How often should the staircase windows be washed. Cleaning of entrances: how often should the staircase and elevators be washed

Entrance to apartment building is considered a "common area". Like any room, the entrance of the house requires cleaning: sweeping and washing floors, cleaning window sills, washing windows, keeping walls and ceilings clean. In many cases, this is done by the residents themselves. They distribute shifts among apartments, discard to pay the cleaning lady, or find other options to keep their front door clean.

Everything seems to be correct, one must live in cleanliness, everyone understands this. The problem here is that tenants pay for this work, pay for cleaning the entrance on a monthly basis, and then do it themselves.

The author of these lines worked for several years in the housing and communal services department of the municipality, in management companies, and I also had to spend several years fighting against management companies and defending the rights of apartment owners. Let's look at the laws governing this process and how it works in real life... Or you will have to draw up a schedule for cleaning the entrances in an apartment building, where the names of the tenants will be spelled out. This is negotiated on.

The rules for cleaning entrances in an apartment building are described in three regulations Russian Federation.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 (27.02.2017) this decree regulates the activities of HOAs and management companies.

Clause 23 examines the work of organizations to keep entrances clean. It lists the places to be cleaned:

  • vestibules;
  • halls;
  • corridors;
  • galleries;
  • elevators;
  • staircases;
  • window sills;
  • window;
  • window;
  • stair railings;
  • mailboxes;
  • and much more.

Entrance cleaning standards apartment buildings installed for a reason. Cleaning is divided into dry and wet. The resolution directly states - take awayour entrances are obliged to the management company or homeowners association.

As we all understand, it is not enough to say: we must do it. It is also necessary to regulate the timing and frequency of this work. The government decree does not establish this order, but it clearly and clearly delegates this right to the owners of the premises.

The resolution contains the “Rules for the provision of services and performance of work”. They list the methods and methods for determining the frequency and schedule of cleaning the entrance:

Decision of the owners' meeting. Remember that the decision must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, and each owner has the right to receive a certified copy of such minutes. The frequency and timing of cleaning common premises may be reflected in the contract for the management of your home.

It happens that the owners have signed an agreement, not knowing about their rights, and have entered into an agreement according to which cleaning of the entrance of a residential building is not carried out. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not be discouraged. You can go to court and declare the contract invalid, on the grounds that it does not comply with the "Government Decree No. 290" (the decree clearly says that cleaning in the entrances MUST be, and your contract states the opposite), and does not correspond to GOST of Russia No. 51 617 and "Rules and regulations for the maintenance of housing stock No. 170" which we will talk about below.

"GOST Russia No. 51 617 on housing and communal services" does not describe the rules and norms for cleaning entrances. He only gives a reference in paragraph 4.10 to the order of the State Committee for Architecture of the USSR of 1988 and the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of the Territory of Populated Areas of the USSR, also of 1988.

That is why, apparently, in most of the materials that I have come across on the Internet, the authors write about the frequency of cleaning in the porches, the terms and types of activities, attaching the word "recommended" to them. I recommend closing such sites right away and not wasting your time on them. A recommendation is not a legal requirement, but a good wish.

We are considering in this article clear, OPERATING AND WORKING laws that help us defend our rights in court.

Rules and regulations for the maintenance of housing stock No. 170. This document, approved by Gosstroy on September 27, 2003, will also help us understand the state regulation of cleaning common building areas.

This document contains ChapterIII. « Maintenance of premises and adjoining territory". If you are preparing to confront management company, be sure to find this document and study it very carefully... We are primarily interested in it paragraph 3.2.7... In it, in black and white, the timing and frequency of cleaning indoor premises are prescribed:

Dry cleaning and floor cleaning staircases and marches, as well as sweeping the floor and walls, window sills, heating appliances etc. should be done at least five days later. Dry cleaning and wall washing - at least twice a year. All surfaces must be wet cleaned at least once a month.

After analyzing several dozen articles on how to pay a management company for cleaning entrances (whether it should go on a separate line or, on the contrary, is already included in the maintenance of housing), I fell into a stupor from the illiteracy of the answers and pseudo-lawyers who are trying to confuse the population. Therefore, I will try to clarify the main point, which at first glance does not need clarification.

You live in YOUR house and it is YOU who establish the RULES in this house .

Of course, they should not contradict Russian legislation, but this house is YOURS, not the management company. Most often, in my experience, it is the management company that imposes a tariff on tenants, often simply deceiving them. spring-cleaning the entrance is generally carried out at inflated prices - this is wrong and dishonest!

How the Management Company deceives the residents with a tariff.

Once a year, deputies municipal council accept the rate of housing maintenance. Management companies go out to the population and, showing this document, declare: "This is the tariff, officially adopted by the mayor's office, stamp, signatures, etc. We have nothing to do with it, we will collect so much from you, let's fix it at the meeting."

But, deputies accept a tariff not for your home, and for apartments owned by the municipality. Remember: THIS RATE DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU... It is for other apartments. If there are one or two municipal apartments in your house, then they will pay not according to the tariff adopted by the deputies, but according to the tariff set by YOU... Because your minutes of the meeting is a more important document than the decision of the deputies of your city council.

Now to the answer to the question of whether cleaning the entrance is included in the maintenance of the housing. The answer to this question is given by the meeting of owners (that is, you yourself) and is made by the decision of 50% +1 sq. M. (when making a decision at meetings, they do not vote by show of hands, but square meters owners). It will be just the way you like it. If you want it will be included in a separate line, if you want it will not.

Perhaps you have a legitimate question:

Yes, you can, in the practice of my work, one house lowered the cost of maintenance to 3 rubles 70 kopecks (at the time when the tariff set by the municipality was 11 rubles 40 kopecks per square meter) and the management company accepted this tariff. There were also several cases when management companies refused to serve houses at the rates set by the tenants and terminated the contract with them.

You should not worry about whether this service is on a separate line or not. The total cost of the service and the quality of its performance should be important to you. You are the buyer of the service. There are several management companies in your city that just dream of serving your house and making money on it, it is possible to make money in a good way, without cheating, for the benefit of everyone. Go to them with offers and tell them in advance that the price matters. Or set up an auction between organizations. Or set the price yourself, the one that you think is correct.

Staircase cleaning complaint - sample

Let's say you figured out the prices for services. Everything suits me. But suddenly it turned out that everything is fine on paper, the money is being paid, and the floors are dirty. The cleaning lady is a mythical character for you, about whom you hear a lot, but never see, and everything is sad.

There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. The first is to agree. The management company is interested in your home. Go to the director and honestly tell him that you will not break lances forcing his organization to do its job. Well, it's not your duty. Give him a trial period and promise to change the management organization if he does not improve. If in a month everything is also bad, change the management company. Paying them money and then making them work is masochism. You don't regularly visit a bakery, and you don't force them to bake quality bread. We will tell you how to quickly change the control campaign in another article. If you can't get to the director in any way, then there is no need for any deadlines. Change. This management company does not want to work, and you will not force it. Look for another business that works in good faith.
  2. If you want to fight and win. Organizations to which one can complain about the failure to fulfill the obligations of the Management Company:
  • Management Company;
  • department of housing and communal services of the municipality;
  • GZI;
  • Court.

Sample statement:

To the Director of the Management Company Full name of the Director From the owner of the premises house no. __ sq. №__Your surname, name and patronymic
In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2013 N 290 at the meeting of owners of the house number __ st. _____ it was decided to clean the house by the management company in accordance with contract No. ___. This decision is not being implemented (not being implemented in full). I ask you to explain the reason for the failure to comply with the decision of the meeting of owners, inform about the timing of the start of the execution of the decision, as well as recalculate the payment for the period, taking into account the outstanding work by the management company.
Signatures Ideally, the chairman of the house, but you can sign one or more of the owners of the premises.

The management company will respond within 30 days. If there is no result, you can complain to two more organizations: GZHI (State Housing Inspectorate) and to the housing and communal services department in the municipality. Most likely, this will not give a result. If you do not have CCTV cameras in your entrances, by which it is possible to prove the absence of a cleaner in a timely manner, then these organizations will immediately offer you to go to court. It is almost impossible to prove the low quality of the work performed.

Given my experience, I would not recommend doing this. In court, you will spend your money on lawyers, and the management company will spend your money on lawyers, suing you, and even officially report to you for it.

There is no 100% guarantee that you will win the court, and if you win, it will oblige the Management Company to fulfill its duties. The management company, as has often happened in my practice, will not execute them, and you will again go to court to spend your money and nerves.

It is possible and necessary to sue unscrupulous management companies, but not in order to make them work, but in order for them to return the unearned money. And it's easier to win and hits them much more painfully.

What to do? I wrote about this above:

  1. Refuse a management company unwilling to work.
  2. To sue her for the outstanding work.

Video "How entrances should be cleaned"

We live in a five-story building, all apartments have been privatized. We had a janitor, but his position was abolished. Are the residents obligated to clean the stairwells themselves and adjoining territory Or is it included in the concept of "maintenance and repair", for which we pay anyway?

Indeed, according to general rule the concept of "content common property»Includes cleaning of the entrance and the adjacent territory.

  • § Clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2006, No. 491

But each specific contract may establish its own set of services. Therefore, you need to carefully read your agreement with the management company, which should contain a list of the services it provides.

  • § Clause 3, Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

How to get the management company to make repairs at the entrance, read in detail in our other article. Samples of complaints and claims in the application. If you don’t find cleaning there, then you yourself will have to solve the issue of cleanliness in the entrances and near the house. There is nothing illegal in this. If the service is not specified in the contract, then the management company is not obliged to provide it.
In order to include cleaning in the list of services, you need to hold a general meeting of owners. If more than half votes for this, it will be considered that the decision has been made. Contact the management company with the minutes of the meeting, after which the cleaning clause should be included in the contract. You just need to keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for this work.
But if cleaning is prescribed in the contract with the Criminal Code, but in fact it lies entirely with the tenants, then this is a violation. You need to write a claim in which you demand to immediately start cleaning in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such a claim is made in a free form. Several owners can subscribe to it at once, or maybe only one there is no difference.
If a positive reaction does not follow, feel free to contact the housing inspectorate with a complaint against the management company. If this unit exists in your area, you can ask the administration. If not, contact the State Housing Inspectorate for your region or city.

Not all owners are satisfied with the quality of cleaning their house entrances. Someone says that the entrance is cleaned only by the tenants. Management organizations always have arguments for the dissatisfaction of the owners: lack of funds, lack of employees.

This should not be the case. Today we will tell you who is responsible for cleaning the entrances of the MKD, what cleaning standards exist and how to calculate the cost of cleaning common areas.

Who should clean the entrances to the MKD

A few years ago, the owners of the premises cleaned the entrances of apartment buildings on their own. Some drew up a duty schedule, others hired contractors to clean.

Frequency of cleaning entrances

According to this document, the frequency of cleaning the entrances to the Moscow MKD depends on the type of equipment located at the entrance.

In the entrances where there are elevators and garbage chutes, the management organization:

  • daily sweeps with a wet broom or brush the cages and flights of the first two floors and the area near the loading valve of the garbage chute, washes the floor of the elevator car;
  • once a week sweeps the stairwells and flights of the third and subsequent floors with a wet broom or brush;
  • once a month he washes staircases and flights;
  • twice a month he wipes the walls, doors and ceiling of the elevator car with a damp cloth.

If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, the frequency of work remains the same. Cleaning of the chute zone is excluded from the list of works.

When there is no elevator at the entrance, but there is a garbage chute, the cleaning frequency changes. Every day, staircases and flights of the first two floors are swept with a wet broom or brush. Twice a week, the cages and marches of the third and subsequent floors are swept with a wet broom or brush. The stairwells are washed at least twice a month.

There is a separate schedule for cleaning the chutes themselves:

  • garbage collection chambers are cleaned of garbage every day, they are cleaned and replaceable garbage bins are washed;
  • loading chambers of garbage chutes are removed once a week;
  • once a month, a preventive inspection of garbage chutes is carried out;
  • once a month, the chute gate and the lower part of its barrel are washed, all elements of the chute barrel are disinfected and cleaned, and the waste bins are disinfected;
  • as necessary, the blockages of the garbage chute are removed.

If there is neither a garbage chute nor an elevator at the entrance, the amount of work is noticeably reduced, and the frequency of execution increases. In this case, you will have to sweep the stairwells and marches of the two upper floors with a wet broom or brush every day. Twice a week, you need to carry out the same work on the third and subsequent floors. And at least twice a week - wash the stairwells and marches.

There are also such types of work that are performed regardless of the type of equipment in the entrance. For example, once a year the management organization needs to wash the windows, clean the area at the entrance to the staircase, clean the pit, the metal grate and wipe the walls with a damp cloth, attic stairs, window bars, doors, shades on staircases, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low-current devices.

Twice a year, the management organization must ensure that dust is swept from the ceilings, wet cleaning window sills and heating radiators.

Calculation of the cost of cleaning entrances

The owners ask where the price for cleaning the entrance came from. The managing organization must be able to justify the cost of the service.

To clean the entrance of the management organization, you need:

1. Hire employees.

The salary of technical personnel of the first category must not be lower than the subsistence level. For determining tariff rate, which will be needed for the employee's salary, the managing organization should take the cost of living for the second quarter of the current year and index it to the planned consumer price growth index.

Also, one should not forget about compensatory charges, payment of insurance premiums and industry-specific payments, the annual balance of working hours and the standard coefficient of absenteeism of working personnel.

2. Purchase materials.

The management company can use inexpensive detergents, rags, gloves, but the area of ​​common property cannot be compared with an apartment that the owner cleans himself. Therefore, it is worth explaining to the tenants that materials are spent annually large sum of money.

3. Pay taxes.

4. Pay paying agents.

All payments go through banks, post office or other payment systems. Typically, they charge a fee to transfer the payment.

5. Pay contractors for the services of maintaining personal accounts, preparing payment documents and delivering them to residents.

To calculate the tariff, first of all determine the area to be cleaned. It is equal to the area of ​​common areas indicated in the technical passport.

Calculation can be performed different methods... The simplest is the unit rate method: multiply the area harvested by the frequency of work, and you will receive the annual volume of services in kind.

Then multiply the annual service by the unit rate to get the annual service cost. As a basis for the unit price, we recommend using the collection “Cost of works and services for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building”, developed by the Center for Municipal Economics and Law.

The last step is to calculate the tariff. To do this, divide the resulting annual cost of work by the sum of residential and non-residential areas and by twelve months.

What happens if the UO does not clean the entrances well

First negative consequence poor-quality cleaning - the dissatisfaction of the tenants. First, the tenants make oral claims to the management organization. If they are not heard, they begin to submit written complaints to the MA.

If the management organization receives a written claim, it must organize a special commission to assess the quality of cleaning the entrances. If the commission confirms that the entrances are poorly cleaned, the MA should take measures to eliminate the deficiencies and inform the owners about this.

It also happens that the UO does not respond to either oral or written complaints from residents. This may turn out negatively for her: residents will conduct an OSS and choose a different way to manage the apartment building or contact GZI, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

The supervisory authority, on the basis of complaints from the owners, has the right to conduct an unscheduled inspection. If it is proved that there are violations in the work of the MA, it will be given an order to eliminate the violations. In particular, they may be obliged to make a recalculation for those types of services that are rendered poorly.

It is in the interests of the managing organization to correct all the deficiencies specified in the prescription just in time.

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

Often, the condition of apartment entrances leaves much to be desired. Who should be responsible for such a problem as cleaning entrances? Who should take on the responsibility of cleaning the house? According to the law, public utilities, that is, management companies (UK), must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance. All services provided must be recorded in a contract, which the tenants of apartment buildings sign.

The Housing Code (hereinafter referred to as the LCD) also did not bypass this aspect and established certain cleaning standards. If the tenant is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, you need to revise the terms of the contract with the Criminal Code, which should be in the hands of each apartment owner. Maybe there is simply no such service on the list?

Legal aspect

Cleaning non-residential premises in an apartment building by law is carried out by a management company. What is really happening? Often, residents clean the entrance themselves or hire staff to clean the entrance at their own expense. It turns out that residents pay monthly utility bills for cleaning the entrances, but do not receive such a service.

The cleaning standards specified in the RF LC provide for putting things in order at regular intervals. In addition, there is a special document - “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". For example, utilities are required to provide basic cleaning every day.

Every day, cleaners should sweep the areas of the 1st and 2nd floors and use a damp broom at the same time. If the broom is not moistened, then such cleaning does not meet the established standard. Job description cleaners provides for the procedure and rules for cleaning. If the house does not have enough floors for an elevator, this cleaning is done twice a week. Cleaning frequency means:

  • weekly cleaning (sweeping of entrances and staircases, areas under the porch canopy);
  • once every two weeks (wipe the elevator car);
  • twice a month (sweeping stairs and landings from the 3rd floor and above);
  • every six months (wiping the radiators of batteries and window sills with a damp cloth);
  • every year (washing walls, windows, doors and other components of the entrance).

The cleaning schedule assigns the following to the technical staff:
  • remove garbage daily, wash removable waste bins;
  • remove loading valves one day a week;
  • monthly clean and disinfect all elements of the garbage chute;
  • to inspect the garbage chute twice a month for the purpose of prevention;
  • always make sure that there is no blockage in the debris drain line.

The listed rules are specified in the RF LC, but are they actually followed or not? It is important for each tenant to know them and monitor the work of utilities, since a third of the amount of bills for utility bills is paid for this monthly. Anyone residing has the right to receive high-quality cleaning, as he pays for it.

It happens that low-quality services are provided by the staff themselves, citing that they will not work to the maximum for such little money. It should be remembered that their salary is not a problem for the residents of the house! If the cleaners do not clean the entrance and violate the instructions, you must complain about the quality of their work to the management company.

How to fight for cleanliness in the entrance

To clean the entrance apartment building did not fall on the shoulders of those living in it, you need to act - to file a complaint about the failure of utilities to fulfill their direct duties. The legal basis for the appeal will be an agreement signed with the management company. Here is a list of organizations where to complain about poor-quality cleaning:

  • head of the management company;
  • consumer organization;
  • district, city or regional administration.
The complaint is made in two copies: one is sent to the organization, and the second is left with the applicant. To make a claim, it is not necessary to have a legal education, it will be enough to correctly describe the problem using reliable facts. The writing style is free, but at the same time businesslike. The volumes of the complaint should be optimal. You should write specifically and concisely, not forgetting to support everything described with evidence. The approximate content of the complaint:
  • introductory part (to whom the complaint is addressed, who is the applicant);
  • reasons for the appeal;
  • what violations were recorded;
  • what requirements are put forward by the applicant;
  • what will be done in case of refusal to eliminate violations;
  • applications (evidence base);
  • date and signature.