Taking Izmail Suvorov. Taking the fortress Izmail

Victory in the Russian-Turkish War 1768-1774. Provided Russia access to the Black Sea. But under the terms of the Kychuk-Kaynardzhi Treaty, the strong fortress Ishmael, located at the mouth, remained for Turkey.

In 1787, Turkey, supported by England and France, demanded a revision of the contract from Russia: the return of the Crimea and the Caucasus, recognizing the invalid subsequent agreements. After receiving a refusal, she started hostilities. Turkey planned to seize Kinburn and Kherson, plant a large landing in the Crimea and defeat the database of the Russian fleet Sevastopol. For the deployment of hostilities on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Kuban, significant Turkish forces were directed towards Sukhum and Anapa. To ensure their plans, Turkey has prepared a 200-thousandth army and a strong fleet of 19 linear ships, 16 frigates, 5 bombardir corvets and large number Ships and vessels collateral.

Russia launched two armies: Ekaterinoslav General Field Marshal Grigory Potemkin (82 thousand people) and Ukrainian Field Marshal General Petra Rumyantsev (37 thousand people). Two strong military buildings were isolated from the composition of the Ekaterinoslav army were in Kuban and in the Crimea.

Russian Black Sea Fleet was based at two points: the main forces - in Sevastopol (23 warships with 864 guns) under the command of Admiral M.I. Worthanovich, the future Great Flotodets Fedor Ushakov served here, and the rowing flotilla in the Dnipro-Bug Liman (20 low-tonnage ships and ships, partly not yet armed). On the side of Russia, a large European country was made - Austria, which sought to expand its possessions at the expense of the Balkan states under the rule of Turkey.

The plan of action of allies (Russia and Austria) was offensive. He was to invade the limits of Turkey on both sides: the Austrian army was supposed to begin an offensive from the West and master Khotin; The Ekaterinoslav army had to deploy military actions on the Black Sea coast, to master the Ochast, then go to the Dnieper, clear the area from the Turks between the Dniester and the Prut, for which the Bender. Russian fleet It was supposed to be active actions on the Black Sea to sow the opponent fleet and prevent landing operations to Turkey.

Military actions developed for Russia successfully. Shakhkov, Alexander Suvorov's victory at Fokshans and Ramnica, created prerequisites for the completion of the war and signing the world profitable for Russia. Turkey did not have at this time forces for serious resistance to the armies of the allies. However, politicians could not use a favorable moment. Turkey managed to collect new troops, get help from Western countries, and the war was delayed.

Yu.H. Sadylenko. Portrait of A.V. Suvorov

In the campaign of 1790, the Russian command planned to take the Turkish fortresses on the left bank of the Danube, and then transfer hostilities for the Danube.

During this period, brilliant successes were obsessed with Russian sailors under the command of Fyodor Ushakov. The Turkish fleet suffered major defeats in the Kerch Strait and the Island of the Trenda. The Russian fleet captured strong domination on the Black Sea, ensuring the conditions for the active offensive actions of the Russian army and the rowing flotilla on the Danube. Soon, salting by the fortresses of Kilia, Tulcha and Isaccha, the Russian troops approached Izmail.

The fortress Izmail was considered impregnable. Before the war, she was rebuilt under the guidance of French and German engineers, significantly increased its strengthening. From three sides (Northern, Western and Eastern), the fortress surrounded the shaft with a length of 6 km, up to 8 meters high with earthen and stone bastions. Before the shaft, the ditch of 12 meters wide and up to 10 meters of depth, which in separate places was filled with water. From the south side, Izmail was covered by the Danube. Inside the city there were many stone buildings that could be actively used to conduct defense. The garrison of the fortress was 35 thousand people at 265 serfs.

K. Lebezko. Suvorov teaches soldiers

In November, the Russian army is a number of 31 thousand people (including 28.5 thousand people of infantry and 2.5 thousand people cavalry) With 500, the instruments were besieged with sushi. The river flotilla under the command of General Orase de Ribas, destroying almost all the Turkish river flotilla, blocked the fortress from the Danube.

Two assaults izmail ended in failure and troops switched to a planned siege and artillery shelling of the fortress. With the beginning of autumn bad weather in the army located in the open locality, mass disease began. Millingly with the opportunity to take plenty of storm, who led the generals, the generals decided to take the troops to winter apartments.

On November 25, the command of the troops under Izmail was instructed by Suvorov. Potemkin provided him with the right to act at his discretion: "Continuing whether the enterprises on Izmail or Leaven." In his letter to Alexander Vasilyevich, he noted: "My hope for God and your courage, hurry my gracious friend ...".

Arriving for Izmail on December 2, Suvorov stopped the troops from under the fortress. Assessing the situation, he decided to immediately prepare the assault. After examining the strengthening of the enemy, he noted Potemkin in the report that they were "without weak places."

Preparation for the assault was held for nine days. Suvorov sought to maximize the focus of suddenness, for which the preparation for the offensive was hidden. Special attention Approached the preparation of troops to assault actions. The village of the throw had trees and walls similar to Izmail. Six days and nights soldiers worked on them ways to overcome the RVs, shafts and fortress walls. Suvorov has encouraged the warriors with the words: "More sweat is less than blood!" At the same time, preparation for a long siege was simulated for the deception of the enemy, batteries were laid, fortification was carried out.

Suvorov has found time to develop for officers and soldiers special instructions, which contained the rules for doing the battle during the storming of the fortress. In the Trubaevsky Kurgan, where a small obelisk is towering today, there was a tent of the commander. Here, painstaking preparation for the storm was carried out, it was thought out and all before the smallest detail was envisaged. "At such a storm," Alexander Vasilyevich confessed later, "it was possible to venture only once in life."

Before the battle at the Military Council, Suvorov said: "Twice the Russians stood before Izmail and retreat from him twice; Now, for the third time, nothing else remains how to take a fortress or die ... ". Military Council unanimously acted in support of the great commander.

On December 7, Suvorov sent the commandant I wrote a letter of Potemkin with an ultimatum about the surrender of the fortress. The Turks, in the case of voluntary surrender, was guaranteed the life, preservation of property and the opportunity to cross through the Danube, otherwise "the fate of Ochlakova will follow." A letter ended with the words: "The brave general of Count Alexander Suvorov-Ramniksky was appointed to execute this. And Suvorov attached his note to the letter: "I came here with the troops. 24 hours on thinking for passing and will; The first my shots are already invoking; Sturm - death. "

Taking Izmail. Unless author

Turks were refused to capitulate and responded in response that "Mostly, the Danube will stop within his own and the sky will bow to the earth than the Ishmael surrendered." This answer on the orders of Suvorov was read in every company to inspire the soldiers before the storm.

The assault was scheduled for December 11th. To preserve the secrecy of Suvorov, did not give a written order, but was limited to the oral formulation of the task of commander. The commander planned to spend a nightly attack by land forces and river flotilla with different areas. The main blow was applied by the least protected routing part of the fortress. The troops were divided into three detachments of three columns in each. The column included up to five battalions. Six columns acted with sushi and three columns - from the Danube.

Detachment under the command of General P.S. Potemkin is a number of 7,500 people (the columns of the generals of Lviv, Lassi and Mecknowoba were included in it) was to attack the Western FAS fortress; Detachment General A.N. Samoilova number of 12 thousand people (Columns of Major General M.I. Kutuzov and Cossack Brigaders Platov and Orlov) - Northeast Fox Fortress; The detachment of General de Ribas is a number of 9 thousand people (the columns of Major Arsajnaev, Chapega's Brigadier and Major's Guard Major Markov) had to attack the striped fac of the fortress from the Danube. The total reserve of about 2500 people was divided into four groups and is located against each of the fortress gate.

Of the nine columns in the main direction, six were concentrated. They also have the main artillery. Ahead of each column was to move a team of 120-150 arrows in a loose building and 50 workers with a chant tool, then three battalions with fascines and stairs. Closes a reserve column built in a kara.

F.I. Sunny. Actions of Russian artillery during the storming fortress Izmail in 1790

Preparing the assault, in the morning of December 10, Russian artillery from sushi and ships led continuous fire on the strengthening and batteries of the enemy, which lasted before the start of the attack. At 5:30 minutes and 30 minutes on December 11, the columns moved to the fortress assault. River flotilla under the cover of the fire of ship artillery (about 500 guns) landed the landing. The precipitated met the attacking columns with artillery and rifle fire, and in separate sites and counterattacks.

Despite strong fire and desperate resistance, the 1st and 2nd columns broke into the shaft and captured the bastions. In the course of the battle, General Lviv and the command of the 1st column took the Colonel Zolotukhin was seriously injured. The 6th column immediately mastered the shaft, but then delayed, reflecting the strong counterattack of the Turks.

In the most difficult conditions, the 3rd column was: the depth of the Rib and the height of the bastion, which she had to take, turned out to be more than in other places. Soldiers had to bind the stairs under the fire of the enemy to climb on the shaft. Despite the big losses, she performed his task.

The 4th and 5th columns compiled from the hurked Cossacks were solved. They were counterattanded by the Turks from the fortress, and the Cossacks of Platov had to overcome the moat with water. The Cossacks not only coped with the task, but also contributed to the successful attack of the 7th column, which was divided into four parts after the landing and went to the attack under the flank fire of Turkish batteries. During the battle, Platov had to take on the command of the squad, replacing a seriously wounded General Samoilov. Successfully coped with the tasks and the remaining columns that attacked the enemy from the Danube.

With the dawn, the fight has already walked inside the fortress. At 11 o'clock, the gate was opened and reinforcements were included in the fortress. Heavy street fighting continued to twilight. Turks were desperately defended. The assault columns were forced to separate and act separate battalions and even rotary. Their efforts were constantly increasing due to the introduction of reserves into battle. To support attacking the ingestion, part of artillery was introduced.

"The fortress of Izmail, so fortified, how extensive and which seemed to the enemy invincible, taken terrible for him by Russian bayonets. The persistence of the enemy, who believed in turning hope of his own for the number of troops, downtown, "wrote Potemkin in the report of Catherine II.

During the storm, the Turks lost more than 26 thousand people, 9 thousand were captured. The Russians captured about 400 banners and Bunchukov, 265 guns, the remains of the river flotilla - 42 vessels, large stocks of ammunition and many other trophies. Russian losses amounted to 4 thousand killed and 6 thousand wounded.

Taking the Russian troops Ishmael sharply changed the strategic situation in the war in favor of Russia. Turkey was forced to move to peace negotiations.

In the hall of the Izmail Historical Museum, A.V. Suvorov

"There was no fortress fortnight, there was no defense desperately defense Izmail, but Izmail was taken," these words from the report of Suvorov Potemkin carved on the monument established in honor of the great Russian commander.

The Day of the Military Glory of Russia, celebrated today, was established in honor of the Taken Day of the Turkish fortress I chemled by Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov in 1790. Holiday is installed Federal law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 "On the Days of Military Fame (Victory Days) of Russia."

Special importance during russian-Turkish war 1787-1791 was taken Izmail - Citades of Turkish rule on the Danube. The fortress was built under the guidance of German and French engineers in accordance with the newest requirements Fortification. From the south she defended the Danube, which has a width of half a kilometer here. There was 12 meters wide and a depth of 6 to 10 meters around the fortress walls, in some places the RVA stood water to 2 meters deep. Inside the city there were many stone buildings, comfortable for defense. The garrison of the fortress numbered 35 thousand people and 265 guns.

Brief certificate

Sturm Izmail in 1790 was taken in the Russian-Turkish war 1787-1792. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the South Army General-Field Marshal G. A. Potemkin. N. V. Repnin (1789), N. V. Gudovich and P. S. Potemkin (1790), afterll, were unable to solve this task (1790), after which A. V. Potemkin instructed the operation of A. V. Suvorov. Arriving on December 2 under Izmail, Suvorov for six days led preparations for the assault, including the teaching troops to storm the layouts of the high fortress walls Izmail. The commandant Izmail was proposed to capitulate, but he in response ordered to report that "the sky will fall on earth, which will be taken."
For two days, Suvorov led artillery preparation, and on December 11, at 5 h 30 min of the morning, the storming of the fortress began. By 8 am, all fortifications were occupied, but resistance on the streets of the city continued until 16 hours. Turkish losses amounted to 26 thousand people. killed and 9 thousand prisoners. The losses of the Russian army amounted to 4 thousand people. killed and 6 thousand wounded. All implements were captured, 400 banners, huge reserves of the provisionant and jewelry by 10 million pirasters. The commandant of the fortress was appointed M. I. Kutuzov.

A.A. Danilov: History of Russia IX - XIX century

Today I ammail with a population of 92 thousand people is the city of regional subordination in the Odessa region


Not wanting to reconcile with the results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, Turkey in July 1787 ultimitively demanded the return of the Crimea, refusing to the patronage of Georgia and the consent to inspect Russian commercial vessels passing through the straits. Without receiving a satisfactory answer, the Turkish government declared war on August 12, 1787. In turn, Russia decided to take advantage of the situation in order to expand its possessions in the Northern Black Sea region due to the complete displacement from there Turkish invaders.

In October 1787, Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov almost completely destroyed the 6-thousand landing of the Turks, intending to capture the mouth of the Dnieper, at the Kinburg Spit. Despite the brilliant victories of the Russian army under the Ochakovy (1788), Fokshan (1789) and on the River Ramp (1789), the opponent did not agree to accept the conditions of the world on which Russia insisted, and in every way tightened negotiations. Russian warlords and diplomats were aware that the successful completion of peace negotiations with Turkey would significantly contribute to the capture of Izmail.

The Izmail Fortress lay on the left bank of the Kyilean sleeve of the Danube between the lakes of Yalpogoh and Catlaboch, on the slope of the altitude, ending the Danube's low, but rather steeply rolling. The strategic value of Izmail was very large: there were ways from Galats, Hotin, Bender and Kiel; Here was the most convenient place to invade from north for Danube to Dobrudju. By the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792, the Turks under the guidance of German and French engineers turned inspired to a powerful fortress with a high shaft and a wide moat depth from 3 to 5 sages (6.4-10.7 m), places filled with water. On 11 bastions were located 260 guns. The garrison of Izmail was 35 thousand people under the command of Aidozle-Mehmet-Pasha. A part of the garrison was commanded by Kaplan-Gary, the brother of the Crimean Khan, who was helped by five of his sons. Sultan was very angry with his troops for all preceding surrender and firm commanded in the event of the fall Izmail executed from his garrison of each, wherever it was found.

Siege and assault Izmail

In 1790, after mastering the fortresses of Kilia, Tulcha and Isaccha, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Prince G.A. Potemkin-Tavrician gave an order by the detachments of the generals I.V. Gudtovich, P.S. Potemkin and Flotilla General de Ribas seize Izmail. However, their actions were indecisive. On November 26, the Military Council decided to remove the siege of the fortress due to the approach of winter. The commander-in-chief did not approve this decision and was prescribed General-Annefu A.V. Suvorov, whose troops stood at the Galatian, take command of parts, precipitated Izmail. Having received the command on December 2, Suvorov returned to Izmail the troops, who were moving away from the fortress, and blocked it from Sushi and from the River Danube. Having finished the preparation of the assault, Suvorov on December 7, 1790 sent the commandant Izmatimatum with the requirement to pass the fortress no later than 24 hours from the date of the ultimatum. Ultimatum was rejected. On December 9, the military council collected by Suvorov decided to immediately begin the storm, which was appointed on December 11. Attacking troops were divided into 3 detachments (wings) 3 columns each. The detachment of Major de Ribas (9 thousand people) attacked from the river side; Right wing under the authorities of General-lieutenant P.S. Potemkin (7,500 people) had to strike from the western part of the fortress; Left wing General-lieutenant A.N. Samoilova (12 thousand people) - with east. Cavalry reserves of Brigadier Westfalen (2500 people) were on the land side. The entire army of Suvorov has numbered 31 thousand people, including 15 thousand - irregular, poorly armed. (Orlov N. Sturm Izmail Suvorov in 1790. St. Petersburg., 1890. S. 52.) Suvorov decided to start the assault at 5 o'clock in the morning, about 2 hours before dawn. Darkness was needed for the surprise of the first blow and mastering the shaft; Then, the fight in the dark was unprofitable, since it was difficult to manage the troops. Anticipating stubborn resistance, Suvorov wanted to have at its disposal as much as possible day of day.

On December 10, with the sunrise began preparing storming fire with flanking batteries, from the island and from the ships of the flotilla (only about 600 guns). She continued almost a day and ended 2.5 hours before the start of the assault. On this day, the Russians lost killed 3 officers and 155 lower ranks, injured - 6 officers and 224 lower ranks. The assault did not become a surprise for the Turks. They were ready for the attack of Russians every night; In addition, several fadepers revealed the plan of Suvorov.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, on December 11, 1790, the first signal rocket was silent, according to which the troops left the camp and, rebuilding in the columns, spoke to the places appointed at the distance. In half the sixth morning, the columns moved to the attack. Previously, others approached the fortress of the 2nd column of Major General B.P. Lassi. At 6 o'clock in the morning, under the hagin of the enemy bullets, Henmany Lassi defeated the shaft, and the cruel battle was started at the top. Absheron arrows and Fanagori Grenadiers of the 1st column of General Major S.L. Lviv overturned the enemy and, mastered the first batteries and Khotinsky gates, connected from the 2nd column. Hotin gates were open to cavalry. At the same time at the opposite end of the fortress, the 6th column of General Major M.I. Golenishcheva-Kutuzov took possession of the Bastion from Kyili gate and took the shaft until neighboring bastions. The highest difficulties were issued to the 3rd column of Meknoba. She stormed a big northern bastion, neighboring him to the east, and Kurtin between them. In this place, the depth of the Rib and the height of the shaft was so great that the stairs are 5.5 sages (about 11.7 m) turned out to be short, and had to bind them two together under fire. The main bastion was taken. The fourth and fifth columns (respectively, Colonel V.P. Orlova and Brigadier M.I. Platov) also fulfilled the tasks set before them, defeated the shaft on its sites.

The landing troops of Major-Major de Ribas in three columns under the cover of the rowing fleet moved along the signal to the fortress and built in combat order in two lines. The landing began at about 7 am. It was performed quickly and clearly, despite the resistance of more than 10 thousand Turks and Tatars. The success of landing a lot was contributed to the column of Lviv, attacked by the coastal Danube batteries in the flank, and the actions of the ground troops on the east side of the fortress. The first column of Major General N.D. Arsenyev, who boiled on 20 courts, landed on the shore and divided into several parts. Kherson Grenader battalion under the command of Colonel V.A. Zuben mastered a very steep cavalier, losing 2/3 people. The battalion of the Lifelands of the Colonel Colonel Graph of Rozhor Damas took the battery that enfilmed the shore. Other parts also mastered the fortifications lying in front of them. The third column of Brigadier E.I. Markova landed at the western tip of the fortress under the floating fire with the Reduta Tabia.

With coming daylight It became clear that the shaft is taken, the enemy is supplanted from the fortressing tops and retreats interior cities. Russian columns from different sides moved to the center of the city - to the right Potemkin, from the north of the Cossacks, on the left of Kutuzov, from the river side of De Ribas. A new battle began. Especially fierce resistance continued until 11 am. Several thousand horses joined from burning stables, in rabies rushed through the streets and increased confusion. Almost every house had to take with battle. Around noon, Lassi, the first asked the fortress tree, the first to reach the middle of the city. Here he met a thousand Tatars under the authorities of Maksud-Gurya, Prince Genghishane blood. Maksud-Girey defended stubbornly, and only when most of his detachment was interrupted, surrendered to 300 warriors survived.

To support the infantry and ensuring the success of Suvorov, I ordered to introduce into the city of 20 light guns to clean the streets from the Turk. In the hour of the day, in essence, the victory was obsessed. However, the battle has not yet been completed. The enemy tried to attack not separate Russian squads or sat down in strong buildings as in the citadels. An attempt to snatch back Izmail took Kaplan-Gary, the brother of the Crimean Khan. He gathered several thousand equestrian and hiking Tatars and the Turks and led them to the coming Russian. In a desperate battle, in which more than 4 thousand Muslims were killed, he fell with five sons. At two in the afternoon, all columns penetrated the city center. At 4 o'clock the victory was finally won. Izmail fell.

Sturma results

The losses of the Turks were huge, more than 26 thousand people were killed. 9 thousand captured captured, of which 2 thousand died on the other day. (Orlov N. Decree. Cit., P. 80.) Only one person saved from the entire garrison. Easy wounded, he fell into the water and swam the Danube on the log. 265 guns were taken in Izmail, up to 3 thousand pounds gunpowder, 20 thousand nuclei and many other combat supplies, up to 400 banners, tested by the blood of defenders, 8 lansons, 12 ferries, 22 light vessels and a lot of rich mining, which took place, total up to 10 million piastra (over 1 million rubles). Russians were killed 64 officers (1 brigadier, 17 headquarters, 46 oper-officers) and 1816 ordinary; A 253 officer was injured (of them three major generals) and 2450 lower ranks. The total number of losses amounted to 4582 people. Some authors define the number of killed up to 4 thousand, and the wounded to 6 thousand, only 10 thousand, including 400 officers (out of 650). (Orlov N. Decree. Cit., P. 80-81, 149.)

According to this Suvorov promise in advance, the city according to the custom of that time was granted to the power of soldiers. At the same time, Suvorov took steps to ensure order. Kutuzov, appointed by the commandant Izmail, put the guard in the most important places. Inside the city was opened a huge hospital. The bodies of the killed Russians were overlooking the city and got buried church rite. The Turkish corpses were so much that the order was given to throw the body in the Danube, and the prisoners divided into this work were identified. But with this method, Izmail was cleared of corpses only after 6 days. The prisoners were sent by parties to Nikolaev under the cone Cossacks.

Suvorov extended to the assault Ishmael to get the rank of General Feldmarshal, but Potemkin, petitioning his award before the Empress, offered to reward him with a medal and the rank of the guard of lieutenant colonel or an adjutant general. The medal was knocked out, and Suvorov was appointed by Lieutenant Colonel of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Such lieutenant colonels were already ten; Suvorov became the eleventh. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army Prince G.A. Potemkin-Tauride, having arrived in St. Petersburg, received the Field Marshad Mundir as a reward, shy by diamonds, at the price of 200 thousand rubles. Tauride Palace; In the royal village it was envisaged to build a prince Obelisk depicting his victories and conquests. Lower ranks were distributed oval silver medals; For officers installed a golden sign; The bosses received orders or gold swords, some - ranks.

The conquest of Izmail had a great political importance. It influenced the further course of the war and for conclusion in 1792 the Yaski world between Russia and Turkey, who confirmed the accession of the Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border according to R. Dniester. Thus, all Northern Black Sea Castle from the Dniester to Kuban was enshrined by Russia.

The materials of the book are used: "One hundred Great Bativ", M. "Veche", 2002

The city of Ismail Located on the shore of the River Danube in the very south of the Odessa region, in the historic region of Bessarabia. On the other side of the river from the city there is already Romania. To the Black Sea coast, the distance from Izmail is about 80 km away. The place is pretty isolated to get to the city you need to go through a deaf steppe. Also, one and a half hours away by car separates Izmail from the Ukrainian-Moldavian border - this is the main direction for leaving the car from Ukraine to Romania and Bulgaria.

How to get to Izmail?

To get to Izmail, let's say it is not easy. Highwaywhich binds the city with Odessa is in a rather deplorable state. Although in 2016 the authorities repaired several small sections of this road, all the same in some places roadbed It remains completely destroyed. There are several parts of the track, where cars prefer to go through the field, not the road, as there are less holes. If you do not feel sorry for your car, you can get to Odessa to Izmail in 4 hours. Climb buses and minibuses go on the same road for about 5 hours, with a technical stop in Tatarbunanar. Ticket price - about 120 UAH. In the daytime, minibuses go quite often, every 30-40 minutes.

There is also a train Odessa-Izmail and Kiev-Izmail. From Odessa to Izmail train No. 6860 leaves three times a day (Tuesday, Friday, Sunday) at 16:20. Back from Izmail to Odessa, the train goes on the same days at 23:59. Train Kiev-Izmail-Kiev No. 243/244 goes daily. The departure time from Kiev and Izmail the same - at 17:06. Travel time on the train will be a little longer than on the bus or car - about 7 hours. But tickets are cheaper.

Sights of Izmail.

In Izmail there are some places interesting for tourists. It is also not necessary to forget that Vilkovo (Ukrainian Venice) is just an hour's ride, as well as the Black Sea coast.

Fortress Izmail

Probably, everyone heard on the legendary impregnable Izmail fortress, which was taken by the assault of Suvorov's troops in 1790. Unfortunately, this fortress is not preserved to the present day. After her takes her walls, they were equal to the ground and there was nothing left of this interesting monument. Now at the site of the fortress is the Izmail Memorial Park Museum "Fortress". The only preserved building from those times is the building of the mosque, where the diorama "Storming fortress" is now being created.

Pokrovsky Cathedral

Cathedral of Pokrov Blessed Virgin Mary Located in the city park in the center of Izmail on Suvorov Avenue. They built a cathedral in the first half of the 19th century on the site of an older Nikolaev Church. Architect was A. Melnikov. Mashapasha really liked this church. By itself, the cathedral looks rather unusual, has long ancient colonnades and portico. A sympathetic square is broken around it, and here you can see the monument to Suvorov.

Avenue Suvorov

In the central part of the city, Suvorov Avenue has a long pedestrian green zone where you can walk on foot. Here here is a lot of pretty low two-storey buildings of the 19th century buildings. If you go through Suvorov Avenue directly towards the Danube, then you will, in the end, will go to the River Station of the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company and a small embankment along the Danube.

Infrastructure, Entertainment in Izmail

In Izmail there is only one large supermarket Tavria, which is located on Suvorov Avenue at the entrance to the central part of the city. To the Pokrovsky Cathedral and the City Center, it is quite far from here. Several entertainment facilities are located on the Peace Avenue in the "Circle" area - the area with a circular motion, on which the monument to the liberators of Izmail is located. There is a cinema, pizzeria Celentano and a number of other stores, restaurants and cafes. Also, many small shops and cafes are located in the central part of Suvorov Prospect.

Our room in VIP hotel in Izmail.

Where will stop in Izmail?

Mashapasha, visiting Izmail, stayed at the VIP Hotel (Pushkin Street 20). This is one of better hotels Cities, clean, with good furniture. Prices for rooms in it start from 580 UAH. For a double room per day. WWW.VIP-HOTEL.com.UA website

Victory in the Russian-Turkish War 1768-1774. Provided Russia access to the Black Sea. But under the terms of the Kychuk-Kaynardzhi Treaty, the strong fortress Ishmael, located at the mouth, remained for Turkey.

In 1787, Turkey, supported by England and France, demanded a revision of the contract from Russia: the return of the Crimea and the Caucasus, recognizing the invalid subsequent agreements. After receiving a refusal, she started hostilities. Turkey planned to seize Kinburn and Kherson, plant a large landing in the Crimea and defeat the database of the Russian fleet Sevastopol.

Sturm Izmail

For the deployment of hostilities on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Kuban, significant Turkish forces were directed towards Sukhum and Anapa. To ensure its plans, Turkey has prepared a 200-thousandth army and a strong fleet from 19 linear ships, 16 frigates, 5 bombardir corvets and a large number of ships and provision vessels.

Russia launched two armies: Ekaterinoslav General Field Marshal Grigory Potemkin (82 thousand people) and Ukrainian Field Marshal General Petra Rumyantsev (37 thousand people). Two strong military buildings were isolated from the composition of the Ekaterinoslav army were in Kuban and in the Crimea.

Russian Black Sea Fleet was based at two points: the main forces - in Sevastopol (23 warships with 864 guns) under the command of Admiral M.I. Worthanovich, the future Great Flotodets Fedor Ushakov served here, and the rowing flotilla in the Dnipro-Bug Liman (20 low-tonnage ships and ships, partly not yet armed). On the side of Russia, a large European country was made - Austria, which sought to expand its possessions at the expense of the Balkan states under the rule of Turkey.

The plan of action of allies (Russia and Austria) was offensive. He was to invade the limits of Turkey on both sides: the Austrian army was supposed to begin an offensive from the West and master Khotin; The Ekaterinoslav army had to deploy military actions on the Black Sea coast, to master the Ochast, then go to the Dnieper, clear the area from the Turks between the Dniester and the Prut, for which the Bender. The Russian fleet was supposed to be active actions on the Black Sea to sow the opponent fleet and prevent Turkey targeted operations.

Military actions developed for Russia successfully. Shakhkov, Alexander Suvorov's victory at Fokshans and Ramnica, created prerequisites for the completion of the war and signing the world profitable for Russia. Turkey did not have at this time forces for serious resistance to the armies of the allies. However, politicians could not use a favorable moment. Turkey managed to collect new troops, get help from Western countries, and the war was delayed.

Portrait of A.V. Suvorov. Hood Yu.H. Sadylenko

In the campaign of 1790, the Russian command planned to take the Turkish fortresses on the left bank of the Danube, and then transfer hostilities for the Danube.

During this period, brilliant successes were obsessed with Russian sailors under the command of Fyodor Ushakov. The Turkish fleet suffered major defeats in the Kerch Strait and the Island of the Trenda. The Russian fleet captured strong domination on the Black Sea, ensuring the conditions for the active offensive actions of the Russian army and the rowing flotilla on the Danube. Soon, salting by the fortresses of Kilia, Tulcha and Isaccha, the Russian troops approached Izmail.

The fortress Izmail was considered impregnable. Before the war, she was rebuilt under the guidance of French and German engineers, significantly increased its strengthening. From three sides (Northern, Western and Eastern), the fortress surrounded the shaft with a length of 6 km, up to 8 meters high with earthen and stone bastions. Before the shaft, the ditch of 12 meters wide and up to 10 meters of depth, which in separate places was filled with water. From the south side, Izmail was covered by the Danube. Inside the city there were many stone buildings that could be actively used to conduct defense. The garrison of the fortress was 35 thousand people at 265 serfs.

In November, the Russian army is a number of 31 thousand people (including 28.5 thousand people of infantry and 2.5 thousand people cavalry) With 500, the instruments were besieged with sushi. The river flotilla under the command of General Orase de Ribas, destroying almost all the Turkish river flotilla, blocked the fortress from the Danube.

Two assaults izmail ended in failure and troops switched to a planned siege and artillery shelling of the fortress. With the beginning of autumn bad weather in the army located in the open locality, mass disease began. Millingly with the opportunity to take plenty of storm, who led the generals, the generals decided to take the troops to winter apartments.

On November 25, the command of the troops under Izmail was instructed by Suvorov. Potemkin provided him with the right to act at his discretion: "Continuing whether the enterprises on Izmail or Leaven." In his letter to Alexander Vasilyevich, he noted: "My hope for God and your courage, hurry my gracious friend ...".

Arriving for Izmail on December 2, Suvorov stopped the troops from under the fortress. Assessing the situation, he decided to immediately prepare the assault. After examining the strengthening of the enemy, he noted Potemkin in the report that they were "without weak places."

Map of the actions of the Russian troops during the storming Izmail

Preparation for the assault was held for nine days. Suvorov sought to maximize the focus of suddenness, for which the preparation for the offensive was hidden. Particular attention was paid to the preparation of troops to assault actions. The village of the throw had trees and walls similar to Izmail. Six days and nights soldiers worked on them ways to overcome the RVs, shafts and fortress walls. Suvorov has encouraged the warriors with the words: "More sweat is less than blood!" At the same time, preparation for a long siege was simulated for the deception of the enemy, batteries were laid, fortification was carried out.

Suvorov has found time to develop for officers and soldiers special instructions, which contained the rules for doing the battle during the storming of the fortress. In the Trubaevsky Kurgan, where a small obelisk is towering today, there was a tent of the commander. Here, painstaking preparation for the storm was carried out, it was thought out and all before the smallest detail was envisaged. "At such a storm," Alexander Vasilyevich confessed later, "it was possible to venture only once in life."

Before the battle at the Military Council, Suvorov said: "Twice the Russians stood before Izmail and retreat from him twice; Now, for the third time, nothing else remains how to take a fortress or die ... ". Military Council unanimously acted in support of the great commander.

On December 7, Suvorov sent the commandant I wrote a letter of Potemkin with an ultimatum about the surrender of the fortress. The Turks, in the case of voluntary surrender, was guaranteed the life, preservation of property and the opportunity to cross through the Danube, otherwise "the fate of Ochlakova will follow." A letter ended with the words: "The brave general of Count Alexander Suvorov-Ramniksky was appointed to execute this. And Suvorov attached his note to the letter: "I came here with the troops. 24 hours on thinking for passing and will; The first my shots are already invoking; Sturm - death. "

Suvorov and Kutuzov before storming Izmail in 1790. Hood. O. G. Veresky

Turks were refused to capitulate and responded in response that "Mostly, the Danube will stop within his own and the sky will bow to the earth than the Ishmael surrendered." This answer on the orders of Suvorov was read in every company to inspire the soldiers before the storm.

The assault was scheduled for December 11th. To preserve the secrecy of Suvorov, did not give a written order, but was limited to the oral formulation of the task of commander. The commander planned to spend a nightly attack by the land forces and river flotilla from different directions. The main blow was applied by the least protected routing part of the fortress. The troops were divided into three detachments of three columns in each. The column included up to five battalions. Six columns acted with sushi and three columns - from the Danube.

Detachment under the command of General P.S. Potemkin is a number of 7,500 people (the columns of the generals of Lviv, Lassi and Mecknowoba were included in it) was to attack the Western FAS fortress; Detachment General A.N. Samoilova number of 12 thousand people (Columns of Major General M.I. Kutuzov and Cossack Brigaders Platov and Orlov) - Northeast Fox Fortress; The detachment of General de Ribas is a number of 9 thousand people (the columns of Major Arsajnaev, Chapega's Brigadier and Major's Guard Major Markov) had to attack the striped fac of the fortress from the Danube. The total reserve of about 2500 people was divided into four groups and is located against each of the fortress gate.

Of the nine columns in the main direction, six were concentrated. They also have the main artillery. Ahead of each column was to move a team of 120-150 arrows in a loose building and 50 workers with a chant tool, then three battalions with fascines and stairs. Closes a reserve column built in a kara.

The actions of the Russian artillery during the storming of the fortress Izmail in 1790. Hood. F.I. Sulishenko

Preparing the assault, in the morning of December 10, Russian artillery from sushi and ships led continuous fire on the strengthening and batteries of the enemy, which lasted before the start of the attack. At 5:30 minutes and 30 minutes on December 11, the columns moved to the fortress assault. River flotilla under the cover of the fire of ship artillery (about 500 guns) landed the landing. The precipitated met the attacking columns with artillery and rifle fire, and in separate sites and counterattacks.

Despite strong fire and desperate resistance, the 1st and 2nd columns broke into the shaft and captured the bastions. In the course of the battle, General Lviv and the command of the 1st column took the Colonel Zolotukhin was seriously injured. The 6th column immediately mastered the shaft, but then delayed, reflecting the strong counterattack of the Turks.

In the most difficult conditions, the 3rd column was: the depth of the Rib and the height of the bastion, which she had to take, turned out to be more than in other places. Soldiers had to bind the stairs under the fire of the enemy to climb on the shaft. Despite the big losses, she performed his task.

The 4th and 5th columns compiled from the hurked Cossacks were solved. They were counterattanded by the Turks from the fortress, and the Cossacks of Platov had to overcome the moat with water. The Cossacks not only coped with the task, but also contributed to the successful attack of the 7th column, which was divided into four parts after the landing and went to the attack under the flank fire of Turkish batteries. During the battle, Platov had to take on the command of the squad, replacing a seriously wounded General Samoilov. Successfully coped with the tasks and the remaining columns that attacked the enemy from the Danube.

Entry A.V. Suvorov in Izmail. Hood A.V. Rusin

With the dawn, the fight has already walked inside the fortress. At 11 o'clock, the gate was opened and reinforcements were included in the fortress. Heavy street fighting continued to twilight. Turks were desperately defended. The assault columns were forced to separate and act separate battalions and even rotary. Their efforts were constantly increasing due to the introduction of reserves into battle. To support attacking the ingestion, part of artillery was introduced.

"The fortress of Izmail, so fortified, how extensive and which seemed to the enemy invincible, taken by the Russian bayonies terrible to him. The persistence of the enemy, who believed in turning hope of his own for the number of troops, downtown, "wrote Potemkin in the report of Catherine II.

During the storm, the Turks lost more than 26 thousand people, 9 thousand were captured. The Russians captured about 400 banners and Bunchukov, 265 guns, the remains of the river flotilla - 42 vessels, large stocks of ammunition and many other trophies. Russian losses amounted to 4 thousand killed and 6 thousand wounded.

The officer's cross and soldier's medal for participating in the storming of Izmail in December 1790

Taking the Russian troops Ishmael sharply changed the strategic situation in the war in favor of Russia. Turkey was forced to move to peace negotiations.

"There was no fortress fortnight, there was no defense desperately defense Izmail, but Izmail was taken," these words from the report of Suvorov Potemkin carved on the monument established in honor of the great Russian commander.

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Won one of the brightest victories in history, taking turkish fortress Izmail.

How Turkey woke famously

Among the outstanding historical victories overlooking the Russian army, there are not so many such that did not just remain in the memory of the descendants, but even entered the folk folklore and became part of the language. Sturm Izmail just belongs to such events. It appears in the anecdotes, and in the usual speech - "the taking Izmail" is often jokingly called the "attachment", when in a short period of time it is necessary to perform an extremely large amount of work. Sturm Izmail became apotheosis of the Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791. The war broke out with the filing of Turkey, trying to take revenge for previous defeats. In this striving, the Turks relied on the support of Great Britain, France and Prussia, which, however, did not interfere in hostilities. Turkey's ultimatum of 1787 demanded the return of the Crimea from Russia, refusing to the patronage of Georgia and the consent to inspect the Russian commercial vessels passing through the straits. Naturally, Turkey has received a refusal and began military actions. Russia, in turn, decided to use a favorable moment to expand possessions in the Northern Black Sea region.

Martialctions Eased for the Turks catastrophically. Russian army applied an enemy defeat for defeat, both on land and at sea. In the battles of the war 1787-1791, two Russian military geniuses shone - Alexander Suvorov and Flotodets Fedor Ushakov.
By the end of 1790, it was obvious that Turkey suffers a decisive defeat. However, Russian diplomats did not succeed in increasing Turks to sign the peace treaty. I needed another, solving military success.

Best Fortress of Europe

Russian troops approached the walls of the Izmail Fortress, which was the key object of Turkish defense. Ishmael, who was on the left bank of the Kyilian sleeve of the Danube, covered the most important strategic directions. His fall created the possibility of a breakthrough of the Russian troops for the Danube in Dobrudju, which threatened the Turks with the loss of huge territories and even partial collapse of the empire. Preparing for war from Russia, Turkey has reinforced Izmail. The best German French military engineers was engaged in the fortifications, so Ishmael at that moment became one of the strongest fortresses in Europe.
High shaft, a wide dance of a depth of 10 meters, 260 guns on 11 bastions. In addition, the garrison of the fortress by the time of the Russian approach exceeded 30 thousand people.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, the bright prince Gregory Potemkin, gave an order to master Izmail, and the detachments of Gudhovich Generals, Pavel Potemkin, also the flotilla of Ribas General Vlada began to fulfill.
However, the siege was laid sluggishly, the general assault was not appointed. The generals were not at all cowards, but the troops at their disposal were less than it was in the garrison Ishmael. Take a decisive action in a similar situation seemed madness.
Satisfied in the siege until the end of November 1790, at the Military Council Gudovich, Pavel Potemkin and de Ribas decided to take away the troops on winter apartments.

Mad Ultimatum of Military Genius

When such a decision was known to Gregory Potemkin, he came into rage, immediately canceled the order of the discharge, and I was appointed by the head of the assault of Ishmel-General Alexander Suvorov.

Between Potemkin and Suvorov, by that time a black cat ran. The ambitious Potemkin was a talented administrator, but his headquarters were very limited. On the contrary, the fame of Suvorov rolled not only throughout Russia, but also abroad. Potemkin was not eager to provide General, whose successes caused Jealousy, a new chance to distinguish itself, but there was nothing to do - Izmail was more important than personal relationship. Although it is possible that Potemkin secretly kept the hope that Suvorov would roll the neck on the bastions of Izmail.
Decisive Suvorov arrived under the walls of Izmail, on the move, unfolding troops, who were already separated from the fortress. As usual, he infected everyone around his enthusiasm and confidence in success.

About the fact that the commander really thought was known only to a few. Personally, having come up with Izmail, he briefly threw: "This fortress without weak places."
And already after years, Alexander Vasilyevich will say: "On the assault on such a fortress, it was possible to decide only once in life ...".
But in those days at the walls, I inspired the doubts, General-Annef did not express. He took six days to preparing the master assault. The soldier was sent to the exercise - in the near village, the Earth and Wood Analogues of the RVA and the walls of Izmail were hurriedly, which worked out methods for overcoming obstacles.
I chewed himself with the arrival of Suvorov was taken to a hard blockade from the sea and sushi. After the completion of the preparations for the battle, General-Annef sent an ultimatum to the head of the fortress of the Great Siezer Aidozle-Mehmet Pasha.

The exchange of letters between the two commander managers entered. Suvorov: "I came with the troops here. Twenty-four hours on thinking - and will. My first shot is already invoking. Sturm - death. " Aidozle-Mehmet-Pasha: "Rather, the Danube will blow up and the sky falls on the ground than Ishmael surrendered."
Postfactum is assumed that the Turkish commander was overly branded. However, before the assault, it was possible to say that the unnecessary self-chapter of Suvorov.
Judge for yourself: We have already talked about the power of the fortress, as well as about its 35,000th garrison. And the Russian army consisted of only 31 thousand fighters, of which one third was an irregular army. According to the canons of military science, assault in such conditions is doomed to failure.
But the fact is that 35 thousand Turkish soldiers were actually suicide bumps. Frightened military failures, Turkish Sultan published a special firman, in which he promised to execute anyone who will leave Izmail. So Russians confronted 35 thousand armed to teeth, desperate fighters who intended to fight to death in the fortifications of the best European fortress.
And therefore the answer of the Idozle-Mehmet-Pasha Suvorov is not boastful, but quite reasonable.

The death of the Turkish garrison

Any other commander would really turn her neck, but this is about Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. The day before the assault, the Russian troops began arteryprepace. At the same time, it should be said that the assault time for the garrison was not a surprise - its Turks revealed the dedicators, apparently, who did not believe in Suvorian genius.
Suvorov divided the forces by three detachments of three columns in each. Detachment General-Major de Ribas (9000 people) attacked from the river side; The right wing under the authorities of the Lieutenant General Paul Potemkin (7,500 people) had to strike from the western part of the fortress; The left wing of General-lieutenant Samoilova (12,000 people) - with east. 2500 cavalrymen remained the last reserve of Suvorov to the most extreme case.
At 3 o'clock in the morning on December 22, 1790, Russian troops left the camp and began to focus in the initial places for the assault. At 5:30 minutes and a half of the morning, after an hour and a half before the onset of dawn, the assault columns began an attack. We boiled a fierce battle on defensive shafts, where opponents did not gelude each other. Turks defended Osthervell, but a blow from three different areas Disoriented them, not allowing to concentrate forces in one direction.
By 8 o'clock in the morning, when Rawtiled, it turned out that the Russian troops mastered most external fortifications and began to close the enemy to the city center. Street fighting turned into a real slaughter: the roads were littered with corpses, thousands of horses left without siders burned straight on them, burned at home. Suvorov gave an order to introduce 20 light guns on the streets of the city and the creek beat on the Turks directly tip. By 11 o'clock in the morning, the advanced Russian parts under the command of Major General General Major Boris Lassi took the central part of Izmail.

For an hour of day, organized resistance was broken. Separate resistance foci was suppressed by Russians to four in the evening.
The desperate breakthrough was carried out by several thousand Turks under the command of Kaplan Hire. They managed to get out of the city walls, but here Suvorov moved a reserve against them. Experienced Russian huntsmans pressed the enemy to the Danube and completely destroyed the broken.
By four o'clock in the afternoon I ammail fell. Of the 35 thousand of his defenders, one person who managed to escape. Russians were killed about 2,200 people, more than 3,000 were injured. Turks lost 26 thousand people killed, out of 9 thousand prisoners about 2 thousand died from wounds in the first day after the assault. Russian troops were captured by 265 guns, up to 3 thousand pounds gunpowder, 20 thousand nuclei and many other combat supplies, up to 400 banners, large reserves of the province, as well as jewels worth a few million.

Pure Russian award

For Turkey, it was a complete military catastrophe. And although the war ended only in 1791, and the yosh world was signed in 1792th, the drop in Izmoal was completely morally broken by the Turkish army. One name of Suvorov brought horror on them.
According to the Yaskime of 1792, Russia received controls all the Northern Black Sea Corrosion from Dniester to Kuban.
Admiring the triumph of Soldier Suvorov, the poet Gabriel Derzhavin wrote the anthem "Thunder Victory, distribute!", Which became the first, still informal anthem of the Russian Empire.

But there was one person in Russia who was reacted by Izmail reacted by restraint - Prince Grigory Potemkin. Approaching Catherine II on awarding distinguished, he proposed to Empress to reward his medal and lieutenant colonel of the Guards Transfiguration Regiment.
By itself, the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment was very high, because the Colonel rank was exclusively the monarch. But the fact is that by that time Suvorov was already the 11th lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment, which greatly devalued the reward.
Suvorov himself, who, like Potemkin, was a person ambitious, expecting to receive the title of General Feldmarshal, and was extremely offended and fascinated by the reward received.

By the way, Grigory Potemkin himself for the capture of Izmail was awarded the Feld Marshal uniform, the diamonds, worth 200,000 rubles, the Tauride Palace, as well as a special obelisk in his honor in the royal village.
In memory of the capture of Izmail in modern Russia December 24 shows the day of military glory.

Ishmael "From hand to hand"

Interestingly, the capture of Izmail Suvorov was not the first and not the last storm in this fortress by Russian troops. For the first time it was taken in 1770, but in the results of the war they returned to Turkey. The heroic assault of Suvorov in 1790 helped Russia win the war, but Ishmael returned Turkey again. For the third time, Izmail will be taken by the Russian troops of General Zass in 1809, but in 1856, according to the results of the unsuccessful Crimean War, he will pass under the control of Vassal of Turkey Moldova. True, the strengthening will be broken and blown.

The fourth taking Izmailov Russian troops will be held in 1877, but it will pass without a fight, since the controlled city of Romania during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 will conclude an agreement with Russia.
And after that I inspired more than once to move from hand to hand, while in 1991 it would not become part of independent Ukraine. Forever? Hard to say. After all, when it comes to Izmail, it is impossible to be fully confident.