If the line of life is straight. Life line on the right and left hand in women, men, children: what does it mean? Time on the line of life

Hello! Everyone would like to know what the line of Life on the hand means? Let's try to figure it out by examining the main one, which bends around the hill of Venus, that thumb... This is the line of Life.

What is your potential

- a science that studies human life by stripes on the palms. Most of all, attention is paid to the Life line, which opens up the potential of a person, indicates the duration of his life, and much more.

Where is the line of Life on your hand? An important feature can be seen on both the right and left hand. You have to look with both palms. And if you want to know more about your life, then right-handed people should look at life guidelines on their right hand.

The quality line should completely encircle the hill of Venus. There should be no tears or dents on it. If there are marks, then they can tell a lot.

You should not be afraid of signs, on the contrary, they can suggest that you can fix something in your destiny. A good line is not wide, not very deep, uniform, of the same color. It should smoothly flow around the hillock of Venus.

A long line is not yet a guarantee of a long century, and a short line is a quick death. It only shows the presence of energy and vitality.

Is the right or the left more important?

Starting to look at their destiny, people ask the question:

What hand are they looking at? By right palm read the future and past of a person, as well as the physical condition at the moment. On the left hand, the internal qualities and potential laid down at birth are marked. In children, on the left hand, you can even see the inherent capabilities of the child.

If there is a gap or bifurcation of the band on the right and left hand, moreover, in the same place, then this is a fatal sign. Also, do not worry, today the possibilities of medicine are so extensive that they will save you at any difficult situations.

Many people start to worry if they see that there is a gap or that they have a short line. You need to look at the other palm. If there is a flat, long strip, then, perhaps, a serious illness awaits you, which you will overcome and your "river" will flow further. If you see the "islets" on it, then this disease will periodically make itself felt.

If there is a break on both hands, then this is a sign of death. However, true palmists can see the encouraging signs that are nearby. The main thing is not to panic! Tears to the side indicate injury. The wider the deviation to the side, the more severe the injuries will be. You have to be careful!

If the gap is closed by another line, then this means a change in life or a move to another city. If this "road" is in the form of a chain, then there will be many diseases in life. Lefties look the other way around.

The double line or line of Mars indicates that a person has hidden reserves. He has excellent health, he is lucky in life. These are real darlings of fate.

When analyzing a drawing, both hands should be considered, moreover, in women and men, the drawings have the same meaning. They are not divided by sex.

The figure shows the dashes crossing the main line. They indicate frequent illnesses or continuous stress.

What the signs are not silent about

The triangle on the Life line is a very important sign.

The best sign palmists count when it is located at the beginning or middle of the life line.

The photo shows the hand of a lucky person with such a triangle.

The figure marks the rise in financial position, early career advancement. If a triangle is "drawn" directed up to the hill of Venus, then the person will be lucky in money.

Whatever this lucky man has in mind, he will all live profitably. This figure also indicates such character traits as:

  • purposefulness,
  • giftedness in diplomacy,
  • ability to persuade.

The position of the triangle as shown in the figure indicates the ability to sacrifice everything that he has.

A fork on the line of Life at the very beginning, and even looking up, is a sign of good ambition, energetic energy. A successful career awaits its owner.

A line diverging in the middle or closer to the wrist, says that there is an inveterate traveler in front of you or a change of residence awaits him ahead. Cardinal changes, possibly a change of citizenship, are reported by a furrow that diverges into two identical stripes.

Many thin stripes going downward warn of health problems. It is worth visiting a doctor.

Island sign on the life streak warns of a slowdown in the flow of energy, lingering illnesses, stagnation in a career.

Square or quadrilateral have real lucky ones

Cross and star Are good marks. If they are visible at the beginning of the groove, then you have an open, sincere person in front of you, he has a strong character, especially if he wants to achieve some goal.

  • The cross at the end of the line of fate means a long interesting life.
  • In the middle - enemies, accidents or natural anomalies can interfere with the normal course of life.
  • If after the string of crosses there is again an even line, then the person will overcome all the difficulties that have fallen on him.

Dent-like point, means a hole through which life energy flows away. And yet, such a dent or dot appears before an accident, disaster or fall from a height. Be careful while driving!

A mole is a harbinger of an illness... If the nursing trait passes by, that is, the second trait, then the person will cope with any illness. If the dash after the mole becomes thin or breaks off, then you will have to fight for life.

If fateful the furrow is interrupted, then the individual will face temporary difficulties. They may be fired from their job or there will be a gap in business relationship.

What does bifurcation mean?

If the main furrow forks, then you have less. This can be a warning about a serious illness, weakening of vitality.

  1. If the branch is barely noticeable, then weakening occurs protective forces, that is, you need to pay attention to your health.
  2. If one of the branches tends to the mound of the Moon, fate sends a warning about the development of senile dementia. Take medication to improve your memory.
  3. A clear, deep fork towards the lunar hillock means moving, possibly even to another country.
  4. If the split looks like a fork, then its owner needs urgent rest.

What do the lines that cross the Life line mean?

  • It is bad if the main furrow intersects with the line of Destiny. The individual obstructs himself with unrighteous actions or thoughts. He is not sure of himself, often doubts, loaded with phobias.
  • Crossing with the Mind line has a positive meaning.
  • The intersection with the lines of the Head, Heart and is an unkind sign.
  • Many small dashes mean unnecessary anxiety, the ability to exaggerate difficulties.
  • If these intersections are located at the end of the main line, strong experiences await a person in old age.

Is it possible to change fate

Scientists have proven that it is possible. If some features on the palm frighten you, then amend their drawing. In Japan, for example, this manipulation is trusted by a surgeon. This method allows a person to ward off trouble.

Palmists are advised to correct drawings on the palms with a regular pen. Adjustments are made to a line that is too close to the bends of the mound of Venus.

Take a red ink pen. Red has a powerful energy:

Do not wish several gifts from Destiny at once, choose the main thing for yourself. Focus on quality, forget about quantity, so as not to wreak havoc in your life.

Signs of wealth

How to determine if a person will be rich?

Wealth is indicated by traits of success towards the little finger and index finger. If they are deep and distinct, then life will be abundant.

Line to the index finger

To hell with the little finger

Business success

Wait and see!

How to determine how many years to live?

  1. Take a felt-tip pen and ruler.
  2. Attach a ruler to the middle of the index finger vertically, mentally draw a strip to the line of Life.
  3. Place a point where the lines meet. Here we celebrate 10 years.
  4. The second point should be placed at the intersection of the Life line with a dash drawn to it from the gap between the index and middle fingers. This is 20 years old.
  5. We measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  6. It remains to calculate how many such segments will fit on your main line. Each segment will be equal to 10 years.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling can harm your mood if you believe in it unconditionally. If someone undertakes to guess by one hand, then in front of you is a charlatan!

First take a look at main hand... The right-hander has the right, the left-hander has the left.

If the heart line ends under forefinger- personal life is good. There are many intersections on the line of the heart, in front of you is a fickle person. Breakups show the pain of parting.

Take a look mind line if small strokes or crosses are visible on it, these are marks of fateful decisions.

If line of Fate rushes up - you will achieve success in your career. If the line is weak, you are not happy with your career choice. Lots of ramifications and strokes - you change jobs often.

If your line of Destiny branches off at the base from the line of Life - you are a person who raised yourself, who influences the minds and actions of others.

The line of fate begins at the base of the thumb, then crosses the line of Life - you have strong family support or a family business.

Plug on Heart lines going to the index finger speaks of success, respect and recognition.
Branches on the fateful line, going up, speak of successes, achievements.

Double or triple main line I speaks of the luck of the individual, fortitude, energy. It is also the protection of the Guardian Angel.

There is no person who does not know where the life line is. Someone has it short, someone long, there are palms with a dashed thread. But how this is interpreted and what is the meaning of the life line on the hand, let's take a closer look. Many people mistakenly believe that a short life thread characterizes a small segment of the life path, and a long line speaks of long-livers. In practice, everything looks very different.

The life path is the first thing that is formed in a child after birth. Already after 2 months, you can see a fold in the form of a life line, then the chains of fate and the heart appear.

The meaning of the life line in the palm of your hand can tell a lot, for example, about the vitality of a fortuneteller. This can include the level, life goals, and also talk about such characteristic features like energy, stamina and willpower.

How to interpret life's "road" correctly?

What does the line of life, which distantly "hugs" the thumb, around the mound of Venus mean?

Note. The line should be perfect and clearly visible on both palms.

A clear, correct line of life: what does it mean and how is it interpreted?

  1. The owners of such a hand are distinguished by their endurance, energy and vitality.
  2. The fortuneteller never stops at what has been accomplished, and any business "argues" and is completed with pleasure. They hardly feel fatigue, and any work gives them pleasure.
  3. The fortuneteller belongs to a healthy and active lifestyle, and sleep very quickly restores all strength and energy balance.

Life "road" is located close to the thumb

What does the life line on the hand, which is located close to the thumb, mean:

  • in most cases, this combination indicates passivity;
  • not vigor;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • deprivation of vital activity.

Hugging life line on the arm, what does it mean?

  1. The fortuneteller does not boast of active vital energy.
  2. The owners of such a hand need more rest.
  3. In this case, it is recommended to devote more time to health and exercise.
  4. Only through physical procedures, a fortuneteller can get stronger and gain health.

Large semicircle

If the semicircle moves away from the thumb, it means a huge vital energy and human potential.

Life lines on the hand: meaning and interpretation in combination with other "roads"

You can often notice where the life thread starts with the mental line together. Novice palmists interpret the combination as a difference in excess of the mental characteristics of the owner of the hand. But this is far from the case.

In photo "a" you can clearly see how both threads leave from one point. What is the significance of such a combination on the hand of the life line?

  • The individual is distinguished by generosity, as the people say, he will give the "last shirt".
  • In difficult times you can rely on such a person, he will solve any problem as much as possible.
  • But all of the above qualities can only be attributed to friends or relatives.

Note. They can be called generous only in relation to close people. They will not help strangers, but they cannot be considered egoists either.

What does the life path of a generous person look like?

There is a type of very noble people, photo "b" shows such a palm. Seeing this combination, we can safely say that you can always count on compassion.

Life and mental chains go separately

The line of the mind goes separately from the line of life on the hand. The meaning of this combination suggests that the owner is a narcissistic egoist. For such people, material goods are much more important than spiritual ones. Such an individual is very greedy, and even denies himself practically everything.

The financial side of such people plays the most significant role. Very often, such individuals, due to their stinginess, even lose their friends. Such a line of life is in the palm of your hand, its meaning suggests that the fortuneteller likes to criticize others, but he himself does not perceive criticism.

This combination of lines also speaks of pedantry.

The video describes in detail how to find out details about the life line and its meaning in the palm of a person:

Often on the thread of life, we meet some deviations: interruptions, additional branches, weak and deep lines. Let's figure it out correctly, how to find out the life line by a person's hand with additional signs?

There are combinations with several small forks. Such people will have a very bright life path, but at the end of their path they will face certain difficulties.

It is this fork that indicates some absent-mindedness, a person goes to an unrealizable goal all his life, although at the beginning the goal seems quite feasible. A person will be pursued by a chain of failures, which will become a certain obstacle to this dream.

Such people are very emotional and addicted to bad habits. Most often, they cannot finish the work they have begun. Holders of the palm are proud and have a certain fame, but every year they have more and more ill-wishers who are just waiting for the fall.

In order to avoid troubles in life, palmists advise such individuals to control their emotional condition... It is also recommended to take care of your old age from a young age.

In general, such a combination warns the client of a certain danger. Such a gap indicates a serious illness or death. Before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to make a deep analysis of the length of time lived, since a person is expected to have health difficulties. Surgery may be needed.

The reason is necessarily identified: family, work, life failures, everything that can cause a painful condition.

If the trait is restored after the break, then everything will be fine.

Let's take a look at how to recognize the life line after the rupture by the hand, which is disappearing and not clear. It's about a person who may not be able to cope with his illness. Most likely, he will die without being cured.

Palmists advise not to go too deep, since the lines on the hand are just a warning, but far from a sentence. They warn certain situations that you can fix.

Often on the thread of life, you can find some signs, for example, a small island. Such a sign warns of a certain illness, it can be, both in the physical plane and in the psychological aspect.

Sometimes such a sign can speak of deep emotional suffering (unrequited love, death loved ones and other reasons).

When a similar sign is visible in the palm of your hand, this is a consequence of some kind of internal trauma that will leave its imprint.

Such a hand indicates that the fortuneteller has lost loved one or experienced love trauma (small line).

This combination can be attributed to a person who has divorced or lost a loved one, the loss is very deep for him. Such people were shocked and had deep psychological trauma.

At a certain interval, a person loses meaning in life, after which he returns to his mainstream.

The owners of such a hand feel very happy and it can be interpreted in different ways: financial achievement, loving peace of mind, long work will bring results.

In general, this combination means the implementation of all life plans.

What does the life line on the hand matter if there is a small parallel thread. This suggests that the person is under the protection of the Guardian Angel.

The forked line speaks of a person's duplicity; in general, the owner can say one thing, but his actions speak of another.

Sometimes this combination may indicate that the owner of the palm leads a double life. It is not recommended to do business with such people or create a family.

If the line bifurcates, for example, at the age of 40. This says that a person until 40 lived one life, after which he developed double standards.

If, while reading, you see a "chain" on the life line, then you have a person in front of you who quickly enters into trust without any problems. This is an emotional person, and life is filled with interesting acquaintances and events.

If a life partner has such a chain, and the other half is jealous, then the union may not be long. Such a person loves many fans, and in this case, the person may have multiple marriages or multiple partners.

What does the palm of a fortuneteller look like, who is worried about everything

Often on the hill of Venus, you can see many lines that are directed to the vital thread, these lines are called "lines of concern" by palmists.

Such people often tend to worry about everything and worry about what is happening around. If there are few such lines on hand, then each of them can speak of a certain segment on the path of life.

Note. There are people who do not have such signs, this suggests that this person is not particularly worried about something in life, he lives a measured, calm life.

If the mesh crosses the life line, then this indicates very serious troubles in life and can adversely affect human health.

On the video you can learn in detail about the signs that are the most dangerous and affect the fate of the fortuneteller:

The meaning of points on the life line and their role

Such dots or specks speak of a person's soreness and weakness of the body and health. Such people need to take special care of themselves and often visit doctors' offices.

Threads that indicate changes in life and destiny

Palmists believe that such lines as in the photo speak of numerous illnesses at the end of life or significant events.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The disease will be associated with a stupid act: a fight or some ridiculous accident.
  2. A spouse or spouse gets sick.
  3. For a certain period of time, the fortuneteller will do well.
  4. Frequent failures associated with the service, family troubles.
  5. Sufficiently happy marriage and mutual understanding.
  6. Frequent travel.

How to find out how long you will live along the line of life: simple dating

Determining the time period or identifying the date along the life line is quite difficult.

To do this, you can choose one of several ways:

  1. One of the most simple methods, this is a drawing of an imaginary line along the vertical, which is drawn by the middle of the middle finger. The crossing point of the life path corresponds to thirty-five years.

  1. Another method involves measuring the life "road". The total length is approximately 70 years of age. The mid-life line will be 35 years of age.

Note. Based on the length of the line, we can determine the approximate time of some periods in life.

There is another dating system, if you divide the thread of fate and life into a 7-Gothic segment.

Divide by 7-year cycle

The life line is one of the three main lines of the palm (in addition to and), along which experienced palmists are able to describe the characteristics of a person's character, options for fate, warn against impending dangers or assure them of their own high potential.

People have always sought to look into the future. is considered one of the most popular and ancient methods of divination. It is possible to understand the basic principles of such fortune-telling. You just need to carefully read the description and correlate it with your own picture in the palm of your hand.

Life energy indicator: where it is and what it means

The life line appears in the palm of a person first, even in the womb. The uninitiated try to determine by it exclusively the number of years of life intended by fate. But this line is able to tell much more about a person than just the period of his departure to another world.

The life line is a conditional indicator that shows the energy potential of a person, the amount of his inner strength, the ability to withstand the blows of fate, the degree of endurance and emotional stability. It is possible to determine these characteristics by looking at the life line of the right and left hand. But most of the relevant information contains the hand that is dominant (for a right-hander - the right, for a left-hander - the left).

On the right hand, the life line begins its journey between the thumb and forefinger at the inner edge of the palm. For most people, it continues on its way, going around the thumb in a semicircle and ending at the wrist (near the base of the thumb).

Each person has his own unique pattern in the palm of his hand, so the life line can be described in several versions and the smallest detail will have its own meaning. V ideal option happy alignment of fate, this line should be even, not interrupted, well curved, without various shades, islands, stars, dots.

The place at the base of the thumb in palmistry is called the Hill of Venus. The larger and wider the line goes around the space at the base (Mount of Venus), the better the physical state of health, emotional balance, positivity and open-mindedness.

About such a person, we can say that he is ready for exploits, his bold views and lack of fear of difficulties allow him to set a high bar for goals. He is looking for ways to implement his plans, never stops at what has been achieved and is able to infect others with his active life position.

Another situation awaits the one whose life line literally strangles the thumb, leaving a minimal area at the base. This is a clear sign that a person often lacks vitality, is ill a lot, struggles with eternal sleepiness, fatigue, and stress.

Such people are often pessimistic, tend to blame others for their own failures, they constantly lack the time and resources to implement their own plans. Such a picture can also speak about the physical data of the individual, or rather, about the lack of sports training.

How to compare event and age along the line of life

It is not easy to determine the interval of life that indicates any change in fate. There are several methods, consider them:

  • Mid-life method (35 years). Draw a vertical line from the middle finger to the intersection with the life line. The intersection point is the middle of life. In palmistry, the middle age is considered to be thirty-five years. Based on this figure, you can approximately calculate other dates of events;

  • Method of measuring intervals. By general principles the length of the life line from the beginning of the palm to the wrist is seventy years. To find out the period of life in which this or that event can occur, it is enough to measure the palm with a ruler and determine the date using simple formulas.

Description of calculations: if L is the length of the life line in mm, then in order to find out how many mm are 1 year, we need L / 70 years (the length is divided by 70). Then we measure the length to the period of interest and multiply by mm = 1 year.

Example: We measure the lifeline, it was 80 mm. We divide 80 mm (line length) / 70 (total number of years) = 1.14 mm = 1 year of life. We measure the distance to the period of interest in fate. Conditionally it was 25 mm. Therefore, we divide 25 mm by 1.14 = 21.9 years. This event is expected in twenty one years and approximately nine months.

The method of dividing into three or seven equal segments is also used. Each of them will constitute a correspondingly equal part of seventy years. But none of the ways does not guarantee a one hundred percent error-free answer.

Line interruptions or breaks

Crossing the line. Examining the palm in the area of ​​the Mount of Venus (the base of the thumb that bends around the line of life) in some, you can see many thin lines crossing the line of life from the beginning of the finger.

Many such small dashes throughout the life line are a direct indication of a person's susceptibility to various stresses and experiences. This means that the owner of such a picture is worried about any reason, he is used to taking full responsibility only on himself and does not know how to relax or be distracted in time.

Another interpretation arises if such thin lines are not numerous and cross the life line only a few times. Intersection points indicate difficulties or problems in a particular life span.

The question arises about those plots in which stress lines are absent in the palm of your hand. This means that the person is quite stress-resistant and it is difficult to break him down with minor troubles. For those whose hand is decorated with these small lines, you should learn to control your own emotional intelligence, become more resilient and tolerant of the proposed situations.

Line interruption. Minor ones are usually regarded as serious health problems. This is possible, but in this case, both palms should be examined and look for confirmation signs. If there are no such signs, then a change is just awaiting you.

Changes can affect not only the external way of life, work, personal relationships. The outlook on life, values, tasks, goals can change. A person may experience a period of enlightenment, enlightenment, when all unnecessary will go aside, and the place will be taken by something that was not paid attention to before.

Usually, in places of such breaks, the line seems to overlap itself, and the segments do not look distant from each other. If so, then new events will not burst into your life unexpectedly, everything will go smoothly and painlessly enough.

A different situation awaits those with deep and bright break intervals. Usually this concerns love experiences, partings, divorces, and can also be associated with a career, a conflict with a boss, dismissal, or layoffs. An analysis of other parts of the palm will suggest a more accurate answer.

Palmists interpret the same break in the life line on both hands as a blow to health. This can mean an exacerbation of chronic diseases or a sudden failure of the body as a result of severe overloads, accidents, accidents. The moment when it will take a lot of time, effort and money to recover.

A worse prognosis awaits those whose top line break turns into the thumb zone. Such an alignment threatens with serious consequences, and possibly death. But before drawing conclusions, you should pay attention to the behavior of other signs and lines. Signs indicating fatal consequences for a person are necessarily duplicated and confirmed by other lines.

Sister line or double life line

The sister line can be observed on any part of the life line; it goes, as it were, parallel to it, accompanying or closing some of the gaps. The presence of such an additional line is very good sign... Particular good luck and success awaits those whose line-sister accompanies the line of life throughout the entire area of ​​the palm.

When you watch, ending in the middle of the palm, the thought involuntarily arises that life will be short. But this rather speaks of the minimum amount of energy reserves and resources of the individual. You just need to change your lifestyle, change your attitude towards yourself.

Happy forecast awaits those for whom the gradually disappearing line of life is, as it were, picked up by the sister line, the effect of a closed shift is created. This is a sign of cardinal changes in fate: a quick change in marital status (marriage), moving to another city, country.

It is worth being alert and preparing to take action if a certain chain of lines is observed. The period will not be easy, diseases, minor troubles will follow at this time. The tests will surely end, and you will again feel the strength to live on.

Very often palmists call this line - the guardian angel. Its goal is to show that a person, in any life difficulties and even the most terrible circumstances, will always have a chance to recover. Someone will have a kind of second wind to start all over again. Usually such people live for a long time, wondering about their hidden capabilities and potential.

A double life line with a slightly reddish tinge may indicate a high temperament, increased excitability, a person's sexuality. It is important for such people to exchange or share energy. Success can be expected not only in the realm of the senses. A person with such an alignment of lines can make a successful military career, since he has an extraordinary mindset, courage and determination.

Other characteristics

A wide and shallow life line indicates poor health or the fact that you are experiencing constant discomfort from your own envy, dissatisfaction with the material situation and living conditions in general.

If the life line starts from the Jupiter zone or throws a branch into this part of the palm, you should reconsider your behavior. Pride, arrogance and excessive ambition can alienate the truly important people who are directly involved in your happy destiny.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The Life Line is the first and main of the 8 main ones. She appears the earliest of all at the age of 8 weeks. The accuracy of predicting positive and negative events in a person's fate depends on how and on which hand the life line is located.

What is the Life line

The semicircle that bends around Venus's hill is called the Life line. It starts on the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger, runs diagonally downward, and ends at the base of the thumb or wrist.

In palmistry, the hill and the thread are interpreted together. The hillock contains an energy potential, and the thread speaks of the degree of disclosure of internal forces.

The strip does not show exactly how many years a person will live, does not name the date of his death. It determines how he will spend his life, taking into account the available opportunities. The line is broken down by age using dating systems.

  • 35 years. From the middle of the base of Saturn's finger (middle), draw a vertical line down the palm. The point of intersection with the thread is 35 years.
  • 70 years old. The place where the line reaches the base of the thumb, but does not turn to the right yet. Proportionally, the thread is cut into segments of 10 years.
  • 7-year cycle. The entire line from 0 to 70 is divided into 10 segments of 7 years.
  • 3 segments. The suture is continued until it intersects with 1 wrist groove. This is a 100-year milestone. The whole line from the beginning is divided into 3 equal parts for 33 years.

On this issue, the opinions of specialist palmists differ greatly. Each method has disadvantages. Neither can guarantee an accurate result. The methods are theoretical and do not take into account diseases, accidents, and other events. They show how many people will live without troubles and hardships.

Which hand to read

Before fortune-telling along the line, look at both hands. So the prediction will be accurate and true. There is a theory that the right hand describes the future and the realization of possibilities in it, and the left one describes the present, past and inherent potential.

If a person has approximately the same both hands, then he and his fate have hardly changed since the day of birth. In fact, he goes with the flow, does not make efforts to develop.

There is an opinion that women need to watch left hand, in men - right. If a person is right-handed, then his active hand is right. The left one is passive. For left-handers - the opposite.

The difference between both hands in fortune telling on health is fundamental. But if a prediction is made for a specific disease, then only the active one is looked at.

The financial condition is mainly determined by the band of the right hand. The left one will reflect the ability to make money.

Relations with people in the future are viewed on the right hand, and in the past and present - on the left.

Main characteristics of the line

The beginning of the thread shows self-sufficiency and a bond with the family. If the line departs from the hillock of Jupiter (under the index finger), such individuals early become independent, quickly achieve success.

The source near the thumb is found in closed, distant, lonely people. Connecting at a point with the head line - affection for relatives. The owner will always come to their aid. The Life Line and the heads go together for a long period, and then diverge - the person is strongly influenced by relatives. He acquires independence in adulthood.

The length of the line symbolizes energy. Long line predicts liveliness and energy in a person's character. A short thread, especially on the right hand, shows a lack of strength, weakness of health. Such a person is passive, may be prone to depression. In children, the furrow is small. But as they grow older, it increases.

The width determines the activity of the wearer. A bold groove adds passivity and sluggishness to the character. A person takes decisions for a long time, controls the events that are taking place, which are few. He does not commit rash acts.

A thin strip runs along the hand of an active, emotional person. The narrow thread shows the swiftness of the changes taking place. It happens that the line narrows wide. This suggests that a person is acquiring new character traits, his behavior is changing. He becomes more emotional and active.

If there is a thin thread on the left hand, then the person has inherited emotionality. On the right, he acquired quality during his life.

The depth of the thread speaks of strength. If the thread is palpable, then the person is thoughtful, correctly prioritizes, brings things to the end. A superficial weak thread betrays a frivolous personality. A person is changeable, quickly moves from one case to another. He cannot concentrate.

The bending of the thread is responsible for the relationship to life and events. The closer the thread runs to the thumb, the more likely it is for its owner to become depressed. The further from the hill of Venus and the curved the line, the more optimistic a person is. An even, straight line speaks of indifference, composure, calculation.

The ideal thread is continuous, clear, deep on both hands. It predetermines a long happy life... The absence of marks, spots only enhances the prediction. And if this thread doubles, that is, a sister line appears, then a person is able to quickly recover from negative events.

The end of the line can end with a branch, which means:

  • poor, lonely old age;
  • stinginess, indifference;
  • loss of property due to loved ones.

Signs on the line

Symbols can appear as clear geometric shapes(triangle, circle), markings (points, branches) and spots.

The point at the origin of the main line means the removal of the tonsils in childhood. Deep point blue in the same place - the child suffered from pneumonia. The rest show disease.

A star in palmistry looks like branches intersecting at one point. She is an unfavorable symbol and predicts a sudden unpleasant incident.

A star, especially a 5-point star, at the end of the groove predetermines the inevitability and fatality of a particular event. It is capable of completely crushing the owner.

A square, a rhombus, a rectangle with a break inside serves to soften sudden changes and circumstances. It seals Negative consequences inside (after moving, divorce, material deprivation). The person recovers quickly and loses less energy. In other cases, the square predicts personality limitation: imprisonment, military service, etc.

Spots, moles matter if they are on the life line and near it. A mole on the thread of the right hand means a serious test at a particular age. The disappearance of the stain indicates a solution to the problem.

If the spot is located at the intersection of the lines of Life, Mind and Heart, then it predicts danger. It cannot be avoided, but you can prepare for it. Death marks birthmark at the intersection of the lines of Life and Health.

A mole on a man's right hand predicts his luck in business, luck. A woman has a calm, measured life. In right-handers (left-handers), the mark on the left (right) hand indicates a hereditary disease.

Ascending branches from the strip indicate an ambitious person who strives for better life... Downward strokes - loss of strength, weakness.

Stripes crossing the main line predict interference. It can be both external obstacles and internal discord.


The interpretation of these symbols on the thread of life is significantly different from the predictions in other places of the palm. If the sign is correct, well-defined, then it is positive, and vice versa.

Depending on the location of the cross on the furrow, it is interpreted as follows:

  • in the end, natural death;
  • in the beginning - obstacles in childhood, adolescence;
  • in the middle - problems with the cardiovascular system.

Several marks indicate the originality of a person, his craving for self-improvement. He is sincere, devoted. His intellect helps to soberly assess the actions of people.

The crosses next to the life line also have an influence. The presence of an element near the line at its beginning means the owner's move in early childhood and the financial difficulties of his family. The cross between the lines of Life and Fate at the end is read by rescuers and paramedics.

The symbol near the line on the Mount of Venus is associated with family and relationships with people. The sign portends problems with friends, relatives, treason, divorce. It can also be interpreted as difficulties in communicating with the team at work. Three such marks next to each other indicate a break in relations with all relatives and friends.


This symbol is used to study the financial capabilities of a person and potential wealth. Significant symbols formed by the intersection of the strip of Life with other lines. They appear on both hands, but on one of them they are clearer. These are banknotes.

If on the right hand the corner looks towards the hill of Venus, the thumb, then such people are lucky in any financial business. The larger the symbol, the luckier and more successful person... A similar situation on the left hand means that money and values ​​for a person come first.

The turn of the top of the figure in the other direction is interpreted as a bad relationship with money. These are hereditary punishments for the sins of the ancestors. A person has periods of poor existence. But if he passes these tests, he will be rewarded by fate and deserve wealth.

If a large money figure is read on the left hand, but it is not on the right, then the owner has chosen the wrong path. It will not lead him to wealth and success. The symbol may appear in the palm of your hand if the correct road is found.

The symbol adjacent to the line has an unfavorable meaning. Size determines the duration of the black bar. This is the time of loss of material values. The presence of another such sign nearby is interpreted as bad luck, failure in business.

The number of triangles is directly proportional to success and opportunities. Better 2 small characters than one big one.

For the correct interpretation of the triangle, it is important which lines it consists of. If the stripes are straight, deep, clear, then the owner will not have problems with money.

It happens that the triangle is difficult to see with the naked eye, its sides are crooked and discontinuous. A person's money will not be delayed. He will not be able to accumulate.

The gap

Breaking up doesn't necessarily mean doom. This is also a sign of a change in fate.

A dashed end-to-end stripe indicates a temporary black stripe, but with a favorable outcome of events:

  • getting rid of diseases;
  • solving financial problems;
  • Moving to another city.

The cut of the line, which is in the middle, is interpreted as serious contradictions in the character of a person. He needs to think about self-improvement and personal growth.

If the line is interrupted by a dotted line, this predicts a long-term illness. If you continue further on the solid line, the person will be safely cured.

An internal break with a continuation along the line of Destiny means cardinal changes: dismissal followed by a high-paying job, divorce with the creation of a new happy family.

With an external break, the strip continues elsewhere. This predicts: a change of faith, worldview, moving to another country for permanent residence.

The discontinuity of a line on 2 hands is a sign of a short life, predicts the threat of death. It also happens: on the left, the furrow is torn, but not on the right. The owner will have a serious illness, but he will be able to recover if he detects it in time.


Islands - small ovals different lengths breaking the strip. Basically, they are elongated along and rise above the lines. They weaken the characteristics of the segment on which they are located. This is an unfavorable sign, it symbolizes a disease that will bind a person to bed for a long time. The longer the islands, the more of them, the weaker the health of the owner.

The quality of the strip after the sign will tell you about the consequences of the disease. A thin, broken line speaks of chronic disease preventing the owner from living and working normally.

One small island on the line is interpreted as a difficult childbirth, a dangerous operation.

If a trait begins with an island, then its owner in childhood and adolescence does not know how to concentrate. He does not like to study, skips school, may not even finish it. Such a sign is often read on the hands of adopted children, orphans.

The location of the sign in the first third of the line means congenital diseases of the spine:

  • scoliosis;
  • back injury in adolescence;
  • displacement of the vertebrae.

The presence of a symbol in the middle of the line - problems with the genitourinary system, intestines. The island in the final part - diseases of the veins and joints of the legs.

An eight or a chain of islands at the beginning of the journey means long-term illnesses in childhood. A string of symbols along the entire strip indicates an emotionally unbalanced personality.


More often, the Life line is present on both hands and is supplemented with marks. They signal problems and events.

An exceptional case - the absence of a line - predicts a restless, nervous fate, mental illness of the owner. But timely treatment can help avoid or mitigate troubles.

An important rule for all palmists is that when reading fate on the palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hand. If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is none other than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry. Many people interested in palmistry very often ask questions: which hand should you guess by and what reflects the left and right palms?

In palmistry, a passive and an active hand are distinguished. For right-handers, the active hand will be the right, the passive - the left. For lefties, the opposite is true.

Passive palm in palmistry

The passive palm shows what the person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what the parents put into a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand also determines the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or rather, about how many years a person was released at birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

Active palm in palmistry

The lines on the active palm show what a person did himself, how he changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, the active hand reflects a person's activity during life and how he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

By the active palm, you can find out the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he strives for, what he thinks and dreams about.

How to read the hand

In order to compose a complete picture of a person's fate, you need to guess both on the right and on the left hand. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and alert the person to changes in their destiny. For example, if on the passive hand the life line is long, deep and clear, but on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has gaps and islets, then this is a direct sign that a person is mismanaging his life. And here the main task of the palmist is to tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

Which hand to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palms and in accordance with this, correctly interpret the information. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

11.08.2014 09:07

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