Towers twins what was there. New World Trade Center in New York

Terrorist attack on the World shopping center In New York, divided the history of the United States of America on before and after. Three thousand people who died as a result of the explosion of twin towers, - the wrong loss for the American people. Question: "Who blew up towers?" For many, it remains open until now. Too many logical inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin tower were destroyed as a result of explosions of aircraft racing buildings. Fire spoiled along the attack, weakened metal constructions, and the building collapsed. Then the same happened with another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could the people from the Arab countries, the names of which were previously known to the special services, come to the United States, pass on the piloting of passenger "Boeing", bring the airlocks of firearms to board the aircraft, seize several aircraft and envy accurate to move several buildings?

All this operation looks incredible, but, nevertheless, it is theoretically executed. There are much more complex issues of the commission who dealt with the investigation is asked by experts, in the hands of which the results of the analyzes obtained after examining the fragments of twin towers were. In the place of the tragedy, traces of explosives and termites were discovered - substances reaching 1500 degrees when burning. But let's go about everything in order. Consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of wreckage of buildings taken into a landfill

There was no month after the terrorist attack, as the US Army invaded the territory of Afghanistan, destroying the seats of terrorism, and at the same time he wrote off his debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multi-billion investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign Hillary Clinton, Washington "Hawks" has not only state, but also personal interests.

The terrorist attack launched the hands of the US intelligencers who received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, and not only on their territory, but in any corner of the world. Even at the leaders of the "big seven" countries there is no right to their small secrets from Washington. It clearly showed the scandal around the listener of the phone Angels Merkel.

There are quite a few supporters of the idea that America's special services at least knew about the training of terrorist attacks, and most likely they played a key role in preparation. Only with the support of the "Big Brother", Islamic radicals, mixed in relations with Al-Qaida, could be in the United States, to pass first-class flight training, to be on board aircraft with items similar to firearms, sobate aircraft and accurately send them to In advance targets.

As a card house

Looking at the collapse of twin towers, the experts converge in the opinion that it is very similar to a managed explosion. Such explosions apply when it is required to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Explosive, having studied the structure of the structure, calculate the capacity of each charge stacked in the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the defendant object should work out as a card house so that each wall rushes inside.

When carrying out such events, just in case evacuate the inhabitants of nearby houses. If the calculations are an error or some charges will not work, the building, instead of work out inside, may fall on the side, and then the destruction will be much more planned. Looking at the video, it is difficult not to surprise how carefully and how rapidly folded towers. It seems that real professional explosives worked on this.

Well, what about the planes? After all, they saw thousands of people, and they are captured on the shooting. Supporters of the theory of managed explosion are confident that the aircraft were needed for a beautiful picture and so that the inhabitants did not have any questions: how could a bunch of terrorists get tons of explosives in two carefully protected buildings in the center of New York and install charges so that they collapse completely?

As for the aircraft that has fallen into the building of the Pentagon, it may not be at all. On the frames taken immediately after the terrorist attack, the destruction is visible, but they have no details of Boeing. The plane could explode, but he could not dissolve. Large pieces of fuselage and engines must be visible. In addition, building damage is too insignificant for the invasion of a large passenger airliner. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of a winged rocket, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who knocked down the fourth plane?

There was a fourth inacted airliner, which terrorists planned to aim or on the White House, or on the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers entered the fight against terrorists and as a result of a fog in the aircraft, the liner collapsed on the land. Some conspiraologists are confident that the aircraft shot down the American military. This theory confirms that the debris was scattered at a high distance from each other. But several passengers managed to crawl to their loved ones, even records of these conversations confirming the official version were preserved.

Little atomic bomb

On September 11, there are so many different opinions about the tragedy that there are even completely fantastic and incredible among them. For example, it is true that a small atomic bomb was blown up under each building. Allegedly developers who conceived to build a shopping center, New York's authorities set a condition - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will come into disrepair, and to carry such a huge design, as it seemed then, it would be much more complicated than to build. And for the subsequent dismantling alleged builders laid a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory of criticism is easily refuted. At the site of the nuclear explosion, even a small one, should be observed elevated level radiation. But it was not observed.

She is also a victim

The most important version of the American government has a question about the third tower, which fell during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called the "Seventh Tower of the World Trade Center". In this building, there was no plane, however, it collapsed overnight, like two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was the fire, which swallowed from neighboring towers. Allegedly communications, for which water came to the building for automatic fire extinguishing, were destroyed, the fire covered the building, the designs did not stand up and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed several years ago, did not know that during the events of 2001, three buildings were destroyed in New York. Many of those who know do not believe that the 47-storey structure could instantly collapse as a result of a fire. In the US, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation into the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but they did not hear them or simply wanted to hear them.

Twins Tower or Gemini - so love New Yorks called the tragically famous towers of the World Trade Center. The tragedy of September 11, 2001 entered the history of the United States as a national, and the tragic news scattered around the world in a matter of minutes.

The terrorists were not waged by the new York altars, which were not just the pride of Americans, but the symbol of their exorbitant pompousness and love for giantism. The "project of the century" turned into a tragedy of the end of the century.

How did the miracle begin? In the 60s, the prestige of American democracy shaken. In order to arouse in the minds of people, pride for their country and return the US people optimism and faith in the future, the All-American project was needed - something ambitious, which stunningly affects the minds and feelings of millions of people.

Projects capable of hitting the imagination of the American people, a lot was put forward. One of the architects actively engaged in the project was the American architect of Japanese descent Minor Yamasaka (1912 -1986), already well known for his works, including the airport building in St. Louis, the complex of structures of the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit, the American Institute of Concrete.

Minor Yamasaka conceived the project of the World Trade Center in 1962, in January 1964, the architect commissioned "Port Authority" created drawings of buildings, a little later, in the same year, presented a layout at 1: 130 of the natural value for discussion, and after two years (5 August 1966) Powerful excavators began to dig meat.

The twins of the skyscrapers in New York were erected on a natural stone basis. Manhattan is really a stone, he has a stone under the layer of earth, granite, it can be seen when you see for the construction of new houses: they do not dig up here, but cut down, stretched with steel brown hammers.

The first problem with which engineers collided was that on the place where the twins were to stand, the foot of the stone was not. Instead, there was an artificial, apparent soil, which earlier "belonged to" the Hudson River. This primer was a large number of Artificial earth, mixed with cobblestone layers, sand, gravel, naked, even old vessels came across in artificial soil. Builders came to despair: additional difficulties, additional costs, additional concrete.

It was not the only problem that settled the architect and engineers. The following problem, comprehended by them, turned out to be 164 large and small, narrow and wide buildings, most often the stone, which stood on the place of the world's world shopping center and were to be demolished. It was not difficult to demolish them, but the problem after that still remained. It was much more difficult to leave safely, and then transfer a rich and complex system of underground communications, a fire alarm system, stranded telephone and electrical cables, gas, thermal, pneumatic and tap pipes, not to hurt a walking speed highway and save numerous pedestrian roads and transitions.

Another problem was the underground station railwayFrom here the beginning underwater path in New Jersey, which is lucky and takes away hundreds of thousands of people from work. If the road was closed, New York and all the United States expected inevitable economic problems. Subway transported people until a new underground station was built in the lower tier of the complex.

It is impossible to say that the work of builders was light. What is just worth 1.2 million cubic meters. Earth yards,which I had to dig and take out. Instead, under the twins, the so-called plaza was created - underground space, where numerous restaurants and banks, travel bureaus, air ticket office, shops, new station of the New Jersey Road, are much better than the same, warehouses, Technical workshops for servicing twins and an underground garage for two thousand cars.

Faced with the difficulty of building an unprecedented height building, engineers applied a progressive structural model: a rigid "hollow tube" from closely arranged steel columns, with farms of floors expanding to the central part. On the outer surface of each of the four sides of the building all over the height of 61 steel beamBetween which the cables were also stretched all over the top. Silver columns aluminum alloy, there were 476.25 mm wide and installed only 558.8 mm from each other, because of which it seemed from afar that there were no windows in the towers. The bearing walls were collected from the finished steel blocks, the weight of each of which is 22 tons, the height of 36 feet (height 4 floors), width of 10 feet. Two hundred thousand tons in total weighs steel laid in twins.

As the twins grew, the installers laid interlated overlaps Of the special, pre-cooked corrugated steel and durable concrete slabs prepared at factories. The floors were attached to the outer bearing walls from the outside and to the inner, the only one in the twins steel columns With a purely useful function - they are erected to fix internal elevators.

The elevator system used in the buildings is also. Twins tower were the first ultra-high buildings designed without masonry. Worrying that intense air pressureCreated by high-speed elevators could bend standard shafts, engineers have developed a solution using a "dry" system, fixed in the enhanced steel base. The elevators with a standard configuration for serving 110 floors could be needed half the lower area for the layout of the mines. Otis Elevators developed a quick and compact system in which the passengers had to be replaced in the "heavenly lobby" at the 44th and 78th floors, which reduced the number of mines twice. In total, the complex of the World Trade Center was 239 elevators and 71 escalator, which were managed by a computer center from Port Authority. Each elevator with a loading capacity of 4536 kilograms could raise 55 people with a raising speed - about 8.5 meters per second.

The construction went quickly, despite the fact and the case of difficulties with funding. New York budget in 1965-1970. was 6 billion dollars. To get money for investing in the construction of a shopping center, the city has released bonds with a guarantee of their repayment. But in 1970, the New York is comprehended by the financial crisis. The term of payments for bonds approached. The construction was almost frozen. To save the situation, I had to introduce new, increased taxes in the field of entrepreneurship. Another source of money receipt was found: Future posts of twins began to rent under offices. And they were expected huge - 100 thousand square meters. m. Of all the difficulties managed, finally, "twist". The Northern Tower was completed to build in 1971, South - in 1973. The solemn opening of the World Trade Center was held on April 4, 1973.

The twins flew to a record height of 450 m. In the cross section of the tower there were square, with a side of 65 m. Each tower - in 110 floors. The foundations of structures went underground by 23 m. The framework of buildings are spent 200 thousand tons of steel rolled steel, and electrical network cables, a total capacity of 80,000 kilowatt, stretched for 3 thousand miles - half the distance from New York to London, through the Atlantic. The transfer of quantitative data is hardly bored, because each new digit or number speaks of an unprecedented diffraction created.

The structure of the buildings was simple and reasonable. The facades are made in the form of frames from steel and mounted on them modular aluminum sections sizes of 3.5x10 m, manufactured by the factory mode of stamping. This design of the seismic resistant and is able to withstand the pressure of the wind, very strong at a huge height. The building of the World Trade Center could even withstand a collision with an aircraft or a different flying object. But unfortunate twins were not resistant to the strongest explosion and ignition of 5 thousand liters of aviation gasoline from the tanks of aggressor aircraft.

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World Trade Center. New York Towers Twins - Fallen Brothers

Residents of New York were called twin towers (Twins Towers) Skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, which were destroyed on September 11, 2001 as a result of a terrorist act. This event has become a national tragedy for the United States. The terrorists were not in vain as the goal of the Towers of the twins, because they were the national proud countries, a symbol of democracy and the symbol of the magnifies of the American people. Today about Tween Toweras reminds us a huge memorial built on the place of the tragedy. In many Hollywood films released before the events of September 11, we can see the panorama of the city of New York's dreams, on which the Towers of the World Trade Center are necessarily present. On tourist postcards of those times also traditionally depicts the gigantic "twins". And how many souvenirs associated with these towers were made! Unfortunately, now these trinkets will soon remind us of sad:

However, this article was not planned not in the form of an essay in memory of the fallen colossos, but rather as a story about the architectural masterpiece, which went into oblivion, but, nevertheless, which preserved a good memory about himself. It is natural that the project is not in the accuracy of the copying WTC in the plans of American urban planners. Why strive to repeat success? Let the tower "live" in our hearts.

However, in addition to the Memorial on the square, the once-held WTC, it was still decided to build several high-rise buildings. In fact, not to empty the same gifted area of \u200b\u200bManhattan? Already at the construction stage there is a skyscraper of the Tower of Freedom, which will have a height of over 500 meters. It will be promoted by 2013. In addition to the office building, there are 4 more projects, but they only exist on paper. 3 high-altitude towers and one residential building are developed. These gigners will grow next to the Memorial on Greenwich Street.

Before starting the story about Twins Tauers, we give small explanations. The World Trade Center presented a complex of seven buildings, which included the ill-fated northern and southern towers. Each of the towers contained 110 floors, but the height differed - at South Tower, it accounted for 415 meters, and North - 417. Nearby was located near the 22-storey Mariott hotel, which had a reduced NTC-3 name. Three more buildings of the WTC 4-6 were among the 9th floors, and in the WTC-7, which is over the road from the rest of the complex, contained 47 floors.

Construction history

The idea to build a grandiose skyscraper was born in the postwar years. The US economy was actively reborn after the recession caused by the Second World War. In the 50s, most large companies They had their offices in New York, namely on the territory of Manhattan. Influential businessman David Rockefeller, using the guarantee of his brother Nelson, (who occupied the position of the Governor of the city), offered to begin here the construction of the World Trade Center. The project supported the administration of the port of New York and New Jersey. The entire project led Manhattan Creative Association, the head of which was just David Rockefeller. It was assumed that the WTC at the end of construction will be about 4% of the city's entire office real estate.

For some time the project remained only in the minds of his associates, but at the end of the 50s, the WTCs took up close. It was connected mainly with the political situation in the country. In the US citizens in those years, faith in the further development of democracy, the prosperity of the country was noticeably designed. It was then that the authorities decided to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea of \u200b\u200bRockefeller, who taught the World Trade Center "under the sauce" of the National Project. According to the authorities, the giant complex could rally all the people of America around him. Eminent architects in vain offered their projects, but preference was given to the development of Minouro Yamasaka. This American architect of Japanese origin was the author of many beautiful rear, including: Airport in Saint Louis, Institute of Concrete, Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit. Together with Minor Yamasaka over the concept of the WTC worked by architect Antonio Brittechi, as well as the company Emiri Roth and sons.

In 1964, on request "Port Authority" were created the first drawings of future twins towers with a decrease of 130 times, and on August 5, 1966 the construction of skyscrapers began.

From the very first days, various technical problems began to occur at the construction site. At the place of future construction, it was not a stone, but an artificial soil, which is a mixture of cobblestones, sand, goola. Therefore, to build the foundation "Twins Tower" it took a lot more concrete than originally planned, this circumstance led to a sharp increase in the cost of building an object.

Then it was necessary to solve a challenge in engineering and technical terms. At the site of the future skyscrapers, it was necessary to carry about 160 buildings, but at the same time maintain all engineering communications (gas pipeline, water supply, sewage, electrical cables etc.), as well as a high-speed high-speed motorway passing nearby.

Another important problem was the line of underground railway, passing in this place. It was impossible to close it, since daily tens of thousands of people traveled through the subway to work and home. The authorities decided not to lay alternative transport routes, as it would further increase the construction costs of the towers. Therefore, the Line of the New York metro functioned until the new, with the station in the lower yarus of the WTC complex was launched.

When building "Twins Tower" had to be removed from the ground more than 1.2 million cubic yards of the Earth. Educated pita became not only the foundation of twin towers, but also a plaza was organized in it, which is a huge space at which car parking for 2000 cars was located, a new station of underground railway, restaurants, offices various firms, banks, warehouses, shops, etc.

At the proposed Minor of Yamasaka, the TWINS Tower Plan should be not only the highest skyscrapers in the United States of America, but also the world. And this meant that twin towers should be given a greater height than Empire State Building, which at that time firmly held the palm of the championship of the most huge building on the planet. For this, an interesting engineering solution was invented. In fact, the towers were very durable metal pipeCreated from columns with farms for floors. Along the walls of the structure, 61 beams made of special steel were located. Each column had a diameter of 476.25 mm, they were installed tightly to each other. The distance between the beams was only 558.8 mm. Weight each such steel block had a whole 22 tons, and the height was 4 floors of the future building! In total, during the construction of skyscrapers, about 210,000 tons of heavy-duty steel were spent. The floors between the floors were made of concrete slabs and corrugated steel, which were attached to the carrying elements of the entire design. Inside buildings, steel columns were erected for future elevators.

Twin Towers were the first built in the world without the use of stone masonry and engineers were afraid that high pressure Air flow will be able to disrupt the normal operation of the elevator shafts. Therefore, for elevators was developed special engineering systemIn the future, the name is "dry". For standard system The elevators serving the skyscraper would have to use almost half of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of the lower tier, in order to accommodate elevator mines in it, which was not economically profitable. Therefore, the specialists of the company "Otis Elevators" have developed a special system called "fast" and providing passenger transplants for 44 and 78 floors of buildings. This elevator system made it possible to reduce the amount of elevator mines twice, compared with traditional system. As a result, there are 239 elevators, as well as 71 escalators in the TWINS Tower complex. Each elevator was designed for a load capacity of 4535 kilograms, that is, it could simultaneously raise 55 people. The speed of the elevators was 8.5 meters per second. By the way, this system "transfers" engineers used and when designing other skyscrapers, which appeared a lot later twins.

When the object is erected, financial difficulties have repeatedly arise, but, despite this construction, not only did not stop, but also began to rapidly. In 1965 - 1970, the New York authorities could not fully finance construction, therefore bond loan bonds were issued. In 1970, a major economic crisis hit, as a result of which payments on the bonds of the authorities were discontinued. At first, the administration decided to freeze construction for several years. But then they refused to be refused from this crazy idea, because the prestige of the United States could suffer greatly from these measures. Then economists have developed another way of financing and money was found. Taxes were raised for entrepreneurs, the rental of office space in the HTC skyscrapers (with prepayment) and the like were increased.

The construction of the northern tower ended in 1971, and two years later put into operation and the South Tower. The official date of opening of the World Trade Center in New York is April 4, 1973.

Characteristic Tower WTC

As a result, the twin towers became the highest skyscrapers of the United States. In each "brother-gigner" it was 110 floors. The height of the 1st WTC building was 526.3 meters along with the antenna. Last Floor In the southern tower, built in 411 m from the ground, and in North - in 413! The depth of the foundation was at a mark of 23 meters under the ground. The length of the power cables exceeded 5,000 kilometers, and the total power electrical network amounted to about 80,000 kW. Thus, the builders really managed to implement the "project of the century", which became one of the symbols of the United States, the pride of the American people.

IN last years About 50,000 people came to work every day to work in WTC, and another 200,000 people visited the World Trade Center per week as tourists.

In the southern tower on the 107th floor, an observatory was organized. From the observation site, a magnificent view of the city was opened. In the northern tower at the level between 106 and 107 floors, a chic restaurant "Windows in the world" was located, which was opened in 1976 and was the most "high-altitude" point of nutrition in the world.

At that time, no one could think that these towers would once fall. After all, the framework of the building, according to the assurances of engineers, could withstand the blow of the colossal force, for example, under the taran by the plane. The towers, especially the strongest strongest gusts of the wind, which raged at an altitude of 400 meters. The design of the skyscrapers was distinguished by high strength, resistant, due to facades, made in the form of steel frames and aluminum modular sections, mounted in them. These elements had a size of 10x3.5 meters. All technical triggers were in vain, because when the aircraft falls, a decisive role was not a destructive power of the collision, but heat. As a result of the explosion of tanks with fuel containing over 5000 liters of gasoline, an instant heating has grown to 1000 degrees Celsius! This is and provoked a collapse.


Currently, on the site of twins towers is the construction of new three skyscrapers, under the working names of the tower? 2,? 3 and? 4 and a tower of 541 meters high, which received the symbolic name "Freedom Tower". All new buildings will be distinguished from the first towers who fell under terrorist attack. The construction ceremony of the new World Trade Center was held in July 2004, and the construction itself began on April 27, 2006. The construction of the site is carried out by Larry Silverstain - an entrepreneur acting in real estate. According to plan, the completion of the construction of the Freedom Tower should take place until 2013. The new World Trade Center of New York, in addition to this tower, will also include a residential skyscraper, three high-altitude office buildings, a museum and memorial memory of the victims of the tragedy on September 11, 2001, as well as a concert-exhibition center. Many Americans died the 540-dimensional skyscraper of the "Fear Tower", because When it is erected will be used innovative technologiespreventing damage to the terrorist attack of any power. In particular, the first 52 meters of the building are planned to put in a concrete frame, and for outdoor decoration Apply the glass of prismatic form, only this can be avoided the notorious visual effect of the "stone bag".

Towers Gemini: history, pride and tragedy of America

At buildings, like people, there is something in common. Some lives simple and imperceptible to most of life and, dying, remain in memory of only the nearest relatives. Others - in sight, they admire or hate; At least many know them. Die, they are part of the story, living in the minds of millions, even after leaving Eternity, influence the living.

It was the second option that fate chose fate for famous skyscrapers, twin towers in New York. Twisted as a result of a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, these buildings would seek their existence: everyone knows them, they remember them, they continue to replicate in thousands of pictures. In the end, they still affect the lives of a huge metropolis, and the United States as a whole.

Construction of twin towers

Build easily, it is difficult to negotiate. Any building of the world, even country house, not born in the construction site, and in the minds of his creators. There was no exception and the World Trade Center in New York, the architectural and visual dominant of which were two skyscrapers, immediately called towers: North and South.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the Grand Complex was born in the United States during the Second World War. By 1944 it became clear that one state was left in the Western world, which was managed not only to preserve its economic power, but it is essential to strengthen it, especially against the background of destroyed Europe and Japan. This state has become America. It was not necessary to have a great mind to understand the simple truth: in the coming decades, the country will become a superpower, will develop rapidly. And she will need a large financial and shopping complex.

But there was still a lot of time until the idea began to turn into reality. There were two main reasons.

The first is the arms race broken, cold Warrequiring colossal financial injections.

The second is the collision of the economic interests of several influential groups of the United States, as well as two states, New Jersey and New York. In addition, the construction of the Center assumed the emergence of new skyscrapers exceeding the height of Empire State Building, the pride of the city, the highest building of the world. Financial groups who controlled this building were not at all eased the emergence of a formidable competitor.

And only by the beginning of the 60s, all commercial, image and financial questions I managed to dying. The brothers Rockefeller, David and Nelson played the last role in this. Using its influence, connection and money, the brothers began to build a WTC in Lower Manhattan.

The entire complex, including the Twins Towers, designed several powerful design companies, but the leading architect, the father of the project, elected an American of Japanese origin to Minor Yamasaka.

Yamasaki before the start of work on this project completed several serious works in different cities of the United States, although it was not among the most mast professional professionals. A supporter of Gothic modernism, experiencing a strong influence of the architecture of Le Corbusier, the Japanese drew attention to the small vintage towers of the twins in the Italian town of San Gimignano, taking them as a sample to fulfill their task.

And the task of the master was uncomplicated: to do something, where it would be 5 times more office space than in Empire State Building. After a passage of several possible options, Yamasaka came to the final: two slim tower with a square cross section, having a form of parallelepiped.

The whole course of construction can be divided into the following steps:

  • design: 1962 - 1965;
  • cleaning and preparation of area for construction - from March to August 1966;
  • august 1966 - the beginning of earthworks, ground removal under the foundation of towers;
  • installing the last carrier element of buildings - December 1970 (North Tower), July 1971 (South Tower);
  • the solemn opening of the complex - April 4, 1974.

At the end of the construction of the tower turned out to be the highest buildings of the world, each numbered 110 floors. The top mark of South was 415 meters, the north was 2 meters above, and it was also decorated with an antenna with a mark of 526.3 meters.

Among other things, the appearance of the towers gave the launch of the real race of the skyscrapers, which began in the world. Rating a little forward, it can be said that the Americans built a new WTC on the spot of fallen "candles", which westerly the highest building of the Western Hemisphere. Nevertheless, now it is only the fourth in the cohort of buildings-giants.

Unusual face of twin towers

Continuing the analogy, it can be said that like people, outstanding buildings also possess their records and unique events of life. There are both Yamasaki towers. Here is some of them:

  • During the construction of buildings, deep 20 meter pitched to get to the "indigenous" rock. The land from the Kotlovanov was used for artificial embankment, on which several World Financial Center buildings were subsequently built.
  • At the heart of the construction of the towers - hundreds of big and small steel pipescreating a special framework, resistant to winds and seismic oscillations.
  • Facade of buildings replete with a huge amount narrow windows The width of only 56 cm. Yamasakas suffered from the fear of height, and designed the windows so that anyone, approaching the window sill, could easily lie down in the slope of the window pass, which would create a special sense of reliability.
  • Each of the towers had 103 elevators, of which 6 cargo. Part of passenger elevators were high-speed, part - ordinary. For the transition from first to the second, platforms at the 44th and 78th floors were used.
  • Immediately after the construction of the towers, they received derogatory criticism from leading architects of the world. Not really liked buildings and residents of the city. But gradually they are accustomed to them and even began to be proud. Approximately the same fate was at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • The first attempt to destroy the buildings was taken in 1993. Then in the garage of the Northern Tower, under the ground, a truck blew up with more than halftone explosives.

In the end, terrorists managed to blow unusual buildings. But, destroying them, did they destroy the idea itself, the desire of a person to conquer, create something unusual? After all, it is laid in the very nature of man.

And, perhaps, Philip Petit's unwashed Frenchman said very well about it, who in August 1974 managed 8 times in a row (!) Go through a rope stretched between two towers, while dancing and even lick: "Lying on a rope, I saw very Closely above the seagull. And I remembered myth about Promethea. Here, at this height, I invaded its space, proving that a person can compare with a bird ... "

Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York

"Personally, I am much more like vertical lines than horizontal, because they seem to give a sense of hill ... Yes, it is impossible to love four thousand meters of something, but enough to put it vertically, say, boxes of matches or jewelry, and you will find this thing charming. " This statement of the largest American architect of Japanese origin Minor Yamasaka quite corresponds to the direction that the name "American Neoclassicism of the Sixties" was called. In the 1950s, Yamasaka became known thanks to the participation in the construction of the famous skyscraper Empire State Building, original facilities in Detroit, Seattle, Delhi and other cities of the world. But the glory of one of the most bold architects was brought to him by two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, elevated not far from the Embankment of the Hudson River and until September 11, 2001, those considered the highest structure in the city.

Their appearance had its historical pattern. In the late 1950s and in the 1960s, an idea was prevailed in America characteristic of the so-called "consumption society," - to give things a pleasant and even refined appearance. It was approved at the official level, that is, the challenge was set to "demonstrate the world's positive essence of the American lifestyle." Architecture as it is impossible to answer these tasks. On the little plot It was possible to build a building that includes a building, including business offices, administrative premises, shopping centers, etc., which would fully correspond to the image of the largest firms.

True, American neoclassicism existed long. But during this time, talented architects managed to create a number of unique works, including the World Trade Center. His project looked truly a global, relevant developed technocratic model - two giant nude parallelepiped from glass, shot at a height of 540 meters. In this huge complex, countless offices, firms, banks and institutions were supposed to be accommodated.

By the time of the creation of Yamasaka's towers, the Architect was already a prevailing architect with his own glance at modern architecture, whose motto only three words became - "the form determines the function."

The decision on the beginning of the construction of the World Trade Center was made in 1960. The complex was commissioned in 1973, and the twin towers in 1976. WTC included two 9-storey office buildings, an 8-storey building of the US State Customs Service, an 47-storey building of representative offices, a 22-storey hotel and two 110-storey twin towers. Rented areas of twin towers - 1.08 million square meters. M, in which there are 450 companies from 30 countries of the world, and the number of employees amounted to 50 thousand people.

Under the World Trade Center, an underground station, numerous shops and supermarkets were built, and on the roofs the towers - the observation deck, restaurant and bar.

In February 2001, the famous twin skyscrapers were leased for 99 years for more than $ 3 billion. The owners of the skyscrapers were planned to rent only 1.5 billion, but as a result of the last year of the struggle between investors, the final amount of the Rental Agreement was twice as high.

The trouble fell to the pride of New York and one of the symbols of the prosperity of the nation in the morning of September 11, 2001, when two aircraft stamped suicide bombers were impeamed in the airspace of the city and rammed both skyscrapers. Then it turned out that in the XXI century, which, on the prediction of science, should become an era of progress and universal well-being, architectural masterpieces turned out to be the most convenient target for terrorists. The magnificent structure of the best architects and the builders of America collapsed overnight, putting doubt on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe extension of the functional living space itself. According to experts, the power of the fall of the towers was such that the metal was literally pressed with concrete, turning into a solid mass.

The destruction of twin towers showed that skyscrapers built from metal and concrete, not very protected. By the way, many architects and designers consider the controversial discovered after the tragedy about what skyscrapers are more reliable: American reinforced concrete, which, when destroying, "fold" inside themselves, or European glass, capable of falling the side. According to many specialists, with the current development of construction technologies, the most reliable way to avoid the destruction of a skyscraper due to a terrorist attack, an accident or natural catastrophe - Do not build such houses at all.

Nevertheless, what will be built on the site of destroyed towers? The projects are a great set, we give only some of them most often mentioned in the press.

One of the tenants of the dead buildings - Largy Silverstein offered to build a tower with a height of 60 floors - then they would not have been of interest to air terrorists. In response to this consideration, a project was proposed in which 60 floors would be workers, and the next 50 were empty space - this emptiness was to become a memorial to the place where Boeing crashed.

The project is not yet canceled, but its value is so high, which causes doubts about the implementation of such a memorial.

The lead architect of the New World Trade Center Daniel Libeskind put forward a project involving the construction of a tower with a height of 1776 feet (in 1776 America gained independence), and this 540-meter architectural design will become the highest in the world. Gardens will be placed on its upper floors.

In addition, in this place it is planned to build a monument to three thousand people who died during terrorist attacks. The project proposed by Libeskind takes into account the features of the reflection angles sun rayTo be concentrated on the monument to victims of terrorist attacks. Every year on the morning of September 11 between 8 hours of 46 minutes, that is, at the time when the first aircraft crashed into the tower, and 10 hours 28 minutes, when the second tower fell, the WTC buildings will not discard the shadow.

The new complex will also include the art center and railway station. And part of the base of the bold towers will not be built up.

In the discussion on how to use free place In the center of Manhattan, where until September 11, 2001, the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center were raised, and the Government of Catalonia was included. It offered to the authorities of New York to erect the majestic building on the project of the Great Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi. The world-famous architect on the order of his two fans from among rich American entrepreneurs in 1911 created a project of a skyscraper, 360 meters high. This building, according to customers, should have been erected in Manhattan, and, at an amazing coincidence, almost at the very place where the famous twin towers were built later. Skyscraper Gaudi to some extent reminds his most famous and favorite creation - the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Barcelona. The complex consists of the main tower, topped with a star, in the rays of which the viewing platforms must be located, as well as related to the main tower of eight buildings, where residential premises and offices will be located. There are also four restaurants in the tower, the Museum of Cultures of the Five Continents of the World, Exhibition and Concert Halls. The architect himself said that he wants to express in his building the spirit of entrepreneurship, characteristic of the American people.

If New York's authorities decide to give preference to Antonio Gaudi's project, this building will be the first creation of a great architect built outside of Spain. And the first skyscraper built a hundred years after the creation of his project.

If you are summarized, you can conclude that no plan has a real perspective, so the discussion promises to be long and verbose. But one thing is clear: first, newly built buildings will not be a copy of the dead, and secondly, proud and ambitious America will definitely give a tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack and again demonstrate the power and glory of one of the leaders in architecturally.

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