Yandex maps Distance between cities. How to calculate the distance between cities and the best route by car online


Go to Google search engine and click on the word "cards", which is in the top of the search engine. With the right side you will see the card, and with the left two buttons: "Routes" and "My Places". Click on "Routes". Under it, two windows "A" and "B" will appear, that is, the initial and end point of the reference. Full, you are in Ufa, and you need to find out how much time will take the road to Perm. In this case, in the window "A" enter "Ufa", and in the window "B" - "Perm". Click on the button under the "Routes" windows. The track will appear the track, and under the windows "A" and "B", how many kilometers from one city to another, and how much time you need to spend to get to the car. If you are interested in walking Walk, click on the button with a pedestrian image, which is located above the windows "A" and "B". The service will restructure the route and automatically calculate distance And the expected time on the road.

In the case when it is necessary distance From point "A" to "in", located in a single paragraph, should be operated according to the scheme described above. The difference consists of only the fact that the title of the area needs to be added the street and, perhaps, the house number through the comma. (For example, "A": Moscow, Tverskaya 5 and "B": Moscow, Colored Boulevard, 3).

There are situations when you are interested distance Between objects "directly": through fields, forests and rivers. In this case, click on the gear ring icon in upper corner pages. In the resulting detailed menu, select Google Laboratory and turn on the Distance Measurement Tool, save the changes. A ruler appeared in the upper left corner of the card, click on it. Mark on the reference, and then the end point. A red line will appear between these points on the map, and the breakdown will be shown on the panel on the left side.

Helpful advice

You can choose one of two units of measurements: kilometers or miles;
- by pressing a few points on the map, you can determine the distance between many points;
- If you enter the service using your profile, Google cards will remember your settings in Google Map Lab.


  • measure the distance on the map

Going into the summer tourist journey on foot, by car or kayak, it is advisable to know in advance that the distance that will be needed to overcome. To measure length Ways, do not do without a card. But on the map it is easy to determine the direct distance between two objects. And how to be, for example, with measuring the length of the winding water route?

You will need

  • Terrain map, Circul, Paper strip, Kurvimeter


Reception First: Using a Circular. Install the circulat solution suitable for measuring the length, otherwise it is pitchable. The step will depend on how the wind is to be measured. Usually, the circular step should not exceed one centimeter.

Place one leg of the circulation in the starting point of the measured path length, the second needle in the direction of movement. Consistently turn the circular around each of the needles (will resemble steps along the route). The length of the intended path will be equal to the number of "steps", multiplied by the circulation step, taking into account the scale of the map. The residue is less than the circular step, you can measure linearly, that is, in a straight line.

The second method involves the presence of a conventional paper strip. Put the paper strip on the edge and align the route line. In those places where the line bends properly bend and strip paper. After that remains to be measured length The resulting segment of the path through the strip, of course, again, taking into account the scale of the map. This method is suitable only to measure the length of small segments of the path.

Measure the corresponding segment using a ruler. Preferably, it is made from as thin as possible. sheet material. In the event that the surface on which is distilled, is not flat, the port of the porter meter will help. And in the absence of a thin line, and if the map is not sorry to pierce, it is convenient to use a circuit for measuring, preferably with two needles. Then it can be transferred to millimeter paper and measure the length of the segment on it.

Roads between two points are rarely straight. Measure the length of the line will help a convenient device - Kurvimeter. To use them, first the rotation of the roller align the arrow with zero. If the Kurvimeter is electronic, set it to zero manually optionally - just press the reset button. Holding the roller, press it to the starting point of the segment so that the risk on the housing (it is located above the roller) pointed directly to this point. Then lead the roller along the line until the risk is combined with the end point. Read the readings. Note that some Kurvimeters have two scales, one of which has a graduation in centimeters, and the other in inches.

Find a zoom index on the map - it is usually located in the lower right corner. Sometimes this pointer is a segment of a calibrated length, next to which it is indicated, which distance it corresponds to. Measure the length of this cut line. If it turns out, for example, that it has a length of 4 centimeters, and next to it is indicated, which corresponds to 200 meters, divide the second number on the first, and you will learn that everyone on the map corresponds to 50 meters on the ground. On some instead of a segment there is a finished phrase, which may look, for example, as follows: "In one centimeter 150 meters." Also, the scale can be specified as the ratio of the following type: 1: 100000. In this case, you can calculate that the centimeter on the map corresponds to 1000 meters on the ground, since 100,000/100 (centimeters in the meter) \u003d 1000 m.

The distance expressed in centimeters measured or crossmeter measured in centimeters, multiply to the map specified on the map or a calculated number of meters or in one centimeter. The result will result in a real distance, expressed, respectively, or kilometers.

Any card is a reduced image of some kind of territory. The coefficient showing how long the image is reduced relative to the real object is called a scale. Knowing it, you can determine distance by . For reality existing maps on the paper based Scale - fixed value. For virtual, electronic cards, this value is changing along with the change in the image of the map on the monitor screen.


If your based on, then find it called a legend. Most often, it is in a gradious design. In legend, the scale of the card must be specified, which will tell you, measured in distance This will be in reality, on. So, if the scale is 1: 15000, then this means that 1 cm on map Equal to 150 meters on the ground. If the scale of the card is 1: 200000, then 1 cm pending on it is 2 km in reality

That distancewhich interests you. Note that if you want to determine how quickly you will come to or reach from one house to another in or from one settlement to another, then your route will consist of straight cuts. You will not move in a straight line, but along the route passing along the streets and roads.

Locking the route in the online navigator will allow you to find out the way to the desired object, in whatever point in the world you are not.

Thanks to the use of electronic cards, users can not only find out the shortest path, but also to calculate exact time Arrival to the destination, as well as see all the venues of road works and temporary fences.

You can create your own path with or. To use online cards you will need a stable and fast Internet connection.


Yandex Cards - Best for the CIS location

Yandex Maps - This is a cross-platform program. You can use all the functions of the service by running the site in the browser on your computer or phone.

Also, you can download the official version from the Google Play or iOS app store.

Note! The paths that Yandex creates are perfectly adapted to the CIS location. They will always show where they are underway men at workAll types of possible fences. Also, you can see the locations of the machines, their length and approximate time calculation that will be required to overcome the cork.

Creating B.Yandex

The principle of compilation B. Yandex.Maps It is identical both in the browser and in the mobile version of the service. Follow the instructions to create your own pathway:

  • After pressing the button a pop-up window will appear for creating. Fill in it text fields "Address or point on the map". The first line is the start, the second line is destination. Start entering the name of the street or the name of the shopping center, sights, Park. Yandex will prompt the exact address;

  • Now select type of movement - on foot, by public transport or by car. The choice of method of movement allows the service to determine the fastest and optimal path and exact time that will be needed to overcome the path.

The path will be created automatically immediately after choosing the type of movement. The user can mark the point checkbox "In a piece of traffic" And get a quick travel option to destination.

Also, the service window will indicate the time you need to overcome the path.

Note, you can add a few more points, creating a thoughtful plan of your movement.

Mobile application Yandex

Using mobile application from Yandex To determine the route, will allow you to quickly find the right path without being distracted by the road.

If you often use cards while driving a car or trips to other cities, we recommend working with the mobile version of Google Maps service. It is available for all mobile OS.

With the help of the program you can not only create accurate routes, but also search on a map of the nearest hotspots Wi-Fi, snack bars, hotels, refueling and attractions. For each institution there is a feature for viewing feedback about him. Also, you can see the clock of the minimum and maximum location of the places.

To create B. mobile program Click on the key "How to get there?"And then perform actions to define points similarly to how this is described for the desktop version of the site.

Make a way with cards 2GIS.

2gis - These are online cards that are more focused on the terrain of Ukraine and Belarus. The service developers made by analogy with the options discussed above, however, this service shows even greater speed of work and very accurately determines all places.

In addition to the usual functions, the service allows you to find promotional offers from shopping centers, supermarkets, beauty salons.

Also, users can view information about developers of their city, find out the relevant prices for real estate and get contact details of firms.

To create 2GIS follow the instructions:

On this page you can calculate the distance and the route between the two points (any cities or populated points). Calculation is made using Yandex Maps. After entering the points, a route on the map, laid on the roads, will appear.

For what purposes this service?

First of all, such calculations are needed by a motorist, for pre-planning of the auto-trip or business trip by car. Inserting the fuel consumption and price of the liter in the calculated table, you can estimate potential costs when leaving.
For a professional driver, by the nature of the activity, it may also be necessary to quickly associate the laying of the optimal route on the highway at the discursions in the future flight.

Features of the construction of the route

This function of calculating the "distance and route between two points" may be required to quickly and efficiently construct the route of the trip, taking into account possible traffic jams, or calculating the shortest distance between the selected points.
It is convenient to take the route in printed form.

For a pre-laid path, click on the "Print version" link to get an option adapted for printing. On this map, a common route will be schematically displayed, where, if desired, it will be possible to add a scheme for each intermediate settlement before printing.

For the selected route, you can calculate the approximate fuel consumption for your type of car, indicating the price per liter and theoretical consumption of l. / 100 km.