The happiest names for boys born in July. How to call a girl or a boy born in July, a list of suitable names


Not for no one secret that at different times of the year children appear to the light with various traits and thinking. Accordingly, knowing the date of birth and color of nature, you can choose correctly boys names for monthsIn addition, the meaning of the chosen name will help to successfully develop certain qualities that will not be enough to kid. Absolutely any name, has a vital meaning and influence on human character. For this, we recommend that you will get acquainted with all the male names that you liked, and study the meaning and origin of the name.

Names for boys born in January

Adam, Philip, Anton, Pavel, Artem, Nifon, Athanasius, Peter, Valentin, Prokop, Daniel, Prokhor, Egor, Elizar, Mikhail, Emelayan, Konstantin, Efim, Veniamin, Ivan, Maxim, Ignat, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Cyril, Clement, Grigory, Mark, Naum, Nikanor, Nikita, Sevastyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Nikolai, Proclus, Savva, Sergey, Timofey, Feodosius, Trofim, Feoktist, Stepan, Yuri, Poda, Yakov.

Names for boys born in February

Akim, David, Alexander, Pankrat, Leonte, Alexey, Herman, Anton, Julian, Arkady, Maxim, Arseny, Lavrentin, Valentin, Konstantin, Valerian, Fedor, Valery, Vasily, Ignatius, Veniamin, Pavel, Timofey, Victor, Kirill, Vitaly, Ippolit, Vlas, Innocent, Vsevolod, Yuri, Gabriel, Semen, Gennady, Zakhar, Georgy, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Roman, Evgeny, Savva, Egor, Prokhor, Efim, Nikifor, Ephraim, Peter, Ivan, Philip, Ignat, Feoktist, Clement, Luke, Makar, Nikita, Stepan, Nikolai, Porfiry, Felix, Yakov.

Names for boys born in March

Alexander, Yakov, Alexey, Roman, Anton, Savva, Arkady, Kirill, Arseny, Ilya, Athanasius, Efim, Valery, Semen, Vasily, Nikandr, Victor, Iraqi, Vyacheslav, Mikhail, Gerasim, Makor, Grigory, David, Georgy, Daniel (Danil), Venedict, Denis, Eugene, Egor, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Kuzma, Lev, Leonid, Taras, Leonte, Trofim, Maxim, Timofey, Mark, Julian, Nikifor, Philip, Pavel, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan , Stepan, Yakov, Fedor, Rostislav, Fedot.

Names for boys born in April

Alexander, Andrei, Anton, Artem, Stepan, Vadim, Gabriel, Semen, Georgy, Trofim, David, Thoma, Daniel, Egor, Yuri, Efim, Yakov, Zakhar, Martin, Ivan, Innokenty, Khariton, Kirill, Leonid, Savva, Makar, Veniamin, Maxim, Sergey, Mark, Vasily, Mstislav, Nikita, Peter, Plato.

How to name the boy in May

Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Vasily, Semen, Victor, Stepan, Vitaly, Savva, Vsevolod, Leonte, Georgy, Kuzma, Yakov, Herman, Maxim, Gleb, Gregory, Gabriel, David, Konstantin, Denis, Ivan, Nikifor, Ignat, Cyril, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Roman, Fedor, Thomas.

How to call a boy in June

Gennady, Anton, Nikita, Karp, Vladimir, Alexey, Denis, Alexander, Innokenty, Semen, Stepan, Savva, Mstislav, Nikifor, Nikandand, Valery, Pavel, Konstantin, Yeremy, Igor, Leonid, Elisha, Yuri, Ephraim, Vasily, Grigory, Andrei, Yang, Sergey, Khariton, Arseny, Tikhon, Kirill, Fedot, Mikhail, Gabriel, Ivan, Roman, Ignatius, Peter, Savely, Ignat, Dmitry, Timofey, Nazar, Georgy, Julian, Fedor, Leonte, Egor, Christians, Makar, Sylvester.

Names for boys born in July

Alexander, Demmyan, Kuzma, Anton, Sofron, Tikhon, Fedot, Cyril, Gleb, Yakov, Arseny, Philip, Mikhail, Konstantin, Nicodem, Sergey, Thoma, Vladimir, Herman, Andrei, Efim, Peter, Galaktion, Guri, Leonid, Ivan, Julian, Samson, Innocent, Alexey, Artem, Vasily, Stepan, Matvey, Daniel, Emelyan, Terente, Anatoly, David, Leonte, Denis, Stanislav, Pavel, Julius, Roman, Ipathia, Valentin, Evsey, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Fedor, Mark.

Names for boys born in August

Savva, Trofim, Dmitry, Nikolay, Ilya, Roman, Vasily, Gleb, Konstantin, Leonte, Leonid, Gregory, Alexey, Maxim, Alexander, Semen, Boris, Mikhail, Stepan, Matvey, David, Christopher, Anton, Denis, Makar, Hermann, Naum, Seraphim, Clement, Kuzma.

Names for boys born in September

Athanasius, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Poda, Gleb, Ivan, Arseny, Zakhar, Akim, Fedot, Daniel, Christopher, Nikita, Yakov, Sergey, Mikhail, Kirill, Dmitry, Semen, Anton, Clement, Thoma, Savva, Alexander, Timofey, David, Julian, Grigory, Herman, Maxim, Fedor, Nikandr, Andrei, Khariton, Gennady.

Names for boys born in October

David, Pavel, Trofim, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Grigory, Julian, Efim, Khariton, Sergey, Makar, Ivan, Maxim, Roman, Veniamin, Ignatius, Dmitry, Konstantin, Peter, Martyn, Alexey, Anton, Andrei, Luka, Mikhail, Denis, Thomas, Fedor, Mark, Nazar, Oleg, Philipp, Nikita, Matvey, Yerofey, Alexander, Igor, Leonte, Vladimir, Stepan, Vladislav.

Names for boys born in November

Gregory, Zinoviy, Stepan, Mark, Pavel, Maxim, Kirill, Irakli, Fedor, Fedot, Egor, Artem, Victor, Ivan, Victinti, Ignatius, Yuri, Anton, Arseny, Orest, Athanasius, Kuzma, Nikandr, Mikhail, Georgy, Hermann, Valery, Evgeny, Konstantin, Yakov, Denis, Alexander, Dmitry, Andrei.

Names for boys born in December

Christopher, Roman, Gennady, Alexander, Alexey, Fedor, Yuri, Andrey, Athanasius, Naum, George, Plato, Gabriel, Mikhail, Yakov, Savva, Ivan, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Valery, Grigory, Peter, Nikolay, Stepan, Anton, Egor, Vasily, Maxim, Innokenty, Makar, Zakhar.

Male names for the letter A

Adam - Ancient Jewish: Clay Red or the first person.
August - Latin: Sacred, Great, Majestic.
Avtandil - Georgian: Heart is fragile.
Abram (Abraham, Abrami, Abram, Abrahami) - Ancient Jewish: National Father, Father Heaven.
Adolf - Ancient German: Wolf noble.
Akbar - Arabic: Senior, Great.
Akim (Ekim) - Ancient Jewish: the proposal of God.
Aladin - Arabic: Ascended belief.
Alexander - Ancient Greek: Human Defender.
Alexey - Ancient Greek: Defender.
Ali - Arabic: Ascended.
Alonso is Spanish: wisdom, resourcefulness, courage.
Albert - German: noble shine.
Alfred - Ancient German: Complete, Free.
Anatoly - Greek: East.
Anvar - Persian: radiant.
Andrei (Ange, Angeay) - Greek: brave, courageous.
Apollo (Apollonius, Appolinarials) - Ancient Greek: Refers to the God of Sun Appollon.
Andronik - ancient Greek: champion.
Anisim - Greek: execution, execution.
Anton (Antonin, Anthony) - Latin: competing with the force that entered into battle.
Arkady - Greek: the name of the paradise or inhabitant of the country of Arcadia.
Armen - Greek: inhabitant of Armenia.
Arnold - Ancient German: Eagle steaming.
Arseny (Arsen) - Greek: strong, courageous.
Artemy (Artem, Artamon) - Greek: Healthy, uncaptured.
Arthur - Celtic: Bear.
Archip (Archka) - Greek: Head of Calps.
Askold - Ancient Scandinavian: Singer, Golden Voice.
Aslan - Arabic: Majestic Lion.
Ashot - Turkic: Fire.
Athanasius (Athanasius, Afanas, Atanas) - Greek: Immortal.
Ahmad - Turkic: famous man.

Male names for the letter B

Bonifati (Bonifami) - Latin: good successful fate.
Bogdan - Slavic: Brought by God.
Boris - Slavic: Fighter.
Bronislav - Slavic: a famous defender.
Bruno - German: dark.
Bulat - Turkic: rod, strong, steel.

Male names in the letter in

Valentine (Valentine) - Latin: Mighty, strong, strong, healthy.
Vadim - Latin: accusing everyone, confused, healthy.
Valery - Latin: rich and strong. Generic name in Rome.
Walter - Ancient German: Manager Patron People.
Vasily (Vasilid, Vasil, Vasili) - Greek: royal.
Veniamin - Ancient Jewish: Hands of the Right Son.
Victor (Victoria, Victorin) - Latin: winning, winner.
Wilhelm - Ancient German: Knight.
Vissarion - Greek: a resident of the forest, valley, gorge, forest.
William - German: Desired.
Vladimir - Slavyansky: owning the world, world lord.
Vitaly (Vit) - Latin: Life, Life.
Vladislav - Slavic: having a fame.
Vlas - ancient Greek: badness, lethargy.
Voldemar - Ancient German: The ruler is famous.
Vyacheslav (Walzlaslav, Vaclav) - Slavyansky: Nice, Great.
Vsevolod - Slavic: possessing all of all.

Male names in the letter G

Galaktion - Greek: Milk.
Gabriel - Ancient Jewish: firmly believes in God, for sure: my power is God.
Hamlet - Ancient German: Double, twin.
Hector - Greek: Keeper, Almighty.
Heinrich - Ancient German: rich, powerful.
Gennady - Greek: noble.
Georgy - Greek: farmer.
Herman - Latin: native, blood.
Gerasim - Greek: Dear, respectable.
Gleb - Ancient Scandinavian: Pet of the gods.
Gordes - Greek: non-name Tsar Freigia.
Gogi (Gow) - Georgian: Brave, brave.
Gorislav - Slavic: fiery fame, burning.
Gustav - German: Military Counselor.
Gregory - Greek: Vigilant, awake.

Male names for the letter D

Daniel is an ancient Jewish: my judge.
David - Ancient Jewish: long-awaited, beloved.
Demyan - Latin: Smilling, conquering.
Denis - Ancient Greek: inspired, belongs to God Dionisus.
Dmitry - Greek: the goddess of demeter fertility.
Jamal (Jamil) - Arabic: nice, beautiful.
Dorofey - Greek: Dar of God.
Dobrynya - Slavic: deft, delete.

Male names for the letter E

Essay (Eustian, Esenomic) - Greek: spiritual, pious.
Eugene - Greek: Notable, noble.
Egor - Greek: farmer.
Elisha - Ancient Jewish: Live Savior.
Emelyan - Greek: flattering.
Erofey - Greek: Sacred.
Eremeye - Ancient Jewish: Completed by God.
Efrem - Jewish: prolific.
Efim - Greek: Pious.

Names for boys in the letter

Zinovy \u200b\u200b- Ancient Greek: Zeus presented life.
Zakhar - Ancient Jewish: God remembers.
Siegfried - Ancient German: God's favorite.
Zurab - Georgian: Divine.
Zosima - Greek: life, strong life.
Zlatomir - Slavic: Golden World.
Zeus - Greek: Supreme God.

Male names for the letter and

Ivan - Ancient Jewish: Fertile.
Jacob - Jewish: Synonym Name Yakov.
Ignatius (Ignat) - Latin: hot to fire, fiery.
Igor - Ancient Scandinavian: strong, militant.
Israel - Ancient Jewish: God rules here.
Jesus - Ancient Jewish: God will help everyone.
Izyaslav - Slavyansky: The fame has reached.
Illarion - Greek: carefree, cheerful, joyful.
Ilya - Ancient Jewish: inaccessibility, fortress.
Joseph - Ancient Jewish: God will add, ineuming.
Innokenty - Latin: virgin, innocent.

Male names for the letter

Kamal - Arabic: perfection.
Casimir - Polish: a serene, peace-loving.
Karen - Arabic: generosity, generosity.
Karim - Arabic: generous, gracious.
Karl - Ancient German: Brave.
Castor - Greek: Beaver.
Kasim - Turkic: stitched, distributing separating.
Cyril - Greek: Host, Mr., Lord.
Klim - Greek: Vine from grapes.
Konon - Latin: Sophisticable, stupid.
Konstantin - Latin: permanent, persistent.
Roots - Latin: Berry or Rog Kizyl.
Kuzma - Greek: Teller.
Christian - Latin: belonging to Christ.

Male names on the letter l

Lion - Greek: Lion, king of animals.
Leonid - Latin: Like Lion, mastered by Russians.
Laurel - Latin: Celebration, Wreath, Lavrew Tree, Victory.
Luka - Latin: light.
Leopold - Ancient German: Brave as a lion.
Lavrentini-Latin: laurels crowned.
Lazar - Ancient Jewish: God assistant.
Leonthy - Latin: Lion.
Lukyan (Luca, Lucian) - Latin: Light.
Lubomir - Slavic: Loving Peace.
Ludwig - German: Battle, Glory.

Male names for the letter M

Maxim - Latin: the biggest, greatest.
Makar - Greek: happy, blissful.
Mark - Latin: hammer.
Matvey - ancient Jewish: God's gift, man of God.
Martin - Latin: warlike, Mars is dedicated, strong.
Mahmoud - Arabic: kind, nice.
Miron - Greek: fragrant.
Mikhail - Ancient Jewish: Like God.
Mitrofan - Greek: Mother found.
Micah - ancient Jewish: equal to God.
Murad (Murat) - Arabic: the achieved goal, desirable.
Mstislav - Ancient Jewish: Mastit nice.
Mukhtar - Arabic: Chosen.
Muslim - Arabic: Conqueror.

Men's names for the letter

Naum - Ancient Jewish: Soothing, Comforter.
Nathan - Ancient Jewish: Gave God.
Nestor - Greek: returned homeland.
Nikita - Greek: winner.
Nikolay - Greek: Peoples Winner.
Nikifor - Greek: hero, victorious.
Nazar (Nazarius) is an ancient Jewish: dedicated to God.
Nicodemus - Greek: Peoples winning.
Nikandra - Greek: winning man.
Nikonor - Greek: winning.
Nifont - Greek: reasonable, sober.

Male names for the letter

Osip - Jewish: Synonym Joseph.
Omar - Arabic: not forgetting anything.
Oleg - Ancient Scandinavian: Sacred, Holy.
Orest - Greek: Mountain.
Otto - German: owning anything.
Oscar - Ancient Scandinavian: Chariot Divine.
Onufry - Greek: Rising up.
Onius - Greek: benefit.

Men's names on the letter

Pat - Greek: Healthy, broadcaster.
Paul - Latin: small, small.
Peresvet - Slavic: very bright, lightly, glowing.
Peter - Greek: rock, stronghold, stone.
Prokhor - Greek: dancing leading in dance.
Plato - Ancient Greek: Wideworm.
Pankrat - Greek: omnipotent.
Panfil - Greek: loved by everyone.
Panteleamon - Greek: All-aircraft.
Patrica (Patrik) - Latin: a person noble descendant.
Pafnuti - Greek: Thick.
Pimen - Greek: Shepherd, shepherd.
Porphyry - Greek: magenta.
Polycarp - Greek: Multi-Food.
Potap - Greek: Wanderer.
Prov (wire) - Latin: kind, honest.
Prophyus - Latin: succeeding.
Burner - Latin: Born in the absence of a father.
Protas - Greek: Setting, nominating.

Men's names on the letter R

Ramon - Spanish: defending skillfully.
Ramazan - Arabic: Value from the name of Ramazan's post.
Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: Choosing the right path.
Rubber - Arabic: mercy, favor.
Renat - Latin: Risen, revived; Soviet significance: technique, science, revolution.
Richard - Ancient German: without a mischievous conquering, separating.
Robert - Ancient German: Fame Eternal, unfavorable.
Rodion - Greek: barb, rose, rosehip.
Roman - Latin: resident of Rome, Roman, Roman.
Rostislav - Slavic: increasing glory.
Rudolph - Ancient German: Wolf Red.
Ruben - Ancient Jewish: Showing on Son; Latin: Red.
Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: Mighty.
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: lion, lion.

Male names for the letter with

Savely - Ancient Jewish: Exit from God.
Savva - Aramaic: old man.
Svyatoslav - Slavic: Slava sacred.
Sevastyan - Greek: Wise, sacred, high.
Stepan - Greek: Wreath.
Sultan - Arabic: power.
Semyon (Simon, Simeon) - Ancient Jewish: heard, listening, heard.
Seraphim - Ancient Jewish: Fire, burning, slamming angel.
Sergey - Latin: high, root, clear.
Solomon - Ancient Jewish: without hostility, peaceful.
Stanislav - Slavic: Nice.

Men's names for the letter T

Theodore - Greek: God's gift.
Taras - Greek: Buntar, confused.
Timofey - Greek: God-fearing, who has been tight God.
Timur - Turkic: Iron.
Trofim - Greek: Corm.
Tikhon - Greek: bringing happiness, successful.
Terente - Latin: throat bread.
Tit - Latin: revered.
Trofim - Greek: Pet.
Trifon - Greek: live in luxury.

Male names on the letter F

Farhat (Farhide, Farhad) - Persian: Clear, dirty.
Fazil - Arabic: the best, excellent worthy.
Fedor - Greek: the gift of God.
Felix - Latin: Sunny, happy.
Fidel - Latin: student, devotee.
Thomas - Ancient Jewish: twin.
Philip - Greek: adore horses.

Men's names on the letter x

Christopher - Greek: Carries the faith of Christ.
Khakim - Arabic: wise.
Hariton - Greek: Helicing Milosts, Generous.
Khalid - Arabic: Permanent, eternal.
Khalik - Arabic: loyal friend.
Hamid - Arabic: famous.
Harold - Scandinavian: commander.
Christians - ancient Greek: a Christian.
Christ - ancient Jewish: liberator.
Hudayar - Persian: God's favorite.

Men's names in the letter C

Colorin - Slavic: bloom, flourish.
Caesar - Latin: dissection, cutting.
Celegen - Latin: Heavenly.
Tsakharias - German: as the name Zakhar.
Tsadok - Ancient Jewish: Righteous.
Tsarar - Lezgin: Heaven.
Cagan - Kalmyk, Mongolian: White.
Tsagar - Gypsy: King, King.
Zeadok - Jewish: righteous.
Tsayvili - Lezgin: Fiery.
Tsanoy - Macedonian: Alexander
Tsaruk - Armenian: the village.
King - Slavic: Ruler.
Talka - Bulgarian: flower.

Men's names for the letter

Edwin - Ancient German: victorious sword.
Edward - German: Guardian wealth, preserving property.
Edgar - Ancient German: urban guard.
Eduard - Ancient German: Thirst for wealth, care for prosperity and well-being.
Eldar - Arabic: God's gift.
Emil - Latin: accurate, diligent.
Emmanuel - Ancient Jewish: God with us.
Ernest - Ancient German: solid, strict, serious.
Eric - Ancient Scandinavian: leadership, nobility.

Men's names for the letter

Yuri - Latin: landpashets; Foremented George.
Julian - Latin: Indicates the name of Julius.
Julius - Latin: fluffy, soft, curly.
Juvenali - Latin: young.
Eugene - Gypsy: Wolly Wind.
Yuhim - Ancient Greek: complacent.

Men's names for the letter I

Yaroslav - Slavic: nice, strong.
Jacob - Jewish: next on the heels, followed.
Jan - Slavyansky: Dan a God.
Yaromir - Slavic: Sunny World.
Yahont - Russian: beautiful.
Yazid - Arabic: Given.
Yakim - Greek: complacent.
Yanislav - Slavyansky: The famous river.
Yanuaria - Latin: dedicated to God Janus.
Yaropolk - Slavic: strong people.
Yarosh - Old Slavic: February.


What should be the name of the baby, which appeared in the middle of the summer?

The name for the boy largely predetermines his further fate, indicates the nature and main characteristics of a person, attracts good luck and positive in his life. Therefore, the choice of name for the boy in July is a difficult and very responsible step for his parents.
Choosing a name for the boy, take into account the various factors: for example, preferences of grandparents, grandfathers and other relatives, as well as the season when the child appeared on the light, etc. It is believed that it is impossible to call a child with the name of someone from their relatives so that he does not inherit someone else's difficult fate. It is also not necessary to associate the name of the Son with some political date, popular public figures or historical personalities, because The history of change, and the name will remain with a person for life. The name of the child should be a kind of faith, which will preserve, will bring good luck and success in life. In addition, the male name should sound beautifully and at the same time harmoniously combined with the patronymic and the surname, because the son, unlike his daughter, will wear it until the end of life.

In July, the boy affects the season

The character of the boys born in the summer, most often soft and malleable. And if for girls such a characteristic is considered natural, then the boys need additional "help" of their name to feel more confident. Therefore, summer male names must contain additional stiffness notes, masculinity, strength.

How to name a boy born in July across the sicks

Many parents prefer the church calendar and call the child with the name in honor of one of the saints, which will become his guardian angel. It is believed that in addition to his patronage, the saint will give the baby part of his strength
According to the teachings orthodox church, Name Day are the day of the memory of the saint whose name is man. Well, if the birthday coincides with the names. But often the day of Angel is the nearest day of the saint after the birthday of the child. In this case, the guardian angel gives the child not only his name, but also protection. According to the saints, the choice is quite large. The boy born in July is suitable for one of the names: Gleb, Leonty, Guri, Julian, Tikhon, Arseny, Vasily, Galaktion, Tikhon, Artem, Herman, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Ivan, Anton, David, Peter, Denis, Georgy, Samson , Sergey, Sophon, Demyan, Nicodem, Kuzma, Anatoly, Konstantin, Philip, Efim, Andrei, Athanasius, Prokopii, Fedor, Pankrat, Kirill, Mikhail, Stefan, Vladimir, Pavel, Emelyan.

Fashion names

If parents watch for fashionable names, Recently, men's names are most popular: Alexander, Yaroslav, Dmitry, Maxim, Timofey, Daniel, Mikhail, Andrei, Denis, Ivan, Artem, Oles, Matvey.

Most often, future parents are still before the birth of the baby begin to think about how it is better to call the boy born in July, because this is not a lung task. The person's name can have a strong impact on fate. It is best to select a name for a child in accordance with the month and the day when he was born.

The children born in the summer tend to show flexibility in a wide variety of situations, but they do not have Fight qualities at all. Therefore, psychologists believe that this problem can be solved by more "tough" name - it will be for a child protection against life adversity and give him confidence in himself. How to call the July kid?

Connection with the zodiac sign

July is a month of crayfish, silent and judicial. They can think about the surrounding things for a long time, have a tendency to self-analysis. But at the same time, the children of July are not alien to deep experiences and emotions - they are often worried even on trifles. Cancers are often sentiment, they are very shy and modest.

In addition, cancers are large romance that can do everything, just not to destroy their illusions. They often hide their feelings, so sometimes it happens quite difficult to say that in reality they have in the soul.

The feelings of people born in July, to the opposite sex always very deep and unchanged, they are alolyubs, the highest vital value which remains a family hearth. The lungs fleeting relationships of cancer will be afraid precisely because they do not consider them something important and necessary, because the stability of these people is valued above all.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are smart, punctual and patient, they are able to engage in routine work for a long time, while not experiencing any inconvenience. However, hidden emotionality and excessive impressionability interfere with them to move through the career ladder.

If you do not know how to call the girl born in July, note for yourself that the name of the baby should strengthen weak sides Her character. The best option In order for the baby to become more confident and decisive, will become a volitional name.

We select the name on the sacnesses

If the parents of the child are religious, the name for him is often selected through the sacraments. In the older, the correspondence of the date of birth names in the saint was the main criterion for selecting a name for a newborn, because in those days it was customary to baptize every child in obligatory. IN church calendar Each date corresponds to a specific name. The full list can be viewed in the print edition of the Scholes or on a specialized site. The day, which is the name of a person, is called the names.

Please note the baby in the sacrons you can either on the day in which the child was born, or on the day after him. You can not call a child on the day that precedes the day of his birth, especially if you are going to baptize the baby.

Before you call the boy with any name you like, look at the Directory of Numerology - still Pythagoras was confident that the person dedicated to the magic of numbers is able to rule over his fate.

As for exotic and double names, psychologists treat them negatively, since due to the alien our country names, children can tease in the team.

Early how to finally make a decision regarding the name of the Son, take into account the fact that he matured will become a father, it means that his children should have beautiful patience. It is unlikely that they are suitable for Dobrynich or Johnich. Modern fashion trends often seduce young parents to name the crumb to the exotic name, which will allocate him among the rest. But with firm names should be careful.

Psychologists are also not recommended to call boys in honor of fathers - for example, Vasily Vasilyevich or Sergey Sergeyevich. Immediately arises the idea that the parents simply lack fantasy. Yes, and they negate such names with the patronymic names are not very easy: the most common example is San Sanych, the abbreviated version from Alexander Alexandrovich.

Selecting the name for the child, do not forget about consonance with the surname. In addition, if the surname does not bear information about the owner's sexuality, you should not call the baby with a magazine-male name. Sasha Kovalenko girl or boy Zhenya Korolenko can be confused by his name and surname.

Women's names

So, if you have not yet decided on the question of which name to give the girl, we offer you the most appropriate names: Sarah, Marina, Irina, Inna, Efimia, Margarita, Valentina, Jeanne, Marfa, Julianna, Olga, Efrosinia, Rimma, Ulyana, Evdokia , Agrippina, Julia, Anna, Maria, Angelina, Elena, Alevtina.

Male names

The most suitable male names that can be called July kids are the following: Julius, Demyan, Andrei, Konstantin, Emelyan, Stepan, Vladimir, Terente, Julian, Anatoly, Vasily, Fedot, Nicodem, Daniel, Svyatoslav, Peter, Maxim, Gleb, Matvey, Ipathia, Fedor, Anton, Roman, David, Essay, Arseny, Philip, Galaktion, Artem, Mark, Leonid, Kirill, Tikhon, Stanislav, Leonte, Pavel, Valentin, Thoma, Sergey, Mikhail, Efim, Denis, Kuzma, Ivan, Sofron, Yakov, Herman, Innokenti, Demid, Alexey, Samson, Guri, Alexander.

In Russia, the boys and girls have been published on the sacraticles. To do this, look in the calendar, which names correspond to the date of birth of your child. Every day comes several names, which means that you will definitely like something. For example, on Ivan Khakou (July 7), it is proposed: - Anton, - Ivan, - Nikita, - Yakov. It can also find a full list on many sites or acquire the printed edition of the Saints. It also happens that the name of your child falls in July, but does not coincide with the exact date of birth. Nothing terrible, after all, the name (day in the salty) falls for the same month.

However, it is undesirable to choose a name in the sacraticles, which precedes the birth date of the child. For example, if you give birth to a son on July 5, do not use names in the sacraticles from July 1 to July 4

Zodiac sign

In July, you can give birth to a boy under cancer or lion sign. Astrologers recommend calling newborns of cancers: - Andrei, - Arseny, - Vyacheslav, - Grigory, - Denis, - Dmitry, - Ilya, - Maxim, - Stanislav, - Timofey. For boys, Lviv should be chosen one of the following names: - Alexander, Alexey, - Anatoly, - Anton, - Artem, - Ivan, - Ilya, - Kirill, - Nikolai, - Peter.

Listen to heart

It is believed that the chosen name for the child determines the entire further life. Perhaps you have already decided on how to call the baby. You had several options that you liked. Or did you like to call the Son in honor of the relative or famous man. In this case, his life should be remembered: whether it was honest and decent, happy or bitter. You risk materialize qualities and separate steps The person of the person chosen in his own son, as psychics consider. Do not call the child even in honor of the close manwhose life trapreitally broke off.