Sowing salvia flowers blackleg. How to grow salvias? Salvia - seeds

Salvia- a name formed from the Latin phrase "be healthy". How is this wish related to the plant? Dentists will answer. They know that the sap of the plant is astringent and anti-inflammatory.

This allows the extract to be used for stomatitis and gum disease. Comes in handy salvia flower and for diseases of the nasopharynx, for example, sore throat. It is also inflammatory in nature. In addition, the herb is edible and decorative culture... But first things first.

Features of salvia

Salvia- not single plant, and the genus of herbs. It belongs to the Yasnotkov family. It includes both annuals and perennials. Common features: stem with four edges, buds in the axils of apical leaves and inflorescences-ears, less often - corymbose.

The genus Sylvia includes 700 species. These are compact bushes ranging in height from 20 centimeters to 1 meter. The bottom of the plants, as a rule, is colored in light green tones, and the tops are dark. From the whorls of the latter, brushes of buds emerge, 2-6 in each. The length of one inflorescence varies from 10 to 25 centimeters.

The plant gives off red Colour. Salvia rarely produces buds of other colors. White, purple and pink are the exception to the rule. An exception to the rule is the use of culture as an intoxicating powder. The plant produces an effect on the mind, similar to the effect of grass, that is, hemp. However, the strength of salvia is several times less.

Application as seasoning and food crop is standard. Salvia seedlings useful for salads and sweet dishes. Some species, for example Muscat, belong to spicy crops. Their aroma is appreciated by gourmets. But, most use only the decorative properties of the plant.

Not only bright scarlet buds are beautiful, but also foliage. It can be glossy or, on the contrary, velvety. In fact, salvia- this is Photo sage. Only the latter name is used among culinary specialists, and the first is applied to garden varieties and apartment options for bushes.

Have decorative species abundant. The buds bloom in early summer and last until the first frost. The plant is sensitive to low temperatures... Approaching zero for even a few hours can destroy landings.

Salvia species

The most frost-resistant is Medicinal salvia. Seedling flowers experiencing short-term drops in temperature to zero. In form, the medicinal species is a herb or shrub.

In the photo salvia korminumova

The latter reaches a height of 70 centimeters. The name is derived from its medicinal properties. In case of inflammation, decoctions from the buds and leaves of the plant are used. They are spicy, so they can be added to food.

In cold regions, they are in demand and salvia seeds Dubravnoy. She is not only resistant to frost, but also the most unpretentious to care of all members of the genus. Florists who grow salvia in pots share that their plants did without watering for 3-4 weeks. People had time to go on a full vacation.

The last frost-resistant species - Whorled salvia. Buy the plant is sought, as a rule, for urban flower beds and pot arrangements. The variety is purely decorative, with bright, purple and large buds. In all their glory, they appear only in good lighting.

Of the Salvians tolerant of partial shade, Transylvanian is worth mentioning. She has lilac. They are quite large, in contrast to the blue salvia buds. It is strewn with miniature inflorescences. The size of the grass itself is also small. The maximum height is 50 centimeters.

Among the giants among the representatives of the genus is the Swamp species. Photo of salvia seedlings can create a deceptive impression.

In reality, you will get a young growth of 50 centimeters, which quickly grows up to 2 meters. The birthplace of the plant - South America... Hence, it is clear that the variety loves warmth. From the name it is clear that Salvia Bolotnaya also needs a lot of moisture, both in the air and in the soil.

In the photo salvia Divinorum

Tall and Salvia Divinorum... She, too, comes from America, but no longer from a swamp, but a mountainous area. To gain a foothold in the stones, the plant has acquired a powerful root system. The grass gives new shoots, barely in contact with the ground. If the stem reaches it, there will be another one about 1.5 meters high.

As a home and garden plants more often they choose miniature species with bright ones. Such are, for example, the Shining and Red salvias. Both have bright scarlet buds, fleecy foliage of deep green color. The growth of herbs is about 40 centimeters. True, the Red species is only a biennial, and the Glittering Salvia is a perennial plant.

Salvia home care

We plant salvia, only being confident in their strengths and knowledge, say flower growers. Sage is capricious in grooming. Most members of the genus not only require a lot of sun, but are also afraid of winds and drafts. The soil should be rich in humus. Loams are suitable. They retain a lot of moisture that plants need.

Not without feeding. During the growth period, several approaches are required. The minimum program is the application of mineral fertilizers during the period of seedling growth and at the time of budding on it. Top dressing is taken complex, without the predominance of one or another element. The only thing that can be emphasized is lime. Salvias love it when it is present in abundance in the soil.

Salvia price

You can buy seeds or seedlings. Sage takes about three months to grow. Therefore, seedlings are not cheap. They ask for 250-350 rubles for a cassette with 10 plants. If you buy in bulk by placing a preliminary order, you can keep within 100 rubles for 50 sprouts.

In the photo, room salvia

A piece-by-piece purchase is 15-17 rubles per seedling. Give the same amount for a bag of 20-30 seeds. There are packages with a lot of grains. These packs are more expensive. The price tag also depends on the sage variety. They ask for less for garden and heat-loving ones. Indoor and frost-resistant varieties cost a pretty penny. You can pay both 30 and 50 rubles for a package of seeds.

Taking seeds, they are planted in February. By the end of spring there will be seedlings ready. In most salvia species, the buds bloom in early June. Only a few varieties bloom in July and August. At the end of summer, for example, Swamp Sage "ripens". The rest of the time, the grass amazes the audience only with its height and dark green foliage.

It is impossible to decorate a personal plot without numerous flowering plants. Salvia seedlings, planted on time and properly grown at home, will effectively diversify the landscape of the local area.

This culture has a bright flowering and unusual inflorescence structure. The plant feels great in group plantings and in single landscaping. We will tell you about how salvia seedlings are grown, when to plant it at home and when to plant it on a personal plot in the proposed material. Sowing dates will be given in accordance with the recommendations of the lunar calendar for 2018. If you do not adhere to these recommendations, then you can be guided by the approximate recommendations of the seed manufacturer. If it is written that the budding period begins 90 days after the emergence of shoots, then you need to add about 20 days for shoots to 90 days and count down from the moment when you would like to see blooming salvia on the site. For example, if you plan to start flowering in early June, then you need to "rewind" in the opposite direction for 4 months. It turns out that it will be necessary to plant salvia seedlings for growing flowers in 2018 in the first half of February.

Correct cultivation of Salvia seedlings at home and after planting in the garden gives the rapid development of the plant and its root system. This results in abundant and long-lasting flowering. In an article with numerous photos and videos, you can glean basic information on agricultural technology. This will make it easy and simple to grow Salvia flower seedlings with your own hands and save a significant amount of money at the same time, since seedlings are very expensive at the height of the sowing season.

See what the seedlings of salvia flowers look like in the photo (when to plant seeds to obtain a similar result, it is described in the article):

Interesting facts you need to know about Salvia

You need to know not only about when to plant Salvia flower seedlings and how to properly care for them. There is interesting information about culture, which make it possible to understand its biological needs. This simplifies the process of agrotechnical care, because it is much more important for every grower to “feel” the culture, to understand it, since remembering a ton of information on each flower is simply not realistic.

The variety of bud colors is not limited to traditional whites, reds, yellows, blues and purples. There is in nature great amount semitones. And here is the first important secret... The same variety can produce petals of different saturation, depending on the type of soil and the amount sun rays... If you want a bright and juicy cut of flowers - choose well-seasoned organic areas with maximum sunlight during the day.

When to plant salvia for seedlings depends on the type of culture, annual varieties need to be sown during February, it is advisable to sow two-year species in open ground in mid-May, and perennials best of all sprout and take root when sowing "before winter" at the end of October.

The first bloom can be obtained in late May or early June. To do this, you need to choose an annual variety and carry out timely sowing in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology. Look at the photo of salvia seedlings in the form in which the culture is ready for planting in a permanent place of its growth and development:

Few people know that the most familiar thing is hidden behind the beautiful word salvia - sage. yes, you got it right. This beautiful flowermedicinal plant, widely used in the treatment of bronchitis and tonsillitis, stomatitis and gastritis. Salvus in Latin means "to be healthy" and this most accurately reflects the essence, or rather chemical composition salvia herbs. It has everything to restore the lost health.

And for the first time medicinal properties were discovered in the homeland of culture. By the way, salvia grows wild in America and in the Mediterranean countries, Africa and in some parts of Eurasia. And everywhere this plant has its own distinctive features... They must be taken into account. In many cases, when to sow salvia seedlings depends on the origin of the variety. if it is a Mediterranean group, then it belongs to the frost-hardy and can be cultivated as a perennial. But American varieties are exceptional annuals. The third group is European and is intended for growing in shady areas of the garden. With sufficient cover, it can survive the harsh winter even in the Urals and Siberia.

The following is the salvia in the photo of flowers in the seedling phase, but already having buds and ready for the beginning of the flowering period:

Let's get acquainted with the types and varieties?

Choosing the right varietal group is a great start to the exciting process of growing any crop. It's good when you know in advance what result awaits at the end of the road? Let's get acquainted with the main species and varieties of salvia, intended for cultivation in a personal plot.

Among the lamb family, there is a large number of ornamental cultivated plants adapted to different climatic zones... Sage alone is known for more than 900 species and varieties. it's worth starting with the fact that they are all subdivided according to the height of the stem. It can be dwarf varieties with a bush height of only 20 cm and tall, reaching one and a half meters in adulthood. Naturally, it is advisable to choose miniature plants for decorating curb groups, and high salvias are better for decorating fences, facades and gazebos.

Salvia Divinorum is prohibited for cultivation in subsidiary plots. This is a dangerous plant!

Sparkling or glittering salvia is a popular guest on gardeners' plots. Possesses a lush deciduous mass and compact paniculate inflorescences of a wide variety of shades. Enters the baconization period 80 - 90 days after sowing. The most beautiful variety- "Carabinieri".

Mealy salvia differs only in the color of the inflorescences. In them, the petals can be blue, blue or purple. Flowering occurs no earlier than the end of July. The bush does not have a lush deciduous mass. Suitable for cutting flowers.

Small-leaved salvia has emerald foliage and bright red inflorescences. It is a perennial frost-resistant crop. It begins to bloom early (approximately from the beginning of June) and does not finish baconization until the onset of stable negative temperatures(until the end of October). "Scarlet" and "Cardinal" are the most famous varieties species.

Salvia motley, in addition to amazing inflorescences, pleases the eye and various colors of its leaves. Variety "Confetti" allows you to effectively decorate any area.

Salvia adhesive is intended for landscaping a shady area of ​​the garden. The plant grows well in conditions of deficiency solar lighting... The height of the bush reaches 80 cm. Flowers can be lilac, purple, blue and light blue. The earliest flowering can only begin in mid-August. The species is a perennial. But you can outsmart nature and plant this type of seedlings in early February. In this case, you will get an excellent planting material for landscaping shaded areas.

Dwarf salvia horminumovaya grows wild in the Crimea and in the southern territories of Russia. Therefore, it is not accepted to grow it with seedlings. The stem height does not exceed 50 cm. It belongs to the miniature group of varieties. Possesses a magnificent white color of the buds. Absolutely not whimsical to the conditions of its growth. "Burgundy" - popular dwarf variety with red buds.

How to grow salvia seedlings with your own hands?

It is believed that the culture is quite demanding on the conditions of agrotechnical care for initial stage its development. The stems are easily affected by nematodes and root rot, fungal infections. Therefore, many growers do not know how to grow salvia seedlings with their own hands. Crops die over and over again. Meanwhile, there are secrets in this matter. And their knowledge will allow you to get high-quality planting material at home.

Next, we will step by step consider the whole process of growing salvia seedlings with our own hands, starting from the timing of sowing seeds to lunar calendar and ending with the organization of hardening and planting in open ground. So, let's begin.

Sowing dates of Salvia in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

The timing of sowing salvia for seedlings according to the lunar calendar will make it possible to predict the growth and development of the culture. In 2018, all typical agrotechnical measures, which are advisable to spend on certain days. there is no scientific justification for this, so each gardener decides for himself whether to adhere to the recommendations given. In principle, this information can be used as a useful template for planting planning.

According to the lunar calendar, it is advisable to sow salvia flowers for seedlings in 2018 on February 19-22, March 12-14 and 21-25. For those who are late there are spare lucky numbers 7-10 and 17-21 April. Well, in open ground, sowing is best done between May 5-9.

Correct planting of salvia flowers for seedlings

Before the planting of salvia flowers on seedlings is carried out, everything necessary for this process is prepared. Vital role here the soil (soil mixture) and containers play. the soil should be very light and well structured. Completely eliminate the use of heavy clay soil. In such a land, seedlings will die before they can sprout.

Please note that the pH of the soil should not exceed 6.5 units. Therefore, two parts of compost humus are taken as a basis and one part is added to it river sand and soddy deciduous land. Everything is mixed and spilled with a solution of "Fitosporin", and then boiling potassium permanganate of purple color. Alternatively, you can use the oven baking procedure for 2-3 hours.

Preparing planting material

While the soil is calcined, we prepare the planting material in the form of seeds. do not buy unprocessed salvia seeds. They are very small and produce extremely thick crops. Granular is much better.

But there is a secret of experienced gardeners. In order to sow evenly small seeds, you should prepare the paste in advance. To do this, take 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of potato starch. mix and let cool until room temperature... You should get a solution similar in consistency to jelly. Pour into a container with which you can easily pour the paste into containers. It could be a small watering can open type... Add small seeds and mix thoroughly. They will be evenly distributed throughout the "jelly". And now they can be easily sown into prepared containers without thickening.

Another important technique is oxygen bubbling. Or you can do it easier - fill the seeds with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 hours.

Choosing containers for planting

There are various containers for planting, we choose among them those that are equipped with the maximum number of drainage holes. Perfect option for planting and growing Salvia seedlings from seeds - wooden boxes with a side height of 10 - 12 cm. In the absence of such, you can limit yourself to plastic containers, but do as much as possible in their walls and bottom large quantity drainage holes.

Sowing salvia seeds step by step

When everything is ready, we begin to step by step sowing salvia seeds for seedlings. First, we rinse the container with bleach or any other disinfectant solution. on the bottom we pour a layer of expanded clay or broken brick with a layer of up to 1.5 cm.Then we pour the soil to a height of 7 cm. We compact the surface and water warm water(it is possible with the addition of growth stimulants or mineral fertilizers). The surface of the ground should become damp. Then we lay out the granulated seeds or pour the paste with small ones that have not been processed.

Add a small amount of soil on top. Literally with a layer of no more than 3 mm. Wrap up tight plastic wrap to prevent moisture evaporation. Put in a warm place. Can be on the top of the kitchen cabinets. Wait about 2 weeks. the first shoots of Salvia seedlings begin to appear after 12 days. the maximum time required for all seedlings to appear rarely exceeds 30 days.

Agrotechnics for caring for salvia seedlings

The emergence of seedlings is a signal to immediately rearrange landing capacity to the brightest place. There is a special agricultural technique for caring for salvia seedlings at home. Growing Salvia from seed requires a wealth of knowledge to maintain seedlings and grow robust seedlings. We will analyze some of them further.

Backlighting is necessary until the daylight hours reach the desired culture for 12 hours. If in mid-February natural daylight hours are 9 hours, then supplementary lighting is carried out for 3 hours daily.

Watering should be regular, but very moderate. It is best to use a spray bottle or pour water into a sump for this. Excessive soil moisture leads to mass death of seedlings from the black leg disease. this is a fungal infection and the most common stove helps to cope with it wood ash... As soon as the first signs appear, immediately cover the soil surface with ash with a layer of up to 5 mm. And stop watering for 3-4 days.

A pick with the movement of each seedling into a separate container is carried out in the phase of full disclosure of the first two true leaves. With the help of a well-sharpened edge of a teaspoon, select a seedling and move it to a pre-prepared peat cup... deepening is carried out up to the cotyledon leaves.

Top dressing begins 10 days after the pick. They are held once a week to alternate organic and mineral complex compounds.

Landing and subsequent care

When warm spring weather settles outside, you can plant salvia seedlings in open ground. To prepare for this, hardening should be carried out. Within 10 - 14 days, you need to gradually accustom the seedlings to open field conditions. for this they need to be entered on Fresh air without shelter for 15 - 20 minutes, gradually increasing this time for 7-8 hours.

Choosing a suitable place. It should be well lit. The soil must be structured and nutritious. Before planting, we dig the garden bed and apply mineral fertilizers. Add humus from compost or manure to the hole.

The distance between plantings should be at least 20 cm. The higher the growth of the variety group, the greater the distance between them is required for proper growth and development.

Subsequent care for salvia in the open field consists in the organization of weeding and loosening of the soil. watering is carried out as needed on hot and dry days. Mineral dressing it is necessary to carry out by the root method 1 time in 10 days.

attacks of whiteflies and thrips, ticks and aphids can be observed. Snail stems and numerous slugs are often damaged. Therefore, weeds should not be allowed to grow. You can fight slugs with metaldehyde. It is safe for plants and animals, but it causes massive death of slugs in the area.

Look at the video of how salvia seedlings are grown, when to plant it at home and how to care for it:

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The Salvia flower has another name - Sage and is a perennial, long-flowering medicinal plant, of which there are about 400 species today. It not only benefits, but also looks aesthetically pleasing. Many designers use Salvia to create original and unusual flower beds. If you also decided to plant this flower for your own, you probably want to know: how to do it correctly and what kind of care does he need? Salvia red, photos of flowers are presented on our website, will truly decorate your garden.

Salvia red, photo of flowers

Salvia red - seed germination

Many summer residents plant Salvia only for medicinal purposes. From the leaves of the plant, you can make tinctures that help fight diseases of the throat, kidneys and gums. Sage will quickly relieve toothache and stop bleeding. The leaves must be picked in the spring before flowering or in the fall. A wide variety of varieties will help everyone to choose the most appropriate for him taste preferences... Sylvia is featured in different shades: pink, purple, blue, yellow and red.

Sylvia varieties

In terms of cultivation and care, Sage is not a demanding plant, it adapts quickly and grows actively. The main condition for good development- seeds sown on time. Where to get high-quality planting material? Experts advise giving preference to shops over markets. This is the only way you can be sure that you will not be disappointed when the plant begins to grow.

Sylvia Seeds

Seeds germinate before planting in open ground. It is recommended to do this in the month of February, but not later, since it is too dangerous to plant seedlings in extreme heat. How to sow the seeds of Salvia? To do this, you need a small container or container, on the bottom of which a small drainage system in the form of expanded clay or small rubble. A soil substrate is poured on top, which can be purchased at any store. Now you need to thoroughly moisten it, cover with glass or plastic wrap and leave for 24 hours. Anyone who has ever seen Salvia seeds will not deny that they are very tiny, so it is recommended to mix them with a small amount of sand before sowing. After the mixture is evenly scattered over the substrate, lightly pressed with the palm of your hand and irrigated with a spray bottle. The container is again covered and placed in a dark place until the first shoots appear.

Growing Sylvia seedlings, photo

Important! As soon as you see that the seeds have begun to sprout, you can remove the film or glass and place the container on a sunny windowsill, providing additional lighting. Now the main thing is to ensure that the soil is sufficiently moistened so that it is not very wet and overdried. Ash can be used as fertilizer.

Planting Salvia outdoors and proper care

Sage is not very picky about growing conditions, but some points will have to be taken into account:

  • Location... The flower loves open, sunny places, without strong shade.
  • The soil... The soil should be loose, light and nutritious. To do this, you can mix upper layer soils with peat or other substances.
  • Fertilizer... When landing, you can use liquid mineral fertilizers, which are poured to the bottom of the hole.

The seedling will quickly take over and after a short time will delight you with its flowering. As for care, Salvia only needs regular and constant watering, otherwise root system will quickly disappear. It is also necessary to loosen the soil, remove weeds and spray the plant in case of pests or diseases.

So Salvia is red photo of flowers which you can see on our website will become worthy decoration your his suburban area... We hope that our tips will help you transform your territory, make it original and unusual.

Not everyone has the patience to grow Salvia seedlings on their own. Indeed, after sowing, it takes 3 to 4 months before the first flowers appear on the plants. However, growing salvia from seeds is pretty straightforward. It is only necessary to take into account that there are many varieties of this plant, which differ greatly from each other both in color and in growth.

Salvia height depending on the variety, it can be from 25 cm to 1.5 m. Therefore, you must carefully choose the seeds in order to purchase exactly the variety that you need.

What does salvia look like

Which soil to choose

Seedlings will thrive on light, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. It can be prepared by mixing forest soil with sand and peat 1: 1: 1. Or buy any soil mixture for growing seedlings.

When to sow

Sowing salvia for seedlings is preferable in February or March. Then it will bloom in early summer. But hybrid varieties bloom much earlier. When buying seeds, be sure to read what is written on the package.

Spread the seeds on well-spilled soil, lightly sprinkle with earth and sprinkle with Rosinka on top. Cover the drawer with glass, plastic, or newspaper. Nowadays, many people use newsprint. It retains moisture and at the same time allows air to pass through.

Sometimes there are recommendations not to cover the seeds with earth, but simply to press them into the ground with the palm of your hand. With this sowing, many sprouts appear with a seed coat on the "head". And you have to manually help them get rid of these "hats"

Seeds germinate at a temperature of +22 - 24C. Seedlings usually appear in 7 to 10 days. Unfortunately, they are often unfriendly. The last shoots sometimes break through when all hopes of seeing them have already been lost.

Seedling care

To grow salvia from seeds, you need a well-lit place where the temperature does not exceed 18 - 20C. If you have a free window sill, then it is quite suitable for this. After the emergence of seedlings, remove the film, And in a day you can put a box with seedlings on the windowsill.

Water only with warm water and very sparingly. With an excess of moisture, the seedlings can be affected by the black leg. Before planting in open ground, apply two fertilizers with full flower fertilizer.


Salvia seedlings grow slowly. Therefore, the pick is carried out 1 - 1.5 months after germination. Plants are transplanted into cups or boxes at a distance of 6 - 7 cm from each other, with their deepening to the cotyledonous leaves.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Salvia is planted in the ground in early June. She prefers open, sunny locations with light soil. But it can grow in the shade and even under trees. Before flowering, plants should be watered more often, and less often during flowering. Then there will be more flowers. Do not overuse nitrogen fertilizers. Bushes can become fat and bloom poorly.


It is difficult to imagine flower gardens without catchy spicate inflorescences of Salvia. household plots and city flower beds. Long and magnificent flowering plants, not demanding on the soil and are well known to most gardeners. But few people suspect that several hundred species and varieties of Salvia for the garden belong to the genus to which the brilliant Salvia belongs. Among them is medicinal sage.

Plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family of the genus Salvia are found all over the world from Europe, Eastern Siberia and Asia to the American continent. Most of them are perennials up to 120 cm high, with erect stems covered with oblong leaves and two-lipped flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Seeds of cultivated and wild plants ripen within a month after the end of flowering and can be used for planting up to 3 years.

The leaves of many salvia varieties are elongated, whole or, much less often, feathery. The color of flowers is not limited to the bright red habitual today. Rather, it is an exception to the rule. Wild species are striking in the richness of the palette from white to deep purple, and therefore are of increasing interest to flower growers. But according to the established tradition, the name "Salvia" is firmly entrenched in the varieties of sparkling salvia, and plants with blue tassels are called sage more often.

Salvia sparkling: photo of flowers Salvia splendens

The most famous of garden species Salvia is a native of Brazil and has been used in culture for almost 200 years. At home, bushes or herbaceous plants with rigid erect tetrahedral stems can reach 20–80 cm in height and bloom en masse during summer and autumn.

Before the start of active selection work, brushes of brilliant salvia, the photos of flowers of which today amaze with the richness of colors and splendor of inflorescences, were not so spectacular. At the disposal of gardeners were only varieties with red corollas and cups, loosely sitting on the peduncle.

Today, in addition to red flowers, one can increasingly find brilliant white, purple lilac and even two-tone salvia.

Salvia officinalis (Salvia officinalis)

Medicinal salvia - sage, well known to people for thousands of years, is used in medicine, perfumery and cooking. The homeland of the plant is the states of the Mediterranean and the region of Asia Minor. V favorable conditions perennial dwarf shrub reaches half a meter in height, and in Russia it can be grown only through seedlings as an annual crop.

Sage is easy to distinguish by its oblong silvery leaves and purple flowers collected in sparse vertical inflorescences.

A medicinal species of Salvia and garden varieties with variegated leaves, bloom in the middle of summer.

Salvia red (Salvia coccinea)

Red salvia from the photo of flowers is very similar to medicinal sage, and on its more spectacular relative - brilliant salvia. A semi-shrub from Brazil in European countries and Russia is cultivated as an annual, but even in this case the plant grows to 50–70 cm.

This species has straight pubescent stems with ovoid leaves and carmine-red flowers, collected on sparse spike-shaped inflorescences of 5-8 pieces. Corollas, no more than 3 cm long, bloom in the middle of summer, and the plant retains its decorative effect until the very cold weather. If we compare red salvia with brilliant varieties, then the first loses in brightness, although it is used by flower growers for a hundred years longer.

Today, interest in the moisture-loving Salvia, which prefers sun and warmth, is constantly growing. The plant reproduces well by seeds and can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Small-leaved salvia (Salvia microphylla)

This species of salvia - sage in the wild is still found in southern Europe, France and the Mediterranean countries. Here it is perennial evergreen, grows up to 100-120 cm. Salvia bloom lasts from June to the end of October.

But small brushes of carmine flowers are not the only feature species. The greens and stems of the evergreen shrub contain many aromatic essential oils used by perfumers and medical professionals.

Mealy salvia (Salvia farinacea)

Picky, blooming from August to the end of autumn, the plant appeared in Russian flower gardens from Central America. Mealy salvia has little branching straight stems up to 90 cm high. Inflorescences reach 20 cm in length and effectively rise above neat pyramidal bushes.

The cups, corollas and the upper part of the peduncle are painted in blue or purple tones, which persist even when the plants are dried.

The leaves are elongated, ovoid and, unlike many species and varieties of salvia for the garden, do not have a characteristic edge.

Salvia motley (Salvia viridis)

The value of this native of the south of Europe and Asia is not in bright inflorescences or essential oils, and in variegated brightly colored leaves-bracts on the upper part of 40- or 60-centimeter stems. Oblong leaves and shoots are pubescent.

Inflorescences reach 30 cm and combine up to 6 medium-sized flowers of a pinkish or light lilac shade. Salvia or sage begins to bloom in June, and appearance the plant retains the entire growing season. The only feature that makes it difficult to use variegated forms in culture is lodging of the stems, if supports are not installed in time.

Salvia verticillata (Salvia verticillata)

The whorled variety of sage in its wild form is found throughout Russia, in Western Europe and some regions of Asia. You can find out the few varieties of salvia by purple flowers, collected in dense whorls located on high peduncles. Stems of this species branch only at the base and grow up to 50 cm in height. The leaves, like the shoots, are strongly pubescent and are attached to the stems on long petioles.

Whorled salvia begins to bloom in July, and until September its elegant inflorescences can be seen in forest glades and personal plots.

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)

Vigorous plants of one meter in height are grown in annual or biennial crops. On straight stems, studded with oblong leaves jagged along the edges. This type of salvia produces an abundant green mass. Leaves sometimes reach a length of 30 cm, but as they move towards the inflorescence they become smaller.

The decorativeness of the plant is given not by ordinary-looking flowers, but by the leaves-bracts. Today there are varieties of Salvia with white, pink or purple corollas. Blooming from June to September, the sage species is well known as a valuable medicinal and essential oil plant.

Salvia oak (Salvia nemorosa)

The species of sage growing in the zone of the Russian forest-steppe has powerful stems up to 30-60 cm high and dense, candle-like inflorescences reaching 40 cm in length. Both corollas and large bracts are purple or azure in color.

If hairs are noticeable on the stems, then the pointed long leaves of Salvia Oakravna are completely smooth with teeth along the edges. The decorativeness of the plant lasts from mid-summer to mid-September.

Salvia meadow (Salvia pratensis)

The plant, half a meter in height, is distinguished by many straight, branching stems and peduncles covered with purple corollas. Red sage is similar to oak salvia, but the latter is much more powerful, and its shoots are not so branched. In each whorl, from 4 to 6 flowers are attached, occasionally small leaves can be seen on the stems, which become much larger towards the root rosette.

The meadow sage blooms in two waves. The first, like many species and varieties of salvia for the garden, begins in June, and the second bloom revives the site in September.

Salvia flowers - video