Black streak in life - what to do, how to get rid of. What to do when you are overtaken by a black streak in life

What to do?

See how it happens and what needs to be done to make Luck return ...

I never liked black. But again the moment came when this color fell in love with me. Everything was so good that it was even wonderful. Suddenly the "black stripe" covered me with my head, like a blanket in winter period! To be honest, I was not at all ready for such a meeting.

How to determine that this is a black streak?

At first I lost the keys to the apartment. Then I tore my most beautiful dress. Then I got a reprimand at work. Then, then, then…. It takes a long time to list how many thousands of unpleasant little things happened to me in just a few days.

There's a black streak in my life

I don’t know what to think! It feels like someone greatly envied me and "jinxed" me. It’s unpleasant. And yesterday I dreamed about a lesbian. I read the meaning of sleep, so it is written there that this dream means…. Betrayal of friends, girlfriends. If this also happens, then I will not survive. So many piled up!

And also a guy who is eight years younger than me fell in love with me! I don't see anything good in that. He will be very tormented, because he fell in love completely unrequited and hopeless. I can offer him nothing (except friendship). Lesha says that he is also happy with our communication. But I know that he will not tell me everything in order to continue friendly relations.

So I want to run to the store (for alcohol), but I restrain myself so as not to "cloud" my consciousness. My problems will not go away, as will the "black streak" of failures. It is better to decide everything soberly.

Honestly…. I'm afraid to celebrate the holiday! I was invited to my birthday, but I don't know if it's worth it. What if something happens there too? After all, I have a "stripe, black ...". For the first time I regret that I do not have a fortune-teller or a clairvoyant among relatives or friends.

It’s somehow scary to call the first aunt I see and ask her to see what awaits me in the future. With such success, you can approach any gypsy woman at the station. I am writing about the station because I am aware that they (the gypsy "personalities") love to live there.

What if there is a black streak?

I told myself! You need to go to some site and look for some lady there. We'll have to focus on prices. I don't have much finances left! Well, I gave almost all the money for the very dress that was torn.

I’ll ask about the dress too. It broke somehow strangely .... Zigzag not along the seam! This is the first time I see this! A friend says that I have already begun to see "signs" in everything. Of course, I do not wish her anything bad, but if she faced a million problems at once, her reasoning would resemble mine.

Yesterday I scratched a mole and blood was gushing out of it. Barely stopped. And then - vodka, because she herself did not want to stop. My husband helped me "understand" this difficult matter. I can't look at blood (this also applies to my own).

Yes I am married. Many will say that I don't even need to complain, since I have taken place in my personal life. This is not true! Believe me, the "unlucky streak" also extends to married people. A stamp in a passport is not a panacea for all adversity.

Everyone would have gotten married long ago if marriage had saved from all the bad things! However, not everyone is in a hurry to get married, because they know that "marriage is not to attack, if only married not to perish." By the way, I thought about everything before I gave my consent to the marriage.

I talked to my mom. She said that I was exaggerating everything. Maybe she said so because she doesn't have free time for me right now. I don’t want to talk to my dad about my experiences, as he is very tired at work. I don’t want to "pull" it. My dad is so rarely at home that I began to forget what he looked like. Thanks to the camera for his presence in our house!

Tears helped. But I cried them out to the last drop. I spent five days in tears! The pattern was already erased from the pillowcase from the salt water that flowed in streams from my sad eyes. I wanted to “melt” all the bad luck in tears, but nothing worked out for me (I just wasted my time and ruined the pillow).

She “filled in” several common notebooks with her poems. I felt better for a short while. And everything around me spoke of "relief." After all, nothing bad happened to me for six hours! But the luck passed as soon as I began to strongly believe in it. My thoughts are to blame for everything! Why didn't I turn them off in time?

In a few days, so many dishes have broken that you can just go crazy! Cracked vase, which was painstakingly painted by my friend (she works as a designer). You can't glue it with scotch tape! What am I going to tell my friend now? The fact that I am a sloppy muddler does not excuse me at all!

I'm afraid I'll have to go to the hospital soon (for examination). I really need to find a place where I will feel completely safe. I'm tired of living every day like on a "volcano", like on "pins and needles"!

A classmate made and gave me a talisman. I put little icons in all my purses and clutches. I bathe and wash myself with church water (before bed). I do so many things, but luck never comes back! It feels like she is afraid of me and shuns me.

What a shame that I am not a sorceress! So I would like to turn luck into a wise and sociable woman in order to arrange a frank conversation with her. Now I argue like a little girl, but adults really want to believe in fairy tales when everything around does not go well and goes "downhill".

I look at the black bar with optimism

I do not consider myself a pessimist. You haven’t seen the pessimist yet! I studied at the institute with a girl who was always bad. She never believed in herself, or in luck, or in a fluke. I had to constantly "pull" her out of depression. And when I got this state, it's hard to say in words…. Briefly speaking…. I have to keep everything deep inside myself. Almost everyone thinks that everything is super great for me. After all, I am used to helping others and forgetting about myself.

Do you have a black streak in your life?

Then you are here, switch ...

Greetings, my dear readers! Have you ever had this when you just give up? You sort of figured out one problem, exhaled a little. But, did not have time to move away from the first trouble, then another one covers it, and the next one after it. And it seems like it will never end. I'm sure everyone has had this at least once in their lives. The only difference is that everyone has these problems of different severity. Today I will help you deal with this and show you how not to lose your mind, going through such a period.

Causes and signs

So, black line in life: what to do if trouble after trouble has flooded? We all know what it is when it seems like the whole world is against you. But first, let's take a look at the causes of the black stripe. Many of us absolutely do not believe in higher power... And they try to find a reasonable explanation for everything. But if you take a certain situation, such where everything has already happened, and analyze it, then you can notice some details that initially we simply did not pay attention to.

When it does, the world just collapses underfoot. And if you are already in this situation, first of all give yourself very little time to grieve about what happened. Do not despair at all, now try to gather your strength and start looking for a way out. And for this it is worth analyzing what happened to you the day before. That is, try to find the very details.

There is excellent literature from which you can learn a lot more about how to get over difficult moments in life. For example, the book “ The black stripe is white! A practical guide to control your destiny».

Many events in our life that seem completely random, sometimes happen for a reason. For example, you are in a hurry for an interview about the work of your life, you meet your first love on the subway, and you are so keen on communicating with this person that you pass your station. Naturally, you got upset and until you got to the right place, realized that no one was waiting for you there, and your place was taken by another applicant who came on time.

You go home in frustrated feelings and curse this chance meeting: they say, because of her, everything went wrong. You sit comfortably in front of the TV and immediately pay attention to the news bulletin. It says that your failed boss is wanted, and a cool company is just a one-day company.

I especially do not believe in fate, but still, sometimes something inexplicable happens and seems to lead me away from even greater trouble. I think everyone has a story when a failure in the past, after a while, became the cause of successful events.

If something does not stick to you all the time, interferes with the implementation of some plans or "does not give", then it is better to think about whether it is worth striving for them persistently. Perhaps the obstacles on the way are signs from above that warn us of danger. And if you are, you will always be one step ahead avoiding failure.

But, of course, there is no need to rush to extremes. Sometimes it is important to admit that the black streak began because of your own mistakes or overestimated expectations. You should not curse yourself for this, but it is better to do a sober analysis in order to prevent difficult situations in the future.

If you understand that you are surrounded by continuous troubles from all sides, then a black streak has begun. What to do in this case?

In situations like this, it's best not to hide behind a mask. happy person, who does everything in life, and indulge in unrestrained fun. It won't make any sense, but it will only get worse. I'm not saying that you need to walk around with a sad face, complain to everyone and talk about how things are not going well with you. You can cry alone, scream - let your emotions out. This will make it easier for you, and you will be able to soberly think about what is happening without self-deception.

When everything is bad, it seems that there is no gap ahead, I strongly recommend releasing negative emotions. Everyone has their own way - for someone it is enough to cry. There are people who share what happened with a loved one. But we must remember that suffering can be prolonged. So your goal is to get rid of the negativity, not get bogged down in it.

"Why did this happen to me?" difficult situation, people often ask themselves this question. But you will not solve anything if you constantly search for the answer. Write down all your problems on paper, then it becomes clearer how many problems you have, and how you can solve them. You can draw up a plan of action and start implementing it, but you do not need to drive yourself into a rigid framework when life is already in the throat.

Some people benefit from a change of scenery. If possible, it is worth spending time in nature. This will help you switch to look at problems in a new way. It is important, not to deny it, because it is in the case of recognizing a problematic situation that a way out of it will be found.

It is good if there is an opportunity to contact close friends and relatives. But only if they are able to instill in you calmness and confidence. But the company of whiners for this period is definitely worth giving up!

Finally, when there is a solid black streak, it's time to cheer yourself up. To the best of your ability - you need to remember what can warm, cheer up right now. Let it be a chocolate bar or shopping, reading your favorite book or traveling. The main thing is to recharge yourself with the positive.

Ritual to help

An attempt to use magic and conspiracies, rather, speaks of shifting responsibility for the further development of events on mystical forces. It will be more effective to independently find a way out of this situation.

A visit to church helps believers. I recommend it. Sometimes we ourselves drive ourselves into the framework, we cannot reach the goal due to disbelief in own strength or claims.

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Good luck to everyone! Until next time.

Greetings to the readers of the site "Myself a Psychologist"! Elena asked good question about a black streak in life: What causes a black streak in life and how to get out of it?

The question is good and relevant. Many people, when the so-called black streak comes in their lives, are lost, upset, in general they turn out to be vulnerable and not ready for the tests of fate.

What is a black bar?

- this is, as a rule, a chain of unfavorable and unfavorable events in a person's life, which may include: the collapse of plans, health problems, material and other losses, betrayal by people, any bad luck and various troubles.

But the black bars in life are also different, that is, the life of each person beats and educates in different ways and for different reasons. Consider what may be the reasons for a black bar in a person's life.

The reasons why there is a black streak in life

1. Tests on strength, perseverance, faith in oneself and the correctness of the chosen path. When a person goes to some significant goal, life periodically tests him. And it is important to pass these tests with dignity and faith and overcome obstacles.

For this reason, read:

2. Punishments for wrong actions, mistakes and sins, missed opportunities that fate provided, and the person ignored them. That is, if a person has sinned or gone wrong, troubles begin in his life.

For the elimination of punishments, read:

3. Sign that in life something needs to be changed drastically. It so happens that a person is being prepared for something important, and therefore events begin in life that push a person to change. And a person negatively perceiving what is happening, calls it a black stripe.

Very often, illness, problems of fate, such as dismissal from work and other life difficulties, are for a person the ringing of a bell from the Higher Forces, that he stayed too long, stopped and he needs to start moving forward and upward, develop and work on himself. Especially if a person has grown accustomed to a warm place, does not go anywhere, does not strive for anything, does not realize his main life purpose (what he was born for) and is not going to do it. Then they begin to intensify its development through the creation life situations to be overcome.

Remember! Almost always, troubles in fate are an impetus for a person to develop, so that he overcomes his spiritual laziness and begins to row, work on himself.

Read the following articles about development:

But not always a person himself can get to the bottom of the root cause of the troubles happening to him. Very often, in order to effectively solve problems and quickly get out of the black stripe, safely replacing it with a white one, you need a look from the outside, for example, the help of a good

In the life of every person, sooner or later, a black streak begins. One part of the world's population is able to survive this difficult period calmly and not experience stress at this time. The other part cannot live normally when failures haunt them constantly. This can end not only with stress, but also with alcoholism, because some people try to get through this difficult life stage with the help of drugs or alcohol. Conspiracies from the black streak in life can help you not only speed up the process of renewing the white streak, but also help you survive this difficult life stage.

How to determine if there is a black bar?

People began to call difficult stages "black stripes". Of course, you can get rid of it. But, first of all, you need to determine if you really have problems because of it. In some cases, damage or the evil eye can be perceived as a black streak. In order to correctly identify the source of your problems, some observations should be made. The black bar can be identified by several important features. If you are trying to determine if you are in trouble, then pay attention to the following factors:

  • you often start to face health problems;
  • all unpleasant situations end with a decline in strength and energy;
  • sleep problems have begun in your life, which always end in hallucinations;
  • constant negative conversations in the family;
  • constant pain in the head area.

All these signs indicate that a negative streak has crept into your life, from which it is urgent to get rid of.

Getting rid of problems with a chicken egg

You can get rid of evil doom with the help of magic. For this, a special simple was created, but at the same time efficient way... For him, you need the usual egg... You must take a black marker in the house and memorize the words of the desired prayer. After that, take a chicken egg and carry it in a circular motion in the chest area. In this case, you should read a special conspiracy from the black bar.

“I, the servant of God (name), use the egg in order to get rid of the evil fate in my life. As soon as the ritual is completed, all dark forces will leave my home and leave me alone. I can no longer experience difficult life moments. My strength is no more and it seems to me that I will soon lose my mind. All my affairs end in failure and I just can't take it anymore. My whole family has told me for a long time that it is worth taking a closer look at constant failures. But I didn’t believe them and thought that everything would be over soon. But all my thinking was wrong. The dark forces have taken hold of me very strongly and do not give me rest. I don't know for what reason, but they negatively affect my family. We have not done anything wrong and I just cannot understand the reason for their behavior. It seems to me that someone just sent damage or evil eye on us. So let the person who sent the negative at me receive a retaliatory blow several times stronger. May she never again harm others. May higher powers punish this ill-wisher and return peace to my calm and quiet life. Let the black bar leave me. I read these words of the conspiracy so that the Lord would hear them and come to my aid. Let it be as I said and nothing else. Amen".

After that, write the following words on the attribute with a marker:

"Let everything that spoils my life go into an egg and not return."

After that, you need to give the egg to the ground, and far from your home.

Ritual with water

The ideal effective ritual to get rid of evil doom is to use warm water. You should type in a bowl or bathroom every day warm water and wash your face. As soon as you start pouring water on yourself, you should read a special conspiracy.

“Water is a wonderful natural element. She is not only able to calm a person down, but also help him get rid of evil fate. I ask the water for help to get rid of the problems in life. As soon as I start reading the words of the prayer, I will immediately feel the wonderful influence of the light forces on myself, the Lord sent water to mankind for a reason. He gave us a sign that we can get rid of all unpleasant sensations. It seems to me that only this beautiful element is able to help me and save me and my family from evil fate. We have long been unable to find the cause of negativity in our lives. Some argue that we are pursued by damage or the evil eye. But I don’t believe it. I think that this is just a negative coincidence that befell our destinies. I very strongly ask the higher powers to help me and rid me of these obstacles of fate. Let the black streak of my life end. Even if she was, then it's time for her to leave. I ask you to carry out the process of removing bad luck from me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

How exactly can you turn a negative stripe into white?

There are many ways to convert a black bar to white. In this way, you can wrap a black stripe, in pleasant moments of life.

  1. The first ritual is to make homemade cakes and buy homemade milk. After that, you should go to the cemetery and leave the gifts on an unmarked grave. Next, you need to read a special conspiracy: “I, the servant of God (name), did not come to the cemetery with bad thoughts. I just want a lot of good things to happen in my life. But for this I need to ask for help from an unnamed deceased. Dear deceased, you are no longer afraid of everyday problems. So take mine so I can live my life normally. I ask you to help me and help me out in an ore moment. Amen".
  2. The next rite is that while bathing, you need to read the following words of the prayer: “I ask the water to help me and restore my strength so that I can cope with the troubles and failures that follow my life. Water has a wonderful feature and it lies in protecting a person from evil doom. May holy water protect me and protect me from troubles. Only you are able to help me out and direct me on the right path. Let the black stripe leave me. I ask you to protect me. When I wash myself, I will wash off the negative. Amen".

It is generally accepted that our life consists of white and black stripes. Happiness alternates with unhappiness, good with bad, and trouble with joy. Moreover, if a black streak has begun in our life, we know that we have to be patient and it will definitely end, and it will be replaced by cheerful and joyful days again. But what to do if the black stripe is tightened, and the end - the edge is not visible to it?

Yes, indeed, it makes sense to say that in nature, as in the life of every person, there are balancing forces that (as the name implies) balance everything. Everything in our life cannot be, or everything is good, or everything is bad. Look at the laws of nature: after a storm the sea will surely be calm, and calm, as you know, happens before the storm.

The action of the equilibrium forces is perfectly described in the book by Vadim Zeland "Reality Transurfing". So, in no case should a person cause the aggression of the balancing forces, otherwise they will fall on you and put everything in its place.

You should think about why a black streak began in your life, and why does it not end for so long? How could you incur the overwhelming force of the balancing forces?

Anything can be the reason. Perhaps you spent too much time on yourself, forgetting about family and friends, or perhaps your negligence in work and family responsibilities has led to such a black streak. You must clearly realize that any of your actions will cause opposition from nature and balancing forces. Nothing is permanently good, just as nothing is permanently bad.

One must live in such a way as not to arouse the anger of the balancing forces, that is, everything must be in moderation, one must not go too far in this or that issue.

For example, if you love to go out to nightclubs - do it not too often, otherwise you may lose your job and you will not have the means to spend time in entertainment establishments. Do you devote too much time to work and career? Do not overdo it, otherwise you will lose your loved one, and work will no longer be a joy to you.

So, we have already found out that if a black streak has begun in your life, it means that you have caused the action of equilibrium forces on yourself, now we will figure out how to get rid of this black streak.

Stop complaining and start doing something!

Perhaps this is the most important rule, but it is very difficult to follow. As you know, it is easy to speak, but difficult to do - that is exactly how it is in this case. But, for an analogy, imagine a terrible storm and huge waves, and in the middle of this storm there is a small boat with tourists.

Naturally, these tourists are in a panic, but from the fact that they will cry, sob and complain about disaster- absolutely nothing will change, since the storm has already begun, and is not going to end yet.

In this case, the only correct solution would be pull yourself together and start acting correctly and without panic, only then can they survive.

The same is happening to you now, a black streak, like a natural disaster - it has already begun, and nothing can be changed. From the fact that you will complain about fate and lament, absolutely nothing will change, you will only waste your nerves and health. It is necessary to pull yourself together and start acting correctly so that the black streak of your life comes to an end sooner.

1. Unleash your feelings

So, the first step is to cry and give free rein to your feelings. Let's take the same storm as an example - the stronger the storm, the faster it will end, and if the sky is just overcast, then such weather may not change for weeks, right?

Do not keep everything to yourself, throw your emotions out, for better result turn on a heartbreaking movie (Titanic is perfect), invite a friend on whose shoulder you can cry - and off you go. And in the morning, go to the window, look at the sky, smile - and you will understand that the black streak is over.

2. Dramatically change the environment

Another great way to protect yourself from the storm is to fly away in a rescue helicopter. The situation is exactly the same here. Try a drastic change of scenery. For example, to go somewhere for a week, and if there is no such opportunity, then on a weekend to friends in another city or to a house by the river.

Noisy companies and unity with nature help to get your life out of the black strip (despite the fact that these are two opposite phenomena). Only one thing can be said for sure - change the environment, live at least a little - a slightly different life, not familiar to your everyday life.

3. Find the root of the problem and fix it

Think, after all, the black streak began for a reason, from an empty place, but from a certain event. Try to remember the event and find out the reason for its occurrence. You may even have to dig inside yourself and get the deeply hidden skeletons out of the closet. But you just have to put everything in its place. When you do this, the problem will be solved by itself, or it will open new way its solution, and there it is already not far from the end of the black strip.

4. Experience the pleasure

By the way, it is quite possible that the reason for the appearance of the black stripe lies not in external factors, but in your internal psychological state. This means that your body lacks endorphins - hormones of happiness. This means that it is necessary to replenish this supply.

The hormones of happiness enter our body in several ways: sex, chocolate, shopping and gifts. So try to combine all these methods so that your life shines with new colors.

Just don't overdo it with chocolate - excess weight you don't need it. And it's better not to resort to casual sex - it is unlikely to add endorphins to your body.

So, black bars in your life, of course, will happen from time to time. The question is how you will get out of this situation. Your main task is to survive the black streak with the least losses for the physiological and psychological state of the body. So, good luck, everything will definitely work out!