Women's name Alina - which means: Description of the name. Name of the girl Alina: Mystery, meaning name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Alina sounds gently, gently. But here is the character of such girls and women far from Angelic. Alya - Personality stubborn, capricious and irritable. Capably be bold. The meaning of Alina speaks of the intolerance of these representatives of the perfect gender to other comments and advice. They always come only as they themselves want. At the same time, according to the interpretation of the name, Ala keeps himself with dignity and always respected by the team.

The meaning of the name Alina for the girl gives it a very complex character. Externally, it is often similar to the Father. Excessively selfless, because of what conflicts often arise with teachers and parents. It is often brought up in an incomplete family. Small and quickly remembered heard. Because of this, study alle is pretty easy.

The meaning of the name Alina for the child reports the tendency of the baby to drawing. Also, the girl loves to read historical novels. The girlfriends have a little girlfriend, as she from childhood prefers to be friends with representatives of strong sex. With age, the character of Ali becomes a little softer.


Male like and actively use it. Compliments and courtship attaches great importance. To fully disclose your potential can only with those representative of the strong floor to which endless confidence is experiencing. Easily divides love and sex, which means the ability to use sex as a weapon aimed at achieving the desired goal.

Great importance Alya gives senses to the partner. If it is loved by the present, it will be ready to make it impossible for its feeling. To interventions, anyone in their personal life belongs to be extremely negative. Prefers similar questions to solve itself.

A family

Despite a large number of Men-friends marriage Anlinochka goes into a fairly mature age. Of this woman, a beautiful mistress is obtained, which means that there is in the nature of such features as caringness and hospitality. He loves to prepare and treat guests with his culinary masterpieces. Considerable attention is played by family residence. Ala is not able to live under one roof with mother-in-law or her parents. Joint accommodation often ends with protracted conflicts.

Mother from Ali turns out sensitive and loving. It is often pointed by their offspring and excessively plowing them. Daughters Ali are often similar to the mother. A strong marriage union can work out with Victor, Mikhail, Vladimir, Evgenia, Yakov, Alexander. At all are not suitable for the relationship Igor, Dmitry, Alexey, Anatoly, Nikolay.

Business and Career

Successfully work these women can in various areas due to versatile abilities. It is preferable to choose those professions where you need to work hard and persistently. It is also desirable that the work is creative, and, it means that the owner of this name will be able to realize itself in the profession of an athlete, journalist, musician, actress, translator. It is not necessary to engage in teaching activities due to characteristics of character.

The origin of the name of Alina

According to history, this adverb is a brief form from Adeline. Adeline is a latinized name of Adela. It is believed that the origin of the name Adela is an ancient German. This is an abbreviated form from Adelheide.

There is one more option of the time from where there is no time. "Oxford Dictionary of Personal Naming" suggests that it has the Arab roots. Etymology is "noble", "famous".

The name of the name also reports the Scottish roots. In this country, this adverb was considered pair and belonged to the male alistair. The woman whose name was Alina, was often also called Angelina.

Characteristic named Alina

By nature, Alinochka is a born leader. That is why she is so striving to command and intolerabically refers to someone else's opinion. Characteristic named Alina speaks of increased excitability, while not moving into nervousness. Such women are capable of being both objective and subjective. The older it becomes Alya, the more indulgent it becomes communicating with people. Life experience in this regard has impressive importance.

Loves to punitive someone and take care. Alya - True Extravert. Able to quickly adapt even to the hardest life situations. Mature women in the character there are quite a few male features, for example, such as intolerance, audacity and stubbornness. Loves to do the surrounding comments. It seeks that everything around was exactly as you want.

Pros and cons of character make these women very purposeful. No one and nothing can break the will of Ali if she accepted any decision. These women say almost always what they think. Such excessive straightness often offends others. Despite the increased excitability, Alinka may well take himself in hand if circumstances will require.

Recharge Aly almost impossible not to parents or friends or her husband. This lady will never do something against his will. From the part it may seem that Alya acts on a carefully thought out plan, although, often it is far from the truth. Disposher can erase into powder. Of great importance gives its own opinion, which often considers the only true one.

The desired achieves easily. To achieve the goal is able to overcome even the most difficult obstacles. This is explained by the infinite faith of Alinka in their strength. Play such a woman can only when he stops believing.

Great value gives clothes. Constantly monitors fashion. Trying to acquire something new for your wardrobe every season. It has an amazing ability to stylishly dress on very modest money. Depending on the opinions of others. Often boasts. Considerable significance gives public recognition.

Ale is sure to follow their health, especially behind the stomach. It is he who is in the body the weakest place.

Mystery name

  • Stone Topaz and Hyacinth.
  • Name Day March 3, April 26, May 29, 14 and 16, July 2, August 4, September 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named scale, Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Alina Kabaeva (born in 1983) - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, public figure, Russian athlete.
  • Alina Kizyarov (1989) - actress. Removed in the films "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maiden", "Detectives".
  • Alina Artz (1986) - Russian pop singer, TV presenter, actress. Leading the evening show "Hot Secrets with Alina Artc", TV program "Star Secrets" and reality show "M-1 FIGHTER".

Different languages

Translation of the name from Latin language - "Other", "Alien", from Scandinavian - "noble", "generous." The following is listed, as the adverb is translated and as written in several foreign languages:

  • On Chinese - 阿琳娜 (ā Lín nà).
  • On Japanese - アリナ.
  • In English - Aline.
  • In French - Aline.

Forms name

  • Full name - Alina.
  • Derivatives, diminishing, abbreviated and other options - Ala, Alinka, Lina, Ala, Lin, Ada, Ali, Line, Alley.
  • The declination of the name - Alina - Alina - Alina.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - Angelina.

Singing female name Alina simply radiates tenderness and mystery. It is interesting that his meaning and origin really remains a mystery, because this name is considered as an ancient Roman (allegedly means "other", "alien") and Romano-Germanic (means "noble"), Greek (means "solar") and even Slavic (allegedly adopted in Russia with a reduction in the name of Akilin). Whatever it was, and the name of Alina in the last two decades was tightly among the most popular women's names in Russia.

Characteristic named Alina

Parents, who called so their daughters, can be understood: this is a beautiful name, gentle, with a person. However, in fact, genuine delicate Alin grow out from small gentle alina, which cannot be managed, which can easily show aggression (especially in the issue of protecting an innocent person), and certainly go through life, following a clear plan.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Such a character can not be called bad, however, those parents who are a little afraid of the possible factor in the aspirations of Alina, it is worth thinking about the possibility to correct it with difficult temper. For example, Alina is good to name the girl born under the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, that is, from January 21 to February 19. With aquietary Alina, the fact that both have special insight, intuition. They are difficult to blame with them with them, but Aquarius most often gives preference to dreaminess and dimension, which can be a little doubt the troubled temper of Alina, make it a more good, soft. Also very good option Will be called Alina Girl born under the sign of the scales, that is, from September 24 to October 23. Scales are similar to Alina Desire to be independent. Just like Alina, the scales do not like them to command, but at the same time representatives of this sign can easily change the mood from aggressiveness to tenderness, most often, remaining benevolent, open to communicate, adore entertaining those surrounding stories. Alina zodiac signs of Aries, Sagittarius and Cancer are well suited, but the fish, twins and scorpions should not be banned with this name.

Pros and Cons name Alina

What are the strengths and weaknesses can be found in the decision to call the child Alina? Of course, the name Alina almost does not have drawbacks: it is beautiful, simple, sonorous, has a variety of diminity-lascal forms (for example, Alinka, Alinka, Alya, Alechka, Lina), and also perfectly combined with the majority of the names of the names and patience. As for the minuses of this name, one of them is its absence in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of the names, and the second is a rather difficult character, which nature bestows most of Alin.


Health among the owners of this name is the average. In childhood, they often get sick, every ailment perceiving like the end of the world. Especially Alinem should be preserved the stomach, and therefore should be rationally eaten.

Love and family relationships

In family relations, Alina is pretty picky. It is generally difficult to get along with them, so do not try to settle it under one roof with my mother-in-law. In the satellites of life Alina chooses calm, strong and collected men who can put his wife to the place, thereby providing her respect. But the children of their Alina, as a rule, adores, sweeping through them all over and splashing their need to passionate for them.

Full name:

Similar names: Alina, Alina

Church name: -

Meaning: noble, bright, alien

The meaning of Alina - Interpretation

The name for the girl is a serious choice. It is necessary to take into account many factors, how it will affect further fate, and the interpretation, which may differ from the first expectations of the parents.

Until the 90s of the XX century, Alina's name was very exotic, in which it is difficult to believe it now, when girls are so often called enough. The name has several theories of origin and interpretation:

  1. The name happened from the ancient German's word, which meant "solar". This interpretation has a different origin - Greek.
  2. Alina is considered to reduce more complex names (Albina, Adeline), which soon became independent. The Oxford dictionary claims that the meaning of this name dates back to the Arabic word, which is translated as "noble", "famous".
  3. In Latin, the name means "alien", while in Scotland - "honest".

Most linguists prefer to use the first option, since it is the oldest possible in this case.

Name Alina in other languages

Astrology named Alina

Favorable day: Thursday

After year

Little Alina is extremely restless and wayward - it is not amenable to complete control from parents. That is why there will be quarrels and conflicts caused by a very freedom-loving character of the child.

To instill obedience from the small years, it should be strictly punished for serious provinces. IN otherwise This will lead to their frequent repetition and the perfect loss of the girl from under control.

Do not heal her excessive love for endless delights and praise. After all, very quickly the girl will begin to demonstrate a strong will and the desire to focus on himself all the attention to feel the adoration and respect of the public.

At an older age, Alina will become the growing conqueror of the hearts, as it loves to catch admiring glances and to stay in the center of male attention. This may prevent her studies, but here parents should be remembered about the rigor, so that the girl does not neglect the important knowledge at the very beginning of his life path.

Alina is diligent in studies, if the people surrounding are able to estimate its achievements. She will be engaged quite stubbornly until the desired result will achieve. But if the girl does not like something, she immediately hints about it, and any pressure will be inappropriate - for this reason it cannot be forced to attend clubs and classes that she doesn't like her.

Alina combines sometimes incompatible character traits - authority and friendliness.

Since Alina is very freedom-loving, capricious and originally, many, especially men, it may seem that it has already been born with an exact plan of his life, which will be embodied without consent and approval around.

Being confident, the woman conquers any vertices, whether they are professional or individual relating to relationships with a loved one. Alina knows about the peculiarities of its character, seeks to compensate for negative qualities, fights with their manifestations.

Often, a woman hides his feelings, not allowing those surrounding her real emotions. She has good intuition, which often helps to achieve a lot, including victories on a personal front.

Alina character

Being confident in herself, she will choose the most difficult profession and achieve unprecedented career heights. We can assume that faith in itself is the basis of Alina.

The freedom of the woman often leads to the fact that the tasks are solved exactly as she wants. If you correctly pick up the key to this lady and come to a compromise, then mutual success is inevitable. The wills of the will of her, caringness about the near, fearlessness and courage in the development of the new one you can only apply.

The desire to constantly be in the center of attention can be considered for the manifestation of egoism and capriciousness. Alina has a difficult character that forces others to think twice before moving her way. She can hone offense for a long time and will never forgive betrayal.

With someone Alina will be strict on the edge of reasonable, the other will be allowed and forgive more than forgiven another person. It is inherent in contradictory behavior and emotionality with a negative tint, which often leads to conflicts.

Fate Alina

The nature of Alina does not allow her to sit in place, so it will definitely get a good education and will find themselves in the area that requires constant work on themselves, achieving new vertices and improving skills.

The first marriage of Ali, if he is early, will not bring her happiness and disintegrated with time. Subsequent relationships will be strong, as the woman gradually realizes what she needs for happiness. In this case, the partner must be under it to become confident, well-groomed and purposeful, with strong characterwhich will not allow you to make yourself a repeater. Alina Children loves all the souls, which often leads to indulging their desires in everything.

Alina is not able to endure boredom and monotony. It becomes the cause of her constant thrust to knowledge, so many are surprised, learning that she erudited and loves to indulge themselves with new information from various areas.

It is worth noting that Alina, whiping his family nest Together with your loved one, it can turn it into a nightmare and to paradise on Earth. She easily and willingly eliminates household problems, deals with the economy and children. But she will not tolerate a despotic attitude towards himself, will not listen to ultimatum and immediately break any relationship, if a pressure control is felt over himself.

and money

and family

and love


and hobby

Career, Business and Money

Thanks to his confidence and unshakable faith, Alina is able to conquer any vertices. It is perfect for her creative professionwhich can directly be associated with art.

In the musical sphere, she will achieve success, which is determined by the desire to be the center of attention, take admiring views and enthusiastic applause.

Alina has leadership qualities, it often achieves career heights to fulfill the most difficult tasks on their own. It can choose both a creative and more complex profession, becoming a physician or financier. Alya knows how to work at the limit of its capabilities, jumping above the head in cases where her confidence in itself is unshakable.

Marriage and family

Most often Alina late marry. It is very difficult to build it family relationshipsBut if a man meets her needs and corresponds to expectations, there is nothing impossible in this task.

Alina is confident in its rightness and in case of conflict will defend it to the last. Since in many cases, she is entirely confident that disagreement can be considered an attempt to control, it is more reasonable to leave conflicts with it, until the flame of a quarrel flashed at full capacity.

Sex and love

Alina is selective and picky, it will not choose the first man, although quite willingly take compliments and admiration. In relations, it is inherent in despotic inclinations - if a man is weaker than her in character, then he is better not to wait good.

It will fully exploit the partner, seeking him obedience and indulging in his whims. Therefore, the most appropriate will be confident man, well-groomed and followed by itself, capable of putting it in place if necessary. Finding a lover who fully satisfies her needs, Alina is capable of being faithful in relationships.


Alina's health is directly connected with the season in which she was born. If it is cold season, then there are no distinctions for the disease associated with the respiratory system (bronchitis). It happens that the girl suffers from scoliosis or eye diseases.

Born in summer, Alina can be capricious in early childhood, abandoning food, and later - to fall into depressive states and for a long time to hurt a little cold.

To avoid the outstanding of trifle diseases into a chronic stage, parents stand strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor and force Alina to undergo therapy or treatment in the hospital, if necessary.

Hobbies and hobby

Alina is fond of the fact that it brings her pleasure and allows you to feel even more confident. She often connects his hobby with creative endeavors, the prospective in which she will find a great faith in their own strength.

To do this, she will brag up with a visual manifestation of their achievements, so limit the girl in choosing classes in free time Do not.

Until recently, in Russia, it was infrequently able to meet a beautiful sex representative with the name Alina, which was considered rare and refined. At the end of the last century, it began to acquire increasing popularity. Now Alina is a common name, but this is not less refined.

Where did the name come from

Alina's name appeared in Russian relatively recently - at the beginning of the XVIII century. It came to us from the ancient Germanic language and was used as an abbreviated form from Adeline (adelina / adeline), which in translation denotes "noble", "sublime". According to another version, this is the name of ancient Greek origin and denotes "solar", "radiant".

As they call Alina

The abbreviated options for Alina are most often used:

  • Alka;
  • Lina.

Distribution and smear forms are common:

  • Alinka;
  • Alinka;
  • Awich;
  • Alusya;
  • Alushka;
  • Alisha;
  • Alinushka.

Because of his favorable name, Alina is used as a brief form from Angelina, Alevtina, Alexandra, and from rare name Akilin (Akulina).

Abbreviated forms perform the role of a shock absorber in life circumstances. They seem to help adapt to their surround. The same can be said about nicknames.

Alina - Sunny, Positive Man

Name Alina in other languages \u200b\u200band transliteration

Owners named Alina we can meet in different countries World. In the Romano-German and Slavic languages, Alina sounds almost the same. But some languages \u200b\u200bhave a wide variety of diminutive forms.

Table: How does Alina sound in various languages

Language Name Decrease
GermanAlina (Alina)Alinchen (Alinkhen), Lina (Lina), Line (Line, Lina),
Linchen (Lynxen), INA (Ina), Ini (Inhen)
FrenchAline (Alin, Alina)LINE (LIN)
EnglishAline (Eline)LINE (LINE)
ItalianAlina (Alina)Alinuccia (Alinucha), Alinetta (Alinetta),
Lina (Lina), Linuccia (Linucchcha), Linetta (Lynette)
SpanishAlina (Alina)Lina (Lina)
PortugueseAlina (Alina), Aline (Alina)Alininha (Alinigna), Lina (Lina),
Line (Line, Line), Lininha (Linigna)
RomanianAlina (Alina)Alinuţa (Alinuta), Lina (Lina
CzechAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Ala (Ala), Alka (Alka),
Ali (Ali), Alča (Alcha), Lina (Lina)
PolishAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Ala (Alya), Alka (Alca),
Alunia (Aluminum)
UkrainianAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Alinochka (Alinochka),
Alinonka (Aylinea)
FinnishAliina (Alina)Alli (Ally), Liina (Lina)
SwedishAlina (Alina), Aline (Alin)Lina (Lina)
Chinese阿琳娜 (Alignan)-
Japaneseアリナ (Arina)-

In the passport, Alina will be written in Alina, in accordance with the transliteration rules adopted in Russia.

What patrimonies are suitable

Because of its fabulility and conciseness, Alina's name is well combined with many common patrimonies. Often you can meet Alina Alexandrovna or Alina Vladimirovna, as well as Alina Vladislavovna and Alina Olegovna. Can say it is the most successful combinations. However, the name is suitable for rare parties. For example, Alina Arnoldna sounds firmly and at the same time exquisite.

Alina is suitable for almost any patronymic

What a nickname choose Alina

We often create a nickname, consonant with our name. The most suitable for Alina can be:

  • Lina;
  • Lynn;
  • Linie.

Holy patroness

In church orthodox calendar Name Alina No, when baptized, the girl is often called alentine. Her saint patroness will be Alevtina Caesarian. Alina, born in the spring, celebrates the Angel Day on March 23, April 26 and 29 or May 29. Summer Alina celebrates the name of 14 and 16 June, July 2 and July 29 or August 4. Name Day At Autumn Alina - September 29th. When baptized for Alina, you can also choose the name of Alla, Alexander or Angelina.

Alevtina Caesarian - Holy Patrone Alina

Name, character and fate

The works of Pierre Ruju, Boris Higira and other researchers provide convincing justifications of the influence of the name on the character and fate of a person.

In the history of mankind, probably there was no such civilization that would not give values \u200b\u200bto the names. In some tribes, it is believed that a person communicates with the world of perfume through the name they call him. It is associated with fate and is that thin, but durable thread, which connects the world material with the world unmanifested.

One of my acquaintances, who worked in the Opolyar for more than fifteen years, told such a story. Their expedition did not have time to return on time. You can fly by plane only before the onset of cold weather. Winter in these latitudes is severe and long. Winter had to be in a small Eskimo village. All would not, but in their expedition there was a married couple, they were waiting for replenishment. The girl was born weak, barely breathing. If you do not assist, newborns die from asphyxia in the first day of life. From civilization, they were separated hundreds of miles of snow and permafrost. Breathing apparatus not. What to do? It seemed that the world was ruled by despair. They called the shaman (or just the oldest woman in the village). That entered, silently sat down in the corner. Finally, the old woman spoke: "Name Alina Girl. Name and give her fate, which means there will be to live. " Parents have heard such a name for the first time, and Shamanak explained: "We call the star so. Was-about it there. She always shines. The girl is strong will and everything will achieve itself. " Probably to comfort wanted. I did not decide to ask a question. And the former Polarmaker, like that old shaman, was silent for a long time. Well, what about the girl? He laughed. Since then, many years have passed since. Alina (so called it) returned from their first expedition. Probably, the star presented her and his health, and fate. Star named Alina.

Peoples of the Polaria call Alina one of the stars

The character of a little alina

Already in early age Alina shows independence and perseverance.Naughty, restless girl seeks to do everything in his own way. It is not always considered to be the opinion of teachers and parents. It is not easy to become an authority for it. Alina early shows leader inclinations, she feels her place in the center, to adapt to another she does not like.

From nature, Alina is endowed with many talents, she has excellent memory, pronounced creative abilities. Energetic and moving girl easily makes new friends, often prefers to be friends with boys.

As a child, Alina is not always characterized by perfect health. It is important to monitor the condition of the respiratory tract, not to allow frequent hypoints.

Alina - very talented girl with developed creative abilities

Character and profession of adult alina

Adult, Alina learns to master their depth character. She still remains bold, bold and purposeful, but learns to show restraint and fasciance in communicating with others. According to the type of identity of Alina Extravert. It remains the same sociable as in childhood. Very contact, it nevertheless can suffer from internal emotional compression.

Alina is suitable for professions and classes related to travels, sports, art. Definitely in its activity should be the place of creativity. Eruded and bright, she loves to amaze, admire, stuck attention. More often Alina chooses humanitarian sciences and quickly achieves success. She has good abilities to literary activities, journalism, foreign languages. Alina can become an excellent leader.

This girl will not suit the profession associated with the routine, requiring the perpetuity and manifestation of diplomatic abilities.

Adult Alina, as a rule, does not have health problems. She has a strong immunity, she is alive as Salamander.

Love and marriage compatibility

In love Alina is unpredictable. Brilliant and attractive, it shows that tenderness and federation, then coldness and arrogance. From young age, Alina always have many fans, but it is not easy to achieve her favor. She demanding a partner and knows the price.

Alina can get married several times. Successful, as a rule, marriage prisonered in adulthood. Alina can bring happiness to a partner named:

  • Alexander;
  • Artyom;
  • Evgeny;
  • Maxim;
  • Nikita;
  • Sergey.

Relationships with men may fail:

  • Andrey;
  • Anatoly;
  • Dmitry;
  • Igor.

Table: compatibility with male names

Male nameEvaluation
Alexander+ Despite the fact that at first, relations are accompanied by difficulties, Alina and Alexander can create a strong family. It is important that both partners do not limit each other's freedom.
Alexei+/- In this union, much solves the readiness of partners to work on themselves. In relations there is a stormy passion, as well as the struggle for leadership. If the partners do not learn to give up, their relationship is doomed.
Anatoly- This pair usually does not do without difficulties. Both partners are leaders. The struggle for the championship and reluctance to make concessions can destroy relations.
Andrew- Strong passion and emotions prevail, but there is no harmony.
Artyom+ Relations with Artyom develop rapidly. Life is interesting and always filled with events. They live on the same wave. Marriage can be long and successful.
Vladimir+/- Partners attract each other. Their relationship gives them unforgettable impressions, but rarely withstand the test of a joint life.
Dmitriy- The beginning of the relationship can be happy, but both partners are difficult to compromise. This can be a serious obstacle to creating a happy union.
Evgeny+ The owners of these names have a lot in common. This pair has good sexual compatibility. Alina and Eugene can create a strong family if they overcome contradictions that arise at the very beginning of relations.
Igor- In this relationship there is love or hatred. Often both. Such a union rarely withstands strength test.
Maxim+ Alina and Maxim are excellent compatibility. Their relationship begin violently, then acquire stability.
Nikita+ With Nikita Alina can create durable and happy Soyuz. They always have mutual understanding.
Nikolai+/- Compatibility in this pair is more suitable for love than for family life. Relationships can be bright, but both partners are strong personality and do not like to give up.
Sergey+ Alina with Sergey can create strong relationships. To do this, both need to strive for
Balance and show respect for each other.

To build strong, harmonious relations, Alina must learn to give up partner

Compliance with name Alina

According to the theory of French researcher Pierre Ruju, each name carries a certain vibration. Separate letters of the name, merging together, create a melody. This melody is part of the resonance with the planet, which is the patron saint of the name, with the elements and defined signs Zodiac. The same vibration frequency can be transmitted by color and its shades.

We have representatives with a similar frequency of vibration in the animal, the vegetation kingdom and the kingdom of minerals. These are our patrons that protect us and send us harmonizing waves.

Table: What is the name of Alina

The happiest years in the life of Alina will be: 12, 24, 36, 48, etc., this is all the years of her life, multiple twelve. This will take care of a generous patron - Planet Jupiter.

Photo Gallery: What has resonance with Alina

Swallow - Totem Alina in the animal kingdom Lily corresponds to Alina in the world of plants Avenant - Stone for Alina

Who is suitable for this name? Name patronizing Jupiter. The harmonious resonance will arise if Jupiter is also pronounced in the horoscope of Alina itself. Many know that this planet runs zodiac signs Sagittarius and fish. If Alina Sunnyh is at birth in these signs, it hints in itself that there is a resonance. But that's not all. IN natalian horoscope, i.e. the birthday horoscope has significant points: first, ASC (Ascendant) is a point on the ecliptic that goes back at the moment of birth. Secondly, MC (mid-sky) is the highest point of the horizon. So, Jupiter may be at these points or very close to them, also one or both of these important points can get into the sign of Sagittarius or fish. This means that Alina will love his name and will feel that it is her faithful assistant.

The value of individual letters

Letters, like notes, merging together, create a ringtone name. And this melody accompanies us all your life. The first letter carries the strongest energy promise:

  • A - power, authority, beginning. Owners of the name beginning with the letter A - inborn leaders seeking to spiritual development at the same time value emotional and physical comfort;
  • L - ingenuity, artistry. Associated with artistic abilities, gives a subtle understanding of the beautiful, simultaneously clear and clear logic;
  • And - peacefulness, impressionability. Gives an internal desire for harmony, also gives external practicality;
  • N is a sharp mind, criticality. Located with a large inner force, desire for physical and spiritual health.

Alina, born in winter, a sharp mind and big ambitions that help her seek success in life

What will be Alina, born at different times of the year

Alina girl, born in the spring, endowed with a rich imagination. She has the most expressed artistic and artistic inclinations. This is a romantic nature, she will remain for life.

Summer Alina is good-natured, good and very sociable, but it happens to quickly and a little selfish.

Alina, born in the autumn months, is optimistic. It is characteristic of practicality, outstanding ingenuity and enterprise.

Winter Alina is decisive and ambitious. Sometimes it can take appreciation, does not tolerate criticism in its address. It is distinguished by a sharp mind and inherent responsibility.

Alina and her zodiac sign

Of course, Alina, born under different zodiac signs, will differ in nature and fate. However, representatives of all signs of the zodiac unites "sunshine", which gives them a name.

Table: The influence of the sign of the zodiac

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAlina, born under the sign of the Aries - Independent and straight woman. She appreciates freedom and loves adventure, her a lot is under power. Alina-Aries is endowed with a strong character and a challenge temper. Its relations with the opposite sex are not always smooth, many men next to her feel uncomfortable. But she is looking for her strong knight.
calfThe charming and gentle Alina-Taurus nevertheless has a hard character, it is inherent in practicality and pragmatism, it appreciates material benefits and mental comfort. This is a sensual, elegant nature. In men, she primarily appreciates stability. She needs a reliable companion of life.
TwinsAlina-Gemini is inquisitive, sociable and unpredictable. She is always in motion, she has many different hobbies and interests. Does not tolerate boredom and monotony either in work or in relationships. She needs a partner who shares her hobbies.
CancerAlina, born under the sign of cancer, feminine, charming and mysterious nature. It has a vulnerable soul. Next to her should be a careful and sensitive man who will protect it from all the external world's adversity. The main place in his life Alina-Cancer assigns the family.
a lionAlina-Lion is a brilliant and charismatic woman, convinced of his exclusivity. She likes to admire those surrounding with his beauty and femininity. By nature generous and good, but sometimes it can be authority and arrogance. She needs a partner who can support her royal image in the eyes of others.
VirgoAlina, born under the sign of the Virgin, hardworking and conscientious. She has an acute torture mind and developed intuition, which allows it to find non-standard solutions In difficult questions. Alina-Virgo is prone to self-analysis, pragmatism. She clearly knows what is waiting for his partner.
LibraElegant and feminine alina-scales radiate harmony. In her opinion, life should always give pleasure and joy. She loves and appreciate others. Quite often she is difficult to make decisions on their own. Alina-Lamb needs a strong, confident partner.
ScorpioAlina, born under the sign of Scorpio, has an independent, sometimes hard character. The surrounding may seem that there is no halftone for it. At the same time, it is an emotional and sensitive nature. Due to the controversy of his nature Alina-Scorpio, it is not easy to find his perfect partner. And the ideal for her will be the one to whom it will obey.
SagittariusAlina, born under the sign of the Sagittarius, optimist and the favorite of good luck. Her belief is in the best infectious for others, it is easy to find a common language with all. She is straightforward and ready to defend justice, korestolubie her alien. Next to her should be a man who shares her ideals.
CapricornAlina-Capricorn is hardworking and restrained, she is not alien to ambiguously. The surrounding appreciate her for a sharp mind and reliability, it is not inclined to make rapid decisions. Behind the outer coldness is lost sensitive, responsive, a little shy nature. For happiness, she needs a serious and devoted partner.
AquariusAlina-Aquarius is a sociable, intelligent and purposeful woman. Its entails all new, unusual, non-standard. By nature, she is an innovator, she is alien to stamps, her gaze is fixed into the future. However, it is characterized by excessive emotionality. She prefers freedom-loving and extravagant partners.
FishAlina, born under the sign of the fish, sophisticated nature, prone to empathy. Sometimes it is melancholic and hidden. She is dreaming and tend to idealize people, including their partner. To be happy Alina, you need a partner close in the spirit, capable of fine and empathize.

Photo Gallery: Famous women named Alina

Alina Dumitru - Romanian judoist Alina Orlova - Singer Alina Pokrovskaya - Russian actress Alina Vitukhnovskaya - Russian poetess Alina Grosu - Ukrainian singer Pogostkina Alina - German violinist Kabaeva Alina - Russian gymnast

Alina in poetry

Poetically, the appeal to Alina in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Recognition" dedicated to Alina-Inspirational (Alexandra Osipova):

Alina! Make it necessary for me.

I do not dare to demand love.

Perhaps for my sins

My angel, I do not stand love!

But pretend! This look

Everything can express so wonderful!

Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ..

I am deceive to deceive!

A. S. Pushkin
Collection of poems

No matter how eager researchers - psychologists, scientists, esoterica - to enter the essence and justify the relationship of the name, nature and fate, this question still does not lose its depth. It hid the key from a certain door leading to the world of great opportunities and self-realization. Each name radiates a halo of secrets, he always stands for something unknown.

There are several versions of the origin named Alina. For example, in Scandinavia, it is believed that it is derived from the name of Adeline, which means "noble". At the same time, the name Adeline is French. Some believe that Alina occurred from the Latin name Albina, which is translated as "white". Scots transport the name of Alina, as "honest", and the Greeks denote it " sunlight" Slavs associate the name of Alina with the word "scarlet" and works such as Scarlet Sails Or a scarlet flower, which symbolizes the hope and waiting for a miracle.

Character name to Alina

One of the main factors affecting the meaning of the human name is the time of year in which he was born. If Alina was born in winter, it will be very attractive and communicable. At the same time, it is much easier for her to establish contact with men, and not with women. Also winter Alina loves to cook and makes it wonderful. She is very hospitable, knows how to be friends and maintain in a difficult moment. Alina, born in the spring, very creative personality. She sings, dancing, sews and never stops for what has been achieved, seeking to develop. Her character is soft and wounded. Spring Alina is easy to offend even one wrong spelled. Summer Alina is the opposite of winter. She is not sure and therefore with difficulty finds contact with others. Summer Alina is a good and compliant, because he does not like to offend people and is afraid of it. Some people use their soft purposes. The best name Alina is suitable for the girl born in autumn. It will be assertive, calculating and always seeking to their goal. Due to its rigidity and uncompromising, it is easily rising through a career ladder, but it is hard to converge with men.

Alina All life will be fragile and gentle, in need of love and caring a woman. However, B. specific situationsShe can manifest factories. She loves to stand out, dresses always bright and unusual. In this case, all things should be beautiful and high quality. Alina always soberly reflects and weighed all the arguments before making any solution. She is pretty smart and knows how to laugh at himself. She has many friends, including among colleagues. Alina attracts them with its stress resistance, reliability and amazing sense of humor.

Thanks to his mind, Alina chooses his friends and buddies who are harmonized with her spiritual organization and do not interfere with its development as a person. Alina is very often offended and always remembers these insults. She does not like the strongest, dishonest and coarse people who are capable of betrayal. Alina is very emotional, but does not like to show it, because it does not want to face cruelty and the crust of people. She fears serious change, so it is planning his life in advance and follows this plan. Alina has excellent intuition and all her friends know it, so they do not even try to deceive it. She often sees dreams, which then come true. There is only one significant minus in the character of Alina. She is not completely confident in herself. For this reason, the girl often throws things halfway, afraid to hear criticism.

Alina Name for Girl

For a girl named Alina, a violent character is peculiar. She does not like to sit in one place and constantly indulges. Instead of games in Alina dolls, preferably have fun on the street with boys. But with age, it becomes more restrained, and its character is stronger and stubborn. Since childhood, Alina tries to get as much new knowledge as possible. She studies perfectly, has a sharp mind, wonderful memory and well analyzes the information received. But sometimes getting good grades to her interfere with modesty and shy. Alina is very often offended, angry and always takes out his offenders. She also is very vain and tries to be a good deed that she did, they saw everything. It is important to assess the outside. Alina Creative Personality, able to draw, sing and dance, and she also has a great imagination. Among friends, she tries to hold a leading position, but sometimes her shyness prevents her. Because of this, someone else becomes very often the leader.

Alina kind and open, but it is easy to offend. With each disorder, it becomes more closed and bypassing the side of peers. Most of the free time Alina spends with his relatives, because it is important for her to receive the support that friends do not always give. With age, Alina retains its seriousness, independence, diplomaticity and sense of tact. She is still very kind and waters. Her craving for art reflects on the arrangement of housing and his appearance. But she needs to strictly follow his imagination to distinguish the fantasy from reality. Alina is a real fighter, but because of his kindness and shyness it is difficult for her to show this quality. However, due to the persistence and strength of will, she will still achieve the desired. Even in adulthood, Alina is committed to development, studies new activities for themselves and expands the circle of communication. She used to analyze all his actions to avoid repetition of errors in the future.

Marriage and Compatibility named Alina

Alina is very noble and always behaves worthy. She has certain rules of behavior, beyond which it tries not to go out. However, her imagination is greatly preventing her. Alina often thinks about the novels of the Middle Ages, the heroines of which are real coquettes. However, the most often Alina does not allow himself anything more seriously playful look, as it does not want to stain his reputation.

Alina is very demanding for its partner, so the chosen one should be quite patient. To help her decide, try to praise her as often as possible. But this should be done sincerely, as it easily recognizes a lie and does not forgive deception. Alina loves signs of attention and recognition of their talent. To achieve its location, make a compliment to the arrangement of its apartment. If Alina finally loved, the feelings completely absorb it. She is ready to donate to many for her beloved. However, if a man does not meet expectations, Alina will not sacrifice himself, but will continue to search for a suitable chosen one. Even the fact that Alina carefully selects the applicant in her husband, does not always bring a positive result. The fate of her marriages is not always happy and often she gets married several times. The cause of the divorce will not be life, but a lack of love and mutual understanding between spouses. In view of his shyness, Alina prefers to relax in the circle of the family, and not the company of friends, therefore, and the house is choosing a house. Family leisure will always be bright and joyful, because Alina easily comes up with interesting classes thanks to a well-developed fantasy. The family leader is a man, as Alina is not inherent in leadership qualities. Despite the fact that Alina is modest and shy, it will always stand up for their children and will not allow anyone to offend them. For her husband, it will be support and support, also a dedicated friend and faithful wife. The strongest union will be at Alina with Boris, Eugene, Mikhail, Viktor, Alexander, Vladimir and Yakov.