Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky - biography, facts from life, photos, background. Feldmarshal P.A.

, Kiev region

Commanded Malorossiysk governor-general (1764-1781),
Governor-General of Kiev, Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversky priests (1782-1796)
Battle / War Russian-Swedish War (1741-1743)
Rhinestitch (1748)
Seven-year war
Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774)
Russian-Turkish War (1787-1791)

The end of life spent in his numerous estates, whose decoration was tirelessly engaged in: Gomel, Great Stall, Kachanovka, Cherry, Tashani, Trinity-Kainardji.

Cavalier of the orders of the Russian Holy Apostle Andrei First Called (February 9, 1762), St. George of the 1st Class (July 27, 1770), St. Vladimir 1st degree (September 22, 1782), St. Alexander Nevsky (August 18, 1759), St. Anne (February 9, 1762) and Prussian black eagle (1776). Honorary Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts (1776).


Family, early years

Representative of the ancient genus Rumyantsev. According to one of the versions, it was born in the village of Strasmen residents (now in Transnistria), where his mother, the Countess Maria Andreevna Rumyantseva (in Matvereva), temporarily lived, waiting for the return of her husband General-Annef, who traveled to Turkey on behalf of Tsar Peter I (in whose honor was named). In some biographies of the commander, this version is called the legendary, and Moscow is indicated by the commander of the commander. His great-granddae on the mother line was the famous State Worker Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev. Maria Andreevna Matveyeva, according to evidence of a number of contemporaries, was the mistress of Peter I. An Empress Ekaterina I became the shaft mother of the future commander.

In the ten-year-old age, the Transfiguration regiment was recorded in the Life Guard. Up to 14 years old lived in Little Russia and received a home education under the leadership of his father, as well as the local teacher Timothy Mikhailovich Senutovich. In 1739, he was appointed to the diplomatic service and enrolled in the Russian Embassy in Berlin. Once abroad, began to lead a rampant lifestyle, so already in 1740 for the "Mottry, Lenosta and Zabiamacy" was recalled and enrolled in the landly shutter body.

In the corps of Rumyantsev, he studied only 2 months, acquiring the fame of the unreasonable and inclined to the cadet pans, and then left him, using the lack of his father. The order of General Field Marshal Miniha Rumyantsev was sent to the existing army in the rank of a podoruk.

Start of military career

The first place of service of Peter Alexandrovich became Finland, where he participated in the Russian-Swedish war of 1741-1743. Districted in the capture of Helsingfors. In 1743, in the rank of Captain, his father was sent to St. Petersburg with the news about the conclusion of an Aboskogo Peace Treaty. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, upon receipt of this report, produced a young man in the colonels immediately and appointed the commander of the Voronezh infantry regiment. Also in 1744, she erected his father - Annef General Alexander and Alexander Ivanovich diplomat Rumyantsev, who took part in the compilation of the contract, in the County dignity along with the offspring. Thus, Peter Alexandrovich became a graph.

However, despite this, he continued the merry life in such a way that his father wrote: "I came before: or your ears to sew and thin do not hear your eyes, or renounce you ...". During this period, Rumyantsev married the princess E. M. Golitsyn.

The last major event of the seven-year war in which Rumyantsev - Siege and the capture of Kolberg participated. On August 5, 1761, Rumyantsev with 18 thousand Russian troops separately from the rest of them approached Kolberg and attacked the fortified camp of Prince Württemberg (12 thousand people), covered the approaches to the city. Taking the camp Rumyantsev began the siege of Kolberg. Help in the blockade of the city provided to him the Baltic Fleet. The siege lasted for 4 months and ended 5 (16) December the capitulation of the garrison. During this time, there was a large number of difficulties because of the significant relics of the defense of the fortress and acting in the Russian rear of Prussian partisans. Russian Military Council for these 4 months, he decided to decide on the decisions of the blockade for these 4 months, the same recommendation was given by the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops A.Burlin, and only the adamant position of Rumyantsev made it possible to bring it to the end. After the victory, 3,000 prisoners were taken, 20 banned, 173 guns. Osada Kolberg was also the last combat success of the whole Russian army in a seven-year war. During the siege of Kolberg, for the first time in the history of Russian military art, elements of the tactical system "Column - Rush Structure" were used.

Seven-year war had a huge impact on the further fate of Rumyantsev, predetermining his further career growth. After her about Rumyantsev, they started talking about the commander of the European level. Here he showed himself a talented warlord, here applied his ideas for the development of tactics and management of troops, which will then form the basis of his work on war art and its further victories. During this war, on the initiative of Rumyantsev, a mobile war strategy was successfully implemented, during which the rate was made not on the siege and the taking of fortresses as before, but on the conduct of a high-speed maneuverable war. Subsequently, this strategy was adopted by Suvorov.

Rumyantsev in 1762-1764

Soon after the capture of Kolberg, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died. Her nephew Peter III, famous for sympathy for Friedrich II, entered the throne. The world was concluded with Prussia. Peter III awarded P. A. Rumyantsev orders of Andrei First-Called and St. Anne and assigned to him Gin General Annef. Researchers believe that the emperor planned to put Rumyantsev to lead a guiding place in the campaign planned to them. During the palace coup, 1762, Rumyantsev kept loyalty to Peter.

When Empress Empress II entered the throne, Rumyantsev, suggesting that his career was over, filed a resignation. Catherine kept him in the service and in 1764, after dismissal from the position of Hetman Razumovsky, appointed a Governor-General of Malorossey, giving him an extensive instruction on which he had to contribute to a closer compound of Malorussia with Russia regarding administrative.

Governor Malorus

After this victory, Rumyantsev walked on the heels of the enemy and consistently took Ishmael, Kilia, Akkerman, Brailov, Isakchu. With his victories, the main forces of the Turks from the Bendery Fortress, which the Count Panin departed for two months and took the storm on the night of September 16 (27) to the years.

Potemkin arranged so that he could not do anything: he was not given the troops, nor the provinet, nor the fighting supplies, nor the case to fight. In 1789 he was tired of commanding the imaginary army against the enemy, which could not be discovered; He did not find the opportunity to go out with any bold improvisation from the circle, in which he was closed, and began to ask for the resignation. This time, the request has hurriedly fulfilled. He retired to his Little Russian estate of Tashhan, where he built a palace in the form of a fortress and locked in one room, without leaving her never. He did the idea that he would not recognize his own children who lived in poverty, and died in 1796, having survived Catherine just a few days.

Died in the village and alone. He was buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra at the left-handed church of the Cathedral Church of Assumption, which was blown up during World War II. Above the tombstones of Rumyantsev - a masterpiece of Russian classicism - worked until 1805 by I. P. Martos and J. Tom de Tomon. The inscription on the pedestal read: "Learn, Ross! Before you the coffin of Zadunaysky. "

Marriage and children

Evaluation of the personality of Rumyantsev

"This victorious commander - who won, however, can be the victim, who could not have laid another theater, where he could develop his strategic abilities, whom the Danube campaign could not highlight sufficiently," writes Casimir Valishevsky.

Under life and immediately after the death of Rumyantsev was a favorite object of chanting from the court poets, and first of all Derzhavin. Emperor Paul I, who joined the throne over the month before the death of Rumyantsev, called him a "Russian strivery" and commanded his yard to carry three days on him. A. S. Pushkin called Rumyantsev "Perun Cagul Coast", G. R. Derzhavin compared it with the Roman commander IV century Camille



Despite the positive assessment of the activities of Field Marshal Rumyantsev, Russian historians in all periods, he exists very few monuments. However, four of them represent a large historical value.

  • In 1799, in St. Petersburg, a monument to P. A. Rumyantsev, which is a black obelisk with the inscription "Rumyantsezov" (now located in Rumyantsev (Solovyovsky) Garden in Rumyantsevsky Square near the university embankment).
  • Kagulsky Obelisk - installed in the Park of the Big Catherine Palace in the Tsarskoye Village on the project of architect Antonio Rinaldi in 1771 - in honor of the victory in the Cagul battle.
  • The monument of the Kagulsky battle (column of glory) is a monument in the city of Vulcaneshti in Gagauzia, in the south of modern Moldova. Erected in 1849 by the project F. K. Bobo at the site of the victory of the Russian Army in the Battle of the Cagule 1770, decorated with the coat of arms and the motto of Field Marshal Rumyantsev.
  • In the estate of Trinity-Kainardi on the project V. I. Deut-Malinovsky was delivered in 1833 a bronze monument to Catherine with the inscription on the pedestal: " From Catherine, this place is given by the celebrity, announces forever the merit of Count Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky" Thus, the monument is devoted to both Rumyantsev and Catherine the second. In Soviet times, during the ruin of the estate, the monument was saved by the staff of the Moscow Museum of Architecture, where at present (2017) is exhibited in the courtyard.


  • On May 27, 2010, a bronze monument was opened on the territory of the Bender's fortress in the city of Bender, Transnistria ( 46 ° 50'15 "s. sh. 29 ° 29'15 "c. d. H.G.IO.L.).
  • Bust Rumyantsev, installed 10/20/1985 in the Cathedral Park to the 150th anniversary of the city of Kagula. Sculptor - V. K. Kuznetsov, Architect G. V. Solominov. Checking, copper, copyright. Dismantled in the 1990s, later restored and now located in front of the entrance to the Lyceum. P. Rumyantseva (Earlier School No. 1;

Outstanding Russian commander, Graf (1744), Field Marshal General (1770).

P. A. Rumyantsev was born in the family of General-Annefa A. I. Rumyantseva (1680-1749), the associate. Many contemporaries and later historians believed that the commander was the extramarital son of the emperor.

In 1731, P. A. Rumyantsev was recorded by ordinary in the Life Guard Transfiguration Regiment. Up to 14 years lived in Malorus, received a home education. In 1740, for 4 months she studied in the landly shutter case. The order of General-Field Marshal was sent to the existing army in the rank of the podoror.

The first combat experience of P. A. Rumyantsev received in Finland, where he was at his father during the Russian-Swedish war 1741-1743. Delighted in the text of the Aboskogo peace treatise 1743, for which the empress was produced into the colonels and was appointed commander of the Voronezh infantry regiment. In 1744, the Father of the Communist Party was erected into the County dignity of the Russian Empire along with the offspring.

In 1748, P. A. Rumyantsev took part in the campaign of the corps of Prince V. A. Repnin on the Rhine during the war for the Austrian legacy of 1740-1748.

During the seven-year war, 1756-1763 P. A. Rumyantsev successfully commanded a brigade under Gross-Jersdorf (1757) and division in the Kunesdorf battle (1759). The battle at Cunesdorf put forward P. A. Rumyantsev to the top commanders of the Russian army, for him he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. The commander of the corps, led by the siege and taking the Kolberg Prussian fortress (now Kolobrzeg in Poland) (1761).

At the end of the war, P. A. Rumyantsev was awarded the orders of St. Anne and St. Andrew the First-Called, and also assigned to him the rank of General Annef. Researchers believe that the emperor planned to put Rumyantsev to lead a guiding place in the campaign planned to them.

In 1762, I rejected the petition of P. A. Rumyantsev about resignation. In 1764-1796, he served as president of the Malorossiysk College and the Governor General of Malorus. P. A. Rumyantsev actively conducted a policy of liquidation of the autonomy of Ukraine, in 1783 introduced the first to submitted, spread to Ukraine the action of a humorous diploma to the nobility of 1785.

At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, 1768-1774 P. A. Rumyantsev commanded the 2nd army, in 1769, an expedition to the lesson, from August 1769 - the 1st Army. In the summer of 1770, he defeated the Turkish, Large and Cagule, surpassing the forces of the Turk, and ranked the left bank of the Danube's lower flow, for which he was produced in General Field Marshals. In 1774, a successful attack on the noisy, the commander forced Turkey to conclude Kychuk-Kainardji world. In 1775, P. A. Rumyantsev received an honorable addition to the name - "Zadunaysky" and was appointed commander of severe cavalry.

Victory P. A. Rumyantsev over the Turks were immortalized by obeliski monuments in the Tsarskoye Selo (1771) and in St. Petersburg (1799).

In February 1779, the decree of the Empress P. A.Rumyantsev was appointed by the governor of the Malorossiysky, Slobodsko-Ukrainian and Kursk and governors. He led the preparation of the discovery of the Kursk and Kharkov pricing in 1779 - early 1780, after returned to Malorossia.

During the Russian-Turkish War, 1787-1791 P. A. Rumyantsev commanded the 2nd Army. Because of the conflict, the commander-in-chief actually eliminated the management of troops. In 1794, Field Marshal nominally was nominated by the commander-in-chief of the army acting against Poland, but did not leave the disease from the estate.

P. A. Rumyantsev died in their estate - the village of Tashhan Zenkovsky County of Poltava province (now in Ukraine). Buried in the Assumption Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Plateful activities P. A. Rumyantsev largely determined the development of domestic military art in the 2nd half of the XVIII century. His ideas set forth in the "Instructions" (1761), "Road Service" (1770) and "Thoughts" (1777) were used in the development of the charters and the reorganization of the Russian army.


Peter Alexandrovich

Battles and victories

Russian military and statesman, Count, long years managed by Malorossey. A participant in the seven-year war, commander of Russian troops in wars with Turkey under Catherine II, the hero of battles at Large and Cagule, was awarded the title "Zadunaysky". Feldmarshal General (1770).

Impletently demonstrated in the iconic battles of seven-year and two Russian-Turkish wars, the effectiveness of the principles of offensive strategy and tactics formulated by it. Count Peter Alexandrovich is considered to be the founder of the Russian military doctrine.

Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev was considered among contemporaries by a man-mystery. First of all, it was associated with its origin. Some contemporaries believed that he was the son of an outstanding diplomat and the companion of Peter's Great Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev and Maria Andreevna Matveyeva (her grandfather - Boyar A. Matveyev - was an outstanding associate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Others believed that the father of Peter Alexandrovich was the emperor Peter the Great, who consisted in love with his mother, and A.I. Rumyantsev covered the royal sin. Anyway, but the future great Russian commander was born 4 (15) January 1725. In the village of Straved, in the territory of Transnistria, where his mother was waiting for her husband's return from a diplomatic trip to Istanbul.

With Anna Ioanovna (1730-1740), Rumyantsev fell into opal and spent several years in the link in the Sarov district. At the age of 10, Peter Alexandrovich recorded ordinary in the Life Guard Transfiguration Regiment. Friendly, hot-tempered child, brought many trouble to parents. In 1739 he was credited to the diplomatic service and sent as part of the embassy to Berlin - the capital of the Allied Prussia. The hopes for the fact that Peter Aleksandrovich will be extinguished and will continue his education melted as smoke. Once abroad, he began to lead a rampant lifestyle, so in 1740 for the "Moto, Lenosta and Zabiamacy" was recalled and enrolled in the land of the shutter case.

In the corps of Rumyantsev, he studied only four months, acquiring the fame of the unreasonable and inclined to the cadet's shadows, and then left him, using the lack of his father. The teachers were literally removed from the leaving of the young Rumyantsev. Finally, in 1741 he was produced in the companions and sent to the existing army. So during the Russian-Swedish war (1741-1743), a young officer acquired his first combat experience, fighting under Wilmanstrand and Helsingfors.

On the battlefield of young Rumyantsev was distinguished by desperate courage and contempt for death. In addition, the young officer has achieved the trust of the soldier of his company a good attitude towards them. He did not eat away from the soldier's boiler, strictly followed the supply of his subordinates to everything necessary. So there was a future commander.

In 1743, the young captain Rumyantsev delivered news to St. Petersburg about the conclusion of the Abos World Peace with Sweden. The younger Rumyantsev received rank Colonel and was appointed commander of the Voronezh infantry regiment. Dizzy career. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761), which always favored the family of Rumyantsev, and especially by the father of Peter Alexandrovich, in 1744 it made their genus to count dignity. At the same time, the young Count married the daughter of the Petrovsky associate and the outstanding Russian commander of Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn - Catherine Mikhailovna. This marriage was failed, although three sons were born in it.

Unfortunately for the relatives, the young graph continued to spend time in the thickens, which led to the bitter phrase of his father, said in the hearts: "I came before: or your ears to sew and thin do not hear your ears, or renounce you ..."

In 1748, Colonel Rumyantsev took part in the campaign of the Russian Expeditionary Corps on the Rhine, and a year later he lost his father. The death of Alexander Ivanovich, shook her son. The young Count began to give himself a fully service, but the long-awaited general chin received only in 1755.

In 1756, a seven-year-old war began (1756-1763) with Prussia and Great Britain, on the one hand, and the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation", France, Saxony, Sweden and Russia, on the other hand.

Count P.A. Rumyantsev was appointed commander of the infantry brigade as part of the first Grenadier, Voronezh and Nevsky Infantry regiments.

Then he was appointed to the formation of cavalry regiments, then again appointed the commander of the infantry brigade. Count Peter Alexandrovich got into opal to General Field Marshal Count S.F. Apraksin, who considered him an upset, although actually envied his talents.

Beware, how much maybe this dog - Rumyantsev, others are not dangerous to us.

Friedrich II - his generals.

In the battle of Gross-Jersdorf 19 (30) August 1757, the Graph's Brigade stood in reserve for the Norkitten forest, which was considered impassable. However, the intelligence officers sent by Rumyantsev installed that the forest, albeit, but we pass. In the midst of the battle, when it seemed that the Russian army was about to defeat the defeat, Rumyantsev, on their own initiative, held shelves of the brigade through the forest and strikes the open flank of Prussians, which led to their defeat in the battle. However, Apraksin did not even mention Rumyantsev in relation to the Empress.

Battle at Gross-Jersdorf. 1757

Rumyantsev's actions in the battle of Gross-Jersdorf characterize him as a bold and initiative commander. Left without any leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of Apraksina, being in extremely difficult conditions, he managed to choose the right time for a decisive strike in the direction, "where the danger was more than elsewhere." Rumyantsev showed itself a supporter of the most decisive offensive tactics. Like Peter I, Rumyantsev sought to fully use the cold infantry weapons. With his decisive attack in this battle, he gave a vivid example of the active application of the bayonet. In the entire subsequent colonical practice of Rumyantsev, the active role of cold weapons in battle continued to grow continuously.

In 1758, Lieutenant General Count P.A. Rumyantsev was appointed to the post of commander of the Division. However, remained in secondary roles. In 1759, the Commander of the Union Russian-Imperial Troops in the battle at Cunesdorf 1 (12) August, the graph showed great perseverance in defense. He skillfully combined resistance resistance with decisive counterattacks against superior enemy forces. The actions of the troops on their plot, Rumyantsev achieved a common fracture during the whole battle, thereby predetermining its outcome in favor of the Russian army. Friedrich II Prussian Army, a number of up to 48 thousand people, acting on a pattern of oblique combat order and confused in it, was completely defeated, and her separate scattered remnants appealed to a messy flight, seeking salvation for Oder. In the battle at Kunesdorf, attention is drawn to the correct use of the Rumyantsey all kinds of troops - infantry, artillery and cavalry - and the organization of a clear interaction between them even in the most difficult conditions of the combat situation. As with Gross-Jersdorf, Rumyantsev showed great importance to the initiative of the private military officer at the decisive moment of battle. For this victory, Peter Alexandrovich was awarded his first orders of St. Alexander Nevsky.

In the campaign of 1761, the Corpus Rumyantsev was besieged by the very strong fortress Kolberg on the Baltic Sea coast. The decisive actions were turned here in the fall, when Peter Alexandrovich, placing the troops by a semirogram, strengthened through the entire line with Raduts and began to gradually compress the "ticks", making the opponent of the possibility of receiving the sunsite and reinforcements. The commander-in-chief General-Field Marshal Buturinlin Slot Rumyantsev's persistent advice and even orders to leave Kolberg alone and related, due to the weather, cold and danger of massive diseases of soldiers, for winter apartments. However, a lieutenant-General for 5 years of war with Prussians has repeatedly had the opportunity to make sure that such retrands are negotiated by all the successes of summer campaigns, and persistently continued the siege.

By the middle of November, Rumyantsev troops fully mastered the enemy chain of the Reduts, covered the approach to the city; The Prussian Grenadiers who defended their Prussian grenadiers were exterminated, and part of the fortress were part of the walls. Much meant for the first time applied by Rumyantsev, precisely under Kolberg scattering, from which the Russian army and began a decisive departure from linear tactics.

On December 1, Rumyantsev beat off all the attacks of the Corps of Prince Württemberg, who tried to break through to the rescue, and deliver to them with food and ammunition. After this failure, the commandant of the fortress Count Gayden was convinced of the doomedness of his garrison and on December 5, he told the Russian command that he had capitula. The trophies of the winners were 146 excellent column guns, over 30 thousand nuclei and more than 20 banners. Captivity surrendered over 3 thousand defenders of the fortress led by a commandant.

On December 24, 1761, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna received from Rumyantsev, a report on the harmonious victory and the keys to Kolberg, and the next day died. Trone Peter III, who took after her death, Friedrich's hot fan, immediately stopped the war against Prussia, produced Rumyantsev to General Anzhephi, awarded it with the orders of St. Anne, St. Andrew the First-Called and appointed the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, stationed in Porusania, with a task in Union with Prussians Soon to attack Denmark.

The emperor really appreciated Peter Alexandrovich, but on June 28, 1762 there was a palace coup, and, soon, Peter III overthrown with his wife, was killed. Peter Alexandrovich did not accept the oath of the new sovereign, until he did not make sure of Peter III's death. Catherine with displeasure reacted to the act of General, but then, appreciate his ability, decided to use them for the benefit of the state, in 1764 Rumyantsev was appointed general-governor of Malorossia, the chief commander of the Malorossky Cossack Regiment, Zaporizhia Cossacks and the Ukrainian Division. Regarding Ukraine, the Empress then checked: "Russia not only has no income from this fertile and crowded country, but it is forced to send 48 thousand rubles every year."

In the position of General Governor of Malorossey, not leaving military activities, Peter Alexandrovich remained until death. In this post, he showed himself a talented administrator. In addition, thanks to the views and buying of land possessions, Rumyantsev began over the years of governorship with one of the richest landowners.

The crown of His Glory is considered to be a campaign of 1770. During this period, Russia led the war with Turkey for entering the Black Sea (1768-1774). By August 1770, the Army Rumyantsev won two major victories over the Turks with a row of grave and Large. However, Sultan did not accept the defeat, and the huge army led by the great Vision of Ivazzade Khalil-Pasha, triggered on ships through the Danube, decided to attack the Russians.

After moving on the other side, Ivazzade Khalil-Pasha took over the command of the center of the troops. The Commander of the right flank, the Great Vizier appointed Abazu Pasha, Ariergard - Mustafa Pasha. To the detachment of each of them, 10 guns of a large caliber were granted. Sultan soldiers and their commanders did not get to retreat until they break the Russian army.

At that time, Rumyantsev was waiting for the arrival of the province and thereby gave the opportunity for the army of Ivazzade Khalil-Pasha connect with a detachment that was standing at Cagule. On July 16, up to 40 cannon shots were produced in the Turkish camp, which argued about the arrival of the Great Vizier. The number of united troops of the Turks amounted to 150 thousand people, including 50 thousand infantry and 100 thousand cavities.

Rumyantsev wanted to move immediately on the enemy, but did not consider it possible to do this without having with him at least a seven-day province. The position of Rumyantsev was the following: in front of his front there was 150,000 Turks, on the right and left long Lake Kagul and Yalpug prevented free movement, food remained for two or four days. In case of failure, the army would be in a difficult situation, being locked in narrow space Between rivers and large lakes, attacked from the front and from the rear of the enemy ten times stronger. Rumyantsev could easily get out of this position, it was enough to just retreat to Fali, and, providing themselves with food, wait for the opponent's attack at the chosen position. Then even if the battle loss, he could retreat to the connection with the second army and then proceed to the offensive. But Rumyantsev remained faithful to his rule: "Do not demolish the presence of the enemy, not attacking it." Rumyantsev ordered the army worm, who followed Falching to the Salche River, go to the Kagul River to prevent Tatars attack due to Yalpouga.

The Russian Communist Party already in 1770 developed the rules for building troops to attack the Turkish Tatar army. According to Rumyantsev's plan, each division ("building") was built in a kara, in which the "side faces half of the Fruntovo Face had". Kare's corners were prescribed to take the Grenaders of the regiments closest to them. Several kara formed a combat line, and the flanks were located hheger. The attack was supposed to produce a speed step ("hastily") under the sounds of music.

Turks noticed the stationaryness of the Rumyantsev army, but thought she was coming from the awareness of his own doom. At 10 am on July 20, the Turkish army starred from his position and moved to the settlement of the Gracia. Rumyantsev observed this movement from a high hill. At the sight of the Turkish army, who stopped in the evening in two versts, the Trananova shaft and choosing a position, Rumyantsev - despite the small number of their army, in which only 17,000 people remained for the cover of the invoices after diverting up to 6,000 people - said the headquarters surrounding his headquarters: " If the Turks dare in this place to break at least one tent, I attacked them on the same night. "

The Turkish army broke his camp in the seven versts from Russian troops, on the left bank of the river Kagul near her mouth. After the reconnaissance of the Russian position on July 19, Vizier was the following attack plan: imitating the offensive to the center of the Russian army, all the main forces to rush on the left wing, trying to overturn the Russians in the Kagul River. With the sound of shots, Crimean Khan was supposed to move the Salch River and hit all their forces from the rear. According to information received from the prisoners, Vizier and Khan planned an attack on July 21.

Rumyantsev was necessary to attack the Turks before the Tatars have time to attack on the other side. Therefore, at one o'clock in the morning, on July 21, Russian troops spoke out of position and, observing silence, proceeded to Trajanov Val. During this movement in the Turkish camp there was a fake anxiety with shooting, but then calm was restored. At dawn, the Russian army switched to Tranah tree and lined up in the line. When the Turks noticed the attackers, they sent the masses of the cavalry, which stretched to all Russian front and led an attack. Russian forces stopped and opened fire. Especially effective was the fire of artillery. When artillery beat off the attack on the center, the Turks moved the blow to the right to strengthen the attack on the columns of General Bruce and Prince Repnin. Taking advantage of the deck between these kara, the Turks surrounded them from all sides.

At this time, Rumyantsev sent reserves from the attacked columns to occupy the hollow and creating a threat to the Turkish paths of retreat to the camp and rependes. This maneuver has been able to: Turks, afraid to lose the paths of retreat, rushed out of the arrow to the rependist under the light fire of Russian artillery. At the same time, the rest of the Turkish cavalry, attacked by Kara on the right and left flank, also hastily retreated. The Turks contraved the Turks and on their left flank, where General Baur did not only beat the attack, but he moved to the offensive and under fire successfully stormed the 25-gun battery, and then captured and retraeted, salting 93 guns.

Relaxing the Turkish attack, the Russian troops at 8 o'clock in the morning moved to the main retrenchment of the Turkish camp. Upon the approach of the Russian troops, the Turks opened fire on the ranks of Oliece Generals and Pleyankov. Upon the approach of Kare Pleyhannikov to the rependity, about 10,000 Yanychar descended in the hollow between the center and the left flank of the fortification and rushed at Kare, broke into it and crushed some parts. Kare was upset, Yanychars captured two banners and several charging boxes, Russian soldiers flew their flight, trying to hide in the rank of General Oliece and the fact that he was in a mess.

Noticing this and fearing for the fate of Kara, Rumyantsev turned to Prince Brunshweigsky, the former nearby, and calmly said "Now our business has come." With these words, he picked up Oliece from the Riecker's running troops and one phrase: "Guys, stand!" - I retained the runners who stopped and grouped around Rumyantsev. At the same time, the Battery of Melissino opened fire on Janissarians, on two sides they were attacked by the cavalry, and General Baur, who had already entered the retrand, sent a battalion of hurkers to attack Yanychar on the left and for the longitudinal shelling of the RVA in front of the retaenth. After confusion made by an explosion of a charger box, the 1st Grenadier Regiment rushed into the bayonets. Yanychars were turned to flight, the cavalry began to pursue them. At the same time, the kara was put in order, the flank columns took the entire retrenchment and scored the banners captured by the Turks. After the loss of fortifications, artillery and tourists, the Turks saw that the Prince's Corps Repnina enters them to the rear, at 9 o'clock the morning they left the camp and turned to flight under the flank fire of the repove the repont.

Ivazzade Khalil-Pasha with a saber in his hand tried to stop the runners, but all his words disappeared in vain. The Ottoman warriors embraced by panic shouted in response to Ivazzade Khalil-Pasha: "There are no strength to knock down the Russians who affect us with fire, like lightning." The Mustafa Pasha, who was behind the Sultan troops of Mustafa-Pasha, chopped outgoing ears and noses, but this remedy could not stop the disorderly flight of the Turks.

The fatigue of the soldiers who were on the legs with the o'clock in the night did not allow the Russian infantry to continue the pursuit of four miles further, after which the persecution continued Cavalry. At the end of the battle of Rumyantsev, he took a position behind the former Turkish camp.

Russian trophies consisted of 140 guns on the boilers with all the accessories, all Turkish baggage, weapons and camp. Even the monetary treasury of Vizier was left during the battle. The losses of the Turks were great: only 3,000 killed was collected in the camp before the retaenth. On the path of retreat at a distance of the seven miles lay piles of tel. On a "moderate account", the Turks lost up to 20,000 people. Russian losses were: killed 353 people, 550 people were wounded by 550 people. In the report of the victory sent with the Lake Brigadier, the 1st Grenadier Regiment of which decided the victory, Rumyantsev wrote: "Yes, I will be allowed, the all-mercy of the sovereign, the real thing to likek the Affairs of the Ancient Romans, which Your Majesty ordered me to imitate: is the army of your Imperial Majesty is now acting when it does not ask how great the enemy, but is looking for only where he is. "

I passed all the space to the shores of the Danube, knocking up before him in the excellent number of the stood enemy, without doing anywhere in field fortifications, and delivering one courage and the good will your will in every place for an incredulous wall.

Rumyantsev - their soldiers.

For Kagul Peter Alexandrovich became the first in the history of Russia by the cavalier of the Order of St. George I class. After this victory, Rumyantsev walked along the heels of the enemy and consistently occupied Izmail, Kilia, Akkerman, Brailov, Isakchu. His victories pulled the main forces of the Turks from the Bendery Fortress, which 2 months honorable and which took the storm on the night of September 16, 1770. Count Panin.

In 1774, with the 50,000th Army, the Count spoke out against the 150-thousand Turkish army, which, avoiding the battle, focused on the heights of the noise. Rumyantsev with part of their troops went around Turkish Stan and cut off a message with Adrianopole, which caused such a panic in the Turkish army that Vizier accepted all peaceful conditions. So the Kuchuk-Kaynardzhiy world was concluded, which delivered the Feldmarsh Rod, the name of the Sannaya and 10,000 fortress peasants. The Empress perpetuated the victory by Rumyantsev monuments-obeliski in the royal village and St. Petersburg, and Count Sheremetev also put a column-monument in his near Moscow estate of Kuskovo.

Returning to his responsibilities of the Governor of Malorussey, Rumyantsev was granted the orders of St. Vladimir I class and the Polish Order of the White Eagle. The Count led the preparation of the opening of the Kursk and Kharkov pricing in 1779 - early 1780, after returned to Malorossee and prepared gradually the introduction of community orders in it, which was accomplished in 1782, with the spread of Russian administrative and territorial division and local device.

With the beginning in 1787, the new Russian-Turkish war, the aged Rumyantsev was appointed to command the 2nd Army at the Commander-in-Chief of Prince Potemkin. G.A. Potemkin-Tauride, the bright prince and Morganatic spouse Catherine II, did not possess the colonical dating, but was impressive. Similar purpose, the old Feldmarshal perceived as a personal insult and actually eliminated from the command. Potemkin arranged so that Rumyantsev could not do anything: he was not given the troops, neither the provincial, nor the fighting supplies, no case fight. In 1789, Feldmarshal wake-up and unsubscribers asked. His request was satisfied.

The graph is constantly, until the death of death in 1796, lived in his Ukrainian estate Tashhan. In 1794, Rumyantsev was nominally nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, acting against Poland, but did not drive away from the estate. He died in complete loneliness and was buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The contribution of Peter Alexandrovich to the development of Russian military art is truly invaluable. It is not by chance that the King of Friedrich II, a former rival of Rumyantsev on the battlefield fields of the seven-year war, during the stay of General-Field Marshal in Berlin in 1776 gave him such a reception he had never honored a single crowned person. In honor of the hero of Cunesdorf and the kagula, the regiments of the Prussian army were a major march, and all German generals were obliged to attend the military.

By the way, another European monarch, the Austrian emperor Joseph II, at his table in Hofburg always held an excess device - as he said, for Rumyantsev, mentally believing him attending his meal ...

Such honors from the German and Austrian monarchs are all the more eloquent because Count Peter Aleksandrovich was all his life with an enemy of the German military system, developing the original Russian military art, which, of course, knew Friedrich II well, and Joseph II.

This is what Kershnovsky writes about this: "In the era of domination throughout Europe, soused Prussian rationalistic theories, formalism and automatic -" eater "(that is, a wig) training, Rumyantsev first highlights the education of the troops. Moral beginnings - moral element, and upbringing, Moral training, he separates from learning, training "physical." Written by Rumyantsev in a significant 1770, "rite of services", and even earlier - "Instructions of the Colonel Regiment infantry" (1764) and the same shelf of equestrian (1766) became, in fact, the construction and combat charters of the victorious Catherine Army.

Count Peter Alexandrovich is considered to be the founder of the Russian military doctrine. In addition to the principles of an offensive strategy and tactics, expressed by him on paper and so brightly demonstrated on the battlefields of seven-year-old and two Russian-Turkish wars, he first of military theoretics pointed out the need to strictly observe the proportionality of military spending with other nation needs. The well-being of the army depends on the well-being of the people, not tired to emphasize the commander.

Bespalov A.V., D.I., Professor


Bantysh-Kamensky D.N. Biographies of Russian Generalissimulov and General Field Marshals. M., 1991. Part 1-2.

Buganov V.I., Buganov A.V. Commandments of the XVIII century. M., 1992.

Military history of the Fatherland: since ancient times to the present day: at 3 t. In-t of military. stories of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Ed. V.A. Zolotarev. T. 1. M., 1995

St. George Cavalera: a collection of 4 tons. T. 1: 1769-1850. Cost. A. V. Shishov. M., 1993.

Zolotarev V.A.. Apostles of the Russian army. - M.: Venttehizdat, 1993

Korobokov N.M.. Seven-year war. Russia's actions in 1756-1762. M., 1940.

Korobokov N.M.. Feldmarshal P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky. M., 1944.

Klokman Yu.R.. Feldmarshal Rumyantsev in the Russian-Turkish War period 1768-1774. M., 1951.

Leshchinsky L.M.. Military victories and commander of the Russian people of the second half of the XVIII century. M., 1959.

Lubchenkov Yu.N.. Feldmarshal Service of the Russian: East. narration. M., 1988.

Maslovsky D.F.. Russian army in a seven-year war. VZ. - M.: Type. V. Berezovsky, 1891

Materials for the biography of Count P. Manhanseva-Zadunaysky. Explanations for the life of Count P. A. Rumyantsev, collected by Gogol. Kiev older.

Monthly historical magazine. Year 14th. Tom XLVIII. 1895.

Petrov M.. Rumyantsev-Zadunay. Saransk, T. 1: 1984; T. 2: 1985

Perezin V.V.. Feldmarshal Rumyantsev: Doc. narration. M., 1989.

Rumyantsev PA. Documentation. T. 1 - 3. M., 1953-1959

Defeat Russian troops of Prussia. 1756 - 1762: Documents. M., 1943.

Shishkov V.Ya.. Battle under the Cunesdorf. M., 1943.

the Internet

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Denikin Anton Ivanovich

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Participant of the Russian-Japanese war. One of the most effective generals of the Russian Imperial Army during the First World War. The commander of the 4th rifle "iron" brigade (1914-1916, from 1915 - deployed under his command to Division), the 8th Army Corps (1916-1917). Lieutenant General of the General Staff (1916), commander of the Western and South-Western Fronts (1917). Active participant of military congresses of 1917, an opponent of democratization of the army. I expressed support for the Cornilov statement, for which the temporary government was arrested, the participant of the Berdichevsky and Bykhovsky seats of the generals (1917).
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From April 1920 - an emigrant, one of the main political figures of Russian emigration. The author of the memoirs of the "Essays of the Russian Unoma" (1921-1926) - a fundamental historical and biographical work of the civil war in Russia, the memories of the "Old Army" (1929-1931), the autobiographical story "The Path of the Russian officer" (published in 1953) and a number other works.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

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Loved the Red Army in Berlin and Port Arthur.

Chapaev Vasily Ivanovich

01/28/1887- 5.09.1919. Life. Head of the Division of the Red Army, a participant in the First World and Civil War.
Cavalier of three Georgievsky crosses and St. George medal. Cavalier of the Red Banner Order.
At his account:
- Organization of the county Red Guard from 14 detachments.
- participation in the campaign against General Caledin (near Tsaritsyn).
- participation in the campaign of a special army to Uralsk.
- Initiative on the reorganization of the detachments of the Red Guard in two regiments of the Red Army: Stepana Razin and them. Pugacheva, combined in Pugachev brigade under the command of Chapaev.
- Participation in battles with Czechoslovakov and the People's Army, who have discoucted Nikolaevsk, renamed the brigade in Pugachevsk.
- From September 19, 1918, the commander of the 2nd Nikolaev division.
- From February 1919 - Commissioner of the Interior of the Nikolaev county.
- From May 1919 - the Combrigs of the Special Alexandrovo Gay Brigade.
- From June - Head of the 25th Rifle Division, who participated in Bugulmina and Belebean operations against the army of Kolchak.
- Take the forces of its division on June 9, 1919 Ufa.
- Taking Uralsk.
- A deep raid of the Cossack squad with an attack on a well guarded (about 1000 bayonets) and in the deep rear of the city of Lbishchensk (now the village of Chapaev of the West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan), where he was headquarters of the 25th division.

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich

A great contribution to the strengthening of the fleet before the war; He conducted a number of major teachings, became the initiator of the opening of new maritime schools and sea specials (later Nakhimov schools). On the eve of the Sudden Attack of Germany, the USSR accepted effective measures to increase the combat readiness of fleets, and on the night of June 22 he gave an order to bring them to complete combat readiness, which made it possible to avoid losses of ships and sea aviation.

Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich

Collected and coordinated the actions of the team of talented military leaders

Stalin (Jugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces Soviet Union. Thanks to his talent of the commander and outstanding statesman, the USSR won the very bloody war in the history of mankind. Most of the battles of World War II were won with its direct participation in the development of their plans.

StASSEL Anatoly Mikhailovich

Commandant Port Arthur during his heroic defense. Unprecedented ratio of the loss of Russian and Japanese troops to the surrender of the fortress - 1:10.

Momshulla Bauyrzhan

Fidel Castro called him a hero of World War II.
Brilliantly carried out in practice developed by Major General I. V. Panfilov, the battle tactics of small forces against many times superior to the enemy, who was subsequently called the "Spiral Momyshuly".

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army, which reflected the attack of German-fascist Germany, freed Europpa, the author of many operations, among which "ten Stalinist blows" (1944)

Gagen Nikolay Alexandrovich

June 22 Echelons with parts of the 153rd Rifle Division arrived in Vitebsk. Covering the city from the West, Gagen Division (together with the division of a heavy artillery regiment) occupied a strip of defense 40 km long, she was opposed by the 39th German motorized hull.

After 7-day fierce battles, the combat order of the division was not broken. The Germans did not more communicate with the division, went around her and continued the offensive. The division flashed in the message of German radio as destroyed. Meanwhile, the 153rd Rifle Division, without ammunition and fuel, began to break through the ring. Gagen brought a division from the environment with severe weapons.

For manifested persistence and heroism during the Yelninsk operation on September 18, 1941, the Order of the People's Commissioner of Defense No. 308 Division received the honorary name "Guards".
From 01/31/1942 to 09/12/1942 and from 10/21/1942 to 25.04.1943 - Commander of the 4th Guards Rifle Corps,
From May 1943 to October 1944 - Commander of the 57th Army,
From January 1945 - the 26th Army.

Troops under the leadership of N. A. Gagen participated in the Sinyavinskaya operation (and the general of the second time he managed to break through the environment with arms in hand), Stalingrad and Kursk battles, battles on the left bank and right-bank Ukraine, in the liberation of Bulgaria, in the Yaskovo-Chisinau, Belgrade, Budapest, Balatonian and Vienna operations. Participant of the Victory Parade.

Chichagov Vasily Yakovlevich

Excellent commanded the Baltic Fleet in the campaign 1789 and 1790. Victory in the battle in Elanda (15.7.1789), in Revelsky (2.5.1790) and Vyborg (22.06.1790) battles. After the last two lesions that had strategic importance, the domination of the Baltic Fleet became a powerless, and this forced the Swedes to go to the world. In the history of Russia, few such examples when victories on the sea led to victory in the war. And by the way, the Vyborg battle was one of the largest in world history in the number of ships and people.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

The army under his command defeated Persia in the war of 1826-1828 and completely broke the Turkish troops in the Transcaucasus in the war of 1828-1829.

Awarded all 4-degrees of the Order of St. George and Order of St. Apostle Andrei is married with diamonds.

Golovanov Alexander Evgenievich

He is the creator of the Soviet aviation of long-range action (ADD).
Parts under the command of Golovanov bombed Berlin, Koenigsberg, Danzig and other cities in Germany, struck at important strategic objects in the rear of the enemy.

Makarov Stepan Osipovich

Russian Oceanographer, Polar Researcher, Shipbuilder, Vice Admiral. Russian semaphore alphabet. Distoping man, decent in the list!

Markov Sergey Leonidovich

One of the main characters of the early phase of the Russian-Soviet war.
Veteran Russian-Japanese, first world and civilian. Cavalier of the Order of St. George 4th degree, the orders of St. Vladimir 3rd degree and the 4th degree with swords and a bow, the orders of St. Anne 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees, the orders of St. Stanislav 2nd and 3 - And degrees. Holder of St. George weapons. Outstanding military theoretics. Member of the ice campaign. Son officer. The hereditary nobleman of the Moscow province. He graduated from the Academy of General Staff, served in the Life Guard of the 2nd Artillery Brigade. One of the commanders of the Volunteer Army at the first stage. Fell dead by brave.

Suvorov, Graf Rimniki, Prince ITALIKI Alexander Vasilyevich

The greatest commander, sharing strategist, tactics and military theorist. Author of the book "Science to win", generalissimus of the Russian army. The only one for the history of Russia did not suffer a single defeat.

Saltykov Peter Semenovich

The commander-in-chief of the Russian army in a seven-year war was the main architect of key victories of Russian troops.

Minih Borhard Christopher

One of the best Russian commander and military engineers. The first commander entered into the Crimea. Winner at the stands.

Bagration, Denis Davydov ...

War of 1812, the glorious names of Bagration, Barclay, Davydov, Platov. Sample honor and courage.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Baklanov Yakov Petrovich

An outstanding strategist and a mighty warrior, achieved respect and fear of their name of the unspecified horses who forgotten the iron grip "Thunderstorms of the Caucasus". At the moment - Yakov Petrovich, a sample of the spiritual power of the Russian soldier in front of the proud Caucasus. His talent crushed the enemy and minimized the temporary framework of the Caucasian War for which he got a nickname "Boble" is akin to the Devil for his fearlessness.

Glenchev-Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

1. Great Russian commander, he was an example for his soldiers. Valued every soldier. "M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov is not only the liberator of the Fatherland, he is the only one who has played the accurate French emperor, turning" great Army"In the crowd of overannants, retaining, thanks to its colonical genius, the lives of many Russian soldiers."
2. Mikhail Illarionovich, being a highly educated person who knew several foreign languages, a dexterous, sophisticated, who was able to lifted the Society for the gift of the word, entertaining a story, served Russia and as a magnificent diplomat - Ambassador to Turkey.
3. M. I. Kutuzov - the first who became a complete cavalier of the Higher Military Order of St. George the victorious four degrees.
Mikhail Illarionovich's life is an example of serving the Fatherland, relations to soldiers, spiritual power for Russian military monitors of our time and of course for the younger generation - future military.

Rumyantsev-Zadunayi Petr Alexandrovich

Kornilov Vladimir Alekseevich

During the beginning, the war with England and France actually commanded the Black Sea Fleet, until his heroic death was the immediate head of P.S. Nakhimova and V.I. Istomy. After disembarking the Anglo-French troops in Evpatoria and the defeat of the Russian troops on Alma, Cornilov received an order from the commander-in-chief in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bPrince Menshikov to flood the fleet ships on the raid to use sailors for the defense of Sevastopol from Sushi.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

The person in which the combination of knowledge of the naturalist, scientist and the great strategist is combined.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

The author and initiator of the creation of technical means of airborne towers and methods for using parts and compounds of airborne troops, many of which personify the image of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Armed Forces, which is currently.

General Pavel Fedoseevich Pavlenko:
In the history of airborne troops, and in the Armed Forces of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, his name will remain forever. He personified a whole era in the development and development of the Airborne Forces, their authority and popularity is associated with his name, but also abroad ...

Colonel Nikolai Fedorovich Ivanov:
Under more than twenty years old, Marghelova, landing troops became one of the most mobile in the combat structure of the armed forces, prestigious service in them, especially revered in the people ... Photo of Vasily Filippovich in the Demobel albums went with the soldiers at the highest price - for a set of breastplates. Competition in the Ryazan Airborne School overlap the figures of Vgika and Gitis, and the applicants cut off on the exams for two to three months, to snow and frosts, lived in the forests under Ryazan in the hope that someone could not stand the loads and it would be possible to take his place .

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander during the Great Patriotic War in which our country won, and accepted all strategic decisions.

Rurikovich Yaroslav Mudrya Vladimirovich

Dedicated his life to the defense of the Fatherland. Defeated Pechenegs. Approved the Russian power as one of the greatest states of his time.

Kondratenko Roman Isidovich

Warrior of honor without fear and reproach, Soul Defense Port Arthur.

Tashkin Alexander Ivanovich

Marshal Aviation of the USSR, the first three times of the Hero of the Soviet Union, a symbol of victory over the fascist Wehrmacht in the air, one of the most efficient fighter pilots of the Great Patriotic War (WHAT).

Participating in the air battles of the Great Patriotic War, developed and "rolled" in battles a new air combat tactics, which allowed to intercept the initiative in the air and eventually defeat the fascist Luftwaffe. In fact, created a whole school of ASO GOW. The commander of the 9th Guards Airlines, continued to participate in air battles in person, won 65 air victories in the entire period of war.

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

The highest contribution as a strategist in victory in the Great Patriotic War (it is the Second World War).

Slazkov Yakov Alexandrovich

A talented commander repeatedly manifested personal courage when defending the Fatherland to the First World War. The rejection of the revolution and hostility to the new government assessed as secondary compared to serving the interests of the Motherland.

Yermak Timofeevich

Russian. Cossack. Ataman. Smash the Kuchum and his satellites. Approved Siberia as part of the Russian state. He devoted his whole life with rated labor.

Baklanov Yakov Petrovich

Cossack General, "Thunder of the Caucasus", Jacob Petrovich Blanov, one of the colorful heroes of the infinite Caucasian war of the beginning of the century, perfectly fits into the usual image of Russia. The sullen two-meter warrior, the tireless persecutor of the Highlanders and Poles, the enemy of political correctness and democracy in any of their manifestations. But it was precisely such people who were mined for the empire a difficult victory in many years of confrontation with residents of the North Caucasus and nonlaskaya local nature

Spiridov Grigory Andreevich

He became a sailor in Peter I, the officer participated in the Russian-Turkish war (1735-1739), a seven-year war (1756-1763) finished counter-admiral. The top of his fleece and diplomatic talent achieved in the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774. In 1769, he headed the first transition of the Russian fleet from Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the difficulties of the transition (the son of Admiral was among the dead from diseases, his grave was found recently on O. Meal), quickly established control over the Greek archipelago. Chesme battle in June 1770 remained unsurpassed by the ratio of losses: 11 Russians - 11 thousand Turks! On the island of Paros was equipped with a naval base of ayus with coastal batteries and its own admiralty.
The Russian fleet left the Mediterranean after the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi world in July 1774. Greek islands and land of Levant, including Beirut, Turkey was returned to exchange in the territory in the Black Sea region. Nevertheless, the activities of the Russian fleet in the archipelago were not in vain and played a prominent role in world naval history. Russia, having committed a strategic maneuver with the forces of the fleet from one theater to another and having achieved a number of high-profile victories over the enemy, for the first time for the first time talking about himself as a strong marine power and an important player in European politics.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak (November 4 (November 16) of 1874, St. Petersburg, - February 7, 1920, Irkutsk) - Russian Oceanographer, one of the largest polar researchers in the end of the XIX - early XX centuries, military and politician, Flotodets, valid Member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1906), Admiral (1918), the leader of the White Movement, the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Member of the Russian-Japanese War, Defense Port Arthur. During the First World War, he commanded the mine division of the Baltic Fleet (1915-1916), the Black Sea Fleet (1916-1917). St. George Cavalier.
The head of the White Movement is both in a common-Russian scale and directly in the east of Russia. At the post of Supreme Ruler of Russia (1918-1920), he was recognized by all the leaders of the White Movement, De Yura - the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians, de facto - the states of the Entente.
Supreme Commander of the Russian Army.

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich

One of the best Russian generals of the First World War. In June 1916, the troops of the South-Western Front under the command of General ADTUTA Brusylova A.A., at the same time applying strikes in several directions, broke through the enemy's deeply echelonized defense and advanced at 65 km. In military history, this operation received a bruse breakthrough.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

"As a military leader, I. V. Stalin, I studied thoroughly, because with him passed the whole war. I. V. Stalin owned the organization of front-line operations and operations of the fronts of fronts and led them with the full knowledge of the case, well-being understood in large strategic strategic questions ...
In the leadership of the armed struggle in general, I. V. Stalin helped his natural mind, rich intuition. He could find the main link in the strategic atmosphere and, grabbing him, to oppose the enemy, to carry out a large offensive operation. Undoubtedly, he was worthy of the Supreme Commander "

(Zhukov G.K. Memories and Reflections.)

Blucher, Tukhachevsky

Blucher, Tukhachevsky and the whole of the Pleiad of the Heroes of the Civil War. Budy do not forget!

Romanov Alexander I Pavlovich

The actual commander-in-chief of the Allied Army, who freed Europe in 1813-1814. "He took Paris, he founded a lyceum." The Great Leader, crushing the Napoleon itself. (Shame Austerlitz not comparable to the tragedy of 1941)

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich

The great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career (more than 60 battles), one of the founders of Russian martial arts.
Prince Itali (1799), Rimnica Count (1789), Count of the Sacred Roman Empire, Generalissimus of Russian Land and Sea Forces, Field Marshal General of the Austrian and Sardinian Troops, Grand Sardinian Kingdom and the Royal Prince (with the title "Kuzen King"), the cavalier of all Russian orders of their time, presented to men, as well as many foreign military orders.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

A prominent military leader, a science leader, traveler and a perverter. Admiral of the Russian Fleet, whose talent was highly appreciated by the sovereign Nikolai second. The Supreme Ruler of Russia in the years of the Civil War, the real patriot of his fatherland, a tragic man, interesting fate. One of those soldiers who tried to save Russia in the years of the Universion, in the most difficult conditions, being in very difficult international diplomatic conditions.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Great Prince Novgorod, from 945 Kiev. Son of the Grand Prince Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga. Svyatoslav became famous as a great commander, which N.M. Karamzin called "Alexander (Macedonian) of our ancient history."

After routing hiking of Svyatoslav Igorevich (965-972), the territory of the land of Russian increased from the Volga region to the Caspian Sea, from the North Caucasus to the Black Sea, from the Balkan Mountains to Byzantium. Won Khazaria and Volzhskaya Bulgaria, weakened and frightened the Byzantine Empire, opened the way to trade Rus with the Eastern countries

Linenevich Nikolai Petrovich

Nikolai Petrovich Linenevich (December 24, 1838 - April 10, 1908) - a prominent Russian military leader, General from Infanteria (1903), Adjutant General (1905); General who took the assault Beijing.

Kazarsky Alexander Ivanovich

Captain Lieutenant. Member of the Russian-Turkish war 1828-29. Districted in the capture of Anapa, then Varna, commanding the transport "rival". After that, it was produced in the captain-lieutenant and appointed captain of the Brigon "Mercury". On May 14, 1829, the 18-gun Brig "Mercury" was overtaken by two Turkish linear ships "Selimie" and "Real-Bee" by adopting an unequal battle Brig was able to immobilize both Turkish flags, on one of which was the commander of the Ottoman fleet itself. Subsequently, an officer with Real Bay wrote: "In continuing the battle, the commander of the Russian frigate (the sad" Rafail ", who gave birth to a few days earlier), told me that the captain of this brig will not surrender, and if he lost hope, then the brig will blow up His own to the air. If the adventures of courage in the great acts of the ancients and our times are, this act should all overheat, and the name of this hero is worthy to be laid out with golden literals on the Temple of Glory: he is called the Captain Lieutenant Kazar, and Brig "Mercury"

Kornilov Lavr Georgievich

Kornilov Laurea Georgievich (08/18/1870-31.04.1918) Colonel (02.1905). Central Major (12.1912). Initial-lieutenant (08/26/1914). Genulel from infanteria (06/30/1917). Schedule Mikhailovsky Artillery School (1892) and With the Gold Medal of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff (1898). Cozer at the headquarters of the Turkestan Military District, 1889-1904. russian-Japanese war 1904 - 1905: Headquarters of the 1st Rifle Brigade (in her headquarters). In the depths of Mukden Brigade got into the environment. Having headed the Ariergard, the Schoykov attack broke through the environment, providing freedom of defensive combat operations Brigades. Military attache in China, 04/01/1907 - 24.02.1911. Particard of the First World War: Commander of the 48th Infantry Division of the 8th Army (General Brusilov). With the general retreat of the 48th division, the division went into the environment and the wounded of the Kornilov General 04.1915 from Duklinsky Pass (Carpathians) was captured; 08.1914-04.1915. In captivity of the Austrians, 04.1915-06.1916. Dressing into the form of the Austrian soldier, 06.1915 ran from the captivity. Comandir25th of the Rifle Corps, 06.1916-04.1917. Committing by the Petrograd Military District, 03-04.1917. Momentive 8th Army, 24.04-8.07.1917. 05/19/1917 their order introduced the formation of the first volunteer "1st shock detachment of the 8th Army" under the command of Captain Nezhestan. Commander South-Western Front ...

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The largest figure of world history, the life and state activity of which left the deepest trail not only in the fate of the Soviet people, but also of humanity, not yet one century will be the subject of careful study of historians. The historical and biographical feature of this person is that it will never be predicted by oblivion.
During the period of staying Stalin as the Supreme Commander and Chairman of the State Defense Committee, our country is marked by the victory in the Great Patriotic War, mass labor and frontal heroism, the transformation of the USSR into a superpower with a significant scientific, military and industrial potential, strengthening the geopolitical influence of our country in the world.
Ten Stalinist strikes - the general name of a number of the largest offensive strategic operations in the Great Patriotic War, held in 1944 by the Armed Forces of the USSR. Along with other offensive operations, they made a decisive contribution to the victory of the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition over Nazi Germany and its allies in World War II.

Dubinin Viktor Petrovich

From April 30, 1986 to June 1, 1987, the commander of the 40th Commercial Army of the Turkestan Military District. The troops of this army amounted to the main part of the limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. During the year of his command of the army, the number of irrevocable losses decreased by 2 times in comparison with 1984-1985.
On June 10, 1992, Colonel-General V.P. Dubinin was appointed Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
His merits include the retention of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin from a number of ill-conceived solutions in the military sphere, primarily in the field of nuclear forces.

Rurikovich Svyatoslav Igorevich

The Khazar Kaganat defeated the limits of Russian lands, successfully fought with the Byzantine Empire.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

Hero Borodin, Leipzig, Paris (Division Commander)
As the commander-in-chief won 4 companies (Russian-Persian 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish 1828-1829, Polish 1830-1831, Hungarian 1849).
Cavalier of the Order of St. George 1 degree - for the capture of Warsaw (the Order of the Statute was awarded either for the salvation of the Fatherland, or for the capture of the enemy capital).

Olsufyev Zahar Dmitrievich

One of the most famous military leaders of the Bagration 2nd Western Army. Always fought with approximate courage. He was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd degree for heroic participation in the Borodino battle. Districted in the battle on the ink river (or Tarutinsky). Awarded to him for participating in the applied defeat of the avant-garde of Napoleon's army was the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree. He was called "General with Talents." When Olsufyev was captured and was taken to Napoleon, he told his surrounding famous in the history of the word: "Only Russians can fight so much!"

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Commander of 62 army in Stalingrad.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

Voivode Shein is a hero and head of unparalleled defense Smolensk in 1609-16011. This fortress decided a lot in the fate of Russia!

Rurik Svyatoslav Igorevich

Year of birth 942 Date of death 972 Expansion of state borders. 965G Conquest Khazar, 963g Hiking south to the Kuban area Take the Timutarakani, 969 Conquest of the Volga Bulgars, 971g Conquesting of the Bulgarian Kingdom, 968g The foundation of Pereyaslavtsa on the Danube (New Capital of Russia), 969g the defeat of the Pechenegs in the protection of Kiev.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR, Generalissimus of the Soviet Union, the Supreme Commander. Brilliant USSR Military Guide in World War II.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

The Great Russian Flotovodette, who defeated Fedonisi, Kaliacria, at the Tender Cape and when the Islands of Malta (Johnish Islands) and Corfu. He opened and introduced a new tactics of maritime fighting, with a refusal to linear building ships and showed the tactics of "stamping system" with an attack on the flagship ship of the enemy fleet. One of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet and his commander in 1790-1792

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Personally participated in planning and implementing all offensive and defensive RCC operations in the period 1941-1945.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich

The greatest Russian commander! On his account more than 60 victories and not a single lesion. Thanks to his talent, the whole world has learned the power of Russian weapons

Grachev Pavel Sergeevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. On May 5, 1988, "For the fulfillment of combat missions with minimal human losses and for the professional command of a managed compound and successful actions of the 103rd airborne division, in particular, on the occupation of a strategically important pass of Satuqandav (Host Province) during the military operation" Mainer " "He received a" Golden Star "medal No. 11573. Commander of the Airborne Forces of the USSR. In total, during military service, 647 parachute jumps made, some of them - when testing new equipment.
It was 8 times short, got a few wounds. Admission armed coup in Moscow and saved the system of democracy. The Minister of Defense made great efforts to preserve the residues of the army - such a task has fallen in the history of Russia. Only because of the collapse of the army and the decline in the number of military equipment in the sun was unable to finish the Chechen war victoriously.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

A person who says nothing says this name is not necessary to explain and is useless. To whom it says something - and so everything is clear.
Twice hero of the Soviet Union. Commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. The youngest Commander Front. It is believed. That the army general is, but before the death itself (February 18, 1945) received the title of Marshal Soviet Union.
I freed three of the six captured by the fascists of the capitals of the Allied Republics: Kiev, Minsk. Vilnius. Decided the fate of Kenixberg.
One of the unnights, who dropped the Germans on June 23, 1941.
He retained the front on Valdai. Largely identified the fate of the reflection of the German attack on Leningrad. Caused Voronezh. Released Kursk.
Successfully occurred until the summer of 1943. Forming his army the top of the Kursk Arc. Released the Levareas of Ukraine. Brew Kiev. Disabled Conrtudar Manstein. Released Western Ukraine.
Performed a Bagration operation. Surrounded and taken due to its offensive in the summer of 1944, the Germans humiliatedly passed through the streets of Moscow. Belarus. Lithuania. Neman. Eastern Prussia.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

Finland war.
Strategic retreat in the first half of 1812
European campaign 1812

Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

Shein Alexey Semenovich

The first Russian generalissimus. Head of Azov campaigns Peter I.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich

In 1612, the hardest time for Russia was headed by the Russian militia and freed the capital from the hands of conquerors.
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky (November 1, 1578 - April 30, 1642) - Russian national hero, military and politician, head of the second national militia, who freed Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers. With his name and with the name of Kuzma mining, the exit of the country from the University is closely connected, which is currently celebrated in Russia on November 4th.
After the election to the Russian throne, Mikhail Fedorovich D. M. Pozharsky plays a leading role in the royal court as a talented warlord and statesman. Despite the victory of the people's militia and the election of the king, the war in Russia still continued. In 1615-1616 Pozharsky, at the direction of the king, was sent at the head of the big troops to combat the detachments of the Polish Colonel of the Lisovsky, who sedied the city of Bryansk and took Karachev. After the fight against Lisovsky, the king entrustes the fire in the spring of 1616 to the treasury of fifth money from trading people, as wars did not stop, and the treasury exhausted. In 1617, the king instructed the Pozharsky to lead diplomatic negotiations with the English ambassador John Merik, appointing the Pozhalnik Kolomensky. In the same year, the Polish Korolev, Vladislav, came within the Moscow state. Residents of Kaluga and neighboring cities turned to the king with a request to send them to the protection from Polyakov, D. M. Pozharsky. The king fulfilled the request of Kaluzhan and gave Okazi Pozharskoy on October 18, 1617 on the protection of Kaluga and the surrounding cities by all the measures available. Prince Pozharsk orders the king with honor performed. Successfully defending Kaluga, Pozhasky received an order from the king to go to the rescue Mozhaisk, namely - in the city of Borovsk, and became the volatile detachments to disturb the troops of the Kruzhich Vladislav, inflicting them significant damage. However, at the same time, the Pozharshi became very ill and the king returned to Moscow at the order. Pozharsha, barely recovered from the disease, adopted the most active participation in the protection of the capital from the troops of Vladislav, for which the king Mikhail Fedorovich awarded him with new patrimony and estates.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

The only one from the commanders, who has completed the order of the bet on 06/22/1941, counted the Germans, threw them on its site and moved to the offensive.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

One of the most talented and successful commander of the First World War. The leaving of a poor family made a brilliant military career, leaning exclusively on his own virtues. Participant Rady, PMW, Lew of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff. Its talent fully implemented commands by the legendary "iron" brigade, then deployed to the division. Member and one of the main actors of the Brusilov breakthrough. He remained a man of honor and after the collapse of the army, the Bykhov prisoner. A member of the ice hike and commander of the disease. For more than a year and a half, possessing very modest resources and much yielded by the number of Bolsheviks, having won the victory, freeing the huge territory.
Also, do not forget that Anton Ivanovich is a wonderful and very successful publicist, and his books are still very popular. An extraordinary, talented commander, an honest Russian man in a heavy godine for the Motherland, who was not afraid to light Sveta Hope.

Rurikovich Svyatoslav Igorevich

Great commander of the Old Russian period. The first Kyiv Prince known to us, having a Slavic name. The last pagan ruler of the ancient Russian state. He glorified Russia as a great military power in the campaigns of 965-971. Karamzin called him "Alexander (Macedonian) of our ancient history." The prince freed the Slavic tribes from a vassal dependence on the Khazar, smashing the Khazar Kaganat in 965. According to the age of time in 970, during the Russian-Byzantine war, Svyatoslav managed to win the battle during Arkadyopol, having 10,000 warriors under its beginning, against 100,000 Greeks. But at the same time, Svyatoslav led the life of a simple warrior: "In the same time he did not get any ages or boilers, did not cook meat, but, finely cutting the horse, or the beef, or beef and grinding on coals, he eaten; he did not have a tent But I slept, the postponed Potnik with a saddle in the heads, were the same all the rest of his warriors. And she sent them to other lands [Messengers, as a rule, before the declaration of war] with the words: "I go to you!" (According to PVL)

Cesarevich and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich

The Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, the second son of Emperor Paul I, for participating in the Swiss campaign A.V. Svorov received the title Cesarevich in 1799, retained him until 1831. In the battle of Austrlice, he commanded the Guards Reserve of the Russian Army, took the fate of 1812 in the Patriotic War, distinguished himself in foreign hits of the Russian army. For the "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig in 1813 received the "Golden Weapon" "for courage!". Inspector General of Russian Cavalry, since 1826, the governor of the kingdom of Polish.

Yulaev Salavat.

Commander of the Pugachev era (1773-1775). Together with the Pugachev, organizing the uprising, tried to change the position of the peasants in society. She won a few lunch over the troops of Catherine II.

Drozdovsky Mikhail Gordeevich

Senyavin Dmitry Nikolaevich

Dmitry Nikolaevich Senavin (6 (17) August 1763 - 5 (17) April 1831) - Russian Flotodets, Admiral.
for courage and outstanding diplomatic work manifested when blocking the Russian fleet in Lisabon

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

Russian Admiral, who gave his life for the liberation of the Fatherland.
Oceanographer's scientist, one of the largest polar researchers in the late XIX - early XX centuries, a military and politician, Flotodets, a valid member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, the leader of the White Movement, the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Dovator Lev Mikhailovich

Soviet military commander, Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union. It is known for successful operations to destroy German troops during the Great Patriotic War. For the head of the Dovator, the German command appointed a major reward.
Together with the 8th Guards Division in the name of General-Major I. V. Panfilov, the 1st Guards Tank Brigade of General M. E. Katukuv and other troops of the 16th army, his corps defended the approaches to Moscow on the Volokolamian direction.

Belov Pavel Alekseevich

He led the equestrian corps during the Second World War. Excellent showed himself at the Moscow battle, especially in defensive battles under Tula. It was especially distinguished by the Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation where he left the environment after 5 months of stubborn battles.

Kappel Vladimir Oskarovich

Perhaps - the most talented commander of the entire civil war, even compare with the pollovers of all its parties. A man of a powerful military talent, martial spirit and Christian noble qualities is a real white knight. The talent and personal qualities of Cappel have noticed and respected even by his opponents. The author of many military operations and exploits - including - the capture of Kazan, the Great Siberian Ice Hike, etc. Many of his calculations, not appreciated on time and missed by its fault, later turned out to be the most correct, which showed the course of the civil war.

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

The best Russian commander during the First World War. The angry patriot of his homeland.

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

One of the most successful generals of Russia during the First World War. The Erzemumskaya m Sarakamysh operations conducted by him in the Caucasian front, carried out in extremely unfavorable, for Russian troops, conditions, and ended with victories, I believe, worthy to be inscribed in a row with the brightest victories of Russian weapons. In addition, Nikolai Nikolayevich, stood out of modesty and decency, lived and died with an honest Russian officer, remained to the end of the oath.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

At the Soviet people, like the most talented, large number of prominent military leaders, but the main one is Stalin. Without him, it may not have been many of them as a military.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

In the Russian-Turkish War, 1787-1791 F. F. Ushakov made a serious contribution to the development of the sailing fleet tactics. Based on the entire set of principles for the preparation of the forces of the fleet and martial art, which, f. F. F. Ushakov acted creatively, based on the concrete situation and common sense. His actions were distinguished by decisiveness and extraordinary courage. He without hesitation rebuilt the fleet in combat order already with a direct convergence with the enemy, minimizing the time of tactical deployment. Despite the current tactical rule of finding the commander in the middle of combat order, Ushakov, implementing the principle of focusing forces, boldly put his ship forward and occupied the most dangerous provisions, encouraging his commanders with his own courage. It was distinguished by a quick assessment of the situation, the exact calculation of all success factors and a decisive attack, aimed at achieving a complete victory over the enemy. In this regard, Admiral F. F. Ushakov can rightly be considered the founder of the Russian tactical school in naval art.

Dolgorukov Yuri Alekseevich

An outstanding statesman and commander of the era of the king Alexei Mikhailovich, Prince. The commander of the Russian army in Lithuania, in 1658 defeated Hetman V. Gonsievsky in the battle under the top, taking him to captivity. It was the first case after 1500 when the Russian paradise captivated hetman. In 1660, at the head of the army, sent under the Mogilev deposited by the Polish-Lithuanian troops, won a strategic victory over the enemy on the Bass River at the village of Gubarevo, forcing the hethens P. Sapega and S. Charnetsky to retreat from the city. Thanks to the banner of Dolgorukova, the "front line" in Belarus on the Dnieper remained until the end of the war 1654-1667. In 1670 he headed the army aimed at combating the Cossacks of the walls of Razin, in as soon as possible He suppressed the Cossack rebellion, which later led to the oath of the Don Cossacks on the loyalty to the king and the transformation of the Cossacks from the robbers in the "sovereign servants".

Yuri Vsevolodovich

Istomin Vladimir Ivanovich

Istomin, Lazarev, Nakhimov, Kornilov - Great people who served and fought in the city of Russian Glory - Sevastopol!

Plates Matvey Ivanovich

Military Ataman Don Cossack troops. He began the actual military service from 13 years old. A participant in several military companies is most famous as the commander of the Cossack troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 and during the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army. Thanks to the successful actions of the Cossacks under his command, Napoleon's saying was included:
- Happy commander who has Cossacks. If I had an army from some Cossacks, I would conquer the whole of Europe.

General-Feldmarshal Gudovich Ivan Vasilyevich

Sturm of the Turkish Fortress of Anapa on June 22, 1791. In difficulty and importance only inferior to the sturm of Izmail A.V. Svorov.
A 7-thousand Russian detachment assault took Anapa, which was defended by a 25 thousand Turkish garrison. At the same time, shortly after the start of the assault, 8,000 equestrian horses and the Turks attacted from the mountains on the Russian detachment, which attacked the Russian camp, but could not break into it, were repulsed in a fierce battle and pursued by Russian cavalry.
The cruel battle for the fortress lasted over 5 hours. From the composition of the Garrison of Anapa, about 8,000 people died, 13 532 were captured by the commandant and Sheikha Mansur. A small part (about 150 people) was saved on ships. Almost all artillery (83 guns and 12 mortira) was captured or destroyed, 130 was found. A separate detachment was expelled from Anapa from Anapa to near the fortress of Sudzhuk-Kale (on the site of the modern Novorossiysk), but with his approach, the garrison burned the fortress and ran to the mountains, throwing 25 guns.
The losses of the Russian squad were very high - a 23 officer and 1 215 ordinary officers were killed, 71 officer and 2401 ordinary (in the "military encyclopedia" of the Sytin are several smaller data - 940 killed and 1995 wounded). Gudovich was awarded the Order of St. George 2nd degree, all officers were awarded, a special medal was established for the lower ranks.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich

For the highest headquarters and immense love for the Russian soldier

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

The commander, under the beginning of which the White Army smaller for 1.5 years defeated the Red Army and took possession of the North Caucasus, Crimea, Novorossia, Donbass, Ukraine, Don, part of the Volga region and the Central Chernozem Gubnerships of Russia. Preserved the dignity of the Russian name and during the Second World War, refusing to cooperate with the Nazis, despite the irreconcilable anti-Soviet position

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

Successfully commanded the Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War. Among other things, he stopped the Germans near Moscow, Berlin took.

Joseph Vladimirovich Gurko (1828-1901)

General, hero of the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. The Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, marked the liberation of the Balkan peoples from the centuries-old Ottoman rule nominated a number of talented military leaders. Among them should be called MD Skobelev, M.I. Dragomirova, N.G. Tabletova, F.F. Radetsky, p.p. Kartseva et al. Among these famous names there is another one - Joseph Vladimirovich Gurko, whose name is associated with the victory under the whip, the heroic transition through the Winter Balkans and victories off the coast of the Maritz River.

15 (4) January 1725 Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky, warlord and statesman born.

Private bussiness

Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev (1725 - 1796) Born in the family of diplomat and statesman Alexander Rumyantsev. His mother, Maria Rumyantseva (nee Matveyeva) came from an ancient boyars and was the granddaughter of Artamon Matveyev. Got a home education. In 1731 is assigned to the guard. In 1739, he was enrolled in the Russian Embassy in Berlin, but for the next year for the "Mottry, Raciousness and Zabiamacy" was sent to Russia. Parents determined him to study in the land of the Shuttle Corps, but there, Peter Rumyantsev did not hold out years. In the end, he went to serve in the army regiment in the rank of the podoruk. Participated in the Russian-Swedish war 1741 - 1743. Brought to St. Petersburg news about the conclusion of the Abos World and, together with his father, was erected into County dignity. Soon received the rank of Colonel and became the commander of the Voronezh Infantry Regiment. In 1748, during the war, the Austrian legacy participated in the campaign of Russian troops on Rhine. Was produced in Majora General. After the death of the Father in 1749 he inherited a great condition.

Participant of a seven-year war. During the battle of Gross-Jersdorf 19 (30) August 1757, he commanded the reserve of the Russian army. On his own initiative, in a critical moment, inserting troops into battle, reheated the battle of the battle and ensured the victory of the Russian army. Since 1758 - Lieutenar General, Kavaler of the Order of Andrei the First-Called and Commander of Division. Districted in the battle of Cunesdorf 1 (12) August 1759, for which he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. He began to command a separate corps. In August 1761, the Kolberg Prussian fortress attacked (Kolobrzeg). The approaches to the fortress covered the fortified camp, where there was a 12-thousand squad of Prince Württemberg. Rumyantsev attacked the camp, captured him and began the siege of the fortress. Despite the recommendations of the Commander-in-Chief of A.Burlin to remove the siege and move away for winter apartments, Rumyantsev for their persistent action forced the garrison capitulate.

With the weighing for the throne of Peter III, Russia ceased to participate in a seven-year war. But the new emperor appreciated Rumyantsev. He produced him in General Annef and awarded the Order of St. Anna first degree. After the palace coup 1762 and the death of Peter III, Rumyantsev wanted to resign, but Catherine II refused to accept his petition. In 1764, the Empress appointed Rumyantsev General-Governor of Malorossia and the President of the Malorossiysk College.

Since the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, Peter Rumyantov was appointed commander of the second army, acting against the Crimean Khanate. He successfully reflected the invasion of the Crimean Tatars, took Azov and Taganrog. In September 1769, he headed the first army that led martialctions Against the Turks in Moldova and Valahia. He reflected the offensive of the Turks from Fokshan, took Brailov and won the Gurjji. June 17 (28) June 1770 caused the defeated by the Turks in Ryaby the grave, 7 (18) of July attacked the army of the Turks from Largy and forced her to retreat to Izmail, July 21 (August 1) defeated the main forces of the enemy near Kagul. He received the Order of St. George of the first degree and the title of General Field Marshal. Pursuing the enemy, captured Izmail, Kilia, Akkerman, Brailov, Isakchu. Military actions on the Danube. In 1774, he managed to surround the main forces of the Turkish army at altitudes in the noisy, which forced the enemy to take all Russian conditions of the peace treaty. On the day of the conclusion of Kuchuk-Kainardzhi world, Rumyantsev was awarded the honorary name "Sannaya" ("To glorify the dangerous transition to him through the Danube"), as well as the Feldmarshal rod and a sword with diamonds. Catherine awarded him with money and estates. In 1782, Obelisk was erected in the royal village in memory of Peter Rumyantsev's victories.

After the end of the war, he returned to the leadership of Maloros. In 1782, the administrative division on the province and the All-Russian system of local government was distributed to Malorossee, and in 1783 finally legalized serfdom there. At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, 1787-1791 was appointed commander of the second army, but soon he entered the conflict with the commander-in-chief Russian troops Gregory Potemkin and in 1789 he was withdrawn from the theater of hostilities. During the Polish campaign, 1794 headed the auxiliary army. The last years of life spent in his estate. Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunayi 8 (19) December 1791 in the village of Tashhan Poltava province.

Than famous

Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunay

An outstanding commander, distinguished by the ability to win victories on the enemy, who exceeded his troops with numbers. In the battle of a row, the grave of 25 thousands of Rumyantsev opposed 80 thousand Turks, under the kagulov, the ratio of forces was even more impressive: 17 thousand against 150 thousand. One of the main innovations in the military art of Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky was the maneuvering tactics of divisional kare in combination with the loose of the shooters (the system "Column - Rush Structure"), first applied in the siege of Kolberg. He abandoned the well-established combat traditions of the XVIII century, one of the first began to actively apply tactical reserves during the battle. The development of these innovations received from Alexander Suvorov, who began his teamic path under the leadership of Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky.

Also, Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunay, one of the first began to organize the close coordination of the actions of the army and the fleet during the military operation. For example, the Colberne siege was carried out jointly by the Corps of Rumyantsev and the squadron of the Baltic Fleet. Rumyantsev outlined his views on the military art of the Rumyantsev in the works of "Instructions", the "rite of service", "thoughts", which later became the basis for military charters.

What you need to know

In order to implement his ideas about the combination of columns and loose-building, at the occurrence of Rumyantsev, he created a special genus of light infantry in the Russian army - hurkers. In 1761, a battalion of five mouths for 100 people were formed on his order, each with two attacked artillery guns. Armament of the battalion soldier was facilitated compared to standard weapons of Grenadiers. Each soldier was equipped with a sniffer (bag) with a food margin for three days. For action, the battalion is ordered to choose the place of "good-friendly and authorship, in the forests, villages, on the pasacles", "in the ambush (ambushes) to be quiet and silence, having always in front of the patrols hiking, ahead and on the sides." At the occurrence of Hheman, they were built not three, but in two ranks, pairwise, seedlings in two couples from the pair; All buildings were made a quick step; They crumbled into one rang, "contained in reinforcement was scattered by a number of remaining in a bombard." In 1767, the number of hurkers was brought to 3,500 people, and two years later, the ruger teams were introduced in all infantry shelves. In 1770, Rumyantsev transformed the Hsenthers teams to battalions throughout the army. The ruger fell with a loaf with regimental columns, and in the avant-garde supported light cavalry. This tactics of Rumyantsev successfully used Suvorov.

Direct speech

I can not miss a single minute to make your imperial Majesty about only the famous acquisition of the glory of your weapon. Kolberg is convinced of his mulcoming contractions of that defense and sangs to discretion, and the Duke of Weytemgsky, attacking me 1 of the month with a damage that makes up most of his troops, is forced to be rerated for trembo and pursue all my light troops, which in seven in detail All non-payment will not miss. I dare for this awarder to ask your imperial Majesty of the Divised Fallency and for that, for sure he reacted this to bring it out that he is still distinguished by diligence to the interests of your Imperial Majesty used.

Relations of P. A. Rumyantseva Empress Elizavete about the capture of Kolberg (1761)

In the trophies at the place of battle and at the shore of Danube and with Izmail, received: the banners of fifty six, Bunchukov Two, Dervish signs two, Litavr four, shield one, different calibers of two hundred and three guns, about koi, how and shells will continue to have the honor to bring a special statement . To this day, we have more than two thousand military people, but on any day, they are not allowed to multiply in any day. Between the prisoners taken on the Danube, up to twenty ranks there are from the mediocre bosses, but in Izmail, where the captivity is great, they fell more carefully. Protection of prey, IKO then: tents, horses, camels, different cattle, provisions, crew, trucks with food, in no way do estimate; all of these are recruited by many thousands and so for the right sie only a convey that I couldn't transport anything from the above, and everything that had their army was left to sew the shore, in effect on the many broken army, it is easy to judge any, Kohl the Great in that loss of the enemy carries and how sufficient is our caring. By certifying the prisoners, the army Vizirovskaya, from us defeated, consisted of fifty thousand infantry and from a hundred square meters collected from Anatoly, Rushelia and from the most remote areas of the Power of Ottoman, where the Turkish army is just famous for the bravery. For testing justice, this should give the Turks, which personally can not be brave warrior as their riders and pedestrians.<…> During the battle, when our troops and artillery loomed opposed, Vizier and Magomet's great prophet and the Salga's name was strengthened to restore the overturned, but everyone shouted to him in response: there is no strength to knock off the Russians who are smashed as lightning. For in fact, in my institution, artillery, Major Major Melissino, Tol, sustained from the big guns, shot that not only the first time he overturned the enemy, but it seemed that the sound was the most firmly hesitated; Those for the great health in his rank I have honored to indicately recommend to your imperial majesty.

From relational P. A. Rumyantseva CatherineII on battle at kagule

10 facts about Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky

  • Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky received a name in honor of Peter I. The legend is common that the emperor was actually his father.
  • The place of birth of Peter Rumyantsev is definitely not known. Most often it is indicated that he was born in Moscow. However, information has been preserved that it happened in the Transnistrian village of Straved, where his mother was expected to return her husband from a diplomatic trip to Istanbul.
  • The motto of the graphic genus Rumyantsev - "not only weapon."
  • Prussian King Friedrich II is attributed to the words: "Fear the dog - Rumyantsev. All other Russian commanders are not dangerous. "
  • In the 1760s, by order of Rumyantsev, a census of Malorussess, known in history called "Rumyantsev's opis" was held. Not fully preserved census materials occupy 969 volumes in the archive.
  • Under Rumyantsev, the Ukrainian peasants began to grow potatoes. In 1765, he was sent from the Senate to instruction how to breed earth apples, "Potets," as well as up to 12 pudders of potato tubers. 10 poods frozen in a state cellar, but the remaining Rumyantsev remained distributed to the breeding of this plant.
  • If you do not consider Catherine II, which was the founder of the Order of St. George and, by virtue of this, was considered his cavalier, Rumyantsev-Zadunay became the first in the history of Russia by the Kavaler of the Order of St. George of the first degree.
  • Catherine sometimes called Rumyantsev with her greatness.
  • After the conclusion of the world of 1774, Catherine II was offered Rumyantsev "to enter Moscow on a triumphant chariot through the solemn gates", but he refused.
  • A few weeks before the death of Rumyantsev said: "We're more and more I am going through myself. In case, if I have a blow, I order me to die calmly and did not give me help. "

Materials about Peter Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky

Russian commander. Feldmarshal General.

Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev was born in Moscow. Got a good home education and first military experience under the leadership of the Father, General A.I. Rumyantseva is a companion and an active participant in the Northern War against Sweden. According to the tradition of that time, the Son of the famous Father was recorded in the guardian and in 1740 was produced in officers.

During the Russian-Swedish war, 1741-1743 was in the ranks of the Russian acting army at his father. The position of the parent provided Peter a decent career. At 18, Peter Rumyantsev in the rank of Colonel was appointed commander of the Voronezh infantry regiment, and soon his regiment was among the best.

In 1748 he participated in the campaign of Russian troops on the Rhine, but they did not have to participate on the side of Austria in combat actions against the French army. This campaign contributed in many ways to the end of the war for the Austrian legacy of 1740-1748.

Seven-year war 1756-1763 in which he participated in Europe, became a real combat school for Rumyantsev. He quickly moved on command positions in the current army, first successfully commanded the infantry brigade, and then division.

August 19, 1757 in the territory of Eastern Prussia near the modern Russian city of Chernyakhovsk, Russian 55-thousand Army General Field Marshal S.F. Apraksina at 79 guns switched to the Prussian border and moved to the city of Koenigsberg. However, the path to it was blocked by the troops of Field Marshal Levald (24 thousand people at 64 guns). The Russian commander-in-chief decided to bypass the position of the enemy and, crushing through the River Pregel, was located on vacation.

Having learned about this from his intelligence, Field Marshal Levald also moved to the opposite bank of the river and unexpectedly attacked Russian troops, which were built to continue the campaign march to Allenburg. The main strike came to the 2nd division of General Lopukhin, which has just begun to move in a hiking system. In the first minutes of the attacks of Prussakov, Narva and the 2nd Grenadier regiments lost to half of their composition. Russian infantry turned into a battle order and reflected in the center all attacks of the enemy, but the right flank of the Lopukhin division remained open.

In such a critical situation, the Commander of the Infantry Brigade of the 1st Division, General Rumyantsev, showed the initiative and led the brigade into battle. Rumyantsev regiments, sieving to quickly climb through the wetlands, unexpectedly hit the flank of the attacking Prussian infantry. This blow, supported by the whole Russian army, and bowed the scales in her favor. Feldmarshal Levald's troops, losing about 5 thousand people and 29 guns, they moved to Velau in disorder, with his rear base. Russians who have lost 5.4 thousand people due to the commander-in-chief, pursued them sluggish.

After the Victory APRAKSIN unexpectedly, the Russian army from East Prussia was unwitting for everyone, for which he was removed from office and was accused of state treason.

On August 1, 1759, the second large battle of the seven-year war took place at the village of Cunersdorf East of the city of Frankfurt-on-Oder. Then the royal army of Prussia was agreed on the battlefield under the command of Friedrich II and the Russian Army under the command of General-Annef P.S. Saltykov with the Union Austrian Corps.

In this battle, Rumyantsev commanded the troops, defending the height of Gross-Schitsberg; With rifle volley to focus, artillery fire and blows, they beat off all the attacks of Prussian infantry and cavalry. Friedrich II attempts to master Gross Schitsberg ultimately turned into a complete defeat of the Prussian army.

After this victory, General-lieutenant P.A. Rumyantsev received a separate building under his command, with whom in 1761 heeded the powerful Prussian fortress Kolberg (now the Polish city of Kolobrzeg) on \u200b\u200bthe shores of the Baltic Sea. During the seven-year war, Russian troops unsuccessfully besieged this seaside fortress. For the third time, Kolberg was blocked by a 22-thousand (with 70 guns) by the Rumyantsev corps with sushi, and from the sea - the Baltic squadron Vice-Admiral A.I. Polyansky. A squad of the Union Swedlen Fleet participated in the sea block.

The garrison of the Kolberg Fortress has 4 thousand people at 140 guns. The approach to the fortress was covered with a well-fortified field camp, located on an elevation favorable for defense between the river and the swamp. The defenses in the camp held the 12-thousandth Corps of Prince Württemberg. The route of callberg with the Prussian capital Berlin was covered with royal troops (individual detachments) with 15-20 thousand people with a number.

P.A. Rumyantsev, before siege to the enemy fortress, taught his troops to attack columns, and light infantry (future shooting ranges) - to act in the loose system on a strongly crossed terrain, and only after that he went to the Kolberg fortress.

With the support of the ship artillery and landing of the sailors, the Corpus Rumyantsev mastered the advanced field fortifications of Prussacians and at the beginning of September came close to the camp of Prince Württemberg. He, who could not withstand the shelling of the Russian artillery and seeing the readiness of the enemy to go to the assault of his camps, on the night of November 4, secretly diverted his troops from the fortress.

The Russians occupied enemy camping fortifications and besieged the fortress from all sides, starting it to bombard from sushi and from the sea. Prince Württemberg, together with other royal warlords, tried to help the deposited, but did not achieve success. The Cossack Concerts reported on time Rumyantsev about the approach of Prussians, and they were always met in fulfillment. December 5, the Kolberg garrison, without preparing the siege, capitulated before the Russians. For Prussia, the passing of this fortress has become a huge loss.

During the seven-year war, General Rumyantsev nominated the best commander of Empress Catherine II.

In 1764-1796 P.A. Rumyantsev was president of the Malorossiysk College, while leaving the service in the army. At the same time, he was both the Governor-General of the Malorussia, who was subordinate to the troops quartered there.

With the name of Rumyantsev, the legal establishment of serfdom in Ukraine in 1783 is connected. Prior to this, the Ukrainian peasants were formally friendly by free people. The Graph of Rumyantsev himself was among the largest destroyers-serfs of the Russian Empire. Empress Ekaterina II gave its favorites, approached by her faces and winners warlords by many thousands of shower serfs, estates, villages.

As the head of Malorussey Rumyantsev made a lot to prepare the troops entrusted to him with Turkey. Empress Ekaterina II decided to win the Northern Black Sea in the Ottoman ports to provide Russia to the Black Sea and at the same time commit to Crimean raids, for several centuries, disturbing the border territories of the Russian state.

At the beginning of the first Russian-Turkish war, 1768-1774, the Malorus-Russian Governor General became the commander of the 2nd Russian Acting Army. In 1769, he headed forwarding troops aimed at taking the Turkish Azov Fortress. In August of the same year, the commander of the 1st Russian Army was appointed. He headed her main victories - in battles with a row grave, Large and Cagule. In all three battles of Rumyantsev, choosing offensive tactics, demonstrated the ability to maneuver the troops and seek a complete victory over the superior enemy forces.

A row of grave is called Kurgan on the right bank of the river Prut near the mouth of the Kalmatsui River (Limatsus). Not far from this Kurgan on June 17, 1770, the Russian army inflicted a complete defeat of the Turkish troops and the horseman of the Crimean Hana. 1st Army General Ansefa P.A. Rumyantseva numbered about 39 thousand people at 115 guns. The 11th of the 11th, she focused on the eastern shore of the rod to the field strengthened positions of the enemy. 22 thousand Turks and 50 thousand Horse Crimean Tatars were stood against Russians with 44 guns. Commed by these forces Crimean Khan Caplan-Gire.

Despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, Rumyantsev decided to master its fortifications to the sudden attack. For this, he divided his army into four detachments. The main forces who were commanded by Rumyantsev, and the detachment of General F.V. Bower was intended for attack from the front. Two other detachments - General G.A. Potemkin and Prince N.V. Repnin (together with the Connection of General I.P. Saltykov) was to strike in the flank and rear.

Russians went to the offensive at dawn. The main forces of their frontal attack distracted the attention of Khan Kaplan-Hire from its flanks. Peremkin's troops (crushed through the rod of the south of the enemy camp) and Repnin immediately created the rust of the surroundings for the Sultan troops, and then appealed to flight. Russian cavalry pursued concerned for 20 kilometers.

After the victory in a row, the grave of the Rumyantsev army moved to the south. The second battle took place on July 7 on the shores of the Larga River, which went to Prut. Here, General-Anshufu Rumyantsev again opposed Khan Khalan-Gary, the ruler of Crimean Khanate. This time he had 65 thousand Crimean cavalry under his sign, 15 thousand Turkish infantry at 33 guns.

The enemy strengthened in the camp near the mouth of Largy on her opposite shore, waiting for the approach of the Russian army. Rumyantsev's plan was such. Divisions of Lieutenant General P.G. Pleyhannikova (about 6 thousand people with 25 guns) was to be formed by an opponent with an attack from the front. The main army forces should have applied a powerful blow to the right enemy flank.

At night, the Russian troops, leaving laid fires in a hiking camp, crossed in Largu and built in front of her in divisional kara with artillery and cavalry between them. Each of the three divisional kares in the battle acted independently. Just in case a strong reserve was created. The battle began at 4 am. Under the cover of a fire of 7 batteries, the main forces of the Rumyantsev army began bypass maneuvr.

Han Kaplan-Garya vainly sent his huge confire against the coming kare. She applied blows into the flank, then in the rear of Russian kara, but each time it was led to the losses with large for Crimeans. Especially difficult did the division of General Repnin, who was advancing on the left flank of the main forces. She sometimes turned out to be fully surrounded by enemy light shelter.

In the end, faded by the longitudinal fire put forward by Major V. Major's battery and an attacked by the cavalry of General-lieutenant Saltykov and the Infantry Brigade of General Major A.V. Roman-korsakov Crimean cavalry poked on its fortified camp. At this time, the battalions of Pleyankov resolutely went to his assignment and during the first bayonet attack broke into the camp. Turkish infantry, not taking a hand-to-hand combat, the first appealed to flight. Crimean cavalry fled behind her.

By 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the battle on the shores of the Larga river ended with a complete victory of Russian weapons. Only hasty retreat allowed the Turks and the Crimean Connection to avoid large losses. Their losses were over a thousand people killed and up to 2 thousand prisoners. The victorious trophies became the entire artillery of the enemy, 8 banned and huge traffic. The losses of Russian troops amounted to only 90 people, so tangible turned out to be their superiority in the ability to professionally fight over the Turkish infantry and the Crimean Connection.

The troops of the Crimean Khan Kaplan-Hire, defeated in battles with a row of grave and on the Large River, were only an avant-garde of the Turkish army under the command of the great Vizier of Khalil Pasha. She was also transferred through the full Danube and focused in the southern part of Bessarabia.

The Turks were waiting for an opponent's approach in a well-fortified wild camp east of the village of Vulcanesshti (now the Republic of Moldova). The army of Khalil-Pasha numbered up to 50 thousand infantry, predominantly Yanycharskaya, 100 thousand cavalry and 130-180 guns. The nearly 80,000-thousand cavalry of Crimean Khan kept the non-report from the Turkish camp near Lake Yalpug, ready to hit the Rumyantsev's army to the rear and master his intersafers.

The Russian commander knew about the numerical superiority of the Halil-Pasha army, but decided to first attack his fortified field camp. Covered with a 11-thousandth detachment from the rear from the Crimean Cover, Rumyantsev led the main forces of their army: 21 thousand infantrymen, 6 thousand cavalry and 118 guns.

On the night of July 21, the Russian troops were five columns from a hiking camp at the village of Grechani (Grizesheti). Going through the Trajanov shaft, they again built in divisional kara. Cavalery is located between them and behind Kare. Two thirds of the forces were devastated to strike on the left flank of the enemy. Heavy cavalry and artillery brigade of General P.I. Melissino amounted to an army reserve.

From 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning, Russian troops have been put forward to the initial positions for the assault camp of the Great Vizier. During this time, the multi-thousand Turkish cavalry has repeatedly collapsed on a slowly moving chapes. Approaching the opponent's strengthen, the Russians went to the attack. During the attack, the Karea General-lieutenant Pleyankov, a 10-thousand squad, Janacar successfully counteranched and managed to break into the square and upset his ranks. Then the Rumyantsev was introduced into the action of Melissino artillery, and from the reserve of Division of General Olieza - the 1st Grenadier regiment, who went to the bayonet attack on the Yanychar infantry. Backup cavalry was thrown to the rescue.

Piece of Pleyankov, having recovered after the strike of Janchar, again moved forward. Yanycharam had to retreat for the strengthening of the camp. Soon the general assault on the Turkish camp began. Yanychars were knocked out of their trenches. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, the Turkish army, not to withstand the onslaught of Russian and the rage of hand-to-hand fights, fled in a panic. The great Vizier Khalil-Pasha lost the opportunity to manage his troops and also hurried to the Saving shores of the Danube, where the powerful Turkish fortress stood Izmail. Crimean Khan and His Connection did not decide to get involved in the battle and departed away from Kagula to Akkerman (now Belgorod-Dniester).

Rumyantsev sent part of their troops to pursue the Turks. Two days later, July 23, the Russians overtook them in crossing through the Danube at the Kartal and caused them another defeat. The Supreme Vizyr again turned out to be powerless - his warriors refused to obey him, thinking only about how to get to the right bank of the Danube.

This time the enemy losses were huge: about 20 thousand people were killed and prisoners. On the field of the Battle of the Turks threw 130 guns, taking with them only a small number of lungs. The loss of winners amounted to about 1.5 thousand people. The trophies of the Russians were again the conversion of the Sultanian army and its campaign camp with many thousands of tents and salars.

Empress Ekaterina II generously awarded Russian military leaders and for the kagul victory. Petr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev was awarded the Order of St. George 1st degree. He became the second person in the history of Russia, which received such a high award. The first was the sovereign itself, which his own main hand was posing on the ordinance signs of the 1st degree.

Moved along the river Prut, the Russian army reached the shores of the Danube and took the left bank of its lower flow. To make Turkey, recognize himself defeated in the war, Rumyantsev, now the Feldmarshal General, led his troops to the fortress nois. Russians, crouching through the Danube, were in the Bulgarian Earth.

This forced the Ottoman Empire to conclude with Russia Kychuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty, which was secured by Russia the status of the Black Sea Power. To commemorate the victories of the Russian commander in 1775, by decree of the empress, became referred to the Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky.

At the end of the war, Peter Alexandrovich was entrusted to the command of the heavy cavalry of the Russian army.

At the beginning of the new Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), Rumyantsev-Zadunay was appointed commander of the 2nd Russian Army. However, due to the conflict with the favorite of the Empress, Gregory Potemkin, Rumyantsev-Zadunay, was soon removed from the command of the army and in 1789 he was withdrawn from the theater of hostilities for the execution of general-governor's duties in Malorus.

P.A. Rumyantsev-Sannunay made a great contribution to the development of Russian military art. He perfectly organized the learning process regular army, applied new, more progressive forms of fighting. He was an adherent of offensive strategy and tactics, which later improved another great Russian commander - A.V. Suvorov.

For the first time in the history of military art, Rumyantsev-Zadunay used divisional kare in combination with the loose of the shooters, which meant a departure from linear tactics.

Russian commander wrote several military-theoretical works. His "instructions", the "rite of service" and "thoughts" were reflected in the military charters of the Russian army and influenced its organization in the second half of the XVIII century.

Alexey Shishov. 100 great military managers