We get acquainted with fungicides - drugs to combat plant diseases. Fungicides - contact, systemic, their use of fungicidal preparations for plants

In the process of care for plantings, fungicides for plants have to be used. We are talking about preparations to which they resort to prevention and struggle with pathogens - the cause of the spread of fungal diseases. Their causative agents are able to affect both one culture and a group of plants. In order not to treat the problem, it is better to prevent it and protect the planting in advance.

Best Fungicides for Plants

Specialists in protecting plants constantly improve the funds, create combined compositions, pay attention to the immunization of cultures. Fungicide preparations are designed to protect vegetable, fruit and indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. The timely use of antifungal agents retains the health of plantations, increases their decorativeness and yield, prevents the occurrence of mycoses.

What is fungicide?

Apply substances of biological or chemical origin To prevent, eliminate fungal lesions of plants. They are effective for the protection of seeds and soil during the rolling, the green part of the plantation during spraying. Fungicides for plants are divided into:

  1. Contact- act on the surface of the stems, leaves.
  2. Systemic- Substances on the vascular system of plants penetrate the fruit tissue vegetable cropsmay act on the seed shell.

Fungicides for plants by origin are:

  1. Organic. Antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria, they are for ambient harmlessly decomposedly decompose. Such formulations are softer, their impact is weaker, but has little side effects.
  2. Inorganic. Made preparations based on strong chemical compounds, they are stored in the soil for a long time. Chemicals act rather and more active, they are often toxic and require caution in use.

It is important to know the features of the use of fungicides - they can be used as a powder and bring to the ground during the rescue. Actual use of a solution - they can shed the soil to protect against fungus, to prevent seeds before planting. Early spring either late in autumn Fungicides for plants are used for foliage irrigation. Prepare a mixture strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Fungicide Sorrow

This is a highly efficient means of a wide range of action with a working substance diphenoconazole. The speed is used from, oidium on grapes, pubars. The concentrate showed successfully fungicidal properties on potatoes, tomatoes, fruit trees, gooseberries, currants. The drug is small toxic for animals and people. Application of the drug Sight:

  1. 3-5 ml of concentrate must be divorced in 10 liters of water, use immediately.
  2. It operates within 1-2 weeks.
  3. If the spores of mushrooms have already appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.
  4. Sigh is suitable for soaking seeds.

Fungicide Falcon

The drug comes into the market in the form of a concentrate in 5-liter canices. Emulsion is weakly toxic and non-hazardous to the environment. For the preparation of a working solution for prevention, 5 ml of the preparation is required by 10 liters of water, if the plantings are already amazed - 10 ml on 10 liters of water. Falcon spray crops, it is not washed off with precipitation. The effect of the fungicide lasts 2-4 weeks.

Fungicide strobe

Among the fungicides for plants, the drug is considered unique. It is spectacular struggling with most fungal and microbial ailments, used to protect grapes, fruit trees, vegetables, colors. Application of the drug strides and its action:

  1. Fungicide is represented in the form of granules that quickly dissolve in water.
  2. The tool will stop the hearth disease, does not give to develop disputes and stops the growth of the mushroom.
  3. To prepare a solution, it is necessary to dissolve 0.4 g of granules in 1 liter of water.
  4. Use the emulsion in the first 2 hours after cooking.
  5. The drug can be applied at the flowering time.
  6. Fungicide resistantly tolerates precipitation, works well and low temperatures, and wet foliage.
  7. Two seasons in a row to use it is not recommended.

Fungicide Tanos

The drug Tanos is a fungicide with the contact component of the Famoxadone and the active substance of the cimoxanil. He, penetrating the inside of the tissues of the leaves, has therapeutic effects even after 1-2 days after infection. The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It protects plants from phytoofluorosis, alternariosis, garment species of rot, prevents new spores on plants, improves the process of photosynthesis. Fungicide Tanos - action and application

  1. It is used to protect potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sunflower.
  2. The solution is prepared in proportion - 4 g of the preparation on 10 liters of water.
  3. The drug to wash is stable, forms a film on the foliage, the arms disputes are dying within 2 minutes.
  4. Tanos is particularly effective in prophylactic use - process plants every 10-12 days to 4 times per season.

Fungicide Horus

Systemic fungicide (active ingredients of Ciprodinyl) is used at the beginning of the season to protect against pasta, leaf curlyness, muced dew, moniliosis, fruit rot for seed and bone crops. The agent penetrates the plants quickly and begins to act literally after 2 hours, even if it rains. The use of fungicide chorus:

  1. The norm of the fungicide in the preparation of the solution depends on the type of plant and varies in the range of 3-6 g per 10 liters.
  2. The interval between the irrigation of the chorus is 12-14 days.
  3. Last processing is resolved 14-30 days before harvest.
  4. At a temperature of + 3-20 ° C, the effectiveness is the highest. If the thermometer is above + 25 ° C - it is significantly reduced.

Fungicide quadris

Systemic fungicide Quadris is a drug for protecting soil vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cabbage), grapes, peas, strawberries from major diseases. With it, you can cope with mildewing dew, phytoofluorosis, mildu, oidium, phytoofluorosis, spottedness. Fungicide is endowed with preventive, healing and eradicating effect. Preparation Quadris - Action and Application:

  1. The concentration of the active solution on cultures is 0.2%.
  2. It is recommended to conduct 3 spraying by Fungicide quadris for the season.
  3. Fungicide is non-toxic for the environment, prolongs the period of fruiting culture and crop preservation.

Fungicide Maxim

The drug Maxim is a contact fungicide, with it to protect plants from fungal diseases and disinfect the soil. The current component of fludioxonyl is extracted from bacteria, it treats plants and enhances their immunity, it works effectively against fusariosis, mold, root rot. Application of the drug Maxim:

  1. Fungicide is suitable for treating potatoes, beets, grain, legumes, bulbous crops, garden and indoor flowers.
  2. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml of means per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to use it within 24 hours. Under the plant pour 50-100 ml of the prepared solution.
  3. Maxim is etched seeds, bulbs, tubers, the whole planting material, rhizomes and when bookmarking them for storage.


Speeciously struggling with fungal diseases of the leaves and the FundaZol seeds - the sweater and fungicide of a wide range of actions based on benomila. The agent is also considered an insecticide and destroys most of the known pests - ticks, tort. The use of Fundazola:

  1. The drug is produced in bags of 10 g, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. The emulsion spray the leaves, rushing the seeds and the bulbs before planting, shed the soil.
  3. Fundazole is suitable for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, fruit trees, berries, colors.
  4. The drug is toxic, during the season is allowed to conduct no more than 2 plant treatments with such a means, fruit trees - up to 5 times.

Fongicide phytosporin

Curly biofungicide for plants is small for humans and animals. The drug is contact, designed to protect against fungal and bacterial ailments of room, greenhouse, garden and garden plants. Application of phytoosporin:

  1. The tool is used as the prevention of diseases.
  2. Phytosporin acts immediately after use, its properties are saved in a wide temperature range.
  3. Before use, the working fluid insist 1-2 hours.

Phytosporin is used:

  1. For spraying and watering blooming, vegetable and fruiting plants, trees, shrubs.
  2. For soaking seeds, bulbs and seedlings system.
  3. For spilling soil before planting.
  4. For processing tubers, bulbs and rhizomes when bookmarking storage.

Fungicide Svitch

The preparation of the system and contact action Svitch is excellent protection of the vineyard, fruit trees, tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries from fungal ailments. Preventive treatment Plants with a solution reduces the risk of the appearance of mycoses. The fungicide of the switch has practically no shortcoming - it is low toxic, it has a sweat's resistance, a wide range of operating temperatures, even blooming plants can spray them. As part - the innovative substances of Ciprodinyl (penetrate into the plant) and FluudioSanil (a contact effect is provided on the causative agent). Application Switch:

  1. Fungicide consumption rate - 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Plant treatment is performed by freshly prepared solution.
  3. After spraying, the fungicide is valid after 2 hours.
  4. Use the drug for irrigation of crops and treed of seeds and soil, its protective effect lasts 20 days.

Each vegetative season, robes and gardeners are fighting for a crop. Complicates their task the fact that plants suffer from variousdiseases and pests. People use against themfungicides for plants, list of drugsthis group is extensive and constantly replenished. How to figure it out in such a variety of chemicals? Are they universal and help solve all the problems?


Consider the most popularfungicides - list of drugsand their characteristics, but first need to know their classification. This will facilitate the choice and subsequent purchase of a suitable fund.

Depending on the chemical properties

By chemical nature, fungicides share:

  • on inorganic;
  • organic.

A group of inorganic drugs includes:

  • copper-containing - burglar liquid, burgundy liquid, twist and copper behind;
  • sulfur-containing drugs - colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction;
  • mercury compounds.

Organic fungicides for plants belong to different chemical compounds. Heterocyclic compounds occupy a leading role, these are various nitrogen-containing derivatives. Many organic drugs are effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the action on the causative agent

On this basis, drugs are divided:

  • on protective (prophylactic);
  • medical.

Protective fungicides prevent the infection of cultures with phytopathogens that provide negative influence on the root system and metabolism.

Phytopathogens are different pathogens of diseases. They distinguish biologically active substances that, in turn, negatively affect the development of plants.

Attending fungicides are drugs that cause a blow to phytopathogens that have already implanted in vegetable tissues. Attending contact fungicides Cannot penetrate the tissue and have a local action. They are divided into electoral and solid effects. The first suppress the reproductive and vegetative organs of the mushroom, and the means of continuous action also suppress its resting forms. Therapeutic systemic drugs penetrate inside the plants, spread through vessels, stop new foci of infection and destroy phytopathogens.

For use

Fungicides for use are divided into the following varieties: For the processing of the soil - soil. They are brought immediately into the ground to disinfect it, especially this is relevant for soil in greenhouse and greenhouses. Fuligants are usually used - these are drugs in the form of gases or vapors.

For routing seeds - use drugs that are struggling with diseases and infections propagating seeds or in the soil. For planting plants in the growing season - mainly the fungicides of protective action that prevent diseases. For processing plants located alone. Have a contact eradicating effect, destroy the wintering pathogens of diseases and pests. Since substances are strongly damaged by green parts of plants, they are used in early spring Before waking up the kidneys, in the fall and winter.

Depending on the nature of the distribution inside the plant tissues

On the distribution of the substance in the tissues of fungicides are:

  • contact;
  • system.

After treatment with contact preparations, they remain on the surface of plant parts. Contact with the causative agent, the active substance causes his death. The effectiveness of drugs depends on weather conditions, duration of action, concentration. Systemic preparations penetrate the inside of plants and spread through the vascular system, suppressing the pathogen in the exchange of substances or influence directly on it. Efficiency depends on the speed of the actual substance inside the culture, as well as from the weather (it affects a lesser extent).

Most systemic fungicides possess preventive and therapeutic properties.


Fungicides are by their nature:

  • chemical;
  • biological ( biogenic origin).

Chemical fungicides are distinguished by an unstable effect, after the termination of their action, the processed area is again populated by pathogenic microorganisms. It would seem that plant processing and soil on a regular basis will help solve the problem, but all chemical substances Toxic, so it is constantly prohibited to use them. The composition of biological preparations includes various strains of microorganisms that destroy the harmful microflora. They have a persistent prolonged action, non-toxic, but effective only at the beginning of the disease or in preventive purposes.

Review of effective drugs


Biological preparation with growth stimulantfor plants . It is used to rout seeds and process vegetative vegetable, grain plants, decorative and indoor crops. They also process potatoes, strawberries and apple trees.

"Abiga Peak"

The drug of contact action from fungal diseases. The active substance is chloropusary copper. Used to destroy fungi on the vines of grapes, vegetable and fruit cultures, colors and plants of drug importance. With the correct dosage moderately toxic.


The biological preparation is used as soil fungicide and to treat plants from fungal diseases - mildew, phytoophulas, rust and others. In addition, it reduces soil toxicity after using chemicals. The relevant substance is the useful soil microflora.


Biological preparation of protective contact against fungal diseases. They are treated with agricultural crops. In addition, it stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.


Biological fungicide with a protective effect from fungal and bacterial diseases,with proven efficacyfrom pulse dew. Fits most of allfor colors - carnations,rose and berry crops. Used for processing planting material - Seeds, seedlings.

Bordeaux mix

One of the most popular and strengths against mushrooms. Suitable for the processing of bashev, citrus, vegetable crops, fruit and decorative shrubs. It helps to cope with phytoofluorosis, various spotnesses and rotches, as a pass.

"Bon Forte"

Comprehensive fertilizerfor room plants S. contact action. Used as feeding, growth stimulator and therapeutic agent. Affects the causative agents of mildew and other fungal diseases.


Contact chemical preparation with an active substance chlorotalonyl. Proceed with grain - oats, wheat, vegetables and potatoes. Destroys pathogenic fungi, causing a phytoftor, leafy spotty potatoes and false tormentous dew. It is most effective as a prophylactic agent. Well maintained on plants, it is not washed off with precipitation and water when watering.


Fungicide of contact and system action intended for processing seeds and bulbs before planting or cleaning for storage. Effective against causative agents, which will be pulled on the surface of the seed material, as well as penetrating inside.


The drug of contact-system protective and therapeutic action is aimed at suppressing phytopathogen. It is used to treat plants from pasta, gray rot, mildew.


Biological preparation with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. Processing indoor and garden plants. Successfully copes with a kayla, fusariasis, spots and phytoofluoro.


Biological preparation is designed to fight root rot. Apply to protect indoor and garden plants. Tablets are added to the soil before planting seeds.


Fungicide of chemical nature, which is used for treatment and eradication, as well as for the prevention of diseases of vegetables and grapes. It has a stimulating effect, it is allowed to use during the harvest period.


Fungicide is designed to combat false torment dew on vegetable crops and with a phytoofluoro on potatoes. Active substances are well suppressed spores of mushrooms. Effective at the first manifestations of diseases.


Contact drug. They are treated with the soil, treated seeds and treated plants. The most effectively established itself in the treatment of rot, fusariosis and mold.

Copper Kuner

Contact preparation for combating fungus on bone, seed fruit, berry cultures. But only trees are treated in a state of rest. It is a bordeaux fluid component.


Another biological preparation inlist of fungicides. Suitable for indoor and garden plants. It does not destroy pathogens, and helps cultures to fight them yourself, that is, it increases their resistance to pathogens.




It is considered a universal biological preparation. Its active ingredients are bacteria that, falling into the soil, begin to settle on the roots of plants and synthesize antibiotics and enzymes. It is these substances that prevent the development of root rot. Also "Planries" increases the immunity of plants.


Chemical preparation designed to process gooseberry, currant, strawberries and raspberries. It protects plants from the most common diseases, such as a pair, spotty, powdery dew.

"Profit Gold"

Continated systemic chemical fungicidewell-protecting plants from fungal diseases. Consists of two active ingredients. One of them is quickly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, the other remains on the surface. Processing is carried out non. flowering plants And after harvesting.


This is a drug narrow orientation. It protects the plants of the parish family from alternariosis, sugar beets from pulse dew and fruit trees from the past. Quickly penetrates the tissue and has a long protective ability.


The chemical preparation is equally well suppressing mushrooms and microbes. They are treated vine, vegetable and floral cultures, fruit trees. He quickly prevents infection, stops the growth of mushrooms and dispute. It is allowed to apply it during the flowering period of cultures.



Chemical preparation with a systemic and contact action. It is used for the prevention and treatment of fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, vineyards from fungal diseases. It is characterized by speed, you can use with any weather. Malotoxic.


Chemical system preparationdesigned for the preventive purposes and treatment of plants, including room, from mildew, a number of spotting and rust. Quickly absorbed by the culture, so the precipitation does not matter for it. The active substance accumulates in the soil, processing them is carried out no more than once every 3 years.


Highly efficient fungicide against pulse dew, spotty and gray rot. It quickly penetrates the plant and applies to vessels, preventing new defeats.


Chemical preparationfor garden But protects basically young shoots and leaves, has a local action, does not penetrate all the fabrics. Treats to them trees and shrubs in the garden, copes well with a monilial burn.


The chemical preparation that copes with the most resistant phytoofluorosis races. It acts locally to the lesion foci, has resistance to adverse weather conditions and long-term protective ability. The active substance is associated with natural plant wax and forms a film.


Preventive remedy for processing vegetable, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Also, they are treated with bulbs and seeds. Reduces the risk of developing phytoophulas on the site.


Biological fungicide designed for the prevention of rotors, anthrax, " black leg"And moniliosis. It includes an antibiotic, which also helps protect plants from bacterial diseases. It is permissible to usefor orchids and other plants located in the room. "Phytolavin" process grain, vegetable crops, currants, potatoes and hops.


Systemic chemical drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The active substance penetrates the plant tissue through leaves and roots. Effectiveto combat fungus. Very toxic. Used to process seeds.



Biological preparation used to process indoor, ornamental and vegetable crops. Well protects representatives of family, pumpkin and crucical, berry and flower cultures well. Suitablefor processing coniferous plants.

Before choosingfungicidal drugs, you need to accurately determine the disease and be sure to consider the type of plant. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions that the manufacturer usually places on the package. There are also containedwarnings about toxicity and information about what protection measures are needed when working with this means.

The material of this article contains basic information on this issue, including answers to the questions of beginners in the use of fungicides and are given recommendations regarding this from the experts experienced in this matter.

What is fungicides for plants where to buy and how much cost, reviews

Fungicides for plants are preparations of chemical origin capable of protecting plants from fungal diseases and rot. You can buy fungicides in any garden shop at a price of 15 (1-2 mg) to 3000-4000 rubles (1-5 kg).

Reviews about fungicides are diverse, it all depends on the manufacturer, some can perfectly protect the plants from fungus and outside with inside the green mass, others can only hide the infection for some time without delivering from the source of the disease.

How and when to use fungicides for plants, from them harm or benefit

Fungicides are usually used with perplex with dry substances, spraying with the growth of green mass of plants, picking seeds before planting in the ground. You can enter 3 times the season every 5-15 days. Preparations perfectly help plants in protection against fungus are not harmful to birds and bees, but at the same time harmful to animals and people, as they relate to chemistry.

Fungicides for plants from mushroom and bacterial diseases

"Alin-b" - a fungicide for home plants that can destroy great amount A variety of fungal diseases, pulse dew and rot. Vines 2 tablets on the water bucket for watering.

Bordeaux liquid is the strongest remedy against fungal and bacterial diseases. It consists of copper and lime, for indoor plants, it is necessary to comply with the proportions of 100 g. Copper and lime on water bucket when watering.

Bon Forte is a fungicide against fungal diseases, such as malievable dew, rot, rust.

Fungicides for plants from pulse dew and pasta list of drugs

"Barotherapite" is a drug that can protect plants from powdered dew, false mildew and brush. Processing to do in 4-5 days.

Bon Forte - Fungicide for indoor plants, protecting them from pulse dew and rot.

"Vectra" is a fungicide with bromouconazole in the composition, which is able to destroy the sources of mildew, rot and septorios. Apply 0.3 mg per 1 liter of water.

"Gamiir" - a biological agent for plants, eliminates rotten, brush, mildew, phytoofluorosis. Apply 1 tablet by half a water.

Biological fungicides for plants in tablets

"Gamiir" - biological fungicide against fungal diseases in the form of tablets.

"Glyocladin" - a biological preparation against rotting roots of plants. Depending on the size of the pot of putting 1-3 tablets on the soil and water, the effect will appear during the week and will continue about 1 month.

"Alin-b" is a biological agent against rotting and fungal diseases of plants in tablets, the rate of consumption is 2 tablets per 1 liter of water.

Fungicides for plants are preparations that are often used to treat soil to cure flowers or other cultures from various fungal diseases. They are still used for prevention.

The word "fungicide" with Latin translates as "the one that kills fungus." Such drugs suppress the development of fungi. The latter are considered pathogens of various diseases, including torment dew, striking green plantings.

Main species

There are several classifications for fungicidal preparations. Depending on their chemical properties Select the following:

  1. 1. Inorganic. Typically contain copper, sulfur, manganese, mercury and other substances. It is impossible to combine them with many drugs of other groups.
  2. 2. Organic. Gradually decompose. Not included in the heavy type metals. This is their main advantage. Prepare the solution is very easy - you need to dissolve the remedy in a small amount of water. Such drugs can be combined with various pesticides. Are low-resistant, so in the soil will be saved from several days to several weeks, after which they are destroyed.

There is another classification of fungicides - according to their action on the pathogens of fungal diseases:

  1. 1. Preventive. Still called protective. They are used to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  2. 2. Medical. Still known as eradicating. Destroy the fungus, which are infected by plants.

Depending on the purpose of using fungicides, they are divided into those that serve for:

  • soil processing;
  • seed etching;
  • plant processing during rest;
  • processing crops during the growing season;
  • spraying premises where vegetables and grain are located.

More convenient is another group - universal fungicides. Such formulations are used for different purposes, they are suitable for both indoor plants and for various gardening crops, trees and other things.

Depending on how components are distributed in plant tissues, fungicides are distinguished:

  1. 1. Contact. They are also called local. The substances remain on the surface of the plant and provoke the death of fungal crops in contact with them. The effectiveness of processing depends on several factors: the duration of exposure, the amount of solution used, chemical stability, weather and other things.
  2. 2. System. They apply inside the vascular plant of the plant and suppress the causative agent of diseases. The effectiveness of drugs depends on the rate of penetration of substances in the tissue and their distribution in parts of the plant. Weather conditions practically do not affect.

Some contact preparations also have a deep exposure: they will penetrate into the internal layers of the seed.

There is another classification of drugs:

  1. 1. Chemical. They have the main active ingredients are chemical compounds.
  2. 2. Biological. The main operating components are beneficial bacteria that provoke the death of fungal crops. Their advantage is that they have a low toxicity. Thanks to this, they are becoming increasingly popular.

How to apply

Preparations that have fungicidal actionUse in different ways:

  1. 1. Drying. Before sowing seeds and tubers need to be processed. It can be both liquid solution and dry powder.
  2. 2. Spraying or pollinating. Ground parts of the plants are processed using a spray gun. It is better to spend the procedure several times during the season - in spring and autumn. Storage and greenhouses are also treated in this way.
  3. 3. Inclusion in the ground. For the protection of fungicides are made to the soil in powder form during loosening. They can be dissolved in water and water the land. Thanks to this, all fungi will be destroyed.

It is important to properly breed the product. Be sure to follow the instructions in the instructions that are for each tool, always follow the proportions.

It is necessary to prepare a container. It can be a bucket or tank. Part of the fluid lean to warm up. Then pour out or pour the substance into water and mix thoroughly. After pretending the remaining water and mix again. Always use to combat fungi only fresh product. After a few hours, the solution activity decreases, especially if the fungicide refers to the biological group.

For fungicides not harm to a person, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. 1. Wear old clothes in which the body will be completely closed.
  2. 2. To put on the respirator or mask on the face.
  3. 3. To wear special protective glasses.
  4. 4. After processing the plant, be sure to wash your hands with soap (it is better to use economic).
  5. 5. The clothes that was hoping during the treatment of plants, is not recommended in the future. It should be wrapped, stroke and remove in a separate place until the next procedure.

All these measures will prevent the body poisoning.

Popular drugs

List of fungicide preparations are very large:

  1. 1. Bordeaux liquid. It is considered effective, cheap and affordable. Ensures plantings not only from fungal, but also from bacterial diseases. To prepare a tool, you need 300 g of lime to extinguish with water and add to another 3 l of hot water.
  2. 2. Bactophyt. It is used for decorative, fruit and berry and other cultures. Bacotherapy is used in cases where it is impossible to process chemical preparations. It is better to conduct a procedure for cloudy weather. Repeat it in 5 days. Before planting seeds and cuttings, too, process the composition.
  3. 3. Strobe. It is suitable for conifers, and for deciduous cultures. It is a broad spectrum effect. The active component is xerosim-methyl. The drug is sold in the form of water-insulated granules. The cost of the bottle in 200 g is about 3,000 rubles.
  4. 4. Topaz. Suitable for domestic and other cultures. Is systemic protective aneg. Sold in the form of an emulsion with high concentration. The active component is Pencozol. Re-apply tool need only two weeks after the first processing. It is allowed to combine with other fungicides of the contact type. The cost of 10 ml of substance is 150 rubles.
  5. 5. Horus. It can be used to spray tomatoes and other crops. The active component is ciprodinyl. The advantage is the stability of the drug to wash, so even in crude weather it remains on the surface of the plant. The last time the processing is recommended for 2-4 weeks before collecting the harvest. It is allowed to combine the chorus with the means of the speed and topaz. The cost is 9000-12000 rubles.
  6. 6. Quadris. The tool is low toxic. Refers to the new generation of fungicides, so that fights with various species of fungi on all types of plants. It has both therapeutic, and preventive properties. The action is long - about two weeks after processing. The composition includes azoxystrobin. The cost of the drug is 3000-4000 rubles per liter.
  7. 7. Falcon. Also suitable for treating roses, grain crops, grapes, beets and other plants. The active ingredients are Sproksamin, Triadimenol and Tebukonazole. Due to this, the action is combined. Even if the fungus has developed resistance to one of the components, the action of others is not canceled. You will need 1-4 processing. The solution costs about 2000 rubles per 1 liter.
  8. 8. Soon It has wide spectrum actions. The main existing substance is diphenokonazole. A feature advocates compatibility with pesticidal agents. Used not only for plant processing, but also for soaking seeds. The effect is noticeable after a few hours after the procedure. It costs about 9500 rubles per liter.

Other fungicidal drugs

One of the popular fungicides is Maxim. It has a contact action. Used only against the fungi category ascomycetes. The active substance is Fluidioxonyl. Refers to a new class - phenylpyrolls. Properties resemble the effect of natural antifungal agents. The cost of the drug is 1700 rubles per liter.

Tanos is a suitable fungicide if you need to handle potatoes. The active component is a cimoxanil, which has a locally systemic effect. The composition has a phumoxadon with contact action. The drug can be purchased in the form of the granules of the water-insulated type. The cost is 2500 rubles for 400 g. It is allowed to conduct no more than 4 procedures per season.

Triphodermin is a biological type fungicidal preparation. Suitable for processing the root system. In the people, the remedy is called the fitness of the soil. In solution you can still withstand seeds. The composition includes disputes of soil fungus, which when penetrating the ground, more than 60 varieties of pathogens are destroyed, capable of provoking root rotting. The remedy is sold in a powder form of 10 g per pack. Store the drug at a temperature of not more than 5 degrees. It is not toxic.

Triofit is also a biological fungicide, which is used to combat root and gray rot. Sold in the form of a suspension. It is necessary to dissolve 25 g of the product in 1 liter of water. The liquid should not be hot. Suitable for watering and spraying. It is a weakly toxic substance.

It is possible to apply such a combined means as a switch. Contains two main components - fludioxonyl and ciprodinide. It has a systemic, and contact action. It is a protective pesticide and at the same time attending fungicide. Sold in the form of granules.

Preparations are also popular:

  1. 1. Cabrio. Sold in the form of granules. It has a contact action. The main components - prakracostrobin and methols.
  2. 2. Agate. It is a biological fungicide. Not only protects against disease, but also increases yield. The composition includes bacteria and biological active substances of plant origin. Sold in the form of pasta.
  3. 3. Abiga peak. Contact fungicide. Contains copper composite.
  4. 4. Alin. It is considered a biological preparation. There will be only a few tablets on 10 liters of water. The solution is suitable for watering. If you need to spray plants, then it is better to dissolve the same amount of the drug in 1 liter of water.


Fungicidal agents are actively used to eliminate fungal diseases. The effect of them is different. Some are only suitable for prevention, while others - for the treatment of plants.

There are many groups of drugs on various criteria. The range of fungicides is very wide, so you can always choose suitable option. Soil and powders are also treated with soil, and all parts of plants (including cuttings and seeds).