Icons angels. Guardian Angel icon

Those who were born from December 22 to January 20, protect the icon of the Mother of God "Power", and the guardian angels have Holy Sylvester and rev. Seraphim Sarovsky.

Born from January 21 to February 20 Protected by the Saints Athanasius and Cyril, and protect their icons of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" and "Unless Cupina."

Iberian Mother of God is an intercession of those who were born from February 21 to March 20. Guardian angels from Holy Alexy and Milends Antih.

Bornish from March 21 to April 20 We must ask for protection from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and they guard their holy sofronies and Innocent Irkutsk, as well as Georgy Confessor.

The icons "Sporchits of the sinful" and the Iverland of God will protect the born from April 21 to May 20. Saints Stefan and Tamara, the apostle John theology are their guardian angels.

If the birthday has to from May 21 to June 21, It is necessary to ask for the defense of the icons of Our Lady "the recovery of the dead", "unalitable bundle" and "Vladimir". Secure Saints Alexey Moscow and Konstantin.

Icons of "all mournful joy" and the Kazan Mother of God - the intercession of born from June 22 to July 22. Saint Kirill - their guardian angel.

Saint Nicholas Ratio and Ilya-Prophet guard born from July 23 to August 23, and icon "Pokrov Blessed Virgin Mary"They protect them.

Ask for protection from icons "Unhapite Kupina" and "passionate" follows those who were born from August 24 to September 23. Their guardian angels are Saints Alexander, John and Paul.

Icons of the Pocheevskaya Mother of God, "unalitable" and "the erection of the Cross of the Lord" should look for the defense of those who were born from September 24 to October 23. Guards their Saint Sergius Radonezh.

Saint Paul - Guardian Angel Born from October 24 to November 22. The icons of the Mother of the Mother "Spearness" and "Jerusalem" protect them.

Born from November 23 to December 21 We must ask for intercessors from the icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvinskaya" and "sign". Saint Nicholas, the Holy Barbara - their guardian angels.

In each house, it is desirable to have the Iver Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary (goalkeeper), which protects the house from enemies and ill-wishers.

One of our nearest helpers in all troubles is our guardian angel. According to the church legend, each person with the Holy Baptition of the Lord is given a disembodied guardian angel. All my life, our guardian angel is invisibly present next to us, it prays about us to the Lord, and after our death will justify us before God.

How icon will protect you and your loved ones
Each of us, in the sacrament of baptism, the guardian angel is given - a representative of the forces of the probable, who all his life with us, keeps us, protects and warns about possible problemsIf we sincerely love God, believe him, hope for him. Prayers in front of the icons of the guardian angel, which are included, in particular, in the morning and evening prayer rule, including before the icon of the "Phenomenon of the Guardian Angel", protect us all day, and then all night from the invasion of our life of evil forces.

What helps icon
The prayer in front of the "Guardian Angel" icon will help in all worldly affairs, because after Mother's intercession and the saints, which we appeal for help, our guardian angel is the main petties. This, figuratively speaking, our invisible bodyguard, a mentor from the Most High, who is entrusted to look after us during the earthly life, pray to God about us when we will cool down, and, if possible, not to get stupid. We can say that the voice of intuition is his voice. When we read the prayers to the guardian angel consciously, personally, lovingly, disassembled words, and not formally reading the text, then we begin to understand your true responsibility for all things and before God, and in front of his obsolete military. If you think about her heartfelt words, it will help you understand how closely we are connected with them, with the angels: you grieve them with your irresponsible in front of the Lord, but, showing virtues, we are glad. It is important to remember that the official church recommends contacting the guardian angels at home, that is, in their home prayers.

How to pray before the icon
First of all, we will remember: despite the fact that we call the day of the celebration of your tezo-estate with the saints, whose name we wear, in other words, the name, "Angel's Day", the Holy Heavenly Patron - is not an angel keeper, and the expression "day Angel "In this case, is not a completely correct definition.
Our holy patron is a real person who has an individual character that has passed the earthly path and survived after Christ the experience of Ascension to the kingdom of heaven. For him - their own, personal prayers, akathists are written, where the biography of the Saint and his Christian Holy Fell is reflected, for which the Lord gave them holiness. Guardian angel - a disembodied force that does not have a name and individual damn. But it is possible to apply in my home prayer to it, because these prayers were created in antiquity.
Prayer angel-keeper, which can be repeated in all cases, for example, before all important things

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the heavens given! I diligently pray the things: you are going to enlighten, and from all the evil salary, to any act to nasty, and on the path of salvation will move. Amen.

Prayer from "Morning Prayers" in Prayer (read in the morning)
Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athannnya waters of the soul and body, all I'm sorry, a foolishness of my abdominal, and it is still that I was sinful in the preceded Nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all the temptation Yes, yes, I don't hurt God in any Gres, and pray for me to the Lord, so I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good. Amen.

Prayer from "Prayers to sleep coming" in prayer (read on the night, in the evening)
Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposite of the enemy to get rid of me, and I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

My angel, hug me with a wing,
And just sit quietly near ...
Do not condemn - neither word and not
Yes, I will answer for everything, but then ...

My angel, these few minutes
From my birthday to Padena
Then, probably, life will be called
But someone - the rest, the rest - the shadow ...

Guardian-angel, on the outcome of the day
Do not cry in vain, burning about me,
And if you failed to save me,
Save at least those who love me.

Angel sat down on a spruce branch
Easy, air, almost weightless.
Medium Mishura and Multicolored Balls
It seems it is inconspicuous and modest.

Under Christmas he went down to the ground,
Miracle carrying us on the tips of the wings.
In bright night all universe
Inapproprifying angelic hymns.

He flew to giving a consolation
Souls crumpled in sorrow
Joy, hope, love and resignation,
Become a true friend, the keeper of our.

Much misconceptions even among believers there is about angels. This is due to the fact that from the theological side here is not everything is clear, because these creatures are not available to direct human observation. Nevertheless, in Orthodoxy there is a tradition to acquire the icon of the guardian angel, pray to her heavenly intercession.

Who are angels

There is a canonical teaching about the angels, which, however, is a shot of different spaces. But these are often mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, directly participating in human history since the paradise time. God put Cherubim at the paradise gate, so that Adam could not return there. Angels The Lord commanded to portray on the ark of the covenant, then in the Jerusalem temple.

An image of angels not only was not forbidden, but also encouraged since the time of the Old Testament. According to opinion Orthodox church, Each person has a personal angel, which is given after baptism, although many believe that immediately after birth. The icon of the guardian angel can be given a baby for a birthday or christening.

In Judaism, there are several complex hierarchies of angelic ranks, but after the new Testament, Christians have developed their own. Gregory Theologian, for example, leads such an order, starting with the least dignity:

  • Angels.
  • Archangels.
  • Throne.
  • Domination.
  • Beginning.
  • Authorities.
  • Forces.
  • Military.
  • Century.
  • Cherry.
  • Serafa.

As a rule, in many similar systematization, the angels are the smallest ranks. Maybe therefore, they were most often the biblical righteous, then the saints. According to the teachings of the church, the angels are personalities, but nature has more similarities with the Divine. Nevertheless, it is very different from it: for example, angels cannot be simultaneously in two places.

Today the church adheres to such a hierarchy, where the highest ranks are seraphims, the lower (ninth) - angels. From God, the angels are endowed by a number of inaccessible human abilities:

  • Invisibility for human eye.
  • Skill fly.
  • The ability to manifest itself in the human world and influence him (in the Old Testament plot angels, for example, destroyed the cities).
  • Ability to talk with people in their language.
  • The ability to read human thoughts.

Why the angel man

God gives angels with different duties, uses them as intermediaries among themselves and people. It is believed that the Lord sends them, because people simply cannot withstand meetings with him. Even the kind of angel is able to bring horror on a person, although they look out on people, only with wings. How do you really look like celestial creatures, it's hard to say (there are in the Bible various descriptions). The icon of the Holy Guardian Angel depicts only a canonical image approved by the Rules of the Church.

According to church legend, the guardian angel must instruct a person in the comprehension of God's struggle, to protect him from the attacks of dark forces. A person does not see these battles, they are hidden in order not to scare the weak spirit. But he can feel support higher Forces. Many experienced inexplicable events in their lives - for example, when miraculously managed to avoid car accident, unexplained coincidences, meetings with necessary people. In such cases, it is necessary to thank your angel.

Prayers near the icon of the guardian angel can be worn and the nature of the request: first of all, the help must be asked in the spiritual aspects of your life. It is believed that in the afterlife angel will be available to perceive a person, with him you can communicate and even be friends. During the terrestrial path, it is necessary to ask him to instruct in faith and every kind business that will contribute to the salvation of the soul.

Image history

In the art of the Ancient East, images of the winged beings are often found: they are decorated, for example, the altar in Megiddo. In Samaria, the figures of the winged angels were found. Old Testament calls whole line The objects depicting seraphes that were in the temple.

In the Russian iconographic tradition, all the usual images began to appear at the end of the 16th century. As an attributes, Angels had a cross (for blessings) and a sword (to protect against the dark forces). Clothing resembles Dyaconian vestments - of course, angels, being disembodied in spirits, do not need him, it's just a symbol of their ministry in heaven. The color of the cloak is usually green, chitone - red, or robe can be white.

  • The image can be both a waist and complete, in this case an angel usually stands on the cloud. The meaning of the "Guardian Angel" icon is to remind the eternal existence of the soul. A hoody figure seems to be a man in heavenly monastery, where he was cut off by a sin.
  • Although an externally angel has a human appearance, its unearthly origin is emphasized by the presence of large wings folded behind his back.
  • One hand can be raised in a blessing gesture, sometimes both hands are folded for prayer. The gaze is usually directed directly to the viewer, but it can be directed toward, and the head is slightly tilted in respect, as if the angel bowed to the Lord.
  • In the images of modern masters, the heavenly keeper can keep a small soul (in the image of a child) in hand.

How to find "your" keeper angel icon

Upon baptism, the child receives a name, his patron is considered a certain saint. It is usually chosen by the shints, but you can do it and arbitrarily, especially if a person is baptized by adults. If the life path of some particular saint inspires - you can safely choose it as a heavenly patron. Error with such a saint called the "guardian angel."

For example, if a child is called Kirill, he is given to the icon of St. Cyril. But the guardian angel is not a holy, not a person, but a heavenly creature, consisting of the service of the Lord! You can purchase the icon of any holy - Paul, John, Nicholas, there are no restrictions on behalf of the name or date - and can not. The saints do not reject the prayers of people just because they were not born that day. Prayers can be rejected only if they are not from the pure heart.

The error will be "binding" some icon God's Mother As a guardian angel by date of birth. Such a classification is inappropriate, it has nothing to do with the Orthodox tradition. Queen Heavenly - the patroness of all people without exception. This is more likely the type of modern paganism, which has emerged due to the patient illiteracy in matters of religion.

The church holiday for all the angelic ranks is common - it is celebrated on November 8 (Cathedral of the Heavenly Force). The names of each particular angel are hidden from people, just some of them are named in the Bible. Nevertheless, there is a tradition, according to which the icon of the guardian angel is selected by the name of a person. In fact, it will be the image of the saint that worn the same name, but not an angel.

What will an angel help

People have inside a special feeling called intuition. After committing another mistake, many had to say: "Eh, because the inner voice suggested to act on the contrary ..." In such cases, the icon "Guardian Angel" helps. It warns against annoying misses, bad deeds. And also scatters dusura bad thoughts when everything seems hopeless.

People cannot directly communicate with their guardian angel, but icon will help to focus on prayer. Although some saints have seen angels to those who, but can many of them qualify for holiness today? Of course not. Therefore, the answers to vital issues that should be asked in prayer, for most come precisely as a certain inner voice.

If there is no answer for a long time - no need to despair. You should continue the prayer - the Lord never throws a person. Perhaps the answer will come a little later, or the believer itself is simply not ready to perceive the answer. Sometimes the events occurring in their lives alone can be interpreted as caution. In this case, you must immediately change your behavior, try to get up on the right path. If it does not work independently - seek help to the priest.

Where to locate the holy image

The icon of the guardian angel may be anywhere in the home iconostasis, the main thing is that the central belongs to the image of the Savior. According to the pious tradition, it is customary to place the icon near the children's cradle - there is nothing wrong with that. It will be fine if the child becomes a witness how parents utter prayers. Children's soul is very responsive to everything - the task of the parents give her the right food. It will be appropriate to accommodate the holy icon at home, which is considered the kid's keeper by date of birth.

Drivers often hang saints in a car salon. This is not done because the icons have some kind of wonderful power. They are designed to pay a mental gaze to the sky. In order to in life in life, he did not "occur" so much that forget about the most important thing. Sometimes it is easy, especially under pressure from circumstances or unbelievers.

Many people icon of the guardian angel with written prayer prefer to carry with them - there are small samples designed for storage in wallets. This is already something like an amulet, but is not affected by the Church. The main thing is that the person does not put a piece of paper in the first place, but communicating with the Lord.

The meaning of the "Guardian Angel" icon is the same as other holy images - it should help focus on God. Westing angels is so great in Orthodoxy that special prayers are composed for them. It is good to learn some by heart and read on the road, during monotonous work so that the thoughts do not wander where it fell.

It is believed that an angel accompanies a person until the death of death, after which he is called to spend the soul to heaven. Evil the same fodder affairs and words are distracted by this pure creature from man. Therefore, it should be carefully watching at all day. Send, Lord, Guardian angel to all Christians!

Prayers angel keeper

Prayer angel-keeper, which can be repeated in all cases, for example, before the beginning of all important things.

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the heavens given! I diligently pray the things: you are going to enlighten, and from all the evil salary, to any act to nasty, and on the path of salvation will move. Amen.

Prayer from "Morning Prayers" in Prayer (read in the morning)

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athannnya waters of the soul and body, all I'm sorry, a foolishness of my abdominal, and it is still that I was sinful in the preceded Nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all the temptation Yes, yes, I don't hurt God in any Gres, and pray for me to the Lord, so I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good. Amen.

There are disputes among theologians among theologian, how legitimately the image of the angelic ranks on icons - the forces are invisible, disembodied, but supporters of icon-painted images them are quite reasonable to object to them as in the Gospels, in the biblical plots of the New Testament, the phenomena of angels people are witnessed in the biblical plots of the New Testament. Maybe everything. Anyway, the angelic images we see and on orthodox icons, and on the icons of the Catholic world, and on the canvases of the Renaissance masters. Its main attributes in Russian icon painting from the XVI - XVII centuries - white chiton or a white tunic, according to the gospel descriptions, for example, the description of the angel, who was met by the Meriros Miro-Soffication in the coffin: "His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes in Belarus, Like snow "(Matt. 28; 3). In the hands, a spear and a cross were usually depicted, which was allowed the theologians who considered the angel guardian angel to attribute him to the image of Michael's archrest or other of seven Supreme Angels - Archangels, having names and characteristic attributes in the images.

Researchers orthodox iconographyHer stories, in search of the iconography of Angelic images, turned to the origins of the Byzantine Icon Pouring of the XI century, when, as it is believed, the foundations of Orthodox iconistics were laid, but there were no images of angels in the icon painting of that period. Therefore, for example, V.S. Kutkova in the article "Guardian Angel as a Personality and Questions of His Images" Specifies a completely natural question: if morning prayer "Holy angel ..." Created by Makariya Great in the IV century, and Canon Guardian Angel - Metropolitan by Euhaitic John Maution in XI, then in front of which icon did these prayers be treated?

However, the problem with the possibility of the iconographic image of the angels is removed. The philosophical thought since the times of St. Gregory Palam and Fedor Studita to modern philosophers and theologians, considering the divine, non-residential essence of the forces of the probable, compared it with creative human nature. As a result, they came to the same conclusion: Angels have no individual signs, as they are notpressed, but nevertheless they personny.

Personality is a concept that is purely divine character and belongs primarily with God with God, and therefore one with the whole spiritual sphere. It is not associated with natural naturalness. Whereas personality carries natural features, from-ding us separating the most time-Wereless signs, that is, the crushing the uniform spiritual identity of God inside each of us on the pieces of the General World Holy Spirit, which will again be together when the kingdom of God will come on earth.

"Created on the image of him and likeness ..." in St. Gregory Palam, Angel, not being individual outwardly, "in the image", surpasses a person "like a similarity". But it can exist in an air or fiery state, in the energies of the Favorsky light, and therefore angelic phenomena were noted and fixed on the pages of the Holy Scriptures in both the Old and New Testament. From here and the views of them, like lightning lights, and the whiteness of their clothes on the evangelists Matthew and the brand or the brilliance - according to the evangelist Luke. We all read in the gospel descriptions of the angels, who were the prophets and the MyrRos wives.

The Seventh Ecumenical Cathedral, Nichesky, convened in 787, among the 367 Holy Fathers, condemned the iconococarditance as a whole, recognized the icon-description of the work of the beige: "... For the honor, the resulting image is taking to the primary, and the defined icon worships the essence of the creature on it. Taco Bo is approved by the doctrine of the Holy Father of OUR, the Siest of the Training of the Cabolich Cherberry, from the end to the end of the Earth Retention of the Gospel "(from the dogma about the iconization of three hundred and sixty Sedmi Holy Father of the Seventh Ecumenical Cathedral, Nichesky). Also, the Cathedral decided: "As for the reasonable forces, they are not entirely withdrawn from physicity and are definitely invisible, being gifted by subtle, air-shaped or fiery bodies, in which they were repeatedly and were visible."

Guardian angel role

"Every soul left ... in evil without protecting the guardian angel,
minds to the plunder of enemies ... "(Svet. Vasily Great).

St. Filaret (Drozdov), Metropolitan Moscow writes: "Does it happen to happen, for example, what among bewilderment or a certain inaction of the mind suddenly like lightning disks clean, holy and saving thought? What in the confused or cold heart instantly waters silence or the heavenly flame of love for God is ignited? If a<…> Is this an actions of angels, to say the prophet of Zechariah, who verify us? What a pity that we do not notice this angelic help! For, not noticing, it is not acceptable, as it should, and do not use it; Without taking advantage, we remain ungrateful and guilty and do not prepare ourselves to other similar visits - and thus even remove our keepers from ourselves. "

Communication with the guardian angel looks like an inner voice, intuition. But the person who is in fear, bustle, irritation, does not hear his voices. Here first needs to calm down. As an alarmed child, resorting to parents, the calmness and a sense of security and we, and we, having faith in your guardian angel, trusting to him, get a peace, and then hearing his answers to our questions. We hear them in the form of unexpected thoughts that come to us, which suddenly decide that the miraculous way would seem to be an intractable task. How many times this mysterious inner voice saved each of us in difficult situations. The best way Connect with your angel - Make a wide road from your heart to him. Contact it every day, daily five minutes - this is already a good start.

If the trouble happened to you, big or small, it means one thing - you do something wrong. And the guardian angel gives you this to understand. It would be nice to stop and pay attention to it, it is not necessary to understand that it is in your life that it does not match your inner "I", where, at what point in time you turned away from God within you: "And you will not say:" Here it is here ", or:" Here, there. " For here, the kingdom of God inside you is "(Luke 17:21)" One God and father of all who over everyone, and throughout everyone, and in all of us "(Eph. 4, 6).

Meaning icon

Angels will always remain secret for us while we are alive. We will see their guardian angel, only when after the edge visible world He will lead us towards an unknown light, we will see him unknown to us a look. But the icon-painter writing an icon always turns out to be involved in this mystery. Icons Yuri Kuznetsova, depicting angels, are full of exactly that divine radiance, brilliance, which causes a mixed feeling of a joyful flutter from touching the world.

IN Old Testament, In the 90th praising Psalm, which is also called "Safety of God's Safety", Tsar-songweds David says: "For the angels are concerned about you - to guard you on all your ways" (Ps. 91 (90); 11). And when we approach the end of the earthly path, our angel and an angel meeting lead us to the throne of the Lord. And if we wish to be on holiday on the future of God's judgment, then our guardian angel will not be wrong, bitterly netting that he did not fulfill his duties before God - follow us, to protect us from the moment of the mystery of baptism on earth Ways, and will remain with us forever by our assistant and a sure other ...

ArchReart Mikhail is the leader of heaven forces. On the icon, it is depicted with a grazing sphere, a symbol of foresight, transmitted by the Lord Archangel. Spiritual world Angels were shaken when some angels followed the Supreme Angel Dennica, wound up to become like God in everything. With him and fight our brave leader. The spiritual world was shaken. Then ArchReartig Mikhail said: "No one like God!" So he told all the angels, showing that he recognizes the uniform Creator and the ruler of the Universe. We all with the baptism of the guardian Angel, "Bulletin, Messenger", whom God gave us for the fence of a Christian from detrimental influences unclean power, knocking it from the path of true. We will never see an involuntary creation, but on the icon we see the guardian angel in human appearance and with wings behind your back. The power of the angels is incommensurable with human. They, always being with us, help to become better, passing our prayers to the Lord, helping people fight against temptations, debauchery and passions.

Prayers of the Holy Archangel Mikhail Prayer first
The holy and great Archangel of God Mikhail, the unfortunate and primary Trinity of the first in Angela to the Primate, the genus of the man's attachment and the custodian, crushing from the military with his head of the prejudgigo Dennica in the sky and thereby will be taken out of the evil and deceit it on the earth! We resort to faith and you pray with love with love: Budy the shields messenger and took our firmly of the Church and Orthodox Fatherland, fencing them with a lightning sword of yours from all the enemy, visible and invisible. Do not leave the same, about the Archangel of God, help and the intercession of yours and us glorifying holy name Your one: Che Bo, Thickels and Multi-Roschni Esma, Obachech do not keep in lawlessness of our perish, but it's all right to the Lord and lively from him to the good of the goods. Ozari The mind is our Light of God's Light, it's likely shining at the lightning age of your chel, let them mean that there is the will of God about us, good and perfect, and keep all, Laja applies to us, and leaving and leave. Increased grateful to the Lord, the weak will and the weak militant, oh, yes, approved in the law of the Lord, to the other of the misery of the thoughts and the lust of the flesh, fond of the likeness of meaningless children by the jumping beauties of this world, Jaco for the sake of Tlennago and Earthly, mad forgotten eternal and heavenly. Over all the same SIMI as soon as the Spirit of Trunnago repentance, the non-estate sadness on the Bose and the crushing about Gresh Oh, and, yes, we will have the number of every time of the abdominal abdominal, I am dependent in the departure of the feelings and work by our passions, but in the image of the evils that we have done, tears of faith and Scroll of cardigago, purity feats and saints of mercy. Even approach the end of our end, release from the Uz Brennago to this body, do not leave us. The Archangel of God, defenseless anti-the spirits of the maliciousness, the sights of the soul of the soul of the Sunrise in Horny, Yes, guarding you, the outristening of the heads of the Paradise, the sorrow, neither frown, but the life is unfortunate, and, the most prominent prisoners and Lord OUR, FALSH with tears at his feet, in joy and delight exclaim: Glory to you, the expense of our Redeemer, izh for the premptive love of yours to us, unworthy, Blagographed ESI to send your angels to the service of salvation to our!
Amen. Prayer Second
About Saint Mikhail Arkhangel, nice us, sinners, requiring your intercession, save us, the slave of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemy, the same ways for the horror of the mortal and from embarrassment of Dolvolskago and the encouragement of us a restless to see the creator of our per hour of Strashnago And the righteous court of him. Oh high, great Michael ArchReart! Do not disappear, sinful, who are praying for you about helping and the intercession of yours in Either Sech and in the future, but there is a Tamo in order to buy our father and son and the saint spirit in the eyelids. Prayer Third
Lord, God is great, the king is imperative, I went to the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinates of their Yako, and smiri their evil hearts, and crushing them, Iko's dust in front of the windmill. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, albeit us, sinful, praying to you, and calling your name holy. We will speed up for help and bring all opposed to us, the power of the honest and the life-giving cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nicholas, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whisk, Sv. Prophet Elijah and all saints of the Great Martyrs: St. Martyrs of Nikita and Eustafia, and all the reverend fathers of ours, from the century to the God of the faith and all the saints of heavenly forces. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Help us the sinful (name) and get rid of us from the coward, the flood, fire, the sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattering, from the storms of probably, from the dear to get rid of us, now and are confused, and forever. Amen. Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, with the lightning sword of your discharge from Mene the Spirit of the Degaving, tempting and Toying me.
Amen. Prayer Fourth
Lord God's great king, original! Ambassador, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slave (name) withdrawal from the enemy of my visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Mikhail Arkhangel! Demons to the crusher: forbid all the enemies fighting with me, the coordinates of them, Iko sheep and crushing them, Iko's dust before the windmill. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Sisting first princes, Voevodo Heavenly Forces Cherub and Seraphim. Oh, acknowledged by Michael Arkhangel, Budi Assistant in all matters in sorry, sorrows; In the deserts, on the breakwesters, on the rivers and on the seas - a quiet chapter. Relie me, the great Mikhail Arkhangel, from all the charms of the diabolian, becoming hearing the sinners of his slave (name) who praying to you and urgenly the name Your Holy: Speakers to help me and hear my prayer. Oh, the great Archangel Mikhail! The victims of the Honor and the Lord's Honor of the Holy Merry, the Prayers of the Mother of God and the Holy Apostles, the Sainryman, Saint Nikolago, Saints, and Eustafia, Saints, and Eustafia, Saints, and Eustafia, Saints and Saints, Nikita and Eustafia, Saints and Holy Martyr Nikita, Martyrs, and Holy Father and Saints, Martyrs, .