Part and whole tasks for preschoolers. Dividing the whole into parts

  1. Organization of children.
  2. Distribution and collection of benefits.
  3. Methods and techniques of teaching.
  4. ORU recording.
  1. Organization of children for carrying out ORU has a significant educational value. Children learn to quickly respond to instructions, commands from the teacher, to navigate in space, and a psychological disposition to complete tasks appears.

It is advisable to devote no more than 15-30 seconds to the arrangement of children in the hall, so that attention is not scattered.

In the nursery - scatter construction (like peas). Landmarks can be used. In the younger group - at the beginning of the year - these are scattered formations, then in a circle. IN middle group- at the beginning of the year - scattered, at the end - by links according to landmarks. IN senior group- building by links at the beginning of the year by landmarks, at the end - without landmarks. In the preparatory group - various constructions, including crushing into 2 - 3 - 4 columns.

  1. Distribution and collection of benefits must also be carried out very quickly. IN younger groups from the manuals most often used: rattles, flags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, sultans, rings, cubes.

In the older groups, moreover: balls, fitballs, hoops, sticks, etc.

The color of the subject should be bright and saturated. Kids are taught to use the manuals: they show where the objects are, how to take them, hold them. All instructions are given in the course of action with objects. In what follows, a brief reminder will suffice.

It is advisable for younger groups to prepare manuals for the ORU in advance and spread them out before class. During the restoration of breathing, children pass by and disassemble objects. At the same time, instructions are given on how the placement in the hall is going.

After a warm-up, older groups can independently disassemble the manuals while walking, without stopping, observing the sequence, while the teacher gives instructions on the method of placement in the hall.

  1. Methods and techniques of teaching. In working with younger groups, it is especially pronounced complex application visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques. Toddlers need a consistent role model. Verbal methods and techniques in working with young children are aimed at enhancing the action of the show, achieving brightness, convincingness of the image, and creating a joyful mood.

Each exercise is repeated in its entirety unchanged and is not divided into its component parts. (Method of holistic execution of the exercise).

All exercises are learned only after repeated repetition (repeated method of performing the exercise).

In the beginning: educator calls an exercise.

Then checks the readiness of children, invites them to take the desired position, while often resorting to figurative comparisons.

Then the exercise is shown, simultaneously explained by the teacher and immediately performed by the children. The proposed image should be familiar to children.

The teacher needs to strive for the greatest expressiveness, it is necessary to interest the children, "enchant" ( fascination method).

Another one distinctive feature explanations that it is holistic: "Sit down, knock flags on the floor, straighten up." At the same time, no explanation is given on how to hold hands, legs, back. Visual reference points help to perform the movements correctly: a window, a toy, markings on the floor. The number of landmarks should be limited, otherwise the child will be distracted.

The teacher will often give instructions as the exercises progress. They activate children, are important for the development of spatial orientations, prepare for conscious self-fulfillment child.

If the child does not understand the order given by the teacher, you need to help him to take the correct position or perform "wiring" movement.

The instructions during the exercise also serve to develop a sense of rhythm and pace in children, help to start and end the exercise at the same time. Exercise counting and musical accompaniment are not given in the younger groups.

The teacher uses the assessment for each exercise. For the most part, it is individual and positive, regardless of whether the child has completed the movement or not. The characteristic moments of movement are emphasized, often in a figurative form... Thus, the assessment contributes to the consolidation of the correct motor representations: "Well, Lena jumps easily like a ball!" Sometimes the assessment is given to the child even before the movement is completed: "Now Serezha will raise his hands up and look at them." General and individual assessment is given immediately in the course of the exercises.

In the older groups, the ORU is carried out at the expense. More often, the exercises are decomposed into 2 counts (if the movement is short), into 4 counts (if the movement is amplitude or involves several planes), there are exercises for 8 counts (if the movement is long, amplitude, or covers 2-3 planes).

If the exercise is performed with an apparatus, then first the starting position is indicated, then the position of the apparatus, then the necessary clarifications. If the movement is carried out by the shortest path or the most common (usual) path, no guidance is required on the path of movement. The contraction rule also applies to the definition of leg movements. The words "leg" and "expose" are omitted. For example: right forward to toe.

  1. When recording a single exercise, you should indicate:

Starting position;

The name of the movement (tilt, turn, swing, squat, lunge, etc.)

End position (if necessary).

Recording exercises with objects.

When describing exercises with objects, the position of the object is decisive, for example: the ball up (and not the hands with the ball up).

In exercises with a stick, the position of the stick can be symmetrical and asymmetrical. In symmetrical positions, the location of the center of the stick is indicated, which coincides with the direction of the outstretched arms, for example: a stick in front of the chest, a stick forward, etc.

Some stick positions with a free end are standard: stick to shoulder, stick to foot, etc.

Yulia Khitrova
ORU with a gymnastic stick. OSU with a ball.

OSU with gymnastic stick:

1.I.p: n. n. NS. NS: stick down... 1 - g / p forward on outstretched arms, 2 - above the head, 3 - forward, 4 - and. NS.

2.I.p: n. n. NS. NS: g / p in front of you (middle grip sticks) ... Rotating hand movements (like a fan).

3.I.p: n. n. NS. NS: stick in the back... Tilts of the body to the right, to the left. (8 times).

4. I. p.: n. n. NS. NS: stick in the back... Tilts of the body forward by 3 counts. Bend back 4 times. (8 times).

5.I. p: sitting legs apart, r / p below. 1 - raise the g / p above your head, 2 - tilt forward, 3 - over your head, 4 - and. NS. (8 times).

6.I. p: lying on your stomach, g / p above your head "Boat". (Five times).

7.I. p: n. NS. p. r / p on the shoulders, half squats (8 - 10 times).

8.I. p: legs together, r / p below. Jumping "Parsley".

9.I.p: Exercise to restore breathing "Weightlifters".

Outdoor play: "Hunters and Hares".

OSU with ball of large diameter:

1.I.p: n. n. NS. NS: ball at chest level with outstretched arms. Semicircular head movements.

2.I.p: feet together, ball down. 1 - step to the right, ball up, 2 - and. p., 3 - step to the left, ball up, 4 - and. NS.

3.I.p: n. n. NS. NS: the ball is at the chest, turn - tilt to the side with the ball being carried out.

4. I. p.: n. NS. NS: the ball at the chest, slopes to the right leg, in the middle, to the left leg.

5.I. p: O. with: the ball at the chest, squats with the ball forward on outstretched arms.

6.I. p: n. n. NS. NS: hitting the ball with both hands.

7.I. p: the ball between the knees, hands on the belt. Jumping in place, alternating with walking.

8. Exercise to restore breathing "Ha".

Outdoor play: "Ldinka".

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I.p .: o.s., the ball is at the bottom, 1-2 - rise on toes, the ball is up, stretch; 3-4 - I. p. (6 times)

  1. "Lean over and freeze" (game stretching exercise by L.I. Latokhina)

I.p .: stand feet apart, ball down. 1 - ball up, 2 -3 - tilt to the right, freeze, 4 - ball up, 5 - ip; 6-10 - in the other direction. (6-7 times)

  1. "Lunge"

I.p .: narrow stance, ball at the bottom. 1- lunge with the right foot, ball forward. 2 - I. p. 3-4 - the same with the other leg. (6-8 times)

  1. "Turn"

I.p .: stand feet shoulder-width apart, the ball at the chest. 1-2 - turn to the right, touch the ball to the lower back; 3-4 - i.p .; 5-8 - in the other direction. (8 times)

  1. "Slopes"

I.p .: stand feet shoulder-width apart, the ball at the chest. 1-3 - lean forward, touch the ball right leg, floor, left leg; 4 - I. p. (6 times)

  1. "Squats"

I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball down. 1 - sit down, hands with the ball forward, 2 - stand up, etc. (6-7 times)

  1. "Jumping"

I.p .: stand, the ball is sandwiched between the feet. Jumping in place, being careful not to drop the ball.

8. Take a deep breath

I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball down. 1-2 - lift the ball up, take a deep breath, 3-4 - lower the ball down, exhale. (6-7 times).

the instructor... Basketball players must be very accurate and see well. Now we will play a game that will help our eyes to be healthy and see well (exercises for the eyes are carried out according to the Bazarny method).

They took the ball in hand

We played with him.

Take it far away

Bring it close to your nose.

I flew to the left,

They looked to the left.

Flew right

We looked to the right.

We played with balls

Blinked quickly.

1,2,3, - close your eyes

1,2,3 - open your eyes.

the instructor... Now we’ll practice doing the elements of a basketball game.

  • Throwing the ball up with claps and catching it .

I'll throw my ball up

Precisely, exactly above yourself,

I'll grab it with my hands on the fly

I will pull it up to my chest with my elbows.

  • Strikes with the ball on the floor alternately, then with the right, then with the left hand.

First one, then the other

I hit the ball with my hand.

He will run away, I will catch up

I am not standing still.

  • Dribbling the ball, with one hand, passing it from one hand to the other, moving forward, stopping at the signal and moving again.

I'm running and the ball is mine

Rides nearby at hand.

It will not go away from the palm

Sings a song loudly.

  • Game "Pass - sit down". Passing balls in pairs from below, from the chest and from behind the head.
  • Throwing balls into the basket in different ways: with two hands from behind the head, from the shoulder.

the instructor... In summer, you can play not only basketball. Attention to the screen. Guess the riddle ... (watching a presentation about football). Here's a soccer ball - our friend Mishka also has it.

the instructor. We will now train like real football players.

o Game exercise "Dexterous guys"

Children stand in a column. At the signal, they dribble the ball in a chain between the landmarks, picking up the leg for the stroke.

the instructor... Guys, now we will split into pairs, and we will continue training in pairs.

o Game exercise "Accurate strike"

Children stand in pairs along the playground, disperse at a distance of 3 - 4 m from each other. Kick the ball inside lifting, stop with the sole. Objective: to accurately execute the kick, not to lose the ball when stopping.

o Game exercise "Kick in the gate"

Children are divided into 2 teams ("Forwards" (blue shirt-front), "Defenders" (green shirt-front). The attackers take turns hitting the balls. The defenders try to catch, hit the balls, return them back to the attackers. Then the children change places, the names of the teams change.

the instructor... We had a training session like real football players and now I invite you to play real football.

Outdoor game "Football".

Children are divided into 2 teams, 2 goalkeepers are selected and the game of football begins according to simplified rules.

Final part. (5 minutes)

the instructor... Well done, we've got a real football match! And now I want to invite you to play with the ball in a more relaxed game.

Game "Keep the ball out of the circle"

Children stand in a circle. One ball in a circle. Pass the ball to each other, performing kicks in different directions(right, left), trying not to let the ball out of the circle.

the instructor... We trained a lot today. Have you ever seen an athlete who had poor posture? Of course not! Let's do an exercise for a healthy back now.

Game stretching exercise "Ah, palms, you palms!"

Ah, palms, you palms!

We hold you behind

This is for posture,

This is for sure, without embellishment!

The instructor. Well done, guys, you showed Mishka how to play with the ball. What games did we introduce our friend to? That's right, with basketball and football. Did you enjoy performing complex elements of sports games? Do you think you succeeded today? Here are the balls. Some balls are funny, while others are sad. If you enjoyed playing with the ball, you think that you succeeded in class today, take a funny ball and mark it in the football goal. And if you think that you did not cope with many things, it was very difficult for you, take a sad ball and also place it in the goal. These are such wonderful gates! We will now send our video to the Olympic Bear and he will no longer cry, but will play with balls according to all the rules. And so that you don't forget to play sport games I'll give you homework cards at home. Do it with your parents, brothers and sisters! Thanks guys, be healthy, play sports games, goodbye!