How to plant a blue seedlings. Tolerating Tomato Seeds, Pepper and Eggplant

After conducting some manipulations with eggplant seeds, you can achieve a better percentage of germination and good further development. Consider each one separately.


Choose and throw away the darkened, deformed and durable seeds before planting. Further separate large from small. They will need to be planted separately, so that the sprouts in one container appear simultaneously develop the same and did not drown each other.

Veshzhsty check

Cook the weakly salve water solution And lower the material prepared in it. Purf the spoon, wait a few minutes. Now collect and throw away all the pop-up seeds, and dried up on the bottom where you will plant them.

Preparation of planting material for landing includes checking


Only those seeds that have not passed this stage must be disinfected before selling. To clarify this information, explore the text on the package. Processed seeds usually have a painted shell.

We offer you two options for disinfecting treatment of eggplant seeds:

  1. Soaking in a weak heatman solution for 20 minutes.
  2. Soaking in a faded solution of hydrogen peroxide, heated to 50 ° C. Impact life - 15-20 minutes.


Processing with special stimulating drugs will not harm the plant and the quality of future fruit. Do not be afraid chemical composition. Stimulants do not change the composition of vegetables, their task is to awaken to the growth of seeds.

As an alternative to special growth stimulants, you can use solutions of your own preparation. Positively on germination of eggplant seeds will affect the solution wood ash, nitroposki or sodium humate.


This is not a mandatory stage, but many gardeners prefer not to skip it. So they define the number of seeds that will definitely give shoots. Greater eggplant seeds for planting at seedlings are very simple. Spread them with a thin layer between layers of wet gauze or cotton fabric. Used utensils set near the battery or in another warm place of the apartment. Landing, as soon as the seeds are tagged, there is no need to wait until the sprouts are growing.

Seeding - an important stage Preparation for landing


In order for seedlings in the future easier reacting to the change of temperature, the gardeners are carried out by quenching seeds on the eve of landing. It takes 5-6 days. Seeds in wet fabric or marage alternately placed two days in the refrigerator (bottom compartment) and a day in a warm place.

Seed landing - Basic Rules

When landing in the seedlings, it is important to comply with some recommendations:

  • Purge into separate cups (better peat) or cassettes with separate deepening, as eggplants do not like dive.
  • The soil for seedlings should be nutritious and easy. A suitable mixture can be obtained by connecting peat, humid or compost and sand. It is advisable to pour a little ash and superphosphate.
  • In order for seedlings to have time to develop until the moment of transfer to the og, the seed landing should be implemented in February. If there is good lighting, you can transfer an event at the beginning of March.
  • Before boarding the independently cooked primer, warm in the oven or paint the heatman or simply boiling water in order to disinfect.
  • Immerse 2-3 seeds in every cup, sprinkled with a 1-2 centimeter soil layer. Immediately touch with warm water.
  • Cover the container immediately after landing polyethylene film And put before the appearance of germs in a warm place.

Proper preparation and landing of seeds is not all, what should be taken care of in the desire to get big crop Blue. It is also important to choose the right place for them in the open soil and provide them with proper care.

After planting eggplants need careful care

Now you know in all subtleties, how the training of eggplant seeds is being prepared for landing on seedlings. Getting Started to grow eggplants, pay special attention to choosing and disinfection of seeds. Events to improve the germination of landing material will save you from unpleasant surprises, and you do not have to re-land. In accuracy, comply with all the recommendations of experienced agronomists and you will succeed!

Eggplants are loved, probably many dackets. Therefore, even a beginner will be able to grow these wonderful and useful vegetables on its site, if you find out some of the peculiarities of their cultivation. Let's talk about these secrets in our article. Surely even experienced gardeners learn something from it for themselves.

Popular Methods for Growing this Culture

In this publication, it is worth learn about the preparation of eggplant seeds to land on seedlings. Eggplant appeared from India, but very loved and got widespread. Since this culture is southern, it is thermal-loving and does not tolerate even small cooling, and also loves abundant watering. The soil respects light and rich. Therefore, to create all these conditions for growing an Indian guest is your task to get a rich harvest.

Like any vegetable, eggplant can be raised in such ways:

  • Sun seeds into the soil.
  • Grow seedlings from seeds.

But since the eggplant develops any varieties, including hybrid, quite a long time, almost anywhere in our country, landing seeds in open sad Do not practice. But to grow it to seedlings - this is exactly what we will be about to tell.

Since its seedlings does not tolerate lowering the temperature below +10 -12, do not even think to grow it at + 15.

From the first germs to ripening fruit passes on average, four months, and this is with properly prepared soil. So that open way It is possible to grow eggplants only in the southern regions of Russia. And even there, many gardeners still prefer to start growing seedlings, remembering the capricious character of this vegetable.

So how to prepare correct seeds for growing

A note is worth to take several options for disinfection and soaking seeds, although each experienced gardener can have their own characteristics and secrets in this matter.

Interesting fact: eggplant growing technique and bulgarian pepper Almost the same, they may even grow in neighboring beds, but it's not worth putting them into place at all. The quality of future seedlings directly depends on the quality of the preparatory work.

What time frame is to sow.

If we consider the appropriate time, then you should not trust instructions on the package. The climatic conditions across the country are different, and the cultivation and harvest are directly dependent on them. Therefore, not trusting the instructions and the Internet, we look at:

  • Climate features in the region.
  • The timing of ripening of this variety.
  • Open or closed cultivation methods are recommended to this variety.

From landing seeds to the ground before disembarking, the seedlings in the prepared place takes place on average 60 - 70 days. Therefore, it is very important to comply with certain conditions. Experts believe that the seedlings planted on a permanent place after 70 - 80 days, the strings are larger, and therefore the yield in general will be higher, so the seedlings to plant better at this age. But also pay attention to the ripening rate of the selected variety.

Select the seed containers and select the right soil.

Above, we have already mentioned the demanding of this vegetable to the soil. So for seedlings it is worth cooking special mix. Now the gloodniks have now acquired peat tablets. They are very comfortable, especially if you choose their size and their pH, and not to dry out.

The best acidity for eggplant is 6.0 - 6.7. So for the soil, it is also worth sticking to these parameters.

And you can still mix the soil according to the following scheme:

  • 2 parts of high-quality purchased soil.
  • 2 parts peat.
  • 1 part of the calcined river sand.
  • 2 parts compost.

You can add to it a little - slight ash and superphosphate as a fertilizer. All this thoroughly mix and decompose into prepared forms. The form can even be ordinary plastic cups. Of these, it will be very convenient to transplanted bushes, the root system of which does not tolerate damage, which may accidentally turn out when transplanting from a total container. Different varieties need to be separated from each other, as they can vary.

We are preparing seeds to sow.

The best season for buying seeds is January - February - months. In February, you can already land seeds to obtain seedlings. Before buying, it is worth the most careful way to get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety and the method of its cultivation.

In conscientious manufacturers, seeds are already high-qualityly processed and they are not necessarily pushing at home again. You can immediately plant them into the moistened soil and irrigate from the sprayer as needed. But just in case we will analyze the process of preparing seeds, who knows, suddenly come in handy.

If you yourself get seeds for subsequent landing, be sure to specify the year of collection. If the seeds were stored for more than four years, then they should not be planted, so the germination of them is already in question.
The following stages include the following steps in the preparation of seeds to land

  • Disinfection.
  • Processing growth stimulant.
  • Germination.

The third point can not be used if you are confident in the manufacturer of seeds and the quality of its products. But in any case, the preparation starts with disinfection. Consider a couple of the easiest and most common ways.

First. Let the thermal and chemical processing scheme.

Our seeds are placed in very warm water (+50 - 52c) and keep there at least 25 - 30 minutes, without removing the dishes from the warm place, so that the water does not cooler over time.

  1. Then immediately put the seeds for 2 - 3 minutes in cold water.
  2. In a 0.01% solution of potassium humate or sodium, we withstand them for at least a day at room temperature.
  3. Second. They used our grandmothers, so he is most common.
  4. In the solution of 1.5% of the mangartee with the seeds of 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse seeds, all this is done in room temperature.
  6. You can also additionally place them in the epin solution, acting according to the instructions. But still, with the second way, the infection inside the seed can remain.

After disinfection of our seeds, you can go further processing for better growth and development.

To improve the growth of eggplant seedlings, you can apply the following tools:

  • "Baikal M1"
  • "Novosil".
  • "Ideal".

If these are not, then in the store you will definitely recommend their analogue. If the seeds were treated with a growth stimulus, then you can not germinate them. IN otherwise We put the seeds in gauze and wait for their germs.

Eggplazhan seeds have one curious feature - in addition to the solid shell, they still have protective filmwhich prevents germination. Otherwise, in nature, hitting the ground, they would sprout in the fall. But it is this film that does not give the course to this process. And therefore in February and March you can wait for shoots for a very long time, and the processing of growth stimulants makes sense.

Now you know how to prepare eggplant seeds to landing. But in addition to the above information, it is recommended to consider some more advice.

The abundance of light is an important factor for the germination and further growth of the seeds, so we put our cups with seeds planted into the illuminated 12 hours (as a rule, artificially) place, and by the next 12 hours we remove them into the shaded place with a slight decrease in temperature, all mimics them Further stay in a permanent location with more natural conditions ambient. Phytolampa for lighting will be as impossible by the way. You will understand that your seedlings are not enough light on the thin, stretching into the height of stalks.

When watering cannot be used cold water. Only warm and estate day! Observe the watering mode as drying soil, and the death-filled eggplant of death is similar! BUT cold water It may become a source of infection for rapid plants.

Despite the fact that the eggplant is considered a capricious plant, if you adhere to the instructions on the packaging and tips for the gardens, do not be lazy to support favorable conditions, then you will succeed and the crop will be prevented in the best possible way!

And need special conditions. To minimize the risk and get a strong seedlings, still need to choose the most promising varieties.

Assemble seeds yourself not worth. Most of the hydrody hybrids do not give high-quality sowing material with all the properties of the parent plant. It is better to buy them in a good gardener, guaranteeing quality, freshness and absence of auction.

Packages with sowing material should be hermetically sealed, on each package indicates the shelf life and correct name varieties or hybrid.

Too old sowing material does not guarantee good germination. It needs to be sorted, discarding the deformed and empty. Separate full-fledged seeds will help a 3% solution of cook salt.

Sowing material is soaked in solution, empty - float to the surface, and full-fledged falls on the bottom. After the "salt test", the selected specimens need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried, laying up on a sheet of paper.

Some gardeners are recommended check the part of the party. This is especially important when planting a large number of plants. Seveled seeds in a bag of cotton fabric and soaked in warm water on a day.

Then the bag is taken out and left to swelling seeds, from time to time is moisturizing fabric.

Important Maintain a temperature of about 27-28 degrees, otherwise they will not work.

After 5 days, you need to check the condition of the material. At least 70% of seeds should be bled. The higher the percentage of germination, the better and the seedlings will be stronger. If it sprouted less than half, it is better to try another batch.

Subfraining and nutrition

Selected seeds are recommended to disinfect. Some gardeners believe that industrial sowing material does not need this procedure, because purchased seeds are already passing disinfection before packing. But light preventive preparation does not hurt.

Seeds can be soak in a dark cherry solution, hydrogen peroxide or wrap them in cotton fabric, soaked with fresh aloe juice. Treatment lasts 20-30 minutes, after which they need to be rinsed with clean warm water.

Next stage - stimulation of growth seed. The procedure accelerates gluttony, strengthens the sprouts and adds vitality to them.

Plants treated with stimulants are less ill, they are easier to carry other manipulations. The industrial growth stimulator is dissolved in water according to the instructions on the package, and then the seeds are soaked in it.

Novice gardens should try one of tested schemes:

  • Soaking seeds for 20 minutes in a solution of mangartages, washing and moving in aqueous solution "Epina" (0.5 glasses of water and 2 drops of the drug). To withstand in a solution of 16-18 hours at room temperature.
  • After processing by manganese seeds soaked in the zircon solution (1 drop to 1 cup of water). After 18 o'clock, they move to a wet fabric to puncture, after which they are sown.
  • Seeds are disinfected in a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide and are washed. Then fall melt water room temperature for 2 days. Water changes every 6 hours. After germination, lay down in containers or peat pots.
  • Prepared water solution of fresh aloe juiceIt is soaked in dry seeds for 48 hours. After swelling, the sowing material is planted into the ground.
  • Seeds treated with manganese or hydrogen peroxide are soaked in a solution of 1 liters of water and 0.3 h. Integrated spoons mineral fertilizer. The procedure lasts 12 hours.
  • For soaking seeds used solution of 1 l of water, 0.3 h. spoons of nitroposki, 0.5 h. Spoons of wood ash. Another option: 0.3 h. Spoons of nitroposki and 1 h. Spoon of a cowboard for 1 liter warm water. After processing for 16 hours, the ground is sown.

Before soaking the seeds, it is convenient to fold into the linen bag. If subsequent hardening is planned, only schemes are used without sinking. Cold can destroy young sprouts.

Hardening of pepper and eggplant seeds

Popular Procedure - Hardening in refrigerated chamber. Such processing will prepare plants for a possible temperature difference, strengthen their immunity and resistance to disease. Hardening is especially useful to sweet peppers, but also eggplants react to it positively.

For hardening, defraged, treated with stimulants, but not yet sprouted seeds.

Prepared sowing material wrapped in a wet fabric, lay out on a plate and place in the bottom of the refrigerator. Temperature should not fall below 1-2 degrees.

After 12-24 hours, the seed material is moved to heat (18-20 degrees) for a day, and then returned to the refrigerator for another day. All this time, the fabric in which they are wrapped should be wet, but not too wet. After hardening, the seeds are immediately sown in the prepared ground.

Another useful procedure - burboting or treatment with air bubbles. Seeds treated with stimulants are placed in a glass filled with water room temperature.

It is lowered aquarium compressor and turns on for 20-30 minutes. The constant effect of air bubbles improves the germination and significantly strengthens the immunity of plants.

Preliminary preparation of pepper seeds and eggplant to landing to seedlings will take from 16 hours to several days, depending on the method. Each gardener chooses its own, ideally suitable scheme.

The more difficult preparatory stageThe better the grown seedlings will feel. Special attention Resting plants that will be planted in an open ground or in a greenhouse without additional heating.

Useful materials

Read other articles on pepper seedlings:

  • And do you need them?
  • How to grow, or at home?
  • And how to use them?
  • Main reasons

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not tried eggplants: in winter - marked, in summer - on the grill, etc.

There are countlessly elegant and at the same time simple dishes, where the main role is assigned to eggplants.

In common, you can often hear how this vegetable is also called "blue" or "Demyanka".

Despite the fact that the birthplace of eggplant is warm India, today this vegetable is cultivated worldwide.

Also, derived a large number of varieties.

They can be grown in both greenhouse conditions and in the open soil.

In this article we will explore all the main stages of growing eggplant seedlings.

Eggplant seedlings: All stages of preparing for sowing

If you have come to the decision to grow eggplant seedlings on our own, then the following important moments in this matter should be taken into account:

  • Before stopping my gaze on one or another desired grade of eggplants, carefully examine all the nuances of cultivation, namely: the requirements of the soil, the worship of the variety, the features of the growing place (greenhouse or outdoor), modes of feeding, polishes, picking, and so on.

    And only after that you can pick up a certain grade under the existing conditions of cultivation.

  • It is advisable to choose seeds zoned to your area, that is, adapted.
  • If you independently engaged in the workpiece of the planting material, then make sure that the storage conditions have been followed correctly. If the seeds are purchased, then definitely pay attention to the shelf life indicated on the packages.
  • Choice and preparation of seeds: the initial and most important stage

    The initial stage of the work of experienced gardens is a test check of seeds for the germination. You can do it like this:

    • Choose a cotton bag, or a piece of this type of fabric.
    • Take seeds into it (about ten pits).
    • Put this bag with planting material In the water room temperature, maximum per day.
    • Move from the water to the plate about 3 or 6 days. The bag is important to maintain in a wet state.
    • After the advent of tagged seeds, you can determine the success further landing. If five of ten grains sprouted - the seeds are good.

    Attention should be paid to such an important stage of work as pre-processing of most nonregid seeds. And it can be calibration, stimulation, disinfection, bubbling, and so on.

    Most affordable, and on the basis of this and the widespread way to disinfect planting seedsis mangalls:

    • Seeds are soy for 20-30 minutes in a solution of manganese.
    • Rinse with clean water.
    • Move one day in the nutritional composition. The nutritional composition can be prepared in such ways: a spoonful of wood ash (can be replaced by nitroposka or liquid Humat sodium) Dilute in a liter of water.
    • Remove seeds on a saucer to germination.

    So simple and cheap way The processing will significantly reduce the timing of germination of seeds and landing into the soil of shoots, and also contributes to the increase and acceleration of an early harvest.

    Normally common methods for training seeds include hardening. To do this, follow these stages of exposure to different temperature modes:

    • Seeds previously treated with a nutrient solution, in the same bag, place two days into the lower part of the refrigerator.
    • After that, remove and shift into a warm place (preferably with a temperature of at least 25 - 30 °).
    • Again, put in the refrigerator for two days.
    • Remove the seeds from the refrigerator to immediately land the seeds into the prepared soil.

    All this time, it is necessary to ensure that the seeds are moderately moistened.

    It is interesting: many experienced gardeners recommend using for sowing seed not the first year of storage, it is considered better if it is two-year. They argue that this one-year seeds are characterized by a long period of germination, as well as low germination. But the choice is always yours.

    Success landing of eggplant seeds - properly prepared soil

    We all have long known general requirements for sowing soil: Must be fertile, loose, light, very close to neutral (behind the level of acidity).

    New things did not know, right? And most of the gardeners are confident that if you adhere to these simple truths, the success of the landing campaign is guaranteed. But it was not there. Eggplants are very demanding of soil fertility.

    You can cook soil mixture by using such "recipes":

  1. Mix in smooth proportions: humid, peat and turf.
  2. 60% of the upper peat, 10% of the turf, 20% humus, 5% of sand or sawdust, 5% biohumus.
  3. Four parts of low peat, three parts of the compost or humoring and 1 part of river sand. Having a bucket of such a mixture, add a glass of ashes or three match boxes Superphosphate. Mix carefully.
  4. If you have taken a purchased soil, then it is sure to add the calcined sand and the vermipost (two parts for ten parts of the soil). Thus, you will increase the level of phosphorus.

The main thing is to mix everything so that the final result corresponded general requirements To the sowing ground. The recipe that you will like to taste, consider, given your own preferences and the realities of further cultivation.

If there is an eggplant seedlings to grow on the site, it is preferably to begin to begin to prepare this place from autumn. With the onset of deep autumn, before the steamed to make about one square meter: humus - 3 - 4 kg, superphosphate - 400 - 500 g, Potassium chloride - 100 - 150 g.

Main trace So that the PH acidity of the soil does not exceed 6.0 - 6.7. If the soil is more sour, do not forget to limify every three to four years.

Place eggplants after any vegetable crops, In addition to the family of the Parenic. And to return to the previous place is not recommended earlier than two - three years later.

Selection of tanks for planting eggplant seeds

Today, tanks for growing at home seedlings of eggplants, a huge set. They can be the most different. The main rule in the selection of dishes is the choice of this type of tanks so that in the future it was possible to avoid the process of picking seedlings, replacing it with a pulling.

Since the peak is caused by damage to weak roots, and the inevitable growth in growth.

And so, we turn to the right containers. They can be bought in the store, or make independently from the girlfriend.

The most popular purchased options are considered peat cups. They skip air well and do not find moisture. Plants grown in such a container are not taken out of the cup, and roll either into the container large sizesor straight into the ground. The roots will not be dreamed and are not damaged that it is not a slower, but a growth stimulator. "

Convenient package for seedlings, for many years, are ordinary disposable plastic cups. A variety of forms and sizes has always been a bonus of such a type of seedling tanks.

An option for sowing seedlings can also be elected special cassettes. Thus, you will place each plant separately. The moisture of them evaporates slowly, and the form of dishes contributes to safe transportation. All plants are in same conditionsWhat contributes to facilitation in care.

Landing seedlings and transplant: the main and most valuable information

If you have already decided on the variety of seeds, we had the necessary operations with them, the necessary containers were picked up, filled them with soil, then the process of sowing eggplant seeds. There is also a sufficiently large number of nuances that relate to both the crops of sowing and the scheme.

Dates of sowing of eggplant seeds - is it important to observe them? And how to determine them?

To the question when it is necessary to make landing of eggplant seeds, most of the gardeners will answer that it is better to do this in February or in early March. In fact, this answer is somewhat double-digit, since it should always be taken into account the region and the time of the planned landing in the ground (which again depends on regional meteorological conditions).

Eggplatan seedlings grown prematurely at the time of disembarking, it will be strongly overgrown, which will continue to be directly reflected in its survival. Belated sowing - promises a favorable time to adapt after disembarkation.

Based on the above information, the withdrawal of such: Specific time seeds of eggplant seeds must be treated independently, since everyone different conditions and landing place (soil, greenhouse, greenhouse).

But the general formula is as follows: seeds should be dried 2.5 - 3 months before planting plant seedlings per permanent place. It is necessary to calculate the earth by this time to be warm to a temperature of at least + 18 °.

By this time, the plant has a powerful root system, there is 6-8 leaves, a strong stem, and the presence of buds with flowers. Adhering to the above tips on the time of the occasional campaign of Eggplazhanov, you will reduce the risk of losing a crop or subjected to plants with infection with diseases to a minimum.

High yield of eggplants and landing scheme: What is the features and communication?

It is easier to grow eggplant seedlings, if it is done under a special film for greenhouses, either in a greenhouse, since this plant is very warm and sun-shine. Seeds should sow a row to a depth of 1 -1.5 centimeter.

Rows need to cloud up slightly and slightly compact. Prevent the evaporation of moisture is possible cutting sowing polyethylene film. Monitor follows the temperature, it should not be below 26 degrees.

If you have been transferred the whole process of disadvantaged in glass conditions, each eggplant seed or two seeds plant in a separate cassette or a small glass-pot, followed by transshipment in a random tank (as seedlings grow).

It is important to know: in one small container can not be sowned different varieties Eggplant. The timing of the parties are different. Situation may arise: some seeds sprouted and need to be extracted from under the film, and the seeds of another variety are still in the process of germination. It is more correct - each grade is sow separately.

Moisturize the soil can be made with melt water. Since this water is correct crystal cell, and the short-term exposure of the cold is a stimulant of growth and vitality.

In regions with cooler temperature modes, quenching, and reduced susceptibility to diseases. If by the time of sowing is the same real snow, You can use it.

Important! This method of moisturizing is relevant for not yet separated by seeds, if pre-sowing germination was carried out, then the soil should be heated.

Next, you can start picking seedlings. It sounds like standard, but in reality this process in relation to the seedlings of eggplant is very complicated, since the seedlings of eggplants the damaged root system is hardly restored.

But, if you still chose the method of cultivation with picking, then it should be carried out as soon as the seedlies turn out, so the plant will be injured as minimal.

Do not damage root systemIt is possible, it is possible, initially growing seedlings in separate containers, and in the future, as needed, to transfer larger in the container (for example, 1, then 600 ml).

Major Aza Necklazhans

The first week after germs, the temperature should be balanced on the face of +16 ° C. Exactly like this temperature mode It will not contribute to the stretching of seedlings. With the advent of the first leaf, the room temperature can be increased to +24 ° C in the afternoon, and slightly lower at night.

It is advisable for 10 12 days before the seedlings landing on the bed, start challenging it, gradually reducing the night (up to 14 °) and daytime (up to 18 °) temperature. After such a procedure, eggplants will be easier to sit in a new place.

Perfect watering system, or all nuances of moisture

Eggplant seedlings are important to water correctly. The lack of moisture will lead to premature decisions of plants stalks, and in the future - to a significant reduction in yield. If the soil is rejected, then the appearance of different fungal diseases and rotting root are possible. Watering, like feeding, is carried out in morning time day.

The ideal painting scheme of eggplant seedlings has approximately this kind:

  • Before the first real leaf appearance, 1-2 irrigation (3-4 liters per m2) is carried out.
  • After the first real leaf appearance - 2-3 irrigation (14-16 liters per m2).

IN apartment conditions It should be ensured that the air humidity was about 60-65%. To do this, you can use the usual humidifier or dedovsky method - Water bucket near the radiator.

For prevention, after the appearance of seedlings of eggplant seedlings, you can poleher pink solution of mangarteese.

During watering, avoid getting water on the leaves. And it should be ensured that water in the pallet is not stored, because it will lead to rotten root system. Rooming the room, also an important element of sediment care, but drafts should be avoided.

The slow system for the development of the root system at eggplants, initially requires irrigation solely under the root, and only after two to three weeks you can water in the pan. Soil should always be in a slightly wet state, but should not be wet.

Is feeding the subject matter of the need?

Initially, a well-prepared seating mixture is fully nourishing nutrients. And as they grow, additional feeders are required.

Before picking, seedlings can be disposal to be disposed of complex fertilizer: 10 liters of water - 25 grams of complex fertilizer of any type. Watering should be under the root, small doses.

Many or few lights for eggplant seedlings?

As shoots appear, the sprouts can be provided with additional backlight. The distance between the shoots and the lamp should not be less than 20 cm. As the lamp increases, it should be raised.

It is desirable to deploy every 2-4 days to the window 180 °, thus, the illumination of seedlings will be uniform. If the care is correct, the plants will not be pulled out, will be compact, with green color and strong roots.

If you adhere to the basic rules for growing eggplant seedlings and care for it, you will certainly be able to achieve high rates yield.

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83 once already

Eggplants are the favorite culture of many dacms, if we talk about it. Homemade eggplant caviar, stew, stuffed eggplants ... It is not difficult to dispose of the crop "Cell". Difficulties This culture causes it in its cultivation. On a thorny path from the seed to eggplant of the garden, there is a plurality of pitfalls. The first one is seeds.

You need to choose seeds depending on the area in which you are going to grow culture.

  1. First, it must be zoned varieties. Since only they can mature when climatic conditions, Data Nature Your Area.
  2. Secondly, it is always better to acquire hybrids. This sowing material is characterized by an accelerated germination, can withstand diseases and pests.
  3. Thirdly, be sure to look at the timing of the packing of seeds and their shelf life. Do not waste your time and strength on sowing material with an expired period - the germination will be low, and seedlings are non-visual.
  4. Fourth, choose seeds prepared for landing in a special way - dued, granular, glazed, inlaid. There is a special shell around such seeds, in which all substances needed seeds for germination are located. This is a real "energy bomb", which is enough to sow and pour. In addition, the processed seeds do not need to be prepared for sowing.

But, as practice shows, the majority of summer residents prefer to act classical methods and prepare seed material to sow themselves. For them - a full cycle of preparation, compliance with all stages of which guarantees a good germination, strong seedlings, hardy healthy plants, big harvest.


Eggplant seeds refer to medium in size, compared to other seeds gardening crops. They are distinguished by relative "the same". Seeds are not alone in one, but close to it. Such a difference in size, such as the cucumber seeds, is not observed. But seed calibration is still needed. For what? Seeds of the same size planted in one container will give friendly shoots, will develop at the same speed, simultaneously will be ready for disembarkation and will not turn out and suppress each other in the process of growth.

Tip! This does not mean that small seeds need to be thrown away, but to sow only large. Single and small, and medium, but in three different containers (if there are containers) or in various cups of groups.

What is subject to mandatory selection is deformed seeds, painted in another, unnatural color, with stains, mold. Typically, the seed calibration that is sold in the store is carried out already at the stage of packing.

Verification check

Like cucumbers, eggplants check on the suitability of the seed material to planting soaking in three percent salt solutions. On a glass of water, this is about a teaspoon with a slide. Salt thoroughly stir so that there is no precipitate. Then the seeds are lowered into a solution in a free wide capacity (not in a glass). You can mix if air bubbles are formed to get rid of them. The seeds that surfaced, empty - they do not contain the embryo of the plant and are not suitable for sowing. The rest are washed with water, dried and sent to the next preparatory stage.

Tip! It happens that absolutely all seeds pop up. The vintage of unscrupulous manufacturers, dackets throw them away and go for new ones. Do not hurry. Perhaps due to non-compliance with storage conditions, seeds are overpower. Try to germinate them.


This method of preparation is usually applied to the tongue-free seeds with dimensions more than the average to which the eggplant do not belong. But if there is a desire to germinate them, you can take advantage of the same method as in the sprinkle of seeds of all sloom cultures. Washed out salt solution Seeds are placed on gauze. Marley is placed in a flat container (pallet, saucer) and is abundantly wetted with water. Seeds must be inside gauze, the fabric should not dispel, the temperature of the extension is high (it is best to place the container on heating device Or next to it), but not higher + 45 ° C. When (or not) sprouts appear, at the same time check the germination.

Disinfectant events

If the seeds are not processed by the manufacturer and do not have a special shell, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. For this there are many methods. The most proven and traditional one is mangartan. Several misconceptions about this and errors that are allowed inexperienced gardens.

  1. The solution is rich, the better disinfection. Not. The solution should be one-surrender. It has quite rich, but not dark purple color. Otherwise, the embryo inside the seeds will just perish.
  2. The longer it is to keep, the more microbes will be destroyed. Not. Eggplant seeds in solution should be no more than twenty minutes.
  3. If the soil is disinfected, the seeds do not need to disinfect. Power bacteria often bears the embryo plant. Therefore, the soil processing will protect only the surface of the seed, which is not enough.


If you do not want to mess with germination, it makes sense to take advantage of growth stimulants. Yes, stimulants are "chemistry", but to aggressively affecting chemical preparations They cannot be attributed. These drugs contribute to the accumulation nutrients For better germination of seeds. They do not cause harm to plants. But the benefits of them can be huge and multifaceted.

Video - tricks in sowing seed eggplant to seedlings

What are stimulants and growth regulators


FROMwrite a potash salt. Produced in tablets. Promotes the rapid germination of seeds, the growing of new roots and apparent roots, the appearance of bulbies-kids in bulbous colors, the formation of new tubers in clubnelukovichny.


Stimulator growth of roots "Korninen"

Similar to heteroacexin, can also be produced in tablets or powder. This drug is actively used when planting young seedlings fruit and decorative shrubs, trees, roses. Also, Korniner helps to take care of any cuttings and takes from resting the bulbs of hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, gladioli, begonia and dahlia tubers.


Contains hydroxicaric acid. It not only stimulates energy seed, education and root growth, but also contributes abundant blossomand also increases plant disease resistance. Zircon protects plants from the lesion by phytopathogenic bacteria and viruses. When applying the zircon, the synthesis of chlorophyll in plant tissues is activated, it also carries protection to the cells from harmful radiation of ultraviolet. For a better effect, the zircon is used with heteroacexin or rhoin preparations. The solution is added C and B1 and charcoal.


Alcohol solution of epibrasynolide, according to the action of similar with vegetable phytohormones. It is very good to soak seeds for further cultivation in adverse conditions or on controversial soils.

Plant treatment with stimulants occurs in two ways. If the drug in powder, roots, bulbs or cuttings are dipped into water, and then into powder. Seeds are driven by powder. From tablets (as well as from powder), you can make a solution and immerse the plants in it for the time specified in the table.


Holding seeds is necessary only if you are going to grow eggplants in the open soil and sow seeds when it is still cold. In this case, they are placed in gauze, moisturize and hold two days in the cold (optimally zero degrees). In the case of cultural culture, the seedlings at home, it will be necessary to order seedlings before landing in the open soil holes.

Eggplants should not grow in an open ground. Our summer is not enough so that the harvest can fully mature. It is possible to grow culture in the protected greenhouse soil. This will give a fifty-percent harvest guarantee. Optimally - growing seedlings in the apartment and land it into protected ground. In this case, you can get a return from seed 100%. But first you need to choose the seeds correctly. And then - carefully prepare them for sowing.