Fungicides against root rot. Fungicides for plants - types, names

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Chemicals with antifungal activity are related to the category of fungicides. Apply such means to prevent the development of micose epidemics, the treatment of fungal lesions, seed stripping before landing.

Modern chemical industry offers various fungicides, the list of drugs is applied below, which are separated on therapeutic, contact, system and protective. In the case of infection of cultivated plants, malicious fungal microorganisms, fungicides for plants, the list of drugs and their features describe are somewhat lower below.

What is fungicides

Fungicide (pesticide) is designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of fungal diseases.

If you are literally translated and correctly formulated, the word "fungicide" means - "murderer of mushrooms." This feature of substances of biological, chemical origin is used to suppress the breeding, the destruction of various fungal disputes. Depending on the severity of the illness, the type of fungal lesion choose the necessary fungicidal preparation.

Fungicides suppress the development of fungal diseases on plants

The principle of action of fungicides is unknown. According to the experiments carried out, these funds affect the pathogens, by violating their biochemical reactions, the enzymatic synthesis of mushrooms inhibit the flow of these reactions. There are fungicidal substances with the ability to slow the biological products of protein, nucleic acids, ergosterina, which is the component of the membranes of mushroom cells and their dispute. The cumulative effect of these substances causes tissue respiration disorders, cellular division. According to the method of exposure, they are divided into:


Work directly at the place of application. In other words, local destination drugs to combat symptomatic manifestations of fungal lesions. They begin to act immediately after applying on the area covered with active substance. The effectiveness of treatment with such drugs affects the probability of falling and the amount of precipitation.


After penetrating the organs and systems of plants, they are distributed throughout the body, including the root system, the most hidden corners where disputes and mushrooms can hide. These substances are rapidly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, after which the processes of development and reproduction of fungal pathogens are actively oppressed. Their impact suppresses the causative agent in all parts of the plants. With systematic exposure, the possibility of precipitation is not necessary to take into account.

There are contact and systemic fungicides


Antimicose action preparations are produced in powder form, as a suspension concentrated solution. Based on the components of the elements and the principle of impact, the fungicidal agents are divided into types:


With a high degree of lesion, fungicides of chemical origin are used to achieve a quick, maximum effect. These tools have antifungal effect when using small dosages in a short period of time, due to the high concentration of active elements. It is necessary to use them with caution, due to possible toxic effects, sedimentation in soil layers.

Chemical representatives of the lines of fungicides include:

  • manganese;
  • bordeaux liquid;
  • calcined soda;
  • copper core.


The basis of active biological fungicides is the ability of living beneficial bacteria to suppress the development and reproduction of fungal pathogenic microorganisms. Restoring the microflora balance, these drugs do not have a destructive, toxic impact on living organisms, the environment. They are completely decomposed in the ground, are suitable for use in closed and open conditionsCompatible with most pesticides, antibacterial agents.

Fungicides are chemical and biological

Methods of application

Effect weapons in this struggle are fungicides. Reduce crop loss, preserve the decorativeness of deciduous, blooming and coniferous plants, by planting plants, soil and sowing material Antifungal drugs.

For soil

At the time of the dumping of the soil add fungicidal agents in powdered form. Prepared on the basis of antifungal drugs, solutions are used to put into ground by irrigation. These methods allow you to destroy pathogens and mushrooms that are in soil layers. The processing of soil in front of the sowing crops on seedlings prevents the reproduction of malicious dispute.

For plants

Usage directly by plants involves the method:

  • irrigation;
  • spraying;
  • execution of applications.

Procedures are carried out several times over the period of vegetative development, during peace in winter and storage. This method is suitable for closed conditions for growing, processing inventory and premises before landing of new cultures. Storage rooms of seedlings and harvest collected Fungicides are treated in order to avoid infection with fungi products of plant origin.

Apply fungicides in several ways

For seeds

Before the start of the sowing work, it is important to preparing tubers, bulbs, seeds, by etching in a solution of fungicides. This allows you to destroy the overwhelming disputes capable of further reproduction under favorable conditions.

How to apply fungicides

To properly use fungicide, instructions for use contains information about the features of dosage, conducting procedures for the irrigation of crops and enter into the ground.

For room flowers

Treat acquired seedlings to avoid the spread of mycosis lesions and infection of other cultures. Peres are carried out prophylactic spraying in order to increase immunity and resistance indoor plants. Treatment of fungicides helps to avoid the spread of fungal dispute under the conditions of a potted, a permaid method of growing plants.

For garden plants

Spraying by fungicides of garden crops is recommended with the arrival of heat for the prevention of garden diseases. Fungicide for trees is used as preventive measures with adverse climatic conditions, improper care. Fungicides for the garden are used at the autumn time to disinfect the soil in front of the winter peace.

How to breed

Depending on the chosen preparation, the processing option and the type of plant culture is calculated by the optimal dose for work. Prepare the working fluid in the clean capacity of the sprayer, by mixing the dumpled amount of concentrated fungicide with water.

After careful stirring, the solution is used by intended, following the set of simple rules:

  • the air temperature during irrigation and the introduction to the ground should not be below 0 degrees Celsius;
  • do not hold measures to make fungicides in rainy weather;
  • gusty strong wind does not contribute to the effectiveness of the events;
  • if necessary, urgent help is recommended to use fungicides of the system action.

Safety when working with fungicides

Conducting work with antifungal activity, it is worth following:

  • wearing a protective suit;
  • close airways, eyes;
  • be sure to wear gloves, rubber boots;
  • it is advisable to cover your head with a tank or headdress.

It is impossible to handle mature fruits, greens before direct eating. Clothing after work with fungicides is to be washed, working capacity and tools must be rinsed with running water.

Review of effective drugs

For each specific case, you can pick up the best fungicidesBased on the characteristics of the culture. The name of fungicides does not give a complete picture of the characteristics of a drug, the speed of exposure, use methods. We present various actions and origin of fungicides for plants, list:

"Agat - 25"

Means biological origin, which includes the strain of the inactivated "aureofaciens pseudomonas", has a pronounced overwhelming effect on the causative agents of radiy, Mildew, rot all types, phytoophulas, colaporosis, manifestations of rust. Produced in the form of liquid paste. The treatment solution is prepared from three liters of water of one portion spoon of concentrated paste. Irrigate patients of culture every three weeks 4 times over the entire period of development.

"Alin" improves the quality of fruit products

"Abiga - Peak"

Chemical contact preparation of antifungal action with a wide spectrum. Active against bacterial, mycosis diseases on agricultural, floral, decorative - decorative cultures, forest arrays. When used, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions instructions.

Fungicide of biological nature, consists of useful soils that depress rust, trachiomicosis, pass, rot, perception, septoriasis. Improves the quality indicators of the soil after its introduction. Positive affects the taste characteristics of fruit products. For watering to dissolve two pills in the water bucket, with the purpose of irrigation - 2 pills per liter.


A biological semi-functional fungicide, which is capable of protecting cultures from biotic diseases, stressful loads. Increases the adaptive capacity of plants, increases yield. Apply as an antidote when overdosing pesticides. Processing plants with a solution of 1 bucket of liquid and 2 ml of a concentrated substance.

Active antimicose agent of organic nature. Protects floral fruit-berry cultures from radiy dew. Has a unique feature effectively work with low temperatures and high humidityif the processing was carried out in 6-7 hours before precipitation. Suitable for use as a preset processing of cuttings, seedlings. Diluted according to the instructions.

"Bactifit" means from muced dew

"Bordeos Mix"

A potent popular substance capable of fighting the ailments of bacterial, fungal etiology. Protects from lesions by pathological disputes, garden bacteria, agricultural, coniferous, floral, decorative - deciduous cultures. It consists of a compound of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide. Used in combination with pesticides, fungicides. Work with the drug should be carried out in accordance with the rules of compliance from, disposal of residues.

"Bon Forte"


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Do you use folk signs in gardening?


Highly efficient means intended for the treatment of fungal lesions on indoor cultures. Contains "Penkonazole" in the amount of 100 g per 1 liter. The working fluid is prepared from 1 plastic ampoule - pipettes and 5000 ml of water. Used immediately after the preparation of the fluid, by irrigating the vegetative parts of the plant.


Products of the fungicidal orientation of contact impact. Active against a wide range of fungal infections. Working substance "Chlorotalonyl", 0.5 kg / l. It has the ability to inject the phytoofer, peridonosorous manifestations. It has a prolonged protective effect. Combined with insecticides, fungicides. Apply on large areas average flow - 600 ml per hectare. Perform irrigations every decade, not more than three times per season.


Two-component tower for riveting tubers - bulk planting material, seed products. Synergy "Carboxyne" and "Tirama" in the corresponding quantities of 198 g per 1 liter and 98 g per 1 liter has an oppressive effect on penicillase causative agents, gelminoriasis, risoctoniosis. Fund consumption is 2 ml per 1000 ml of water. The duration of soaking the planting material is from 2 to 2.5 hours. For one kilogram of seed products, one liter of the working fluid is sufficient.

"Bordeos Mix" struggles with the ailments of fungal etiology


Chemical substance - the basis disrupts the ability to the biosynthesis of fungus enzymes, ripening pathogenic dispute, increases the protective properties of plant organisms. After entering the plant, an acroptal movement continues, has a systemic protective effect. Apply at the first symptoms of mycosis lesions. Perfectly mixed with insecticidal, other fungicidal preparations. Dilution is carried out using 0.25 ml of concentrated agent and one liter of fluid.


Fungicide of biological origin, suppresses the development and distribution of dispute rotes of all types, fusarious fading, dews of false and mild, phytoophulas and spottedness. Treat three times per season with a solution of two tablets and 1000 ml of water. The interval between spraying should be at least a week.


Suppresses fungal pathogens, through a set of soil metabolites and "Harzianum Trichoderma". Inhibits pathological disputes of soil fungi. Use for the prevention and treatment of indoor and garden crops. Not suitable for simultaneous use with preparations of chemical origin. It has a tablet shape, introduced into the ground. Useful bacteria grow a week after the application, the duration of exposure is preserved for one and a half months.


The systemic means of protecting crops planted in a closed and open soil eradicates the main fungal lesions of the garden, the garden (Mildew, peronosporozes, phytoophulas, spots and rot). The incoming Azoxyrobin has a concentration of 250 g per 1 liter. IN therapeutic purposes The means is bred, based on the norm - 6 ml / 5 liters of fluid, during preventive measures - 6 ml / 10 liters. Under conditions of home cultivation of crops, 0.5 ml of concentrate is diluted in half liters. The result occurs after 5-6 days after irrigation.

"Gamair" suppresses the development of phytoophulas and spot


A new generation product, which includes a wide spectrum fungicides tandem. Active pair is "Mankojeb" and "Tsimoxanil". Provides long protection that lasts up to 12 days. Dosage tools varies, depending on the process of cultivation and type of crops from 30 to 50 g per bucket of water.


Provides systemic protection of plantations from mycoses of all types. A spraying solution or watering is prepared from 1 AMP. concentrate and 1.5-2 liters of liquids. Use the solution is necessary throughout the day after cooking.

"Copper Court"

Copper sulfate is actively fighting with the ailments of garden crops with pathogens of fungal etiology diseases. The result is noticeable after two hours, which lasts up to 2 weeks. It has high antibacterial, antimicose activity.

Exhibits biological activity against malicious disputes affecting indoor, garden plants. Stimulates the synthesis of lectins that slow down the growth processes of fungal, bacterial pathogens. Recommended for use in the early stages of the disease. Breaks 0.1 l / 2 l liquid.


Mikosan against fungal, bacterial pathogens


Systems and contact preparation with the inclusion of copper chlorocycy and "oxadixila". Works against macrosporiosis, phytoophulas, spots, rot and septorios. 4 g of the active powder is suited in 2000 ml of liquid, stirred. Harry cultures every 2 weeks.


Bacterial complex of rhizosphere microorganisms "Fluorescens Pseudomonas", which help to cope with the harmful dispute in the soil, organic residues, on plants. With it, the planting material is etched, spray crops at the first manifestations of fungal ailments, bring into landing pits, include tank mixtures. Consumption - 50 ml per 1 bucket of water. The interval between spraying procedures - from 10 to 21 days.


System four-component assistant in the fight against mikosami of various origins affecting garden sites. The ratio with water in the manufacture of liquid for irrigation 1: 100. Protection keeps from month to one and a half, depending on the number of precipitation.

"Profit Gold"

Systemically - contact killer pathogenic fungny and dispute, with two active elements "Famoxadone", "Tsimoxanil", in a ratio of 1: 1. Based on the characteristics of cultures and degrees of infection, "Profit Gold" is divorced in an amount of 3 g with water from 2500 ml to 7500 ml. Designed for spraying.


Emulsion "DiPhenokonazole" for the treatment of dew with false and milders. Dissolve in 10 liter capacity with water 1 ampuly, 2 ml. Full cure occurs after a double spraying with an interval of 2 weeks.

"Profit Gold" kills pathogenic mushrooms and disputes


WIND PERONOSPOROS, Rust and all types of pathogenic dew is called by the "strobe", the basis of which is "Cresoxim -Methyl". Mixed with 1 liter of water 0.5 ml.


Provides effective protection From phytoophulas, churrospos, antracosis, curls, Milduy. Processing plants with a solution cooked from 40 g "Homa" and 1 buckets of water.


Triazole systemic fungicide, with "diphenokonazole" based on. Specifies against Oidium, Mildu, Parsh, Oral Defections. Spray four times for the period of development, the composition of 3-4 ml of "skira" and 1 water buckets.


Suitable for prevention and treatment, includes Penkonazole. Destroys rust disputes, mildew dews, rot of different types and colors. Prepare a working mixture of 1 bucket of liquid and 4-5 ml of concentrate. The action begins after 2.5 hours after irrigation.


The newest system fungicidal agent with "diphenokonazole" in the composition. Changes with pathogenic mushrooms in adverse weather conditions. Increases the immunity of plants, suppresses the development and reproduction of Mildew, Rotina, Spottles and rust mushrooms. Quickly penetrates vegetable tissue, is not washed with precipitation. Diluted according to the instructions, conduct 2 spraying procedures per season.

"Cleracevet" increases the immunity of plants


The active substance "Ciprodinyl" has a protective action of seeds fruit plants from coccquoms, pasks, moniliosis, curls. Perfectly combined with fungicides "Topaz", "Sorrow". Suitable for the terrain with a cool wet climate. Last spraying fruit trees spend no later than 3 weeks before harvest.


The contact concentrate "Famoxadone" and "Tsimoxanil" protects the crop of culture from the infections of the phytoofluoro, alternariasis. It has resistant to washing with precipitation. Requires 4 one-time introduction every 11-13 days.

"Phytosporin - M"

Live bacterial culture saves from pathogenic microorganisms of bacterial - fungal nature of the plant of all cultivation conditions. Apply in conjunction with pesticides and insecticides, fertilizers and stimulants. Universal, it is afraid of alkaline drugs.


Intesto - systemic antibacterial biological preparation. Inhibits bacteria causing putrid decomposition, necrosis. Used in closed and open cultivation conditions, suitable for processing the roots of epiphytes.


System protection based on "Benomila" can be treated before planting seeds, treat cultures from fungal infection. Suppresses their development even after the appearance of pronounced symptoms. 1 package is diluted in the bucket of water. Apply on tomato, cucumber beds, fruit trees.


Suspension from rotten ailments and fungal infections. Dilute with one liter of liquid 25 g of suspension, irrigate the vegetative mass of infected instances. You can work in the conditions of an apartment, greenhouses, greenhouses.

Each vegetative season, robes and gardeners are fighting for a crop. Complicates their task the fact that plants suffer from variousdiseases and pests. People use against themfungicides for plants, list of drugsthis group is extensive and constantly replenished. How to figure it out in such a variety of chemicals? Are they universal and help solve all the problems?


Consider the most popularfungicides - list of drugsand their characteristics, but first need to know their classification. This will facilitate the choice and subsequent purchase of a suitable fund.

Depending on the chemical properties

By chemical nature, fungicides share:

  • on inorganic;
  • organic.

A group of inorganic drugs includes:

  • copper-containing - burglar liquid, burgundy liquid, twist and copper behind;
  • sulfur-containing drugs - colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction;
  • mercury compounds.

Organic fungicides for plants refer to various chemical compounds. Heterocyclic compounds occupy a leading role, these are various nitrogen-containing derivatives. Many organic drugs are effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the action on the causative agent

On this basis, drugs are divided:

  • on protective (prophylactic);
  • medical.

Protective fungicides prevent the infection of cultures with phytopathogens, which have a negative impact on the root system and metabolism.

Phytopathogens are different pathogens of diseases. They distinguish biologically active substances that, in turn, negatively affect the development of plants.

Attending fungicides are drugs that cause a blow to phytopathogens that have already implanted in vegetable tissues. Harping contact fungicides cannot penetrate the tissue and have a local action. They are divided into electoral and solid effects. The first suppress the reproductive and vegetative organs of the mushroom, and the means of continuous action also suppress its resting forms. Healing systemic drugs penetrate the inside of plants, spread through vessels, stop new foci of infection and destroy phytopathogens.

For use

Fungicides for use are divided into the following varieties: For the processing of the soil - soil. They are brought immediately into the ground to disinfect it, especially this is relevant for soil in greenhouse and greenhouses. Fuligants are usually used - these are drugs in the form of gases or vapors.

For routing seeds - use drugs that are struggling with diseases and infections propagating seeds or in the soil. For planting plants in the growing season - mainly the fungicides of protective action that prevent diseases. For processing plants located alone. Have a contact eradicating effect, destroy the wintering pathogens of diseases and pests. Since substances are strongly damaged by the green parts of the plants, they are used early in the spring before the waking up the kidneys, in the fall and winter.

Depending on the nature of the distribution inside the plant tissues

On the distribution of the substance in the tissues of fungicides are:

  • contact;
  • system.

After treatment with contact preparations, they remain on the surface of plant parts. Contact with the causative agent, the active substance causes his death. The effectiveness of drugs depends on weather conditions, duration of action, concentration. Systemic preparations penetrate the inside of plants and spread through the vascular system, suppressing the pathogen in the exchange of substances or influence directly on it. Efficiency depends on the speed of the actual substance inside the culture, as well as from the weather (it affects a lesser extent).

Most system fungicides have preventive and therapeutic properties.


Fungicides are by their nature:

  • chemical;
  • biological ( biogenic origin).

Chemical fungicides are distinguished by an unstable effect, after the termination of their action, the processed area is again populated by pathogenic microorganisms. It would seem that plant processing and soil on a regular basis will help solve the problem, but all chemical substances Toxic, so it is constantly prohibited to use them. The composition of biological preparations includes various strains of microorganisms that destroy the harmful microflora. They have a persistent prolonged action, non-toxic, but effective only at the beginning of the disease or in preventive purposes.

Review of effective drugs


Biological preparation with growth stimulantfor plants . It is used to rout seeds and process vegetable vegetable, grain plants, ornamental and indoor crops. They also process potatoes, strawberries and apple trees.

"Abiga Peak"

The drug of contact action from fungal diseases. The active substance is chloropusary copper. Use for the destruction of fungi on the vine of grapes, vegetable and fruit crops, colors and plants of drug importance. With the correct dosage moderately toxic.


The biological preparation is used as soil fungicide and to treat plants from fungal diseases - mildew, phytoophulas, rust and others. In addition, it reduces soil toxicity after use chemical preparations. The relevant substance is the useful soil microflora.


Biological preparation of protective contact against fungal diseases. They are treated with agricultural crops. In addition, it stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.


Biological fungicide with a protective effect from fungal and bacterial diseases,with proven efficacyfrom pulse dew. Fits most of allfor colors - carnations,rose and berry crops. Use for processing planting material - seeds, seedlings.

Bordeaux mix

One of the most popular and strengths against mushrooms. Suitable for the processing of bashev, citrus, vegetable crops, fruit and decorative shrubs. It helps to cope with phytoofluorosis, various spotnesses and rotches, as a pass.

"Bon Forte"

Comprehensive fertilizerfor room plants with contact action. Used as feeding, growth stimulator and medical agent. Affects the causative agents of mildew and other fungal diseases.


Contact chemical preparation with an active substance chlorotalonyl. Proceed with grain - oats, wheat, vegetables and potatoes. Destroys pathogenic fungi, causing a phytoftor, leafy spotty potatoes and false tormentous dew. It is most effective as a prophylactic agent. Well maintained on plants, it is not washed off with precipitation and water when watering.


Fungicide of contact and system action intended for processing seeds and bulbs before planting or cleaning for storage. Effective against causative agents, which will be pulled on the surface of the seed material, as well as penetrating inside.


The drug of contact-system protective and therapeutic action is aimed at suppressing phytopathogen. It is used to treat plants from pasta, gray rot, mildew.


Biological preparation with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. Processing indoor and garden plants. Successfully copes with a kayla, fusariasis, spots and phytoofluoro.


Biological preparation is designed to fight root rot. Apply to protect indoor and garden plants. Tablets are added to the soil before planting seeds.


Fungicide of chemical nature, which is used for treatment and eradication, as well as for the prevention of diseases of vegetables and grapes. It has a stimulating effect, it is allowed to use during the harvest period.


Fungicide is designed to combat false torment dew on vegetable cultures And with a phytoofluoro on potatoes. Active substances are well suppressed spores of mushrooms. Effective at the first manifestations of diseases.


Contact drug. They are treated with the soil, treated seeds and treated plants. The most effectively established itself in the treatment of rot, fusariosis and mold.

Copper Kuner

Contact preparation for combating fungus on bone, seed fruit, berry cultures. But only trees are treated in a state of rest. It is a bordeaux fluid component.


Another biological preparation inlist of fungicides. Suitable for indoor and garden plants. It does not destroy pathogens, and helps cultures to fight them yourself, that is, it increases their resistance to pathogens.




It is considered universal biological preparation. Its active ingredients are bacteria that, falling into the soil, begin to settle on the roots of plants and synthesize antibiotics and enzymes. It is these substances that prevent the development of root rot. Also "Planries" increases the immunity of plants.


Chemical preparation designed to process gooseberry, currant, strawberries and raspberries. It protects plants from the most common diseases, such as a pair, spotty, powdery dew.

"Profit Gold"

Contact-system chemical fungicide, well-protecting plants from fungal diseases. Consists of two active ingredients. One of them is quickly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, the other remains on the surface. Processing is carried out non. flowering plants And after harvesting.


This is a drug narrow orientation. He protects the plants of the Parenic family from alternariosis, sugar beet From pulse dew and fruit trees from the paste. Quickly penetrates the tissue and has a long protective ability.


The chemical preparation is equally well suppressing mushrooms and microbes. They are treated with grape vines, vegetable and floral cultures, fruit trees. He quickly prevents infection, stops the growth of mushrooms and dispute. It is allowed to apply it during the flowering period of cultures.



Chemical preparation with a systemic and contact action. It is used for the prevention and treatment of fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, vineyards from fungal diseases. It is characterized by speed, you can use with any weather. Malotoxic.


Chemical systemic drug, designed for preventive purposes and plant treatment, including room, from mildew, series of spotting and rust. Quickly absorbed by the culture, so the precipitation does not matter for it. The active substance accumulates in the soil, processing them is carried out no more than once every 3 years.


Highly efficient fungicide against pulse dew, spotty and gray rot. It quickly penetrates the plant and applies to vessels, preventing new defeats.


Chemical preparationfor garden But protects basically young shoots and leaves, has a local action, does not penetrate all the fabrics. Treats to them trees and shrubs in the garden, copes well with a monilial burn.


The chemical preparation that copes with the most resistant phytoofluorosis races. It acts locally to the lesion foci, has resistance to adverse weather conditions and long-term protective ability. The active substance is associated with natural plant wax and forms a film.


Preventive remedy for processing vegetable, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Also, they are treated with bulbs and seeds. Reduces the risk of developing phytoophulas on the site.


Biological fungicide designed for the prevention of rotors, anthrax, " black leg"And moniliosis. It includes an antibiotic, which also helps protect plants from bacterial diseases. It is permissible to usefor orchids and other plants located in the room. "Phytolavin" process grain, vegetable crops, currants, potatoes and hops.


Systemic chemical drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The active substance penetrates the plant tissue through leaves and roots. Effectiveto combat fungus. Very toxic. Used to process seeds.



Biological preparation used to process indoor, ornamental and vegetable crops. Well protects representatives of family, pumpkin and crucical, berry and flower cultures well. Suitablefor processing coniferous plants.

Before choosingfungicidal drugs, you need to accurately determine the disease and be sure to consider the type of plant. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions that the manufacturer usually places on the package. There are also containedwarnings about toxicity and information about what protection measures are needed when working with this means.

To get rid of fungal infections and mold or prevent the appearance, the soil is treated with special drugs - fungicides.

1 What is fungicides?

Fungicides include chemicals that proper use Destroy fungal diseases And at the same time they do not harm the plant that is processed. With the help of fungicides get rid of phytoophulas, gray rot, peridosporosis, fusariosis, mildew and spottedness of leaves.

By chemical composition of fungicides have a wide range of variations and include substances capable of disinfecting soil and plant tissues. Common variants of fungicidal substances may be called:

1.1 Types of fungicides

Depending on the form of a substance, such mixtures are sold in the form of powders, emulsions, liquid solutions or emulsions. In this case, any of the forms easily dissolve in water, which simplifies the processing process.

Depending on the composition of the mixture, two types of fungicides are distinguished:

  • inorganic;
  • biological.

Inorganic is a mixture of various chemicals (up to 4 grade hazard for humans). The basis for such mixes is hammer or colloidal sulfur, mercury chloride, chlorine copper or.

1.2 Types of fungicides

Biological fungicides consist of heterogeneous strains of active bacteria. They feed on fungal tissues, not touching healthy cells of home flora.

By type of action on fungal fabrics there is a division of mixtures on:

  • preventive;
  • medical.

Preventive (prophylactic) mixes are entered into the ground periodically before the first signs of infection appear. In this case, the effect of the drug is sharpened to the oppression of the reproductive organs of the fungus. As a result, even if it falls into a wet soil, the fungus loses the ability to spread in the plant's nutrient medium. This type of fungicide for potatoes and periodic processing of lawn is suitable.

Therapeutic fungicidal substances suppress the reproductive organs and the body of the fungus, reaching mycelium.

With the help of such compositions, an infected plant is treated. They help to get rid of even from inactive wintering particles, for example, the lawn. This solution is suitable for tomatoes and strawberries when dealing with gray rot.

As for the type of interaction with fungus, fungicides are divided into:

  • contact;
  • system.

Contact mixes penetrate a small depth and struggle with mold with direct contact. This type of substances include mangalls, cinb, burglar liquid, sulfur. Contact mixtures are protected only from surface fungal infections.

When pealsing the mold inside the tissues of the plant, they are powerless. In addition, thanks to point principle Action, plant and soil are covered carefully, not missing a millimeter, otherwise the remaining particles will replenish again.

1.3 Principle of action

The main feature of contact fungicides is that fungi is not able to develop resistance to them in repeated use.

Systemic fungicides on the principle of action relate to therapeutic. They do not require point distribution. The mixture falling into the soil independently absorbs into it, And also transported by plant tissues, getting to infected cells.

At the same time, protection against fungal infections after one application is saved for 3 weeks. 2 hours after use, such a drug is no longer washed out of the soil with rain.

The disadvantage of the drug is that after three or four applications on one culture, plants and mushrooms produce immunity to the action of the mixture. Often systemic fungicide solution Apply for roses and for open ground cucumbers. The action on these plants is the most pronounced.

1.4 Fighting plant diseases using fungicides in a decorative garden (video)

2 Features of the use of fungicidal mixtures

To obtain an effective effect when using mixtures-fungicides and at the same time protect yourself from possible negative impact Preparation, follow the rules:

  1. The mixtures are distributed on the site using the protective agents. Rubber gloves protrude protection for hands, and a respirator or a tight fabric mask, not capable of passing particles of the substance, is dressed.
  2. The distribution of the solution is better carried out with the help of modern. This will ensure a uniform coating with the drug throughout the area being processed.
  3. It is carried out in cloudy weather. Suitable for this time is the evening in the spring time, early morning (at dawn) in the fall. The green part of the plant first is processed. After that, the residue of the solution is distributed to the soil. It is advisable not to disseminate the composition 3-4 hours to precipitation.
  4. When processing crops that have green parts are eaten, stem, leaves and flowers during flowering drugs are not processed. The green part of the plant transports the composition and for a long time retains individual chemicals in the tissues. Therefore, it is impossible to use them. You can not handle leaves and flowers tomato, cherries, cherries, gooseberries and radish. If the processing was previously carried out, then it is necessary to wait for the expiry of the validity period for this mixture.
  5. Plants are processed by freshly prepared solution. A mixture that is stored over 24 hours, catastrophically loses properties and less efficient to use. Optimal option - It is to breed the drug immediately before sparing.
  6. Keep fungicidal mixes It follows in hermetic packaging. It is desirable to choose dry, darkened place. Atmospheric moisture is able to affect the structure and effect of chemicals, reducing their toxicity for mushrooms. Sunlight also reduces the effectiveness of active bacteria in biological mixtures. The room is selected with good thermal insulation to maintain drugs from the action of minus temperatures.
  7. When watering fungicides of coniferous plants, lawn, flower flower club And playgrounds should be protected from children and domestic animals for a period of at least two weeks. During this time, such a pesticide will have time to decompose in the upper layer of soil, and the remains of the substance inside the green plants will not damage to man or animals.
  8. Fungicides are stored depending on the type: biological mixtures - 2 years, chemical compositions retain efficiency and after 10 years of storage. The storage time is indicated on the package.

The most effective method of planting plants is spraying

Remember that the multiple use of one composition reduces the effectiveness of each subsequent. An acceptable scheme, is called the alternation of system and contact mixtures.

If only systemic drugs are used, then alternate 2-3 chemical composition.

2.1 How to choose a fungicide?

Fungicidal compositions affect homemade cultures in different ways. The reason for this is the principle of action of the drug, the structure of the plant treated by them, the chemical composition of the solution.

The most common are the following drugs:

  1. Stobirulin. Fungicides of the system action, which are used to prevent the appearance of fungal infections. Highly resistant to thermal exposure. Easily apply to all green tissues. The preparations of this type include Cabrio Top, but, Amistar, Flint.
  2. Hydroxyanilides. Refer to the system type of mixtures. Safe for humans and animals. Used for prophylaxis. The well-known composition of this type is Telfor.
  3. Triazole. This mixture is used not only for prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of plants. The solution is absorbed mainly through the leaves of the plant. Presented on the market of Alto, Topaz, Rex, Split, sports.
  4. Benzimidazole. Systemic fungicide, which is absorbed into roots from the soil. Effectively distribute the solution during irrigation. It has a healing effect, is also used for seed disinfection.
  5. Dithiocarbamate. The contact preparation is used to prevent the appearance of fungi on the leaves and stems.
  6. Immidazole. Contact fungicide, which is used to combat pulse dew and some types of mold. It is contained in the preparations of trifmin and mirage.

This year a record wet summer. And on their plants we see a record number of diseases. And you want ripe fruits on healthy and strong bushes - these are, for example:

And gardeners go to the nearest garden center, where there are tens of drugs in a beautiful packaging. Eyes run out, knowledge is missing. The gardener buys what the seller advises, but does not see the effect. Then the gardener appeals to the Council to the neighbors, to cheap mass newspapers advertising folk remedies... plants are accurate and dying.

To avoid such situations, let's talk about modern fungicides that help protect plants from diseases caused by pathogenic mushrooms.

Nuances diagnostic

Most often, the gardener is found with mushroom diseases on tomatoes.

Alternariasis in Teplice

If there are signs of the disease on my tomatoes (for example, the plant has become not so growing, the color of the leaves has changed, some stains appeared) - I open pictures on tomato diseases on the Internet and pre-decide that it happened to them: or it was pests, or shortage of nutrition elements, or poisoned soil, or illness.

If you come to the conclusion that my plants got sick, I decide what caused by the disease - bacteria or mushrooms. It depends on it right choice Prevention and treatment.

Alternaria in soil

More than 70% of cases on tomatoes, the gardener is found with typical diseases caused by mushrooms - or phytoofluorosis, or alternariasis (dry spot). IN open soil From August, it is almost always; In the greenhouse from July - alternaria.

To treat a phytoftor, you need to have general view, how mushrooms are affected by plants. Almost always that the fungus show aggression, you need high humidity and even the water film on the sheet and fruits. Therefore, we are so afraid of the morning dew in the soil and high humidity in the greenhouse.

The sheet is usually protected by thick epidermis, the mushroom does not pass through it, but the sheet is covered with bristle hairs. When we touch, traumatize the gentle leaves, or the leaf injured pests - the mushroom penetrates the mushroom immediately into these did not succeed.

But the plant is always ready for the fight, it includes immunity forces, produces new protective enzymes to destroy mushrooms, or vice versa, causes death and drying up their fabrics so that the mushroom has no food to multiply.

Let's talk about phytoofluorosis and phytooftor

Initially, large blurry brown brown necrotic spots appear on the leaves of the stems and fruits. Then S. different speed Dry all the leaves and draw the fruits.
There are several forms and races of mushrooms, and therefore the degree and form of the defeat of tomatoes (as well as potatoes) from year to year and, depending on the area differs.

The disputes of the mushroom through the dust or wrecks quickly germinate in the form of a mushroom, tissue tissue cells and suck the juices of the plant. Then the sheet appears quickly white flag - This mushroom has begun to sput. The disputes are spread with the wind and until next year can be maintained in the soil and on the remains of plants. Therefore, it is so important to the remains of tomatoes and potatoes or burn, or burn deeply. Tomato seeds can also store such disputes on themselves, so I can't disinfect seeds vitaros - He does not burn seeds and germin as a mangartan.

I am doing my best change beds under tomatoes Every year and not to land them near potatoes. This is the main thing. After all, the small doses of the dispute in the air, which are always, do not affect strong healthy plants. Only the focus of large doses of infection in the soil on the garden, where tomatoes or potatoes grew. No less malware disputes brought by wind from a patient potato field - they will very quickly destroy your tomatoes with any prevention.

Of immunity stimulants It is worth using only immunocytophite. The remaining dozens of similar preparations work are not as securely and more complex in use, more precisely, depend on many conditions of their use. The same zircon and epin, for example, can often give the opposite effect in inept hands.

About "medicines" against mushrooms - fungicides

This year I sowed eggplant seeds from China. And all plants have an early illness. None of the fungicides helped, the disease was managed only by antibiotics (metronidazole + streptomycin). It turned out that this mushroom Fusarium, which penetrated the roots of infected seeds.

But from most mushroom diseases affecting our plants, you can get rid of affordable fungicides. It is only important to choose the drug and correct it to apply it.


Active ingredient: Azaxistobin, 250 g / l. New systemic broad spectrum fungicide To protect vegetable crops from a complex of disease. Refers to the new class of drugs - strobilurins. He suppresses the causative agent of the disease when he falls onto the sheet.

The eradicating effect of quadris makes it possible to stop the distribution and development of infection on the site. This is one of the few drugs protecting vegetable crops. from all major diseases: pulse dew, phytoofluorosis, macrosporiosis, false mildew, spotty and others.

Strobilurins least harmful for humans. But they do not kill the mushroom completely: after 1 - 2 weeks, he wakes up again and with new powers Amazes the plant.

Ridomil Gold

The most effective of affordable drugs, perhaps, can be a Ridomil Gold. This is a fungicide of contact-system action to combat phytoofluorosis, alternariasis and other mushroom diseases. The active ingredient: 40 g / kg of mefhenoxam + 640 g / kg of the mancoacer.

Tomato leaf in open ground in August. Helped Ridomil Gold

Mephenoksam provides internal defenseQuickly penetrates the plant and kills all mushrooms, especially effective against mushrooms from the class of oomycetes (pathogens of false torment Ros). Mancantheb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide. The double effect of the drug turns out to be determining: thanks to him, the plant is protected from the inside, and outside.

And further it's important to know: Mushrooms easily produce resistance to fungicides acting inside the plant. And the existing outside is usually always sensitive.


The Tanos is even more effective - a stained fungicide with the attending effect to combat alternariasis and phytoophluorosis of tomatoes and potatoes, white and gray rot, false torment. Active substances: 250 g / l Famoxadon + 250 g / l Tsimoxanil.

Potato field at the end of July. Help Tanos

Famoxadon forms a film on the surface of a sheet and acts as a protective barrier, preventing the penetration of the pathogen inside the plant. Due to the ability to bind to the surface of the sheet, the phumoxadon is usually after 2 hours not washed off rain or water With irrigation.

Cimoxanil is not affected by one, but immediately into several biochemical reactions in the mushroom cells, which prevents the production of resistance (resistance to the drug). This substance moves in the leaves (translaminar action), as well as in the stems from the bottom up, compensating for the uneven distribution of the working solution on plants during processing.

Experiments have shown that the effectiveness of the Tanos against alternariosis is at times greater than the effectiveness of other drugs.


Recently, from phytoophulas on potatoes, I began to use an even more reliable fungicide acrobat MC. Active substance: Dimetomorph 90 g / kg + Mancoingb 600 g / kg.

My cucumbers in early August. Helped Acrobat

It is commonly used in the south of Mildew on grapes and from false torment dew on cucumbers. Mushroom has not yet purchased stability to this drug.

How to apply fungicides

If mushroom diseases are rampant in your zone on tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, grapes - alternate every 7-10 days listed drugs. Only conducting processing drugs with different compositions in which two drugs, acting and outside and from the inside, can be copier with any resistant mushrooms.

False muffin dew on cucumbers

And other drugs based on copper Kaper We depart into the past. Yes, they can protect your tomatoes. But at the same time can greatly poison the soil and its biota Due to the accumulation of copper in the soil at annual application.

For many years of gloomy, I fought a lot of cones. If in the greenhouse 3 years in a row I plant tomatoes - alternariasis is rampant since July. If changing upper layer Soil and alternating culture - there are almost no mushroom diseases. Frequently frequent processing of acch and one-time processing a week before the start of reddening of tomatoes, Daidomyl Gold.

In the field in the neighbors of the phytoofer always there. Therefore, since mid-July, I spend three potato treatments, changing drugs and stimulating the AKCH plants.

How to defeat mildew

But besides mushrooms like phytoophulas, alternaria, we are annoyed and mushrooms causing mildewing dew on cucumbers, colors (phlox, roses), rotted fruits (apples, strawberries), various rust on the coniferous plants. There is another group of drugs here.

A leaf of capricious rose into anomalously rainy summer. Helped topaz

For preventing mildewa dew Starting with the preparation Topaz Ke. It contains a substance of Pengoneazole. This is a systemic fungicide to protect seeds, bone, berry, vegetable, decorative cultures and grape vine from real mildew and other diseases.

The best results give preventive use at the beginning of the growing season or at the first signs of the appearance of the disease. The drug helps to suppress the primary infection and prevent the dissemination of the disease with mildew. Interval between processing: 7-14 days.

But in some zones, the mushrooms acquired resistance to topaz. Then it is necessary to use a stronger fungicide diphenoconazole. It is part of the drugs under the following names: Sorrow, Dividend, Rajak, Cephranium.

If it does not help, then with re-spraying it is necessary to use propiconeazole (drugs of purestone BAU or combined gold CE, containing propiconezole + cipoconazole).

I processes my plants in early summer with copper-based drugs, better than high-quality imported type of abiga peak. Then I repeat the processing soon (rake) is for prevention. If there are signs of the disease, then in August I change these drugs to Ridomil Gold.

Onions in a rainy summer did not hurt peronosorosis. Helped soon

Do not believe in myths about wonderful folk methods and resistant varieties. Do not believe that the humats and phytoosporins will destroy modern mushrooms on patients with plants.

My tomatoes in the greenhouse do not hurt. Twice handled Ridomil Gold

I make the focus on the selection of zoned varieties, to create a healthy "living soil", using acch and local mineral feeding. And I use fungicides extremely rare. But if mushroom diseases appeared - only the most modern fungicides apply. According to the instructions and in the complex.

Only personal experience Growing healthy plants In specific conditions for healthy soil, it will allow you to reduce the "medicinal" load in your garden and grow sufficient crop of sweet, solar, fragrant fruits.

In the arsenal of each experienced and there are preparations in the form of an emulsion, powder or suspension. In the fight against fungal diseases, they are simply indispensable. You can find a similar agrochemistry of different types of impact. Consider the most popular fungicides for and analyze each name in the aspect of the sensitivity to the pathogenic fungi.

Did you know? For the first time O. chemical method Plant treatment spoke in 470 to our era of democritus. In his Scripture, he reflected on the need to spray flowers from malicious dew with an aqueous infusion of Maslin. BUT ancient philosopher Homer advised in the fight against pathogenic microbes and pests to use sulfur.


The preparation is organic fungicidebased on the grain substrate and active soil bacteria Trichoderma Lignorum, the livelihood of which contributes to the oppression of fungal dispute.

Triphodermin can cope with 70 species of pathogens of fungal paragraphs of plants. In particular, such as: Seed infections, fusariosis, macrosporiosis, root rot, phytoofluoride, risoctonyosis.

The tool begins to act when contact with microorganisms, without poisoning the culture. It is characterized by the ability to improve the fertility of the Earth, stimulate the nutrition of the roots and increase the grain germination.

Externally, this is a light powder that enters the implementation in packages, with a capacity of 10 g. For disinfection with root lesions, the contents of the package are bred in 1 liter of water and moisturize the suspension in the pot. And for the treatment of an overhead part of the vases, the entire drug from the package is dissolved in 5 liters of water. Also, Triphodermin is recommended for prevention during resetting (pinch are added to the substrate), when rooting the cuttings of sensipolines (a little poured into water).

The remnants of the unused solution are better to put in a closed container into the cellar and store not more than 4 weeks. And when re-using should be waited until the tool reaches room temperature.

Is an biological fungicide For plants in the garden and in a house containing bacteria called Bacillus subtilis..
They affect the causative agents of fusariosis, mildew, gray and white rot, phytoofluorosis, leaf spot, kila, mildu (false mildew).

Gamiir is released in the form of tablets. For watering flowering and decorative crops, 1 tablet must be dissolved in 5 liters of water, and 2 tablets and 1 liters of water are necessary for spraying. Disinfection repeat the desired result for the week three times a day.

Bordeaux liquid

This fungicide hit the list of the most strong preparations From pathogenic microbes and mushrooms. It can be purchased in the finished form, and you can prepare yourself.

To do this, in separate non-metallic tanks, it is necessary to pour boiling water (not cool) 300 g of negated lime and. Then in each mission bring the composition to the desired volume (up to 5 liters) with cold water.

After the calcination of the lime, the gauze folded into several layers was soluble, slowly add the contents of the second dishes to it. As a result, a bright blue 3% mixture with active copper and neutralizing acid lime should be obtained.

Be careful: non-compliance with the proportions to hurt plants. For example, if you underestimate the lime powder, the colors after processing with such a means will receive strong burns. The reduced ratio of components is intended for bulk foci of infection. At the initial stages of the disease, for vases it is recommended to prepare in the ratio of 100 g: 100 g: 10 liters.

If after processing the solution remains, it can be saved 24 hours, adding a teaspoon of sugar (10 liters).

Important! It is possible to determine the acidity of burgundy fluid using an iron nail. If, when lowering into the solution, it has been covered with a reddish copper flask for 5 minutes, the reaction is sour.

The fungicide is designed to spray the above-ground part of the plants and affects the pathogens for 2 weeks, does not suppress the reproduction of torment mushroom spores.

The suspension is recommended for plant treatment during flowering, since it contributes to an increase in the percentage of the resulting crisis and the development of roots.

It interacts well with chlororganic and phosphorodorganic substances, but it cannot be mixed with burglar liquid.

Released in the form of tablets. For processing underground parts Plants are bred 2 tablets in a bucket of water, and for spraying stems and branches - enough of the water and 2 "Alina" tablets. With strong infection, it is recommended to repeat disinfection in a week. Maximum number of treatments - 3 .

Did you know? In the struggle for the crop, people experimented with different chemical compounds, treating them plants. Milarde's Frenchman somehow noticed that after spraying copper sulfate with lime, the vineyard is not amazed by Mildew. So the discovery happened Bordeaux mixes.


It is a biological preparation of anti-grab and antibacterial action. After its use, an increase in yields on vegetable crops is noted, an increase in the seed seed and the development of a powerful rhizoma.

For these qualities, fungicide fell in love, but it is successfully used as a prophylactic agent and flower products.

Active substance "Agat" microorganisms Pseudomonas aureofaciens.. The drug goes on sale in 10-gram bottles with fluid paste. The working solution is prepared with the calculation of 3 liters of water for a 1 dimensional spoonful of fungicide. Processing of vases with the resulting composition is made three times with a 20-day interval.

The tool is intended for preventive treatment Indoor flowers from lesions and pathogenic microbes. It is used as one of the components of disinfection mixtures.

The fungicide has an inner influence on and other sucking insects, as well as on the pathogens of the paste, rust, mildew and phytoofluorosis. Prevention spend spraying 4% Green soap solution.

The drug is released in plastic bottles of different tanks. At the bottom of the package, let's say a little precipitate.

Maximum number of treatments - 3 . If we are talking about disinfection of citrus crops, then processing is planning a week before the fertility collection.
The solution is prepared depending on the attacker pathogen or pest. For example, a mixture of tobacco tincturing and "green soap" is used from sucking insects in a ratio of 2 l: 25 g, and during infection with malicious microorganisms, 2 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liters of water and a fungicide solution is added to a solution.

Important! Before working with fungicides necessarily take care of security, defending itself with special, rubber shoes, gloves, glasses, headdress, with a respirator.

This fungicide From the list of kernels for decorative, technical, medicinal, fruit, vegetable, floral, and forest plants.

The active substance of the drug ( chlorine of media) Specifies on pathogenic fungi and microbes when contacting them.

Available in the form of an aqueous suspension, spilled into the vials of 50 g and canisters of 12.5 liters. Experts celebrate high dispersion active components of the means, which contributes to a uniform distribution on the stems and leaves of room colors.

In addition, "" is effective as a prophylactic agent, affecting the temperature conditions. The working solution is prepared, diluting the drug according to the proportions indicated in the instructions. The residues of the suspension can be saved for a long period.


It is on sale "Phytosporin-M". It is an organic fungicide used to combat diseases caused by the vital activity of fungal disputes and bacteria.

Released as a powder, liquid or a dark brown paste. Among the weighty benefits of the substance is its economy, long deadlines Storage I. wide spectrum actions. Processing can be carried out with extracurric and root methods. In addition, it is recommended to use "phytoosporin" for soaking the sowing material, rhizomes of seedlings when landing, protecting flower tubers and bulbs when bookmarking the cellar for the winter.

Did you know? The story included the facts of using the drug in 1778 as an insecticide from the raw material and kerosene to combat the flap on orange trees.

This biological preparation is simultaneously antidote, fungicide and growth stimulant.

Agronomas recommend it to restore plants after herbicidal stress, long-term droughts, hails, during various fungal lesions, with poor germinal grains and low yields.
The drug does not have toxic influence on vases and people. In order to preventive and therapeutic measures, it is used with root rot, bacteriosis, leaf spot. The active substance "Albita" does not cause addiction from pathogenic microorganisms. Very effective in applying for indoor plants.

For processing ,