Why do we need dark tarot decks? What types of tarot cards are there? Black Tarot Royo

Probably, there is not a single person who has not heard or was not interested in the system of fortune telling on Tarot cards. But few people know that there are great amount various types kart.

And choose for yourself the most suitable deck it is not easy at all. But if you carefully understand what types of tarot cards exist, it will be much easier to make the right choice.

What you need to know about Tarot

The very first mentions of a deck of Tarot cards appeared in the very distant past. Unfortunately, the exact date is unknown. Today, there are several theories of their origin at once, each of which finds new supporters every day.

Some researchers are sure that these maps contain the unique knowledge of Atlantis, which was previously contained in the book of Thoth.

And after death ancient civilization were handed over to the priests in Ancient egypt... But the Egyptian civilization was also destroyed. According to legend, the ancient priests of Egypt, who had kept knowledge for a long time, decided to encrypt it in a special deck of cards.

And in the future, it has undergone significant changes. First, kabbalistic signs from Ancient Palestine were added to the maps.

Then the deck was shipped to Europe. And in the end, the very first deck, containing as many as 78 cards, was first made in Italy.

A variety of interpretations and names of Tarot cards have survived to this day, which may differ not only in meaning, but also in the number of arcana. And conditionally, you can distinguish a certain classification. Although the same deck is sometimes referred to as different types.

And often they are not at all attributed to any particular species. Therefore, it is often difficult for a novice tarot reader to choose a suitable deck for himself. right choice will be much easier.

Below are the most known species cards that have received the widest around the world.

Classic decks of cards

This category includes Tarot cards, the types of which were created in ancient times by an unknown author. They have 78 arcana, which are subdivided into several basic suits. Over the several hundred years of their existence, the cards have undergone significant changes, and it will be difficult to call them universal. After all, they are able to give answers only to certain questions.

Today, the following classic types of Tarot decks are widely known:

  1. Marseille Tarot.
    This deck got its name due to the fact that it was first made in Marseille. The arcana, included in the Marseille Tarot, are executed in a special style that fully corresponds to all the canons of symbolism. And this kind of tarot cards have no meanings as such. And each lasso is nothing more than a symbol, the meaning of which still needs to be unraveled. Each small curl can carry meaning and some kind of clue.
  2. Tarot Egyptian.
    It has a mystical origin and is actively used by modern tarologists. It is believed that the first deck was created by the famous esotericist Papus. It included tarot cards that were black and white. It was only after more than half a century that a color version was published. Among the features of the Egyptian Tarot, one should highlight the image of the goddess Isis on the Priestess card, the lack of a number for the Jester's lasso and the drawing of the minor lasso.
  3. Tarot of the Renaissance.
    First created during the Renaissance and have appearance with special iconography. The lasso depicts the world of aristocratic ideals, the origins of which allow a glimpse into the past and provide an opportunity to know the future. But tarologists note a certain capriciousness of these cards, which are capable of not answering ordinary everyday questions. But their symbolism is simple and therefore the interpretation will be simple even for beginners.
  4. Tarot Montigny.
    It is considered a fairly easy-to-understand deck, which tarologists often refer to as oracles and therefore advise to lay out in addition. Cards of this type lined up in 5 rows, fully covering the conditions of life, the world of science and art, the characters of people, as well as the celestial sphere. Arkany Montigny points and directs along a certain path of development, but often does not give exact answers to the questions posed.
  5. Etteilla deck.
    It is distinguished by a clear drawing and the presence of a certain interpretation, which can be easily read in a forward and reverse position. With the Etteila lasso, you can find out the most likely events of the future, based on the current state of affairs. Arcana are also able to indicate possible dangers that threaten the fortuneteller in the foreseeable future.

The listed varieties of classic decks are not the only ones. But they are rightfully considered the most popular and widespread. With it, any beginner is able to master mysterious world Tarot card system. Especially if you show patience and diligence.

Dark Tarot decks are sets of cards designed to reveal the "wrong side" of obvious phenomena and explore the hidden corners of the soul. Their goal is to show the fortuneteller the illusion of what is happening: in fact, everything is not what it seems. This category often includes oracles (decks intended for fortune telling, but having little in common with the Tarot traditions) dedicated to demons, spirits, dark angels... Let's take a look at some of these decks.

Sex and demons

The famous Spanish artist and illustrator invites you to visit the brightest of the universes he created. Here, the remnants of ancient technology can be found next to magical artifacts, disputes are resolved with the help of enchanted weapons, and the remnants of humanity are forced to survive, sharing a tortured planet with demons. This is the world of Luis Royo's Dark Tarot.

Art is great. A whirlwind of colors, a riot of shades, fantastic shapes and carefully painted faces ... This is definitely one of the most beautiful dark decks. The author focuses on female characters and mystical creatures, the stronger sex is in the minority. The undisguised eroticism of the drawings is striking, the theme of sex and violence runs through the whole deck.

The number of cards is familiar to any tarot reader (22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor), but the drawings have been reinterpreted by the artist and bear little resemblance to the classical ones. Cards can be interpreted in an upright and inverted position, but each of them is an interweaving of light and darkness, beauty coexists with ugliness, despair with hope, and the fortuneteller is free to choose signs that are more suitable for specific situation... Dark Tarot Royo will suit experienced tarot readers looking for new ways. It is used for analysis psychological problems, clarification of relationships both in a team and between loved ones.

To help the witchers

The Warlock Tarot has little in common with traditional decks, being, in fact, an oracle. The creator of the deck, the magician Svyatoslav, refused to use the Minor Arcana: they are replaced by four houses (analogous to suits), seven cards each. 22 Elders remained, the author redrawn the Trumps for his own purposes and changed their interpretation. In addition to them, it includes cards representing the seven deadly sins. The drawings are black and white, the images are carefully designed. The purpose of the deck:

  • work with the inner world of a fortuneteller;
  • identification and correction of shortcomings of his character;
  • assistance in the development of magical (and not only) powers.

The creator assures that his cards are a good help in witchcraft rituals. The deck is suitable for people who are seriously involved in magical practices. For fortune-tellers whose goal is more mundane affairs, it is better to choose another deck - the Warlock's Tarot does not tolerate the daily routine.

In the satanic congregation ...

The next work of the tarologist Vera Sklyarova is an oracle, despite the presence of analogues of the Major Arcana. The author carefully transferred onto pieces of cardboard the images of all the demons (in number 72) described in "Ars Goetia", and now we can not only study the faces of the lords of the underworld, but also use evil spirits in divination.

The cards are created to identify the influences of otherworldly forces on the mental, mental and physical state of a person, help in getting out of conflict situations... Demon cards can be used in magic rituals, and as an additional deck for finding out the nuances that remained unclear after the main fortune-telling. A powerful and energy-demanding deck designed for mystics on the "Left Path" seeking power and knowledge.

Deck for very black magicians

According to legend, the Tarot of Lucifer was created by two warlocks who put their knowledge of Kabbalah, astrology, demonology into it. The purpose of the deck is to serve as a bridge between the mystic and the lords of the kingdom of darkness. Another oracle consists of 105 cards (depicts all the demons of Goetia, the forces and lords of the Klipot, spirits zodiacal circle) and has nothing to do with the classics of Tarot - the study will have to start from scratch. The book included in the kit gives detailed instructions reporting mass additional information about demonic forces. The deck in detail, to the smallest detail, describes the current situation, the balance of power in it, recommends several ways out of the problem. When fortune-telling on magic rites indicates the optimal time and the likely result, can be used in them as a set of occult symbols.


When it comes to the number of decks required for a tarot reader to work, I usually answer that just one is enough. But with all this, I, frankly, can call myself a Tarot maniac. No, I don’t buy absolutely all the decks I like in a row, but I am happy to follow the news and the best examples of the past in the tarot industry. I read reviews, watch video presentations, browse thematic forums, scrupulously keep a list of the decks I like most, and also save galleries to my computer. And today I want to talk to you about black and white tarot decks, which I personally find very beautiful, minimalistic and extremely understandable. Let's talk?

Why do I like black and white decks?

You know, I think the answer to this question lies in the same area as the love of black and white photography. Monochrome shots, due to the absence of colors, concentrate our attention exclusively on the plot and details, not allowing us to be distracted by some extraneous, not so important trifles. On the one hand, in the Tarot, of course, absolutely everything matters: symbolism, color, smallest details like a character pose or a map background. Aleister Crowley remains my favorite deck to this day, and artist Frida Harris is known to have meticulously worked not only on symbols, but also on color palette each Arcana. Yes, I do not argue that with the help of color you can extract a lot of additional information or capture special nuances that are imperceptible at first glance.

But on the other hand, sometimes you really want some kind of simplicity and minimalism! I just want to pick up the cards and not think about why the Emperor's cloak is red, the lion on the Arcanum of Temperance is white, and the Hierophant holds a black key in his hands. I just want to look at the map and understand: aha, here, for example, there is a rose, but there is no need to guess how the meaning of the symbol changes if the flower turns out to be red, yellow or blue. A rose always smells like a rose, whatever you call it. Do you understand what I mean?

That is why I once really wanted to have a black and white Tarot. Simple, understandable, easy to understand and, of course, very beautiful. And then I started my search. More precisely, it was a little different: at first I saw one black and white deck, which I just fell in love with, and then, after buying it, I became interested in others, made in shades of gray. Today I want to show you some very unusual, interesting monochrome decks that I discovered during my research. But before that I would like to show on one illustrative example why color is sometimes just not needed.

Could a black and white deck be more informative than a colored one?

Personally, I see in this black and white Magician much more symbolism that spurs the work of intuition than in the traditional first Arcanum of Waite.

And look at the Emperor! Such energy and power is bursting out of the black-and-white card that it seems a little more, and the power of the Arkan will knock everything in its path! This is not just a static ruler seated on a throne, this is an amazing dynamic!

Now compare the two Arcana of Justice! Is it possible to say that from a monochrome image we will not feel absolutely all the nuances of the card: the power of balancing, and the harmony between opposites, and the importance of the balance between light and darkness?

And finally, let's take a look at the Hanged Man. Comments here will probably be superfluous.

Reviews of black and white decks - my TOP-12

Of course, not all black and white decks have such a deep symbolism as the Hermetic Tarot, presented in the above examples, but very many of them are interesting and unusual in their own way. Of course, I cannot show you all the existing monochrome Tarot cards, so I have chosen for you a dozen the most attractive to me. Well, let's move on to brief overview? One of my favorite decks - Wild Unknown Tarot - will not be included in the article, since I cannot attribute it to completely black and white, after all, it contains some color accents, albeit in small quantities.

The stunning black and white esoteric Hermetic Tarot deck is based on the secret lore of the Order of the Golden Dawn. The cards include a huge amount of symbolism: here you can find astrological correspondences, and geomantic figures, and kabbalistic symbols, and references to numerology, and even elements of angelic writing. The deck requires a thoughtful approach, so it is categorically not suitable for beginners. But for those who have already worked with the Tarot Tota or other decks created in the traditions of the Golden Dawn, it will become an excellent working, and, moreover, a universal tool. I myself work with this deck, and I want to note that its energy is quite tough, more masculine than feminine. The cards answer very accurately, sometimes so much that the hairs on the head stand on end. The deck is straightforward, without sentimentality and humor - I would say about it "cuts the truth-womb."

A rather rare Tarot deck of Light and Shadow was released more than twenty years ago - back in 1997. The creators of the deck were inspired by the spiritual traditions of the East and West, so the cards reflected the elements of the culture of the Celts, American Indians, Africans, East India, as well as medieval Europe. On the one hand, many of the minimalistic Arcana of this deck remind us of Ryder-Waite plots, but along with them there are completely different, author's images. This deck is almost impossible to get on sale, so I printed it myself for the collection. V practical work haven't used it yet.

A black and white version of the Tabula Mundi deck appeared in 2014, but at that time only included the Major Arcana. A little later, the author repeated the plots of her cards in color, and already in the amount of 78 cards, and also supplemented the black and white version with Minor Arcana. Today, on foreign sites on the Internet, you can find both of these versions for sale, but honestly - I like monochrome more, although color is also very good. The tradition of the deck is Crowleyan. The cards attract with their soulfulness, thoughtfulness and depth. Unlike Tarot Thoth, the Tabula Mundi cards are filled with more understandable symbolism, but still the deck requires detailed elaboration - it is unlikely that it will work out intuitively to read it right away, especially the Minor Arcana. And it will be all the more difficult to deal with it for the adherents of the Waite system. Personally, I would have bought it for my collection a long time ago, but the delivery is very expensive.

Fabulous, but at the same time gloomy, surreal, and in some places very simple, mystical and at the same time romantic - all this can be said about the amazing Phantomweiss Tarot deck. Examining her Arcana, as if you find yourself in another world - cloudy and rainy England, where, sitting by the fireplace with a cup of fragrant herbal tea in an old mansion, so I want to remember fairy tales familiar from childhood and just dream a little. Artist Erin Morgenstern managed to create a bizarre, addictive magical world based on the classic Waite Arcana and the well-known works of Lewis Carroll. The wonderful idea and delightful implementation are worthy of the highest praise!

The ritual abuse tarot

Since we are talking about a dark world, another dark, but at the same time satirical creation, The Ritual Abuse Tarot, immediately comes to mind. If you think this is just another pointless horror story, then you are wrong. This tarot deck was created to honor the memory of the American children's illustrator who drew pictures for horror stories. Despite the frankly frightening gloom, Stephen's work has gained popularity in many countries. Scary, but beautiful - my verdict on the deck!

I present to your attention a stunning monochrome older lasso - The TAROT ReVISIONed deck of 22 cards. Amazingly traced details, pronounced volumetric images, esoteric and mythological symbolism, on the creation of which the artist Lee McCloskey worked for many years - all this makes us instantly plunge into the space of the map. Despite the fact that the drawings are made in black and white, it seems that the characters of the cards are truly alive. In my opinion, this is a real masterpiece, which is a very harmonious synthesis of esotericism with artistic creation... I don’t know if we should wait for the continuation in the form of a full 78-card deck. If it ever sees the light of day, I will certainly find a way to acquire it.

Taro of David (Davids Taro)

The very minimalistic black and white Tarot deck of David is considered by many tarot readers to be a real gem. The meaning of each card is conveyed through a capacious, but at the same time completely simple, symbolic image. In many ways, the cards repeat Waite's plots, but along with them there is the author's vision of some Arcana, for example, Lovers on the 6th Arcana enthusiastically kiss, on the 16th Arcana there is no Tower, but there is a hand that is struck by lightning, and the Empress and the Emperor look very unpleasant and even repulsive. And yet there is something so unusual in this creation, isn't there? I would not mind adding such a deck to my personal collection.

The surreal monochrome tarot deck of the Absurd is a kind of interpretation of the classics from the artist Jessica Schenehan. Maps were drawn using vector graphics. The images of some Arcana are the most real grotesque, while others look quite cute and harmless. The key feature of the Tarot of the Absurd is the presence of two Moon cards in the deck. The fact is that the author reconsidered her view of the 18th Arcanum after becoming a mother, but did not remove the original drawing from the deck, leaving the tarot reader to choose independently which card of the two to use when working.

Wanderer's Tarot

While we're on the subject of a few strange decks, we can't ignore Wanderer’s Tarot - cards that the author herself calls a feminist deck for modern witches. Each card of this dark, unusual deck helps the fair sex to establish contact with their subconscious and reveal all aspects of their feminine and, of course, witch's nature. At first, the images of Wanderer’s Tarot repulsed me, I must admit, but the more I looked at them, the clearer I understood - there was clearly something in them. I can't say that I want to buy this deck, but, for example, I would gladly accept it as a gift.

Rare, unusual and very elegant Gothic deck in black tones, painted by artist Ash Abdullah in ink and charcoal, able to win the hearts of connoisseurs dark tarot... According to the author, the main task of each Arcana is to show a certain shadow, a problem that needs to be solved at a given moment in time. According to the owners, the Broken Soul Diary works great with subconscious blocks, emotional trauma, and inner fears. The illustrations turned out to be really very beautiful, attractive, mystical. You want to admire them.

Let's move on from a sad note to a cheerful one. The Drawn Men Tarot, created by Lar de Souza, looks like it was painted by a child. But at the same time, each plot is quite recognizable. To some, such a free and schematic interpretation of Waite's Tarot will seem too frivolous, but, as the masters who worked with the deck note, it “says” everything to the point. It seems to me that this is the ideal "marching" option. divination cards that you can take on your trip. And cute, funny little people at the same time will cheer you up on the road.

If Tarot with cats, pandas, dragons, as well as with other real and fictional animals exist, then why not come up with a deck that tells about life, for example, a ferret? Do you know that such cards really exist? Simple, recognizable classics of Waite, only ferrets are represented as heroes of The Ferret Tarot Arcana instead of people. And what? In my opinion, it is very cute, fresh, unusual. With such a deck, it is probably pleasant to work on simple, everyday questions - of course, it is hardly suitable for working out serious problems.

On this cheerful note, I conclude my review. How do you feel about black and white decks? Is the color component important to you? Are there monochrome decks in your collection? If so, which ones? Share in the comments!

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Lenormand School

Hello. Before signing up for my training, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with my video stories on YouTube and articles on the site ...

2016-10-20T01: 01: 50 + 03: 00

Hello. Before signing up for my training, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with my video stories on YouTube and articles on the site on the topic of fortune telling on Lenormand cards. If you understand that I appeal to you, the information that I am explaining is clear to you, you like my style of presentation, then you are welcome. It is important to understand that on ours with you individual lessons I will share my rich experience with you. Most importantly, I will teach you to understand cards. If you have previously read something, studied, studied somewhere, then get ready for the fact that you may have to relearn. Not because I am the smartest and know the most. Although, believe me for sure, I know a lot, and I can put a scarf on anyone's mouth. But because if some information that you could glean somewhere is false, then in the correct form I will have to smash your delusions to smithereens. I do not want my students to be like a flock of sheep, blindly believing in a false paradigm. It is better to have a different judgment from the rest, and not to be Alyosha. Otherwise, it will turn out like in the fairy tale "The Naked King". Sooner or later, all the same, the false about Lenormand cards will recede into the background, but you must admit that it is better to see the light now than when it will be too late. I build relationships with my students on trust. If you are not ready for trusting cooperation, then you do not need to come to my classes. I want to see decent, responsible and motivated people who are willing to work hard and grow under my mentorship. If you have any questions in the process that worry you or bother you on the topic of our training with you, please do not hesitate and ask. I promise to answer everything honestly, based on my research and practical experience. The training program is structured from simple to complex. Remember the main thing, no matter how difficult or easy it is for you, you will have both good luck and bad luck. Which to us ...

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Tarot School of Shadows

I have been using Tarot of Shadows in my practice since 2003. For me, this is an independent and interesting deck with which ...

2016-10-20T05: 41: 47 + 03: 00

I have been using Tarot of Shadows in my practice since 2003. For me, this is an independent and interesting deck with which you can view various questions. In my tutorial, I share my practical experience and my value statistics. Inadequate people and people who want to see damage, evil eye and curses on this deck are not accepted for training. Similar courses on the Internet are a wagon and a small cart. You can turn to anyone for this purpose, but not me. The deck is versatile and interesting. Sitting and talking only about damage and other rubbish is not interesting to me. It is interesting for me to work with adequate students who are going to use the tool for different categories of questions. With individual training, we study at a closed forum in a closed section, I give you lessons, homework, answer your questions in the context of the lessons and communicate with you throughout the course. We communicate with you through correspondence and video communication. No, not on skype. Read more about how the classes are held in the applicant's memo on the website. While we are doing, I tell you about each card. And we make layouts that are given as homework... I will check and correct all homework assignments. I will only cooperate with serious students. Think carefully before applying for training. Classes last 4 months. You can continue to practice after 4 months at your request. If you feel that you still need my help. One month of classes 8000 rub. Send applications for enrollment for individual training by mail [email protected]

https: // site / shkola-taro-teney /

Tarot school

The practice of tarot interpretation. Good day. The teaching at my tarot school is focused on teaching you to understand cards, read ...

2016-10-20T09: 09: 03 + 03: 00

https: // site / shkola-taro /

About me

Hello. Let's get acquainted. I'll tell you who I am and what I do. And you can tell me later in the process ...

2016-10-20T09: 13: 42 + 03: 00

Hello. Let's get acquainted. I'll tell you who I am and what I do. And you can tell me about yourself later in the process. My name is Maria. The main direction that I bring to the masses is cartomancy. Namely, I am engaged in teaching. I teach people to read and understand symbols. And I conduct a consulting practice. I am a versatile person. Cartomancy is not the only area that I do. For example, I am also attracted to faces and actions. Reading faces, the emotions that these faces express, the ability to read a person according to the movements of his body is also for me interesting science... I like psychology. I have two psychological education. A separate list of my interests: 1. Funeral rites of different peoples of the world. Understanding death. Death metaphor. What they believe different nations performing rituals when they see off the dead on their last journey. 2. Afro-Caribbean traditions. 3. Well, of course, the rituals, the values ​​of the Russian people. Holidays, why are they needed. What was the perception of these very holidays and ritual activities that took place on a particular holiday. What the Russian people believed in. What I was afraid of. What signs did the Russian people use? What cultural values ​​did a Russian have? 4. Forensic science. Psychology of the criminal. Yes, yes, my crime chronicle on YouTube, where I introduce my viewers, with my experiments for a reason. 5. Astrology. I think I can learn this science in all its diversity. There is Western astrology, Vedic, and Chinese. I am engaged in Vedic astrology. But I hope that I can get to know other currents better. 6. Symbolism. The list is certainly not complete. But I have listed only the most basic. Therefore, if in the process you learn something new from me, then do not be surprised. If we talk about my project. Then I conduct educational activities. Of course, now there are many books from which you can learn a lot of useful and useless. My projects reflect my practical experience. I do not consider myself a guru. And I do not think that I am worse than others. My self-esteem is quite adequate. I'm not afraid to express a loud protest ...

In this section you can choose and buy dark tarot for resolving conflict issues, exploring the hidden corners of the human soul and communicating with otherworldly superpowers.

The average person, at the sight of the phrase "Tarot cards" invariably arises associations such as "magic", fortune-telling, "mysticism", "unknown." Many people, and those who call themselves magicians and psychics, guess fortune-telling on Tarot cards.
Cards are inextricably linked with numbers, and, accordingly, with numerology, and it is believed that by laying out the Tarot, a person receives as the end result a certain sacred code, a kind of guide to action. This can be compared to the code written by computer program- the alignment shows a certain value or event, and this result seems to become an algorithm in the well-coordinated work of the human body.
Ordinary playing deck usually includes thirty-six cards, extended - seventy-two. In the original Tarot deck, these cards are seventy-eight, and these cards are divided into arcana - only twenty-two major arcana and fifty-six minor ones. The word arcanum itself means "secret", translated from Latin, and this secret is encrypted in these very arcana - and it has yet to be revealed.
There are a lot of galleries and tarot card designs, there are new items on sale every day, and many modern young artists quite often create their own card designs. But a separate mention, no doubt, is the so-called Dark Tarot - several decks, whose theme and design are directly related to the so-called "dark side" - respectively, these Tarot decks can be used for only one, rather prosaic purpose.
Only here you can purchase the entire collection of decks from Vera Sklyarova - Trilogy of Dark Hierarchies.

The first in this line, undoubtedly, will be Tarot of Shadows... The deck was released in 2003, and its appearance on the esoteric market caused a huge amount of controversy and speculation. The author, of course, tried to explain her point of view - in her opinion, the tarot only reveals some of the essence of the Devil - however, her arguments, it seems, have not been heard. The Tarot is replete with symbolism and a gloomy tone, among the Major Arcana you can see Lilith and Satan, it is not suitable for layouts for ordinary life and everyday life, and its possibilities are much deeper and wider than it seems at first glance. She most fully illuminates and reveals all layers of human negativity, helps to reveal any malicious intent and to nip it in the bud, she also helps a lot in matters related to the risk of career and life.
The companion of this deck is Demon tarot... This deck is called the companion of the Tarot of Shadows often because it serves as an auxiliary to the main deck, helps to clarify those aspects that the Tarot of Shadows would not touch upon. The Tarot of Demons carries in itself not only, in fact, demons - on the cards you can see various pagan gods.

Complements the trilogy Tarot of Black Forces- a unique deck of its kind. Working with it will be difficult and time consuming for you, but it will be worth it. In addition to the "Tarot of the Black Forces" there are 36 cards of the circles of Hell, revealing the Arcanum "Death". With their help, you will be able to more accurately interpret the thirteenth Major Arcana. The complete set contains 114 cards.

It should be remembered, however, that magic can be called dark only if it is aimed at destruction, at those forces that should not be awakened, and at those who should not be disturbed. A lot of dark magic rituals are harmful - here is damage, here is a lapel, and a slander against the enemy, and the transfer of someone else's disease, not counting a variety of communication with different kinds evil spirits. Strictly speaking, black magic is earth magic, and it works most clearly only if there is living or dead matter in the work. Hence the practice of sacrifices, hence the practice of working with the dead. The dead generally carry a very strong energy on themselves - souls are guides to another, more powerful and dangerous world, and restless souls do strive to get into the upper world - into the one that they left so quickly and so suddenly. He pulls them like moths on fire, living bodies seem to donors - therefore, dark decks Tarot, too, bear this heavy stamp, this vicious mark, and you have to be quite careful when working with them, because there is a great risk of crossing the line.