Spraying trees. Processing of fruit trees in autumn how to properly spray trees with diesel

"I heard from comrades-gardeners that they are treated with a shrub with solar oil (diesel), as well as chlorine. I really ask to tell how (in what proportion) to process these drugs.

With respect - I.Polizhuk. "

Chlorine lime is a disinfecting material, not used in gardening. And the usual lime is part of the bordeaux mixture used to protect the garden from pests and disease - explained by agronomist and experienced gardener Gennady Breus. - To prepare a burglar mixture, you need to take an inlet lime, dissolve in water and add copper sulphate to the resulting solution.

For spring treatment Garden plantings It is necessary to prepare borodic liquid at the rate of 300 g of lime and copper municipality on 10 liters of water. During the summer processing of the trees, the dosage of the active substance (lime and copper sulphate) can be reduced to 100 g. Bordeeping mixture when spraying well sticks to plantations and poorly washed off with rains.

Smolyark (spent solar oil) in pure form In gardening is not used, but is part of the drug No. 30. This drug besides solar oil consists of a white clay and adhesive solution (any adhesive). For the preparation of the drug number 30, 500-600 g of white clay can dissolve in water, move well and profile. Then add 300 g of waste oil products to the resulting solution (diesel), mix well and use to spray trees against pests. By the way, you can now handle plantings.

The principle of operation No. 30 includes two points. First, when spraying trees, he destroys openly wounded pests due to the fact that the oil film clogs from them airwaysAs a result, the suffocation comes.

Secondly, the drug number 30 disperses pest butterflies, which only clean leaves, branches are chosen to lay eggs. And the oily liquid deprives them of the offspring of the power supply.

It is very important to treat the skeleton with clay trunks, skeletal branches with porous bark. At the end of May, the cores are usually pounded under the bark, butterflies appear from the doll, which reappear the eggs of the Cororad. Preparation No. 30 will prevent their reproduction.

Why not fruits nut?

"I have five years old at the cottage (pistachios). The tree is large, healthy, but not fruit. What needs to be done so that the nuts give the fruit?

E. Solovyova. "

Pistachios is a self-visible variety of nuts, a nut-pollinator must grow next to this tree. And if it is not, the tree will not be fruit, - said the gardener Georgy Andreev. - Therefore, you need to plant another variety - the pollinator, it should be remembered that not every walnut can be a pollinator.

It also plays the fact that this nut (pistachios) - Southerner, in our region it is not ivonated and is not cultivated. Due to the cold winter, the tree can freeze and do not give fruit.

How to plan a plot

"I have a plot of five acres. Tell me how it is better to plan it: at what distance from mezh, a tree, a bush, is to be built; In the same place there should be a toilet; Is it possible to store the boards, old bedside tables or other materials on the basis of the fence?

AND.TOfixing. "

Usually all these issues are governed by the Charter of the Horticultural Partnership, which is adopted by the General Assembly of the Gardeners of this Partnership, land use rules (for a private householder). In accordance with the charter, the house should be located on the side of the street three meters from the sorces of neighbors. Large trees (Walnut, apricot, cherry) are planted five meters from a neighbor mezh, and so that the shadow of the tree does not cover the neighboring site. The average (apple tree, pear) is usually placed at a distance of three meters, and the slurry (plum) is two meters from mezh, shrubs - in a meter from a neighbor's fence.

Under the fence, you can store the boards, etc., but so that the laying height does not exceed one and a half meters and did not shade the neighborhood.

Spring processing of a garden from pests and diseases

With the onset of spring, our eyes stretch to awaken from a long sleep. It seems to us that everything around plays the amazing violence of paints, rich and the charming palette. And so I want to faster to prepare the garden to this long-awaited period of fruiting.

To do this, you need to carefully inspect fruit gardenTo determine the degree of damage after the protracted cold weather, and then take the removal of damaged branches, directly treated trees and shrubs. But why need to spend the spring processing of the garden? What stages include this process and what funds will be most effective in the fight against pests and diseases?

For what and when it is best to spend the spring processing of the garden

To combat them it is necessary to apply the chemical and organic processing of the spring garden. The skills and degree of professionality of gardeners depends directly: can the leaving causing to preserve and increase the crop of garden fruit. Only these actions are advisable regularly and timely. It is necessary to start immediately after the deputies of cold weather and continue during flowering and fruit crushes.

Stages of garden processing in spring from and pests and diseases

  • in early spring;
  • before the blooming of the kidneys on the trees and bushes;
  • before and after the flowering process;
  • during the appearance of barriers to the fruit.

Spraying the garden early spring

As a rule, the whirlwind of tree trunks is performed before the onset of cold weather, that is, in the fall. It will help to avoid the attacks of rodents and will retain the bark of whole, without giving her to crack the frosty wind. In the spring it is only checked after wintering and recover, if necessary. However, if earlier you did not know about the need for processing, the beginning of the care of trees and shrubs begins even early in the spring, before the kidneys began to bloom. When snow melts, gardeners begin to remove the surroundings cottage plot, Give insulation from the baked strabs, remove dead branches. Then proceed to the spring processing from annoying insects.

First of all, the trunks of trees from all sorts of fungi, then handle the bark lime solid. It is prepared in this way:

  • 2 kg of lime or lime paste is divorced in 10 liters of water;
  • add to the resulting liquid 1 kg of clay and 300-350 g of copper sulfate (this will significantly increase the protective effect);
  • carefully smear;
  • the resulting solution is treated with trunks and bases of branches.

Spend this procedureTo burn eggs and larvae insects, which remained on the crust and in the cracks of the Stamma after the winter.

There are also modern, slightly more expensive, but also possessing much greater effective tools that are much easier and faster to whitewash the tree to protect it from the attacks of insects and rodents. In addition, their composition includes fungicides that will protect against most diseases. These tasks cope with:

  • acrylic blots, such as Green Square;
  • acrylic paints, for example, Concord OST;
  • lime pasta with copper sulfate, such as a gardener.

Another effective means in the struggle against pests is the solard (diesel fuel, to buy which you can at any refueling). Equally spraying the plantings, you will create a protective oily film and thereby get rid of all seed and bone plants from annoying insects. Their larvae and eggs suffocate under the ball of diesel fuel (within 2-3 hours) and will not harm the non-painted flowers and blooming leaves.

Spring processing of a garden from pests and diseases to the dissolution of the kidneys

The second stage in the struggle for the garden is the processing of trees and bushes before the renal awakening. These events are held to protect them from hatched larvae insects and pathogens of various diseases.

Using them, it is advisable to carefully examine instructions for use, because individual trees and shrubs are recommended to spray certain means. For greater efficiency, it is possible to use insecticide solution (Anabazin, Trichlorol, DDT) and Fungicides (strides, Horus, Telfor) contact action (preparations for preventive treatment from all kinds of diseases).

Or you can prepare an insecticidal agent yourself from herbs, tobacco and peel orange. It is preparing like this:

  • in the 3-liter jar, 2 stagmagnas glasses of crushed tobacco are falling asleep;
  • add to handful of shells of garlic and onions, needles and pegs of orange;
  • all components are flooded with water with a temperature of approximately 70 degrees;
  • the glass container is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a warm place for a week;
  • after this drain, the expansion of the tincture is bred warm water up to 10 l;
  • stirred, gradually bringing 100 g of chopped tar soap;
  • a ready-made means spray the whole garden, repeating the procedure 10-12 days before flowering.

Garden processing in spring from diseases and pests before and during the flowering process

Prior to the start of the growing process, the buds and shrubs buds are processed to protect them from the invasion of caterpillars of apple fruit, as well as from the development of pasta and spottedness. You can use "Carboofox", making 10% of the drug with a calculation of 70 g per 10 liters of water room temperature. During flowering, experienced gardeners do not recommend carrying out any action.

When the flowering period is completed, the garden treatment is carried out for prevention, in order to increase immunity from the disease.

The breaking period of inflorescences coincides with the release of ticks from wintering. To resist them, you need to handle the culture of colloidal gray (80 g of 70% paste dissolve in 10 liters of soapy water). If you lose this moment and do not protect the mites in time, the ticks will cause a tangible damage to all plantations.

Spring garden treatment during the appearance of fruit

The fourth stage of spring processing is carried out to protect future fruits from putrefactive diseases and the remaining pests. Before proceeding with active actions, it is desirable to inspect all trees and shrubs for the presence of visible opponents, since the chemical impact of potent means can only harm the uncess.

Spraying can be carried out by copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, urea, or other combined drugs with wide spectrum actions. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the humidity of the air does not exceed the permissible norm, otherwise the leaves may suffer from burns.

Insect pests garden and garden. Garlic extract - a reliable way to get rid

To protect the garden from Tsley, Medica, rust, it is worth sprinkling their tincture of garlic. She is pretty simple:

  • polkylogram of garlic is crushed, bred in 3-5 liters of water;
  • focusing and pressing thick;
  • once again soaked in water;
  • the resulting solutions are passed through a sieve;
  • mixed and fastened to 10 liters.

This strong smelling garlic extract will tease pests. There are also other tinctures, grass decoctions, with which you can try to protect your garden. But the guarantees that they will be more efficient than chemicals are not.

There is no specific spring processing technology, but there is whole line Rules, the observance of which will help to cope with this time consuming and scrupulous work.

Spraying order

Processing trees and bushes need from "head to feet." That is, first spray crowns, then the branches, and the last turn barrel and the ground around it.

Time and conditions of work

Optimal time for holding garden work This species is considered early morning. The best suits dry, windless weather without explicit signs of increasing air humidity. Then the solution instantly absorbed, quickly works and does not cause damage to leaves and inflorescences.

Calculation of the amount of solution

In order for drugs to act effectively, but did not harm landings, you need to correctly calculate their consumption. Of course, the instructions indicate how to breed them, and a similar calculation will only help determine which amount needed to purchase.

So: on one young tree approximately 1.5 liters of solution is consumed, and for adults - 5.5 liters; The bushes comes from 0.6 to 1.5 liters of fluid depending on the dimensions of the crown.

Garden Treatment Spring - Bone Trees

To prevent contamination of bone crops in the garden by KlaasurosPoriosis, moniliosis, muced dew, It is necessary to process them before and after flowering with copper oxychloride (40 g 90% of the substance on 10 liters of water).

And in order to protect the fruit plantings from the curlness of the leaves, fungicide "Sump" can be used, it is safe and small-toxic. It is necessary to use it only after flowering, the mixture is prepared with a calculation of 3 g per 10 liters of liquid. The fight against the pests of the garden in the spring will preserve and multiply the crop of fruits.

Care for seeds

Very often, this group of plants suffers from diseases that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms (past, rot). In order for their disputes not to spread throughout the garden, an early spring for preventing the trunks and base of branches of 7% urea solution.

Garden processing equipment, caring for it and safety rules during spring work

For ease of treatment, planting uses:

  • Sprayer. It is very effective method Hold fast and economical processing of the garden. The market presents a variety of sprayers (proton OB-14, SADKO GSP-3325, SOLO 451-02). Their choice depends on the tank capacity, power and fluid consumption per minute;
  • Picker brush. It can be used both for whitewashing trunks and to describe. Only one should consider that the consumption of the solution will be far from economical;
  • Electrical pumps. Time-consuming, but reliable, proven method. Al-Ko Jet 3000 Classic, 3000/4 Gardena brand are now popular and available;
  • Plastic sprayer. It can be made independently from a conventional bottle, screwing to the neck slaves (buy in a flower shop). Such a mini-unit is convenient to take care of low-voltage plants.

All of the above, the listed inventory after the end of this or that processing stage should be thoroughly washed, succeeded and ventilated. It is important not to forget about the correct storage of the instrument and its processing for the winter.

Security Rules for garden processing from pests and diseases

To protect the skin and internal organs from unwanted hitting chemicals Or their evaporation, should very accurately follow all safety rules.

  1. Carefully study the inscriptions on packaging of drugs in which manufacturers clearly indicate which group this agent includes and what precautions must be observed when working with it.
  2. Close the respiratory tract with a respirator or a marry bandage, and the eyes hide under the glasses. With these actions, you will certainly protect the respiratory organs from harmful evaporation and allergic reactions.
  3. Be sure to wear a protective suit and gloves. This will protect the body from chemical burns.


The garden treatment in spring from pests and diseases is a troublesome, time consuming and costly, but it is worth it. If you correctly spend all the steps, it is clearly followed by all instructions, to comply with all the rules - the result will not make yourself wait long. All your works will soon be rewarded with high-quality harvest.

Diesel fuel

There are several funds for the prevention of diseases:

  • whitewash;
  • spraying;
  • solutions for spraying (copper and iron vigor, carbomide, solar, preparation 30).

One of the most effective folk methods is processing garden trees Saloary from pests.

Reference to this petroleum product is necessary with caution, with incorrect concentration of substances on the crust appear burns. There is a rule, to break that cannot be: it is necessary to produce a procedure only in spring before the appearance of shoots and in the fall during the period of leaves.

The solution helps in the elimination of adult insects. It paralyzes the ability to multiply and postpone new eggs, as the leaves and bark are poisoned and not suitable for use - there are no food reserves.

The diesel fuel nourishes and protects from the final dying already affected parts of the tree, including leaves and bark. Experts claim that the treatment of trees in the fall and spring will protect your garden from Zhuka-Koroeda, which finds a refuge in the bark of pears, apple trees, cherries and drain. There it is not hurt chemicalsBut the solar carries can penetrate the most narrow holes and eliminate the insect.

The result of processing is noticeable a few hours after the end of the procedure, it is necessary to observe the mode and spray each spring and autumn, otherwise the pests will appear again. In some cases, repeated and more frequent spraying is allowed.

Recipes for making a solution

In the people there are several ways autumn processing Trees in the garden.

The most effective are the following:

  • Pour 10 liters of water in a large container, add 1 liter iron Camp, 10 liters of lime milk and 20 liters of diesel. The resulting mixture must be mixed thoroughly. It turns out a 50% solution, which is used in the fall after the leaves of the leaves.
  • 20 liters of petroleum products mix with 5 clay liters and 5 liters of water. The substance is less concentrated, does not contain chemical impurities, it can be used in spring even during flowering.
  • 9 liters of liquid mix with a liter of dissolved economic Soap and 10 liters of diesel fuel. Application time is the same as the previous recipe - during flowering and fruiting.

It is necessary to accurately comply with all the proportions, follow the recipe, otherwise trees and fruits will be damaged. Especially neatly need to relate to iron vitrios and gaughted lime, since it is chemicals.

Many gardeners consider the safest method of getting rid of diseases and pests - treatment with diesel. Trees are not affected by active ingredients, the substance penetrates into small heaps and cracks, but improper spraying can lead to the death of culture.

The process is conditionally divided into three stages:

  • preparatory;
  • direct spraying;
  • the final stage.

Action scheme is simple:

  1. Prepare a solution and a spraying container, put on special protective clothing, glasses, respirator and rubber gloves.
  2. Two days before processing, it is not observed to take over the reaction if negative consequences are not observed, you can move to the following items.
  3. Gently sprayed the solution on the trees, you can not pass any segment. The tool must go to the bark with small drops.
  4. At the end of the work, remove the protective suit, boil it, dispose of it, the pump and all the objects used in the process are rinsed with water using cleaning agents.

Treatment of trees from pests and diseases should be held early in the morning in the dwelling day. In the daytime, it is impossible to spray, as the solution dries quickly and evaporates, no effect will give any effect.


Smolyark - proven over the years folk use remedy for pests and fungal diseases fruit treesBut you need to carefully comply with all the rules for the preparation of the solution and spraying to avoid accidents.

Spraying the garden plays an important role in the vital activity of each separate plant, affects their development and fruitiness. If you splash the trees on time with the necessary compositions, you can significantly improve the quality and amount of crop.

Consider in more detail the procedure for spraying the garden and answer a number of questions: the better splashing the trees in early spring, late, in summer, is it worth spending an event in the fall? We will also figure out in the compositions (fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides).

This article will help everyone who wishes to adhere to the garden. If you do not have the right time, due experience and the vast desire to work yourself, we recommend using the services of professional gardeners. We quickly and qualitatively take care of your landing! :)

Mandatory spraying

First of all we will tell when you need to splash the trees. Mandatory spraying procedures come in spring time. There are several of them: Before the appearance of foliage, before and during flowering, as well as after the plants are swinging. Each event carries its function.

  1. Before the appearance of the first greenery on the branches, the garden spray in order to destroy pests that have successfully overwhelmed in the crust and shoots. Also, the spraying serves as prevention against diseases: pasta, kokkomicosis, swasteporiosis, etc. If you are interested in how to splash the trees to the dissolution of the kidneys, pay attention to copper-based drugs: copper sipop, burglar liquid or specialized mixtures (sold in horticultural stores).
  2. The second sanitary event falls at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Objective: Improving immunity and resistance against fungal diseases. To the question than splashing trees before flowering, there is no unambiguous answer. C is a mass of special preparations or one of the fungicides: burglar liquid, iron or copper sipop.
  3. Now consider when and than splashing trees in the spring when you bloom. It is best to spend two procedures: the first - after all the buds dissolve; The second - in two weeks (when 75% of petals fee). These are two complemental spraying, carried out in order to combat garden pests (mainly ticks and weevils) and increase immunity to fungal diseases. In this case, carbofos are used, DDT or anabazine powder.
  4. When the plants are flashing, the following event is carried out - spraying to increase resilience to causative agents of rotary diseases, as well as to destroy the extinguished insect larvae. So, what to splash the trees after flowering to solve these tasks? Combined mixtures are already applied here, you can buy them on specialized points of sale.
  5. Summer splashes special compositions To exterminate a certain type of insect or rapid saturation of the garden, the necessary microelements (the so-called extraxarrow feeder).

Our specialists will help to hold preventive procedures. Experienced gardeners with many years of experience will pick up effective tool and spend necessary work According to the "highest category"! :)

We select the composition

Early spring effectively splashing trees with diesel. Spraying is carried out in March. The refining product perfectly copes with the task of destroying pests. The diesel fuel covers the plant with a thin oily film, overlapping free access to oxygen with larvae, overwhelming on plants. Of course, living creatures dies.

Against all sorts of fungal diseases there is no better prevention except splashing trees copper vitriol or burgundy liquid. They are not only struggling with causative agents of disease, but also increase the immunity of the garden as a whole.

Spraying carbofosomes has its advantages. The substance is perfectly burning the larvae of pests, like acid. In addition, plants are saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, carbofos are used as a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In view of these features, it is necessary to accurately determine when the trees of the urea costs, and at what time of year - the processing of plants will entail negative consequences. Remember - the treatment of the garden with nitrogen-containing compositions is not allowed in a state of Drema (March) or during the preparation of plantings to sleep (the second half of the autumn). In both cases, the use of urea will negatively affect the development of the garden.

By the way, the copper cunery is sometimes replaced with iron. It has a similar action, but in parallel with this carries a useful property for some plants: it satages them with an important trace element - iron. This trace element is involved in many oxidative apple trees, peach plants, cherries. Therefore, before sprinkling peach or apple trees with copper vigorous carefully inspect the plant for iron deficiency.

There are I. folk recipes Spraying substances capable of replacing fungicide in the fight against certain types of pests or diseases. For example, if you are interested in how to splash the trees from the Tly, liquids with a sharp smell come here. Excellent showers of garlic or tobacco. Tly do not tolerate sharp flavors.

Pick up the current composition for your garden and spend preventive actions Our professional gardeners will help. We will take care of your landing quickly, efficiently and cheap! :)

Technological process

Now let's tell how to splash the trees, consider the technology and give a list of tools. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • special pump and spraying fluid;
  • protection tools (rubber gloves, respirator, glasses).

First of all, decide when it is better to splash the trees. It is necessary to conduct an event in dry weather, preferably early in the morning or after sunset. Thus, the applied fluid is as much as possible, it does not wash off the rain and will not evaporate in the sun. So, day and time is chosen, it's time to proceed:

  1. Spray the active ingredient over the entire surface of the tree. Watch that the composition lay down evenly small dew. To do this, keep the tip of the spraying machine at a distance of 60-70 cm from the surface coated.
  2. Periodically, shake the liquid in the pump tank. This is done so that the solution does not smell.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wash all the pump elements. Then wash your hands and face simple soap And rinse your mouth.

Frequently asked Questions

After talking with novice gardes and spilling many forums, we allocated a number of questions that are most often tormented by newcomers. We will try to give intelligible answers to each of them.

  • Question №1: When do you need to splash the trees - in the spring, autumn or summer?

Each spraying performs its function depending on the composition of the substance that is applied in the procedure. For example, copper-based compositions are perfectly struggling with fungal diseases, and urea burns pests perfectly. Universal means It simply does not exist from all problems, so the event is carried out several times a year: at least three times in spring and 2-3 times in summer time. The spring event serves as prevention, and the summer - to destroy pests, capturing the tree or saturation of the garden with the necessary elements (nitrogen, iron, etc., depending on the deficit) is the so-called extraxarrow feeding.

  • Question # 2: What to splash trees in March and why not apply urea during this period?

Early spring spraying is carried out with the aim of destroying insects who are overwhelmed in the "deprane" of the tree. For these purposes, drugs based on copper or diesel fuel are often used. They perfectly cope with this task. Carbofos also has unique property - It satts the garden with nitrogen. What does it mean? Urea activates vegetative processes. It is not worthwhile to wake the garden, he will wake up when the earth and the air warms up. Previously, awakening will not entail anything good.

  • Question number 3: When and what splashing trees from the leaflet?

This is one of the most "harmful" types of insects. They damage the fertilizers from the middle of the spring and almost to the end of the autumn. It is necessary to fight them even before the start of the blown of the kidneys. Effective spraying agents: diesel fuel, machine oil emulsion. In the middle of spring, urea is used. In the summer of the caterpillars can be raised by tobacco or carbofos. If the pests are a bit, they are often collected and destroyed by hand - but this is an ineffective way to fight.

  • Question number 4; Is it possible to splash the trees during flowering?

Yes! Not only possible, but also need! In this period, many pests are dedicated, ticks and weevils crawl. The latter damage the buds of the wound, so their destruction is a paramount task if you want to get a big and high-quality harvest.

We will remind you to conduct important events for the vital activity of your garden instead of you can professional gardeners. We will take care of your site as high quality and carefully! :)

When and than splashing trees video

Obtaining abundant harvest It is impossible without seasonal garden processing events.

Among the methods used for spraying, well established itself people's wayhow garden treatment diesel.

Like other means of destroying pests, smolyark is used twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Apply the petroleum product is needed with extreme caution: the wrong concentration can damage the plants and cause their burns.

To prevent the death of trees to handle the garden with a saline in spring period It is recommended before the formation of the first kidneys and leaves.

What is the benefit?

Destroys viruses, fungal formations And insect larvae. The sprayed solution forms an oily film on the surface of the tree, damping the larvae is to breathe.

Eliminates adult insects. The spraying of petroleum products prevents the reproduction of pests and does not allow them to put eggs. The leaves treated with a solution becomes unsuitable for food and cannot provide insect with the necessary reserves.

Treatment of garden diesel engineering - a very effective means in the fight against such dangerous pestlike a cored beetle.

The insect prefers to settle in fruit trees, pears, apples and drains, and thus turns out to be in a safe place where chemicals do not penetrate. It eliminates the trees from Zhuka-Koroeda Before the next spraying.


The garden treatment with diesel fuel can be carried out not only in the recommended seasons of spring and summer, but throughout the total flowering of trees.

Wide dissemination in the people received ways of spraying in the following recipes:

  1. Iron vitrios are divorced In the water in the ratio of 1 to 10. In the mixture, 10 parts of 10% of the hazed lime and 20 parts of the petroleum product are added. The concentration of the resulting solution is 50% and is suitable for treatment before the start of the formation of the kidneys in the spring and after dropping the foliage by trees in the fall.
  2. 20 pieces of diesel stir With 5 parts of clay and the same amount of water. The mixture is obtained with the same concentration as in the previous recipe, but does not contain an iron mood, which is chemical substanceTherefore, the solution is properly used both during flowering and during the formation of fruits.
  3. 10 parts of diesel fuel With 9 parts of water with the addition of 1 part of the household soap. Recipe concentration - 50%.

Technology processing

How to spray the trees with diets? The processing consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation for the process. Prepare a solution and a pump for spraying. Put protective clothing. Be sure to use glasses, respirator and rubber gloves.
  2. Spraying. Spray the remedy for plants: the drug must go to the surface of the trees with small drops.
  3. The final stage. Used during the procedure of fixture and pump are also recommended to rinse with water.
Incorrect dilution of diesel fuel and high concentration of the active substance pose a threat to plants.

For this one branch spray with a solution and after 2 days look at the results. If the negative reaction has not happened, you can use the tool without fears.