Arrangement of the ladder in the attic with their own hands: features of folding and stationary stairs, a device of a staircase march and fixing steps. How to make your own hands an attic staircase with a hatch lifting attic stairs do it yourself

The staircase is foldable in the attic - this is the kind of compact auxiliary devices for lifting in the utility rooms country house. Quite often stationary design of stair marches for mansard Floors It looks simply irrational - it does not often have to use it, or takes a lot of living space, which, as always catastrophically lacks.

Many these circumstances are familiar. Previously, they arose when it was necessary to climb into the attic, where the old things were kept on the well-established traditions, which were no longer needed, and throw out sorry. Of course, for lifting and descent, you can use a conventional stepladder, however, for greater convenience and safety there is another solution - this is a folding staircase in the attic.

Significantly saves life space at home. It is located in a specially equipped ceiling opening of intergenerational overlap.

The ladder for the attic folding is functional, compact and is very easy to operate, and the variety of models and the provided options for this design allows you to choose exactly the species that is ideal for the specific operational conditions of any country house.

Among the variety of folding mansard systems, three main configurations are most in demand:

  • lever;
  • cylinder-shaped;
  • telescopic.

Lever structures

Lever or tricycle systems consist of three folding parts. The first part (knee) is fastened in the hatch cap, and the two subsequent, with the help of springs and a special mechanism, consistently add up to each other.

In order to install the staircase, it is necessary using a long rod with a hook to hook the ring installed from the outer part of the hatch and pull down. After the hatch opens, the design itself, under the action of its own weight, will decompose in the right position.

For the convenience of disassembly and assembly, the system is equipped with special lever mechanisms that helps the mobile march smoothly decay and fold into the staircase. The hatch lid is equipped with latches, which are designed to fix the entire device in the interlated overlap.

Clean-shaped stairs

The glossy design of the march received such a name from the form of its elements. This type of devices is developing as a harmonica, and they are also called stairs-pantographs. The basis of such systems is a multi-dimensional hinge mechanism, which is regulated by springs.

With an open hatch, the device is stretched down and with the help of a special spring stop fixed to the floor. When removing the mechanism from the stop, the design under the action of the springs is assembled to its original position.

Telescopic devices

Telescopic system, taking into account performance properties, is made only from a lightweight aluminum profile.

Therefore, attic metal folding stairs with a telescopic system are separate sections made from profile aluminum pipewhich are consistently inserted into each other.

  • The whole design is mounted in the hatch coverAnd if necessary, it is easily advanced into the working position.
  • Stability provide clampslocated in sections connecting places.
  • The number of parts may vary, depending on the necessary height and model of the selected device.
  • In order to safe operation The mechanism is designed in such a way that excludes an arbitrary axial offset of sections.
  • Special latches firmly fix the design in the folded position.
  • To decompose the staircase, it is easy enough to pull For the special rod (rod) provided for these purposes.

How to choose a folding staircase

Before choosing and purchase an attic staircase, you need to learn several rules:

  1. Select the design should be taking into account the prepared opening in the interceditory overlap. And for this you need to know optimal dimensions For this type of stairs.
  2. The minimum recommended size of the opening is 500-600 mm, but by the experience of some manufacturers - better 0.6-1.20 m. You can consult from the seller - what sizes are now available, and adjust your opening through the selected template.
  3. The second required parameter is the height and angle of inclination ("departure") of the device in working condition. To do this, you need to know how often the staircase will be used, and its future location (room length, furniture, etc.). The most admissible and convenient in operation is the design of 2.80-3.5 m height.

Tips: at the height of the room more than 3.5 m, for safety reasons, the installation of a folding attic staircase is not recommended. In this case, it is necessary to think about installing the intensular staircase of the economy class, having a greater angle of inclination and equipped with railings.

As is customary, the attic systems are already sold with ready-made sizes, so it is necessary to provide a situation where the desired size may not be. In this case, as mentioned above, it is necessary to prepare the opening under ready sizesor order right size Individually. IN last variant The price of the design will be higher.

Metal folding ladders are best suited for household buildings, and for a country house most appropriate wooden designwhich, with a certain decoration, can become an interior decoration (see video in this article).

The attic systems in their execution are unpretentious in operation, and in the presence of the necessary tool and instructions for assembling a specific architecture, freely mounted with their own hands.

Assembling folding wooden staircase

Before assembling the finished design, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some basic safety regulations:

  • it is not recommended to use these designs for plasterboard floors;
  • disassembly of the components of the mechanism elements during installation;
  • you should not unscrew or adjust the mounts to the hatch;
  • prohibited trial operation of the device until the end of the installation of all items is prohibited.

Folding ladders in the attic with their own hands - instructions:

  1. Installation dersighted system Perform two people. First, with all necessary tool and durable twine, rises to the second floor, and the second remains downstairs.
  2. Check the size of the opening, which must be more than 2 cm box.

  1. To support the set, during the installation, give the box two safety bars to the box. Moreover, the initial lower level of the box should be slightly lower than the ceiling level (see photo).
  2. Then, with the help of prepared wooden wedges, align the ceiling level and mechanism box.

  1. Open the staircase and check the health of all items.
  2. After that, lift the device to its original position, and proceed to the installation of the box.
  3. Before starting the installation, check the coincidence of the length of diagonals between opposite corners of the box.

  1. In the gap between the design and interconnecting, in the installation site of the screws, insert the strips for the dense fit of the box to the impact.
  2. Screw with screws (8x80) box to the base of the opening.
  3. The clearance between the box and the opening must be filled with the mounting foam.
  4. Expand the device and check out the performance of all the mechanisms, and if necessary, adjust them.

  1. The decomposed design should form a straight line, and the lower part of the tent must fit tightly to the floor.

The ladder for the attic folding can have the most diverse designs and improvements. It can be equipped with dust covering, railings, electric motors and remote control, resulting in the automatic decomposition and folding mechanism. Therefore, depending on the selected design, the price of such improvements may vary widely.

This article provides step-by-step instruction To create a folding attic staircase. You will learn how to properly assemble the main hinge element, from which to make the sections of the stairs and how to reliably fasten the design in the mounting position. The article contains diagrams and drawings.

Inventory factory staircase in the attic is a fairly common product that can be purchased in many building stores. but budget options Not always reliable, and strong branded products are worth it. Production of the required subject or device with your own hands from girlfriend is very popular among home masters. An attic staircase is no exception.

Material for work

To collect an analogue of the factory, you will need qualitative materialswhich can be available, especially during construction:

  1. Bar 50x50 (pine) 1 grade - 20 pounds. m. Of it will be made frame of the lid and the goat.
  2. Plywood 8-10 mm - 2 square meters. m. Need for covering the lid.
  3. Board 100x25-30 mm - 15 pog. m. go to steps and theetics.
  4. Steel strip 3-4x20 mm - for moving fasteners of the knees.
  5. Corner and plate 3-4 mm - for the main mechanical element.
  6. Bolts, nuts, washers, Grovers M12-M14.
  7. Saws.


  1. Plotnitsky - saw, screwdriver, coupleer.
  2. Plumbing - welding machine, Electrodes 3-4, Bulgarian.
  3. Vistak and clamps.

Operating procedure

First of all, you need to choose a place for the stairs and make a way. If necessary, trim and install intermediate beams in the overlap - by 6-7 mm more than size Estimated lid. Next, by the size of the hatch, you need to collect the lid itself - from the bar and plywood. The design may be arbitrary, but must be reliable (it is better to smoke connections). Bar with one of the short sides should be rounded - so as not to interfere with the lid open.

Assembling a hinge mechanism

This is the most responsible design element. It will take it for its manufacture: steel corner, plate and strips with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The form of details is clear from the scheme, but the size of the site of the drilling should be determined individually, based on the situation at the place. Made items must be high quality, they should be cleared and process edges.

1 - stubborn plate; 2 - corner, top view; 3 - short scenes; 4 - Long Kulis

The key point is to determine the opening angle. This angle is very important and appears in the manufacture of the plate. In order to properly set it, spread the future march on the ground - stretch the thread and experienced way (selection of the best position) Set the desired angle. Secure it to reliably on the courier - it will be needed in the manufacture of steps.

The resulting angle must be transferred to the part, namely on the plate. To do this, set the mechanism to its original position, attach a tilter and move to the moment when the corners of the shelf corner and the tilter coincide. Then placing the plate on the resulting trajectory and cut the area of \u200b\u200bthe part.

In the plate, you should drill in advance holes for mounting to the beam. We collect the mechanism on the bolts through the washers.

After a draft assembly, you need to try on the site, to put on and accurately reproduce the procedure for opening and closing the hatch. If the shortcomings of the stroke are detected, correct them.

Then you need to make a response mechanism. It must completely repeat the first, but in a mirror form. Use clamps and workbenches - clamping parts together, you will achieve full size identity.

An experienced way is adjusted and final installation. Cover B. open position Must to repeat the angle, a sprometed with a cord.

Production of sections

Calculation of the length of each section:

  • 1st - Length of the day minus 10%
  • 2nd - the length of the first minus 10%
  • 3rd - Marsh length minus the sum of the first two

Suppose that the march length is 2500 mm. Based on the length of the outlet 1200 mm:

  • 1st - 1080 mm
  • 2nd - 972 mm
  • 3rd - 448 mm

We place entire boards according to the calculation and transfer the corner of the march to the tales.

Attention! The testers must be mirrored! Consider this when marking and driving.

At the joints of sections drills the hole Ø 25 - mirror through one.

All items need to be highly treated with grinding, rounded the chamfer to bring the quality to the factory as possible.

Then cut through the marking of the groove for steps. Wood choose the chisel.

The design of individual sections is assembled on a 165 mm self-stroke with pressshima via carbon black D-3.

Loops for knees can be made from the same strip as the opening mechanism. To do this, cut 4 bands at 160 mm and 4 to 120 mm, twilight ends. To the four of them you weld your paws to a length of 160 mm with a hole of 8 mm. It should be 8 identical on the length of the details, but 4 of them with a step.

Separate plates gather in hinge with bolts.

Assembling sections and installation of the stairs

Descript on a flat plane and install ready-made sectional hinges so that the fastening bolts fall into the hole in the tree. Hinges set on bolts M8-10.

After assembling the first knee, check the system for performance. If necessary, eliminate the windows.

Then attach the lower short knee and test the system.

Now the staircase remains mounted in the design position - on the hatch cover. For installation, use the bolts (the screws are not reliable). If after mounting and testing everything works without distortion, the design can be dismantled for coloring. Use varnishes and aerosol paint for metal.

Subsequently, the design can be complicated and done more comfortable by adding to it:

  1. Additional hinges to eliminate the backup.
  2. Spring to maintain construction to make the opening easier.
  3. Castle lock.
  4. Handrails.
  5. Use decorative finish And additional insulation.

Ready view of the stairs:

The question of decoration and insulation is solved at the place on the basis of the needs. Separate the lid by any material that will fit into the ceiling. Mostly it is plastic - light, inexpensive and having an additional layer of air. The difference in the price between the "home" and the "shopping" option of the folding staircase is about 90% (80-150 y. E.). For work, only a few new boards were required, coating for them and hardware.

The drawings of the attic staircase do not differ in particular complexity. But a number of features for calculating and designing should be considered. Then the resulting design will meet the basic safety requirements and convenience of moving between levels.

Name of elements of folding staircase in the attic

Before engaging the selection of stairs should pay attention to a number of important points:

All of these moments will be helped to navigate in choosing a type of design. There are the following classifications of stairs for the attic:

More often meet aluminum structures. Metal and wood can be combined.

Technical requirements. Data and formulas for calculation

The attic stairs must correspond to the following characteristics:

The ladder on the attic make it easy. Start follows from calculations of parameters and drawing. To compile the scheme, the following data will be required:

Folding stairs schemes

Such structures do not require larger space For arrangement, they can be organically enter into the interior or hide in the attic. Ergonomically equip your home will help the proposed options.

Drawing number 1.

This species seems to be a device of two folding sections.

This option is suitable for attic openings located near the wall.

When developing drawing, the following points take into account:

This staircase is not particularly aesthetic, but in the assembled form practically does not occupy space.

Drawing №2.

This option, like the first, is attached to the wall, but through one theater. The requirements for it are somewhat different:

This staircase is a little more difficult than the previous option. But the following type of device received great popularity.

Drawing number 3.

This type of construction when folding and closing the hatch is removed in. The most convenient option, since in the residential part of the house does not occupy space. If the width for the previous design could be arbitrary, then for this type of stairs, this parameter is associated with dimming dimensions. Basic subtleties when designing and assembling:

The attic staircase with her own hands, the drawings of which are presented, is simply manufactured. Some craftsmen and hinge mechanisms for hatch make themselves.

For country cottages, private houses and simple dacha DomikovEquipped with a attic, the presence of a convenient and reliable staircase leading to the mentioned room is a conventional vital necessity.

At the same time, the staircase should not be capital and cumbersome - you can collect and install an excellent folding structure, which will not give up in stationary stairs.

With all the accompanying tasks, you can cope with your own hands, saving money and checking your own strength.

There are several varieties of stairs that can be installed to access the attic.


The ladder with wide marches and railings is the most reliable, durable and convenient design. However, the possibility of arranging such a staircase is far from everywhere - it is definitely not equipped at small areas.


Apply mainly as a temporary option, as well as to access rarely used rooms. The main disadvantages of such a ladder are low safety and ease of use. Therefore, if possible, the use of such a design should be refused.


They are among the average between portable and stationary stairs. For the convenience of use and safety, practically never inferior to full-fledged stationary designs And have, at the same time, a significant advantage - it takes quite a bit of place for their arrangement. Therefore, when independently manufacturing the stairs, preference is recommended to give exactly the folding structure.

Choosing materials

No less an important point It is the choice of materials from which the ladder will be collected in the attic. For the manufacture of basic elements of folding sectional stairs, wood is usually used, and the fasteners are traditionally made of metal.

Currently there are many different materials, control types and fasteners, which makes it possible to easily assemble such a folding ladder, which will be as good as possible for specifically your room.

When choosing the manufacturer's materials of the attic staircase, you need to consider a number important factors. First of all, decide on the functional purpose of the structure, its type, width, as well as the optimal number of sections.

The functional destination of the ladder in the attic is very important in terms of determining the maximum permissible load on the steps. So, for example, the wooden ladders of factory manufacturer are able to withstand an average load at the level of 150 kgf, metal - 250 kgf. For homemade stairs, these indicators are slightly reduced.

This does not mean that the steps will not be able to endure a higher burden, but they regularly load them unequivocally, otherwise the design will break very quickly.

The width of the stairs, with this, should not be greater width of the attic opening.

When choosing the sizes of the attic staircase, focus on proven and approved standards.

Remember: Steps must be installed strictly parallel to the floor surface. In addition, the steps of the stairs must be non-slip. To do this, you can fill over the main material of the lining from any non-slip material.

Ladder Manufacturing Guide

In the independent manufacture of the ladder on the attic there is nothing superpower. Of course, an inexperienced Master is unlikely to be able to assemble the design with the same attractive appearance, like the models of factory manufacturing, but try uniquely worth it.

Before starting work, create a drawing of the future staircase. In the absence of the required skills, order a drawing creation by a specialist or choose the appropriate scheme from the options presented in open sources.


Prepare everything at once required devicesIn order not to be distracted in search of missing tools in the future.

You will need:

Also before starting work you need to buy either collect ordinary potter stairs. For its own assembly of such a design, you only need to fix the transverse steps between two long vertical racks and further strengthen the design.

The finished staircase must be approximately 30 cm longer than the distance from the level of the opening in the attic to the floor.

With the manufacture of a hatch, you too can easily handle your own hands. Materials will need only sheets of plywood and wooden bar. 5x5 cm.

First step. Choose a place to accommodate the hatch and define its optimal dimensions. Add to the dimensions of the hatch by about 7-9 mm on each side so that in the future it was easy to close the cover without squeaks and other noise. Move the opening in accordance with certain sizes.

The second step.Cut the wooden bar into four parts in accordance with the overalls of the hatch.

Third step. Make a groove at the ends of bars. Lubricate the prepared grooves and connect the bars into a rectangular (square) design. Additionally, reinforce the connections using self-tapping screws. Screw the brazers so as not to led a diagonal.

Fourth step.Secure the plywood cover from plywood obtained and encircle the product in the opening of the hatch.

Fifth step. Cut in the hatch cover the usual latch. Open the latch you will be using a handle. Attach it to the lid and finally fix the product in a pre-aligned opening. Usually loops are used for this.

Simple foldable staircase

Start making folding stairs. It is assumed that at your disposal already there is already a previously mentioned pave wooden staircase.

First step. Attach to the bottom of the pars of the ladder in width. Attach the same bar to the top of the product. At the same time, the lower bar must be fixed rigidly, and the top is on the loop.

The second step.Split the withdrawal staircase into 2 parts. The upper part must have a length of about 2/3 from the total length of the stairs.

Third step. Fasten a pair of decks to give additional diagonal stiffness.

Fourth step. Connect the parts of the design using the loops.

Fifth step. Secure the upper timber under hatch with anchors.

Sixth step. Secure the lower part of the staircase with the hook - thanks to this, it will not spontaneously open. I place the loop on Kosor over the cutting line.

Seventh step. Hold it down ready design To the wall surface and fix.

The main minus such homemade staircase is not very attractive appearance - The entire bar and fasteners remain noticeable. However, with the main tasks - ensuring convenient and secure lifting and reverse descent - a similar staircase copes 100%.

Improved and more attractive variant of the previous design. In the manufacture of such a staircase, there is nothing complicated, it is enough to fulfill all the provisions of the manual.

First step. Enter the usual peeling wooden staircase into 3 parts. Make the first part in size attic hatch, the second make a little less than the first, and the third one that the remaining space is completely covered to the floor surface.

The second step. Take the Malka and measure the angle of the attic hatch. Transfer the angle on the boards, thus stating the location of the steps.

Third step. Drill holes in places of hinges between individual staircases.

Fourth step. Purify the edges of the structures.

Fifth step. Split boards at the location points of the hinges.

Sixth step. Cut and polish steps.

Seventh step. Prepare in the grooves for steps.

Eighth step. Insert the steps into the prepared excavations. Use glue and further enhance the connections using the screws.

Ninth step. Connect the sections of the stairs with special loops. For this section, it is necessary to place on a steady level surface.

Tenth step. Check for all sections. When detecting defects and deviations, try to fix them immediately.

Eleventh step. Collect everything wooden surfaces And cover them with varnish.

Twelfth step. After a complete lacquer drying, set the design in the interm of the attic hatch. If necessary, make a final fit of the structural elements.

In this way, independent assembly The stairs are extremely simple and affordable almost every event. At the same time, the cost of the homemade staircase will be much lower compared to the price of a similar design of the factory production. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely.

Good job!

Also read the article on our website - the stairs to the basement with your own hands.

Video - Ladder in the attic with your own hands

Lift to the attic or attic can be made very convenient. The most suitable option for this will be attic folding stairs, which combine compactness with practicality.


The main feature of folding staircases is compact. It is thanks to her, it is possible to free the maximum of space, which is often so lacking. Most of the time it is in the folded state and does not interfere with the movement, while maintaining the beauty of the interior.

Modern stairs on the attic in the unfolded form look even more attractive. They are able to easily transform any space by making it more interesting. With all this with its main functions, folding ladders cope with excellent.

Folding staircases are made from various materials and have a lot of subspecies, which allows you to choose the most suitable option. Moreover, all models of stairs are characterized by ease of operation. Modern attic stairs Very easily get and fixed in the desired position.

Especially popular extendable stair structures In private homes, where constant access to the attic is a necessity. They are much more convenient than the stepladers or transformers that need to be transferred and installed, which is very difficult.

The features of the attic design can also be attributed to the fact that it is easy to make it alone. Even even old staircase From wood can be turned into a comfortable attic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of folding ladders in the attic is a huge set, so first it is worth highlighting the main or brightest of them:

  • Compactness of folding staircases is one of their main advantages. And to occupy a minimum of places such stairs are capable in any form: folded and unfolded.
  • Ease of use of the folding staircase is indisputable. She literally "invisible" is waiting for an hour of use. Then in a matter of seconds it can be decomposed and used for its intended purpose. At the same time, convenience and safety can be enhanced by rail or linings on metal steps.

  • The ease of the staircase is a huge plus, because sometimes it is necessary to handle it with a fragile girl. This advantage significantly increases the popularity of folding models, which are much easier compared to other staircases.
  • Easy to use is another advantage. It is enough just to push it out of the hatch using special mechanisms, and then also easy to put back. Install or completely remove the folding design is also easy. The actions are so simple that even those who did not deal with something like that will be able to fulfill them.
  • The inconsistency of the folding structure, when it is not needed, can also be attributed to its main advantages. After all, most stairs are cumbersome and immediately rush into the eyes, not rarely disturbing the beauty of space.
  • Attractive cost is another advantage. Even completely ready-made systems are inexpensive.

Of course, like any other staircase, folding has some drawbacks:

    A large angle of inclination of the folding staircase is far from always convenient, especially if you need to raise enough sweathers or overall things. They are not suitable in the event that it is often necessary to rise and fall into the attic.

    Loading capacity of folding stairs often does not exceed 150-200 kilograms.

    Difficulties independent manufacture Some species increaking structures Defended complex and very accurate calculations, as well as the mandatory availability of special tools.


Retractable designs can be divided into types or models depending on the type of device, its appearance or material from which they are made. For example, the type of device allows you to select the following types:

  • folding;
  • folding (foot);
  • sliding (telescopic, sectional).

In part, it is clear from the name that these types transformers differ in the principle of layout. To better figure them out, it is worth considering the features of each of these species.

Folded is the most an interesting option. This design includes several sections at once, which, when opening, gradually extends to the floor itself. Movement is carried out at the expense of special hinges and loops. Card loops on the side allow you to securely fix the design on the wall in folded. When the staircase is decomposed, then it resembles the usual route due to the angle of inclination at 45 degrees.

Among the disadvantages of the folding structure should be allocated its massiveness, not too visible appearance and the need for a considerable amount of free space for layouts.

Foldable design has deserved its popularity with compact sizes when folded. The brightest model of such a staircase has become scissor, which is also called "accordion". Already by the name it becomes clear the principle of operation of such a staircase. In a foldable form, it looks like a block of small size, and laid out, straightens as harmonic. This design is unfolded very simple, it is only worth pulling the lower step on yourself.

The disadvantages of the model include only the unreliability of interblock mounts. Scissor models of folding stairs require accurate circulation and regular lubrication of the mechanisms located between segments.

Among modern models Even there are automatic folding scissor structures, very convenient to use. For their extension you do not need to apply any physical effort.

Sliding constructions transformers are several staircases, stacked or superimposed one on another. Among their advantages should be noted the minimum of storage and low cost Compared to other species. Convenience sliding structures due to both flat steps on which the leg becomes stable, not slipping

Sliding stairs are divided into two types:

  • Telescopic. For telescopic designs, the nomination of sections is characteristic of the nesting. It turns out that in tubes having large diameter, smaller tubes are attached, and they are even smaller. The folded structure of the structure is held by the clamps located on outside metal beams. For the addition of the design, it will only be enough to send the retainer. In decomposition, such a design is extremely simple. The disadvantage of this model can be considered problems that eventually occur with the clamps. Often, the clamps from the metal "clinical", and the design ceases to easily straighten.

  • Sectional.They look like scissor stairs, only in them segments fold on each other, and not pressed. In the decomposition of the section, they are laughed, and then they are fixed in a certain position. The number of sections in such a staircase can be equal to two and even three. Such a staircase requires a steady platform to stop on the floor.


Materials from which folding ladders are made, play a considerable role. After all, they must provide stairs strength, make them lungs and at the same time inexpensive. If you adequately consider all these important parameters, it becomes clear that best Materials For attic stairs is a tree and metal.

Wooden stairs Predestly made of trees coniferous rocks, For example, pines. The benefits of them are reliability and low cost. At the same time, such stairs are not difficult made and collected independently. Another advantage of such stairs is the giving the interior of a special village raisin.

The disadvantages of wooden attic stairs are caused by their massiveness, a small service life and low load capacity (up to 100 kilograms).

It should be borne in mind that in wooden models Anyway there are metal parts. And therefore, they will need additional care, for example, regular lubrication.

From wood, the folding and sectional types of stairs make it most often.

Metal folding stairs among modern models are much more often found. Moreover, the ladders of steel or aluminum are absolutely inferior to their analogues from the tree. Cost metal stairs Not much higher, and loading capacity reaches 200 kilograms. At the same time, such ladders are characterized by high strength, durability, high resistance to mechanical effects. Aluminum stairs have another additional advantage in the form of low weight.

Only the complexity of manufacturing can be attributed to the disadvantages of ladders from the metal. It is due to the fact that such works require equipment for welding and relevant knowledge and skills.

Bright representatives of metal attic stairs can be called telescopic and scissor. Moreover, the telescopic is most often made of aluminum.

Combined models made simultaneously from wood and metal are often encountered and have the advantages characteristic of both of these materials.


Regardless of the type of staircase in design or material, it should be as comfortable as possible and at the same time completely safe. When choosing an attic staircase or its design, it is worth considering a number of parameters:

  • Span stairs should be optimal widthequal to 60 - 70 centimeters.
  • The design should have an angle of inclination, varying within 45 - 75 degrees.
  • The number of steps on the attic staircase should be optimal. Best of all, if they are about fifteen.
  • The thickness of the steps in 2 centimeters is considered the most convenient and suitable for the folding staircase.
  • Stairs of the stairs should be located all over the same distance from each other (within 17-22 centimeters).
  • The horizontal part of the stage should be at least 20 centimeters. This will provide additional convenience at the use of the staircase.
  • Luke Ladders sizes should be a little more opening to overlap it.

How to choose?

Choosing a staircase on the attic, the first, where to start - this is to decide exactly where it will be located, and measure the size of the hatch.

The height of the room when choosing the stairs is very important. In the three-meter room, a 250 centimeter staircase is hardly useful. It should be borne in mind that the design designed for greater height can often be shortened if the height of the room will be lower. To do this, it is enough to dismantle one or several last steps.

However, it is desirable that the attic stair structures do not exceed three meters heights so as not to increase the risk of getting injury.

When determining the size and space for opening it follows special attention It is still overlapping. Interference to install the ladder in a certain place can, for example, become reinforced concrete plate or wooden beam. If the overlap allows, it is uniquely better to give preference to models with a large hatch. They and steps will be wider, and less steep rise.

Luke sizes are indicated in the passport to finished product. IN this document It also indicates the maximum distance to which it flies beyond the hatch when it is opened and closed. This feature Especially important when placing stairs in small rooms.

When choosing a folding staircase from a metal, it is recommended to choose models with anti-slip pads on the steps. All details metal structures It is worth checking on protection against corrosion, that is, they should be galvanized.

Wooden staircases on the attic should be installed in not too dry or wet premises. Such precaution will allow to extend their service life. Inspecting the design of wood, it is worth checking its integrity, dryness and no bitch. It will not be superfluous to clarify what protective mixtures were treated with wood and which finish coating is used (most often paint or varnish).

Among modern models, you can choose both the mechanical, which must be laid with your hands and automatic with the electric drive.

Be sure to choose, it is necessary to check the reliability of fixtures and mechanisms. Finally, stopping your choice on a specific model, you should find out the features of care for it so that the whole design remains in order for a long time.