"Passionate" icon of the Mother of God - the meaning, in which it helps, prayer. The Passionate Icon of the Mother of God: how it helps, its meaning

Icon of the Mother of God called "Passionate"

First, a little information from a book written for the 300th anniversary of the church in the village of Mavrino. The rector of the church, Priest Dionisy Ivanov, advised me to use the information from this book. And then we will go directly to the locally revered carved miraculous icon of the Mavrin temple.

The appearance of the Passionate icon in Russia is also associated with a legend.

A contemporary of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, a resident of the Nizhny Novgorod village of Palets (or Palitsy), the patrimony of Prince Lykov, was possessed by demonic possession after marriage, and for seven years she reached such despair that she repeatedly attempted suicide. Somehow, having come to her senses, she began to ask the Mother of God to save her from a serious illness and made a vow, if she recovered, to enter a monastery. She was healed, but despite the given word, she continued her married life, had children and raised them. When she remembered breaking her vow, she fell ill again and went to bed. At this time, someone approached the door and performed the usual prayer. Then the door opened and the Mother of God entered the room. She was wearing a crimson robe with gold crosses. Some kind of maiden accompanied the Lady.

- Ekaterina ... - came the voice of the Queen of Heaven, Why did you not fulfill your vow to serve My Son and God in monasticism? Go now and tell everyone about My appearance and tell the laity to refrain from anger, envy, drunkenness and all uncleanness and live in chastity and unhypocritical love for each other, honoring Sundays and holidays.

The patient did not dare to carry out the order. Then the Mother of God appeared to her two more times. And at the last, Catherine was punished: her head turned to the side, her mouth was twisted, and her body was relaxed. After this punishment, the Mother of God ordered her to go to Nizhny Novgorod and find the icon painter Gregory there, who has an image under the name of "Hodegetria". Catherine had to tell Gregory about the apparitions of the Mother of God and, having collected seven silver coins in her name, gave them to the icon painter to decorate the image. For this, the Mother of God promised her healing. Catherine found the icon painter and the image and was healed.

After that, other miracles were performed from the icon. It was transferred to the village of Palets, to Prince Lykov, and from there, at the request of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1641 the icon was transferred to Moscow and solemnly greeted at the Tver Gate. At the meeting place, a church was soon erected, and then the Passion Monastery.

Before the destruction in the monastery on the sixth Sunday after Easter, a festival was held in honor of the Passionate Icon Mother of God.

The Passionate icon had many copies. And all the icons urged the laity to refrain from anger, envy, drunkenness and other uncleanness, reminded people of the inevitable punishment for such sins, as well as of mercy after repentance.

This is how the Moscow icon is described: “On Tverskaya Street in Moscow there are beautiful buildings, a cathedral, high walls and A soft bell tower with sonorous bells of the Passionate Monastery. The Passionate miraculous icon resides here. It is called so because near the face of the Mother of God there are two angels with the instruments of the Lord's passions - a cross, a sponge and a spear " .

She is from miraculous icons"Passionate" is kept in the village of Mavrino, Shchelkovsky Deanery.

The rector of the Mavrin Church Priest Dionisy Ivanov told me very interestingly about the locally revered "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God. And here's what.

The earliest information about the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God, which is now in the Vladimir Church in the village of Mavrino, dates back to the beginning of the 18th century.

There is a legend that the image of the Passionate Lady was found in the branches of a huge tree that stood in the forest near the source, not far from the village of Kostyshi.

Cholera was rampant at that time. Whole villages died out. A pious prosperous peasant from Golovino (history has not preserved his name) prayed fervently in the forest by a huge tree in front of the image Holy Mother of God"Passionate" about the salvation of his family and, as the legend says, was saved.

Three times the icon appeared in the forest near a huge tree and a source that had opened on this place, but each time it disappeared to the unspeakable chagrin of local peasants. Only after the pious peasants specially built a chapel for this miraculous image and served a prayer service to the Most Holy Image of the Heavenly Lady, the icon remained for many years to overshadow the wonderful source with its grace.

During the hard times of the past century, the chapel was destroyed. The Most Holy Theotokos chose a new destiny for Her Passionate Icon - the Church of the Vladimir Mother of God on the Dubenka River in Mavrino. Tirelessly at all times and to this day miraculous image in abundance sends people miracles and healings, apparently warns them of calamities and trials.

The concept of "Passionate" icon comes from the concept of the Passion of Christ. The “Passionate” icon depicts the instruments of suffering, the Passion of Christ. "Passion" (Church Slavonic word) in this case means "suffering". The angels hold the instruments of the passions. For example, the instruments of the Passion of Christ can be: a cup, a cross, a spear, a cane. The Divine Infant, sitting in the arms of the Mother of God, looks at these instruments of passion shown by the angels.

This icon is locally revered (locally significant). She has great value for local residents.

But this icon is known both in Moscow and in other regions. People come to pray for the image of this icon not only from Moscow, but also from Vladimir, Ivanovo, and other remote regions.

Many people have heard about this "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God. But this icon is revered not as a historical one, but as an icon that helps people to do concrete things. Many healings come from this icon.

At present, the rector of the church is collecting information from private people on their recollections related to the facts of healings or any other miraculous actions from the miraculous carved "Passionate" icon located in the temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

Father told me about some healings and miracles from this icon. For example, a few years ago, a young couple prayed that they would have a child. At one time they were sterile. They came to the temple to pray. And after a while a miracle happened, and this couple had a child. Unfortunately, contact with them has now been lost.

There were many more different healings from this icon. For example, a woman came to the temple with a severe pain in her eye. X-rays showed that there were no bruises. And the eye hurt more and more. The woman regularly smeared herself with oil from the icon for two weeks, and after she prayed in front of the icon, the eye passed.

The abbot told me about some historical facts associated with this icon.

And now more about how the Most Holy Theotokos chose a new destiny for Her Passionate Icon.

In the 20s. XX century, during the period of "fighting against God" (they fought against religion, with icons, closed churches), the chapel in Kostyshi began to collapse. It was decided to transfer the Passionate Icon to the Mavrinsky Church in a procession with the cross. There are bars on the windows of the temple, the doors of the temple are locked. In the morning, the icon was not in the church. She was found in a chapel in Kostyshi. And this happened not one, not two, but many times. Many people learned about this phenomenon, people began to wonder at such phenomena. The authorities, having learned about this, instead of renovating, demanded to dismantle the chapel. There was a dance floor on the floors. And only then the icon remained in the church of the village of Mavrino. There are people who remember this. Priest Dionysius Ivanov said: “I suppose that if we restore the chapel, the icon will go there again. I would like to restore the chapel, but now this is not in the plans. First, the temple must be completely restored. Now, unfortunately, there are practically no elderly people left who witnessed this and remembered it, but those of them whom I met during my lifetime, when I became the rector of this temple, they told me about it like this. Only some said that the icon left three times, others said that it left for two days, and remained on the third. Some said that the icon was simply brought to Mavrino, and it left from there, and when they carried it in the procession, it was only then that the icon remained here. But the abbot of this church, who served here before me, said that the icon did not leave for three days, but many times, and each time the icon was brought to Mavrino in a procession of the cross. And moreover, it was brought before the big holidays. Leaving for Kostyshi, the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God stayed there almost all the time. " .

In the Mavrinsky church, the Passionate icon of the Mother of God is especially revered on August 26 (general church veneration of the image of the Passionate Mother of God) and on the eleventh Friday after Easter (honored only in the church in Mavrino).

Why is the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God in the church of the village of Mavrino honored on the eleventh Friday after Easter?

At the beginning of the 20th century, ten villages were assigned to the Mavrin temple. There was a custom to go on a procession to these villages. But the icon was worn not in honor of the fact that it was leaving, but because it was a long-term tradition.

Why isn't this tradition renewed now? Well, first of all, I think that the consciousness of people, unfortunately, is still not fully awakened. And, secondly, perhaps now there are simply no strong and strong men, such as they were in those days, who would be able to hold this icon and carry it on such a procession, even though now not ten are assigned to the church. villages, and less. Although it is possible that it is worth trying to renew this tradition in the near future.

On August 13/26, the venerated Passionate Icon of the Mother of God is honored in our monastery

Passionate icon of the Mother of God so called after the image on the sides of the seated Mother of God with the Child of two angels with the instruments of the Passion of Christ (a spear, a cane, a Calvary cross). The head of the Mother of God is tilted towards the baby Jesus sitting in her arms. Looking at the upcoming sufferings on the Cross, the Infant with His own hands holds the Mother's hand, a sandal with right leg It subsides.

In the old days they called the Passionate Icon "Terrible", this name came from the translation of the Greek name of the icon "Φοβερά Προστασία" - "Terrible Betrayal" (or "All-Merciful Intercessor"). The icon "Fovera Prostasia" is the main shrine of the Kutlumush monastery at Athos. (The word "terrible" from the Church Slavonic language is translated as inspiring respect, awe; amazing, wonderful).

The oldest Russian Passionate icon The Mother of God has been known since the 14th century as a cell image of the Monk Dimitri of Prilutsky. In 1547 in Moscow, the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God became famous, saving a house in Kitai-Gorod from a fire. By order of Tsar John IV, the image was transferred to the palace, where many miracles were performed from it, and then installed in the church of the Conception of St. Anna.

The Passionate Icon became especially revered in Russia in the 17th century after the miracles performed by the image from the Nizhny Novgorod village of Palitsa. The first to receive healing was the pious woman Catherine, who after marriage was subjected to demonic possession and attempted suicide. In moments of enlightenment, she prayed to the Mother of God and made a vow, in case of healing, to enter the monastery. After recovering, she remembered about the vow only after a long time, felt fear and became ill from mental excitement. Three times the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to her, commanding her to go to Nizhny Novgorod and buy Her icon for prayer from the icon painter Gregory. Having fulfilled this, Catherine received healing, and since then, miracles began to work from that icon. In 1641, at the request of Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich, the miraculous icon was transferred from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, where she was solemnly greeted at the Tverskaya Gate. In 1654, by order of Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich, a monastery was built on this place, named after the miraculous icon of the Passionate.

The feast for the sake of the icon takes place August 13, on the occasion of its transfer in 1641 from the village of Palitsa to Moscow and on the 6th Sunday after Easter, on the Week of the Blind, in memory of the miracles that took place on that day.

Miraculous Passionate Icon of the Mother of God in the Assumption Maiden Monastery of Alexandrova Sloboda according to legend, it was brought from Moscow (c. 1642-1654) by a reverend elder and placed in the Assumption Church. The same image was in the Lucian Desert. The monastery courtyard in Moscow was located in the Tver part, not far from the Passion Monastery.

The handwritten "Tale of Miracles from 4 Icons of the Virgin", compiled in the last quarter of the 17th century, describes miracle of healing a nun in front of this icon (Museum-Reserve "Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda" AM-1793/267, ll. 16 - 17ob.):

Miracle 39

In the monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, a certain nun named Martha with her hand velmi is sick: a great crowbar was in her hand. And for the sake of the thought of a blood disease, let it go. Having thought of this, came to the meal of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and began to pray with tears in front of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, called the Terrible, who stands on the left pillar in the meal of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Martha, however, began to apply her sick hand to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos and pray with many tears, falling before the image of the Mother of God. And getting tired of the immeasurable illness, I will fall asleep at the meal in front of Her image - and he hears a voice to himself, saying in the subtlest voice: “Martho! Do not let blood go - and you will heal your ailment, ”and grabbed her hand three times. She, being in herself, feel her hand soundly and leave to her cell, rejoicing, thanks to her unmerciful Physician.

In the inventory of the monastery in 1764 there are three Passion icons: two in the Trinity Cathedral - in the altar on a high place and in the refectory part of the Sergievsky side-altar. The third, most revered, is on the left pillar in the refectory of the Assumption Church: “The image of the Terrible Mother of God, on her a crown of a chased and carved crown. There are 6 cherubs in the crown, on the Eternal Child the crown is chased, the silver ones are gilded. On the Mother of God, the crown and tsata and the Infant tsata are decorated with medium and small pearls, in the trim and in tsats of large and medium 14 zapons with different sparks, in front of him are copper lamps with a beaded tassel "(RGADA f.280 op.3 d.706 l.9ob, 10.19)

According to the inventory of the Assumption Church in 1877

Behind the left choir on the pillar:Large image of the Passionate Mother of God; on it there are crowns, robe, on the shoulders and margins, the salary - silver, chased, gilded; ubrus and necklace on gold embroidery nizans with pearls with half grains and multi-colored stones(GAVO f.566, item 1, storage unit 339 p. 8 rev.).

In the inventory of 1919 - 1920 in the refectory church of the Assumption Church, the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God of the end of the 17th century, the Ushakov school, is described, the riza on it is gilded silver, pearl trim, assigned to the 3rd category of value (State Historical Museum, f. 54, item 322).

When confiscating church valuables in late April - early May 1922 from the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God, located in the Assumption Church, the clothes and a rim weighing 4 pounds 72 spools and an icon lamp with chains hanging in front of the icon weighing 56 spools were removed (GAVO f.R-25, file 4, file 36 p. 51).

Since 1946 the miraculous Passionate Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Trinity Cathedral. The day of the celebration of this icon on the 6th Sunday after Easter, the Week of the Blind, coincided with the glorification and uncovering of the relics of the Monks Lucian and Cornelius of Alexandrovsky.

Troparion of the Mother of Gode before the icon of Her PassionOth, voice 4:

Life-giving Wisdom source of miracle / honest image of Thy, Mother of God, Devo, / praying, to him with love is constantly flowing, the light is great / and from the depths of the soul, the Lord's crying, who is aiming for Thy purpose: / save as the Mother of God, / save the Orthodox hierarchs, / and preserve the land of Russia, / and all people who worship You, observe, / Yes, praising you, and you are praised by Christ, you are praised, we are grateful.


O Most Holy Lady, the Lady of the Theotokos, above all are the Angel and the Archangel, and all creatures are most honest, the Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry nourishment, the naked garment, the sick healing, the sinful salvation, the help and intercession of all Christians. Save, Lady, and have mercy on Thy servant, and the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic order, and the noble ruling synclite, and military leaders, and city governors, and the Christ-loving army and goodwill, and all honest Christians, venerated by Thy vestments. and pray, O Lord, from Thee without the seed of the incarnate Christ of our God, that He may gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-merciful Lady Mistress Theotokos, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from hunger, destruction, from cowardice and deluge, from fire and sword, from finding aliens and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from pernicious winds , and from a deadly ulcer, and from all evil. Grant, Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, to all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten with them the mind and eyes of the heart, hedgehog for salvation; and Thy sinful servants are honored, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: as His kingdom is blessed and glorified, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen

The icon of the Mother of God is the most revered image among all existing ones. A passionate icon placed in your home can save a family from discord and protect the Little Church from envy, gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers.

History of the icon

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have prayed to the Mother of God in the most difficult situations. And so it happened with a resident of the Nizhny Novgorod province Catherine. The woman suffered from seizures and terrible headaches for a long time.

In despair, an Orthodox woman prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God, asking for her to be healed and promising to take monastic tonsure. And the miracle of healing happened. Catherine completely got rid of her illness, but did not fulfill this vow. As a punishment for disobedience by the Lord, paralysis was sent to Catherine. With the last of her strength, the woman repented and asked to forgive her sin and deliver her from punishment.

The Mother of God again appeared to Catherine and ordered to find the icon painter in Novgorod, who had painted Her image the day before. The woman woke up healed, went to Novgorod and soon found an elder who painted a new image of the Virgin Mary. Catherine prayed before the image and completely got rid of her ailments.

Where is the image of the Virgin

The "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God is located in Moscow, in the Resurrection Church. Lists of the miraculous image can be seen in the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the city of Lipetsk, as well as in the Passion Chapel in the village of Repninskoye.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Virgin Mary with the Baby Jesus in her arms. The gaze of the Mother of God is fixed on everyone who comes to pray before the image. Baby Jesus looks at the angels depicted in the upper part of the icon: one of them is holding a spear in his hands, and the second is the Orthodox Cross.

This image symbolizes the instruments of the Lord's Atonement and is a reminder of the great sacrifice made by the Mother of God and our Lord in the name of all people.

How the miraculous image helps

The Virgin Mary has long been prayed for the healing of diseases, intercession before the wrath of God and the gift happy destiny... There are cases when, after a sincere prayer in front of the "Passionate" icon, people got rid of such terrible vices as drunkenness or drug addiction.

In front of the image of the Mother of God, you can also pray for the giving of spiritual strength, the strengthening of faith and the granting of the right path in life, pleasing to the Lord.

Prayer before the Passionate Icon of Our Lady

“Oh, Most Pure and Immaculate Virgin Mary, in tears we run to You and with weeping we pray: do not leave our prayers unanswered, manifest a miracle of mercy and turn Your gaze on us, unworthy servants of God. Most Holy Virgin, pacify the devil in our souls and illuminate our life with the light of Your grace and blessing. May we not shame the will of our Lord and Thy Son Jesus Christ, and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Mother of God, save and have mercy on us, sinful and unworthy servants of the Lord, beg Your Son to spare our immortal souls and show us the righteous path of life. Amen".

This prayer will help you successfully resolve any life situation, as well as get rid of disease, grief and other people's envy that ruins your life. We wish you peace of mind and strong faith in the Lord. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.08.2017 07:59

Icons in the Orthodox world are of great importance and history, rooted in the deep past. Icon...

Among the many miraculous icons, the face of the Mother of God "Before Christmas and after Christmas the Virgin" can be distinguished. TO...

The icon of the Mother of God received its name because, in addition to the image of the Virgin and the baby, two angels are symmetrically depicted in the upper part of the canvas with instruments of the Passion of the Cross Lord's. holds in his hands a cross, on which Jesus Christ died, and the Archangel Michael - a sponge with which Christ was watered, and a spear that was thrust into the ribs of Jesus by the centurion Longinus, when he wanted to be convinced of the death of Christ.

Description of the icon

The first icon of the "Passionate" Mother of God located in the monastery at the tomb of St. Dmitry Prilutsky. There is only one angel with torture instruments on it. The icon was painted by the monks of the Kutlumush Monastery.

If you believe the legends, then in the XIII century the icon of the Mother of God was able to work a miracle and protected the monks of Athos from the invasion of pirates. Her miracle was that the whole monastery was suddenly enveloped in a thick fog, which made her invisible to pirate ships and they sailed past. Since then, the icon has another name - Fovera Prostasia, which means a terrible defense.

Many more miracles are known to the world that this icon has created, and how many more will there be?

The meaning of the icon

Today the word "passion" means completely different concept than when the icon was painted. Then this word meant "suffering." That is why the icon has a very special meaning and carries an important sacred function.

The "Passionate" icon has been venerated in Russia since ancient times and symbolizes the passionate week before the Nativity of Christ. On it, angels who fly to Christ with instruments of torture actually testify to the torments that the baby will take for people. If you look at the icon carefully, you can see that the baby in fright grabs his mother, as if asking to protect him from suffering.

However, a mother with humility and obedience carries her baby to execution and torture, obeying God's will and believing in God's protection. This miraculous image seems to be created in order to instill in people humility, obedience and deliver them from passions and spiritual weakness. Today this icon has become so popular that not only believers come to bow to it, but also those who consider themselves to be atheists. After all, this icon really symbolizes Christ's and human passions.

What type of writing does the icon belong to?

Each icon has its own special spelling. This is of the "" type. The picture is individual and special, and its main feature is that both the baby and the Mother of God look in one direction - towards the angel who holds the cross in his hands. On it, the Mother of God is slightly inclined towards the child in order to completely soften the type of iconographic style. The mother firmly holds the baby in the picture, who fearfully clasps her hand.

In general, many icons are painted in a similar style:

  • Iverskaya,

But they are made according to the strict canons of this type of writing, and Passionate is slightly softened, more close to people.

A bit of history

The prayer to the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God was read in the 16th century. It was then that she became popular with most Orthodox Christians. In Russia, the list from it appeared a little later - in the 17th century. It was made on the holy mount Athos... The authorship of this painting is attributed to St. Gregory of Nizhny Novgorod.

There is a legend that a peasant woman named Catherine from the very beginning of her married life suffered from demonic possession, and therefore often tried to commit suicide. She then threw herself into the water, then threw a noose around her neck. The peasant woman was so exhausted that she turned to the Mother of God with a prayer, promising that she would go to the monastery if she was healed of her illness. But, after recovering from demonic possession she forgot about her promise and stayed with her family to raise children and live with her husband.

Some time passed and she had a dream in which the Mother of God and another maiden of light came to her. The Most Holy Lady reproached her for not fulfilling her vow and commanded her to announce to the world the apparition of the Mother of God... However, Katerina was afraid to do it. The Mother of God came to the virgin twice and each time to no avail. For the third time, she rewarded Catherine with weakness and ugliness.

The Mother of God told Catherine to go to the icon painter Gregory and ask him for healing. After the peasant woman offered a prayer before him, she was healed. The face of the Passionate Most Holy Theotokos did many more miracles.

When is her holiday

Alexei Romanovich ordered to transfer the face of the Most Holy Theotokos Passionate from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The painting was greeted with honors big amount of people. In honor of this, a day of celebration was established and honoring the icon - August 13.

Together honoring the face a temple was soon erected, and later the Passion Monastery. But in 1937 the temple and monastery were demolished. And the very face of the Most Holy Theotokos and her son was transferred to the Sokolniki temple - "The Resurrection of Christ."

Today, most of the Orthodox community is in favor of the restoration of the temple and honoring the icon resumed... But even today, on the site of the temple, an akathist is read to the icon of the Mother of God on Saturdays and Sundays. The face is honored for the second time on the sixth week after Easter, when the greatest miracles created by the icon were performed.

What to offer prayers

Most often, they begin to pray to the image for protection from fires and for the sake of health. First confirmed historical event... During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, there was a terrible fire, in which only the house in which there was an image of the Passionate Virgin... After that, the king ordered to transfer the image to his palace, and then to a museum in Kitay-Gorod. Today, the face of the Virgin is venerated in most of the Lipetsk cathedrals.

In Lipetsk Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, a procession of the cross was performed during cholera in favor of intercession from illness. The prayers did their job, the image protected the inhabitants of the city and the disease soon receded. But in 1931 it was decided to close the cathedral. The icon was hidden and moved to a small church in the village of Dvurechka. And already in the last century, the temple was revived again and the image of the Mother of God returned to it.

The number of miraculous healings of the image is innumerable. And today prayers are offered to her for the healing and retreat of all sorts of epidemics. And due to the fact that the image symbolizes not only the passions of Christ, but also the human ones, then prayer for taming human passions are read very often near this face today. Those who often think about death or committing any unseemly and destructive acts pray to her.


This icon is very much appreciated. Today, the face is often taken to cities so that everyone can receive a drop of her miraculous healing. They pray to her:

  • from diseases;
  • from fires;
  • from troubles;
  • from the desire for death.

Despite the fact that many times there have been persecutions of the church and sacred relics in the country, the image of the Passionate Mother of God survived all the cataclysms. And today anyone who seeks protection can come to the face.

In iconographic art, during the entire existence of Orthodox Christianity, the image of the Mother of God was presented in completely different plot variations. One of the most unique and exceptional is the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God. On its main artistic concept, in addition to two central key figures, there are angels holding a cross, a sponge and a spear in their hands.

History of the icon

According to old Russian legends, the name of the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God is due to the emergence of one very interesting and at the same time mysterious case that happened in the Novgorod region with one woman.

Her name was Catherine. For a long time she lived in incredible torment, which was associated with the appearance in her life of terrible demons, causing a woman to have severe seizures. During their temporary disappearance, she did not stop praying to the Heavenly Queen. And for providing any possible help, Catherine promised that in case of healing, she would go to serve the Lord God, forever linking her life with monasticism. Hearing the prayers of a person in need, the Mother of God decided to help, completely relieving Catherine of her past sufferings.

Feeling completely healthy and independent woman, she continued to live on, forgetting about the promise she once made. And then one day, on a dark night, the Mother of God herself appears to her house, asking to tell about everything she saw to the rest of the people, so that they stop abusing addictive habits and bestial behavior, continuing their life in chaste and pure abstinence. This is symbolized by the image of the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God. This time, Catherine again disobeyed, and then the Mother of God paralyzed her. As a result, having reached the Novgorod church with the help of close people, Catherine managed to find the ancient shrine of the "Passionate" Mother of God. And, having repented of all the greedy and gluttonous sins she had committed, the Novgorod city woman was again completely healed.

Description of the shrine

Presented on a sacred canvas this artistic image refers to the type of "Hodegetria" that is, an icon, capable of pointing or directing on the true path. The image shows how the head of little Jesus Christ is turned towards an angel holding a cross in his hands. His image, like the image of another angel located on the left, symbolizes the suffering to which Jesus will be doomed in the future. The Passionate icon of the Mother of God clearly shows how right hand the son of God clasps the finger of the Virgin, thus showing his desire to receive support and protection.

The main meaning of the "passionate" icon is the suffering that will repeatedly accompany the little Jesus Christ. At the same time, the Mother of God believes that everything bad is part of the life path that must be passed. After all, everything that happens to us is the will of God, and we must not be afraid of his obedience.

It is the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God that teaches people to be humble and abstain from everything that causes a passionate and at the same time pernicious attraction.

How the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God helps

This shrine is extremely important for all religious believers of Orthodox people who seek to completely heal their souls from various inner sufferings. The "Passionate" icon helps to get rid of the following problems and difficulties that have arisen:

  • Get rid of suicidal thoughts;
  • Cast out demons;
  • Protect from fires and other dangerous natural disasters;
  • Heal body and soul from serious illnesses.

Since the beginning of the 17th century, by order of the elected Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God was transported from Novgorod to Moscow.

Especially in honor of this significant event, August 13 became a nationwide day of celebration passionate icons Mother of God.

Prayer to the Passionate Icon

Prayers in front of the revered ancient Russian shrine will help people find hope and salvation in those unfavorable temporary circumstances when a person is completely doomed.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

O Most Holy Lady, the Lady of the Theotokos, above all are the Angel and the Archangel, and all creatures are most honest, the Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry nourishment, the naked garment, the sick healing, the sinful salvation, the help of all Christians and the intercession of all Christians. Save, Madame, and have mercy on Thy servant, and the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, and the blessed ruling synclite, and military leaders, and city governors, and the Christ-loving army and good-willed Christians, and all Orthodox pray, O Lord, from You without the seed of the incarnate Christ of our God, that He may gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-merciful Lady Mistress Theotokos, raise us up from the depths of sinfulness and deliver us from hunger, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding aliens and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from pernicious winds , and from the deadly plague, and from all evil. Grant, Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, to all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten with them the mind and eyes of the heart, hedgehog for salvation; and honored are Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: as His kingdom is blessed and glorified, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.