Divination on the runes with a detailed description. Runes - fortune telling online for free, without registration and SMS

Everyone wants to know their future. Why it is necessary for people to understand easy. The near future can be paid with runes. The network has a lot of despayments with ancient symbols of different origin. The most truthful results can be obtained if you make gadetting plates handled. Then they emphasize the energy of the owner and will always reflect his fate accurately.

Strong magic tool - runes - will help to figure out the future

When you can use runic fortune telling

The fortune telling on the runes is suitable for any person who wants to know their future or get answers to vital issues.

What questions about the future can be asked:

  1. Personal relationships (with close relatives and friends, loved one).
  2. Career development, business.
  3. Change material situation.
  4. Health status.
  5. Unexpected events.

Runic divorities can be used to determine the state of health.

You can ask questions every day or guess the long-term perspective, make predictions for yourself or ask about relatives and close friends.

How to guess on runes

Runic fortune telling is very simple. Make and distribute the alignment easily independently without assistance. There are such ghost options:

  • divination online;
  • fortune telling on a purchased gadetamental set;
  • divination using self-made set of runes.

All kinds of fortunes give a truthful result. But the most accurate layouts for ourselves can be obtained using "live" signs, bought or homemade. You can buy a set of runes in any esoteric bench. Suitable signs will be the first to come across. It is necessary to buy magic attributes not at cost or beauty, but in the call of the heart.

How to make a ruffy set

Runic signs made by their own hands will help get the most accurate layers. Making a set is easy. According to the rules, it consists of 24 semantic and one empty runes (only 25 characters).

Plates can be cut out of wood, cardboard, ruin symbols to write or carve out. Disposable signs need carefully and carefully, so as not to confuse anything. Runic set need to be folded into a beautiful white bag.

Runes are made with blond thoughts, putting the whole soul in them.

The fortune telling on the runes to the future is the most accurate possible if you follow several tips from practicing magicians, how to guess in runes:

  1. Guess in calm.
  2. Layouts for yourself to do alone, for another person in his presence. If you need to pay in secret from the object, you need to think about it for a while, to imagine that it is in the room.
  3. It is necessary to interpret the value for the totality of runes, and not according to individual characters.
  4. The prediction can not be shared with anyone, talk about the magical action.
  5. It is necessary to refer to magical attributes with respect, stored in a clean and cozy place, not to give in other people's hands or for games to children.

Runic symbols require a ratio to themselves. IN otherwise they will not tell the truth

If the result of divination turned out to be negative for you, you do not need to fall into despair. Divination is not a program, but a warning about the coming.

Fortune telling "Rune Odin"

An excellent and simple way to fortune telling on the runes for beginners - Rune Odin. How to guess:

  1. Mentally ask the question of yourself, your familiar to any topic (we pay for your personal life, to work, on health or money). Focus on the question.
  2. Shake the bag and get out of it 1 sign with Rujna.
  3. Look at the interpretation in the table (it can be found on the Internet, it comes complete with a purchase set of assignmental runes).

Symbols can fall out in a straight and inverted position. Inverted signs have the opposite direct position interpretation. A simple rune fortune telling gives truthful answers. Questions can be asked no more than three times a day.

Fortune telling for the future for three runes

Guess certain situation Method will help with three runes. You can ask questions what awaits me in the future:

  • in work (whether to expect a promotion, new prospects, whether a successful meeting will pass);
  • in a personal life (how a date goes, is it worth counting on continued relationships);
  • in the material sphere (whether to buy new house, the car will be returned to debts, etc.).

Runes respond to material issues (for example, is it worth buying a new home)

You need to concentrate on the question, hold the bag with runes in your hands. Share the bag and take out three runes in a row with your left hand. Laying runes on the table need to be left right.

The very first (right) rune shows the situation in the present, which is happening now. Rune in the middle gives a recommendation on choosing a vector of action (directions). The last rune talks about the situation in the future.

With the help of three runes, you can find out the details of your life for three months. The runes need to get out of the bag and put down the table from top to bottom. The first rune will tell about the situation in the current month. The rest of the runes will show what to wait in the next two months.

You can use fortune telling on Slavic runes. They have their interpretation, but the rules of divination are no different.

Fortune telling 12 rune

To find out your future in different aspects and with details, go to 12 runes.

To do this, take the bag in your hands, sit calm a few minutes. Deliver 12 tablets in turn on your left and lay them out in a row. The position of the rune characterizes one life sphere.

What does the position of Rune mean:

  1. The perception of the situation of the object of divination, attempts to influence the future.
  2. Material benefits (movable, real estate, finance).
  3. Life. A family.
  4. Hobbies. Work. Love.
  5. Change.
  6. Knowledge (we are talking about worldview, new knowledge, studies).
  7. Career ladder.
  8. Friendship, communication.
  9. Prospects and risk.

With the help of the interpretation of each card separately, you can find out what is waiting for you or your loved ones in the near future.

Runes are in themselves magic force and are able to help solve any situation. Runic fortune telling is simple, but give the exact result. You can guess anyone even without special training.

To start the divination online for free, click on the rune at the bottom of the page. Think of what or who you are guessing. Hold down the rune While the feeling comes that it is time to finish to interfere with the runes.

Very advanced fortune telling a large number of Replies to various questions. It is impossible to call it simple, precisely because of the number of issues under consideration, but if you have even a little experience in divination with the use of runes, then you will not experience any difficulties, you just need to spend some time to understand the result. You should not perform this fortune telling often for one person, it is not intended for this.

Divination technique online for free

For divination we will use 24 runes of the older Futark, not symmetric runes have various interpretation Live and inverted. Mix the runes well without ceasing to ask the question of waiting events. Remove and post them as shown in the figure below, you have to remove nine runes. Considered Questions: Career and Work, Personal Life, Health, Finance, Effect of Karma, Creativity or Children, Education, Outcome or Council and Main The First Rune Specifies the whole tone of fortunening, in case it is positive, but there will be no pitfalls and unexpected Eleaches, in the case of a negative rune, unpleasant surprises are expected and the runes should be interpreted in a negative key, neutral does not allow additional tips to all say the ruled runes. To perform divination with our help, click on the rune just below on the page.

We offer you the best online divination on runes. Foreign for free, there is no need to register or send SMS. Immerse yourself online in ancient mystical Mir Holy Runs using virtual assignment programs.
The page is regularly updated with new fortune telling.
We wish you a pleasant fortune telling online on the runes!

"Runes on the relationship"

What are the runes?

Of all the symbolic systems of the runes, of course, are the most mysterious. Tag with many unknowns. And this is due, first of all, with the fact that the ancient runes were not preserved, did not reach us. And the fact that we are now considering the runes - later drawing, information obtained by the meditative way.
There is no reason not to trust those who receive knowledge from the information field. Moreover, I myself had the opportunity for many years to make sure that "manuscripts are not burning" also because the information field exists and then, for example, that an astronomer can see the telescope, the magician during meditation sees inner, spiritual gaze . Such is the story with the planetoid volcano, for example.
Thus, we have 18 and 24 run alphabets, but what are the runes in the ancient, "Runic" times - we definitely do not know. How many were there? And in what order did they occur? Or is it all about that this is stated in myth on one? And if at once, how many runes got one - 18 or 24? Or in general another number. And were these the same runes?
Or maybe everyone had his rune, as a totem sign - and this rune kept in itself the power accumulated from generation to generation? Also nothing is known. Are the draws related to runes with other European or Asian systems? Do they have one root? PRAYASK?
Runes, fortune telling online, interpretation, disputes and questions, questions, questions.
And there is no end.
Yes, and most main question - For what it is all necessary to know - after all, everything has become so available, the runes can just buy in the store, or even a rune deck, accompanied by a book with explanations. There is a little about the history of the runes, there are statutory inscriptions, briefly described each character, it is described how you can use them for predictions or for magical (energy) protection, how to make it yourself and so on. And here, please, use, lay out, advise, defend, attack at the worst, if the conscience allows you to.
But how many books do not read - it still remains unclear - what is the runes? "Forces," - the author of any book is responsible for you. Force what? And how are they related to other symbolic systems?
And why do you need to know?
But what about without knowledge?
As for the predictive forces of the runes, it is undoubtedly, they work remarkably "work", like other designed symbolic systems, and even in the hands of profan. True, if there are certain conditions. Here short story My first, "profanic" experience with runes.
It was a long time, I do not even remember in which year. We and Ira of the boat conducted a pre-New Year evening for students under Christmas. I remember that I could not call it then, so we called him the New Year. So it was even before Christmas was legalized with us as a public holiday. And I remember that we used the "cases" of Harms on my samizodati texts, that is, it was even before the "restructuring". But the runes from somewhere appeared. They were made by me on small cards and drawn from some local newspaper. How they appeared then in this newspaper - I do not know.
But then on December 25, I first "tested them." It was the "second part of the marlevion ballet" - the New Year's fortune telling RoNo. What we were not yet dwelling then in these wisdoms. It now I know that it was necessary to guess in the "Epiphany evening", and not in Christmas. Although Zhukovsky, we then passed according to the program.
I then did not have experience working with the runes, but did everything as it was written in newspaper accompanying. Each student pulled one rune - and I "predicted the future to him. I do not know how with the runes, but with students it was exactly my first fighting baptism. For me it was a game - and only. Just I just wanted to decorate the evening, make something pleasant to them.
But many years later we, anyway, have seen. Usually they look into their native fenats, then in the case, then just bothering and having arrived from distant seats, come to visit their teachers, those who still work. So many years have passed, and the feedback has worked. They, each at one time, reported to me that "predictions" came true. I was here with nothing, as you understand. But the runes, so they gave it to understand that they were serious comrades. And I have not joking with them anymore. Runes and divination online on them have their own specifics. I somehow try to describe it in the near future. And now back to the topic.
Then the runes were abandoned. There was no real rune, but I do not work on the woods. Astrology appeared, then Tarot, Hirology, and Astrology again. Many new information, new books. I began to do this professionally. And small cards hid far and far, apparently, embarrassed by their handicraft. Then computer programs, Bogdanova, for example appeared. Pirate discs with all sorts of heart, including the montercean rune of fortune telling. Our people are greedy-lovingly all rewritten in Dovovsky more files, everything that provided the press of those unforgettable years - the late 80s of the 90s. And the longing of the runes stirred in my heart. Apparently, there was a strong melancholy. Because, as it should be, they came to me. Wonderful runes, made by the Russian master of ash, sorry, I do not know his name, but thank you even unnamed, from the heart. Now we are sold and others are sold, but such as I have not seen beautiful yet. Then I bought books, the material from Dovovsky files was printed. The information was accumulated. But I was not solved to use the runes. First, everything turned out to be like Taro and astrology - one way it pretends, the other is different. But the runes were even worse.
In astrology, at least there is some kind of orderliness. See the septener at first, then the higher, then all sorts of fictitious asteroids can be. There somehow more or less understandable.
In Tarot, despite the difference (I somehow gathered for the sake of interest only from my books information on seven in junior arkans - and it turned out that they interpret the authors so in its own way, which is even exactly the opposite, especially the suit of pentacles and cups). Who is in the forest, who is on firewood.
But in Taro, although there are a lot of discrepancies, although they differ in the decks of pictures, and the order can be debated, but still you can figure out what was the canon of senior arcans and how many arcanes contains a deck. And although there are many names, they are rarely distorted beyond recognition.
And with runes, the situation is quite bad. How many of them are still, because it is important. If there is a charter, this is one. And if you simply adapted 24 runes for the daily cycle - then it is already a wonderful symbolic system for fortune telling RoNo, but what's the Druids, Rosenkrazers and ancient Scalds? This is then no runes will be, but something else.
In the books in different ways give the name of the runes, and they often draw them in different areas. Is there a rune charter or not? As for the information channel, then there are also difficult available files And also there is a distortion of information, otherwise everything would be seen. But do not see.
Even a book with new runes of the Aquarius era appeared. They were offered 48. Runa complex. But very competently composed keys (as I understood - under a strong impression of the Astropsychology of Bruno Huber). I looked at their draw and painfully tried to remember - where did I see it? And then remembered - these are aspect figures in graphic Image Hubry system, such characteristic for him computer Program.
These runes also worked remarkably. Although when I understood where I smiled. Restressed, it means that poor astrologers, if the aspect drawings began to be in vision. But why not?
Only it is probably not a rune. Or is the runes?
But 48, which appeared in meditation - it is still a lot. And the wisers are some, "swirling." It's hard to remember. It is easier to wait until you have the most strange horoscopes to shrink before your eyes.
But if you drop the jokes, then, of course, they have the full right to exist and can be used in Fleecely assumed and predictive practice not only by the authors, but by all who are thirsty in the occultists.
And I still returned to the traditional. At least there is some kind of hope that some of them were really created during scaldes.
And here, peering in them, studying gradually step by step, first thinking that here with something hexagram, and then, finding it in the books, I still continued to suffer a question.
It is clear that the runes are magic power. Runes, divination online, this is also a manifestation of power in some form. But what is the strength of what, and how to use them all? How to talk to them? Why is it "frost", and this is "stream"?
I was looking for some hook to relate them to something similar from what I was known. And, despite the fact that they were remarkably laid in hexagram, the answer did not come.
It turned out that magical protection - work, runes - alive, it seems to be obtained. But what they are - I never knew. And did not know - it means that he did not feel calm, cozy, like at home, as it was with astrology or with tarot, for example.

So, if the runes are attracted, divination online on them, then you can use the programs that are provided on our website for free.

Foreign Odin - 1 Rune - It is believed that fortune-telling on one man is the clearer, because it will not allow you to distract to extraneous ideas, so far excess in your life situation. In this, fortune telling on the runes comes closer to the eastern systems set forth in our encyclopedia, - Chinese and Tibetan, which are also recommended to restrict ourselves to one gadethal symbol at a time.

Fortune telling Norn - 3 runes - This method was used even 2,000 years ago. It is suitable for most cases. It is necessary to clearly formulate the topic of fortune telling and alternately pull out 3 runes. The first rune describes the current situation, the second is the required direction of actions, the third is the situation that will follow.

Divination Norne \u003e\u003e\u003e

Runes- These are magical and alphabetic signs that carved on the stones, cut out on the tree. Many rounic signs have ancient origin - They rise to the magical symbols of Celtic priests-druids, from which they subsequently moved to Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

To help runes Apply, using two different channels: visual and auditory. First, the rune depicted. For example, it could be postponed from wooden sticksAnd it was possible to put on a stone or a birch bark, on a spear of a spear or on the surface of the clay vessel. Secondly, to enhance the impact of the runes, her name was pronounced or sowed in a special song. Such a multilateral feeling resulted with magic signs into an extraordinary excitement, incredibly aggravated with her perception. Everyone addressed the runes in their special need: the healer expelled the disease, the warrior asked victory in battle, the hunter, attracting prey, prayed for good luck.

TO runic oracles You can handle any question. You may inquire that it is the situation that interests you, or ask for advice from Higher ForcesHow to do you. Try to relax and fully focus on your question. Without looking, get one rune from the bag, put it in front of you. Pay attention to the way it turned out to be - in direct or in an inverted: the answer that she will give you strongly depends on this. And then you can read what the specific value of this rune says. Remember: The deeper you try to penetrate her unique secret, the more detailed and useful will be the answer to your question. Therefore, as in other divination systems, the more experience with the runes you draw, the easier it will be to get the necessary information.

There are many ways fortune telling on runesEach of them can correspond to your chosen topic. We offer you 2 most famous from them:

Clearly formulate a question that most interests you at the moment. This may be some kind of common problem, and maybe a separate situation. It is not recommended to ask the subject of items that are not related to each other in your emotional perception. For example, do not ask simultaneously "about work" and "about love", if for you it is two different topics.

Divorcing online has its own characteristics. Firstly, this is the rapid obtaining the result and its finished interpretation, which is a negative factor for beginner gadels. However, for the masters, he has a special attractiveness, especially for training.

Intention: The first and probably the longest (especially for beginners) part of the divination. Necessary clearly formulate the question, the answer to which we want to get. Misty targets generate, as a rule, foggy results, and on the contrary, the clearer the target is determined, the higher the likelihood that you get the corresponding result of divination.

In addition, the question must be justified, it will not be superfluous to ask yourself: "And for what I ask?" Perhaps you do not matter what the runes will tell you in the process of divination, but it is important to get confirmation to your own thought.

A B. you may not be interested in the answer to your question, and you want to give hope thus, hopefully what you are talking about what you will suddenly become a reality, of course, without effort on your part. Of course proper work You will receive again and again the result that will say that your hope is not destined to come true, and disappointed in online fortune-money on the runes, you will beat Taro to ask, then refer to the astrologer or any other master ... But there is no place for randomness in life, A happy chance will find you when this will be preceded by a period of painstaking work on achieving a given result. Therefore, it is very important to be ready to take the result of divination and take responsibility for your destiny and for your actions, otherwise it is better not to start guessing on the runes.

The initiation of runes while fortunate online: TOak knows any divination requires a developed medium skill at the gadel, that is, the intermediary among themselves and those forces that stand for each of the runes. In addition, sometimes the ability of the medium will be useful to divide someone. Thus, it is necessary to stop for fortune telling, here the algorithm is simple.

First of all, it is necessary to enter the state of stopping the internal dialogue (ATS), it is the condition of the void, it is the same state of smely. It is possible to achieve it different ways: Some focus on current bodily sensations, visuals often visualize a snow-covered field with a quiet falling snow, a kineeter can do the same "visualizing" the sensations of the grains of slowly moving wind on the skin, the audies under the noise of sea waves, can generally pose a mind of a complex mathematical task ... There are many ways.

Then, entering the ATS, it is necessary to focus on the question under consideration trying to maximize it and at the same time remain "emotional" to the result of divination (actually emotions will be a sign that you are no longer in the Department of Internal Affairs, and therefore it is necessary to start everything first).

After that, as a rule, the ritual is performed that precedes working with the runes and allows us to be configured to work with them, if everything comes from such a ritual.

Divination on the runes online: tuned to fortune telling and asked question You can proceed to the very fortune. To do this, select the runes from the table or click the Select automatically button.

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