The most mystical places of the world. The most mysterious places on earth where should not be hit, but really want

People imagined centuries sought to get bright impressions. Amazingly, but the most profound are experiences affecting the very essence of a person. In particular, the instinct of self-preservation also includes.

The phenomenon of horror

Speaking about mysterious and mysterious places People, people usually mention ghosts or six-year-old stories about the atrocities of previous owners of certain buildings. Today we will try to illuminate such which are not related to the action of ghosts.

More Sigmund Freud highlighted a special human attraction, which he called "Tanatos". The great psychologist thus explained the desire of people to death and especially dangerous events and activities.

Name the most terrible place on the planet every reader will be able to name it. Since they scare local legends alone, and enough of the glance abandoned with a glimpse, all nightmares come to life in imagination. Others are not preying anything. Therefore, we tried to select a variety of abnormal zones.

It is possible to distinguish 5 most terrible places associated with poltergeist, ghosts or tectonic activity. We will talk about such objects that look outwardly, maybe it's not entirely noteworthy, but they leave an indelible and deep track for life after visiting.

House of Winchesters, San Jose, USA

In the course of our virtual excursion, we consider the worst places in the world. The sample concerns not only artificial objects created by people, but also inexplicable natural phenomena.

The first place in which we will eat will be an extravagant mansion in California. Today, there is a tourist attraction. But earlier it was Sarah's house, Widow William Winchester. His father invented the famous rifle. Soon he died, as well as his son with his granddaughter.

When a woman visited the audience at the medium, he handed her message from William. According to the deceased, she should have to buy in San José a plot of land and build a specific planning mansion there. It should have many rooms, traps and snaps to confuse meallous ghosts of people killed from hard drives.

He spent all the multi-million state to build this shelter. It has interesting moments. For example, stairs to the second floor, ending with the wall, or doors without rooms. Also, this mansion is pierced by a magical number 13. So many steps in each of the stairs, in many rooms there are such a number of windows, in the building of the "Drawn dozen" bathrooms.

A total of more than one hundred sixty rooms, forty stairs, six kitchens, but only one shower. Also number about two thousand doors, but only four hundred fifty doorways.

We decided to start our excursion exactly from this estate, since it is the most extravagant and unusual. It was even filmed a feature film based on the biography of Sarah Winchester.

Forest Aokigahar.

Probably the most terrible place on the planet is a suicide forest in Japan. In the original it is called Aokigahar (Valley of Green Trees). This reserve is at the foot of Mount Fuji. In principle, landing can only please in clear sunny weather. During the rest of the time, she just breathes doom, gray and meaninglessness.

Aokigahar loses only a little bridge in San Francisco in terms of cases of information of bills with life. Interestingly, the forest has long been considered the inhabitants of evil spirits and demons. To the beginning of the twentieth century, poor families were brought to die old people and children whom they could no longer provide food.

Later, from about the middle of the last century, many lowest and middle workers stretched here. Apparently, the impressionable Japanese find only such a way to break out of the "rat runs" of society.

Every year about hundreds of suicides are found here. Recently, even the unofficial detachments of Marauders appeared. They firmly burned in search of bodies and bother their pockets, remove decorations. Thus, the mysterious places of the planet help not only the development of tourism, but also enrich local fraudsters and thieves.

The Government of Japan allocates funds for cleaning tel. According to eyewitnesses, the most common ways of ending life are poisoning medication and hanging.

Local authorities took a series of measures to help the maximum number of people abandon the stupid decision. On the perimeter of the forest, there are signs with a call to drag and the phone of trust. Also on many paths leading to the trap, video cameras are directed. And the service personnel working in nearby institutions has already learned to calculate potential suicides. They immediately report information to the police.

It is noteworthy that in Japan several books and films telling about the specifics of this place. And the "Suicide Guide" written by Tsurumi often find near the corpses in the forest.

Overto Bridge

The docks of the soul are incomprehensible to another person, and even the most resistant and sensible individual can be angry in the scan of inflamed illusions. But what makes some animals resort to suicide - this is an interesting question.

We continue to consider the worst places in the world. And the next one in turn is the overwun Bridge, near the settlement of Milton, in Western Dambartonshire. Around the middle of the twentieth century, interesting cases are fixed here. Almost every month from the bridge in the water jumps at least one dog.

Most dies immediately, and the survivors return after a while to repeat the attempt.

It is noteworthy that animals live as instincts, and they do not have such deviations. That is why there were several times a commissions several times came to investigate such an unusual anomaly.

Today there are two versions that cover the cause. One of them is offered by ethnographers and gatherers of folklore, the second - zoologists.

According to the first, a man with a child came to the bridge. He declared his son to give birth to satanic forces and dropped the baby into the water, and after a couple of days he jumped himself. Since then, it turned out that the ghost boy calls the dogs to play. Animals because of their ability to perceive the subtle world, which is not suspected, go for ghost and die.

A more rational explanation was put forward by scientists after many months of research. According to their theory, mink is to blame. These rodents live along the banks of the river, and for many years these places just adhed them. Dogs, focusing on the intensity of the smell, rush to pursue prey and fall from the bridge to the water.

We consider the most terrible places in the world. And no one can fully explain their specificity, otherwise they would cease to be mysterious. So with the bridge Overtoon.

Even if the reason lies in minks, why dogs who survived after falling from fifteen meters, come back and rushed again? These animals have a very developed memory of the places and people who hurt them.


Thus, it is impossible to hide from some earth anomalies, even rising high in the air. For the first time about an unusual phenomenon, a English tea plantator and researcher of plants E. Ji spoke. He described the strange period at the end of August, when large flocks of birds begin to fly to the Gatings Valley and to break up the Earth.

At first, nobody believed him and found his record with fiction. But one orientologist decided to keep up the legend. It turned out that the chavoda spoke the pure truth. So Senguput became the first scientist who recorded the unusual August "poultry".

According to this researcher, the birds are in a certain trance, "id Somnambula. " They rush to the light of fires and lamps of a local village. If you take an animal that did not crash to death, it does not resist, but completely refuses food and water. It is noteworthy that after three or four days, madness, the backed bird flies like anything happened.

But the terrible places of the world are often perceived ambiguously. Tourists and travel researchers see them an abnormal threat, the local inventing the myth, justifying the event. So, the aborigines of this valley say that the gods for the righteousness were awarded with such a "poultry". They can collect a bunch of carcasses and use them into food. It turns out a certain analogue of the "manna of heaven" for the Indian village.

Telem Abbey, Sicily

Discussing the most terrible places in the world, we return to the creation of human hands. The next attraction, which we will talk about is a one-storey house in Cefal's town on Sicily Island.

Once he acquired Alister Crowley, one of the most famous and ambiguous occultists of the beginning of the twentieth century. Here he was going to create the basis for the future civilization, purified from Christian darkness and obscurantic.

It was in these walls that Crowley resumed satanic rituals, as well as the practice of witchcraft using narcotic drugs. So, the initiation included the simultaneous reception of marijuana with the heroin and the night of reflections in a special room, which was called "the hall for visions" or the "nightmare room". In this room, the walls are painted with gloomy frescoes depicting different circles of hell and paradise.

The abbey was closed after the famous British aristocrat Raul Lavda died on its territory. Presumably, he was poisoned by drugs mixed with feline blood. So ended the history of the commune living under the slogan "Do anything - this is the only law."

There are many terrible abandoned places on the planet, but only attracts the crowds of informal visitors. Fans of witchcraft and activities of Alistair Crowley are coming here every year. They seek to touch the ruins to get a powerful energy charge from their idol.

Damn cemetery. Krasnoyarsk region

Natural terrible places are in the Russian Federation. Let's start with a remote territory in Siberia. In general, Ethnologists gathered a lot of materials about the most incredible features and terrible secrets that the taiga keep in themselves. But now it will be discussed that it was indeed recorded by various groups of researchers in the form of photographic and video, and not simple stories.

Presumably the Devil Cemetery appeared as a result of unusual space activity related to the fall of the memoirs of Old-timers, one day a certain item was falling from the sky, and the edge of the rounded form was formed in the forest. Earth became black and from it at times began to appear smoke. In the summer, the grass is not growing at this place, only a little moss, and there is no snow in winter.

Any animal that gets inside the damn circle is dying within minutes. People, according to eyewitness testimonies, there are an inexplicable feeling of longing, and as I approached the urration itself, irrational fear is growing, gradually turning into a panic.

Thus, terrible places on Earth may not be just natural, but also of cosmic origin.

Sablin caves

Speaking about the most terrible place on the planet, it is especially worth staying on here there are no bloodthirsty monsters, inexplicable and oppressive horror at visitors or satanic symbols. Just a fairly large underground natural education. For example, the length of one of the catacombs is more than seven kilometers, and the height of the halls is up to five meters.

In Soviet times, the object was classified, as all sorts of criminal individuals who are outlawed were hidden under the ground. They called themselves dissidents. It was even formed about ten different gangs. Every month several people disappeared here and still disappears. At the same time, all the well-known "political" hiding under the ground have long left a wicked place. Today, according to official data, there is not a single "underground resident".

Extremals and amateurs visiting Russia are constantly coming to Sablin caves. They do not even frighten the facts of frequent disappearance of curious zooak.
The cause of this anomaly scientists see in underground bulk sands and movements of the earth's crust. A group that has seen in one of the tunnels may be buried under the sand tons in a second. All these data are based on the stories of gang members who have once lived in these caves.

Death road. Lyubertsy-Lytkarino

Let's talk about the mysterious places near Moscow. In principle, around Moscow, researchers of the anomalous zones number about a dozen highway sections with an increased danger of fatal accidents.

But the part of the track Lyubertsy - Lytkarino, near the village of Pekhork, is considered the most unsafe. If you go through this road, you can see on the trees along the asphalt coating many wreaths marking the deaths of drivers.

Most accidents are dated from 1990 to 2002. A sudden decline in mortality after 2003 is explained by the fact that at this time the governor took up for an "anomaly". Being before the military general, he did not wonder. On this site, concrete coating of the road was replaced by asphalt excellent qualityAnd also built four "lying policemen."

After such preventive measures, the chauffeur was not able to get involved in the highway.

Skeptics and realists often say that terrible places are fatally dangerous only for those who neglect common sense and local tell the legend that "dear death" this segment was because the coating was put on top of the old cemetery. Here are the ghosts of the deceased and revenge with unlucky drivers, which turned out to be not in the wrong time.

House Beria

We talked about the mysterious places of the Moscow region, at the end I would like to note another strange building in the capital itself. In Soviet times, this house was hardly the most terrible place of the district. Passers-by tried to bypass the street with the Tenth Dear, and if it was necessary to go exactly on it, they crossed on the opposite direction.

What is for such a terrible building? House of the Commissioner of the State Security Region of Lawrence Pavlovich Beria. This man was one of the organizers of Stalinist repression. The building is in an amphibian lane. Today, his premises occupy the Embassy of Tunisia.

According to eyewitnesses (local residents and researchers), a couple of times a month about three o'clock in the morning you can hear ghostly sounds. It is said that this is a distinct noise of a powerful motor. The invisible car "drives up" to the door of the building. Heard how his doors open, a male voice says something. After the door slams and the car leaves. All incident takes about three minutes.

Thus, in this article we talked about the terrible places of Russia and the world. We met both safe objects that are able to interest ufologists or adolescents and fatal formations to which it is better not to approach.

Good luck to you, dear readers! Travel with mind.

There is nothing more intriguing than a forbidden place. The fact that you cannot get somewhere, causes you a passionate desire to go there. Because there is nothing more interesting than unknown.

North Sentellensky Island, India

It dwells one of the few tribes in the world, which refuses to have any contact with modern world. They do not allow strangers to their possessions. In 2006, the tribe killed two fishermen who accidentally invaded their territory, but the Government of India did not attempt to punish the killers. Now it is strictly forbidden to approach this island.

World Seed Storage, Norway

The "repository of the day" is located on the island of Svalbard and is intended to preserve the seeds of all agricultural plants existing in the world. If, as a result of wars or natural disasters, some plants will disappear from the face of the earth, they can be restored by seeds that are stored here.

Pluto's gates in Hierapolis, Turkey

"Gate hell", "the deadly cave" - \u200b\u200bonce this place was devoted to the Roman God of the death of Pluto. During the excavations of the Pluto Temple, a small cave was found, from where carbon dioxide comes from the crack in rocks. Scientists have proven that this place is extremely dangerous: the birds that were not lucky to take care too close to evaporation, suffocate and fall out. In some cases, the gas concentration may pose a threat to larger animals, including for a person.

Island of Pale, Italy

This island was a cemetery for the victims of the plague during the Roman Empire and later, in the Middle Ages, when the plague returned, the island again became a house for thousands of deadly people. It is said that the land here 50% consists of human dust. Then in 1922, a psychiatric hospital was opened here. It is safe to say that this did not affect patients in a positive way, as the island has already had a truly eerie atmosphere. Now this island and buildings on it are abandoned, they are guarded, and it is closed for visiting.

Cave lacco, france

The cave of LASCO is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac. The ceilings and walls of the cave are covered with paintings, among which the images of large animals prevail. Figures do not have accurate dating: It is believed that their age is about 17,000 years. Back in 1940, the cave was discovered by 18-year-old Marseille Ravidat, since many are asked about its origin and meaning. Anthropologists believe that these drawings can symbolize the mystical rituals of hunters. The opening of the cave for the public has changed the climate in it. 1200 visitors per day, changes in air circulation and electric lighting caused gradual destruction of images, which led to the closure of these caves in 1963.

Secret archives Vatican

Here, documents belonging to the Catholic Church are stored, starting from the VIII century. The endless series of racks in this archive stretches for 85 kilometers, and the entrance is strictly prohibited for everyone, except for researchers who have a special pass. The archive stores such documents as information on the emission of Martin Luther and the letter to Michelangelo Dad Julia II.

North Brother Island, United States

The island takes a plot of a few more than 5 hectares and is located on the East River River near Manhattan, New York. Once upon the coast of the island, the passenger vessel was crashed, more than 1,000 people died in the water. Later, the hospital was opened here, where infectious diseases were treated. The most famous patient was Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoous Mary. She was the first person in the United States, recognized as a healthy carrier of abdominal typhoid. They say she infected more than 50 people, 3 of whom they died. Mary herself categorically denied the presence of diseases and refused to stop working in the food industry. In the 1950s, the island opened a center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. Now the island is a bird reserve for Herlin and other marsh birds. It is abandoned and closed to the public.

Great Temple Ise, Japan

The sacred place is worshiped by Amateras, the goddess of the Sun and the Universe in Sintoism. The temple is built without a single nail, but the most interesting thing is that the temple is rebuilding every 20 years, observing the Sinto concept of death and rebirth. Despite the beauty and holiness of the temple, only priests and representatives of the imperial family can enter the territory. The only chance to look at this incredible place - through wooden fences. It is impossible to photograph here.

Morgan Island (Monkey Island), South Carolina

The island got his nickname because of the colony of the lesse-monkeys living there, the number of which is about 4,000 individuals. Monkeys brought here from La Pargera, Puerto Rico. These monkeys are infected with herpes virus. No one can appear on the island for their own security (as well as the safety of monkeys). Is that scientists who work at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, have access to here.

Catacombs, Paris.

This is one of the most mysterious and terrible places in the world. Initially, this place was a network of tunnels, which combined the stone mines of Paris, but at the end of the XVIII century it became a repository for 6 million dead tel. A very small part of these tunnels is open to the public, and you can see thousands of bones and skulls, folded together. 99% of a 274 kilometer long labyrinth you will not see the entrance here is prohibited, because you can easily get lost in the tunnels. Nevertheless, it does not prevent desperate people and members of the secret societies to roam here, creating problems for police officers who guard the catacombs.

Snake Island, Atlantic Ocean

The "Island of Golden Snake" is located off the coast of Brazil. This is the only place where it has been preserved. poisonous snake - Island Botrops. The island is closed to visits to protect this snake population from destroying, as well as to protect visitors, since in some estimates for each square meter of the island there are one snake.

Mausoleum Qin Shihuana, China

The tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuana is located in the Lignun City of Xi'an Shanxi Province. Despite the fact that it was found in 1974, when excavations were excavated by the terracotta army, did not wear the tomb. Opponents of opening the graves believe that the tomb and its contents may be damaged during the excavation, so access to it is prohibited.

Zone 51, USA

The most closed military facility is located 134 kilometers north of Las Vegas. It is considered one of the most mysterious places in the world, the US government denied its existence until 2013. Such secrecy has become a nutrient medium for the emergence of a wide variety of "conspiracy theories." Because of its remote location, this area is mainly used by the CIA and the US Air Force as a territory for testing. Despite the fact that this is a military base, many believe that it was here that the alien ship was crashed, and scientists had the opportunity to explore the bodies of cosmic aliens. Many adherents of the conspiracy theory visit the territory adjacent to the zone 51, but the entrance of the stricter is prohibited.

Suourtsy, Island in Iceland

The unique island that appeared in 1963 after the eruption of the underwater volcano, which lasted 3 years. Now it is used only for scientific research. The purpose of scientists is to understand how an ecosystem is formed without any human intervention. Only a few scientists are allowed to the island, which made it one of the most prohibited places on Earth. Scientists can not bring with them any seeds so that nothing affects the natural development of life. But one day, a tomato grew up on the island, which really puzzled scientists. As it turned out, one of them neglected the rules of finding on the island and ... went to the toilet on the frozen Lava. After scientists understand where the plant came from, they immediately got rid of him.

Metro-2, line D-6, Russia

During the reign of Stalin, a secret system of a government metro was built, known as "metro-2". This mysterious system of the metro allegedly connects administrative institutions such as the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport and the General Staff Academy. It is reported that there are furnished rooms and technical premises in the tunnels. Since the system is not available for strangers, it is believed that it is intended to serve to accommodate high-ranking officials in the tunnels during the war. The administration of the Moscow Metro denies the existence of these tunnels, but in 1994 the Digger Group stated that he found input to this underground system. Now the existence of only one of the 4 branches is confirmed, and this is the line D-6. You can only get here with a special pass.

Bohemian Grove, United States

This is the name of the elite male club in Monte Rio, California. Every year, starting from 1872, about 2500 most arrived here. influential people The world, among which are high-ranking politicians, Nobel Prize winners, senior soldiers, as well as presidents of elite universities, such as Harvard or Yel. They say that the club has its own rituals and traditions. The motto of the club is "spiders, a wearing web, here is not a place," implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. Club is a purely male, women here can appear only as a service.
Journalist John Ronson criticized the club: "It seems that the immature Yunssey becomes in front of me: they imitate Elvis, creepy rituals are driving. These people may have reached the peaks of their professions, but their emotions remained at the level of college students. "

1. Cytay hosted black bamboo.

In many countries there are so-called "valleys of death", where mysterious and anomalous phenomena. One of the most strongest abnormal zones in the world is considered to be the Hayju Valley in the south of China, the name of which is literally translated as the "Hollow of the Black Bamboo".
For many years, a lot of people lost in the hysterious circumstances in the mysterious circumstances, the bodies of which were not found. It is quite often terrible accidents occur and people die.
So, in 1950, the plane crashed in the valley for an unknown reason: there was no technical problems with the vessel and the crew did not report a distress. In the same year, according to statistical data, about 100 people were missing in the hollow!
After 12 years, the valley "swallowed" as many people - the whole geological exploration group disappeared. He survived only the guide, which told what happened.
When the expedition approached the valley, he was a little behind, at that moment a thick fog suddenly appeared, because of which there was nothing to be visible within a radius of about a meter. Guide, feeling inexplicable fear, froze in place. A few minutes later, when the fog dissipated, the band was no longer ...
Geologists, as well as all their equipment, were not found.
In 1966, the detachment of military cartographers disappeared here, which were engaged in adjusting the relief maps of this area. And in 1976, a group of foresters disappeared in the hollow.
There are many versions explaining the anomalous properties of the black bamboo hollow - from the action of a person's consciousness of vapors secreted by rotting plants, and strong geomagnetic emissions to the transitions in this zone in parallel worlds.
Be that as it may, the mystery of the Chinese "Death Valley" still has not been solved, which attracts many tourists here. There is even a souvenir trade here.

2. Dolina headless gold kits in Canada

In the north-west Canada, there is also a valley that has similar gloomy fame. Until the beginning of the 20th century, this desert area did not have the name: she received his terrible name only in 1908, after the skeletons of the overwhelmed three years earlier, the gold kits were found beheaded
By the end of the XIX century, the Golden Fever covered the North-West Canada - in 1897, incredibly large-scale mining of precious metal was carried out in the famous Klondike.
A year later, the Klondike fever ended, and wishing to be easily and quick to get rich had to look for new "golden places". Then the sceners went to the valley located along the South Shanni River, which local Indians went by the party.
The gold killers did not pay attention to the superstition. They had no longer seen them. It was the first official registered incapacity of people in this area.
In the Canadian police card file, official data on the numerous victims of the valley are preserved: since she received its unavailable name, people regularly disappeared, and then their bodies were beheaded.
Interestingly, most of the dead were gold kits, while each of them was distinguished by a strong physique and could stand up for himself.
It was assumed that the gangsters, or locals, thus protect their gold in the Valley of Headlines. Indians, however, argued that people kill the local "snowy man" - Saskwach.
In 1978, an expedition led to the Valley headed by Henk Mortimer's scientist. Six researchers were equipped with the latest technology and, of course, were ready to defend themselves.
Reaching the place, scientists reported that they installed the tent and depart deep into the valleys. Closer to the evening another call rang. The operator heard a writhing cry: "Emptiness comes out of the cliff! It's terrible ... ", after which the connection was interrupted.
Of course, the rescuers were sent to the expedition parking place, which, arriving there on a helicopter after half an hour after the message, did not find any people nor tents. The decapitated body of one of the researchers was detected only six days after the tragedy.
After that, the terrain found the fame of mystical location. And people continued to disappear ... In 1997, a group of scientists, specialists in the anomalies and military, who also disappeared into an ominous valley. The last thing they reported is: "We are surrounded by a thick fog" ...
The mystery of the murderous valley is not disclosed to this day, but, despite this, curious tourists continue to see her willingly attend.

3. Islands of the island of Sebl in the Atlantic Ocean

In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 180 km south-east of Canada's shores, drifting the "nomadic" sick-like island of Seb.
Since this small island has been opened by Europeans, he inspired the most real horror of the navigators. As soon as he was not called: "Eater ships", "island of shipwrecks", "deadly saber", "Ghost Island" ...
And in our time, the secl is called the "Cemetery of Atlantic." By the way, his official name in English means black, mourning color (Sable).
Of course, such a sad fame was not accidental - here shipwrecks really constantly happened. It is now difficult to say how many ships found their death here ...
The fact is that in the coastal waters of the sabral, navigation is very complicated due to two currents found here - Cold Lambrador and warm Golf Stream. The flows generate the waterways, huge waves and the movement of the sandy island.
Yes, Sable moves in the waters of the ocean. To the east, with an approximate speed of 200 meters per year. Moreover, together with the position of the cunning island, which is poorly visible due to permanent fogs and gigantic waves, is constantly changing and its size.
So on the XVI century cards, his Dina was about 300 km, now it decreased to 42. It was assumed that the island would continue to completely disappear, but in the last century he began to increase
The fate of the crashing ships aggravated the nature of local sands - they quickly delay any items. Huge courts were hiding under the ground completely in just 2-3 months.
The last victim of the insatiable island was the American steamer "Manhassent" in 1947. After that, 2 lighthouses and a radio station were installed on the sailing - since then the disaster has finally stopped.
Nowadays, about 20 - 25 people are serving on the island - they serve lighthouses, a radio station and a local hydrometeorological center, and also know how to carry out rescue operations - in case of shipwreck.
These people work in very difficult conditions, and not only because of the permanent fogs and hurricane winds - many of them say that they see the ghosts of dead sailors. Not surprising - they live literally on the bones.
One of the workers even had to be evacuated from the island, since every night he was begged on the help of ghosts with the victim here in 1926, the collapse of Silvia Mosher.

4.kashmar Venice

In romantic Venice also have their own mystical places. Almost not far from the wonderful canals of the city there is the island of the reseaglet, which has discouraged the dubious glory of the real "horror symbol".
It all started at the time of Rome, when they brought here on the faithful death of the views of the plague to isolate society from them.
In the XIV century, during the second epidemic of this disease, or black death, a hopelessly sacred sick venetians were overgrown, where, in terrible flour, they were forgated with life. People were buried in one huge fraternal grave.
According to beliefs, due to the fact that the dead did not have time to bury, the bodies simply burned, so now the soil island is half consists of human ash. They say, in total, about 160 thousand unfortunate died here.
In 1922, on the terrible island, the "Neighborhood of Lost Souls", discovered a psychiatric hospital. That's where the real nightmare began here - patients complained about wild headaches, and at night they were the ghosts of the dead people, the patients heard wild cries and screams ...
And in Venice there were rumors that the chief physician of this hospital himself hurts and puts experiments on the mentally ill - experiencing prohibited drugs and sophisticated medical techniques on them, and in the bell tower of the hospital carries out lobotomy with the help of heater - chisels, hammers, drills ...
If you believe local legends, soon the doctor himself began to see the ghosts of the reseaglet, after which, in the seizure, madness dropped from that very tower.
In 1968, the reseaglee was finally abandoned, now no one lives here, the bell tower of the hospital serves just a guide, and even fishermen try to stay away from the damned island - they are afraid of the lacquer instead of fish to catch human bones.
The authorities, and the Venetians themselves, refute all these rumors - they claim that the island building would have served just a holiday home for the elderly. However, in its dilapidated premises are still hospital beds and debris. medical equipment

5. Writing Lake Ivachevskoye in Russia

Russia also has its ominous zones. One of them is located in the Vologda region near the city of Cherepovets - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe local Lake Ivachevskoye, on the shores of which are resting both in the summer and winter.
Explorers of abnormal phenomena consider this place with a glible, because people are quite often disappeared. At the same time, as in any other similar case, the explanations of these mysterious phenomena find many - in the disappearance of people accused of aliens and monsters, unknown evil forces and transitions to other worlds.
Some who visited the lake tell that when they approached him, heartbeat and breathing slowed down, and then a feeling of complete serenity appeared. However, already at the water itself, calm was replaced with anxiety, turning into an inexplicable fear - it seemed that there was something hostile nearby.
Other "eyewritten" said that they even felt some power, which forced them to obey themselves. Perhaps that is why suicide occurs here so often.
Four years ago, a group of researchers were sent to the area. As a result, scientists revealed signs of geomagnetic changes in this area, which may cause abnormalities.
Skeptics are found a much more prosaic explanation of people's disappearances - in all misfortunes they blame not far from the lake of the swamp.
At the same time, the most swamps in the XIX century were called alive due to a much larger number of crimes and suicide performed here, unlike the other Russian provinces.
However, local residents, like skeptics, are confident that Ivachevskoye is the most common lake, because nothing strange happened to them there. I think the truth somewhere in the middle.

6.Shotaland Overto Bridge.

In the Scottish old Overtoon estate, which is located a few kilometers to the north-west of the city of Glazko, there is a stone arched bridge over a small river, built at the end of the XIX century.
Until the middle of the next century, the bridge was the most ordinary, and nothing strange with him was connected. And here, in the 50s of the 20th century, completely inexplicable events began to occur here - with one of his niche began to regularly jump the dogs, most of which were broken to death, since the height of the bridge is 15 meters.
Surprisingly, a few surviving four-legged, despite pain and wounds, rose again to that very niche and repeated suicide attempt, as if they were forced some kind of unknown force ...
About once a month, a variety of dogs repeated the fate of their unfortunate precursors. Of course, the appearance of a mystical legend did not make himself wait long.
Local residents began to tell that the deaths of dogs push two ghosts - the spirit of the child, who threw his own father from this place, and his father who repented, flew after Chad.
However, scientists put forward their assumption about the causes of a strange phenomenon. The fact is that rodents live under the bridge, and dogs, taking into account their smell, just follow the hunting instinct. Although this theory does not explain the repeated jumps of dogs that contradict the instinct of self-preservation.
Therefore, those who believe in abnormal phenomena suggest that the Overto Bridge can be a kind of transition to the otherworldly worlds, and dogs pay their lives for excessive curiosity.

7. Puzzles of the Bermuda Triangle.

Perhaps the most famous mystical place in the world is the Bermuda Triangle, the Atlantic Ocean section between the Bermuda Islands, Florida and Puerto Rico.
The name of the Bermuda Triangle has already become the name of the nominal and, of course, we all repeatedly heard stories about the inexplicable and non-trained disappearances in it of ships and aircraft, about the ghost ships, abandoned by the crew, about the mysterious movements in time, instant in space and many other creepy Things.
Explanations to all these phenomena there are also a great set - someone claims that there are aliens here, others believe that temporary or black holes are temporary or black holes in the Bermuda triangle, others suggest that all the faults are in space, and some even think that people kidnap Residents of the disappeared Atlantis!
Skeptics and scientists do not find any mystical skeptics in the evil glory of the triangle - it has been established that this area is very complex for navigation, since there are many shamers here, and storms and cyclones are often born.
In 1502, the Bermudes navigator comes from Spain near the shores of Central America came across the islands surrounded by dangerous flames and reefs. He called them the islands of the devil. And only after a few decades later, they began to be called Bermuda in honor of him.
For many centuries, the Bermuda district of the Bermuda islands confessed dangerous among travelers, but so much unfavorable zone expanded only in the XX century.
It all started in 1950, when the correspondent of Associated Press, one of the world's largest information and news agencies, wrote about the mysterious disappearances in the area called by the Devil's Sea. The famous name appeared only after 14 years in the publication of Vincent Gaddis in one of the spirits.
However, the present popularity of the triangle brought the book of Charles Bermuda Triangle of 1974, where all the mysterious cases that occurred in this zone were collected.
At the same time, it was found that some facts in the book are outlined incorrectly, and others strange cases There were generally beyond the boundaries of the same triangle.
The opponents of the mystical theory of this area indicate that in many other, the most ordinary places of our planet, inexplicable accidents are also quite often occur.
Be that as it may, in a short time, we can say something mystical in the Bermuda triangle, or not, and there are generally mystical phenomena, or everything anomalous just did not have time to explain science.
One thing is completely clear - rumors, myths and legends are never emerging from scratch.

There are a lot of places in the world, which attract and frighten with their mystery. People disappear there, things are flying there, ghosts appear there. Scientists cannot understand these phenomena with a sense of these phenomena, then explaining them with mass hallucinations, then simply spread by their hands. Tell me below 10 of the most mystical places on the planet.

Arkim. This is a rather mysterious place. First of all, you need to be able to get in the right way. According to believe in this mystical city, it is not enough to buy a bus ticket or train. Here, a different aspect is much more important - will this place take a guest? People go here not just attempted by interest in antiquity. There are rather strange and unusual things here. So, you can spend the night on the top of the mountain, where the winds are quite cold and blowing. In this case, a thick sleeping bag will not be needed - no longer overcome the cold. It is said that all diseases sleeping in the body and sometimes make themselves to know, in these places go out and never returned to a person. People after visiting the arcama literally begins breaking. Former life loses all means. Looking here begins to feel updated, starting a lot from a clean leaf. This ancient mystical city found Soviet archaeologists in 1987. It is located at the merger of the rivers of the Karagan and Umatagna. This is in the Chelyabinsk region, south of Magnitogorsk. Among all archaeological monuments of Russia, this, no doubt, the most mysterious. Once here ancient arias arreed here. However, for an incomprehensible reason, they left their dwelling and left, finally burn it. It happened about 4 thousand years ago. But during this time the city practically did not destroy, another Aryan city, Sintushta, looks much worse. According to the plan, Arkim looks like two rings of defensive structures, inscribed in one to another. There are two circles of dwellings, the central square and again the circular street in which the flooring was wooden, and even existed storm sewage. Four entrances to Arkim were oriented on the sides of the world. There is no doubt that the city was built on a clear plan. After all, all ring lines here have a single center, where all radial lines converge. In addition, the city also has a clear orientation of the stars. The fact is that it is not only built, but also lived, taking into account the astrological aspects. Often, Arkim is compared with Stonehenge, but it will be more appropriate to compare it with the city of Sun Tommaso Campanella. This philosopher was fond of astrology and dreamed of creating a society that would live according to the laws of space. The city's city invented by him was supposed to be built in the form of a ring, taking into account astrological calculations. Culture found city existed 38-40 centuries ago. This is correlated with the theory of settlement on the planet of the ancient Arya. The legends of those times say that the White Race came to Europe from the North Arctic Ocean of the mainland of the Arctic. Then the arias were settled along the Volga and in the Urals, Northern Siberia. Already from there they switched to India and Persia. Thus, it is Russia that can be considered a cradle of two ancient world religions at once - Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Avesta and Vedas got to Iran and India from us. In proof of this, the Avestian traditions can be given, according to which the Karathustra prophet was born somewhere in the foothills of the Urals.

Devil tower. This place is located in the American Wyoming state. In fact, this is not a tower at all, but the rock. It consists of stone pillars, which seemed to be composed of beams. Mountain has the right form. It was formed by another 200 million years ago. For a long time, a third-party observer seemed that this mountain had an artificial origin. But the man could not build it, began to be, it was created by the devil. According to its sizes, the devil tower is superior to the pyramid of Heops 2.5 times! It is not surprising that the local population has always been treated with trepidation and even fear of this place. In addition, there were rumors that mysterious lights often appeared on the top of the mountain. On the devil tower often remove a variety of fantastic films. The most famous of them - Ribbon Stephen Spielberg "Close contacts of the Third Rhodes". On the top of the mountain, people rose only twice. The first conqueror was the local resident in the XIX century, and the second - Skalolaz Jack Durran as in 1938. The plane will not sit there, and with the only suitable platform suitable for helicopters literally disrupts wind streams. The third conqueror of the vertices was removed to become an experienced parachutist George Hopkins. Although he was able to successfully land, but those ropes that he was dumped from above were spoiled because of the strike of sharp rocks. As a result, Hopkin became a real prisoner, the devilish rocks. News about it stirred up the whole country. Soon there are already several dozen aircraft over the tower, dropping down the equipment and reserves of food. However, most of the parcels were broken about stones. Another feast for a parachutist Rats became. It turned out that they are quite a lot on the top of a smooth cliff, impregnable from below. Every night, rodents became more aggressive and naked. In the United States, a special committee was even created to save Hopkins. To the rescue, he was called an experienced climber Ernst Field with his assistant. But after 3 hours, climbing climbers were forced to abandon further salvation. Field said that this thistle cliff them is simply not on the teeth. So it turned out that the professionals who conquering eight-thousandnesses were powerless before the rocky height of 390 meters. Thus, the most Jack Durran was found through the press. Two days later, he was in place and decided to conquer the vertex one by him only the famous route. The climbers led to him were able to reach the tops and pull the unfortunate parachute from there. The devil tower lasted him in his captivity for a whole week.

White gods. In the northeast of the Moscow region there are places white gods. It is in the tract near the village of Vozdvizhensky Sergiev-Posad district. It is worth to deepen in a deaf forest, as a gaze will appear the right stone hemisphere. Its diameter is 6 meters, and height is 3 meters. This place mentioned in his notes a famous traveler and geographer Semenov-Tian-Shansky. Legends say that there was a pagan altar in the XII-XIII centuries. His planning was something to go to English Stonehenge. There, by the way, according to some data, the victims of the gods were also brought. In the pantheon of the ancient gods, good was personified by Belbog. His idol was established by waves on the hill, people prayed him about protecting from the blacks - the personification of evil. The father of these two gods was Satventit, God-gods. Together, they constituted Triglava, or the triune deity. Such was the image of the pagan system of the universe from the Slavs. Our ancient ancestors did not build their settlements, where he fell. It was necessary to comply with a number of conditions for this. Typically, the Slavs tried to build near the river bells to be attended groundwater, ring structures and geological faults. This is evidenced by snapshots from space, as well as the analysis of the location of old townships, churches and monasteries, as well as the stories that the mystical properties of nature appear in such places.

Gatteras. There are many mysterious and mystical substances in the Atlantic. One of them is Cape Gatteras. He was still called the Southern Cemetery of the Atlantic. The east coast of the United States is generally quite dangerous for shipping. There are islands here to be called external sand or dunes of Virginia Dair. They constantly change their shape and sizes. This creates difficulty for shipping even in the weather with excellent visibility. In addition, there are still a storm, fogs and zybi. The local course of "South Maglaes" and "Golf Stream Warning" make navigation in these waters quite tense and even deadly. Weather forecasters say that during the "ordinary" 8-ball storm, the wave height here is as many as 13 meters. Gulf Stream near Cape flows at a speed of about 70 kilometers per day. 12 miles from Cape are two-meter daimond shames. There the famous flow faces the North Atlantic. This leads to the formation of a very amazing phenomenon observed only in these places. With a storm wave with a crash face, and sand, shells and sea \u200b\u200bfoam Powered by fountains at a height of 30 meters. Live to see such a spectacle and then get away from there a little. Cape has many victims. One of the most famous is the American motor ship "MORMAKKIT". He sank here on October 7, 1954. Another famous case occurred with a female Lighthouse "Diamond-Shoalz". He was tightly tied to the bottom of the anchors, but the strong storms each time pulled it out. As a result, the Mayak generally turned out to be pasted through the dunes in the Bay of Pamliko. In 1942, he, in the end, shot from his guns left here unexpectedly a fascist submarine. In general, sandy shakes during the second world steel became a favorite place for German submarine. There, the submariners bathed, lit up and even organized sporting events. And all this - under the very nose among Americans. After rest, the Germans sat down in their boats and continued to hunt for allies. As a result, in the area from January 1942 to 1945, it was drowning: 31 tankers, 42 transport, 2 passenger ship. The number of small ships is generally difficult to calculate. The Germans themselves lost here only 3 submarines, all - in April-June 1942. A terrible cape at that time was an ally for the fascists. Those natural factorswho prevented American ships, submarine only helped. True, small depths represented the danger and for the Germans too.

Czech catacombs. In the city of Jigal, that in the Czech South Moravia, there is a catacombs. Created by these underground structures by man. This place has a mystical fame. Prokopany here were still in the Middle Ages. They say that in one of the corridors, at midnight, the sounds of the organ begin to hear. In the catacombs, they repeatedly met ghosts, others happened here supernatural phenomena. Scientists at the beginning rejected all these mystical incidents as anti-scientific. However, over time, even they were forced to pay attention to the frequent evidence of something non-Lady, which is happening under the ground. In 1996, a special archaeological expedition arrived in Jigawl. She made an interesting conclusion - local catacombs hide such secrets that science simply cannot solve. Scientists recorded that the sounds of the organ really hear about which are in question in the legends. At the same time, the underground move is at a depth of 10 meters, there is not a single room in which this could accommodate this musical instrument basically. So there can be no talk about random errors. Eyewitnesses examined psychologists who said that there are no signs of mass hallucination. But the main sensation, told by archaeologists, was the existence of a "luminous stairs". She was discovered in one of the little-known accommodation of underground strokes. The fact that he is generally not known even old-timers. Samples of material showed that phosphorus in it is not. Witnesses say that the staircase at first glance does not stand out. However, over time, she begins to radiate mystical reddish-orange light. Even if you turn off the flashlight, then the glow will still remain, and its intensity will not decrease.

Coral lock. This complex includes huge statues and megaliths, whose total weight exceeds 1100 tons. They are folded here by hand, without the use of any machines. Located a castle in California. The complex runs the square tower in two floors. It is one weighs 243 tons. There are also various buildings, thick walls, in the underground pool leads spiral staircase. There is also a folded map of Florida, outstanding stones, created in the form of a heart table, accurate sundial, Stone Saturn and Mars. A month of weighing 30 tons, his horn indicates directly to the polar star. As a result, many interesting items accommodated on Square in 40 hectares. The author and the creator of such an object performed Edward Lidskalninsh, Latvian emigrant. Perhaps, an unrequited love for the 16-year-old Agnes Skaffes pushed him to create a castle. The architect himself fell in Florida in 1920. The mild climate of this place extended him a life, because she was in danger due to progressive tuberculosis. Edward was a small person with an increase in 152 centimeters and weighing 45 kilograms. Although it appeared, he seemed punishly, he built his castle as many as 20 years alone. To do this, he from the coast dragged here huge boulders of coral limestone, and then created blocks from it. At the same time he had no fucking hammerAll your Latvian tools created from the thrown out automotive spare parts. To understand now, as the construction itself occurred is pretty hard. It is not known how general Edward moved and raised multi-torque blocks. The fact is that the builder was still very secretive, preferring to work at night. In the place of its work, sullen Edward let the guests extremely reluctantly. As soon as an undesirable guest got, the owner crossed him behind his back and stood silently there, while the Visitor did not leave. One day, one active attorney from Louisiana decided to build a villa next door. In response to this, Edward just suffered all his brainchild south of 10 miles. The mystery remained how he succeeded. It is known that the builder hired a large truck for this. Motor saw many witnesses. At the same time, no one saw how Edward himself or the builder immersed something or unloaded back. At the amazed questions, as he managed to transport his castle, he answered: "I opened the secret of the builders of the pyramid!". In 1952, Lidskalninsh died unexpectedly, but not at all from tuberculosis, but from the gastric cancer. After the death of Latvas, parts of the diaries were found, where they say about the magnetism of the Earth and the control of the streams of cosmic energy. However, nothing was explained there. A few years after the death of Edward, the American engineering society decided to conduct an experiment. For this, the most powerful bulldozer tried to move one of the stone blocks, which Edward never had time to install. The car was not under power. As a result, the mystery of all this construction and his movement remained unsolved.

Kyzylkum. Between the rivers Syrdarya and Amudarya Central Asia There are a number of abnormal sites that still fail to explore. So, in the central part of Kyzylkum, strange rock paintings were found in its mountains. There you can clearly consider people in the spaces and something very resembling space ships. In these places, it is often observed by UFOs. The famous case occurred in November 1990. Then the staff of the Zarafshan Cooperative "Ltinka", traveling at night along the road Navoi - Zarafshan saw a long-sighter object of cylindrical shape in the sky. From it to the ground, a strong, focused, clearly limited cone-shaped beam was descended. The expedition of Ufolov found a interesting woman in Zarafshan, who has supernatural capabilities. She stated that he was constantly in contact with representatives of alien civilization. In the spring of 1990, she had information that an unearthly flying object was destroyed in an near-earth orbit, and its remnants fell 30-40 kilometers from the city. In just six months and in September two local geologists, breaking the drilling profiles, stumbled upon stains of incomprehensible origin. Their analysis showed that they cannot have earthly origin. However, this information was immediately classified and no one has confirmed it officially.

Loch Ness. This Scottish lake has long been maniting all lovers of mysticism and mysteries. The reservoir is located in the north of Great Britain, in Scotland. Loch Ness Square - 56 km², its length is 37 kilometers. The maximum depth of the lake is 230 meters. Lake is part of Caledonian Canal, which connects the Western and East Coast of Scotland. The glory of this lake brought a mysterious large animal Nesssey, allegedly dwelling in it. Externally, it very much resembles the fossil lizard. Scientists were calculated that since the creation of the road on the shore of the lake in 1933, more than 4 thousand evidence of the appearance of the lake of the lake was recorded. For the first time in the 20th century, the wife of McCay, owners of a local hotel saw him in the 20th century. However, there are not only documented eyewitness stories, science also has tens of even fuzzy, but photographs, there are underwater entries and even Echohotot records. They can be noticed in fully or partially one or more lizards with a long neck. Supporters of the existence of the monsters in the proof of their theory lead a film, shot in 1966 by the employees of English aviation Tim Diesdal. There can be seen how a huge animal floats in the water. Military experts only confirmed that the object moving along Loch Nesu could not be an artificial layout. This is a living creature, moving at a speed of about 16 km / h. It is also considered that the Lake District itself is a large abnormal zone. After all, the UFOs often observed, the most famous testimonies belong to 1971, when they flew alien "irons." Researchers leave the lake alone. So, in the summer of 1992, all Loch Ness was carefully scanned with a hydroletor. The results turned out to be sensational. The wards of Dr. McEndrulyus said that under water was found at least somewhat unusually enormous living beings. It could be dinosaurs who somehow survived to this day. The lake was photographed by the Laser Equipment. Researchers said that the lizard living in the waters is unusually smart. Even submarine was used to search for monsters. In 1969, the "Pisiz" apparatus, equipped with Sonar, descended under water. Later, the search continued the boat "Viperfish", and since 1995, the "Time Machine" submarine began to take part in the study. An important study in February 1997 was held by the military led by an officer Edwards. They patrolled the water surface and used deep-water sonars. At the bottom of the lake, a deep cleft was found. It turned out that the cave has a width of 9 meters, and its maximum depth can reach 250 meters! Researchers want to learn more, whether this cave is part of the underwater tunnel connecting the lake with other reservoirs in the neighborhood. To find out, in the hole are going to launch a whole batch of non-team dyeing substances. Separate particles will then look for in other water bodies. Lake can be reached from London by train, and from Inverness - by bus or car. Around Loch Ness has created a whole branched tourist infrastructure. There are many hotels and hotels. You can even smash the tent, but not on personal land. In the summer, the lake is heated so much to swim in it. But we dare only Russian tourists who are just accepted for the crazy.

Paw triangle. There is a geoanomal zone between the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions on the shore of Sylva. This triangle is opposite the village of Merbat. He opened this strange place a geologist from Perm Emil Bachurin. He found in the winter of 1983 in the snow, an unusual round trace of diameters of 62 meters. Returning here in the fall of the next year, he saw luminous in the forest blue color Head. Further study of this place showed that there is a strong biological anomaly. In the triangle there were large black figures, glowing balls And other bodies. In this case, these objects demonstrated reasonable behavior. They lined up in clear geometric shapes, watched people exploring them, flew while approaching them people. In September 1999, the next expedition of the group "Cosmoposisk" came here. They have repeatedly heard outside the sounds. Researchers mention that they heard the working motor. The feeling was created that the car rolls out from the forest from the forest, but she herself did not appear. Yes, and there were no traces of it and did not find it. The prayer triangle is generally quite famous for tourists and ufologists. In the early 1990s, so many curious people began to come here that it was simply impossible to deal with any research. In the press, it became increasingly difficult to mention that the Perm abnormal zone under the massive impact of people ceased to exist. That is why recently interest in the mysterious triangle has noticeably decreased.

Chavinda. This unusual place is located in Mexico. In Chavinda, according to the beliefs of locals, is the "intersection of worlds." Therefore, no one is surprised that the abnormal and mystical incidents in this area are more common than in other places. In the 1990s, the incredible case occurred here. Eyewitnesses say that there was a lunar cloudless night. I did not even need a lantern to see what was happening around. The treasures suddenly heard how the rider approaches them. He was in a national costume. The rider told the frightened Mexicans that he saw them from the top of a distant mountain and shot a 5-minute one here. Physically it was impossible! The treasteners threw their tool and fled in a panic. When they came to themselves, they naturally doubtedly in what he saw. Mexicans soon began to search for. But it turned out that it was only the beginning! Their new cars began to break, and during just one day turned into old wrecks. No repair could stop this process. One of the cars even stopped seeing other drivers on the road. Once it even rammed a truck, the driver of whom was amazedly watched, as she crashes into a "invisible" car. Such mystical troubles continued until the Mexicans did not have to give themselves to themselves to give themselves the word for themselves, which refuse to search for this treasure.

Twenty-first century - the time of digital electronics, new technologies and discoveries. Drugs are found from many previously incurable diseases. The skyscrapers that change their shape are built. Space studied. However, there was also a lot of unexplored. For example, Lines of Nask in Peru or in China, Stonehenge and Easter Island. Which one is the most mysterious place on the planet? The answer to this question will not give any scientist ...

Around the light in search of the unknown

Mysterious places on Earth. Where to look for them? Enough look around. In each corner of the planet, you can find interesting and unusual phenomena of nature. Question in another: what do you want more - beauty, fascinating spirit, or still extreme adventures? The seekers are beautiful worth visiting, for example, salarder de uuesty in Bolivia. The huge salt desert was formed on the site of a dried lake. In the rainy season, when the salt is covered with a small layer of water, there is a feeling that the person goes on the water. The sky merges from the earth. All thoughts will disdain overnight. This is the most incredible place on Earth!

And there are such natural corners, visiting which will be difficult to fall asleep. Caves, forests and lakes with mysterious and mystical stories will not leave indifferent even the most bold and brave tourists. Horror films will seem children's fairy tales. The abnormal places of the planet rush the nerves to everyone.

Fans of acute sensations are dedicated

Blue hole. This is an underwater cave, which is located on the coast of Belize among coral reefs (Central America). It is a funnel in 120 meters deep and 305 width. The cave arch collapsed and was flooded when the sea level rose. Blue hole has become known to the world after the TV shows of the Jacqua-Wyva Costo. It was he who became the discoverer of this amazing natural phenomenon. The underwater world of the cave is very diverse than and attracts divers. Feeling, as if you get into the cartoon about the mermaid Ariel.

And the lakes are undoubtedly the most unusual places. On the planet there are a lot of such. And, of course, Lake Melissano in Greece deserves separate attention. This is a cave and lake at the same time. Clean, like tears, water in combination with virgin thickets and unusual stones - What can be more beautiful? There is not enough fabulous nymph and elves.

Attracts and fascinates the underground river Puerto Princess in the Philippines. The world's largest underground river. Her length reaches eight kilometers. Puerto Princess refer to one of the wonders of nature. The territory around the underground reservoir, as well as the reservoir itself, is announced by the National Park. You can get into the cave right from the open sea, where and the river flows. Maybe this is the most mysterious place on Earth?

Attracts interest in the USA. It is simultaneously ground and underground reservoir. For a long time, the most severe of whom - Apacha lived on the territory around the lake. Here you can hear different legends and testes. They will not leave anyone indifferent. The lake and the terrain around it are considered a reserve.

If we talk about natural reservoirs, you should mention the Pamukkale pools in Turkey. The place that will suggest your mark in the memory of the tourist for a long time. Pools are large hills, filled with natural medicinal waters. Millions of tourists visit the country, only to see this mysterious place on Earth. At any time of the day, the appearance that opens from the pool is simply amazing. Many have Pamukkale pools to the eighth miracle of light.

Mysterious places of the planet

How much interesting and mysterious hides nature! It seems that there is not enough life to go around the ground and see everything with your own eyes. But, on the other hand, it would be time and desire. After all, nothing is impossible!

So, where are they - mysterious places of the planet? Photo of natural wicker can be found on the pages of different encyclopedias. Enough to extract one of these books and decide on the route of travel. Be sure to see the roads of the giants in Ireland, Troll's tongue in Norway, Canyons in the USA, spotted lakes in Canada, and much more.

Road of giants. It is posted on the coast of Ireland from stone columns. Many legends and testes are on her account. The most common legend: the road built one Finn for battle with the marine mandes. In fact, the trail was formed due to volcanic eruptions. The locality where it is located is a reserve.

Antelope Canyon in the USA. America is rich in canyons, but the most amazing is the antelope canyon. In the photo it looks like human creation. After all, how can nature cut such lines and forms? Can! Winds I. rainwater For a long time, the sanding caves were wounded and washed. It is difficult to name all the shades of the canyon. In the morning he is one, in the evening - the other. BUT best game paints - day, with sunlight. Canyon is located on the lands of the Navajo tribe. And to see the most mysterious place on Earth, you need to pay the Indians for the intersection of their land.

Spotted lake in Canada. In the form of the lake resembles bee honeycombs, each cell of which is filled with water different color. All because the water is saturated with different minerals, which paint water. In summer water evaporates, leaving useful minerals on a surface.

Stone forest in China. These are amazing stones resembling small mountains. At one time there was a sea that washed soft rocks, leaving stone trunks. The forest is located in the province of Yunnan and is very popular among tourists. It has narrow trails and moves, for which alone is better not to wander - you can get lost. There are similar education in Russia on the banks of the Lena River (Yakutia).

Pyramids Yoganuni in Japan. The world knows a lot of pyramids, but Japanese were discovered quite recently, just 20 years ago. The unusual buildings are that they are under water. According to scientists, it makes up ten thousand years. Clear answers who and how built this artifact is not. However, terraces, trenches, various lines and inscriptions indicate a certain, possibly unknown, civilization, which was flooded by the sea.

In lovely tourists should certainly visit the lords tunnel. It is located in the Rivne region in Ukraine. Abandoned railway, it would seem, should have a frightening, mystical look. But with this tunnel, the opposite! In the summer, the section of the railway is becoming grain from all sides and acquires the appearance of the tunnel. A lot of lovers and newlyweds hurries here on a photo session. The tunnel is very similar to the trail from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland." So wait that here is about, the Cheshire Cat will appear ...

Lot of horror stories. Ghost towns

In addition to stunning and mysterious natural corners, our planet is full of terrible and unpleasant places that chose the soul with their mystical secrets. As they say, the horror films "rest" in comparison with them. Scrolling seekers - just right!

In the category "The most abnormal places" first place can be legally given to Ukraine and its city-ghost of Pripyat. The city will leave and abandoned after the world famous tragedy at the Chernobyl NPP. Empty streets, playgrounds and lonely houses as if specifically created as scenery for a terrible film. Pripyat is the youngest ghost city. At the time of the catastrophe he was only 16 years old. Now there are about 300 old-timers there, who did not want to seek the shelter in other cities.

There are similar towns and in Russia - Kadychkan (Magadan). He leads his story since 1943, when at the place of the future settlement was discovered by the deposits of high-quality coal. Since then, a small village was laid. However, after the bang of the mine in 1996, life in the city became impossible due to increased level radiation. People cached in their eyes. Evacuation began. Now only empty apartments and cars abandoned in the courtyards remind you that the city "was" ...

Oradur-sur-Glan - French village, whose residents were shot by German occupiers during the Second World War. In one day, 642 people killed, of which almost 500 women and children were. The same city burned. Not far from the place of the tragedy, a new city was built with the same name, and the old oradour-sur-glan was recognized as a historical monument.

There is also a ghost city in America - Detroit (Michigan). Earlier, the prosperous city is now similar to the ghost: destroyed houses and schools suggest fear and horror. The most stronger impression is once produced by the world's largest railway station. Detroit is a great place to shoot mystical films. In abandoned churches, dolls are scattered everywhere, testifying to Satanian rites.

Ghost cities are the most unusual places on the planet. They are forced to think about the consequences of human actions and revise their attitude towards nature.

In search of paranormal phenomena

When it comes to ghost cities, it is appropriate to mention and separate buildingswho are so frightened by their appearance. The paranormal places of the planet are not the game of the imagination of directories, these are true stories that take attention.

AMITIVIL. Someone will say: "It's just fiction!" But still a strange house there is actually! The town of AMITIVIL is located near New York. The murder, which entailed mysterious events, is still not solved to this day. No one knows what happened there really. However, after a terrible case, when the eldest son killed his whole family, no tenant was detained in the house for a long time. People fled, leaving their things.

The psychiatric clinic Lier Sichus in Norway or Military Hospital in Germany is also the same horror. Buildings that have a dark past will be a find for Paramal lovers. In the clinic, as in the hospital, they found their refuge of the soul, died in tormented and agony.

Solitude with notes of mysticism "smacks" the eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Russia). This is the Russian Military Station in the Caspian Sea. She is in three kilometers from the shore. The walls of the long-standing plant, as if cold ice iceberg, stand among the sea and frighten the Morpekhov with their monstrous appearance ...

There are in Russia and their "Silent Hill". A small abandoned town from Daches and children's camps is located in the Moscow region. And God forbid to become a witness of Satanic rites, which are held there!

Road death

Our land is broken with roads and highways. There are good highways and not very. And there are trails, staying on which inexplicable fear.

For example, the most terrible road in the world! She claimed thousands of lives. The road passes high in the mountains and stretches for 70 km. From one side of her, the rocks destroyed by crosses and monuments, and on the other hand, a break and abyss. And although the construction of a safe way began, but still use this expensive. Eyewitnesses more than once noticed strange white shadows, flashing it ahead, then behind the car. Probably, the souls of the dead on this trail, which can not be resting ...

The unusual road is located in the mountains of China. This is not just a river, but the road-tunnel. Periodically, the track seems to be part of the mountain itself, where on the one hand - the rocks, and on the other hand there are such windows over the abyss. They say if the driver looks at the window, immediately break down ...

There is a road of death and in Russia. So called the Lyubertsy trail - Lytkarino. This is a narrow winding highway, according to which drivers are going with marginal caution. Strange silhouettes saw here not one traveler. It is rumored that in these places there are ancient burials. Perhaps the abundant souls are looking for answers to their eternal questions. The whole road is littered with monuments, crosses and flowers.

And by and large, all the roads of Russia can be called the death paths in one way or another. Whether drivers are so, or highways, but the Russian Federation Among the first countries on road accidents.

Paranormal Russia

The whole Russian country is also sisit of anomalies. Very many different oddities in her heart itself - in Moscow and the region. The anomalous places of the Moscow region are scattered mainly in small villages.

UFO seekers can be hunched for unusual pictures in the settlements of the chapel, Protasovo, Ogudnevo, Nikolskoye and many others. The most powerful geopathogenic knot is located in the village of Chapel. Strange sounds, shadows and outbreaks have not been noticed by local residents. Some were lucky enough to shoot interesting personnel on the camera, the authenticity of which was tested in Russia and the United States.

Often, lights are fixed in the sky at 47 km of Yaroslavl highway, in particular, over the village of Sofrino. Find out, right or a friend, you can, only armed with the camera on your own and going to an extreme journey.

If we talk about Moscow itself, then almost every metro station hides some secrets. A lot of interesting and paranormal hide underground stations "Baumanskaya" (Basurmanskoe crypts), "Sukharevskaya" (Tower of the Koldun), "Clean ponds" (sodes with meat and meat). These are places that still keep the secrets of the past.

But the biggest horror leads the house of Beria on the streets of Malaya Nikitskaya (M. Arbatskaya) on the residents of Moscow. They say, at night there are sounds of an approaching car, followed by heavy male steps. This Beria returned home. And well, if he is accompanied by the lady. But if they are heard the moans of the repressed, then it is better to run from that place without looking around ...

What are the caves of Russia?

Caves are the most mysterious plants of the planet, which since a long time caused increased interest in people. Different beliefs and legends are about these natural creations.

For example, Sablin caves in the Leningrad region took not one human life. This place is preferred to be silent. You will not read about it in the newspaper and you will not hear on the radio. The secret zone is covered with secrets, which until no one managed to solve. Previously, fugitives and prisoners were hidden in the caves. Probably, they could not find out of them, and now their souls are doomed to eternal searches.

Many horror stories are connected with the Kashlukat cave, which in the north of Russia. She is known in the people as the cave of the Black Devil. It is not surprising, because her grottoes also have a mystical name - skeleton, obscurantic ... On the walls of the cave you can see the ancient spells of shamans, which for a long time spent their rites here. It is said that those who managed to survive after the campaign in the cave, with time go crazy.

The most abnormal and mysterious places of Russia are enclosed in mountain arrays. One of these is or Dyatlov's pass. Many learned about this place in the same film. This is not just the fiction of the director, this is a real mountain, and she is in the north of the Urals. Back in 1959, a group of young tourists tried to conquer her. However, all members of the group died under mysterious circumstances. Rescuers who were looking for tourists discovered only torn from the inside a tent. What power made people in the lutty frost leave the place of sleep? What is so scared by the members of the group? These questions still have no clear answers. Locals consider this place to be damned.

About such places do not say ...

"Unusual places on the planet, photos of which can be found on the pages of cognitive books, are just pictures," everyone will say. And only the one who felt the cold of a mysterious cave or lake, hardly wants to visit these corners again.

There is a terrain in Russia, which is better not to know, and even more so do not go there. For example, the damned cemetery is local residents prefer to bypass the tenth road. The mystical forest with incomprehensible meadow is located near the village of Kezhemy district of Krasnodar Territory.

According to the legends of the villagers, in 1908 the meteorite, which formed in Earth was fell. The hole after time thumb. But the land in this place is considered damned. She looks like after a terrible fire, and there is nothing alive on it. Each cemetery spent on the scratch immediately die. For all the years of research, about a hundred people disappeared here.

This is not all the abnormal places of Russia. Many secrets are hidden in water bodies.

Ivachevskoe lake (Volgograd region). The water is fascinating with its beauty and mystery. However, the picturesque terrain not only pacifies, but also catches some fear. Many noted that after resting on this lake they had a deterioration of well-being. And the inhabitants of Cherepovets, which is located next to the lake, say that more and more people disappear on this reservoir. Researchers of the anomalies of clear answers do not yet give. This is the most mysterious place on Earth.

Bypassing the party and the Yaccan reservoir (Kaluga region). The people are called the Thunder of the Lord. The reservoir attracts an electric charge. People swimming in it die from lightning strikes. It is better not to be in these places. It is unlikely that someone will like this rest.

But the death rate of people in Lake Surzi Arkhangelsk region is quite explained. The reservoir is dangerous for life due to increased radioactivity. The fish here pops up upwards, and fishermen and disappear. Those who managed to survive after such fishing, remember the events with fear and do not always wait until the morning. The results of forensic medical examinations show that the cause of the death of fishermen was the effect of radiation.

This is still not all the abnormal places of Russia. The mystical city of Arkim in the Chelyabinsk region is distinguished by beauty and mystery. Where two rivers, Karagana and Uttaganka are converging in one, and this is an amazing historical heritage. The city was opened by archaeologists in 1987. It has the kind of rings concluded one to another. There are four inputs in the settlement - one for each side of the world. The preserved arcamy buildings indicate an ancient civilization. The city has amazing properties - it is able to heal from many diseases. The one who visited here once will be returned by sure again. But not for all arcam hospital. On some he cattures fear and horror. Only the favorites is open input.

Incredible places on earth - towards adventure!

We are unknown everywhere. The most mysterious plants of the planet are open only to the chosen. People with a huge power of will, who are ready for an exciting trip. Our life is so short and is fleeting that you do not have time and look back, how old age sorts up. And well, closing the eyes, remember the mysterious places of the planet, in search of which we were interested in the world. And who did not see the true beauty of our land - he almost lived ...