

We value the time of our customers, giving everyone the opportunity to use ready-made solutions. In our tables translated standard dimensions from inches in millimeters.

On this page, you will also find the translations of the main energy units and pressure units, therefore, can choose correctly refrigeration equipment, given the individual conditions of placement and modes of operation of the aggregates.

This article will consider such concepts associated with a threaded compound as metric and inch thread. To understand the subtleties associated with the threaded compound, it is necessary to consider the following concepts:

Conical and cylindrical thread

Stem itself with applied to him conical carvings It is a cone. And according to international RulesThe cone should be 1 to 16, that is, for every 16 units of measurement (millimeters or inches) with an increase in distance from the starting point, the diameter increases by 1 corresponding unit of measurement. It turns out that the axis around which the carving is applied and the conditional direct, conducted from the beginning of the thread before it is completed along the shortest path - are not parallel, but are one to each other at a certain angle. If you explain even easier, if we have the length of the threaded compound, 16 centimeters were 16 centimeters, and the diameter of the rod at its starting point would be 4 centimeters, then at a point where the thread ends, the diameter would already be 5 centimeters.

Stem S. cylindrical thread It is a cylinder, respectively, there is no taper.

Thread (metric and inches)

The thread step can be large (or basic) and small. Under pitch thread It is understood to the distance between the turns of the thread from the top of the turn to the top of the next turn. It can be measured even with the help of a caliper (although there are special meters). This is done as follows - the distance between several vertices of turns is measured, and then the resulting number is divided by their number. You can check the measurement accuracy on the table for the appropriate step.

Pipe carving cylindrical according to GOST 6357-52
Designation Number N.
on 1 "
Pitch thread
S, mm.
Outside diameter
Threads, mm.
Middle diameter
Threads, mm.
Inner diameter
Threads, mm.
G1 / 8 " 28 0,907 9,729 9,148 8,567
G1 / 4 " 19 1,337 13,158 12,302 11,446
G3 / 8 " 19 1,337 16,663 15,807 14,951
G1 / 2 " 14 1,814 20,956 19,754 18,632
G3 / 4 " 14 1,814 26,442 25,281 24,119
G7 / 8 " 14 1,814 30,202 29,040 27,878
G1 " 11 2,309 33,250 31,771 30,292

Nominal diameter of thread

Marking is usually present nominal diameterFor which in most cases the outer diameter of the thread is accepted. If the carving is metric, then for measurement you can use a regular caliper with scales in millimeters. Also diameter, like a thread step, you can see special tables.

Metric and inch thread on examples

Metric carving - It has the designation of the main parameters in millimeters. For example, consider an angular fitting with external cylindrical carvings. EPL 6-GM5. In this case, EPL suggests that the fitting of the corner, 6-ka is 6 mm - the external diameter of the tube connected to fitting. Liter "G" in its marking reports that the carving is cylindrical. "M" indicates that the carving is metric, and the figure "5" indicates the nominal diameter of a thread equal to 5 millimeters. Fittings (from those that are available on sale) with a literary "G" are also equipped with a rubber sealing ring, and therefore do not require fum-tapes. The thread step in this case is 0.8 millimeters.

Main settings inch thread, respectively, the name is indicated in inches. It can be a thread on 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 inches, etc. For example, take fitting EPKB 8-02. EPKB is a type of fitting (in this case a splitter). Thread conical, although there is no reference with the help of the Litera "R", which would be more competent. 8-ka - suggests that the external diameter of the connected tube is 8 millimeters. A 02 - that connecting carving on 1/4 inches fitting. According to the table, the thread step is 1.337 mm. The nominal diameter of the thread is 13,157 mm.

Conical and cylindrical thread profiles coincide, which allows you to perenify the fittings with conic threads and cylindrical.

The main parameters of inches threads
(BSW standards (WW), BSF, UNC, UNF)

The vertices and depressions of the profile of an inch thread, similar to the metric, flat cut. The step of an inch thread is determined by the number of threads (turns) by one inch 1, but it has an angle at the top of 55 ° (the carving of the cake is British standard BSW (WW) and BSF), the angle at the top is 60 ° (US standard UNC and UNF ).

Washing diameter of the Padness is changing in inches 1 "\u003d 25.4 mm - snap (") symbol inches. Inch thread is characterized by the number of threads per inch. According to American standards, inch threads are performed with a large (UNC) and small (UNF) step.
NPSM. - American standard on the threads inch tube cylindrical.
NPT. - American standard for threads inch conical.


ASME / ANSI B1.1 - 2003 Unified Inch Screw Threads, Un & UNR Thread Form
ASME / ANSI B1.15 - 1995 Unified Inch Screw Threads, Unj Thread Form

American inch thread

The main parameters of the inch thread:

d (D) - the outer diameter of the thread, respectively, the bolt and nut;
d p \u200b\u200b(d p) - the average diameter of the thread, respectively, the bolt and nut;
d i (D i) - the inner diameter of the thread, respectively, the bolt and nut;
n.- the number of threads per inch.

American carving with a large step - Uns

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

№1 (1,8542)

№2 (2,1844)

1 (25,4)

№3 (2,5146)

1 1/8 (28,58)

№4 (2,8448)

1 1/4 (31,75)

№5 (3,1750)

1 3/8 (34,925)

№6 (3,5052)

1 1/2 (38,10)

№8 (4,1656)

1 3/4 (44,45)

№10 (4,8260)

№12 (5,4864)

2 (50,8)

2 1/4 (57,15)

1/4 (6,3500)

2 1/2 (63,5)

5/16 (7,9375)

2 3/4 (69,85)

3/8 (9,5250)

7/16 (11,1125)

3 (76,2)

1/2 (12,700)

3 1/4 (82,55)

9/16 (14,2875)

3 1/2 (88,9)

5/8 (15,8750)

3 3/4 (95,25)

3/4 (19,0500)

4 (101,6)

7/8 (22,2250)

American carving with small step - UNF

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

№0 (1,524)

3/8 (9,525)

№1 (1,8542)

7/16 (11,1125)

№2 (2,1844)

1/2 (12,700)

№3 (2,5146)

9/16 (14,2875)

№4 (2,8448)

5/8 (15,875)

№5 (3,1750)

3/4 (19,050)

№6 (3,5052)

7/8 (22,225)

№8 (4,1656)

№10 (4,8260)

1 (25,4)

№12 (5,4864)

1 1/8 (28,58)

1 1/4 (31,75)

1/4 (6,350)

1 3/8 (34,925)

5/16 (7,9375)

1 1/2 (38,10)

American carving with a particularly small step - UNEF

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

Thread sizes, inches (mm)


D P.

D I.

№12 (5,4864)

1 (25,4)

1/4 (6,350)

1 1/16 (26,987)

5/16 (7,9375)

1 1/8 (28,58)

3/8 (9,525)

1 3/16 (30,162)

7/16 (11,1125)

1 1/4 (31,75)

1/2 (12,700)

1 5/16 (33,337)

9/16 (14,2875)

1 3/8 (34,925)

5/8 (15,875)

1 7/16 (36,512)

11/16 (17,462)

1 1/2 (38,10)

3/4 (19,050)

1 9/16 (39,687)

13/16 (20,637)

1 5/8 (41,27)

7/8 (22,225)

1 11/16 (42,86)

15/16 (23,812)

Thread sizes are the outer diameter of the thread, expressed in fractional fractions of an inches. One of the main characteristics of the inch screw thread is the number of turns on an inch thread length (N). The number of turns and thread pitch R associated with the relation:

American standards provide for two forms of thread:

Flat thread, which is indicated by the letters un;
- Thread with radius depressor, which is indicated by the letters of UNR.

The standard defines three class of thread accuracy. These classes are designated as 1a, 2a, 3a, 1B, 2V, 3B. Classes of accuracy 1a, 2a, 3a refer to external threads; 1B accuracy classes, 2B, 3B are internal threads. Accuracy class 1A, 1B is the coarse and applied in cases where fast and lightweight assembly is required, even with partially contaminated and running thread. Accuracy class 2a, 2B is the most common and used for threads general purpose. The class of accuracy 3a, 3B places the most stringent requirements for threads and is applied in cases where it is required to provide a minimum clearance in the threaded connection.

Thread designation. First, the nominal size is recorded, then the number of turns per inch thread, the thread group symbols and the accuracy class symbol. LH letters at the end of the record indicate the left thread. Nominal size - It is an outer diameter, defined as a fractional size or a thread number, or their decimal equivalent.
For example: 1/4 - 20uns - 2A or 0,250 - 20unc - 2a

British standard of inch threads
(BSW (WW) and BSF)

Massed. Threaded BSP.
the size
pitch thread the largest diameter the smallest diameter A / F.
pipe thread diameter
(for drill) mm
mM. mM. iN. mM. iN. DN.
-1 1 / 16 28 0,907 7,723 0,304 6,561 0,2583 4 ± 0.9. 6,60 6,80
-2 1 / 8 28 0,907 9,728 0,383 8,565 0,3372 15 4 ± 0.9. 6 10,2 0,40 2 8,60 8,80
-4 1 / 4 19 1,337 13,157 0,518 11,445 0,4506 19 6 ± 1,3. 8 13,5 0,53 2,3 11,50 11,80
-6 3 / 8 19 1,337 16,662 0,656 14,950 0,5886 22/23 6.4 ± 1,3. 10 17,2 0,68 2,3 15,00 15,25
-8 1 / 2 14 1,814 20,955 0,825 18,633 0,7336 27 8.2 ± 1,8. 15 21,3 0,84 2,6 18,75 19,00
-10 5 / 8 14 1,814 22,911 0,902 20,589 0,8106 16 2,6 - 21,00
-12 3 / 4 14 1,814 26,441 1,041 24,120 0,9496 32 9.5 ± 1,8. 20 26,9 1,06 2,6 24,25 24,50
-16 1 11 2,309 33,249 1,309 30,292 1,1926 43 10.4 ± 2,3. 25 33,7 1,33 3,2 30,40 30,75
-20 1 1 / 4 11 2,309 41,910 1,650 38,953 1,5336 53 12.7 ± 2,3. 32 42,4 1,67 3,2 39,00 39,50
-24 1 1 / 2 11 2,309 47,803 1,882 44,846 1,7656 57 12.7 ± 2,3. 40 48,3 1,90 3,2 45,00 45,00
-32 2 11 2,309 59,614 2,347 56,657 2,2306 70 15.9 ± 2,3. 50 60,3 2,37 3,6 56,75 57,00
-40 2 1 / 2 11 2,309 75,184 2,960 72,227 2,8436 17.5 ± 3.5 65 76,1 3,00 3,6
-48 3 11 2,309 87,884 3,460 84,927 3,3436 20.6 ± 3.5 80 88,9 3,50 4
-64 4 11 2,309 113,030 4,450 110,073 4,3336 25.5 ± 3.5 100 114,3 4,50 4,5
-80 5 11 2,309 138,430 5,450 135,472 5,3335 28.6 ± 3.5 125 139,7 5,50 5
-96 6 11 2,309 163,830 6,450 160,872 6,3335 28.6 ± 3.5 150 165,1 6,50 5

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