Name days of boys in March in the Orthodox calendar. Beautiful name for a boy born in March: description, feature and interesting facts

There is a book with all the names of the saints by day. It is called soles. In it, everyone will find suitable names for their children. There are also names for the boys born in March. About what names will be suitable, will be written below.

How to call a boy born in March

Each day of March corresponds to several names of the saints or revered elders.

Need to call Alexey church calendarborn in early spring. Perfect is the name for the date of birth on March 8. Alexey can be called children born at the end of March: 25 numbers celebrated a holiday of warm Alexei.

Common names for March - Alexey, Anton, Vladimir, Alexander, Vasily, Paul, Roman, Peter. Detailed lists Are on the website of the Orthodox Church.

How to call the boy born in March. What is his character

For March children, you need to choose a mighty and sound, solid name. They are friendly. Have a soft character. With a very exacerby sense of justice. Come to help those who got into trouble. But also Martov children have stubbornness. Do not transfer bad guidelines at work. Hardworking, know how to work in force majeure conditions. Very talented and at the same time shy. Build your own unique world with a surroundings. Smart and charming. Can listen to loved ones carefully. Possess exceptional wit.

How else to name a boy born in March

In connection with this, Martov children give the following names:

  • Peter.
  • Arseny.
  • Philip.
  • Taras.
  • Daniel.
  • Gregory.
  • Pavel.
  • Ilya.

Very strongly perceive the state of the soul of others. They are always pleased to lead a conversation. Born in March is taken even for the most difficult work. We always be guided by the highest principles and regulations. Do not spare yourself. And at the same time, they are easy to offend. Bring themselves to the state of self-denial. Born in March with strong names The fate of great people is destined.

How to call a boy born in March in honor of great people

Mart presented the world of the greatest men in the history of mankind:

  • Albert Einstein;
  • great Poet Taras Shevchenko;
  • titan Renaissance Raphael;
  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • Vladimir Klichko;
  • Harry Hudini;
  • Rudolph diesel;
  • Rene Descartes;
  • director Quentin Tarantino;
  • great composer Antonio Vivaldi;
  • far Far Land Refrigerator Amerigo Vespucci;
  • funny humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky;
  • actor and Lyedie Bruce Willis;
  • brazil Racer Airston Senna;
  • full cinema and fighter Chuck Norris;
  • the creator of the first apparatus called the phone, Alexander Bell;
  • prince of Prince Monaco Albert Second (also an outstanding athlete);
  • Frederic Chopin;
  • the wisest creator of Japanese cinema Akiro Kurosava;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • actor of modernity Deniel Craig;
  • soviet actor Andrei Mironov;
  • Yuri Gagarin.

How to name the girl born in March, in the sacnesses.

Martov girls grow sensitive and susceptible images. In some situations, they can prove themselves indecisive.

  • They are easy to offend. They are ready for hours to admire their reflection in the mirror and trying on mother's outfits.
  • In order for the name in the best way influenced fate, it is worth noting a Martov girl with a solid name. So the baby will be able to overcome his indecision and imperidity.
  • Martov girls are ready to make compromises and adapt to circumstances. "The soul of the company" is not about them.
  • They can be envious and curious.
  • In spouse martov girls Choose men with high position in society. For them, it is important that the second half achieved success.
  • In the house, the owner of which was born in March, the main role belongs to a woman.
  • However, by his benevolent attitude towards people and the ability to divide someone else, the Martov representatives of the beautiful gender conquer the location of others.

How to choose the name of the newborn girl in the sacraticles in March?

Slip to the sacnesses means that the parents choose the name of the saint, revered on the day of the appearance of a baby to the light. It is believed that in this way the baby receives a patron of life for life.

  • Do not stop your choice on an unusual rare name From the soles in the desire to give the child of originality. After all, this way the child can get a name that will negatively affect his fate.
  • The meaning of the tradition is to call the baby in the sacnesses is to commit the sacrament of baptism, after which the baby acquires a name. By God, the name can belong only to a baptized person.
  • Before choosing the name across the sacnesses, parents should learn about his meaning and origin.
  • If the baby has an angel's day with his birthday, and the name coming down, nice to rumor for both parents, then it is considered good sign. Such a name is given to a child over.

Tips for parents who decided to call the Child on the Church Calendar

Before parents choosing the name of their daughter, it is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account many factors. For example, whether the name is beautiful, in combination with the surname and patronymic, which is the meaning of the names, whether the name liked the name is relevant.

  • Today, young parents are increasingly preferred by the names from the soles. Thus, the child name becomes the guard and the talisman to the baby, and the day of the angel and the day of the girl will be considered one date.
  • If you need to choose a name for the baby on the church calendar, where all the names of the saints are collected, then give up those options that have an unusual sound and are very rare. So you will save a child from a feeling of discomfort, which he can experience in the circle of his peers.
  • Pick up such a name so that it is suitable for the name and patronymic. Parents should not rely only on the selected name. A real man will grow a child not only thanks to a skillful named after a name, but also to many other factors, among whom is an important importance to education, the surroundings of the baby, love, care.

  • The name of the church calendar Parents choose in the church, listening to the priest who reads names from the soles. The Schaints - the Orthodox calendar, which indicates religious holidays or the days of the commemoration of the saints.
  • The parents have the opportunity to choose: to call the child with one of the names of the saints, revered on the birthday of the baby. But there are cases when the day of honor of the saint or the same name is not falling at the date of the child's date, the name is occurring immediately in several dates.
    How to choose the most ideal name for the baby if there are more than a thousand in the saints of such names?
  • Holy, revered on the birthday of the baby, will be his patron. And the child will also get strength and protection on behalf of his saint, will have a close connection with him, will be able to partially adopt his good quality.
  • If the baby appeared on the day on the day of reverence in the salty of several saints, then parents can stop their choice on the name that they like more.
  • If only one holy on this day is revered in the church calendar, then the parents remain either to correct the kid by this name, or, as an exception, name by the name is honored in the saint family.
  • If the church calendar is not fixed by the name after the baby's day, then they are numbered from future dates, up to the eighth day on the name of the baby.
  • From the soles do not take the name from the past dates after the child's name.
  • The names in the church calendar have miscellaneous origin. Some of them Slavic, some are Greek or Roman, there are ancient European.
  • The book of biblical names is an inexhaustible source of options, however, and here some parents have problems.

Not for every day there is a date of remembering the holy, parents may not like the name of the holy, fixed by the date of birth of their baby, or they just do not find suitable name For my daughter. In this case, according to church traditions:

  • take the name of the Holy, which is revered on the birthday of babies
  • take the name of the saint that comes on the day of the commission of naughty named after
  • take a name from the standing date (up to the eighth day)
  • taken name on the 40th day from birth, while the sacrament of baptism

IMPORTANT: It should be known that all the above options for adventures are a recommendatory nature, and therefore parents who do not like the name from the siblings, which come on the birth date of the daughter, no one forces to agree with the proposed version.

Some couples prefer to give a kid double name: worldly and church. The worldly name is given at birth, and church - during baptism. The name obtained during baptism cannot be changed, it is fixed by a person for life.

Names in the sacnesses and a church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, holy patron

march Name Value Origin Holy patron
March 1 Valentina strong latin velikomarter Valentina
2nd of March Anna grace jewish martyr Anna
Nina brave girl spanish Martyr Nina
Marianne sad beauty jewish righteous Mariana Sister Apostle Philip
March, 3rd Camill nonable latin
March 4. Alexandra defender of people grekin martyr equal to Apia
March, 6 Varvara inaemka grekin martyr Varvara
Elizabeth Honor of God jewish martyr Elizabeth
Irina placing to yourself; Peace-loving grekin martyr Irina
March 7. Anfisa blooming grekin martyr Anyfus
9th of March Karina impeccable grekin martyng Karina and Kira
10th of March Anna grace jewish Recovers of Evdokia
11th of March Theresa protection grekin Martyrs Antonina
March 12. Marina loving ocean; marine latin Holy Martyr Marina
Kira madam grekin
Victoria winner latin Holy Martyr Eufalia
March 14th Hope hope; beginning of life russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Daria dar of God. jewish Holy Martyr Daria
Matrena nagal woman russian Holy Martyr Matrena
Antonina entering into battle latin Holy Martyr Antonin
Olga holy; Great; Ideal latin Holy Martyr Olga
Anna grace jewish Holy martyr Anna
March 16. Marfa noble woman aramaic prescriptic Martyr Martha
March 17 Ulyana julia belonging latin praema Deva Praema
Yulia kudryaya grekin Holy Martyr Julia
March 18 Iraida daughter of the hero grekin Holy Martyr Iraida
March 19. Elena beautiful; light; Favorites grekin Holy Martyr Elena
20th of March Hope hope; beginning of life russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Maria gorky, stubborn biblical Rev. Maria
Capitolina capitolian latin Rev. Ekaterina
Antonina entering into battle latin Rev. Antonina
Ksenia guest grekin Holy martyr Ksenia
Catherine pure; Great; Vlat grekin Holy martyr Ekaterina
Matrena nagal woman russian Holy Martyr Matrena
Anna grace jewish Holy martyr Anna
March 22. Alexandra defender of people grekin Holy martyr Alexander
Natalia. latin Holy Martyr Natalia.
Alina noble ancient Mechmansky Holy Martyr Alina
Olesia defender ukrainian Holy martyr Alexander
March 23. Victoria winner latin martyr Hariesis
Galina calm grekin martyr Galina
Nika victorious grekin martyr Nina
Vasilisa tsarevna grekin martyr Vasilissa
Anastasia resurrection grekin Holy Martyr Anastasia
Feodora govned by God italian martyr Feodora
March 24 Karina impeccable grekin revised Anastasia Patricia
Bertha bright ancient Mechmansky righteous Berta
26 March Kristina the sequence of Christ grekin martyr christian Persian
March 28. Maria gorky, stubborn biblical Holy Martyr Mary
30th of March Marina loving ocean; marine latin rev. Ereroid Chorionskaya
March 31 Natalia. native; Born in Christmas latin presovka Natalya

Video: How to call a girl? Names for girls in 2017

Angel's Day (Name Day) is not a one-time phenomenon, some saints are remembered by the Church several times a month. The conformists assure that the choice orthodox name It will make the connection of the child with an angel stronger, however, it is not necessary to call the baby just like that. Angel's Day can be taught not at the date of birth: the next day of the memory of the asoimenate of the saint or holy forward on the calendar.

View options for girls and boys are best on the church calendar. Below are the names of sacrifices in secular form.

Women's names on the pages of the calendar are much less common, but some dates like on March 14 or 20 are full of options.

Male virus is much larger, and they are periodically repeated. They meet familiar to everyone Petit and Vasya, and there are Cyprian and Porphyry cutting rumors.

How to name a child born from March 1 to March 7

The sacrament of baptism connects the child with a heavenly patron, in whose honor he is named. The day of memory of the saint or holy, whose name wears the kid, becomes his day of angel (Name Days). There are many saints with the same names, but different stories. Do not want to dig so far? The child himself can choose a patron when it is growing.

The first week of spring gives many wonderful variants of names for girls (,) and boys (, Fedor, and others).

Name Day from March 8 to 15

In the second week, Mikhail and Peter often remember, and many pages female calendar empty.

  • 8.03. Born on International Women's Day is worth calling Kuzma, Alexei, Mikhail or Ivan. You can choose one of the following:, Nikolai, Polycarp ,.
  • 9.03. Two options are possible: Hilarion and Ivan.
  • 10.03. Name the kid by Anton, Evgeny, Alexander or Fedor.
  • 11.03. Orthodox worship Sevastyan, Nikolai, Peter, Ivan and Sergey.
    The daughter is better called Anna.
  • 12.03. , Makar, and Sergey - so can call the baby. Names Peter, Julian, proof and strengthen the connection of the boy with an angel.
  • 13.03. Give the boy one of the following names: Ivan, Nestor, Sergey.
    Girl name Cyra or Marina.
  • 14.03. Church honors memory of Vasily, Peter and Mikhail. Remember Ivan, Anton, Nestor and Sylvester.
    Best options Matron, hope and Olga will become.
  • 15.03. Agafon, or Fedot, are considered favorable.

What is the name to give the baby born March 16-23

Almost every day of the week there is female name or several. Male enough to choose to the soul.

  • 16.03. Options are a bit: Sevastyan and Mikhail.
    The church remembers.
  • 17.03. The boy, which appeared to the light, is better called Gerasim, Alexander, Daniel or Vyacheslav. Pavel is indicated in the calendar ,.
    The girl can become Juliania.
  • 18.03. , or Fedor, or, Nikolai, Ivan - choose which of the names closer.
    - Today's name for the girl.
  • 19.03. In the calendar there are three names: Konstantin, and Fedor.
  • 20.03. Unusual names, like Ephraim, Nile, Lawrence, Nestor, or Emelyan, the child is guaranteed. In addition, there are Vasily, Nikolai, and Paul.
    A favorable day for Ksenia, Catherine and Mary. Slightly outdated Evdokia and Matron can also be selected.
  • 21.03. Boy give the name Ivan, and Feodosius.
  • 22.03. Think about Valery or Kirill, Alexey or Mikhail, Ilya, or Afanasius. Perhaps you want to give the boy the name Valentin, Ivan, Nikolai. Do not discount Sergei, Dmitry and Taras.
    Name the daughter of Alexander or Natalia.
  • 23.03. The day gives many options like Viktor, Cyprian, Denis, Leonid and Mark. You can stay on Konda, Dmitry, Georgia. Mikhail is also offered, Paul.
    Wide selection Women's names: Along with, Claudia, in the struggle enter ,.

Choose the name of the child gave birth on March 24-31

  • 24.03. Vasily and Ivan - decent names, like, sofron.
    From the female options - Theodore ,.
  • 25.03. Pay attention to Semyon, Alexander, Vladimir, Sergey and Ivan. Perhaps you will be interested in, Konstantin,

    Born in March. What are they

    The Patron Planet of the Martov Birthdaynikov, Jupiter is considered: these people are extremely active.

    Purposeful and ambitious, they strive to conquer heights, wanting to get a maximum. Most sees the meaning of life in obtaining wealth and achieve comfort, but they would call them mercantile. Processing is the desired definition.

    Often possess a developed sixth sense, which is relying during life. Perfectly capture the mood of others, so they are able to find the right words. Good comrades, but excessive credulity leads to their life false friends.

    People with a kind heart, they are overly concerned about the lives of others, therefore the desire remains to their own. Telling the feeling of guilt and blind adoption of public dogmas.

    Possess a non-standard look at the world and a wide range of interests, deepening in the areas of interest. Often find yourself in creativity. Diligent workers, try to perform tasks with qualitatively, but are affected by.

    Choose a mind and heart, do not forget that the main thing is not a name, but the love and care that parents give their baby.

Who celebrates the name day in March? What women's I. male names Need to give a newborn? All about the Orthodox holidays of March, we publish in the article!

Name Day in March (how to call boys and girls in March)

1 - Daniel, Ilya, Makar, Nikon, Paul, Porfiry, Julian.

2 - Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Paul, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor, Feodosius.

3 - Anna, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Paul.

4 - Arkhip, Dmitry, Evgeny, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot, Filimon.

5 - Agafon, Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Ion, Leo, Leonte, Luka, Nikolay, Pakhom, Pimen, Savva, Sergey, Sidor, Tit, Tikhon, Fedor, Philipp, Thoma, Yaroslav.

6 - Alexander, George, Grigory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Olga, Pavel, Timofey.

7 - Andrei, Athanasius, Vavil, Varvara, Vladimir, Victor, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Praskovya, Sergey, Stepan, Tit, Fedor, Philipp.

8 - Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Demyan, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolai, Polycarp, Sergey.

9 - Ivan, Hilarion.

10 - Alexander, Anton, Evgeny, Taras, Fedor.

11 - Anna, Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey.

12 - Makar, Mikhail, Peter, Prokop, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Tit, Julian, Yakov.

13 - Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Kira, Marina, Nestor, Nikolay, Sergey.

14 - Alexander, Alexander, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Veniamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Matrona, Mikhail, Hope, Nestor, Nikifor, Olga, Peter, Sylvester.

15 - Agafon, Arseny, Joseph, Savva, Fedot.

16 - Marfa, Mikhail, Sevastyan.

17 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniel, Paul, Yakov.

18 - Adrian, Georgy, David, Ivan, Iraida, Konstantin, Nikolay, Mark, Fedor, Feofan.

19 - Arkady, Konstantin, Fedor.

20 - Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Evgeny, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Ksenia, Lawrence, Mary, Matrona, Hope, Nestor, Nikolai, Nile, Paul.

21 - Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Feodosius.

22 - Alexander, Alexandra, Alexey, Athanasius, Valentin, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Irakli, Kirill, Leonte, Mikhail, Natalia, Nikolay, Sergey, Taras.

23 - Anastasia, Vasilisa, Victor, Vasilisa, Galina, George, Denis, Dmitry, Cyprian, Claudia, Kondrathy, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nika, Nikifor, Pavel, Feodor.

24 - Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan, Sophon, Feodora.

25 - Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semen, Sergey, Feofan.

26 - Alexander, Grigory, Mikhail, Nikifor, Nikolai, Terente, Christine.

27 - Venedict, Mikhail, Rostislav, Feodosius.

28 - Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Nikandr.

29 - Alexander, Anton, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Pimen, Roman, Trofim, Julian.

30 - Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Paul.

31 - Daniel, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalia, Trofim.

Church Orthodox Holidays in March

Theodore lived at the end of II - early III century. In the city of Alasia on the Black Sea coast and was a warrior, opened by the confessional faith in Christ. In 306, under the emperor gallery, the warlord tried in vain to force Feodorore to bring the victim to the pagan gods. After a long torment, the saint was sentenced to burn at the fire. His body intact with fire was buried in the city of Yukhaita, laterally moved to Tsargrad.

Fifty years after the death of Feodor, the emperor Julian Apostode ordered the Gradnikon Konstantinople to sprinkle in the first week of the Great Post all edible supplies in the markets of pounded blood. The Holy Feodor, appearing in the dream of Archbishop, commanded to declare all Christians so that no one bought anything in the markets, but ate boiled wheat with honey. In memory of this event, the Church annually makes another celebration of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron - on Saturday of the first week of the Great Post.

Holy Great Martyr Feodor Tiron

2nd of March The church also remembers. Saint Ermogen lived at the end of the XVI - early XVII century. He was the first Kazan Metropolitan and did a lot for the appeal to the Christianity of the locals. In 1606, Metropolitan Ermogen was elected to the First Protection Department. During the University, when Polish troops captured Moscow, the Patriarch was sent into custody in the miracle monastery. From imprisonment, he turned with the last message to the Russian people, blessed the liberation war against the conquerors. Alive in nine months, the patriarch accepted a martyr's death from hunger. After the liberation of Russia from the invaders, the body of the priest was buried in a miracle monastery, and in 1654 was transferred to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

Holy burgher prince Yaroslav Wise

the 5th of March - Day of memory of the blessed prince Yaroslav Wise. Holy Prince Yaroslav was born in 978 and was the son of Holy Equal-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir. He left about himself the memory of the compilation of the laws of laws Kievan Rus - "Russian truth", which, supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh, became the legal basis of the life of the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav paid a lot of attention to Christian enlightenment, dozens of temples in various cities were built on his order. Worship of the blessed prince Yaroslav Wise as a local devotee began immediately after the presumption in 1054 in the face of the holy prince glorified in 2005 to bless the His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Head of St. Prophet John Forerunner

Born in March, so that the name becomes a faith for him.

We have traditionally collected the most popular male names in the Sactots of March. And for the most common, psychological characteristics were also picked up, because the meaning of the name and character is tightly connected. We will be happy if this selection helps you choose a name for a child.

Birthdays of the month: Popular Male Names in Schinths, March

March 1 Mikhail, Nikolay, Paul, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor
2nd of March Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Paul
March, 3rd Arkhip, Bogdan, Dmitry, Eugene, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot
March 4. Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignatius, Korniliy, Lev, Leonte, Nikolay, Samson, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yaroslav
the 5th of March Alexander, Georgy, Grigory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Pavel, Timofey
March, 6 Andrei, Athanasius, Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Joseph, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Philipp
March 7. Alexander, Alexey, Ivan, Clement, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolay, Sergey, Fedor
March 8 Ivan, Hilarion, Nikolay
9th of March Alexander, Anton, Evgeny, Nikolay, Taras, Fedor
10th of March Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey
11th of March Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov
March 12.Arseny, Artem, Vasily, Nikolay, Sergey
March 13 Ivan.
March 14th Alexander, Anton, Vasily, Veniamin, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter
March 15thArseny, Joseph, Nikolay, Fedot

March 16. Mikhail, Sevastyan
March 17 Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, George, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniel, Pavel, Yakov
March 18 Adrian, Georgy, David, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mark, Nikolay, Fedor
March 19. Arkady, Konstantin, Maxim, Fedor
20th of MarchVasily, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ephraim, Nikolay, Paul
21 March Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan
March 22. Alexander, Alexey, Athanasius, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Irakli, Kirill, Leonte, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Sergey, Taras
March 23.Victor, Georgy, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Pavel, Fedor
March 24 Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan
March 25Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semen, Sergey
26 March Alexander, Grigory, Mikhail, Nikolay, Terente
March 27. Mikhail, Rostislav.
March 28. Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Timofey
March 29Alexander, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Paul, Roman, Trofim, Julian
30th of March Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Paul
March 31 Gregory, Daniel, Dmitry, Kirill, Trofim

How to name the boy in March: define a character named

Alexei. Alyosha since childhood is tied to his mother, but, growing, feels the head and defender, and tries to protect his mother from hassle. it more man Cases than words. Among friends, it seems to not lead, but he is listening to his opinion.

Arkady. Little Arcasha adore in the family, and in the yard. But this massive mate does not spoil his character. He remains kind and merciful, always tries to come to the rescue, and performs these promises. The team performs the role of a peacemaker without taking any of the parties.

Gregory. Grisha tries very good, but he fiddes and a little embarrassing, so parents are often unhappy with them. Does not like teasers, which is sometimes getting involved in fights.

In childhood, noisy peers will somewhat keep together, but not so much so that it is perceived as a zommelier or did the outcast. Caught to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Denis - a sociable child who is equally well in and with his friends, and animals. His weakness - dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, it will allow the discipline and responsibility in it.

As a child, he has time to get to everyone than can, and this will affect his character. Caprises and increased surrounding requirements will be his problem. He will intuitively look for support from Mom, who poured so much with him as a child.

- Calm and kind boy with mother's features. He is not painful and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya and flare, it quickly leaves.

David from early years Shows proud and independent character. He is persistent and pragmatic, but always surrounded by friends. Solving their problems, can fall into unpleasant situations, but it is usually chosen from them, thanks to its skill and intelligence. David's health is strong enough, and physical data are beautiful

Emelyan It is fundamental to stubbornness, even when the harm of such a position is obvious. It is difficult to admire buddies in a close circle, and almost with anyone does not divide secrets and plans. On the one hand, Mom can be calm: the child is not affected by the outside, and the bad company does not face him. On the other hand, it is not easy to build communication with the Son, especially in the adolescence.

Evgeny. Small Zhenya early mastering the letter and reading, foreign languages, and the fantasy does not fail. He is well referred to tasks requiring seamless and creative approach. Friends should appreciate and respember, and girls enjoy the fact that their wife idealizes them somewhat and exalt.

Zakhar. incredibly gaining and capable of concentration. His hobbies are mainly associated with technology. But, whatever he does not do, any business leaves his head, if it really is interesting for him. It delicately feels the beauty of nature, and carefully refers to people.

Ivan. Vanya can be quiet and inconspicuous, and maybe the chicken and the boat. It can combine a variety of qualities: strength and weakness, cruelty and good nature, tenderness and severity. It is usually easily related to life, and they manage much.

Konstantin. Kostik in childhood is a panty. The feeling of anxiety is accompanied by constantly, he adapts poorly to new people and circumstances. Parents have to arrive until he gets used to the garden or school. It will pass with age, but with people it will always converge reluctantly.

Kirill.An inquisitive kid who is easily given studies. It starts to read easily and early, his memory enviable and teachers often put it as an example. It can play with him a keen joke: Zazna and the desire to paint will harm him in life.

Leonid Rereply refers to their health. In a meal, I'm passing, it will require a dressing even with a small abrasion. Providing, seeks to stand out, and therefore he has a place to successes.

a lion- Calm and phlegmatic boy. It is not frustrated by little things, but because of a large resentment is able to worry for several days. Despite calm character, able to stand up for himself and give delivery. Lev is a lover of nature and relaxing in the forest, on the river, in the mountains.

Michael. Misha is a trouble-free child who always does in time and right. I have time to train in the football section, and to sing in the choir, if only there is his friends. His warehouse is logical.