See the cross on the right palm. The value of the symbol of the cross on the palm

Hiromantia is an ancient science that helps to know the future, predict its actions, determine the characteristics of the character of a person by hand. Crosses on the palm of chiromantia gives a special mystical meaning, which is straightened from the standard gloomy of death. Nevertheless, analyzing these noted, you should pay attention to the signs associated with them, location relative to lines and hills. Separately taken cross does not carry so much information as in conjunction with other symbols.

Symbol value

The cross means the concentration, the concentration of attention on something. It has long been a long sentence that the owners of crossed bands are chosen by fate, they are expecting life-saturated life. Such people are endowed with unusual abilities, they are interested in the whole mysterious, supernatural and otherworked. Very often, carriers of crossed lines are prone to extinguishes by esoteric, occult practices. The cross also matters as a mystical symbol of fate, rock, which cannot be refused or escape.

Cross on planetary hills

The most bright signs of a particular event in the life of a person in the Hiromantia are crosses on the hand, located near or directly on the beatings. The hills are called hills on the palm. They carry information about a person on a par with contours, symbols and other signs. Among the Bugrov always stands out by one, which is above all the others. In the chiromantia, it is called dominant. If a person is correct and actively uses his abilities and skills, a hard tubercle to the touch, if the potential is not yet revealed yet, the hill will be soft.

The names of the tubercles are tied to the names of the planets of the solar system:

  1. The hill of Venus is the largest on hand. Located under the thumb.
  2. Jupiter Hill is located at the base indicative finger.
  3. Saturn Hill follows the hills of Jupiter, is located under the middle finger.
  4. The Sun Hill (Apollo) is at the base of the nameless finger.
  5. Hill Mercury is located under the little finger.
  6. The hills of Mars - their hands on the human palm at once. External is under Mercury Bugr, internal - between the elevations of Venus and Jupiter.
  7. The hill of the moon is located at the bottom of the palm, follows the outer hill of Mars.
  8. Neptune Hill is located between the elevations of Venus and the Moon at the base of the palm.

Hill Venus

Responsible for emotional sphere Human life. One cross at the base of the thumb propusates the only fatal love relationship. If such a sign is combined with the same symbol on the Jupiter Bogre - you can talk about happy love all life.

Hill Jupiter

Shows the ambitiousness of a person and the desire to achieve something. Pronounced, clear contours of crossed contours on the hill of Jupiter indicate a high position in society, as well as about loyalty and happiness in married life. Such a person is monochrome, is given to relations with sincerity and self-sacrifice.

Hill Saturn

Displays the human attitude to luck and loss. A clear cross on Saturn's hill is considered as a fatal sign and foreshadows death. Not only crossed lines, but also other signs near this point indicate an accident, wasted forces, failures and losses.

Sun or Apollo Hill

Its value is associated with success and happiness. The cross on the sun hill determines the determination. Such a person will accompany the luck, he can achieve a lot in life if they act without hesitation.

Hill Mercury

Responsible for a business grip and predisposition to memorize information. The carrier of the cross on Mercury Bugre is a merchant, a sly and a two-room person. The more clear the contours of the sign, the most likely that the person is false and quiet, the unclean on his hand. It does not bring benefit to society.

Hills Marsa

Show the strength of the Spirit, endurance and discipline of man. The cross on the outer hill of Mars is promulit power, wealth and life in travel. The same sign on the internal warns of possible physical or psychological violence, a serious operation with a subsequent long period of rehabilitation.

Hill Moon

It characterizes the emotionality of a person, his predisposition to creativity and imagination. Holders of crossed lines on the hill of the moon are characterized by several painful perception of the world, may have health problems, multiple fears and superstitions. Sometimes crosses on the palm of the hill of the Moon testify to the danger to drown.

Hill Neptune

Responsible for extraordinary abilities. The cross on the Bugre of Neptune means a powerful, selfish person. But this is the indicator of success on any senior position.

Cross on lines

In the Hiromantia, the cross is not always a favorable sign. With interpretation, it is important to take into account the location and expressiveness of the features on the hand. If the cross is formed by equilibrium contours of the correct form or is located on a favorable symbol or line, we can talk about a positive outcome of the situation. In the case when this sign has an ugly, incomplete shape and is located on the predictive adverse effects of the drawing, the value of it is negative.

  1. The cross on line of life warns possible problems With law and even imprisonment. If such signs are in close proximity to the lane, it symbolizes difficulties in relations with relatives and friends, quarrels. The cross speaks of modesty and shyness at the beginning, at the end - about laccability and diseases in old age.
  2. The cross on the line of the mind hints at the ability to injury if it is located in the middle. At the beginning, closer to the heart line - speaks of a person's commitment to occult art. Under the mind of the mind - a threat to life or vitality.
  3. The cross on the line of fate is interpreted as a danger. If it is on its gap, refers to the presence of a turning point in a person's life. Multiple crosses near the strip of fate can warn about poverty, loneliness, problems in the family, nervous breakdown. The presence of a cross at the end of the line of fate foreshadows a vacant death.
  4. The cross on the line of the heart speaks about the rest of the second half of the family, the destruction of the relationship. If such a symbol is available at the intersection of the contours of the heart and marriage, this indicates the death of a beloved person. Crossing over the line of marriage warns of confusion problems. If the bands crosses closely with heart lines and fate, financial losses are possible due to love of love of the loving peripetias.
  5. The cross on the line of the Sun speaks of a person's inability to business. But he can be expected to be successful, which will come late.
  6. Cross inside a square, which is located near the Saturn Hill symbolizes the possibility of a successful and happy life. The presence of a mystical sign inside the square, Jupiter's Bugger, says that a person knows what magic is and practicing the occult or very religious. At the top of the square, the cross symbolizes the rare injury of man.


Hiromantia not only helps to understand the peculiarities of the life path of each person, but also talks about its capabilities and predispositions.

The cross of the Chiromantia considers as one of the key signs. The symbol significantly affects certain events, giving them significance or relaxing the effect of lines in certain moment. Do not forget that life changes continuously, it is reflected in the palms, removing the characters and signs and apply them again.

Content: Very often found in tattoos.
There is a stereotype that the cross is necessarily religious symbol, but this is not true.
The symbol itself appeared long before Christianity appeared and was used in pagan rites.
Nowadays, such a tattoo can be seen both in religious people and their opposites - atheists.
Who will fit? A tattoo with such a symbol makes men and girls.
It is also not a strictly religious symbol.
Places and tattoo style. Most often, the cross is depicted in black and white. But, there are photos and sketches of tattoos of almost all styles and any color solutions.

Tattoo value cross

Cross used in symbols of different nations. It can be said that the cross is one of the oldest geometric symbols on Earth.
The drawing of such a symbol has many options and as a result of values.
In Assyria symbolized four sides of the world: north, south, west, east.
IN a number of ancient cultures The symbol meant male and feminine.
Ancient babylonian They believed that the honed cross they manage to please the Deity of the Moon.

Currently, the tattoo with the image of the cross can symbolize:

  • Revival, beginning.
  • Fate, the path that every person must pass.
  • Suffering.
  • A life.
  • Power.
  • Honor, nobility.
  • Strength.
  • Communication with God.
  • Mind, spiritual development.
  • Cyclicness, eternity, immortality

Tattoo value depending on the place on the body:

Cross on hand - a symbol of patience and power. This is a symbol of a person who is honored above all.
The cross on the wrists, forearms or shoulders, also indicate a special attitude to their own honor from the Tattoo owner.

Cross on the back - Man "His Cross himself". Tattoo means that a person does not agree to meet the expectations and stereotypes of other people. He chooses his destiny and is responsible for his choice.

Cross on the neck - Submissions before destiny. For women, the same thing is as for men on the back.

Cross on the finger - Memory and grief about the deceased of a person.

Cross on chest - for tattoo in the center of the chest, man usually chooses a symbol having crucial in his life.

Tattoo with a cross on the foot Carries a purely decorative character. Can serve as a memory of some important event.

Varieties of the tattoo of the crosses:

Celtic cross Or Irish is a pre-Christian Sunny Cross, symbolizes the sun and its energy. The most common symbol in tattoo culture. It is a cross the correct shape enclosed in a circle. Another name of the Cross "Ions". Indicates communication with the Sun and constant spiritual development.

Orthodox cross - The symbol of the Christian faith, symbolizes the unity of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If a crucified Jesus is depicted on the cross, such a tattoo serves the owner of a reminder of the martyrdom and the teaching of Jesus.

Cross with wings - Religious sign combining two symbols: and a cross as a symbol of religion.

Latin Cross - The symbol distributed in a number of Western countries. Often call catholic Cross. The staff of such a form was at Apollo, the God of Arts. Symbolizes salvation, resurrection and eternal life.

Inverted cross - Symbol of destruction. Often used among subcultures. For example, in the Satanists' environment is a symbol of Satan. In Christianity there is a reference to the apostle Peter, because He was crucified on such a cross.

Egyptian cross - "ANK". It is depicted as a cross with a loop at the top (with a handle). The circle at the top of the cross symbolizes eternity and wisdom, the cross itself is the key that opens the divine knowledge. In the culture of ancient Egypt was the personification of the rising sun and the unity of opposites. There is a belief that such a symbol helps from infertility.

Black cross - Schwarzkreyz, Separate Sign of the German Army. Cross Army Bundeswehr. Black Cross is called, also, Balkan or Boyflock Cross - identifying sign military equipment Germany (from 1935 to 1945).

Armenian cross - symbolizes life-giving power. Helps a person to follow his way.

Hands praying with a cross - This tattoo often accompany the quote from the Bible or the image of the rosary. The meaning of this symbol is a prayer to God to help stay on the righteous way.

Maltese cross - was considered a protective symbol and a guard. Otherwise, was called the Cross of St. John Jerusalem or St. George Cross (He is the cross of sv.). It was this symbol that was the first postage stamp. Symbolizes the courage and courage. Also, symbolizes the benefits waiting for people who righteously lived after death.

On the images below you can see the most popular symbol of the cross in different cultures. Click on the image to enlarge it:

Tattoo famous people:

Dmitry Nagiyev, Drew Berrymore, Robbie Williams, Mickey Rourke, Britney Spears, chalk si, anastaishia, Drew Berrymore, Kelly Clarkson, Nikki Hilton, Eva Longoria.

The value at the zone:

Crosses on the fingers, as a rule, mean the fact of staying in prison. Stay often display additional elements: rays emanating from the cross, points around it, etc.
Cross on hand, shoulder or chest. Most often performed as a swastika. Means denial of prison orders.
Cross on the back - strong will.


Video collage from photographs Tattoo with the image of the crosses:

Today, no one will surprise with a nasty painting, and simply put, tattooing. There are many variations, from small pictures on the clavicle of both Beyonce and whole thematic paintings in the whole body. The most common and demanded option in the salons remains a tattoo cross on hand, performed sometimes in the most bizarre variations. Why is the popularity of this thematic sketch not decreasing?

Having a lot of symbolic values, the cross may be a reminder of the dead relatives. In general, a cross, as a tattoo, appeared in many centuries before the spread of Christianity, having, of course, unusual for our time, but the content was still divine. Tattoo Cross on hand - the meaning of his divine, or still something "gangster", how are they talking about it? Let's talk about it.

Types of crosses in tattoo

How to tribute the ancient, today the most popular tattoo with the Cross Anh.

Cross Anh. - Cross ancient Egypt, symbolizing life, wisdom, immortality. Also indicates the Union of Earth and the sky. Often used by magic rites, Popular in people who are delivering to esoteric knowledge.

The second in demand, but not on the beauty of the image "Celtic Cross"

Celtic cross - Symbol of spiritual self-development. Floabering nodes on the cross emphasize the infinity of the cycle of birth and death.

Latin Cross - Revival, salvation, belonging to the Christian religion. And during the times of the ancient Greeks, the staff of God Apollo - the patron of the music.

The revival of interest in Slavic roots and beliefs was reborn into the tattoo "Hand of God" - solar cross.

Maltese - It is a reflection of the desire for courage, courage and protection. Tattoo Cross on hand in gothic style Indicates belonging to subculture is ready.

There are tattoos with images cross in Mexican and chinese styles What is surprised by newcomers who visited the salon for the first time. The corresponding designations of wind gods and stairs into the sky may like tattoo connoisseurs with a value. This, of course, is far from a complete list of popular queries in Tattoo Studios, but the trend is clearly traced.

Where is the best tattoo with a cross

A professional master who has fulfilled not one tattoo will always tell me what size and on which part of the body should be stuffing the drawing of the cross. IN pure form Tattoo Cross on hand is usually not used, and complemented by details, focusing on the "history" of the owner of this tattoo. A considerable role in the combination of a cross with chains, rose, bird, barbed wire Played prison symbols. For example, a cross with chains showed that the owner of the Palace believes in his happy fate. And the birds flying to the symbol indicated that the thief calls for good luck.

Tattoo Cross on hand - its value often depends on the location. Throw on his fingers, he pointed out that the owner is hostile to police officers. On the back - "I choose my own destiny." The cross with the precious stone located in the middle meant the search for the meaning of life. The tattoo cross on the left hand marked the defense, served as a kind of faith. Often, the cross on the tattoo is complemented by sayings and phrases having meaning for carrier. It used to be believed that such a tattoo on any part of the body protected from cold weapons, but most often it was done on the left side of the chest, protecting the heart.

Tattoo Application Safety

To safely apply tattoos, it is advisable to turn to a professional master. The skin should be disinfected before the procedure, the tools of the masters are sterile, also the place on the skin selected directly for the tattoo itself must be without damage. For complete confidence, you always use the services of specialists in this area, proven by their works.

  1. Until the 80s, there were tattoo in black and white gamma. The style was called "Gaston".
  2. Since the beginning of the 80s - complex and bright drawings in East Japanese style.
  3. Further the favorites were Celtic, with recognizable graphics, drawings, tattoo in the form of a cross on hand.
  4. To date, there is a fashion for expressive in color and complexity tattoo using new equipmentwhich prevents even bleeding blood from the wound.

It does not matter what kind of tattoo will be, it will be a cross or something else - come to the question, it is thoughtful, because the drawing will remain for life.

Cross tattoo. What does and who is suitable?

Tattoos in our time are popular. This is not only a way to allocate yourself from the crowd, but also create a special aura, simulate energy and gain protection higher ForcesGood luck, love.
Therefore, the approach to applying a tattoo and the choice of drawing should be particularly thorough. Especially if the cross (tattoo) is applied to the body. Therefore, consider the cross from the point of view of esoteric.

The value of the cross

Such tattoos require a special approach. Crosses, like a religious symbol, have a special meaning. On the one hand, this is faith, the defense of the Lord, the harmony of the soul, and on the other, is a symbol of suffering, the redemption of sins. Not a gift they say: "Carry the Cross." Therefore, before on your shoulder or hand, a cross-tattoo will appear, it is worth weighing everything "for" and "against". Although it is believed that it is not necessary to be a follower of one or another religion to make such a tattoo, but this step is to approach the most responsible as possible.

Variety of structures

Thanks to a wide variety, the cross tattoo may be the most diverse. Celtic crosses are most popular. They are nodes of particularly difficult work that have no beginning, no end. This is very beautiful drawingWhat is why it is chosen most often. But such tattoos have a deeper meaning. Often, this cross is pinching the descendants of the Scots, Irish and Valyans in pride in the legacy of the ancestors. In addition, he symbolizes spiritual development, being a heritage of the Iron Cross of Teutonic Knights, and later - the German Military.

The Gothic Cross is pretty similar to Christian, but it contains swords, cloths and knives. It has no religious reflection or some particular sense.

Christian cross The tattoo is depicted as a Latin wooden or with the crucifix of Christ. In its hands, he has nails, and on the head - a wreath of spikes. Last option It is not enough and sufficient to everyone, since, in addition to cleansing, it can also bring the cleansing of the soul from sins through suffering. This is I. There is the same burden that will simulate your life. It is not a fact that such changes will be taste. But you can smooth the overall effect, if you dilute the drawing with something your own.

Separate people make the tattoo cross in love by adding the name and date on the plate. A tattoo in the form of a rosary, woven, is also very popular, at the end of which the cross is knocked out.

Dilute common background

Tattoo-cross on the back can be depicted in the form of crossed items, which will only remotely resemble a religious symbol. So, asking the question, which means a tattoo cross, which forms two crossed swords, you will not find a clear answer. Ideally, you must compile the drawing yourself, in which you invest your meaning. As a symbol of love you can add roses, vine, gems (figuratively expressing). Any character in which you invest your meaning will work for you. But if you are still not sure whether it is worth it to apply the cross on the body, it is better to choose another image in which you will sure for sure.

What does the cross applied to the hand?

I will say that I will say that the tattoo is the Cross, this is a symbol of stretching movement. But what do they differ from ordinary people?


they refuse drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. They include both guys and girls. Translated from the English "Clear Edge", this subculture is shortened as follows: SXE.Clates on the hands of SXE mean three no: no alcohol, smoking and drugs. Streetholding developed along with Hardrock. Hardrock - heavy for the perception of music, because it contains the wrong rhythms and the vocals can go into a cry. The stretch is connected simultaneously with the church. They are going to go three times and the church considers them "their". Possible crosses:

What does the tattoo in the form of a cross mean?

on the shoulder.

- This is the most ancient and universal symbol, which in the dadar era was the embodiment of duality. The female began was associated with a horizontal beam and meant passivity, ultomituality, destruction and death. A vertical ray personified the male beginning, which was considered the embodiment of the whole divine, eternal, creative, active and complete vitality. But before becoming a religious sacred symbol, the cross was used as a execution tool through a crucifix: brushes and feet of the victim nailed to the cross, tied up with ropes and left to suffer until death. It is believed that the origins of this execution originate from the times of ancient Persians, and Alexander Macedonian introduced a crucifixion into practice when he executed his general who spoke against the ruler's military plans. Then the Roman Empire adopted this tradition in Carthaginian and used it for reprisals with slaves, rebels, enemies and criminals. It is said that after the crucifixion of Jesus Nazarea Holy Elena in the 4th century n. e. I discovered the cross on which Christ crucified. In essence, Elena contributed to the transformation of the Roman Empire into the Sacred Christian Roman Empire. And when this religion became the main, Emperor Konstantin canceled the execution through the crucifixion.
Today, this religious symbol is more than popular in Body Art.
What does the image of the cross on the body of a man and women

Cross-shaped tattoo
- One of the few universal symbols. It has one meaning on the body and men, and women, as it relates more to the sphere of spiritual than physical.
People with a tattoo in the shape of a cross. Who are they?

People wearing such a cross live in harmony with their spiritual world and realize: they are more than just a physical body. They listened to intuition and faith in cases where the solution has no rational base. For the most part, the problems faced by people are intangible, and therefore such people in search of answers are experiencing across the borders of the physical body. The tattoo in the form of the cross helps spiritual people to be in the world with themselves. They rarely feel lonely, because the cross is a reminder that God always loves them. And, feeling this love, they are calm, merciful, open and belong with love for all people. Such a symbol means a special relationship with God.

Valentina Shenberg

1, Tattoo value Cross - Symbol of higher sacred values. He symbolizes life, immortality, spirit and matter in their unity, aspiration to God, active male start. The choice is associated with a cross between happiness and misfortune, life and death, prosperity and decline. Used in order to strengthen and increase well-being, winnings, luck, good luck.
2. Crossings - symbols of female thiefs. Usually applied to whiskey, breasts or fingers.
3. Crucifixion is a tattoo speaking about clean conscience and inability to betrayal. Located on the chest.

Pavel Strelkov

If you move away from heresy:
With a Christian point of view of tattoos in the form of a cross, they were applied as a sign to the Christian faith. This was done mainly during the times of the persecution of Christians and still takes place in the Middle East. People thereby show the impossibility of renunciation from true faith. At the same time, during epidemics and wars in the regions where many denominations are present in this way, it was possible to recognize the already improper Christian and to bury in Christian.
They applied such tattoos usually on the wrist or on the chest and, as a rule, the size of them did not exceed one or two centimeters.
This is the only intended purpose of these tattoos, which goes with its roots by the beginning of our era and, as I have written above, has a deep meaning and reason. Everyone else and respond to it will not have at all on the zone and not at all in this light ..

What do the crosses mean in hand? Thank you.


Crosses mean the fight. Depending on where are you?
A. Cross on Jupiter means a happy marriage after solving problems.
B. Cross on Apollo indicates that his owner made a professional mistake due to lack of proper approach to the task.
V. The cross on Mercury is found at the insightful and custody man, prone to lies and temptations.
The Cross on Mars testifies to the stubborn and increasing character. Such a person often quarrels with others, can lose control over his emotions and even apply bodily injuries.
D. Cross on Venus is "one-one-one-one love." Regardless of whether this love will be replied, the owner of such a sign will be faithful to his love.

Back in ancient times, people solved the mystery of the patterns on the palm of her face and learned to learn fate. Thousands of years, these knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation. Having learned how to read information correctly on hand, you can not only protect yourself from misfortune in the future, but also change in positive side The fate of his loved ones. It is especially important to learn how to decipher unusual signs, present only in a few people. Such signs include a cross between the heart and mind line.

Such a cross is customary to call mystical. Chiromants consider this sign rarely encountered. And it is not surprising, because the symbol awarded with the potential to magic and esoteric.

There is a direct dependence: the brighter the mystical cross is expressed in the palm, the stronger the energy fields of man.

Arrangement of the Cross

This sign is also called a marking of fate. The location of the symbol on the palm can say much. Depending on the proximity to other lines, it can carry a different meaning.

Cardiac arrangement

It is believed that the close location of the mystical cross to the heart line is more negative than a positive sign:

  1. People with this label tend to use their extrasessor gift to harm and other people.
  2. They can be built up with their abilities, consider themselves above others. In this case, media of a mystical cross is not only capable of subordinate to their will, but they themselves can easily become fanatics dependent on more energy people.
  3. It happens that the sign is shifted very much and starts to "go" on line. The cross on the line of the heart is a bad sign - it will foresee failure in love affairs.

A person will survive a strong emotional excitement, right up to the tragedy, and the reason for this will be his partner. The likelihood of divorce or severe parting is great.

Location between the cardiac and mental feature

The location, in which the cross between the lines of the mind and the heart is absolutely symmetrically, means that the person is harmoniously developed, it is one-piece and self-sufficient nature.

In this case, the magical potential of man does not overpower other properties of its nature, and intuition does not contradict logic, but on the contrary - complements it.

The cross between the line of the head and hearts approaching the mind line - without exaggeration, a rare gift of fate. Awarded by such abilities a person is always guided by the voice of the mind and conscience.

Such people are disinterested, responsive, often possess the gift of healing.

Right and left hand

Mystical Cross carries different values And depending on the location on the right or left hand.

Since ancient times, the chirromants knew that the same symbols on different hands carried the shades of one value. It is very important to know the main nuances to faithfully predict fate.

The highest value is the leading (active) hand. Signs on right palm The right hand carry more information than on the left. The left left with exactly the opposite.

At the same time, the chirromants know that patterns on each hand carry a special function.

Right hand is considered a source of information about:

  • the future of man;
  • his longevity and health;
  • basic features of character;
  • family and relationships between relatives.

Left hand will tell about the subtle levels of the organization of the personality:

  • about the past of man;
  • its talent and extrasensory abilities;
  • about experiences, feelings and mental state.

Especially the values \u200b\u200bof lines on different hands are different.

Table of main lines and values \u200b\u200bdepending on the leading hand

Home Line Right palm Left palm
Prediction of changes in life. Given from the birth of "stock" longevity.
Risk of disease. Natural health obtained at birth.
The mind developed by his own efforts. Intelligence intelligence.
Emotions and experiences. Traits.
Ways to achieving the goal. Stylish sides of character.
The consequences of previous decisions. Insensible events, the will of fate.

On the right hand Mystical cross means the abilities that a person acquired himself either with the help of other intervention.

The cross between the lines of the mind and hearts on the left hand is a sign of a person who born with great potential, he is destined to become a wonderful or lycakera.

Sudden appearance of a mystical cross

If this cross appeared on his right hand, between or almost on the mind line and far from the heart line, the Chiromantia claims - a person is given a sign of fate to master the mystical gift and use it to be universal good.

Like any changes in the palm pattern, the appearance (or vice versa is the disappearance) of the mystical cross speaks of great changes in the life of a person.

It is no secret that there is a direction - correctional chiromantia, - intended for people who want to change their future and make adjustments to their own destiny.

However, it must be remembered that such actions can lead to undesirable and unforeseen consequences, unprofessional is engaged in correctional chiromantia. Without the relevant knowledge, it is impossible to interfere in the processes, not even inflamed even by the most experienced wise men.

Not one person could not completely change his fate own willing. Even the one who bears a label of a mystical cross and has extrasensory abilities.

Development skill

The presence of a mystical cross is not yet absolute confirmation of the presence of a magical gift. Like every blessing of fate, psychic is the talent that needs to be developed independently, making efforts and no spare time.

Even the strongest mediums once learned to listen to their gift, and then - and manage it. If the developed intuition has always allowed to exit dry out of the water, in no case can not be stopped on the achieved! The possibilities of a person are endless, and intuition can and need to be strengthened by workouts.

There is a reverse side: if a person is endowed with a gift, but does not know about him and does not use it, even the most outstanding talents will disappear without a trace.

There is nothing worse than when a person neglects his mystical power. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the extrasensor gift in time and develop it.

Let's sum up

You can briefly describe this sign on the palm and summarize the results:

  1. The arrangement of the cross affects the features of this sign: the closer to the heart line, more man prone to fanaticism.
  2. The value of the cross between the lines of the mind and the heart depends on what hand it is.
  3. The appearance of the cross on the palm of the promotion of change.
  4. Intuition and mystical gift need to be developed, otherwise they are faded.

Chiromantia - science is very ancient. Also, our ancestors could a few centuries ago, carefully examined the palm, to predict what the person is waiting for his life path. Signs, lines, intersections and other symbols that are located on hand can make some changes to human life.

So, among the variety of sign symbols special attention It is paid to cristes. Emergencies were thought that if the lines form a cross on hand, this indicates the extraordinary abilities of its owner. But to make a more accurate forecast, you need to take into account the location of this fateful sign.

The value of the magic symbol

Magical crosses on the palms are of a completely different value from the usual symbol "Cross", because it is a sign on his palm, which "gets" by no means for everyone. Cross lines that have appeared on the right or left hand mean a huge interest of personality throughout the unknown, mysterious and supernatural. Therefore, the name of the mystical cross is appropriate.

The individual that the Universe "entered" such a fateful sign manifests itself great interest The knowledge of esoteric science, or, as the rules, is already engaged in occult arts. And if some people do not pay attention to their hands, or rather, for the presence of this mystical sign of fate, which is present there, then others are trying to "squeeze" the maximum of it. And even if a person with such notmer is not yet engaged in the knowledge of mysterious and secret sciences, then, sooner or later, he will light up this idea in spite of everything. The meaning of the mystical cross symbolizes the label of fate, rock, so, no matter how a person does not resist, it is not going anywhere.

So, if the lines on your hand form a cross, then it is important to correctly read this sign. The location of the mystical symbol of fate can have to planetary hills and lines that are present on the palm of each of us.

The value of the cross on the planetary hills of the palm

Hiromantia describes the cross as not quite a pleasant fateful sign. But it is worth remembering the main thing when interpreting the cross on the palm. In the event that the isometric lines form the symbol of the correct form you are interested in, then this sign can be considered favorable, especially if it is located on an unfavorable symbol or line.

If the cross has an incomplete shape and at the same time it is on a beautiful, promising positive changes in the life of the line, then this fateful symbol is considered not quite good.

So, having acquainted with one of the main rules of the interpretation of the cross on the palm of the hand, we turn to more detailed description The values \u200b\u200bof this mystical symbol:

  1. The cross on the Jupiter's Hill (at the base of the index finger), as well as the star, means good luck in the marriage. It is important that this fateful sign is distinct and explicitly expressed.
  2. In the event that the magical symbol of interest is located on the Saturn hill, it is worth it to be extremely careful. Intersecting lines on Saturn Bhruck, especially if they are clearly pronounced, predicted death. In the chiromantia, this mystical symbol is called fatal. Moreover, time impacts were believed that not only crosses, but also other fateful signs and lines, located or descending from the Saturn hill, are harbing an accident.
  3. An Apollo Kraspik on the hill indicates the uncertainty of its owner.
  4. The cross on the hills of Mercury or on the Mizinza means that you are lying in front of you, an unclean man. And the more clear lines of the fateful sign, the brighter these negative qualities of the personality.
  5. The resting cross on the hill of Venus (near the thumb) predicts the only fatal love feelings. In the event that there are two similar sign on the hand, one on the Venus Bugre, and the other on the Jupiter's Hill, then we can talk about the only happy love of the whole life.
  6. The cross, which is located on the Neptune Hill (between the Venus and Moon Budrocks), characterizes a person as the rules, slightly selfish nature.
  7. Intersecting lines on the hill of external Mars (under the hill of Mercury) mean arrogance, pickyness and pride. A person with such a fateful notification is capable of extremely rapid acts and is distinguished by a peculiar temperament.
  8. An icon symbol, which is located on the inner hillside of Mars (between the hill of Jupiter and Venus), indicates events related to violence, both psychological and material. In most cases, the owners of such icons are waiting for a difficult operation with a long rehabilitation period.
  9. The cross on the middle of the Moon Hill predicts a person with joints. Often such people suffer from rheumatism. If this fateful sign is located on the lower third of the moonlight, this indicates the diseases of the urethra. Cross lines on the hill of the moon indicate fears and superstitions in which the owner of such a mystical symbol believes.

Cross on palm lines

Special attention is worth paying crisses, which are located directly on the fateful lines of the hand. So, the cross on line of life warns of possible problems with the law. Intersecting stripes, simply concerning lifelong lines, can talk about trouble with relatives and loved ones. Crustal symbol near the line of life (especially if it is located at the end of the fateful feature) means unimportant health, poverty in old age. And the meaning of the sign that is at the beginning of the line of life is interpreted as modesty, shyness.

The cross at the end of the head line predicts tragic circumstances associated with an accident. The emergence of such a sign on the line of marriage speaks of difficult rapprochement with the second half. The cross-shaped symbol at the intersection of marriage and heart lines can be meant the unexpected death of the partner. And the presence of a mystical cross over a marriage line indicates problems with childbirth.

Crosses. Lines of failure loss and death!

Palmistry. The value of the cross on hand.

20. Lesson on Hiromantia. Crosses on the hills. Crosses on lines

If you have found the sign of interest to us near the Mercury line, but not on the line itself, this indicates possible changes in fate. The cross on the very feature of Mercury warns of possible danger. And the owners of such a symbol, which combines with the circle and intersects with the head line, expect problems with vision.

The cross on the line of fate at her end with a grill on the hill Mercury warns about the tragic death. If this fateful symbol is in the division of the line of fate, then such a sign is regarded as a decisive fracture on the human life path. The presence of a cross in the center of the same line speaks of a reconstructive death.

The cross-shaped symbol at the intersection of the fateful and life band is promoting events that affect the lives of relatives and loved ones. And if you saw this sign on the line of the heart of the hand near her intersection with the line of fate, then you are threatened with financial losses that were caused by love adventures.

Mystical sign on the sun strip, towards the grounds of the mother's, characterizes a person without a business vendor. When this symbol is in close proximity to the heart line, then in the life of the owner of such a sign can wait for the danger of obsolence on the basis of religion.

Other values \u200b\u200bof the cross

In addition to lines and planetary hills, crosses can be located on other palm areas. So, the value of the cross placing in Big triangle (Between the hills of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter) interpreted in different ways. It all depends on which part of the corner is this mystical symbol. When a cruciform sign is located in a large triangle, inside top corner, then he means involvement in litigation. If this fateful sign is in a triangle under the hill Saturn, then this prevents late success.

The cross inside the square at the Saturn Saturn is successful and happy life. If the mystical sign is inside the square at the Jupiter's Hill, then we can talk about the tendency to the occultism. Such people most often, poorly and follow their religious prejudices. The presence of a cross in the top of the square means that you have a person with special insight.

Noticing this fateful symbol on the upper side of the first phalanx of the large finger, it is safe to say that the owner of such a notification is an immoral, dissolved and irresponsible person.

If you want to find out in more detail not only the meaning of a fateful sign, but also strive to understand where lines or planetary hills are located, you can see photos or pictures with clarifications. Expanding examples you can easily find on the Internet network by entering the appropriate query in the search base.

Let only joy, luck, happiness and love will be in your life!