System fungicides list of drugs. Fungicides list of drugs and instructions for use

Growing plants by household territories Near private houses, cottages or country mansions is the favorite occupation of many dachensons and gardeners. But at different stages of such work, it is necessary to look for effective methods for combating the impressive number of hazardous diseases and pests, which, as if an invisible attack, attack all garden crops and turn them into trash. To avoid this kind of events, many dacms choose special fungicidal drugswhich quickly and effectively eliminate the problem, performing complex processing of flowers, vegetable crops and other plants from the development of dangerous diseases.

What is the high benefit of systemic fungicides, why such drugs have excellent antifungal and anti-stress properties, as well as what products do they deserve to be in your garden because of their working indicators and reliability?

It is important to understand that there are organic and inorganic drugs. In any case, the first, and the second type can become the only solution to combat various pests of fungal nature. Currently, the list of system fungicides is overflowing with a mass of various proposals. The list of available products is very extensive and is constantly expanding, so you can choose a suitable means for your household site.

Biological fungicides for plants are special substances of biological origin, which serve as an effective means for preventing, preventing and combating fungal lesions, insects and other pests that are harmful to roommates or gardening crops. Most of the drugs are indispensable to ensure reliable protection Seeds during the recreation period.

If we translate the term from Latin, it will mean "killing mushrooms." Timely use of fungicides for indoor plants or garden and gardening crops Allows to preserve the health of plants, improve yield indicators, and prevent the development of dangerous mycoses. For this reason, each self-respecting dacket must respond to the need to purchase such drugs for its site.

Characteristics and basic properties

With the proper operation of fungicides for plants, protection of fruit and vegetable crops, as well as room plants will be maximum. Such remedies are effectively fighting with pathogenic mushrooms and prevent their further development. If you do not know how to make right choiceYou cannot deal with the names and models, trust the professional staff from hypermarkets for home, garden and garden or study the mass of available articles on the portals of the country farm. Such tips will help make the right choice, which is perfect for specific circumstances and situations.

Fungicidal substances may differ depending on some parameters that determine the power of exposure. To make the right solution when choosing a suitable drug, such features should be taken into account.

By the origin of the fungicides are divided into:

  • organic (biofungicides, which consist of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (preparations created with the help of complex chemical reactions and connections).

According to the degree of decomposition, allocate:

  1. inorganic fungicidal preparations that are long saved in the soil and have a big impact on pests;
  2. models of biological origin with environmental safety and environmental and soil;

According to exposure:

  • formulations from plant components. Are considered more "soft" and safe, but their effectiveness is not high enough;
  • compounds based on chemicals that work much faster, but very often contain toxic components and are able to harm human body;

Other features

Also, fungicides can be divided into different groups by the nature of the distribution of plant tissues:

For the purpose of operation:

  • for soil processing;
  • for taking pre-prepared seeds;
  • for spraying during the growing season;
  • for effective prevention fungus;
  • as a universal composition (sometimes it is used in the treatment of aluminated coniferous plants);

It is important to note that recently the incredible increase in the popularity of biofungicides, which differ in a more gentle action and good effectiveness are noted. Many dacms and flower products refuse to use chemicals, afraid that they can harm the plants and quality of the soil. Very often, such funds cause different diseases in humans, including a complex degree of poisoning, in case the basic rules of care are not followed during processing. In turn, biological fungicides for plants are particularly effective when protecting indoor flowers and crops that are used in food.

Features of application

Fungicides are presented in the form of special powders, which are entered into the soil or driving seeds, as well as in the form of solutions intended for spraying plants. Some varieties of drugs will be effective at different stages of life and the development of fruit and vegetable crops. If we are talking about the fight against fungal lesions of different cultures, it is necessary to comply with the basic safety regulations, protecting themselves from negative influence active substances:

Failure to observe any rules can lead to different negative consequences, cause an allergic reaction or poisoning. It is better not to risk your health and carefully treat mandatory preparation for the upcoming procedure.

Using preparations for indoor flowers and garden crops

For the effective prevention of fungal diseases, contact and systemic fungicides. At home, experts recommend to apply biological preparations, which contains active bacteria. When operating in urban apartments, it is possible to use compositions in the form of emulsions, solutions and powders. Concerning chemical fungicides, They can be used before the beginning of the growing season or after the completion of flowering and the collection of fruit harvest. Biological preparations are suitable for use at any time of the year, and individual means can be applied when collecting fruits.

Indoor Flowers need intensive protection from a variety of pests and diseases, so their application must be mandatory. Otherwise, the intensity of the development of dangerous diseases will be very high.

As for the use of a solution and a powder on a fungicidal basis for the garden, such drugs will be effective when soaking seeds. Also, they can also be added to the soil when carrying out loosening and resistance. This will prevent the development of the fungus in the ground and protect it from development. dangerous pests. Spraying spend in early spring And by the end in the fall, what is effective method For antifungal processing of crops, and especially such as peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

In order for the use of the drug as efficient as possible, it is necessary to properly dilute it in accordance with a certain proportion and common rules. So, the breeding of fungicide occurs as follows:

Experts are not recommended to prepare too large volumes of fungicides. It is also impossible to leave the solution open during the storage period. This can lead to deposits, including poisoning of people or pets, which may accidentally drink part of the composition.

Features of the choice of an effective drug

If we are talking about the choice of a fungicidal agent, you need to know a number of subtleties and features that will significantly simplify the upcoming purchase. In the process, it is necessary to take into account the processing area, types of processed plants, the degree of toxicity and the extensity of the lesion. It should also be considered the advice of professional agrotechnics, gardeners, gardens and connoisseurs of different flower plants. Do not forget that in nature there is a mass of pathogenic fungi, which can be resistant to any chemical compositions, so from time to time the drugs used should be changed by others in order to increase their effectiveness.

Among the most popular fungicides that have proven themselves when dealing with different diseases and fungi, you can select the following:

Before buying one of the products you are interested in, carefully examine the instructions and treat the selection of a suitable proportion with full responsibility. This will avoid negative consequences In the future and to spend truly effective prophylaxis Or treatment of plants on its preservation site.

The modern agrochemistry market offers a large number of all kinds of drugs for the prevention and treatment of already emerging plant diseases. As they say, for every taste and color. However, to save the garden and the garden from the problems of bacteriological nature is not so easy. It is not enough to choose from the list of the name of fungicides and purchase them. It is necessary to correctly calculate how they will act and how well will work against a certain illness. Consider closer what is contact and systemic fungicides for plants.

The drug Maxim (the commercial name of the fungicide) and it can be purchased independently and process them seeds and bulbs immediately before planting in the ground.

Names of fungicides

Contact fungicides for plants - These are preventive preparations. They protect very well, but usually cannot be treated and showing weak results if the infection occurred. Therefore, they are used as soon as possible, begin at the very beginning of the season, producing a thorough spraying of all fruit and berry crops before the start of the renal dissipation. During flowering, the processing is not made (this applies primarily with copper-containing drugs, since copper is accumulated in different parts plants, and when hitting flowers - both in the strings and fruits, and excreted very slowly).

  • Fungicide treatment of contact action is carried out only in dry weather, carefully, since the effectiveness of drugs directly depends on which area of \u200b\u200bthe plant turned out to be covered. One of the advantages of contact preparations is considered the slow development of resistance (sustainability) to them from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The effectiveness of contact fungicides strongly depends on weather conditions, the resistance of the drug to the solar effect, the degree of "adultery" to the surface. If certain conditions are degraded, the new processing may be needed after 5-7 days.
Contact and system fungicides

Local action tools can also be applied by the entire season, for example, the processing of planting against phytoophulas, if it is systematically prior to the emergence of the first manifestations of the disease in the district.

System fungicides for plants

The fungicides of the system action penetrate the plant itself and already from the inside act on the pathogen. Funds can be applied at different stages of plant development. Systemic fungicides for plants can be both preventive and attending. They are much less dependent on weather conditions, because they are not washed away with precipitation. However, temperature differences can reduce the immunity of the plant itself and, on the contrary, aggravate its condition.

Duration of action

The validity period of systemic fungicides depends on the susceptibility of the fungus and the rate of development of resistance. Unfortunately, to the means of this group of fungi and bacteria "get used to" faster. Therefore, the effectiveness of drugs can decrease after 4 7 days. The exit from the situation is a change of fungicide on a different active substance, as well as the use of a comprehensive means (system + contact preparation).

In some cases, manufacturers are combined in one product two fungicide or fungicide and insecticide. It turns out the set, the effectiveness of which is usually higher, and the protection time of landing after processing longer. Usually the mixture is made up of one contact fungicide and one system or of two systemic. Such means are called combined (contact-system), complex or mixed fungicides.

Some names of fungicides

We give some Names of fungicides By the nature of the distribution in the plant.

  1. Contact Action Preparations: Abiga Peak, Bravo, Maxim, Ditin M45, Penncocelebeb, Profit, Tiovit Jet, Bordeaux Mix, Copper Summary, inkstone, Ordan, Hom, Rusurl SP,
  2. System fungicides for plants - This is, for example, Bayleton, discor, impact, raykek, soon, topaz, phytolecar, favorite, phytolavin, Fundazole, Chorus, purestone.
  3. Combined preparations (contact and systemic fungicides) - Amystar Trio, Vectra, Vitaros, Cabrio, Quadris, Consul, Ordan, Oksich, Prestige, Profit Gold, Spirit, Tanos, etc.

Other classifications of fungicides for plants

In addition to the described classification, drugs with fungicidal properties differ in other parameters, for example, by the nature of the action: attending, or fighter; immunizing (elixitors) and prophylactic (protective).

Biological fungicides

Contact fungicides most often have a prophylactic and partially attending effect. Preparations of biological origin in addition to prevention and treatment have a pronounced immunizing effect. Some system fungicides are also in addition to protective and medical properties Immunizing, that is, they affect the growth and development of plants, changing their metabolism.

The classification of origin is divided by drugs on true fungicides, pseudophungsides and natural antagonists. The first group is toxic for fungi and bacteria and outside plants, by itself. The second type of substances interacts with the plant and is not dangerous for the pathogen group. Natural antagonists contain disinflected strains of pathogens and help plants improve immunity.

Another criterion, which is usually not reflected by the names of the fungicides, but explains the instruction - the purpose of the use of the drug. There are seeds (for example, Maxim, Vitaros, Credo), means for disinfection of closed soil (teemite jet), for the processing of perennials that are at rest, as well as for the processing of all plants during the growth period (vegetation).

Biological fungicides are effective when processing landings in order to prevent. They protect the plants from phytoofluorosis, of different kind Rotina, mildew.

It is worth keeping in mind:

Names of fungicides

Combined tools show high efficiency against a large list of diseases, however, are often characterized by an increased hazard class. All the necessary information, instructions, including the method of disposal of packaging and unused solution, the manufacturer makes a package. You only need to read it carefully. And last, when processing landings by any type of fungicides, it is necessary to use elementary protection tools and comply with safety techniques.

Gardeners and gardeners try to raise harvest without chemical additives. But sometimes it is difficult to cope with various plant diseases. You have to resort to the help of fungicides so that the harvest does not die for the root.

Gardening stores offer a large selection of fungicides of various focus. But it is difficult to understand them. There are many components to one degree or another affecting the plant and human body.

Plan article

Types of fungicides

Group name chemicals Comes from Latin "Fungus" - mushroom. Preparations are aimed at combating fungal diseases of plants. Special means are divided into several groups, different in composition and methods of action.

All fungicidal agents are divided according to the composition of 2 groups:


Chemical (inorganic) preparations contain in its composition the compounds of dangerous and safe components for humans and animal components. Sulfur and iron, mercury and nickel, copper and manganese can be contained in different proportions in the form of salts and complex chemical compounds.

These drugs have a fast and persistent effect on the colonies of fungi. But with careless circulation, they can affect human health.


Biological (organic) belong to the least dangerous drugs. Their composition includes various microorganisms, which, under the influence of external factors, oppress the growth of fungus and protect cultural plants from negative activities. A distinctive feature Biopreparations is the absence of heavy metals in the composition and short period of action.

Contact and systemic

By the method of action, the means are divided into contact and systemic.

Specialists consider the drugs of contact action less dangerous for humans and wildlife.. The use of these substances is limited to the surface effect. The drug does not penetrate the plant, and acts only on the surface when contacting the pathogenic flora with a plant.

In the system method of protection, the active components of the fungicide penetrate the plant in the leaves, stems (trunks) and fruits. Over time, the process of metabolism and substances are decomposed and output. Systemic drugs are not dangerous atmospheric precipitation or watering. The active ingredients are absorbed when spraying in a short time and protect the plant from the inside.

The disadvantage of these funds is the resistance of the fungus. Improving immunity against a fungicide of a certain group, it is not amenable to treatment. Therefore, it is not recommended to use drugs with the same components.

For what is used

Basically, fungicides are preventive tools for combating fungal microflora. They are used for:

  • preset seed treatment;
  • processing infected soil sections;
  • preventive treatment of shrubs and trees in rest;
  • protection of plants during the growing season;
  • protection against fungus and mold buildings and vegetable stores.

Methods for using fungicides

Fungicides are produced in various forms depending on the method of use.

  1. From dry powders and granules, you can prepare working solutions for spraying, watering and soaking seeds. Preparations are bred by water in accordance with the instructions for use, which accompanies each packaging.
  2. No less popular way is to enter powders and mixtures when plowing and landing.
  3. Liquid preparations are sold in ampoules or bottles and are designed to prepare liquids for spraying plants and preparation of complex mixes for seed treatment.

There are also drugs in the form of emulsions. They are distinguished by the increased concentration of active substances.

Characteristics and features of chemicals

Chemicals can be especially dangerous for people with some kidney diseases, metabolism and allergies to components. But when dosage, the multiplicity of treatments and the use of protective individual means avoids problems is not difficult.

Among the chemical drugs to combat mold and fungal diseases of plants, there are practically harmless.


The usual manganese or manganese-acid potassium is used for seed drives already long years. The weak solution is treated with bowheads before boarding, the bulbs of tulips and gladiolus are etched, soaked seeds for germination.

The drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals, but effectively protects plants from the argument of fungus. In addition, the content of potassium and manganese in the drug can eliminate the shortage of these elements. The effect of the drug is systemic.

For use is considered the norm of 0.1 g of manganese-sour potassium per 100 ml of water. When used, you need to wear rubber gloves. The drug can dry the skin. A large concentration is able to cause a chemical burn. With frequent use as a fungicide or fertilizer, manganesev negatively affects the growth of the plant due to the accumulation large number Potassium in the soil.

Soda calcined

Soda calcined (sodium carbonate Anhydrous) is often used in the household for processing and disinfection of common areas and pipelines. The effectiveness of this fund against fungus has been proven by many years of experience.

In vegetable garden, a solution of soda and economic Soapwhich contributes to the consolidation of the drug on the leaves. Soda is especially effective against gray rot and mildew. An additional sodium carbonate is treated with cultural plants from insect pests. They also save the soil from the acidification. A strongly concentrated solution can be saved from weeds.

The drug is unique and almost harmless if not to use it in large doses. Specialists belong to the category of system agents to protect the garden.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigoros is a universal preparation for processing from fungus, fertilizer and protection against pest insects. The drug is referred to the category of systemic. It is able to accumulate in plants and soil. But when complying with dosages when working with him, KUPP does not affect the health of the person and the warm-blooded representatives of the animal world.

Used, the concentration of which depends on the purpose of processing and a specific culture. Most often apply the drug early spring or fall after harvest.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid known to gardeners from the last century. Prepare it on the basis of copper sulfate and limety milk. The drug is little toxic and effective against most fungal diseases garden crops.

Basically, the liquid is used for whitewashing and spraying trees. A distinctive feature of the drug is the "Blue Glow" within a few days after spraying.

You will be interested to know, Toms and feedback about the preparation.

Other popular chemical fungicides

Enterprises engaged in the production of chemicals for crop production are constantly developing and enhanced various means. Among popular chemical fungicides are allocated:

  • Cinnabs, Mankucket, Polycarbocine are contact preparations for the prevention of fungus on plants. The term of their action is no more than two weeks or to the first rain, which blends the substance. The number of treatments per season can reach 5-6. It is recommended to use preparations for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Systemic fungicides are distinguished by a variety of composition. Anthrakla, Trifmin, Rubican belong to different groups of chemical systemic fungicides. Such a variety is caused by the ability of fungus to get used to, and do not respond to components of funds from one group.
  • Complex fungicides combine the properties of systemic and contact preparations. This is the most profitable option for treating cultivated plants against fungus. Some of them help to further struggle with harmful insects.

Choosing chemicals To protect their landings, it is necessary to remember their health and environmental hazard.

Characteristics and features of biofungicides

In nature, even the fungus has enemies. This feature is used in biological preparations. Living microorganisms are able to integrate the fungus cells and inhibition of their growth, gradually destroying the colony and protecting the plants.

Most microorganisms are absolutely safe for humans and surrounding animals and useful insects. Use funds, in contrast to chemical fungicides, you can all season. Practices are recommended to alternate various drugs.

The disadvantage of biological means of protection is the prophylactic nature and validity period. If a plant or soil on the plot is already amazed by fungus, then the biological products will not help.

The most popular fungicides of biologically active composition are:

  1. Produced in the form of powder, liquid and even pasta. It is effective against mold, paste, root rot. Compatible with many pesticides.
  2. Protects from soft rotting and necrosis of the stalk core.
  3. Contains a whole complex of biologically active soil metabolites. It is recommended to use against most fungal diseases in the garden and garden.

Despite the very small danger of biological fungicides, instructions should be followed by the preparation of workers and protection measures.

Advantages and disadvantages of fungicides

The question is what to choose to protect the crop, even before experienced gardeners and gardeners every spring. It is necessary to solve independently, choosing what is more important in each case.

Biologically active drugs are much safer than chemical. But their effectiveness is too small. They are not suitable for the treatment of plants. While chemicals easily cope with any fungus.

Chemicals are more economical. Their price is lower and consumption is minimal. In most cases, no more than two treatments are required for the season. Biological products are very short term Actions and ineffective.

Contact action can affect human health than systemic fungicides. Although, when protecting plants, minimal doses are used by system tools and multiple treatments are not required.

Before you decide which means to purchase, it is worth weighing positive and negative sides drugs. In some cases, you can do without them, observing the rules for the processing of soil and crop rotation.

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Chemical substancesHaving antifungal activity relate to the category of fungicides. Apply such means to prevent the development of micose epidemics, the treatment of fungal lesions, seed stripping before landing.

Modern chemical industry offers various fungicides, the list of drugs is applied below, which are separated on therapeutic, contact, system and protective. In the case of infection of cultivated plants, malicious fungal microorganisms, fungicides for plants, the list of drugs and their features describe are somewhat lower below.

What is fungicides

Fungicide (pesticide) is designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of fungal diseases.

If you are literally translated and correctly formulated, the word "fungicide" means - "murderer of mushrooms." This feature of biological substances, chemical origin Used to suppress breeding, destruction of various fungal disputes. Depending on the severity of the illness, the type of fungal lesion choose the necessary fungicidal preparation.

Fungicides suppress the development of fungal diseases on plants

The principle of action of fungicides is unknown. According to the experiments carried out, these funds affect the pathogens, by violating their biochemical reactions, the enzymatic synthesis of mushrooms inhibit the flow of these reactions. There are fungicidal substances with the ability to slow the biological products of protein, nucleic acids, ergosterina, which is the component of the membranes of mushroom cells and their dispute. The cumulative effect of these substances causes tissue respiration disorders, cellular division. According to the method of exposure, they are divided into:


Work directly at the place of application. In other words, local destination drugs to combat symptomatic manifestations of fungal lesions. They begin to act immediately after applying on the area covered with active substance. The effectiveness of treatment with such drugs affects the probability of falling and the amount of precipitation.


After entering the organs and systems of plants, distributed throughout the body, including root system, the most hidden corners where disputes and mushrooms can hide. These substances are rapidly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, after which the processes of development and reproduction of fungal pathogens are actively oppressed. Their impact suppresses the causative agent in all parts of the plants. With systematic exposure, the possibility of precipitation is not necessary to take into account.

There are contact and systemic fungicides


Antimicose action preparations are produced in powder form, as a suspension concentrated solution. Based on the components of the elements and the principle of impact, the fungicidal agents are divided into types:


With a high degree of lesion, fungicides of chemical origin are used to achieve a quick, maximum effect. These tools have antifungal effect when using small dosages in a short period of time, due to the high concentration of active elements. It is necessary to use them with caution, due to possible toxic effects, sedimentation in soil layers.

Chemical representatives of the lines of fungicides include:

  • manganese;
  • bordeaux liquid;
  • calcined soda;
  • copper core.


The basis of active biological fungicides is the ability of living beneficial bacteria to suppress the development and reproduction of fungal pathogenic microorganisms. Restoring the balance of microflora, these drugs do not have a destructive, toxic impact on living organisms, environment. They are completely decomposed in the ground, are suitable for use in closed and open conditionsCompatible with most pesticides, antibacterial agents.

Fungicides are chemical and biological

Methods of application

Effect weapons in this struggle are fungicides. Reduce crop loss, preserve the decorativeness of deciduous, blooming and coniferous plants, by planting plants, soil and sowing material Antifungal drugs.

For soil

At the time of the dumping of the soil add fungicidal agents in powdered form. Prepared on the basis of antifungal drugs, solutions are used to put into ground by irrigation. These methods allow you to destroy pathogens and mushrooms that are in soil layers. The processing of soil in front of the sowing crops on seedlings prevents the reproduction of malicious dispute.

For plants

Usage directly by plants involves the method:

  • irrigation;
  • spraying;
  • execution of applications.

Procedures are carried out several times over the period of vegetative development, during peace in winter and storage. This method is suitable for closed conditions for growing, processing inventory and premises before landing of new cultures. Storage rooms of seedlings and harvest collected Fungicides are treated in order to avoid infection with fungi products of plant origin.

Apply fungicides in several ways

For seeds

Before the start of the sowing work, it is important to preparing tubers, bulbs, seeds, by etching in a solution of fungicides. This allows you to destroy the overwhelming disputes capable of further reproduction under favorable conditions.

How to apply fungicides

To properly use fungicide, instructions for use contains information about the features of dosage, conducting procedures for the irrigation of crops and enter into the ground.

For room flowers

Treat acquired seedlings to avoid the spread of mycosis lesions and infection of other cultures. Preventive spraying is carried out in order to increase the immunity and resistance of indoor plants. Treatment of fungicides helps to avoid the spread of fungal dispute under the conditions of a potted, a permaid method of growing plants.

For garden plants

Spraying by fungicides of garden crops is recommended with the arrival of heat for the prevention of garden diseases. Fungicide for trees is used as preventive measures with adverse climatic conditions, improper care. Fungicides for the garden are used at the autumn time to disinfect the soil in front of the winter peace.

How to breed

Depending on the chosen preparation, the processing option and the type of plant culture is calculated by the optimal dose for work. Prepare the working fluid in the clean capacity of the sprayer, by mixing the dumpled amount of concentrated fungicide with water.

After careful stirring, the solution is used by intended, following the set of simple rules:

  • the air temperature during irrigation and the introduction to the ground should not be below 0 degrees Celsius;
  • do not hold measures to make fungicides in rainy weather;
  • prying strong wind does not contribute to the effectiveness of the events;
  • if necessary, urgent help is recommended to use fungicides of the system action.

Safety when working with fungicides

Conducting work with antifungal activity, it is worth following:

  • wearing a protective suit;
  • close airways, eyes;
  • be sure to wear gloves, rubber boots;
  • it is advisable to cover your head with a tank or headdress.

It is impossible to handle mature fruits, greens before direct eating. Clothing after work with fungicides is to be washed, working capacity and tools must be rinsed with running water.

Review of effective drugs

For each specific case, you can pick up the best fungicidesBased on the characteristics of the culture. The name of fungicides does not give a complete picture of the characteristics of a drug, the speed of exposure, use methods. We present various actions and origin of fungicides for plants, list:

"Agat - 25"

A means of biological origin, including the strain of the inactivated "aureofaciens pseudomonas", has a pronounced overwhelming effect on the causative agents of radiance dew, Mildu, rot all types, phytoophulas, colaporosis, manifestations of rust. Produced in the form of liquid paste. The treatment solution is prepared from three liters of water of one portion spoon of concentrated paste. Irrigate patients of culture every three weeks 4 times over the entire period of development.

"Alin" improves the quality of fruit products

"Abiga - Peak"

Chemical contact preparation of antifungal action with a wide spectrum. Active against bacterial, mycosis diseases on agricultural, floral, decorative - decorative cultures, forest arrays. When used, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions instructions.

Fungicide of biological nature, consists of useful soils that depress rust, trachiomicosis, pass, rot, perception, septoriasis. Improves the quality indicators of the soil after its introduction. Positive affects the taste characteristics of fruit products. For watering to dissolve two pills in the water bucket, with the purpose of irrigation - 2 pills per liter.


A biological semi-functional fungicide, which is capable of protecting cultures from biotic diseases, stressful loads. Increases the adaptive capacity of plants, increases yield. Apply as an antidote when overdosing pesticides. Processing plants with a solution of 1 bucket of liquid and 2 ml of a concentrated substance.

Active antimicose agent of organic nature. Protects floral, fruit and berry cultures from mildew dew. Has a unique feature effectively operate at low temperatures and high humidityif the processing was carried out in 6-7 hours before precipitation. Suitable for use as a preset processing of cuttings, seedlings. Diluted according to the instructions.

"Bactifit" remedy for mildew

"Bordeos Mix"

A potent popular substance capable of fighting the ailments of bacterial, fungal etiology. Protects from lesions by pathological disputes, garden bacteria, agricultural, coniferous, floral, decorative - deciduous cultures. It consists of a compound of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide. Used in combination with pesticides, fungicides. Work with the drug should be carried out in accordance with the rules of compliance from, disposal of residues.

"Bon Forte"


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Do you use folk signs in gardening?


Highly efficient means intended for the treatment of fungal lesions on indoor cultures. Contains "Penkonazole" in the amount of 100 g per 1 liter. The working fluid is prepared from 1 plastic ampoule - pipettes and 5000 ml of water. Used immediately after the preparation of the fluid, by irrigating the vegetative parts of the plant.


Products of the fungicidal orientation of contact impact. Active counter wide spectrum fungal infections. Working substance "Chlorotalonyl", 0.5 kg / l. It has the ability to inject the phytoofer, peridonosorous manifestations. It has a prolonged protective effect. Combined with insecticides, fungicides. Apply on large areas average flow - 600 ml per hectare. Perform irrigations every decade, not more than three times per season.


Two-component tower for riveting tubers - bulk planting material, seed products. Synergy "Carboxyne" and "Tirama" in the corresponding quantities of 198 g per 1 liter and 98 g per 1 liter has an oppressive effect on penicillase causative agents, gelminoriasis, risoctoniosis. Fund consumption is 2 ml per 1000 ml of water. The duration of soaking the planting material is from 2 to 2.5 hours. For one kilogram of seed products, one liter of the working fluid is sufficient.

"Bordeos Mix" struggles with the ailments of fungal etiology


Chemical substance - the basis disrupts the ability to the biosynthesis of fungus enzymes, ripening pathogenic dispute, increases the protective properties of plant organisms. After entering the plant, an acroptal movement continues, has a systemic protective effect. Apply at the first symptoms of mycosis lesions. Perfectly mixed with insecticidal, other fungicidal preparations. Dilution is carried out using 0.25 ml of concentrated agent and one liter of fluid.


Fungicide of biological origin, suppresses the development and distribution of dispute rotes of all types, fusarious fading, dews of false and mild, phytoophulas and spottedness. Treat three times per season with a solution of two tablets and 1000 ml of water. The interval between spraying should be at least a week.


Suppresses fungal pathogens, through a set of soil metabolites and "Harzianum Trichoderma". Inhibits pathological disputes of soil fungi. Use for the prevention and treatment of indoor and garden crops. Not suitable for simultaneous use with preparations of chemical origin. It has a tablet shape, introduced into the ground. Useful bacteria grow a week after the application, the duration of exposure is preserved for one and a half months.


Systemic tool for the protection of crops lined in closed and open sad, eradicates the main fungal lesions of the garden, the garden (Mildu, Peronospons, phytoophulas, spots and rot). The incoming Azoxyrobin has a concentration of 250 g per 1 liter. IN therapeutic purposes The remedy is bred, based on the norm - 6 ml / 5 liters of liquid, during conducting preventive events - 6 ml / 10 liters. In conditions homemade cultivation Crops are bred in half liters of water 0.5 ml of concentrate. The result occurs after 5-6 days after irrigation.

"Gamair" suppresses the development of phytoophulas and spot


A new generation product, which includes a wide spectrum fungicides tandem. Active pair is "Mankojeb" and "Tsimoxanil". Provides long protection that lasts up to 12 days. Dosage tools varies, depending on the process of cultivation and type of crops from 30 to 50 g per bucket of water.


Provides systemic protection of plantations from mycoses of all types. A spraying solution or watering is prepared from 1 AMP. concentrate and 1.5-2 liters of liquids. Use the solution is necessary throughout the day after cooking.

"Copper Court"

Copper sulfate is actively fighting with the ailments of garden crops with pathogens of fungal etiology diseases. The result is noticeable after two hours, which lasts up to 2 weeks. It has high antibacterial, antimicose activity.

Exhibits biological activity against malicious disputes affecting indoor, garden plants. Stimulates the synthesis of lectins that slow down the growth processes of fungal, bacterial pathogens. Recommended for use in the early stages of the disease. Breaks 0.1 l / 2 l liquid.


Mikosan against fungal, bacterial pathogens


Systems and contact preparation with the inclusion of copper chlorocycy and "oxadixila". Works against macrosporiosis, phytoophulas, spots, rot and septorios. 4 g of the active powder is suited in 2000 ml of liquid, stirred. Harry cultures every 2 weeks.


Bacterial complex of rhizosphere microorganisms "Fluorescens Pseudomonas", which help to cope with the harmful dispute in the soil, organic residues, on plants. With it, the planting material is etched, spray crops at the first manifestations of fungal ailments, bring into landing pits, include tank mixtures. Consumption - 50 ml per 1 bucket of water. The interval between spraying procedures - from 10 to 21 days.


System four-component assistant in the fight against mikosami of various origins affecting garden sites. The ratio with water in the manufacture of liquid for irrigation 1: 100. Protection keeps from month to one and a half, depending on the number of precipitation.

"Profit Gold"

Systemically - contact killer pathogenic fungny and dispute, with two active elements "Famoxadone", "Tsimoxanil", in a ratio of 1: 1. Based on the characteristics of cultures and degrees of infection, "Profit Gold" is divorced in an amount of 3 g with water from 2500 ml to 7500 ml. Designed for spraying.


Emulsion "DiPhenokonazole" for the treatment of dew with false and milders. Dissolve in 10 liter capacity with water 1 ampuly, 2 ml. Full cure occurs after a double spraying with an interval of 2 weeks.

"Profit Gold" kills pathogenic mushrooms and disputes


WIND PERONOSPOROS, Rust and all types of pathogenic dew is called by the "strobe", the basis of which is "Cresoxim -Methyl". Mixed with 1 liter of water 0.5 ml.


Provides effective protection From phytoophulas, churrospos, antracosis, curls, Milduy. Processing plants with a solution cooked from 40 g "Homa" and 1 buckets of water.


Triazole system fungicide, with "diphenokonazole" based on. Specifies against Oidium, Mildu, Parsh, Oral Defections. Spray four times for the period of development, the composition of 3-4 ml of "skira" and 1 water buckets.


Suitable for prevention and treatment, includes Penkonazole. Destroys rust disputes, mildew dews, rot of different types and colors. Prepare a working mixture of 1 bucket of liquid and 4-5 ml of concentrate. The action begins after 2.5 hours after irrigation.


The newest system fungicidal agent with "diphenokonazole" in the composition. Changes with pathogenic mushrooms in adverse weather conditions. Enhances the immunity of plants, suppresses the development and reproduction of Mildew, rot, spots and rust fungi. Quickly penetrates vegetable tissue, is not washed with precipitation. Diluted according to the instructions, conduct 2 spraying procedures per season.

"Cleracevet" increases the immunity of plants


The active substance "Ciprodinyl" has a protective action of seeds fruit plants from coccquoms, pasks, moniliosis, curls. Perfectly combined with fungicides "Topaz", "Sorrow". Suitable for the terrain with a cool wet climate. Last spraying fruit trees spend no later than 3 weeks before harvest.


The contact concentrate "Famoxadone" and "Tsimoxanil" protects the crop of culture from the infections of the phytoofluoro, alternariasis. It has resistant to washing with precipitation. Requires 4 one-time introduction every 11-13 days.

"Phytosporin - M"

Live bacterial culture saves from pathogenic microorganisms of bacterial - fungal nature of the plant of all cultivation conditions. Apply in conjunction with pesticides and insecticides, fertilizers and stimulants. Universal, it is afraid of alkaline drugs.


Intesto - systemic antibacterial biological preparation. Inhibits bacteria causing putrid decomposition, necrosis. Used in closed and open cultivation conditions, suitable for processing the roots of epiphytes.


System protection based on "Benomila" can be treated before planting seeds, treat cultures from fungal infection. Suppresses their development even after the appearance of pronounced symptoms. 1 package is diluted in the bucket of water. Apply on tomato, cucumber beds, fruit trees.


Suspension from rotten ailments and fungal infections. Dilute with one liter of liquid 25 g of suspension, irrigate the vegetative mass of infected instances. You can work in the conditions of an apartment, greenhouses, greenhouses.


Fungi are causative agents of many diseases in plants. For their destruction, special chemical, biological substances are used. Fungicides are one of the varieties of pesticides - means intended for the destruction of pests, diseases of different cultures.

What is a fungicidal effect of drugs on plants

The name of substances - fungicides - the fusion of the two Latin words "Fungus" and "Caedo", which means "mushroom", "kill". The compositions are directed against pathogenic fungi, which cause plant diseases. Examine the effects of fungicides:

  • fungicidal - responsible for the destruction of fungus;
  • fongstatic - partially suppresses the development of unwanted organisms;
  • preventive - prevents the formation of fungus.

Fungicides belong to the category of jadogymicates: included in a group consisting of insecticides, bactericides, nematicides, acaricides. Protective and preventive properties manifest themselves through the content:

  • sulfur and its connections: barium polysulfides, calcium;
  • metal salts: especially copper, mercury, cadmium;
  • salts of dithiocarbamic acids;
  • derivatives of phenols;
  • derivatives of triazole, imidazole;

For a detailed acquaintance with the action of fungicides, learn their main varieties. Each of the species is characterized by individual characteristics:

Classification signs

Examples of drugs


According to the pathogen: protective, therapeutic.

  • protective - Apply for processing healthy plants with the aim of preventing diseases;
  • medical - destroy the existing disease.

For the purpose of application: Standard, for the dreasing of seeds, processing greenhouse and greenhouse land, for a lone during their hibernation.

According to the nature of the distribution inside the tissues of plants: contact and systematic.

  • contact - active in the part of vegetation, soil, where they were made;
  • systematic or systemic - penetrate the vascular system of culture, move through its tissues, operate for 30 days;
  • system-contacts - consist of components of contact and systemic effects, such a combination is considered the most efficient.

According to the active substance: organic, chemical.

  • organic - contain microorganisms that, after exposure to culture, soil, decompose;
  • chemical or inorganic - consist of chemical compounds: rich in copper, iron, mercury, gray, nickel, manganese.

Prevention and protection against diseases are carried out with watering, spraying, seed rinsing. Methods for using fungicides:

  • drying of seeds, bulbs, tubers - disinfection of planting material is carried out, further infection with fungus, death of seeds, plants is prevented;
  • spraying and pollination - the fungicides of contact action are used, the compositions are sprayed on the affected cultures with the help of a spray, if necessary, the procedure is repeated, start pollination in the spring, finish falling in autumn;
  • making to the soil - systemic fungicides are used, which not only effectively destroy fungal disputes, pathogenic microorganisms, but also well absorbed by the root system of plants.

Like any other chemical compoundsFungicides should be applied taking into account certain safety rules. Use the following recommendations:

  1. Before work, wear protective clothing: gloves, glasses, apron, respirator.
  2. Read the instructions specified on the package.
  3. Make sure that small children are not in contact with the substances, animals.
  4. Do not use processed fruits, wait for the substance dissolving.
  5. Remember that fungicides are poisonous, so do not allow them to get into drinking water.

Effective fungicides for indoor plants

For the treatment of indoor plants, emulsions, powders, solutions are produced. There are biological and chemical antifungal drugs for plants. The latter is recommended to apply before the actual growth period, after the end of flowering, harvesting. Biological fungicidal preparations are often allowed to use at any time.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application

Benomyl (concentration of 500 g / kg).

Suitable for eliminating many fungal diseases. It can be used in conjunction with pesticides, growth regulators, feeding. After the preparation of the solution there is no precipitate.

The planting material is carried out, foliage. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, 20 g of concentrate. Processing up to 2 times every 3 months. Maximum effect From spraying is noticeable at high temperature.

Antibiotic complex based on Streptomyces Fradiae.

The form of release is a fluid pasta in jars for 10 g. It protects against fungal diseases, increases immunity, promotes the germination of seeds, the development of the root system, the ripening of high-quality crop.

Suitable for indoor and street cultures. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. Concentrate, 3 l of water. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times in 3 months at intervals of 20 days.

Suspension concentrate Propiconazole.

Changes with pulse dew, ash, oidium.

Processing pears, apple trees, grapes. The liquid is prepared from 2-3 ml of the elevation and 10 liters of water. For one fruitless tree, up to 5 liters of working solution are used, for a growing culture - up to 2 liters. Processing is carried out at least 10 days before the collection of fruits.

Biological antifungal agents for the garden

Fungicidal biological preparations contain active bacteria that destroy the pathogens of diseases prevent their re-appearance.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application

Copper chlorine (concentration of 400 g / l).

Release form - aqueous suspension. Refers to contact fungicidal funds. Changes with fungal diseases.

Treatment of decorative, vegetable, floral, technical, fruit crops. Spraying is carried out when heat, no wind. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of a concentrate (the amount depends on the variety of cultural treated).

Bacillus subtilis.

Release form - dry powder and tablets. Ensures alternariasis, risoctoniosis, septoriosis, root rot, mildew, fungal infections on foliage, in the ground.

The working solution for watering is made of 10 liters of water, 2 alin tablets, 1 l of water is taken for spraying, 1 pill. It takes up to 3 treatments for the season, between procedures must be intervals in 5-7 days.


Bacillus subtilis, disputes and cells of culture-producer, metabolites.

Protects from the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms. For the prevention of pulse dew. Recommended if it is impossible to apply chemistry.

Treatment fruit-berry crops, Carnations, roses. The solution is prepared from 2 g of substance, 1 l of water. It is necessary to apply when cool and raw. Sprayed 24 hours before the rain. Processing with intervals of 5 days.

Bordeaux mixture

Copper compounds weak fluid.

The mixture is a neutralizer of acidity. It is necessary to apply very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of burning plants. Fungicide is stored 24 hours if you add 7-10 g of sugar to it (the amount for 10 liters of working solution).

To create a solution of 300 g of lime quenched with water. The same is done with copper vigor. 2-3 liters of boiling water are added to the lime mixture. Each solution is brought to 5 liter volume. The mixture with lime is filtered through the gauze, the copper vaporam is gradually added, everything is thoroughly mixed. There should be a liquid of a bright blue shade - it will talk about the correct proportions. Spraying is performed.


Mushroom culture Trichoderma Harzianum Vizr-18.

Biological FUNGICIDE, is used to treat, prophylaxis root rot.

Processing of indoor, street plants. 1-4 tablets are put in the ground when sowing. Protection is saved for about 1 month.

Bacillus subtilis.

Biological fungicideis suitable for treatment, preventing diseases, effectively struggling with leaf spotting of bacterial origin, pulse dew, phytoofluorosis, fusariasis.

Spraying, watering indoor and street plants. The solution for irrigation is prepared from 1 tablet, 5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out with a liquid of 2 tablets, 5 liters of water. Remember that the activity of the drug is reduced into the cool, wet weather.

Copper Kuner

Copper sulfate.

Release form - soluble powder. Protects, treats, eliminates pests, increases immunity, the ability to resist infection with harmful microorganisms.

Treatment of seed, bone, ornamental, floral, berry, fruit crops. 50-100 g of copper sulphate with 10 liters are mixed warm water. The solution cannot be prepared in a metal container. Liquid is used on the day of creation. Treatment in the morning and in the evening, 2 times a year, in the spring, in the fall at the plus temperature, when there is no wind, rain.


Bacillus subtilis soil bacteria.

Release form - liquid, powder, paste. Microbiological fungicide, ideal for the treatment of bacterial fungal diseases. You can not use with drugs having an alkaline reaction. Phytosporin-M tolerate freezing, the field of which does not change the effectiveness of the composition.

Suitable for seeds, bulbs, foliage of adult plants.

System Fungicides for Garden

Systemic fungicides are quickly moving along the vascular system of adult plants, protect their increments that have evolved after processing. The main goal of such compositions is to eliminate existing diseases, the prevention of their occurrence. The most effective fungicides are listed in the table:

Name of fungicide

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application


Release form - 1 L vials, 6 ml sachets. Helps to get rid of the brown spot vegetable cultures, grape vines, mildew, phytoofluorosis.

Cimoxanil, Copper Copper.

Protection against fungal diseases, prophylactic, therapeutic effect. The effect is saved up to a month. Not dangerous for bees and warm-blooded.

The solution is made of 30-50 g of powder, 10 liters of water.


Release form - 2 ml ampoules and bottles of 10, 50, 100 ml. The liquid contains 1.5-2 ml and 10 liters of water. Long-term protection from pasta, mildew, kokkomicosis. The effect is noticeable after 2 hours after spraying.

Suitable for fruit crops. Processing up to 1 time in 2 weeks.

Crezoxim-methyl (concentration of 500 g / kg).

Protects, prevents the appearance of powdered dew, black spot, rust, brush, roasting shoots of shoots.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 3-5 ml strobe. Used to prevent diseases. If there are already fungal disputes, it will not be possible to get rid of them. Suitable for drilling seeds before planting.


The release form is water-soluble granules, which, after the preparation of the working solution, is resistant to washing: occurs due to the ability to bind to plant wax. Deeply penetrates the foliage, so the effect is noticeable even after 1-2 days after the disease is defeated.

Suitable for tomatoes, potatoes, onions.

Penkonazole (100 g / l proportions).

Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Protects from pulse dew, sulfur, rust. It is characterized by moderate toxicity for people, animals, safety for fish, birds.

Recommended for processing vegetable, decorative, fruit crops, grape vine. If there are sulfur, 2 ml of concentrate is taken, 10 liters of water. Puffy dew It is treated with a solution of 4 ml of substance, 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out 1 time in 14 days.

Ciprodinyl (concentration of 750 g / kg).

Release form - water-dispersible granules. Heals alternariasis, monilion, pass. Vintage is prevented by rotting berries, fruit-bone - moniliosis, leaf curlyness, coccusikosis.

The substance is not washed with water. It is recommended to use when cool, raw. The effect is reduced at the air temperature of more than 25 degrees. Processing is carried out 14-30 days before the removal of fruits. The working solution is prepared from 2 g of chorus and 5-10 liters of water (the choice of volume depends on the disease).

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