Male names April May. What unusual and beautiful names are suitable for a girl born in April

How to choose a name to a child, who in the family should give the boy a name? There is no unanimity in these issues. Everyone chooses the name as they are accepted in the family, someone in tradition, someone in rituals and signs. Today we will talk about the Orthodox tradition name of adventures. Believers are always attached to this. great value. They believed that the person who received the saint name automatically receives his character traits, and the holy since birth will patronize him. In early Christianity, the names of such heroes like Isaac, Abraham, Jacob were prevalent. By hanging the child with the name of the saints, the parents thus wanted to make the kid involved in holiness, which were at the initial owner.

After the coming of Christianity to Russia, people began to give names to children in honor of the saints. Why did they do that? Does any meaning in tradition lies? Christians believe that a person who is the name of the Holy has a close connection with him. And at the same time, holy, as believers believe, will help the boy from heaven, drivening out demons, patronizing him. You can choose the names of boys in the sacrifices of April with the help of a church calendar. Church calendar or Sacdiers are a calendar, where are distributed by days orthodox holidays In honor of the saints. Earlier, the name of the Holy Child was chosen by their parents together with the priest, and with the baptism of the baby, the clergy officially gave the child a name, in honor of the saint.

Today, many Christian families want to call the boy in honor of the canonized saint. As a rule, parents themselves choose the name across the sacnesses. Or if the family has a revered saint, then the boy can call in his honor. On the day of memory of his St. Boy, you need to celebrate the names that are significantly different from the birthday celebration.

The modern church calendar contains more than 1,000 different names of boys and girls. Basically, the names in the Slanders have Greek, Slavic and Hebrew Organization. We hope that the latal list of the names of the boys will help you with the choice of the boy's name in the sacnesses.

The names of boys across the sacrons: April

1. Claudius, Ivan, Innokenty

2. Ivan, Sergey, Savva, Victor, Nikita, Vasily

3. Yakov, Seraphim, Vladimir, Kirill, Thomas

4. Vasily, Isaac

5. Nikon, Makar, Ilya, Vasily, Stepan, Alexey, Sergey, Andrei

6. Zakhar, Arteny, Vladimir, Stepan, Peter, Yakov

7. Tikhon, Savva

8. Vasily

9. Feodosius, Ivan

10. Illarion, Stepan, Nikolay, Vasily, Ivan

11. Mark, Cyril, Eustafius, Ivan, Ion

12. Ivan, Sofron, Panteleimon

13. Ivan, Innokenty, Ivan, Veniamin

14. Efim, Sergey, Makar

15. Lazar, Tit, Polycarp

16. Nikita

17. Joseph, George, Veniamin, Nikifor, Nikolay, Ivan, Zosima

18. Nikolay, Mark, Fedor

19. Ivan, Yakov

20. Georgy, Daniel

21. Sergey, Nifion

22. Evpsihih, Vadim

23. Maxim, Alexander, Fedor, Dmitry, Yakov, Gregory

24. Peter, Prokhor, Nikolay, Yakov, Ivan, Gregory

25. Vasily, Sergey, David, Ivan

26. Artyamon

27. Alexander, Anton, Ivan

28. Aristarkh, Trofim, Alexander, Andrey, Feodorit, Kondrat, Yakov, Victor, Savva, Zosima

29. Leonid

20. Zosima, Ivan, Alexander, Andrian, Agapit

The birth of a child is one of the most joyful and memorable moments in the life of parents. Undoubtedly, almost every pair wants their child as long as possible in such an early age.

But no one has canceled the laws of nature, and the kid will soon begin inexorably to grow quickly, showing himself and its character.

And it seemed before the parents of the baby, that such a carefully chosen name would undoubtedly suit their child, but still children change in maturity.

Not only age and appearanceBut the character and manner of the child's behavior may also change. Therefore, choosing the name of the child, relying only on the behavior of the baby at the moment, many parents allow a big mistake.

Before you finally decide on the choice of name, with whom the child will walk all his life, you should carefully study what it will grow, the future character of the baby, and the compatibility of the name with the zodiac sign, which he was born.

First of all, the name should clearly approach the nature of the baby. But to correctly make a decision, you need to know what character will be in the girl.

Babies born in April, very bold and witty, decisive and purposeful. But still they are not always possible to fully reveal and realize their potential fully.

The character of April children is more solid than those who were born in March, and, accordingly, their names should be different.

Most often, they will be worried about the financial and material component of life. Because of which they will rarely seek the tops of the career ladder. Good luck will always be on their side.

Kids are smart and judgment. And therefore, before making a right decision, they will weigh everything in and against, and only then will begin to solve the problem.

They hardly perceive all new and some change in their lives. It is difficult for them to abandon the old lifestyle in order to let the new paints in it.

Such people will prefer to stay in old, gray and routine life. Since she is more familiar with them and we are familiar than that new and unknown.

April girls always come first family life, and only after it is material security.

But still, despite how much they will go on with the family, emotions in personal relationships are moved to the background and rely only on the mind and logic.

Such kids are not very dreamed, they always know what they want. And always achieve their goals by any paths.

Despite all the advantages of April children, they have and cons.

They are selfish and stubborn. And to achieve their goals, honest methods do not always use.

To mitigate such a solid nature, girls should choose soft and feminine names. They emphasize all femininity in the baby, and therefore the character will not seem so hard and steady.

Names for girls born in April

When choosing a name, not only your preferences should be taken into account. Imagine that the chosen name has become for the moment yours. What they will think about the name others, and whether the baby will be comfortable with him in adulthood.

For girls born in April, you should choose the following names:

They are considered happy for girls born in April the following names:

  • Sabina
  • Lidia
  • Svetlana
  • Galina
  • Irina
  • Karina
  • Larisa
  • Lidia
  • Alexandra
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Anastasia
  • Claudia

Names for girls in April for every day

In addition to character, you should consider in what day the baby was born. After all, every day has happy names. They will attract luck to the girl all her life.

Happy names for girls born in April for every day:

April 2: Alexander, Efrasia, Claudia, Maria, Efimia, Matrona, Feodosia, Juliana, Anatoly, Ulyana, Praskovya, Domnina, Svetlana;

Names for girls in April by horoscope

In April, the girls are born under such signs of the zodiac as Aries and Taurus. They look like them, but still there are differences.

Aries are more cheerful, agile and energetic. They are distinguished by straightness, enthusiasm and stubbornness. Girls prefer to seek everything they wish, any ways. Names in such kids should be strong and brave.

Names for girls born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries:

  • Eugene.
  • Zhanna
  • Rimma
  • Karina
  • Kalery
  • Margarita
  • Marina
  • Roxana
  • Martha

Taurus girls in turn are characterized by optimism, hard work and leadership qualities. They can be called gourmets in life. They are kind and responsive, can sacrifice all sake of their relatives. Names in such girls should be soft and brave.

Names for girls born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus:

  • Zinaida;
  • Lydia;
  • Isabel;
  • Wanda;
  • Tatyana;
  • Lada;
  • Irma;
  • Nina;
  • Lucition;

Girls in April for the church calendar

Choosing a child name has always been a complex process. But still sometimes parents cannot choose orthodox names For a girl born in April. In this case, you can contact the church. It can provide the names of the saint whose day the baby was born.

There is a belief that people are not in vain are born these days, so God shows what name should choose for a child.

After all, it is not for nothing that they say, if you call the name of the saint, in whose day the baby was born, then he will keep the whole life and protect a person.

If the parents still could not decide on church name In April for a girl, you can provide this selection of Patushka. He will choose the name of the saint on the calendar compiled in the church.

The name of the girl in April according to the Orthodox calendar

If the parent decided yet to call the girl across the sacrons in April, you should take a calendar in the church to which they belong.

It will feature all the saints whose names, and what day it is desirable to call your baby.

Orthodox names for girls born in April by Scholes:

  • April 1: Daria, Vassa, Sofia, Matrona, Illaria, Maria, Matrena;
  • April 2: Claudia, Praskovya, Fedor, Svetlana, Anatoly, Juliana, Ulyana, Alexandra, Julia, Matrona, Maria, Feodosia, Olesya, Domn, Evfimia, Feodosiya;
  • April 4: Taisiya, Daria, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnat;
  • April 5: Anastasia, Feodosia, Lydia, Pelagia, Varvara, Maria;
  • April 8: Alla, Praskovya, Larisa, Anna;
  • April 9: Matrona, Maria;
  • April 11: Vassa;
  • April 13: Anna, Miroslav;
  • April 14: Maria;
  • April 16: Feodosia;
  • April 17: Maria;
  • April 18: Fedor;
  • April 20: Evdokia;
  • April 21: Maria;
  • April 22: Martha, Martha, Maria;
  • April 25: Maria, Athanasius;
  • April 26: Martha, Marfa, Alina;
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • April 29: Irina, Fedor, Vasilisa, Arina, Nika, Galina, Susanna, Victoria, Tamara, Maria, Karina, Anna, Marfa, Agnatia;
  • April 30: Zhanna, Yana, John, Marfa, Tamara, Lily, Susanna, Maria, Martha;

You need to choose the name of the daughter with the mind. After all, it should emphasize the hardness of character, but at the same time smoothed it a little, and show all the femininity of the girl.

Video: Important rules for choosing a name for a girl

The appearance of a child is always a real miracle. As they grow up, it will acquire different traits of character, which over time may disappear. In many respects, it is the parents who determine who their child will become in the future, pose to him the corresponding name. Select a name for a boy or a girl with a name day in April you can independently or with the help of a minister of the church.

Names for boys

Before you choose how to call a boy born in April, it is worth remembering the saints that were born on this day or are his patrons. The patron will defend the child from the misfortune and gives him good luck in everything, for whatever he took.

In the church calendar for the most part older Slavonic nameswhich are not used now. In this case, you need to turn to the servant of the Church so that he helps to choose a consonant name and surround the birthman reliable protection Guardian angel.

Some male names in April have several patrons at once, so parents are becoming easier to call their baby. The most popular options, how to name the boy who was born in April.

Popular male names

Dmitriy. Patient and discreet. The surroundings believe that he looks at everything with a sober head and absolutely calm in life, however, it is not: inside it is a real hurricane of passions and emotions, which are hidden behind a dense veil and cannot leave out. If it is angry, it can be very impulsive and even susceptible to aggression.

She tries to be cute with everyone and not capable of holding offense for a long time. Easily goes on contact, however, too touching and is unnecessary suspicious. I do not know how to trust and seriously part with secrets.

  • Dates of birth: 1, 23, 26 April.
  • Strengths: balance, independence, friendliness.

Ivan.. One of the most popular names is still with Ancient Russia. Very wounded and touchy, however, not evil and friendly. She strives to be first and hate to lose. Any defeat records on your own account and perceives too close to the heart.

Able to make the necessary acquaintances and use people in their own interests. Often suffers from the complex of inferiority and dissatisfaction with itself. Very picky and capricious.

A strong personality capable of proving her superiority to others, but she does not seek to brag about their position. He loves to make money and knows how to accumulate them, is well versed in finance.

  • Date of birth: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30 April.
  • Benefits : Calm, sociable, inborn leader.

Basil. Good-natured and open for new acquaintances. Vasya is always ready to help his loved ones and definitely will not leave a friend in trouble. However, sometimes his kindness is not from the pure heart, but from the cold mind: Vasily is very calcined and not used to spread the actions to the right and left. He cannot be called an egoist, he just got used to live according to plan and go with him not going.

Able to have fun and attracts people with their simplicity. It does not like to quarrel and skillfully avoid any conflict.

  • Numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 25 April.
  • Strengths: the ability to plan, good nature, vitality.

Sergey. Does not stretch to leadership and is quite satisfied with its vital position. Therefore, not vain and easily converges with people. It combines the inner softness and natural firmness, which makes Sergey a reliable defender and good friend. With age, it can waste part of his kindness and become more aggressive, but it will always be a sociable and surrounded by the company of faithful friends.

  • Dates: 2, 5 April.
  • Advantages: non-conflict, does not know how to manipulate people, active, friendly.

Fedor.. An ordinary guy who is not used to exposing itself to the appearance, but also will not be gray mouse. It is well studying, it is easily given science and languages.

Quickly gets friends and begins to trust them. Unfamiliar people It may seem too closed and closed, but for loved ones real soul Companies.

It can overdo it, distributing the advice to the right and left, but trying to act sincerely and unequally.

  • Date of birth: 28, 30 April.
  • Top quality: reliability, accuracy, activity.

Peter. It may be unnecessarily self-confined and arrogant, but at the same time - good and decent. By nature, very wounded and gentle, loves affection and kindness. Often hides behind masks, and only close friends shows their real face. Alone can completely clicter in itself, and it will be very difficult to bring it out of such a state.

  • Numbers: 20, April 24th.
  • Strengths: creative, versatile developed, straight.

Stepan.. He loves and knows how to joke well, sometimes it is too arrogant and loves to put themselves higher than others. It does not know how to concentrate on something and often throws the started. Latin, although nature has awarded him a good mind.

Quickly achieves goals and is not afraid of difficulties, perceiving them as another adventure.

  • Name Day: 5, 6, 8, 10 April.
  • Advantages: Knowing the price, sense of humor, easy to study.

Vadim.. Loves to reflect and often thoughtfully. The surrounding can find it strange, but in fact the boy is unusually clever and talented. Sometimes breakdowns happen, but Vadim copes with them quickly and continues to skillfully overcome obstacles.

It often makes dependent on others, but he does not know how to manipulate and use others for their own purposes.

  • Dates: April 22.
  • Advantages: Quickly reaches equilibrium, unlockamine.

Zakhar.. It has natural firmness and perseverance. Negative emotions seem to be absolutely not affected by him and bypass - so Zakhar is positive and optimistic. There are no difficulties and barriers to him that cannot be overcome. But at the same time he is very strong and always ready for difficulties. It can become truly great.

Loves to joke and does it well enough. He suffers from the syndrome of the hero and always rushes to the revenue close, often to the detriment of himself. Does not refuse. It is important for him to understand that sometimes its own problems and needs stand above all the rest.

  • Dates: April 12.
  • Advantages: Will strength, determination, kindness.

Rare male names

Many parents want to call her child so that he does not look like others and stand out from the crowd. In this case, they choose rare namewhich is almost never found.

One of these names - Savva (April 15). Named so the boys appear increasingly and carry top Qualities: They are unusually strong as spiritually, and physically surrounding reverend before the determination emanating from them. In fact, boys with this name are very emotional and can explode at any time.

Another name - Benjamin. Just like Arthur, George, Abraham has long passed from the discharge of ancient, but still meets so often. Veniamin is very plastic and skillfully adjusted to any life situation. He diligently avoids conflicts and is unusually clever.

Some of the best qualities Makara - Restraint and simplicity. He reacts weakly to the external stimuli and relies only on himself. Sometimes it seems too cold and closed, this is due to the fact that he is used to act, and not speak, and therefore it does not distribute false promises and always goes to the end.

Names for girls

With names for girls, everything is much more serious, because parents want to give their little princesses the best. Hence the fashion for old Orthodox names, which seemed for a long time forgotten: Feodosia (April 16), Pelagia, Agafya, Fedor (April 18). And if the names of the name in April boys church calendar quite a lot, then girls have a choice limited.

Popular female names

Sacts of female names in April:

Sofia. Knowledge is given to her not as easy as peers, however, it is for her that they represent the greatest value.

Very impulsive and explosive nature, skillfully masks weaknesses and convinces people in their genius. The diligence and perfection attracted it from childhood, born 4 numbers Sofia is very hardworking and loves to engage in the economy.

For hours, it can chat with girlfriends about anything, loves gossip and fresh stories. It is hard for her to keep feelings within himself, and if you do not give them a way out, it can explode at the most inopportune moment.

Anastasia. The real mystery, which is almost impossible to solve. Her Samiem strong side - Study. Nastya will always learn to be perfectly and will certainly become a favorite half of the teachers. It is often necessary to consider it too boring and boring, but real Anastasia is a bright and unpredictable personality.

I got used to rely on logic and always acts according to plan. It tries to look quietly and once again not to stick out, but this concerns just unfamiliar companies, where April Anastasia has not yet revealed its best qualities. A good owner who will become a reliable support for the family and raises beautiful children.

Anna. Her advantage - patience and ability to wait. Thanks to this, the girl knows how to appreciate what has, and in every way opposed to consumer attitude towards other people. Very soft and vulnerable nature, which others can take advantage, but at the same time - hard and serious.

I used to rely only on myself, but without people feels abandoned and no one needed. He suffers from uncertainty and too low self-esteem. Very altruistic and considers help from another duty.

Maria. A complex nature in which the most controversial qualities can be combined simultaneously: passionality, calm, custody. Because of this, suffers from frequent mood drops, and it is not easy to communicate with it.

By nature, Masha is a fun and cheerful person. It happens too string to yourself and often requires the impossible. Very sensual and wounded, quickly falls in love and also quickly cools. As the only child in the family, maybe a capricious and selfish, putting his interests above all.

Irina. Drinking and irreconcilable to enemies, not used to sit in place and always looks to the future. For Irina, there is nothing impossible, and after a time she conquers all new peaks.

Nevertheless, it is distinguished by enviable constancy and brings everything started to the end. Maybe your favorite thing all your life. The same applies to personal life with which Ira is all right.

By deciding, most often relies on logic, but also emotions have a great impact on it. Smart, energetic and always ready to sacrifice its time and interests in favor of something more.

Rare female names

Vasilisa (April 29). Older russian name. Thanks to the fairy tales, it is associated with beauty and an extraordinary mind, however, Vasilisa perfectly combines these qualities in itself. Very funny and talented, knows how to swee his pride and often engaged in self-irony. The girl with a male abbreviation named "Vasya" is very hardworking and easily takes on new things, however, it most often brings them to a logical completion. Birthday girl on April 28.

Taisiya. The surrounding immediately notice the inner rod in it, which is stubbornly leads the girl past the failure, right fortunately and success. It can simultaneously be affectionate and gentle and at the same time ready to release claws and cling to the throat to anyone who dares to offend her or her loved ones.

Very independent and considers freedom above all. I was not used to advertising my feelings and may seem the surrounding too secretly and closed. Sometimes forgives people more than they deserve, however, the patience is overwhelmed too quickly. Name of Taisiya for the church calendar - April 4th.

Lidia. Very active and sociable, sometimes too much. For her do not play a significant role social status And position in society, she tries to be with everyone on equal. The unfamiliar often seems "not from the world of this", Lydia is unusually simple and not picky to people.

She has strong characterAnd it can easily stand up and protect what is expensive to her. Skillfully avoid conflicts and rarely violates the established borders, does not like aggression and any of its manifestations. Often, there is a lazy, but it tries to always seek the goals.

Choose the name for the child, whose birthday was for April or May, is not so difficult. The main thing is to do it with a soul and, of course, love.

Specialists of different kind, whether it is psychologists or astrologers, believe that the name largely determines the person. Therefore, it is necessary to take this case with all seriousness. How would your parents wanted to see in the future of his baby, who was born in April, is stubborn, selfish or, on the contrary, conspiring and soft? All these features can determine the name of the boy born in April.

Choice rules

The characters of the April boys, the astrologers consider, largely depend on what numbers the child is born. For April, there are two signs of the zodiac: most of the month "belongs", the end of April - to the Tales.

Tempered, with pronounced leadership qualities are born kids in the first decade of the month. It is desirable to develop these qualities in the child? Then it is worth staying on the sonorous names with strong energy.

The middle of the month involves the emergence of creative and emotional natures. And they should choose an outstanding, maybe even somewhat unusual: Alan, Aristarkh, Ephraim, Mark, Nestor.

"April" end of the month can over time show your freedom and even some aggressiveness. They must be "soften" by the corresponding name.

What name is better for "April"?

To "strong", male, names that can add them to self-confidence, such as Artem, Gleb, Grigory, Dmitry, Egor, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Peter.

The values \u200b\u200bof these names speak themselves. So, one of the Arms named after Artem from Greek sounds like "unsolved, having impeccable health," and Kirill - "Little Mr.", "Barchuk". One of the values \u200b\u200bof the name Gleb sounds like "favorite of the gods", "under the protection of the gods".

Anyway, before choosing, it will be reasonable to ask what it means.

It is not recommended to call boys born in April, names that are easy to form a female form: Julian - Juliana, Valentin - Valentina. And everything is explained simple: while they will be small, the surrounding will call them bugs-valeki, Yulia, and rollers, and try to scream, to whom they turn to the girl or boy.

Oddly enough this moment can be negatively imprinted on the folding character of the boy. - It will inevitably come inevitably girlish features.

The same applies to names that even on the sound of soft, such as Vitaly, Savely, Tikhon.

Names from famous and successful people, I wonderful fate can be noted in April? Boris - the associate of the king Peter Count Sheremetev; Nikolai is both a Classic writer Gogol, and the Great Traveler Przhevalsky; - Russian constructor of rifle weapons Mosin; Stepan - Russian Admiral Voevodsky. You can put the goal to search suitable name in this direction.

Church calendar

Many modern parents refer to the old tradition to call their kids the names of the saints glorified in Orthodox church whose names are captured in the sacraticles.

Most often stopped by the name of the Holy, the child was born in whose day. This is the most common path. It happens that the saints of female are revered on this day. Parents may also not like the "translation" name of this or that righteous. Then you can consider the names falling on the eighth or fortieth day from the birth of the boy.

Often happens that different numbers Monthly names fall out. To make it easier to navigate among the names offered by the April, we give a kind of -set:

If you set the purpose of revealing the mystery of the name, make it easy. And on the basis of the information received easier to name the baby most suitable for him, from the parent point of view, or the most "winning".