Vasilisa name Name value for church. What does the name of Vasilisa mean

Vasilisa female name is derived from the male name Vasily. Both of them came to us from Byzantium and originate from the Greek word "Bazilius", which translates as "king." Based on this version, the origin of the name Vasilisa means "Queen", "the ruler", "royal", "tsarist".

Previously, the name of Vasilisa was used in the church form "Vasilissa". At the beginning of the twentieth century (after 1917) there was its modification of "Vasilina", which was in everyday life in Ancient Rome. It was so called the mother of Emperor Julian II.

A lot of quality Vasilisa is embodied in the heroines of Russian fairy tales Vasilis Wolly and Vasilisa beautiful. It fully justifies the meaning of the name Vasilisa, since it is distinguished by many virtues.

It is characterized by thoughtfulness, the power of feelings, pride. It is the embodiment of the purity of thoughts and the desire to make good deeds.

The owner of Vasilisa openly express their emotions, respond to someone else's pain. At the same time, they are shy, which is often perceived by others as closed. Not possessing the solid power of the will, a woman with the name of Vasilisa is able to yield to appearance, but does not obey him.

Some positive traitsPeculiar to women with the name of Vasilisa can create some discomfort in their relationship with others. This, above all, excessive sensitivity, legend much The finest emotional nuances, open admiration for all beautiful. If this causes ridicule or misunderstanding among the environments, Vasilisk, due to its innate shyness, can be closed and hostile to perceive all people.

As they grow up, it begins to feel the inner power, the power of the value of its name. Women By the name Vasilis are confident and able to overcome any obstacles. This is largely due to:

  • high intelligence
  • harmonious combination of female intuition and male mind warehouse,
  • faster reaction to various transformation.

Along with this, they can not always be easily "converged" with people, since they do not differ in the necessary sociability, the ability to "look through the fingers" on other people's costs of character.

Actually, the character of Vasilisa is similar to a medal having two sides. Its positive qualities are often interpreted by surrounding up to the opposite.

The aggravated sense of justice turns into a manifestation of intolerance to the disadvantages of others. And the understanding of their own deficiencies is not expressed in their recognition, but the desire to compensate this by assisting others. It does not use his powerful intuition for his good.

Business qualities

Despite the inconsistency of perception around positive Parties Character, women named Vasilis among colleagues invariably enjoy respect. For them, his owner is, first of all, a sincere person who is capable of disinterested partition.

Most colleagues the name of Vasilisa is associated with the willingness to drive people out of trouble, even in harm to personal interests. Although noble motives, the Altruism of the owner of Vasilisa may also be regarded as meaningless conflict and self-deficiency.

Business women with the name Vasilisa The material side of the question interests the least. It can also cause misunderstanding, bewilderment and suspicion of many employees.

Vasilisa Gennadievna Voronina (Russian actress)

  • Very often inflated by the name Vasilisa find themselves in areas requiring analytical synthetic thinking: scientific research, accurate science, chemistry, genetics, psychology, brain physiology.
  • They can realize themselves in pedagogy, jurisprudence, financial and economic activities.
  • Organized in the work "royal" Vasilisa is successfully coped with the duties of the head at the level of the workshop, the brigade, the structural unit of the Research Institute.
  • The hobby is not excluded by hypnosis, occult, alternative medicine. In this case, the name of Vasilisa can become a nominal for a first-class healer.

The moral foundations, the spiritual qualities of women named Vasilisa allow them to take place in the social sphere, successfully engage in charity. For them, this is an opportunity to fulfill a high life mission.

Love, family

From the young age, the girl named Vasilisa, as a rule, is a sample of morality and strict rules of behavior. She is completely deprived of flirting and remains true to the motto "Umci, but do not let the kiss without love." This is the high-level beginning of already adult women with the name of Vasilisa may interfere with the creation of a family. Therefore, in childhood, parents, who gave her daughter, the name of Vasilisa, it is important to pay attention to such a feature of its character and try to correct behavior in every way. This implies high level Trust relations between the child and adult households.

In women, whose name Vasilisa, early marriages are doomed to failure. At the younger age, they lack restraint and tolerance. Although if the name of Vasilisa is granted in September, the family will be preserved due to the softness and diplomaticity of the character of the keeper of a homemade hearth.

She is wise loving wife And a caring mother, a hospitable mistress, sincerely rejoice in the arrival of guests.

However, the household itself and does not really like to visit or appear "in the world."

  • It does not differ in special culinary talents. Vasilisa does not like to cook at all, with the exception of exquisite confectionery products.
  • For home affairs, she also does not feed a special passion.
  • Her favorite classes - reading books, watching a telecast. Differs love for animals.

Men with names are suitable for creating a family. August, Alfred, Averyan, Valen, Vissarion, Gleb, Dmitry, Kirill,

Astrological characteristic

  • Zodiac sign - Deva, Planet Patron - Mercury.
  • Its favorable plants - cornflower and ash. Totem bird - dove.
  • Colors of Vasilisa - greenish-silver, red, blue.
  • Happiness brings warm tones (orange, brown).
  • Her talisman stones are amethyst, saard, carnelian, amber.
  • Named Vasilisa (days of reverence of her saints patrons):
  1. 21 (January 8) - Vasilisa Egypt
  2. 16 (3) September - Vasilisa Nikomidia
  3. April 28 - Vasilisa Roman.

The main features of the nature of Vasilis are mystery, authority and inflexibility, they are noble and purposeful.

Vasilisa name is a female form from Vasily.

The origin of Vasilisa:

It happened from the Greek "Basilev", which is translated as "royal."

Character and interpretation of the name Vasilisa:

In childhood, Vasilisa is often weak and painful, modest and shy. In the company, she does not seek to lead, squeezes to parents, often offended and crying. Because of its vulneal, it is often closed and negative, in study prefers accurate sciences and usually a mustache and stubborn. Problems with the performance of it may occur only because of weak health, but it never is lazy and quickly awakens the missed.

Vasilis has a rapid mind and natural tendency to control, but the authority makes it picky and the capricious boss, and Vasilisa does not like to obey. For her, independence and career growth, she is businesswit and collected. Often finds itself in diplomacy, successful in professions related to people. She is noble and filled with the best motives, but the negative side of her confidence is excessive sharpness. Vasilisa is convinced that it knows best that other people are required, in their actions of intrusive and man. She is capable of disinterested participation, it is rarely small, its resentment is usually associated with the moral qualities of her acquaintances and friends. The desire to control everything and everything can be for Vasilisa is fraught with conflicts in society. In the implementation of their good intentions, he often overtakes a stick. Her intuition is well developed, but is abstract, Vasilisa rarely uses it in work and communication. It is always nice sincere admiration, she appreciates recognition and respect, becomes rude and conflict. Vasilisa Gorda and painfully react to mockery, do not endure incredulsion and skepticism in their address.

Personal life Vasilisa is not easy. She is very demanding for men, often herself does not know what is waiting for family life. A man who wants to conquer the heart of Vasilisa must be patient and tacty. Statitude, classic beauty and authority of Vasilisa make it subconsciously look for a worthy partner, but family happiness is sometimes fragile and unstable with him. I confidently feel Vasilisa in a skipping role, they are pleased, if a man stretches to their kindness and evaluates authority.

In everyday life, Vasilisa is strict, but good-natured. They love to do the house, prefer a serious approach to matters, do not like light-length, empty visits and gossip. Financial welfare Consider as a necessity, but they do not like to boast. With pride, guests invite guests, are conservatively conservative, love when everything goes according to the rules. Early marriages Vasilis often disintegrate due to their disadvantage, the desire to argue with her husband. Vasilis should be remembered that excessive gag of guardianship often annoys her loved ones, especially growing children.

Unions of Vasilis with men named Potap, Mitrofan, Andrei and Ivan, the collapse often end relations with Anton, Efim and Evdokim.

Soft character and diplomatic Vasilisa, which appeared in the first half of autumn. Born in the cold season - the uncomprise, merciless and conflict. "Summer" and "Spring" Vasilisa are exquisied, cunning and inventive in love, dominant and are in constant search for themselves.


Haste sensual adamant

Vasilisa Volodina, TV presenter, astrologer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does Vasilisa name mean?

This gentle name in past century was widespread. Now it is considered rare. The meaning of Vasilisa gives his support to adeptness, authority, to lead someone to someone.

Positive qualities of her character often manifest themselves from a negative side. For example, an acute sense of justice makes it absolutely intolerable to the shortcomings of people. She sees her negative sides, but never admits. This woman is trying in every way to hide them for disinterested help to other people.

Analyzing what the name of Vasilisa means, we conclude - the energy of Vasilisa is manifested in the power of feelings, in pride and thoughtfulness.

It is highlighted by original behavior, often incomprehensible to others.

Vasilisa are suitable for patrimonies: Vyacheslavovna, Yaroslavovna, Lvovna, Nikolaevna, Fedorovna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Kirillovna, Timofeevna. Alekseevna is calm and balanced. Evgenievna has a mild character. Andreevna is practical, organized. Dmitrievna proud and friendly.

Would you call the child with this name?

This is the name of Greek origin. It came to Russian land from Byzantium and happened from the word "Bazilus", which means "king".

In the Byzantine era changed the pronunciation of the letter "Beta" on "B". Names borrowed from Byzantium moved to Western Europe with Beta - Basil, and on Russia with the letter "B", so the word Vasily appeared.

Vasilisa is a derivative of the form from male Vasily.

Arguing, which means the name of Vasilis, we conclude - his interpretation is interpreted as "Queen, Ladyman."

History recalls his holy patronage - Igumen, Vasilisa Egypt. She cared for the sick, helped the poor, preached the Word of God. Together with her husband, Saint Julian, erected two monasters - male and female, where were the abbys. They were executed for the Christian faith.

The origin of the name of Vasilisa can tell about his theses, famous and legendary personalities. Skin headed the partisan detachment. Melentyeva was the sixth wife of the monarch Ivan Grozny. Vasilisa recreed (beautiful) is a favorite character of Russian fairy tales.

Forms name

Simple: Vasya Full: VasilisaOld: VasilissaAffectionate: Vasyusha

In childhood, grows with a shy child. No one suggests that a powerful person will be formed from this girl. Becoming an adult, she shows all the nobility of their nature.

Vasilisa can show himself as a scientist engaged in research activities in such sciences as: chemistry, genetics, psychology, brain physiology. There is a chance that it will pass on magic, hypnosis, will be interested in non-traditional methods of treatment.

Characteristic of Vasilisa says that a representative of the name can achieve success by choosing professions in the field of economics, legal education, pedagogy.

It can be an excellent specialist in international relations or in the advertising industry. Vasilisa is high creative abilities. At work, she will often arise original ideasBut the meaning of its innovative projects will not be understood by others.

But despite this, she can achieve fame, build a successful career. Vasilisa reaches financial independence, receiving a premium for discovery, as an inheritance or donating from relatives, correctly using intuition.

It is offended when they do not listen to her advice. Behavior is often changeable and contradictory. Winter Vasilisa is the most conflict.

She attracts those around him sincere and disinterested dumplings. You can only cooperate well with it, but it is difficult to compete. It's striving to always be the first.

For this woman, a well-developed sense of justice is characterized, so she is trying to make their order everywhere. Her desires are noble, but not always supported by others. If Vasilisa still decided to free a person out of trouble, then she would commit it.

Vasilisa stands out for its curiousness and curiosity. Always openly expresses its feelings, but its shyness is manifested in the form of a closed behavior.

The name of the name is good-natured, responsive. It is characterized by a disadvantage of the will of the will, as a result of which cannot enter into confrontation with external pressure: usually inferior to strong personnel, but does not obey them.

The mystery of Vasilisa reveals the excessive sensitivity of the owner in relation to people and the events.

Often will feel dissatisfaction with your friendships.

This woman has the subtlety and depth of experiences that help her better understand the surrounding people. She has an unusual look at things, the ability to enjoy beautiful.

Vasilisa is characterized by a description of a soft altruistic and purposeful person. She is arrogant and wishes that people evaluated her high enough.

The owner of the name can be determined, authority, stubbornness, conflict. Does not tolerate objections to his address, intolerant to other shortcomings.





Business suit







Vasilisa love relationships are not easy. It places high demands for men. A man who dreams of conquering the heart of beauties should have patience and tact.

In most cases, the name carrier successfully marries in more mature age. Marriages registered in young youthful age are often unsuccessful.

Family relations Vasilisa are most often faced with difficulties. Despite its natural beauty and charm, it is difficult for her to build constant long-term relationships.

Everything will work out perfectly and successfully, if it learn to treat with patience and understanding to the shortcomings of the spouse, to give up to him. After some time, she will become an excellent mother and a happy wife.

Vasilisa Name for Girl

Vasilisa is a derivative form from male Vasily. This name is in the Greek language means "royal." It did not gain much popular in Russia and is rarely used.

With the pronunciation of this name, Associations arise with a character of fairy tales by Vasilisa Wolly or beautiful.

The meaning of the name emphasizes its baby in organizational, businesslikeness, independence.

In childhood, Vasilisa is distinguished by shysteriness, timidity and some modesty. The child is touching and wound. It closes in itself when the peers begin to call you. But the growing, Vasilisa shows his sharp mind, bright beauty and grace.


The origin of Vasilisa is an ancient Greek. Could have happened from the Greek word "Basileus", which means "Queen", the "ruler", or the "Supreme Ruler". Hence the literal interpretation - "Queen" or "King's spouse" for another version.

Wasilisa's female name today continues to be popular in the countries of the former USSR, but the truth is no longer like that. But despite this, the beauty of his sound was not divered. Yes, and the energy of this name is still considered very and very strong ...

Conversational options: Vasya, Vasa, Vasanya

Modern English analogs: Vasilissa, Vasilika, Vasily

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of Vasilisa by giving promiscuity to girls with power and stubborn nature, selfish character, noble ambitions and leadership qualities. Softness, responsiveness, self-sacrifice, wisdom and dedication, femininity - the main features named so newborn. Moreover, the majority of them begin in infant, early age. Later, many of them are only enhanced, plus, they are added to them that they are brought up by their parents ...

In general, in most vasilisa, these are noble, correct and mostly positive girls. About such girls rarely respond badly. They behave approximately come exclusively on conscience, make a minimum of mistakes and try to please everyone. A kind soul and goodwill - these features, thanks to which the girls named with this name become popular in society and welcome guests in any company.

Advantages I. positive features: Purpose, accuracy, respectfulness and goodwill, courage, courage, wisdom, the ability to defend their points of view in such a way that no one has negative emotions. This one most pleasant in the communication of the girl.

Vasilisa does not apply to People with too overestimated self-esteem, to those who use other people's weaknesses, for their own personal formation, and to mercenary people. And Vasilisa hates people who pursue too bad goals in life.

The name of Vasilisa was once very popular and became famous first due to the Russian folk tales. But now it is extremely rare ...

The character of Vasilisa

The nature of Vasilisa is such that it promises the girl named this name is not easy, but nature is unique in all parameters. Calm, prudence, prosecution, kindness, systematicness, communicability, balance, unprincipled, curiosity, good nature and goodwill, cheerfulness and optimisticity - these features, which are given the character in such a way. Plus, the nature of such a lady is commonly endowed with other equally important qualities, among which both the extension and responsibility, and obligation, and hard work. Of course, do not do without flaws, but their minimum. Vasilisa is awarded only by such disadvantages as vitality and maliciousness, but manifest only in the most extreme cases when it comes to betrayal or deception. The character of Vasilisa, in other words, tolerate, good, and at the same time unique, to meet the same second girl almost unreal. She is good friend, excellent comrade, a pleasant interlocutor, and just a devotee to himself and his close people are not to be found.

On the other hand, the character can always be and not at all as described above, for largely depends on the heap of additional factors. So, the character may depend on the parent education, from the sign of the zodiac, and in the end, from the birth season ...

Early childhood

In early childhood, the girl, over which the meaning of Vasilisa patronizes, can happen a lot of good, and not just so, but because Vasilisa attracts good and all good. The value can give the character of this girl with such features as openness, kindness, good nature, respectfulness and goodwill, care and care, honesty and generosity, calm and curiosity. This girl has practically no flaws, it is positive from all sides and sometimes sows around themselves, plus it attracts attention from good peopleAnd this is an absolute fact, it does not even need to understand people, it will be bad, so will bypass. With peers usually in good relationships - no, she did not leader, did not start, not the organizer, and moreover, attracts a minimum of attention, but at the same time in a good account in any society, children respect it, at least for her honesty and justice . And the importance can be awarded its judgment in nature - this is a judiciary of his babe, carefully considering all its actions and accepting only those solutions in which one hundred percent is confident. But this girl has several drawbacks, among which, for example, shyness, uncertainty, shyness and timidity - although, on the other hand, it is rather weakness than flaws ...


A teenage girl, for which parents in childhood decided to choose the female name Vasilisa, this is already a completely different person. No, there will also be such features such as shyness, carelessness, compatibility, good nature, goodwill, cheerfulness, honesty and justice, but she already in adolescence becomes more confident in herself, which in turn gives her the opportunity to estimate her mind and decisively act in complex situations. And even the value does not allow her to deprive that calm nature, which it possesses in early childhood - this is all the same calm, balanced, non-modest and suspended girl, never incoming bad, not allowing yourself to indulge and upset your parents, and now the student is good Maximum responsibly approaching all subjects without exception. Vasilisa in its essence good man, this is a fact - even with teachers she a good relationship. At that, the most amazing thing is that a good relationship with the teachers at the same time, and with classmates, which is already in itself a rarity. By the way, as for studying, it studies approximately, quite well, but it may have problems with accurate sciences. The value of the haul believes its unique warehouse of the mind, but with a humanitarian filling ...

Adult woman

Adult Vasilisa, over which the meaning of this name is patronized, this is already another person. She can stay with the same calm and balanced girl, but at the same time become hot-tempered and vengeful. True, it is very difficult to bring it to aggression - only people prone to deception, rudeness and betrayal are capable of this. As for betrayal, it will never forgive him. And this girl, the truth has already become a woman who has already become a well-developed instinct of self-preservation - it feels when there is a traitor or potential liar in her surroundings, and avoids such people. As for the revenue, so everything is simple - rudeness and offense she can forgive, but betrayal from close man, never, and at the same time, the place of revenge can nesting a very long time, until it comes into reality. In the society, Vasilisa is usually welcome guestSuch will respect and appreciate, but she herself avoids large clusters of people - Vasilisa, this is a lover of a quiet pastime in the circle of relatives or the most proven people. Well, in the rest, this is an ideal woman - a friendly, sociable, eloquery, interesting, sociable, easily comes on a compromise, does not like to quarrel, calculating and never comes against your own conscience.

The interaction of the nature of Vasilisa with the time of year

Summer - here it will be a speech about Vasilisa carrier's nature, which has a constant desire to develop and improve. Such always seeks to move, develop, go ahead, to act and act. At the same time, interests occupy priority importance - it is better for her not to interfere with the achievement of the goal, otherwise you can regret.

Winter - And this girl, thanks to the effects of the winter time of the year, will also be a disassembly, assertive, dubbed, merciless and even conflict. Self love, vain, emotional - trying to be in the attention of the world around her. Emotionality prevents from raising friends and build personal being - often a long time remains alone. The spouse will choose only in adulthood.

Spring - this in character will become a cunning inventive man, adventure, ready to go on risky actions at any time. Feminine and charming, eloquent, and it plays her hand - it is easy to manipulate people. She is responsive and good-natured, with early age Looking for clean love, and will find, but a little later.

Autumn - during this period, a diplomatic and tactful girl appears on the origin of nature. It is easy and simple, always avoid conflicts, and even if right. Easily recognizes your mistake. Tight contacts with people avoid, afraid to be deceived. Long ineffective search for the second half can drive it into a depressive state.

Fate named Vasilisa

The fate of the name is the most mysterious and theoretical factor of all existing ones. To predict what the fate of one or another Vasilisa will be practically unrealistic. Although, on the other hand, the theory still exists, which means it has the right to exist, right? So ...

The fate of Vasilisa in relations with male representatives, in love and marriage is such, according to theory, which suggests a long search for a true second half. The reason for the fact that fate is like this is the idealisticness of Vasilisa itself - it ideals all of their potential partners, which ultimately often leads to disappointments. However, fate at any time can challenge Vasilis and with those whom she will not even have to idealize.

In an adult life, fate assumes the formation of a girl called the name of Vasilisa perfect, exemplary, really good mother, which is usually put as an example. Her fate to become a loving wife and a caring approximate mom, this is a fact - the truth is, it will never be a housewife, life and "four walls" are not for her.

Love and marriage

The fleeting novels that do not oblige to anything, they are unlikely to fit the woman named Vasilisa. It seriously refers to relations with men and believes that if one man is chosen, they must certainly become one family with him. The concepts of the family and marriage for her inseparable. However, despite its entire reliability and honesty, the first husband most often does not withstand an assertive nature, which leads to the divorce. If fate gives her a second chance, here it becomes more diplomatic, feminine and soft.

IN family relationship Women named Vasilisa most appreciate certainty, honesty, reliability and stability. It is also very important to them that in their homes it was comfortable and cozy to all family members, as well as relatives and friends. They are welcome mistresses and can cook tasty.

In the family of carrier named after Vasilis, the rules of family life must be stipulated and, on the contrary, should not be the main, since only equality is that golden middle, which will provide her happy marriage. In addition, it should be a little more open and still start to demonstrate his feelings to demonstrate his feelings so that he did not doubt her love.

Vasilisa as a mother

Family and children are very important for women named Vasilisa. Children usually appear no longer early, so they are always long-awaited. Despite all his love for the kids, Vasilisa is a supporter sufficiently conservative and strict principles of education.

At the same time, she is really sensitive and caring mother, who knows how and support, and regret, and when you want to punish children. Since childhood, she tears them to work, to mutual respect and mutual assistance, convincing that success in life can be achieved, only by their work and mind.

The educational process of mother Vasilisa takes a lot of time and effort, but she tirelessly continues to teach children kindness, business, independence and confidence in own power. But here the physical development of children, she instructs to engage in the spouse, since it is convinced that no one can choose his father right view Sports for a child.

Compatibility C. male name

The question of compatibility named after Vasilisa with male names is very difficult, and there is a lot of mysteries in themselves, but some of them were still solved. It turned out that best communication In terms of love and feelings, it can be formed in relations with Sevastyan, Spartak, Nikolai, Nikita, Arnold, Pankrat, Julia, Rostislav and Kirill.

The perfect combination of marriage will be with named variations like Peter, Ernest, Semyon, Gleb, Arkhip, Anatoly, Daniel, and Evdokim.

But as for Yuri, Demyan, Denis, Irakli, Maximilian, and Naum, so it is even better not to try to establish the union ...

Vasilisa is a women's female form in translated from ancient Greek it means "king". Similar value: "Queen", "Tsar'skaya", "royal" has the name of Vasilisa. She celebrates his name day several times a year:

  • January 21;
  • 18th of Febuary;
  • March 23;
  • April 28;
  • April 29;
  • 16 of September;
  • April 04;
  • July 4th.

These days the church remembers the holy martyrs who lived in different time And they wore the name of Vasilisa.

Vasilisa Roman (April 28)

Two close girlfriends, Vasilisa and Anastasia, lived in Rome in the first century. During one of the sermons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, they accepted Christianity and did not betray their faith until death.

From 54 to 68, in Rome rules, he conducted brutal persecution of Christians, torture forced them to renounce them, and in the case of disobedience - the martyrs executed. Vasilisa and Anastasia buried the bodies of those killed according to Christian canons. For this, the emperor ordered them to sharpen them in the dungeon. Soon for his faith, Vasilisa and Anastasia were tortured. But they were able to withstand all the torment and kept faith in Jesus Christ. For this in 68, women were beheaded.

The day of memory of Martyng Vasilisa and Anastasia is celebrated on April 28. Worship their relics today in church God's Mother The duplicator, which is located in Rome.

Vasilisa Egyptian (January 21)

The holy martyrs of Julian and Vasilis were from the Egyptian year an antinea. They both came from noble, rich families, and at the insistence of parents soon became her husband and wife.

Despite this, Julian and Vasilisa remained deeply believing people. They completely devoted themselves to the Lord, did not enter into close relationship with each other and retained innocence. After the death of the parents of Iulian and Vasilis, they founded the male and female monastery and became in their abbys, by taking a monasticism.

In the III century, during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian, the believers were captured and sharpened in the dungeon. They made up severe torture several times, but they were able to endure all the torment. Julian was even able to convert Kelia's son to the Christian faith to the Christian faith of his wife Marionillu, as well as several more pagans. Soon, Iulian, Vasilisa and other martyrs took death from the sword.

Name Day Vasilisa is celebrated on January 21. On this day, the church also recalls Julian, Kelia, Marionillo and other martyrs who were truncated by a sword in 313.

Martyr Vasilisa: Named Orthodox on September 16

During the rule in Rome, Emperor Diocletian held terrible persecution of Christians. But most of all innocent blood sheds in the ancient city of Nikomidy (Nomedy). Only in one month here was truncated by a sword over 17 thousand Christians. Not pardoned the tormentor neither adults or children.

I suffered in Nikomidia and nine-year-old Vasilisa. It was led to the court to the game Alexander, which was right in the city. He suggested Vasilis to renounce faith in the Lord, but the girl remained adamant. She even joined the dispute with Alexander and spoke of Jesus Christ as if she was not a child, but an adult man.

Vasilisa was subjected to martyr's torture several times. At first she was hit by the face, then rugs around the body, and when it was completely covered with ulcers, the girl jested down his head and divorced a fire under her body. But neither fire nor a young animals could kill Vasilis. Then the ruler of Nikomide fell asleep to her legs and began to repent. After that, he believed in the Lord, and was baptized.

Soon Inevel Alexander died, and Vasilisa left the city. In one day she felt thirst, became on the stone and asked the Lord's water. In the same minute, Fountain began to beat the stone. Vasilisa drank water and immediately pressed. Needing this stone she was buried by the bishop of her body.

Nikivi Vasilisa Nikomidia is celebrated on September 16. On this day, the martyr gave God his innocent soul.

Named Vasilisa for the church calendar March 23, April 29

During the rule of Emperor Decia (about 251-258), cruel persecution of Christians continued. They covered all the ancient cities, including Corinth. Here, the Mission for the extermination of Christians was instructed by the war commander Jason.

The tormentman reported that in the desert, a Christian Kondrat was inhabited from the city, which he comes to listen to hundreds of people. Among them was young Vasilisa. For faith in the Lord, Kondrat and his students adopted a martyrdom. At first they were given to the emergence of wild beasts, but they did not touch believers. Then they were drunk by a sword.

The names of Vasilisa and the rest of the Martyrs Corinthian are celebrated on March 23 and April 29. On this day, the church recalls their names.