The names of the church calendar born in November. The boys born in November: the character of a child, as well as how to choose a name from the point of view of astrology or by Schitz

Name Day - day, when they honor the saint, in honor of which a man called.

For church canons it is believed that all people have a keeper angel. He helps a person to cope with difficulties, hazards, helps to choose the right path.

Therefore, the name is the second name - the day of the angel. On this day, a person must thank his keeper for all good, they are perfect.

The choice of a name for a newborn baby has always been and remains a very responsible solution to the parents of the baby.

The name is able to influence the character and fate of a person, so in modern world It is customary to contact that helps to make the right choice.

To help parents in this matter, let us turn to church calendar Or, as they also speak the people to the "shints":

Birthday women second half of November

Today, many parents prefer with fashionable, rare, and possibly old names.

You can add another advice to this that will help make it also successful.

First of all, say out loud, patronymic and surname of your future child. It should be spoken easily, be pleasant for rumor.

Well, we continue to learn the church calendar:

Name day - a wonderful reason to congratulate a person with a holiday. And the birthday name is to thank his angel-husband for good and participation in his fate.

More and more parents prefer to call children the names of the Orthodox Saints. For this, the sacnesses are used - the Orthodox calendar - in which every day the memory of certain saints is marked. The child is recommended to be called in honor of the saint, the day of memory of which is celebrated on the day of the child's appearance, on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of a baby. In some families, children are called the name of the saint, especially revered in this family - it is believed that in this way the child receives his guardian angel to which you can contact in a difficult moment. According to the shatrots born in November, boys can be called like this: Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Andrei, Arseny, Boris, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Georgy, Grigory, Denis, Dmitry, Eugene, Illarion, Ilya, Joseph, Kirill, Leonid, Luka , Makar, Maxim, Mark, Martin, Mikhail, Nikita, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Rodion, Semen, Sergey, Stanislav, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Choose the name of the boiler for the zodiac

Parents who are interested in astrology and horoscopes know that scorpions and firemen are born in November. The boys-scorpions born at the beginning of the month are energetic, active, strong, but are gentle and wounded. Such scorpions are best called rare, sonorous names. In the middle of the month, boys are sensitive and impulsive. They often closes in themselves, so such children need to give courageous and strong names. At the end of November, boys-arrings are born - strong, volitional and fervor people who are often cruel and arrogant. So the November guys need to give names that mean strength and masculinity. Here are some examples suitable for born in November boys names: Akim, Alexander, Alfred, Artem, Boris, Victor, Harry, Gleb, Gregory, Egor, Ivan, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Maksim, Mikhail, Nikolay, Robert, Sergey, Stepan , Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Name like celebrity

In November, Actors Oleg Menshikov, Leonardo Dikaprio, Vladimir Mashkov and Bruce Lee, Writers Alexander Blok and Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, as well as the commanders of Georgy Zhukov and Alexander Suvorov. Who knows, perhaps, if you call the Son in honor of someone, he will be the same famous man in the future!

November 16. Alexander, Bogdan, Vasily, Vingen, Ilya, Joseph, Kuzma, Semen, Sergey, Fedor, Fedot
November 17thAlexander, Ivan, Ilya, Nikolay, Porfiry, Stepan
November 18th Gabriel, Grigory, Timofey, Tikhon
November 19. Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Victor, Konstantin, Nikita, Nikolay, Pavel
20 November Alexander, Alexey, Athanasius, Bogdan, Valery, Vasily, Veniamin, Georgy, Grigory, Evgeny, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey, Fedor, Fedot
November 21 Gabriel, Mikhail, Pavel, Rafail
November 22Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Victor, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Konstantin, Timofey, Fedor
November 23 Alexander, Alexey, Boris, George, Denis, Mikhail, Nikolay, Orest, Peter
November 24. Victinta, Victor, Evgeny, Maxim, Stepan, Fedor
November 25 Alexander, Athanasius, Boris, Vladimir, Daniel, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Lev, Matvey, Nikolay, Stepan, Fedor
November 26. Hermann, Ivan.
November 27. Alexander, Alexey, Aristarkh, Vasily, Victor, Gabriel, Georgy, Grigory, Dmitry, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Porphiri, Sergey, Fedor, Philipp
November 28 Gregory, Dmitry, Nikita, Nikolay, Peter, Samson, Philip
29th of November Vasily, Victor, Dmitry, Ivan, Makar, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Fedor
November 30th Gennady, Grigory, Zakhar, Ivan, Mikhail

Features for the most popular Names November 2015

Alexei. Alyosha since childhood is tied to his mother, but, growing, feels the head and defender, and tries to protect his mother from hassle. it more man Cases than words. Among friends, it seems to not lead, but he is listening to his opinion.

Arkady. Little Arcasha adore in the family, and in the yard. But this massive mate does not spoil his character. He remains kind and merciful, always tries to come to the rescue, and performs these promises. The team performs the role of a peacemaker without taking any of the parties.

Alexander. Little Sasha often sick, but with age is growing, especially if he does not neglect the sport. He is stubborn and achieves goal. Finding into the team - from the kindergarten group to the office - becomes a chemless leader. Just feel justice.

Andrew"The child-aidator, playing, goes into the process with his head, ignoring the requests to calm down. Sincerely loves brothers if they are, but with sisters competes. In school, he stands out of a little from the crowd, but by 18 -20 it turns out that he has achieved great success than the others.

Anatoly As a child, influenced by mom, closed and stronger. He likes to read books about the exploits, and to imagine themselves with the main character. Female " solid hand"He will throw off with age, but the romance in his soul will remain forever.

Anton. This charming has to him already with a diaper. Fixes of character look like a mother, but in their decisions relies on the authority of the Pope. Respects both parents. In school, talents do not shine, but it is not afraid of any work, and copes with any business skillfully.

Arseny - Dobryak, and special problems do not cause parents. He studies with hunting, with peers friendly. But not everyone will appear close to him. Arsenii wounded and sensitive child, so his music entails him and he will be happy with animals.

Artemy. The persistent boy prefers more than adults than among the same year. He is often brought up in rigor. It grows movable, clever and plastic. Sport is his element.

Athanasius - a born researcher and experimenter. I barely learned to walk, he will turn the whole house to find out that interesting is stored in boxes and cabinets. His walks will turn into an expedition and travel than it is a lot of trouble bring close. But he really wonder to live.

Artyomin childhood, often sick, especially colds. But this does not create him in his studies or in relations with classmates. Artem is friendly, but not intrusive in communication. Sometimes it is unnecessary principled and beloved than creating unnecessary problems.

Aristarch. As a child, it is active, moving and does not endure if someone is ahead of it. Aristarkh knows how to achieve what he needs any ways: dexterity, cunning and the flexibility of mind help him in this. Along with such a tenacious character, Aristarkh is a kindly boy, and he has enough friends and buddies. Loves to read and play logical games.

Boris. Neat enough to pedantry. In his room, the table, the diary is usually order. Responsibly refers to instructions. Early emotionally breaks away from the parents and ceases to devote them to their affairs than forces them a lot to contend. However, common sense Allows he not to do nonsense.

Bogdanom They are often called the long-awaited son, and raise it accordingly. Because of this, the baby often counts, allows themselves unlimited whims and is very tied to mom. He does not develop with other children, and the existing ability is hampered by natural laziness, tripled parents.

Vladimir - Curious and practical child. To confirm your ideas, it is capable of quite risky events. The company of friends is committed to leadership, and friends take it, as of granted. Technical sciences are easily given by Volodya.

Basil - Lovers of the whole beast. Birds, kittens, beetles are his world. Grandparents do not have the soul in it. Podral, Vasya all the affairs prefers walks with friends. Because of this, later there may be problems with your wife.

Victor Growing gusty, to naivety, often comes across deception, is upset, but quickly forgets the resentment, and the lessons of them almost takes place. Adventure books and films loves games with risk element.

Valery - Desperate Fidget. He runs, climbs on the trees, constantly invents new entertainment, sometimes on the verge of a foul: can run out the road in front of a closely walking machine, or go to the cemetery at night to find ghosts. Despite the ester of the nerves of the parents, retains with them an even relationship, and for the Father becomes a pet.

Vsevolod. Shows character from childhood. High gifts and perseverance are combined in it with the desire to lead and manage, and methods for this can be chosen not completely honest. Parents should be sensitive to sending Sava to choose more eco-friendly ways to communicate with friends.

Gerasimloves calm concentrated classes: Lrack: Drawing, Designer. He is executive and mandatory, always performs homework, neat before the pedanticity. If two are happening, they can break the equilibrium for a long time. But it is rarely: thanks to excellent memory, he learns easily, grabbing information on the fly.

Gregory. Grisha tries very good, but he fiddes and a little embarrassing, so parents are often unhappy with them. Does not like teasers, which is sometimes getting involved in fights.

Georgy. In childhood, noisy peers will somewhat keep together, but not so much so that it is perceived as a zommelier or did the outcast. Caught to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Denis - a sociable child who is equally well in and with his friends, and animals. His weakness - dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, it will allow the discipline and responsibility in it.

Dmitriy As a child, he has time to get to everyone than can, and this will affect his character. Caprises and increased surrounding requirements will be his problem. He will intuitively look for support from Mom, who poured so much with him as a child.

Daniel - Calm and kind boy with mother's features. He is not painful and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya and flare, it quickly leaves.

David from early years Shows proud and independent character. He is persistent and pragmatic, but always surrounded by friends. Solving their problems, can fall into unpleasant situations, but it is usually chosen from them, thanks to its skill and intelligence. David's health is strong enough, and the physical data is beautiful.

Emelyanit is fundamental to stubbornness, even when the harm of such a position is obvious. It is difficult to admire buddies in a close circle, and almost with anyone does not divide secrets and plans. On the one hand, Mom can be calm: the child is not affected by the outside, and the bad company does not face him. On the other hand, it is not easy to build communication with the Son, especially in the adolescence.

Evgeny. Small Zhenya early mastering the letter and reading, foreign languages, and the fantasy does not fail. He is well referred to tasks requiring seamless and creative approach. Friends should appreciate and respember, and girls enjoy the fact that their wife idealizes them somewhat and exalt.

Zakhar. incredibly gaining and capable of concentration. His hobbies are mainly associated with technology. But, whatever he does not do, any business leaves his head, if it really is interesting for him. It delicately feels the beauty of nature, and carefully refers to people.

Ivan. Vanya can be quiet and inconspicuous, and maybe the chicken and the boat. It can combine a variety of qualities: strength and weakness, cruelty and good nature, tenderness and severity. It is usually easily related to life, and they manage much.

Ilya- Little assistant for mom with dad. It easily copes with all the affairs of home and household, can be enthusiastically to grow redish, nurse with rabbits, help the father to build a house in the country. True, he is illegible in dating, so you need to follow the circle of friends.

Hilarion. Most often grows by introvert. But at the same time he has an exceptional sense of humor and society, so few people guess about his introversion. He knows how to hear, support, advise, but they themselves share reluctantly, and parents will have to try to be aware of his affairs and feelings.

Kirill. An inquisitive kid who is easily given studies. It starts to read easily and early, his memory enviable and teachers often put it as an example. It can play with him a keen joke: Zazna and the desire to paint will harm him in life.

Konstantin. Kostik in childhood is a panty. The feeling of anxiety is accompanied by constantly, he adapts poorly to new people and circumstances. Parents have to arrive until he gets used to the garden or school. It will pass with age, but with people it will always converge reluctantly.

Leonid Rereply refers to their health. In a meal, I'm passing, it will require a dressing even with a small abrasion. Providing, seeks to stand out, and therefore he has a place to successes.

a lion - Calm and phlegmatic boy. It is not frustrated by little things, but because of a large resentment is able to worry for several days. Despite calm character, able to stand up for himself and give delivery. Lev is a lover of nature and relaxing in the forest, on the river, in the mountains.

Michael. Misha is a trouble-free child who always does in time and right. I have time to train in the football section, and to sing in the choir, if only there is his friends. His warehouse is logical.

Mark - Egocentric and small "star". It is hiding behind a charming smile and demonstrative politeness. But he will try to do everything so that the attention of others will be riveted to him.

Maxim Does not give the trouble to parents and teachers, it is well studying, friendly with classmates. Books develop his imagination, and instill love for the theater. What, however, does not affect his choice of profession and life path.

Makar. - Fortune's favorite. He can easily manage everything to what the rest go overcoming obstacles. But, because of this lightness, Makar cannot appreciate its acquisitions enough, and it crops wasting. The nature of Makara is stubborn enough, but kind and non-conflict. Thanks to this, he can easily get along with others.

Matvey It has a strong health and calm temper. His whimsleep has no more than it is supplied to the fights and conflicts. Do not like to deceive. It is not bad, although somewhat indifferent.

Maximilian Thoughtful, persistent and hardworking. Otherwise, it differs little from other children. The school learns well, knows how to be friends. Maximilian loves sports, but the walk prefers homemade time.

Nikolai - Fastener who does not know what polyclinic is. He rarely capricious and indulges, so parents simply forget to pay enough attention to him. It is not bad: it helps the activity and an increase. Peers love him.

Nikita. This guy knows the price. It is selfish and targeted, does not tolerate commanders over himself, so parents have to work out to be worn to find a common language. At the same time, Nikita is wounded and a sensitive boy.

Nazar. So usually referred to the younger sons, so Nazarik often darling and pets in the family. Inclined to colds, especially the upper respiratory tract. Calm, executive child.

Pavel. Pavlik is a responsive child who will not refuse his mother in home help, will nurse with the younger children. He does not violate the rules himself, and dissuade his friends from dangerous pranks. The ability to empathy and empathy with age is only increasing.

Peter. Curious and gifted child. It can be left to the music school, if you're lucky with the teacher, you will like the pave. He is easily learning and in childhood constantly collects something.

In this article, I will tell you who celebrates name day in November, and share why it is so important to choose the right spiritual name for the child. Reasonably noticed that it colossomically affects the entire human life life, because, choosing angel's day in the sacnesses, we choose a patron.

Angel's Day, or Name Day, is the day of the memory of the saint, in honor of which the newborn called. Even if the passport is the secular name, during the baptism rite the priest will give your baby the name specified in the saints.

The holy, whose name was ordered by a person, will be his patron throughout his life. It is he who will affect further life strongest.

The saints are different in their "rank", depending on the spiritual feathers committed by them:

  1. The prophets are people who predicted the future during life, warned about future disasters and catastrophes. They propheted the coming of Jesus, his salvation and death. They lived before the chief of God appeared on earth.
  2. Apostles and equivalent - approximate and disciples of Christ, who carried the Christian faith to people. They, according to the Bible, played the greatest role in the spread of Christianity, by reading the sermons.
  3. Martyrs and Great Martyrs - As can be seen from the name, this saint had to move many tests and torments because of their faith in God. They were tormented, killed, executed, but they remained unshakable in their faith.
  4. The saint - bishops who deserve the ranks of the saints, thanks to their sinless, righteous life and sincere faith.
  5. Rev. - Hermits, people who moved away from all worldly. Conducted their days in hotterness, prayers, bowed ascetic.
  6. Righteous - family people who lived in God's commandments and led an await life.
  7. The forefathers are the progenitors of the whole human race.
  8. Beliefs are people who carried other healing, helped, without demanding payment for their works.
  9. Yurody or blissful - those who served Christ, but their actions in life they earned the title of insane, crazy, although in fact their behavior was filled with deep faith.

Why choose a name for the church calendar?

Why do the name for a child need to choose from the church calendar? Isn't it easier to call the baby as you like? The choice, of course, is yours, but it is worthwing to know that the name affects the entire future life of a person. Depending on it, character and even temperament is formed.

Previously, the name for the newborn chose a priest. It was believed that church name gives a person a powerful protection of his guardian angel. The name of the saint, appointed by the child, determined his fate. He will be a patron, and the name day - the day of the memory of the spiritual fit of this saint.

You can also choose two names for a son or daughter. The first, secular, will be indicated in the passport, and it is under it your baby will remember this world. The second, church, will become the spiritual name, the symbol of baptism in the church.

Women's name in November 2018

In November 2018, Angel's Day is celebrated for 35 female names. Full list Look in the figure below.

Men's name in November 2018

List of 93 male names in the sacnesses who celebrate Name Day in November:

How to determine the day of the name

How to identify your day name, if in the church calendar of the saints with this name somewhat? Everything is very simple - you need to find the next name to your date of birth. For example, if you were born on November 25, and your name is Anna, then your Angel's Day is celebrated by the third December (the first holy, marked in the saints for your birthday).

Important moments:

  • If you have passed the baptism rite before the onset of the 21st century (until 2000), the name of the saint need to choose from those who were glorified until 2000.
  • If your name is not in the church calendar, then you need to choose what is as close as possible on the sound. For example: -, Lilia -.
  • On the day of the angel, it is advisable to come to the church, passing the rites of confession and communion. If the name day fell to the post, then you need to celebrate the holiday later when it is over.

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Name Day - day, when they honor the saint, in honor of which a man called.

For church canons it is believed that all people have a keeper angel. He helps a person to cope with difficulties, hazards, helps to choose the right path.

Therefore, the name is the second name - the day of the angel. On this day, a person must thank his keeper for all good, they are perfect.

The choice of a name for a newborn baby has always been and remains a very responsible solution to the parents of the baby.

The name is able to influence the character and fate of a person, so in the modern world it is customary to contact that helps to make the right choice.

To help parents in this matter, let us turn to the church calendar or, as they also speak of the people to the "shints":

Birthday women second half of November

Today, many parents prefer with fashionable, rare, and possibly old names.

You can add another advice to this that will help make it also successful.

First of all, say out loud, patronymic and surname of your future child. It should be spoken easily, be pleasant for rumor.

Well, we continue to learn the church calendar:

Name day - a wonderful reason to congratulate a person with a holiday. And the birthday name is to thank his angel-husband for good and participation in his fate.


Autumn people are realists who do not eat any illusions in relation to the surrounding reality, they soberly look at things, do not believe in the word and check everything. People born in the fall of overweight, stamping, calm and balanced, they have a clear mind and a light character.

The November children are purposeful, this quality helps them always achieve success. They easily assimilate all new, curious and try to learn from their own mistakes. In addition, they are reasonable and serious, for this reason they will be more suitable for romantic, light names. They balance their realistic nature and facilitate their lives. Updated names try to avoid.

November marks the astrological sign of Scorpio. Men born under this sign always know their price. They have a difficult character, they are calculating, sometimes even cunning. This gives them the opportunity to rise in any field of activity.

Representatives of this sign appreciate material well-being, tend to obtain benefits, and not only from business relationships, but also from personal. Pretty stupid, but they never regret money. They are quite closed and incredulous, will never open their soul around. Do not try to follow the majority, always defending your opinion. From the crowd, they allocate bright individuality.

Specialists on weaving intrigue and dismantling networks. Their Konk is psychological manipulation of others. November men will not tolerate injustice to their address. Always able to stand up for themselves, they will be able to rush into battle, not knowing the opportunities and the strength of their enemy in the event that it concerns their personal interests.

For such men, work in the team is always associated with difficulties. They are extremely unemployed. You used to rely only on yourself and often can't find a common language with colleagues. Passionally wish to be perfect in everything, often, possess indisputable talents.

Perfect view activities for them is individual work. They can become professors, programmers, businessmen, can plunge into art or to engage in legal activities. Their perseverance will bring their fruits in any business.

Personal I. family relationships November men proceed rather difficult, all spoils them inappropriate to stop and take their emotions in their hands. They do not tolerate democracy in the family, wanting everything to be under their control. Love is very passionate and demanding, suitable womanThey wanted with the help of well-developed intuition.

In men, whose birth was accounted for November, very few friends. They are useless to complain and look for sympathy, they will not suffer manifestations of weakness, both in themselves and in other people. Can help but abuse their kindness is not recommended.

Ancient Christian tradition is named. This is a personal feast of the Orthodox man who received his name during the sacrament of baptism in honor of the memory of some saint. From that moment on, he acquires the saint of his heavenly patron and the intercession.

Just how the godfare parents help their gods, and the saint patron tracks all the events - and joyful, and sad - their birthday. Together with him rejoices, and in moments of grief and despair, it takes to God for him. And once a year - on the day of memory of the heavenly intercession - a person celebrates the name day.

Church calendar

In the church calendar, every day is marked by the memory of some or even several. The history of the church has many centuries, and at all times the calendar was replenished with new names - righteous, martyrs, reverend, blissful. So, in the current church calendar there are more than a thousand very different names.

Many names are repeated: in one day there may be several Abraamiyev or Euseviev. This means that someone from the saints who have shown themselves later, when baptism, or toward monasticism, received its name in honor of the older holy predecessor. For example, on November 2, the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Artemy, who suffered for faith in 362, and the righteous period of Artemy Vygolki, killed zipper in 1545.

And on November 3 - the day of the four Hilarion: Rev. Hilarion Great (375-376); Ilarion, Pechersk Skimnik, in the distant caves (XI century); St. Hilarion, Bishop Meglinsky (1206); Ilarion Pskovzersky, GDovsky (about 1412). Such examples can be given a set. These saints share the centuries, and combine - names.

In the church calendar, called the saints, the listed names have ancient European, Greek or old Slavonic roots. Some of them experienced safeguardously, used now. There are such that as if worried about their second birth, they are increasingly called babies.

If you carefully look at the sacraments by months, then you can see that the most common women's names of Maria, Anna, Elizabeth, Men's John (in the more familiar pronunciation of Ivan), Alexander, Dmitry, Vasily, Georgy, Konstantin.

How in such cases to define "their" saint? You can just get acquainted with their lives and stop your choice on someone one. If the names are repeated in different days of the year, the names are celebrated on the day of the saint, the nearest after your birthday.

Women's names

We give the names of the November birthdays.

  • November 2 The Angela Arina, Irina, Matrena celebrate their day. By the way, the theses of the latter will be the birthdayboot 7, 19 and 22 November.
  • the 3rd of November Holiday in Ase and Pelagia.
  • November 4th Name Day at Anna ( also the 10th, 11th, 16th, 23rd and 27th) Glycryry, Elizabeth. Elizabeth will still celebrate their days November 14 and 20.
  • Birthday 5 and 19th - Efrosinia.
  • November 9 Capitoline celebrates its own name.
  • Day of the TesoMenitis (so also called Name Day) 10th of November Neonili, Praskovya, Fevronia.
  • 11th of November There is a memory of the Holy Agathas, Anastasia (also for tomorrow, 12th), Mary.
  • November 12. Women with similar names with names - Alena, Elena - celebrate their names. Often there is a question regarding the rather common name Ilona. There is no such name in the sacraments. Most likely the girl was baptized under the name Elena, from this and it is necessary to dance.
  • Agrippines, Ulyana (she, Juliana, Julia, a personal holiday March 14th.
  • November 16. Evdokia, Svetlana, Svetlana, is noted (in the church, this name sounds like fotinium).
  • 17th - Eugene.
  • Alexandra, Claudia, Nina, Seraphim will be birthdays November 19..
  • 21st - Day Martha (Martha).
  • Women with a beautiful rare name Eustola celebrate Name Day November 22.
  • November 23 - Olga.
  • November 24. - Stephania (in the Orthodox tradition - Stepanida).
  • 30th - Named Victoria.

Name day for men

Male names in the church calendar and in November are much larger than women's. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that there were no martyrs among women in a priestly san.

More and more parents prefer to call children the names of the Orthodox Saints. For this, the sacnesses are used - the Orthodox calendar - in which every day the memory of certain saints is marked. The child is recommended to be called in honor of the saint, the day of memory of which is celebrated on the day of the child's appearance, on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of a baby. In some families, children are called the name of the saint, especially revered in this family - it is believed that in this way the child receives his guardian angel to which you can contact in a difficult moment. According to the shatrots born in November, boys can be called like this: Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Andrei, Arseny, Boris, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Georgy, Grigory, Denis, Dmitry, Eugene, Illarion, Ilya, Joseph, Kirill, Leonid, Luka , Makar, Maxim, Mark, Martin, Mikhail, Nikita, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Rodion, Semen, Sergey, Stanislav, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Choose the name of the boiler for the zodiac

Parents who are interested in astrology and horoscopes know that scorpions and firemen are born in November. The boys-scorpions born at the beginning of the month are energetic, active, strong, but are gentle and wounded. Such scorpions are best called rare, sonorous names. In the middle of the month, boys are sensitive and impulsive. They are often closed in themselves, so such children need to give courageous and. At the end of November, boys-arrings are born - strong, volitional and fervor people who are often cruel and arrogant. So the November guys need to give names that mean strength and masculinity. Here are some examples suitable for born in November boys names: Akim, Alexander, Alfred, Artem, Boris, Victor, Harry, Gleb, Gregory, Egor, Ivan, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Maksim, Mikhail, Nikolay, Robert, Sergey, Stepan , Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Name like celebrity

In November, Actors Oleg Menshikov, Leonardo Dikaprio, Vladimir Mashkov and Bruce Lee, Writers Alexander Blok and Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, as well as the commanders of Georgy Zhukov and Alexander Suvorov. Who knows, perhaps, if you call the Son in honor of someone, he will be the same famous man in the future!

Birth of a baby is always long-awaited happiness for all parents. Many ancient wise men believed that it was the name of a person in many respects determines his further fate. Therefore, the newly-handed parents very often arises a natural question: how to name the boy to provide him with good luck and happy life?

In childhood, Rodioni have fun, progress, love to jumper, but at the same time it is very independent children who do not tolerate interference in their little life. They love creativity and seek to develop in this direction.

Adult men Renov have a balanced and calm character, while they are very targeted people. The only thing that can overshadow the dignity of Rodion is the fear of responsibility. He will be very hard to make a decision and take responsibility for himself and others.

Little Pavel

The name Paul, unlike the previous ones, has Latin roots and means "small, or baby". Perhaps this is not in the category "Names of boys born in November," but he also has its advantages.

Boys named Paul very soft, kind and sentimental. With age, they remain as friendly and sympathetic. But at the same time, Paul grows into men with a difficult character. For their kind, they are builders and build their future in the pebble, sometimes not believing with the positions of other people. Often these are thoughtful, reasonable people, although they can be sharp if the situation will require.

They don't like family life And first of all are guided by personal interests. Answering the question of what name is suitable for a boy born in November, many will answer: Paul. But only if parents want to grow a strong personality and purposeful careerist.

Great Maxim

Maxim is a fairly popular name in Russia. It happened from the Roman name of Maximus. It means "majestic." Very often this name is confused with the name Maximilian, although it is absolutely two different name and have different values. Men's names in November often celebrate Maxims. At the same time, the boys are quite active and movable, having a modest, quiet character. Very often they are developed in the creative direction, love movies and literature.

Men with enough confident in themselves, they are active and want to achieve an important social status In his life and career. They are very sociable and filled contacts in almost any sphere. Family relationships are not very attracted by Maxim. He needs a patient, a caring girl, which is ready to endure a spontaneous, active nature of Maxim. At the same time, men with this name love children very much and become good dads.


Oddly enough, but the name Stepan also applies to the names for boys born in November, while having distant antique, ancient Greek roots. Many people are very often mistaken, claiming that this is an original Russian name. In the antique it means "crown", there is a laurel crown or crown.

Boys with this name are very restless and love to jumper. They are very merry and immediate. Such kids grow into men with pronounced male beginnings, being leaders both at work and in the family. It is always a soul of the company and feels confident in a female society.

Simple Ivan.

Common in our country name Ivan also came to Ancient Rus With the adoption of Christianity in the X century. But unlike many other names, Ivan occurred from Joyan's Jewish name, which means "God merciful." Names for boys born in November also include the name Ivan.

Men with the name Ivan are very calm and kind. They do not like a rush at all, are quite reasonable in everything and especially love physical labor. He is vital to them in order to be constantly in good shape. People with the name Ivan have practically no negative emotions. They appreciate love and sincere friendship above all.

Russian Vanya is very much appreciated by family relationships, while being perfect fathers. They carefully approach the choice of life companions, and then all their lives give up its compliments and attention.