We need objects for construction. How to find building objects

Many construction companies have introduced the position of “construction site search manager” into the staffing table in order not to be idle without work. How does a manager manage to cope with their job responsibilities?


Submit an application for participation in the construction tender announced by the local administration. Tender announcements are published in the local press, as well as in the municipal press. However, not all construction orders reach the moment of being put up for auction, so it would be nice if you have acquaintances in the administration (Department of Construction or in the cadastral service).

Place advertisements about the services of your construction company in the media and on the Internet. Create a website where you post information about the company, its experience in the market, as well as articles on construction. Be sure to open the "Reviews" section, in which you will publish letters of thanks and feedback from your customers, if any.

Track growth in demand for housing, as well as commercial, industrial and socio-cultural objects in your region. Perhaps you yourself can make an offer to the administration or entrepreneurs if, according to your calculations, they will soon have a need for the construction of new buildings (for example, in connection with the demolition of emergency housing or the expansion of production).

If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another major city in Russia, please visit http://estateline.ru, where information about objects under construction and tenders is published. To find a building object, select the necessary criteria from the lists "Type of construction", "Region", "District", "Type of construction", "Object status" and click the "apply" button. On this site you can also find information about upcoming tenders or place an advertisement about the services of your company.

Residents of Moscow, in addition, can refer to the site http://topbd.ru to search for information about construction sites and place ads, and residents of St. Petersburg - to the page http://eson.info/objects.

Now the construction services market is represented by a huge number of organizations and firms involved in repair and construction work. How not to make a mistake in choosing and not pay twice for poor-quality work? Just find a good building company.


Make a list of all the companies in your city or area. Please note that the narrow specialization of the company does not yet indicate the poor or good quality of the services provided.

Please contact one of the companies. Immediately ask if the construction organization has licenses and permits to carry out work, which are indicated in the price list of the company. Ask how long she has been providing these services. Of course, organizations that have been working in this service sector for more than a year deserve more trust than beginners. If builders or finishers come from the countries of the Near Abroad, think a hundred times before hiring them. In addition to a lot of overhead, you may be annoyed by the low quality of their work, at least because only a few of them are licensed to perform them.

Ask to see a review book or contact former customers in order to collect information about the company. Personally verify the quality of the work done by visiting one or two objects that were built or repaired by this company.

Find out what materials and equipment are commonly used in the course of work.

If you are satisfied with the quality of services provided by one of the companies, before concluding an agreement, discuss the following points with its representatives:
- operating schedule;
- scope of work;
- supply of materials (Sometimes the customers themselves provide workers with everything necessary.);
- possible excess of the initial estimate;
- disposal of construction waste.

Sign an agreement.

Nowadays, many construction professionals are increasingly opening their own business. This way of earning has certain advantages. The presence of healthy competition is a good incentive to improve the quality of the work done. In addition, you can set your own price. However, this activity also includes a constant search for orders. And here the usual methods of popularization do not always work.

About search tricks

In the construction business, word of mouth creates the best advertising. If the team has successfully completed its work, then satisfied customers will begin to recommend it to all their friends and relatives. Moreover, the same neighbors, looking at the current renovation process, decide to update their housing with the help of a team that works nearby. Therefore, when fulfilling an order, you need to try to get along not only with the owners, but also with their neighbors.

Also, very good results were shown by a method involving the distribution of flyers and business cards. The easiest way, of course, is to negotiate with the sellers of hardware stores and leave them flyers with business cards. All this is done naturally for a monetary reward. So many people will be able to find out about your team, and advertising costs will be minimal. Aspiring construction entrepreneurs can also distribute leaflets themselves.
The construction industry still has the old methods of finding customers and orders. We are talking, of course, about ads in newspapers and next to the entrances of residential buildings. Many people believe that if an ad is posted at their entrance, then its author lives somewhere nearby. This means that it will be much easier to contact him. This approach to finding clients is convenient to apply in those areas that are a priority for you. Note that ads in newspapers work less often, but still work.

Many builders have a large circle of acquaintances by the nature of their work. Note that it is very useful to know who your competitors are, whether they can become your partners. There are several reasons for this, and the search for orders is just one of them. Often, customers ask to recommend someone to carry out a certain type of construction work that is not included in the price list of their performers. And here they just remember old acquaintances. There are situations when you can simply outbid an order from competitors who, for certain reasons, cannot undertake its implementation.

Search for orders via the Internet

It would be foolish not to try to promote your services on the Internet. There are two ways to search for orders for construction teams in this field.

1) Publication of ads on thematic sites and forums. It is important to choose only those resources that are popular. You can limit yourself to submitting the same ad. But if this is not enough for you, then you can create your own section in which you will communicate with potential clients, give advice, collect applications, gain authority.

2) Creating your own website. The second option for finding customers will give solidity to any team. A potential client will see that you take the matter seriously. But it’s not enough just to create a website. It needs to be unrolled. The content of the site must be constantly updated and promptly respond to all feedback and requests.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one that suits you the most.

Search for orders during the period of stagnation

Searching for orders in a crisis is always more difficult. An activity that has a construction profile differs from other types of entrepreneurship in that it has periods of stagnation and activity. It often has to do with the seasons. For example, in winter, building or overhauling a house is simply unrealistic. Moreover, if we are talking about a company, then you will have to pay a salary to all its members, regardless of whether orders are received or not. The same applies to state taxes. There are several ways to find customers during a period of stagnation.

1) Active search. This method implies the presence of an employee who will actively look for customers. It is desirable that it be a person with experience and relevant skills. He must regularly monitor the thematic press, collect information about tenders. In addition, he must collect useful contacts, send out commercial offers by e-mail, and so on. Such standard activities can attract long-awaited customers.

2) Visiting construction sites. If you plan to engage in construction at a high level, then be sure to walk through the large construction projects that are available in your city. Talk to customers. It is possible that they will be interested in your offers and will use your services next time. In addition, this is a good opportunity to lure customers from those performers who do not cope with their duties.

3) Major connections. In this case, you should establish contact with large construction companies and contractors. Do not be afraid to ask what current projects they have, whether they agree to cooperate with you. At a minimum, you will find yourself in the contact database of a serious company. As a maximum, get long-term access to large orders.

4) When attracting customers, one should not forget about the passive promotion of their services. In other words, you place an advertisement, earn a reputation for yourself, participate in various exhibitions. And that's it, new customers will find you. This approach works great if you have been in the construction business for quite some time, have a good reputation and a solid client base.

But ideally, it would be best to combine passive and active types of search.

Search for orders at the initial stage of development

As a rule, the construction industry is divided between large entrepreneurs. But this does not mean that the newcomer in this case has no chance at all. Its key task is to find reliable clients in the construction industry.

1) The first thing to do is to create a catalog of finished works. It will be your main resource. With it, potential customers will be able to verify the quality of your orders.

2) Creating your own website. You can create a business card site. It is desirable that it be professional. It will give a complete picture of what you do, what is the specifics of your activity, and what level are your design skills. On such a site, you can post samples of your work, specify prices, create a review book, and provide contact information. You can promote your site with contextual advertisements. The use of SEO will also help.

3) Establishing contacts. Try to establish contact with manufacturers of materials for construction and decoration. Everything is very simple here. The manufacturer advises your team to all his customers as competent performers. In return, he receives a small percentage of every order you receive. And you, in turn, will send your customers to partner stores to purchase materials for construction, repair and decoration.

4) Placement of announcements in thematic editions. These can be magazines or newspapers that talk about interior design and building materials. Be sure to design a module that will be remembered. Add a link to your online portfolio of your work.

5) Establishing contacts with large construction holdings. Quite often, large companies prefer to transfer some construction projects to smaller firms. In this case, you will have to give part of the cash profit to the main contractor. But in return, you can get a solid customer base.

6) If there is a union of builders in your area, be sure to join it. This is also a good opportunity to make useful business connections, get new customers and create partnerships with entrepreneurs who are engaged in a similar kind of activity.
The main goal of the novice construction team is to achieve the highest level of work. Clients must be happy with you. This is important because most people look for construction crews through people they know. Recommendations from satisfied customers sometimes work better than any advertisement.

Useful Ways to Advertise

In addition to the usual methods, there are several other ways to attract customers.

1) Placement of thematic articles in magazines - print and online publications. Tell us in the article about the methods of your work, about what needs and needs of customers you can satisfy.

2) Radio advertising. This method will allow you to expand the base of customers who often listen to radio broadcasts. Create a short video in which, in a few words, tell about your activities, as well as provide contact information.

3) Telephone and subject reference books of electronic format. With their help, you can find potential customers.

4) Exhibitions. This does not mean participation in the exhibition itself. You can just come as a visitor. So you can make contact with the people you need for free.

Video. We choose a team of builders and a designer for the construction or renovation of a house


Do you have a question how in such conditions to draw attention to your company, team, or where to find or take construction orders-contracts for every day?

The sphere of construction services has specifics, and not always the usual methods of promotion can help in finding customers. What are the most common ways you know or tried? How to find an order?

A secret around the world!

Construction, like any other type of business, refers to the word of mouth method. The completed volumes of work can move the performer and recommend as a master or a team to their relatives, friends, employees and neighbors, because a quality repair is a reason for confidence. By the way, about the neighbors: often, looking at current work, people living in the neighborhood also decide to do repairs, and attract the same company that works nearby. The principle works: “if a neighbor does well, then I will do the same.” Therefore, when fulfilling an order, it will be useful to establish contact both with the owners of the object and with people living nearby.

Another great and effective way to find construction orders in a row is to distribute flyers and business cards. The simplest solution is to negotiate with the sellers in the building materials store and leave their leaflets with them, print flyers or business cards + a small reward to the seller, and the entire clientele of the store will be able to find out about the company, and the costs of such advertising are quite modest. Often, by the way, budding business builders themselves distribute leaflets in construction markets or near shopping centers of the corresponding profile in their free time.

Construction is one of the industries where the old methods of promoting services still work. And ads in newspapers and at the entrances are a vivid example of this. For many people, the associative series works: since the ad is hanging on my porch, its author lives nearby, which means that it is easiest to contact him. This approach can be used to advantage by placing such advertising in the most preferred areas. But newspaper ads work less often, but they also have their own clientele, who, according to old memory, turn to the press.

Many construction workers have a wide circle of acquaintances in their industry. Knowing your competitors and potential partners is useful for a number of reasons. Searching for orders is one of them. Often, the owners ask to recommend someone to perform specific work that the master does not do, and then familiar builders come to the rescue. Sometimes you can also buy a tender or an order from competitors if for some reason they cannot fulfill it themselves, or call our construction club that selects construction orders for the provision of relevant services in various sectors of the construction business.

Online search for building orders

Life does not stand still, and outside the window of the 21st century, the Internet and our building resource Builder Club come to the rescue in the selection of building orders. we have this-time! For this, a little computer knowledge and management of telephone gadgets, communication with our managers, and orders 24 hours before your eyes are enough.

Submit information about yourself on our website, indicate your industry or construction specialization in the table of contents Select the tariff you are interested in, contact our manager and have time to view and accept orders. Communicate with potential customers, colleagues, give advice on your profile and, accordingly, win your personal building authority. Please note that we also accept orders from our fellow builders, guaranteeing the receipt of your reward for the order given to us by the client who contacted you, that you will agree that this is a convenient option, you can be busy and your friends too, but by dialing us and contacting our WWW.site you get only benefits

1 Don't lose a client

2 Earn extra income

3 Stay mobile

This option gives solidity to any craftsman or construction company, because it says that such a specialist approaches business seriously and, most importantly, with skill.

When searching and selecting orders, you have the opportunity not only to choose for yourself the few most suitable in your industry and your profile, but also to gain popularity in your area, city, area, and over time increase your professional level of quality and order processing speed, while mastering an increasing audience and clientele, and, accordingly, to develop skills and their own, beloved, construction business.

The competition in the field of construction services is the highest, and in order to find a profitable order for a construction team or a small construction company, it will not work to sit in one place. Even the highest quality of work performed and responsibility is not enough - it is necessary to act actively and independently look for customers. Experts joke that there is only one solution to this problem - just become famous, i.e. earn a name, but there are a lot of ways to do it. You can find a construction contract, subcontract or order for construction work both in conservative ways (through newspapers and advertisements on poles) and more modern (Internet promotion). All methods work in one way or another, and ideally, use several at once.

No. 1. Subcontract Exchange

The most obvious way to find an order is to contact the target audience, to study its habitats. Advertising in newspapers, on poles, distribution of leaflets and other methods are built on this principle, which, unfortunately, do not always have the desired return, because a specific offer will be noticed only by a part of passers-by or readers, and only a small percentage of them at the moment really required services offered. You can act differently.

The method lies on the surface and seems to be known to everyone - apply to large construction companies who have received a large order and obviously need help. The only thing left to do is to find such companies, and this is what often becomes an obstacle on the way to getting a “fat” order. But this problem is also easily solved - today you can find subcontracting on the stock exchange, a special a service that accumulates information about the winners of state construction tenders hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. If earlier these data were scattered and it was necessary to study a lot of sources, now all the necessary information is collected together- it remains only to use them wisely.

The service "To everyone in a row" provides small and medium-sized construction organizations with the widest database of companies that have won the competition and signed a large government contract. Large sums are at stake, the conditions for fulfilling state orders are quite strict, and meeting the specified deadlines is the most important requirement. In order to complete the work by the scheduled date, the winning bidder often uses subcontractors, so the service is actually a database of potential customers, which now, and not sometime in the indefinite future, needs a contractor, and this is a real chance for a small construction company to get an order.

Benefits for the construction organization:

  • access to contact information of companies that have received the right to fulfill a large order, the ability to directly contact and offer their services;
  • convenient search by regions of the country;
  • search by type of work, which, together with the regional binding, allows you to quickly identify the most interesting companies for yourself;
  • up-to-date and constantly updated information;
  • service allows large companies apply for a subcontract and find a contractor that is for small organizations becomes invaluable information about real orders- there is no need to even call and ask if a subcontractor is needed or not.

It must be understood that the presented database must be used. First, not every organization that won a tender needs help. Secondly, if she needs help, there may be several companies, potential subcontractors, among those willing to provide it.

In order to get a profitable order with a high degree of probability, carefully study the contract, and when calling, try to briefly and vividly describe the advantages of working with your organization. The customer needs to be convinced that the organization is worthy of cooperating with him. It is better to prepare in advance all the necessary data on the price of services, the qualifications of specialists, and the experience of similar work. A personal meeting and conversation with the person who makes the decision, and not the secretary, is much better than a commercial offer sent by mail. You may have to make more than a dozen calls, but you will have business only with the target audience who may need help now - a lot depends on the ability to present information, persuasiveness and perseverance.

No. 2. Relationships with major market players

This option is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, only it rather involves establishing links in order to be in the base of a large organization and, if possible, be invited to do some work. The construction organization will have to look for contacts of large construction companies and contractors, be interested in their current projects and options for cooperation. A plus lies in the fact that you can declare yourself and be taken into account just in case. Minus- it is not known when the company will need your services, because it is not a fact that it has just received a large order, as is the case with the exchange of subcontractors.

Nevertheless, establishing contacts with large construction companies is a necessary and important stage of activity. Sometimes they subcontract work, because they do not have time to complete the order on their own, and they do not want to lose the client. Of course, part of the profit will have to be given to the general contractor, but high-quality and timely execution of work is practically a guarantee that you will have regular customers in the future.

No. 3. "Word of mouth"

The good old way still works today, though not as effectively as it used to. Word of mouth is based on quality and punctual work. If the finishing work, the replacement of electrical wiring, redevelopment and other work is done as it should, the customer will most likely recommend you or your team neighbors, friends or relatives. Moreover, while work is being carried out in one apartment, people living in the neighborhood may also decide to make repairs. The well-known logic turns on: “if a neighbor has done well, then they will do the same with us,” and why go far and look for someone from the outside, not being sure of the quality.

A wide circle of acquaintances among potential customers is good, but it is equally important to have contacts among industry experts, who can also sometimes help with the order. Often there are situations when the customer asks to recommend someone to perform work in which this contractor is not a specialist.

It is important to remember that on large orders rarely invite a brigade "from the street"- they go to those whose quality of work the customer is sure. This means that connections and useful acquaintances must be established actively, and for this, sometimes you should not be lazy and take on even small orders. Today you were asked to replace the outlet, and tomorrow - the wiring in the entire apartment, if the customer liked your approach to work.

The main thing advantage"word of mouth" lies in the fact that it is thanks to the reviews that you can get a large order that will not be trusted by the brigade advertising its services on a pole in the yard. In addition, there are no advertising costs, and the base of potential customers is gradually expanding. Minus- there is no certainty in the number and volume of orders, and in order for word of mouth to work, you will first have to resort to other methods of advertising. The only thing that can be advised is to work qualitatively.

No. 4. Advertisements on billboards and poles

Post ads for your services on a board at the entrance, on a pole or at a bus stop- an old and well-proven way to promote your services, which does not need a detailed description. Despite being conservative, experts are sure that such advertising will work for a long time, and construction companies are convinced of its effectiveness by personal example.



  • there is a possibility that the ad will be torn down, painted over, or competitors will stick their ads on top. On the other hand, this is just a possibility, as well as the fact that the ad will hang for a long time;
  • a large customer rarely responds to such announcements;
  • targeting the random attention of people - there is no guarantee that a potential client will notice the ad.

This option should be advised to those companies and private craftsmen who have just started their activities, because investments are, in fact, minimal, and there is a chance to receive orders.

A larger and more modern version of such promotion - big billboard. It makes sense to place it in the area of ​​newly built residential areas.

No. 5. Distribution of flyers and business cards

Ads can not be glued, but thrown directly into the mailbox. Then no one will definitely peel it off and spoil it, and the chance that a potential client will look at it is higher. Flyers and business cards are also handed out. in construction markets, in building stores, i.e. in places of congestion of the target audience, as well as in busy areas of the city.


  • large audience;
  • opportunity to receive a large order;
  • some people collect business cards and flyers that interest them for future use when the service is really needed.

But business cards do not always get to the one who needs them. Investments in printing advertising material are more than in advertisements, but novice craftsmen can save money by distributing or distributing them on their own. Experts advise Negotiate with sellers of large construction stores, leave them business cards and promise a small reward for a successful advertising campaign. With low costs, the result will be quite good.

No. 6. Publication in newspapers and magazines

Despite the fact that we live in the era of Internet technologies, there is still a category of people who are looking for services through newspapers. Publishing, of course, is necessary in local newspapers, and if there are any specialized publications, then in them. If a newspaper or magazine has an electronic version, then the ad can be duplicated there as well.

Newspaper ads work, but not as effectively as we would like. In addition, advertising must be constantly updated and paid for, and only those who buy the newspaper will see it, i.e. limited circle of people. TO cons of such promotion include the limited size of ads and the inability to present their competitive advantages. True, sometimes construction companies (those that are larger) order entire articles devoted to their activities: they describe all the nuances in the best possible way.

No. 7. Promotion on the Internet: your website and online advertising

The Internet is used by a huge part of the population today. Most search for the necessary products and services with the help of the network. Moreover, the Internet, through numerous tools, makes it possible show ads only to those users who are really interested in it.

It is best to carry out an advertising company on the Internet with creating your own website, which will briefly and concisely describe what services the organization provides, what guarantees and benefits it provides, what fees it takes, how to contact it, and other organizational issues. On Internet pages, you can demonstrate your work as clearly as possible by providing appropriate photos.

Advantages your site for a construction company:

  • detailed presentation of information about services;
  • motivating the user to action (with a competent and professional approach);
  • the presence of only the target audience;
  • effective tools for conducting an advertising company on the Internet.

Creating a site, filling it and maintaining an advertising company will cost a lot and will require the involvement of specialists, so this is unlikely to suit start-up companies, but there are other ways to advertise their services on the Internet:

  • advertising on city bulletin boards;
  • advertising on city websites;
  • advertising in social networks.

No. 8. Visiting construction sites

Perhaps the proposed methods will seem not entirely ethical, but still they should be borne in mind:

No. 9. Intermediary services

There is firms and individual Internet portals, which connect the contractor and the customer. The construction company receives a significant advantage in the form of no need to look for orders - you can focus only on work. But intermediary companies charge a percentage for their services, and sites will require a fee to access the database of orders, and this is without a guarantee that you will be able to find something.

Of course, no advertising will help if you treat your work in bad faith, so the main thing is to do your work efficiently, communicate normally with customers and meet deadlines. In a customer search strategy, it is better to use several directions of promotion at once, choosing those that will be most justified at this stage of development.

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Submit an application for participation in the construction tender announced by the local administration. Tender announcements are published in the local press, as well as in the municipal press. However, not all construction orders reach the moment of being put up for auction, so it would be nice if you have acquaintances in the administration (Department of Construction or in the cadastral service).

Place advertisements about the services of your construction company in the media and on the Internet. Create a website where you post information about the company, its experience in the market, as well as articles on construction. Be sure to open the "Reviews" section, in which you will publish letters of thanks and feedback from your customers, if any.

Track growth in housing demand, as well as commercial, industrial and social-cultural properties in your area. Perhaps you yourself can make an offer to the administration or entrepreneurs if, according to your calculations, they will soon have a need for the construction of new buildings (for example, in connection with the demolition or expansion of production).

If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another major city in Russia, please visit http://www.estateline.ru, where information about objects under construction and tenders is published. To find a building object, select the necessary criteria from the lists "Type of construction", "Region", "District", "Type of construction", "Object status" and click the "apply" button. On this site you can also find information about upcoming tenders or place an advertisement about the services of your company.

Residents of Moscow, in addition, can refer to the site http://www.topbd.ru to search for information about construction sites and place ads, and residents of St. Petersburg - to the page http://www.eson.info/objects.

You can hire an employee on the basis of a written application for employment. The employer must issue it in accordance with labor legislation. To do this, you should issue an order to accept an employee for a position, conclude an employment contract with him, create a personal card and make an appropriate entry in the work book.

You will need

  • - employee's documents;
  • - enterprise documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - forms of relevant documents;
  • - pen.


The applicant writes an application addressed to the first person of the company. In the document, the citizen expresses his request to accept him for a certain position and indicates the date from which he should be accepted. On the application, the employee puts a personal signature and the date of writing the application. On the document, the director of the enterprise, in case of a positive decision, puts down a resolution with a date and a signature.

Draw up a job application, give it a date and a number. In the header of the document, indicate the full name of the enterprise, enter the subject of the order and the reason for issuing it. In the administrative part, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the hired employee, the name of the position for which the admission is carried out. Assure the order with the seal of the organization and the signature of the director of the company. Familiarize the employee being hired with the document against signature.

Conclude an employment contract with the employee, which specifies the rights and obligations of the parties. Indicate the data of the employee, the name of the position for which he was hired, write the amount of money that will be paid to the specialist for completing it. Set the duration of the contract. On the part of the employee, the employee accepted for the position signs the document, on the part of the employer - the director of the enterprise, certifies with the seal of the organization.

Make an entry in the work book of the employee. Put the serial number of the record, indicate the date of employment, in the information about the work, enter the fact that this employee was accepted for the position. Enter the name of the enterprise, the title of the position and the structural unit. The basis of the entry is the order for employment, write its number and date of publication.

Get a personal card for this employee, enter the necessary data in accordance with the identity document, document on education, career and other information.

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Tip 3: Apartment renovation: do it yourself or hire workers?

The choice of a repair method in an apartment - on its own or with the help of invited specialists - to a large extent depends on the financial capabilities of the family, as well as the perception of this event.

DIY repair or hire workers? Determining Factors

Determining when solving a serious issue can be very difficult. Repair of an apartment or a house belongs to the category of complex and responsible work, therefore, in a natural way, the dilemma of whether to do it yourself or turn to experienced professionals arises in almost all families. There are several significant points that affect the adoption of this decision.

When thinking about repairs in a house or apartment, first objectively decide on the premises in which it is planned to be carried out, and also objectively assess the amount of work required.

Cosmetic repairs involve one or more of the following changes: wallpapering, ceiling painting, flooring replacement, etc. Overhaul is a set of actions to restore, replace and eliminate worn-out elements of property. It usually includes a complete reconstruction of the communication and electrical system, windows and doors, alignment of walls, ceilings, floors. Accordingly, in the first case, you can cope on your own, and in the second you will have to use, at least partially, the services of specialists, otherwise, as a result, alteration may be required, which will result in a large sum for the family.

Of great importance in this choice is the financial situation. This is evidenced by the data of sociological studies, according to which the majority of Russians carry out repair work on their own only because of a lack of funds. After all, depending on the region of residence, the cost of cosmetic repairs performed by the company starts from 2000 rubles / sq.m, and major repairs - from 3500 rubles.

The personal characteristics of people are also largely decisive. Some consider the repair a natural disaster, while others consider it the beginning of a new life. Therefore, the first category is likely to trust professionals, and the second will make its own efforts to restore order.

After an objective analysis of the material and psychological component, the most appropriate way to carry out repairs usually emerges.