Standard door handle installation height. What height is the door handles? Minus setpoints at such height

The emergencies available today are a rather complicated system, which should consist of a plurality of components responsible for a certain task for excellent functioning. Only with their coherent work, which can be obtained right choices and installation of accessories, you can get really reliable and durable interior doors.

Door handle is also a very important component of such a design. The convenience and ease of operation of the entire design will depend on its correct choice. What option to choose and at what height of the handle of the interior door to lay?

What could be the handles?

Attractive appearance Handles undoubtedly plays a far from the last role. But since we are talking about accessories, the use of which occurs in intensive mode, then first of all, when it is elected, you should pay attention to high-quality characteristics.

So, modern species Handles can be made from the following materials:

  • Wood products with a very solid and attractive appearance. However, it is best to refuse them if we are talking about door constructionLocated in too wet room.
  • Aluminum models will become an excellent addition to the doors located in the bathrooms.
  • Pens produced from of stainless steelDifferent high rates wear resistance and durability, which makes it possible to install them in the actively operated premises.
  • Plastic products are suitable for various utility rooms.

After the door handle was chosen, it can be started to install it. To begin, it is necessary to determine the height on which its location will be the most convenient and correct.

Standard accommodation options

A large number of modern manufacturers Already equipped on sale door structures with handles and other fittings. In such products, the height of the handle of the interior door is determined by standard scheme and is 1 m from the floor level. You can purchase models in which the grooves are prepared in advance to install such an element.

If when buying door canvas The grooves did not turn out, then, as a rule, such products in the alleged zone of installation of the fittings are complemented by a special bar, thanks to which the lock and the handle will be significantly easier and faster. If there is such an option, you can install on your own discretion, but the deviation upwards should not exceed 100 mm.

Such a standard arrangement of the handle was developed for an average person with an increase of 170 cm. However, not all this placement will allow to comfortably operate the door design. That is why it is better to acquire models without fittings, and only then install the handles on them at the desired height.

We have accessories at a convenient level.

In order to determine which one should be the height of the interior door handle, you must use the following guidelines:

  • We become right near the door design and lower your arms along the body. In the place where the palm goes into the wrist, we make a small mark on the door. From her you need to count 20 cm up. On the height obtained after such simple actions and it will be possible to install a handle that will be very comfortable to use a person who has been measured.
  • It is possible to determine the location of future accessories in another way. It should be located where with a dense approximation to the door will be elbow. If you have two of these calculation methods, then in the first, and in the second case there should be similar results.

Door handle in nursery

The child will be difficult to reach up to the articles intended for use. However, additional grooves can significantly ruin the entire appearance of the door canvase. That this does not have to do, to arrange the door in the nursery, it is best to stay on the pressure handle mechanism, to which you can bind the lace. Drechaya for him, the kid without much difficulty will open the door if necessary. And when he grows up, the rope can be untied.

The handle is an important part of the "cake" of the interior door, because from the correctness of its installation and the choice will directly depend on the comfort and simplicity to use the entire design, and the hypermarket of interior doors "Door" will help. Most manufacturers offer to install the door already with existing handles and other attached accessories. The height of the arrangement of the handle in this case is standard and, in accordance with GOST, is 100 cm from the floor.

If the handle is not installed, the models can both have and not have grooves for its mount. In the second case, in the zone of the alleged fixation there is a special bar, which allows you to install the handles and the lock quickly and simply. Here the height is determined independently, but the "limit" of the deposit up and down should not exceed 10 cm.

The height of 100 cm is focused on a person with an increase of 170 cm. But considering that this parameter can vary significantly, the optimal option is to purchase the door without fittings and designated grooves and fix the handle in the place that best suits everyone in the house.


To finally decide on a suitable height, you can follow the following rules:

  • On the wrist. It is necessary to approach the door close, the hands are lowering along the housing. At the wrist level, make a mark and retreat up to 20 cm. The resulting height is optimally suitable for a person who has done measurements.
  • On the elbow. It's all easier here: with a dense approach to the door, the location should be made at the elbow level.

If you take advantage of both methods at the same time, the result in the end should turn out to be approximately the same. No need to make similar measurements for each door. It is enough to install the label on one, measure the resulting distance and measured it on other interior doors at home.

Pen in the room for a child

The height obtained as a result of the above-described measurements of adults is not suitable for children - the child will not reach the handle. On the other hand, additional grooves will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the structure. The optimal option is to use the pressure handle mechanism and attach the lace to it. The child pulls behind the lace - the door easily opens. When children grow to suitable growth, the lace is reputable.

It is worth considering that the correctly selected height of the arrangement of the handle is not the only one important moment. The element itself should be high-quality and reliable, easy to press. Especially for children. Check this moment stands during the purchase. Only in the amount of product quality proper fastening Provides the convenience of using the interior door.

Door handle - element of the door system, without which it will be uncomfortable to use it. Therefore, it is recommended to pay close attention to the competent choice of accessories for interior door design by such an important nuance As the height of the knob fastening on the door canvase. And the hypermarket of interior doors "Door" will help you choose the door handles.

Why is height so important? The answer is simple: The correctly selected place of attachment of the handle makes the use of doors comfortable and correct, which ensures the durability of the system as a whole. But before dealing with the fastening of the mechanism, it is worth find out what kinds of door handles exist, in which their features and how the appearance of the handle will affect its location on the canvas.

Types of handles

Varieties of handles for interior doors House or apartments There are many and gradually designs on the following features:

Method of installation

By installation method, the mechanisms of mortise and overhead are distinguished. Overhead or stationary fittings is simply attached to the canvas and is not equipped with a locking device. The door with the invoice of the handle opens with a push and also closes. Curling models are also put on a canvas, in which holes are made in advance. The key mechanism is inserted into one of the holes.

Principle of operation

On this basis, the handles are divided into three types - overhead, swivel, pressure.

  • SO stationary options Everything is clear - to open or create the door, the handle is required to just push in a certain direction. Stationary latch models do not have, but if you wish, you can additionally install the lock at the door to close it on the key. The standard design of such handles is in the form of Litera "P", but there are models and more bizarre forms.
  • Rotary structures most often have a spheroid form. The turn of the element in the shape of a ball makes the locking mechanism work, as a result of which the tongue comes out of the groove hole and the door will be reversed.
  • Purpose handles are elongated. The knob itself protrudes the lever, with a pressure on which the latch tongue will slip out of the groove, allowing you to open the door. If the knob is returned to the smooth position, then the door closes. Fale type latches are equipped with such designs or locking mechanism.

Handles for interior doors and production materials are gradually. Manufactured designs can from different species Metals: aluminum, brass, stainless steel alloy. There are also glass, plastic or wooden handles.

Metal handles will be most reliable and resistant to wear, but only if there is a high-quality alloy and coating in their production. The most popular brass handles that have aesthetic appearance are valued for strength.

We recommend reading:

Wooden handles on interior doors can be seen rarely, which is quite explained by the high price of products from valuable breeds Woods. Inexpensive handles from a more affordable material - impractical.

Maximum original I. attractive design Have glass products. But they are quite fragile and expensive. The most cheap will be plastic handles, however this type Do not boast of external attractiveness and durability. Separate variety - handles imitating artificial stone.

Accommodation options

By choosing and binding a suitable handle, you can start the process of its installation on the door leaf. The first parameter that should be calculated before starting work is the height of the design of the structure at which the handle will be used as comfortable as possible.

If you bought a door already equipped with a handle, then the height of its floor location will be equal to 1 meter. Where did this height come from? It is used since Soviet Union: According to the then applicable to GOST, the height of the attachment of the handle in one meter from the floor was considered comfortable. The value of one meter was calculated what is called "average" - for a person with an increase in 170 centimeters. However, it is not necessary to focus on the standard indicator: it is important to place a handle at that height, on which it will be convenient to use you and your loved ones.

The installation standard is 1 meter. Plus \\ minus 10 centimeters

How to correctly determine a convenient height? The following recommendations and advice of professionals can help with the calculation:

  • Stand right next to the door and lower your hands along the body, press to the canvas. In the wrist area, make a mark on the door. To this mark, it is necessary to add exactly twenty centimeters up and at the resulting height you can install a handle that it will be convenient to use the one who served as "model" to measure;
  • Correctly select the location of the door fittings and another method will help. You need to get up close to the door and press her hands. In the place of contact of the cloth and the elbow - to set a mark. This will be the edge of the handle.

These methods for determining the height of the handles are the most efficient and practical, which cannot be said about the methods for calculating the indicator using computer programs. The same archgrade will be standard to produce a height of one meter, which is convenient not for everyone.

If a constant room in the house will be allowed to use a constantly one person, calculate the convenient location of the accessories can be as follows: need the owner of the room to bring to installed door And at the level of its belt to put a mark. For general use rooms, the handles are best installed at the standard height - from 90 to 110 millimeters from the floor level.

But what about the installation height of the design on the doors in the children's room? It is clear that the child will inconveniently use the handle, which is located on a significant height for child growth, however, and to equip the door with an additional handle is not appropriate. In the children's room, it is better to initially choose the fittings of the pressure type, as simple as possible in the opening, to which to tie the lace. Drechaya for the lace, the baby without special problems will be able to open the door, and when the child is growing, the improvised "handle" will be easy to untie.

The installation process of the door opening fittings will consist of several main steps:

  1. Start work with marking of drilling points. The first marks the height of the fittings on the interior door. To do this, marking with neat horizontal lines. Vertical dashes worth noting the center of placement of the handle. In places in the intersection of the dazhek and drill holes for the handle and the lock mechanism.
  1. After drilling the required holes, fitting is made. How to install the door handle properly - tells the instruction to a specific design type.

After executing all installation work, you should make sure that the accessories are secure and competent. The lock should work easily, the door must open and close without difficulty.

We hope this article-instruction helped you learn about handles for interior doors maximum useful information And now you will not have difficulties with the choice of suitable fittings for the doors of your home or installing it. Interesting details about the height of the installation of the handle and the rules for its installation on the door will tell the video of the final article.

When buying ready-made "turnkey" doors, the question of the height of the installation of the handles for obvious reasons is not relevant. If you decide to stop your choice on the doors involving independent installation Fittings, it should be remembered that many manufacturers in the places of installation of the handles make special inserts in the doorway - in such cases, it cannot be about choosing the height of the knobs, it cannot be made: above or below this place to make the insert you simply cannot. In all other cases, the issue of the distance of the floor handles is relevant and not so simple as it seems at first glance - there are things, day-to-day, from year to year, impuditably irritation. The height of the door handles belongs to such things.

Let's start with the fact that there is a standard to refer in many descriptions and which is based on many doors manufacturers. According to this standard

the handle of the interroom should be
at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor surface

Some consider standard vowels, others are strangers, but it exists and with this fact must be reckoned. In general, this height is optimal and you can navigate it. You can, if you do not want a really convenient arrangement of the handles of your doors - standards in many cases determine a certain average value that satisfies according to the specified criteria for the average human. But people are different! Therefore, it makes sense to take into account not standards, but the convenience of use.

How to measure the height of the door handle

This formula was adopted for self-definition of the height of the handles in interroom doors:

  • Become a door and lower your hand.
  • At the height of the palm Make a label.
  • Add 15-20 centimeters to the tag height.

The resulting value will be optimal option Arrangement of the handles.

In general, add nothing to this technique - everything is simple and understandable. But one remark will still be done.
At the beginning of the century, I put the doors to my apartment - the doorway was squaring, installed the box, cut the loops and handles. In those days, there was no Internet and learn the height of the arrangement of the handle was simply nowhere - I had to focus on your own feelings. The height was selected, the handles are embedded, since then a lot of water has flowed.
Working on this article, it became interesting for me to verify my height of the handle with the formula. It turned out, nothing close! The handles are located at an altitude of 85 centimeters from the floor right at the level of the middle of the palms. After attaching to this height of 15-20 centimeters by the formula, I realized that a higher accommodation would be uncomfortable - it was confirmed by all households, including a cat that gets up to the handles.
I make conclusions yourself, but I note that I have round handles - brace-shaped models would require greater height and a distance of 1 meter could really be the optimal value.

For ease of use of the door and handle installed on the doorway, you must choose the right height of the latter. The main thing is to know certain recommendations. In this material we will tell in detail.

Under the red banner

For example, in not so distant times in the Soviet Union, the height is strictly regulated State Standard (GOST). According to him, the handle was to be at an altitude of one meter from the floor. It would seem that everything is logical and understandable, but in practice everything is not so simple. If you measure the height of the handles installed in the apartments in the union (if any, it is possible to find), it turns out that the data is fundamentally different. And not only in different apartments, and even within one residential area. It may be due to the fact that the quality and level of the arrangement of the handles particularly nobody checked, and the builders themselves were in a hurry to pass the object to the next anniversary or the end of the five-year plan.

Individuality and convenience

Currently, clear standards for installing the handles, in fact, does not exist, it all depends on the specific case, such as doors and individual preferences.

Remember that every door handle you use quite often. For example, the door leading to the bathroom or the bathroom, open from five to ten times a day, the same openings fall on kitchen door. It is unlikely that few times turn the handles on interior doors. Often, a person is not even thinking about which height door handles are installed.

As studies have shown, the most optimal arrangement of the handles - at the level of the belt, and the bending angle of the hand in the elbow when touching the knob before opening the door should reach 90 degrees.

So, on the usual door middle height The handle is installed in about one meter from the floor, almost in the middle of the door leaf, with an indent from the edge of ten centimeters (depending on the type of handle and the proximity of the door to the wall or corner).

Can't determine which height install door handlesif the canvas itself is non-standard size?

Come close to the door and lower your arms along the body. Add to the level of palm, add fifteen, maximum twenty centimeters and get the most optimal place. If in the apartment all doors of the same height, then there is no need to repeat manipulation with palms - just apply this method On the same door, and all the rest move marking with the help of a roulette.

As you can see, the answer to the question, which height install door handles, rather simple. We wish you good luck in your work!

In the catalog of goods there is a price for door handles ..