Modern names for boys. The most beautiful and rare names for boys

These are proactive and active boys and from the very childhood there will be no rest for their parents. Your son will definitely not be able to sit still and it will be extremely difficult to keep up with him. When you become a little older, you will not leave you with questions about the creation of the world, how it came into being, why everyone is different, and so on. Everything that he sees and does not understand, he will learn from you. And since such boys are also distinguished by perseverance, then be sure that until he receives a detailed answer, he will not calm down.

The most important authority in the life of such a boy is the father, the boys born at this time will imitate them and copy their behavior. Any words and deeds will be taken very seriously, and therefore it is the dads who need to try to pay as much attention as possible - to give advice, teach, teach various skills and guide them in difficult life situations.

As soon as such a boy grows older and approaches youth, then more and more he begins to be interested in the house, the household, some practical skills that will help in the arrangement of the house. In relationships with the opposite sex, and in his family, he will strive for leadership, domination. And you can not be afraid of this, because such boys will be excellent family men, even in spite of their emotionality and sometimes irascibility.

In the year of the Rooster, more often talented and purposeful individuals are born, which allows them to achieve success in any area. Moreover, the guys who were born in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will have more than one talent, they will be able to find themselves in creativity, and in music, and in sports, and in technology, and even in science. The main thing from childhood is to teach them to discipline, which can be extremely difficult.

Rules for choosing a name for a boy:

  • the first criterion that must be followed is the sound of the full name, surname and patronymic. It should not be too long and the same (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich);
  • as we already mentioned, a name can endow a person with certain characteristics, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to figure out how your son should grow up;
  • if you cannot decide on a name, then involve relatives or close friends in this process, in general, those whom you trust;
  • try to take into account the popularity of the name as well, because if it is too old or unusual, then your child cannot avoid jokes about this;
  • nationality also plays a huge role, for example, the name John in our country will sound rather strange.

Trendy names for boys in 2017

Matvey- translated from Hebrew as "Given by the Lord." And by the nature of such a child, you can really call a real gift. He is not capricious for any reason, he is very clean and in a dirty puddle with all the courtyard boys, you certainly will not find him. Matvey is always obedient and will never be rude to his parents. TO positive qualities can also include honesty and truthfulness. He will never deceive and will only do what is right.

Artem- this name is translated from Greek as “Unharmed”. WITH early years shows discretion and seems smart beyond his years. He is calm, he carefully thinks over any action and decision. If you need an adequate assessment from the side of any situation, then you can definitely turn to him. They always read a lot and try to learn as much as possible about the world and those around them. He is sociable and friendly, he often has many friends and can rightfully be called the soul of the company.

Maksim- in Latin this name means “Great”. He is a versatile person - he constantly reads books, learns new skills, collects stamps, coins, and so on, enjoys sports and much more. At school, Maxims are usually active and energetic, trying to learn as much as possible. He is also friendly and always has many friends and acquaintances. At any moment he is ready to help a person in need, no matter how much he knows him and how warm his relationship with him is.

Alexander- in ancient Greek it is "Protector". He has leadership qualities, is courageous and courageous, ready to help at any time. He also has good intellectual ability and usually does well in school. In relations with others, he is honest and has good intuition.

Timofey- translated from Greek as "Honoring God." They are vulnerable and emotional, unsuccessful jokes or words are acutely perceived and worried for a long time. Timofey is growing up as a good psychologist and is able to understand many, therefore he finds a common language with many. At school and in the family, he is docile and obedient, he carries out all assignments without bickering. He loves to help others and can be relied on. He is also very curious and inquisitive, tries to learn and understand everything, reads a lot, especially reaches out to the exact sciences.

Male names 2017

Winter months

In winter, rather calm and balanced boys are born, but at the same time they are very stubborn and have an unbending character. That is why they always achieve their goal, and if they come across some kind of failure, they will calmly survive it and will continue to move towards the goal. They keep all their emotions and experiences in themselves, which is why they may seem gloomy and too strict. Such guys need to emphasize their inner strength and will with the help of a name.


Roman, Plato, Anatoly, Mikhail, Alexey, Alexander, Makar, Grigory, Peter, Yuri, Innokenty, Yakov, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Stepan, Fedor, Andrey, Ivan, Savva, Nikolay, Anton, Pavel, Kirill, Daniel, Arseny, Arkady, Eugene, Trifon, Orest, Modest.


Timofey, Gregory, Ignatius, Ivan, Daniel, Peter, Adam, Nikolay, Stepan, Efim, Fedor, Nikanor, Mark, Makar, Joseph, Vasily, Yakov, Gordey, Athanasius, Georgy, Philip, Emelyan, Pavel, Savva, Mikhail, Prokhor, Maxim, Anton, Cyril.


Fedor, Savva, Efim, Maxim, Timofey, Makar, Gennady, Ivan, Gerasim, Gregory, Moses, Arkady, Isaac, Ephrem, Roman, Lawrence, Ignatius, Vasily, Ippolit, Nikita, Peter, Nikolai, Semyon, Yuri, Kirill, Dmitry, Vsevolod, Vlas, Gabriel, Anton, Alexey, Eugene.

Spring months

Despite the fact that spring boys are born purposeful and stubborn, they also have indecision, which can sometimes spoil a lot. Before you do something, buy, say, such a guy thinks a hundred times and only then will implement it. Spring boys are emotional and sensitive, which makes them quite touchy and vulnerable. To mitigate this, you need to give them names that will cool down your emotions a little and allow you to be more calm about problems.


Daniel, Pavel, Ilya, Kuzma, Lev, Timofey, Georgy, Athanasius, Ivan, Alexander, Taras, Sevastian, Vasily, Nikolay, Bogdan, Arseny, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, David, Arkady, Eugene, Valery, Efrem, Gregory, Leonid, Efim, Semyon, Venedict, Rostislav, Denis, Cyril, Trofim.


Ivan, Victor, Innokenty, Sergey, Kirill, Vasily, Stepan, Peter, Tikhon, Gabriel, Efim, Nikita, Joseph, Egor, Lazar, Georgy, Daniel, Vadim, Rodion, Alexander, Fedor, Maxim, Terenty, Yakov, Antip, Anton, Martyn, Trofim, Leonid, Semyon.


Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, Yuri, Trifon, Nikifor, Alexander, Fedor, Gabriel, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Egor, Alexey, Savva, Vasily, Mark, Stepan, Semyon, Joseph, Vitaly, Maxim, Kirill, Nikita, Makar, Yakov, Boris, David, Gleb, Roman, Peter, Timofey, Arseny, Nikolay, Denis, German, Alexander, Efim, Dmitry, Bogdan.

Summer months

Summer is the time when the most ardent optimists are born. Energy boils in them, and power is in full swing, they never sit around, and in childhood it is difficult to keep track of such guys. The thirst for knowledge manifests itself especially and they are ready to learn and learn at any time of the day. They also love sports and outdoor activities. They are very cheerful and emotional, with others they are friendly and always ready to help.


Ivan, Dmitry, Ignatius, Sergey, Alexander, Timofey, Alexey, Konstantin, Fedor, Mikhail, Nikita, Semyon, Georgy, Makar, Denis, Nikifor, Igor, Konstantin, Leonid, Fedot, Vasily, Efrem, Arseny, Stepan, Yuri, Elisha, Mstislav, Tikhon, Modest.


Gleb, Leonty, Gury, Julian, Terenty, Arseny, Vasily, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Ivan, Anton, David, Peter, Denis, Georgy, Samson, Sergey, Kuzma, Anatoly, Konstantin, Philip, Efim, Andrey, Fedor, Kirill, Mikhail, Stefan, Vladimir, Pavel, Emelyan.


Seraphim, Roman, Ilya, Athanasius, Ivan, Semyon, Trofim, Gleb, Boris, David, Makar, Polycarp, Moses, Herman, Nikolai, Konstantin, Valentin, Mikhail, Elizar, Evdokim, Vasily, Stepan, Anton, Maximilian, Grigry, Leonid, Emelyan, Julian, Fedor, Alexander, Ippolit, Kapiton, Maxim, Tikhon, Arkady, Demid, Pavel, Miron, Denis, Laurus.

Autumn months

In the fall, wise, intelligent and quick-witted boys are born. Often their view of the world is either realistic or close to pessimism. Recklessness and spontaneity are definitely not about them. Autumn boys are always judicious and, before going on something, will weigh the pros and cons. They have such a quality as empathy, which allows him to quickly converge with people and establish contacts. Autumn boys inspire confidence in those around them and for good reason, because if he promised, he will definitely fulfill it.


Timofey, Vassa, Andrey, Samuel, Athanasius, Peter, Arseny, Adrian, Moses, Savva, Ivan, Alexander, Daniel, Peter, Anton, Theodosius, Bogdan, Fedot, Gleb, David, Zakhar, Arkhip, Kirill, Mikhail, Makar, Dmitry, Pavel, Sergey, Julian, Semyon, Leonty, Korniliy, Nikita, Stepan, Victor.


Igor, David, Konstantin, Trofim, Fedor, Oleg, Mikhail, Dmitry, Makar, Peter, Ivan, Vladislav, Innokenty, Galaktion, Tikhon, German, Ephrem, Mark, Ignatius, Aristarkh, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Khariton, Andrey, Denis, Vladimir, Matvey, Philip, Sergey, Julian, Tryphon, Abraham, Yakov, Benjamin, Nazar, Nikita, Lukyan, Efim, Anton, Kuzma, Demyan, Lazar, Joseph.


Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Ignatius, Irakli, Maximilian, Dmitry, Nestor, Mark, Arseny, Stepan, Nikodim, Demyan, Spiridon, Kuzma, Egor, Joseph, Gregory, Galaktion, German, Pavel, Kirill, Valery, Fedot, Bogdan, Mikhail, Gabriel, Rodion, Maxim, Vikenty, Nil, Nikifor, Philip, Gury, Matvey.

There is a theory that a person's name influences his destiny. It is partly confirmed by physicists as well. When the same sound waves are sent to a person (and according to the laws of physics, a word is waves), he succumbs to their influence. Some believe in the connection between the eastern calendar and the name, zodiac signs and a happy future under special names. The names of boys in our country are varied. We borrowed English, German, Australian, Asian names, making derivatives of them. What are the most popular names of the stronger sex of humanity in the coming year? What is the name of a boy born in the year of the Rooster?

Character features of boys born in 2017

Connoisseurs of the oriental calendar focus on the charisma and firmness of the character of the boys of 2017. A bright manifestation of temperament, courage, determination, purposefulness, confidence in their work - these are the main character traits of those born in the year of the fiery Rooster.

But these are far from all the advantages of newborn boys. They are also not alien to the manifestations of sacrifice, dedication, especially for close people, they are reliable. From born boys good fathers will grow up, they are characterized by a reverent attitude towards family and loved ones.

Together with these characteristics, parents would like not to be mistaken with the name of the baby. After all, as you name the ship, so it will float - whatever course you give the baby at the beginning of life, he will adhere to it. So, which names to give preference to in the new year?

Popular names in 2017

When choosing what to name a boy born in 2017, parents often look at fashion trends, the popularity of a particular name. In the year of the Rooster, these include: Matvey, Artem, Maxim, Timofey, Alexander. Their meanings are quite varied.

Matthews personify the gift of God, they are characterized by cleanliness, obedience, truthfulness, justice.

Artyoms (unharmed - translation) are reasonable and calm. They are practical, they never act rashly, they think things over first. Often they are the soul of the company, as they are very sociable.

If you don't know what to name a boy born in January, Maxim is a great option. It is both popular in 2017 and is suitable for this month. Maxims (great) are versatile, quickly learn something new, active, friendly.

What is the name of a boy born in winter?

These kids are distinguished by calmness, poise, but they are characterized as stubborn and inflexible. They are resistant in difficult circumstances, they keep emotions to themselves.


For boys this winter month, such names as Platon, Tolik, Alexey, Makar, Peter, Yuri, Vsevolod, Arkady and Arsentiy, Eugene and Modest are perfect.


Some parents do not believe in the eastern wisdom of naming babies, but want to give a name according to the traditions of the church. What is the name of the boy on the church calendar this month? For January babies, the following names are suitable: Vasily, Yakov, Daniel, Semyon, Benjamin, Mark, Anton, Pavel, Ignat, Athanasius, Prokhor, Sebastian, Naum, Egor, Trofim, Valentin, Sergey.


Popular names this month are considered to be: Peter, Nikolai, Yuri, Dmitry, Vlas, Gabriel, Alexey.

TO church names include: Luke, Valerian, German, Valery, Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vitaly, Georgy, Julian, David, Akim, Konstantin.

Spring babies

These are small leaders, they are stubborn, but at the same time indecisive. This indecision occurs in the most unpredictable moments, thereby preventing guys from making important decisions. Such boys are emotional, sometimes they need to be sober and supported, and then they are able to turn mountains.


In March - the first month of spring, many parents are not afraid to fulfill church rite dedication (baptism) of the baby. It is this event that helps parents give names to little people according to church statutes.

What is the name of a boy born on Christmastide? In March, it will be the following names: Egor, Mikhail, David, Arseny, Gerasim, Valery, Denis, Alexander, Daniil, Ilya, Timofey, Yuri, Savva, Rostislav, Eugene, Kuzma, Ivan.


This month of spring the following names are preferred: Sergey, Cyril, Peter, Tikhon, Egor, Maxim, Terenty, Joseph, Rodion, Alexander, Vadim, Fedor, Nikita.

For babies of this month of birth, the following names are suitable: Victor, Ivan, Denis, Nikita, German, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Vasily, Makar, Nikolai, Kirill, Maxim, Anatoly, Stepan.

Born in summer

No wonder everyone loves summer. This time of year brings bright colors every person. Boys born in these three months are optimistic and energetic. They bring a lot of trouble to parents in childhood, since the energy boils in them, they do not stay in one place for a long time. Such guys love sport games, active pastime.


Male children this month should preferably have the following names: Elisha, George, Vasily, Ivan, Constantine, Alexander, Christian, Denis, Yuri, Semyon.


This month makes it possible to call the boys Demid, Stepan, Julian, Stanislav, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergey, Anatoly, David, Yakov, Andrey.


In August, they try to name the boys Roman, Ilya, Ivan, Trofim, Boris, Makar, Nikolai, Valentin, Leonid, Prokhor, Miron, Denis, Elizar, Dmitry.

Autumn boys

Autumn evokes sadness, calmness, serenity. Babies born in autumn are calm, empathic, friendly, thoughtful, balanced, reliable by nature.


For babies born this month, the names are suitable: Arkhip, Peter, Andrey, Arseny, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Pavel, Sergey, Leonty, Korniliy, Victor.


Such names as Nikon, Zhenya, Demyan, Ignat, Illarion, Vikentiy, Mikhail, Andrey, Konstantin, Taras, Osip, Matvey, Orest, Nil, Philip, Gabriel, Maxim are popular this month.

How to name the boys, to choose the parents. But it is important to remember that it is not the name that determines the fate, but what is invested in the child. Raise him in love, give him impressions, support undertakings, and then with any name he will be happy!

Lyudmila Redkina, psychologist, specially for the site

Useful video

Having learned about the good news that a new man will soon appear, parents first of all begin to look for his name. The names for boys in 2019 leave a serious imprint on the fate and life of the child, so the choice should be approached deliberately.

2019 boy names by month:

  • January: Nikita, Kirill, Artem, Pavel, by Orthodox calendar: Sebastian, Philip, Naum, Fedor, Semyon, Vasily, Benjamin, Proclus, Anton, Mark;
  • February: Boris, Roman, Gregory, Yuri, according to the Orthodox calendar: Luke, Porfiry, Valerian, Akim, Vlas, Ippolit, Pankrat, Valery, Vsevolod;
  • March: Matvey, Yaroslav, Danil, Alexey, Leonid, Vasily, according to the Orthodox calendar: Venedict, Rostislav, Gerasim, Constantine, Trofim, Nikandr, Julian, Taras, Kuzma, Eugene, Ilya, Arkady;
  • April: Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Zakhar, Danil, Philip, Samson, according to the Orthodox calendar: Aristarchus, Nifont, Nikon, Artemon, Radion, Gabriel, Benjamin, Alexander, Artem, Egor, Sofron, Makar, Innokenty;
  • May: Gregory, Vitaly, Konstantin, Sergey, Denis, Anatoly, Gleb, in Orthodox: Modest, Severin, Eremey, Panfury, Ignat, German, Pakhom, Nikodim, Pimen, David, Boris, Kuzma, Efim;
  • June: Tikhon, Dmitry, Mikhail, Semyon, Konstantin, Fedor, Alexey, Vladimir, Nikita, according to the Orthodox calendar: Jan, Gabriel, Fedot, Nazar, Khariton, Elisey, Fedot, Efrem, Arseny, Savva, Karp, Sylvester;
  • July: Georgy, Stanislav, Roman, Stepan, Ivan, Valentin, Artem, Pavel, according to the Orthodox calendar: Gleb, Fedot, Hypatius, Samson, Demid, Julius, Thomas, Evsey, Demyan, Guriy, Anton, Terenty, Yakov, Andrey;
  • August: Boris, Vladimir, Konstantin, Denis, Yuri, Maxim, Dmitry, Philip, according to the Orthodox calendar: Ermolai, Polycarp, Naum, Christopher, Markel, Seraphim, Evdokim, Arkady, Prokhor, Makar, Clement, Gury;
  • September: Denis, Timofey, Ilya, Gleb, Andrey, Valery, Ivan, Nikolay, Victor, according to the Orthodox calendar: Fadey, Porfiry, Pimen, Athanasius, Christopher, Fedot, Nikander, Benjamin, Julian, Lukyan, Arkhip, Akim, Thomas;
  • October: Nikita, Nikolai, Alexander, Georgy, Maxim, Oleg, Fedor, according to the Orthodox calendar: David, Kasyan, Nazar, Gury, Igor, Erofei, Tikhon, Kuzma, Veniamin, Martyn, Innokenty, Radion, Mark, Constantine;
  • November: Vasily, Andrey, Dmitry, Artem, Vasily, Eugene, Anton, Arseny, Egor, according to the Orthodox calendar: Zinovy, Ignatius, Maximilian, Illarion, Nikon, Demyan, Osip, Zinovy, Fedot, Orest, Vikenty, Rodion, Victor, Heraclius;
  • December: Nikolai, Vasily, Artem, Cyril, Pavel, Stepan, Yaroslav, in Orthodox: Tryphon, Valerian, Procopius, Vsevolod, Filaret, Nikon, Sofron, Modest, Spiridon, Adrian, Lev, Orest, Paramon, Naum, Arkady, Savva ...

Also take a look just in case and how to celebrate.


Destiny correctly popular

Important points when choosing

Having chosen the option you like, see how it sounds with the patronymic of the baby's father, if the phrase turns out to be complex, incongruous, then it is better to choose something else. The options for the coming year do not differ much from the trends of past years, but it still remains relevant to choose a convenient and simple option.

It shouldn't cause discomfort or pronunciation problems, or you risk creating a lot of problems for your child.

The option you choose will also determine many of the character traits of the child, it is very important to know what qualities the carriers of this name have. Also keep in mind that what you choose will then be passed on to your grandchildren, so worry about the consonance of the name as the patronymic.

The tendency to name a child after a father or mother has long since become obsolete. You should not be monotonous, create repetitions, like Andrei Andreevich, Konstantin Konstantinovich, etc. Names for boys in 2019 of this sequence are prohibited. Moreover, by endowing a son with the name of a father, you run the risk of developing self-doubt in the child on a subconscious level.

In addition, along the line of the child's character, his individuality is completely erased, he begins to perceive himself in a completely different way, only as a copy of another person. Such a step of yours will greatly affect the baby, it can develop irritability, emotional instability of character.

Names for boys in 2020 exclude the option of naming a newborn in memory of long-dead people, close family friends, girlfriends, relatives. Even if these people meant a lot to you, you should not transfer an unhappy fate to the life of your child. Spend more time searching, find an original, harmonious, consonant version. He will become his calling card in life, so the frivolous approach should be discarded immediately.

Top 5 most popular male names

Variants Meaning
Artem This option is considered one of the most popular. He designates the word - "unharmed". Artem always achieves success, loves to defend his opinion, which causes either dislike or strong sympathy from other people. Has a logical mindset and always strives to achieve new heights.
Alexander Alexandra most often grow up as sickly boys, but with age they become strong, healthy men. They know how to achieve their goal, to win, they cannot stand criticism. They grow up gallant men, excellent fathers.
Maksim The most popular boy's name on the church calendar. The owners of this name are very hardworking, hard-working, but not assertive. They have good willpower, are phlegmatic. They know how to understand people, are always polite, courteous.
Ivan Guys with this name have a very complex character, which not everyone can figure out and understand. They are very trusting, flexible and purposeful. They have a gentle nature, extraordinary in their judgments. They love their family very much and never forgive cheating.
Michael One of the most popular names in 2019. The owner of the name Mikhail has a good nature. They are very sociable and always achieve great success in their careers. They take criticism badly, but they easily navigate in any situation, they love animals. They do not tolerate loneliness, so they like to spend all their time with family and loved ones.

Rare options

Most rare names for boys in 2019 are very diverse. If you are looking for a truly original and rare nickname for your baby, then you should take a closer look at such options as Demid, Mirat, Nolan. The list of rare names is endless, it will also include Yevsey, Elman or Vataliy. You are unlikely to find such names among close acquaintances.

Majority modern people still cannot deviate from the framework established by society and is unlikely to decide to name his child Stefan or Erich, but this does not mean at all that they sound bad or will not suit your baby. This is only your decision, you should not drive yourself into a frame. There are so many beautiful rare names out there that sound great and would be a good option.

How beautiful to name a son

The boys' options for 2019 aren't much different from past years. To find the right one for a baby born in the year of the rooster, it is best to apply for suitable options exactly for this year. Each parent relies on their own personal priorities in their choice, but taking into account the temperament of the coming year is also very important.

An excellent option for a boy born in 2019 will be Nikolai, Artem and Mark. If you are looking for something rare and unusual, then Milad, Aurora or Valerian are suitable for the coming year. Also, for believers, there are popular church options for every year. For 2019, these are Matvey, Thomas and Nikifor... Also find out, and.

The uniqueness of each person is determined not only by the set of his inner qualities, abilities, attitude to life, but also by his name. The way a person was named at birth, along with other factors, has a significant impact on the development and formation of an individual. Therefore, so important point- the choice of a name, at times, becomes a real challenge for parents. To choose a beautiful name for a boy 2019, a calendar of names for boys will help happy parents.

In addition to the well-known points that are taken into account when choosing a name (family traditions, religion, fashion), the time of birth should also be taken into account. It is no secret that the year of birth and its patron are capable of such an imprint on the character and fate of a newborn.

So, according to eastern calendar, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig. Thanks to his influence, babies born in 2019 will be the personification of the best classic traditions - good-natured, purposeful, able-bodied, generous. Boys will again strive to become astronauts and scientists, and will show independence in their lives. In addition, they are not alien to a good sense of taste, the desire to stand out and be bright. The name of such a child, of course, should also radiate confidence and emphasize the presence of an inner core in him.

So, how do you decide on the choice of a name in 2019?

Russian male names 2019 by months

When choosing a name, parents are often guided by the month and even the child's birthday, because the church calendar tells which of the saints will become in this case the guardian angel for the baby. It is not necessary to strictly follow old Russian traditions and choose unusual names - modern ones will remain relevant and very common in 2019.

Boys born in winter are usually endowed with a strong and strong-willed character. However, they often lack confidence in own forces... The name of such a baby should contain solid sounds to emphasize the strength of the character of its bearer. Some variants of names depending on the month of birth:

  • d December: Anton, Yaroslav, Nikolay, Gennady, Pavel, Mark, Arseny, Vasily.
  • January: Daniel, Konstantin, Yuri, Sergey, Ivan, Artem, Stepan, Kirill.
  • February: Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Maxim, Vsevolod, Fedor, Konstantin, Egor.

Like those born in winter, spring children lack confidence and assertiveness in character. They are distinguished by greater vulnerability, subtle sensitivity and a cheerful disposition. Most suitable names for them will be those that contain voiced and solid sounds:

  • March: David, Valery, Peter, Taras, Leonid, Timofey, George, Philip.
  • April: Makar, Andrey, Nikita, Victor, Rodion, Ivan, Stepan.
  • May: Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Arseny, Ignat, Alexey, Alexander, Boris.

Names should be unobtrusive, light and simple summer kids, because their feature is high emotionality, unwillingness to stand out and love for loved ones:

  • June: Jan, Igor, Dmitry, Valery, Nazar, Innokenty, Denis.
  • July: Stanislav, Anatoly, Matvey, Mark, Ilya, Gleb, Pavel, Alexander.
  • August: Egor, Arkady, Vasily, Afanasy, Semyon, Yakov, Alexey, German.

Those born in the fall are creative, extraordinary personalities, whose bright individuality can be emphasized with the help of a name:

  • September: Nikita, Fedor, Daniel, Savva, Dmitry, Anton, Gleb, Makar.
  • October: Pavel, Vladimir, Roman, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Rodion, Igor, Oleg.
  • November: Alexander, Victor, Maxim, Dmitry, Taras, Eugene, Arkhip, Afanasy.

Rare and beautiful names for boys 2019

Unusual, but pleasant to the ear, sweet-sounding names are gaining more and more popularity. 2019 will be no exception. This year, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Arthur- "force". From this name itself, it blows with power, confidence. Possesses a craving for creativity, is very distinctive.
  • Elisha- "bringing salvation." He is also a creative and capable leader.
  • a lion- "heart". Despite all his assertiveness, he is very friendly and family-like.
  • Rodion- "native". He is distinguished by excellent self-control, endurance, independence.
  • Myron- "ruler". Purposefulness, willpower, reliability and leadership - distinctive features the bearer of the given name.

Over time, extravagant, often even fictitious, names fade into the background. The classics remain unchanged. So, in 2019, among the names for boys, the following are the most popular: Alexander, Roman, Mark, Artem, Gleb, Daniil, Ivan.

In addition, other names can be considered fashionable. This is evidenced by the leading places in the rankings of search queries on the network: Matvey, Yanis, Timofey, Roman, Egor, Kirill, Nikita, Bogdan, Yaroslav, Timur, Marcel, Nazar, Stanislav, Marat, Milan other.

Many things are done to be happy and contented in a person's life. So let the name given at birth only contribute to this!


Beautiful names for boys 2019 with name days can be found in the calendar.

Boys born in 2019 will be strong-willed, determined and hardworking.

Many parents try to give the boy a name that is consonant with European and Western names.

Names calendar for girls.

A Russian proverb says: "Whatever you call a ship, such a voyage awaits it." The meaning of this lending is simple, understandable and directly concerns our life, since the whole future fate of a person depends on the chosen name. Therefore, the delicate process of selection and criticism requires special responsibility and seriousness. Today we will provide readers with a rating of the most melodic, sonorous and beautiful names for a boy.

Briefly about the main thing or how to choose a name

Before you open list of popular male names 2017 and choose the option you like, pay attention to some details.

  • Seek advice from people whom you sincerely trust and believe. Perhaps a fresh look from the outside will help determine and make a choice.
  • Pay attention to church and Old Church Slavonic names.
  • Be sure to try on the last name and patronymic for the chosen name. Agree, Orlando Olegovich or Penelope Alexandrovna sound, to put it mildly, ridiculous.
  • It is not recommended to name boys and girls by the names of relatives or friends who committed suicide or did not die a natural death.
An interesting fact - old-timers argue that it is impossible to name a child in honor of the father. This will lead to unspoken rivalry and latent conflict between two loved ones. According to psychics, children named after a parent get everything from him worst features... Agreeing with such statements or ignoring them is an individual decision.

Rating of names: the main trends of the next season

Beautiful modern Russian male names 2017 identify courage, great willpower, determination and unforgiving courage. Remember that the character of a child depends on heredity and time of birth.

The wealth of imagination of modern parents and many available options allow you to choose the most unusual names for their children. The splash of patriotic worldview, love for the Motherland is expressed in the unprecedented popularity of folk versions. Ivan, Danila, Bogdan, Alyosha, Alexander - such names never lose their relevance.

There is a particular demand for Old Slavonic names of modern dialects - Vsevolod and Yaroslav, Svyatoslav and Lyubomir, Yaropolk and Tikhon. Deep historical roots, rich history and unusual sound are the characteristics of such names.

The choice of a name for a boy also depends on faith (Catholic, Christian, Muslim). Increasingly, children are named after saints and apostles: George and Yuri, Ilya and Seraphim, Procopius and Athanasius. Church calendar contains several options for each day.

So, the most popular male names in 2017, the TOP 10 looks like this:

  • Cyril - "lord", "master";
  • Nikita is the "winner";
  • "Defender" Alexander;
  • "Unharmed" and "healthy" Artemy;
  • Andrey - "courageous";
  • the Hebrew name Daniel;
  • “Helper in household chores” - Ilya;
  • stubborn and stubborn Yaroslav;
  • the adverb of the name George - Egor;
  • Maxim is "great".

  • Popular male names 2017 in Russia: interpretation of adverbs

    Parents who cannot decide or cannot choose between the two options should pay attention to the interpretation and explanation of the name. Translation, background, famous personalities with the same name and other factors will help you make the right choice.

    Brief description of adverbs for acquaintance

    • Daniel is a brave and responsible person. They love to observe and create order. Have a keen sense of justice.
    • Artem is distinguished by indecision in actions and weakness in actions. It is recommended to call a spring boy by this name in order to give him a share of courage and determination.
    • Maxim - not a day without the support of loved ones. Such men love to work and achieve heights, but without understanding in the family, it will be much more difficult to achieve results.
    • Alexander. The main characteristics are purposefulness, imperiousness, decisiveness, honesty.
    • Mikhail is a good worker and an exemplary family man. Such boys are charming from childhood.
    A modified and improved folk form is the name Yegor. Goshas are practical and businesslike, hardworking and diligent. Among the minuses of the name are obstinacy and periodic grumbling.
    Choose one of the most popular male name in Russia in 2017 is impossible, since each option is in demand among the population. But daily practice and analysis of documentation still allows us to single out several names that are much more common than others. The permanent leader of the rating is Alexander, as well as Sergey and Dmitry (but these names are gradually being erased and forgotten).

    All information provided and helpful advice are not binding immediately. Every mother knows what her baby requires, much better than others. But periodically, to expand your own horizons, it is recommended to take into account the advice of others. Children are the most great wealth in our life, appreciate and take care of them.