Technology of selling toilet soap. Making handmade soap as a business

Soap production is one of the promising ideas that allow you to set up a profitable business both on an industrial scale and in the “hand-made” mode in your own apartment.

A successful business project for the production of soap products includes several main stages:

  1. Acquisition of equipment and inventory for the production process.
  2. Procurement of quality raw materials and additional ingredients.
  3. Establishment of an efficient and safe technology for soap production, its packaging and storage.
  4. Organization of sales of products.
Industrial soap production

To organize a soap shop, an entrepreneur needs to equip the premises with special equipment. At the initial stage of production, it is enough to have a plate, molds and several large metal containers. After the enterprise "gets on its feet" and there is a need to modernize production, it is necessary to purchase a specialized production line. Such equipment includes refrigerator, mixers, stamping machine, grinding, cutting and shaping machines. Innovations will help reduce the share of manual labor, increase the profitability of the process and the profitability of production.
To obtain industrial soap, they mainly use inexpensive available types of raw materials - coconut, palm oils, fatty acids produced from petroleum products and artificial flavors.

Technology of industrial soap making

The soap making process on an industrial scale can be divided into two stages:

Chemical stage of soap production. It consists in the treatment of fatty acids with aqueous solutions of sodium (potassium) and alkalis. The semi-finished product (“glue soap”) obtained during the chemical reaction is purified by electrolytes, stratifying into “soap cream” and waste (water, glycerin).

Mechanical stage of soap production. It consists in cooling the resulting "sound" soap, drying it and mixing it with various ingredients (perfumes, aromatic oils, dyes, etc.). Then the processes of cutting, pressing and shaping the finished product follow.

For the correct calculation of the soap production business plan, all costs of the activity should be predicted. These include:

  • rent of workshop premises and utility costs;
  • cost of equipment;
  • the cost of purchasing raw materials (to promote products on the market, it is better to launch the production of several varieties of soap at once);
  • the cost of wages of employees (for the initial stage, 3-4 workers are enough);
  • expenses for product promotion and packaging production (do not forget that branded packaging is the “face” of the enterprise!).

Soap sales can be established both through retail outlets, and through pharmacies and online commerce. With proper planning, organization of sales and optimal pricing policy, you can see the economic effect in a month of the enterprise's operation.

Soap "exclusive" at home

For the manufacture of homemade soap, only high-quality natural vegetable and animal fats, flavors and essential oils are used. The result of the work of a craftsman-private trader is a hypoallergenic natural soap, which has an original appearance and high cost.

To organize the production of handmade soap, you will need large stainless steel pots, a refrigerator, measuring containers, various shapes and scales. The components are mixed according to the recipe, saponified with an alkali solution. Further, hot or cold technologies are used to process the resulting semi-finished product.

Hot way (more cost effective) consists in heating the mass with all the additives in a water bath with stirring. After 3-4 hours (without allowing the product to cool), the product is poured into molds. The frozen soap is taken out, cut (if necessary) and defended for 2 weeks.

Cold process soap making at home consists in pouring the prepared mass into molds and "ripening" of the soap for 3-4 days. After removal from the molds, the product is kept until ready for another 1-12 months (depending on the composition of the soap).

The calculation of a business plan for home production is similar to an industrial estimate, taking into account the small scale of the technological process. When creating a natural high-quality product, the organization of the sale of goods comes to the fore. Expensive soap-making "masterpieces" are great gifts for various holidays and the best choice for people who prefer environmentally friendly products. When selling such soap, cooperation with pharmacies and cosmetic boutiques is necessary, as well as distribution of goods via the Internet.

Video about industrial and homemade soap making

To prepare solid soap, take 2 kg of caustic soda, dissolve in 8 liters of water, bring the solution to 25 ° C and pour it into melted and cooled to 50 ° C lard (lard must be unsalted and it is taken 12 kg 800 g per specified amount of water and soda). The resulting liquid mixture is thoroughly stirred until the whole mass becomes completely homogeneous, after which it is poured into wooden boxes, well wrapped in felt, and placed in a warm, dry place. After 4-5 days, the mass hardens and the soap is ready.

If you want to have a more foamy soap, then add another 400 g of purified potash to the indicated amount of water or take 2 kg less fat and add the same amount of coconut oil. To prepare liquid soap, the same amount of crude caustic potassium is dissolved in 2 kg of water, the solution is brought to 25 ° C and thoroughly mixed with 8 kg of unsalted lard, previously melted and cooled to 50 ° C. then proceed as above.


1. Vaseline-lanolin soap. 3.5 kg of vaseline and 1.5 kg of lanolin are added to 95 kg of molten soap mass. Used as a skin softener.
2. Camphor soap. Take 10 kg of the best tallow soap, 400 g of rosemary oil and 400 g of camphor. When the soap has melted and must be put into molds, finely ground camphor mixed with 25 g or more of bitter almond oil, also rosemary oil, is added and mixed well.
3. Tar soap consists of 12-16 ordinary soap and 1-2 birch tar.
4. Vaseline-tar soap. This soap consists of 9.5 kg of coconut oil, 5 kg of lard, 8.25 kg of lye at 38° B, 3.2 kg of wood tar, 1 kg of yellow vaseline, 83 kg of water, 70 g of rosemary and 50 g of lavender oil. Soap is made at 45°C.
5. Sulfur-tar soap (5%). 1 kg of sulfur color is mixed with 4 kg of heated birch tar and added to 95 kg of soap mass.
b. Carbal soap. Ordinary white soap is mixed with 2-3% carbolic acid.
7. Sublimate soap. When preparing sublimate soap, it is necessary to use good soap with an excess of free fat, since all sublimate soaps containing free alkali in their composition are covered with black spots after a few days of manufacture. Sublimate is added to soap up to 0.1%.
8. Menthol soap (5%). 95 kg of soap powder and 5 kg of menthol are mixed and pressed. It is used to wash the head with neuralgia.
9. Thymol soap (3%). 3 kg of thymol are mixed with 97 kg of soap powder and
IRESSUYu. Thymol soap has a pleasant smell and is used as an antiseptic.
10. Formalin soap (5%). To 95 kg of soap powder add 5 kg of formalin (containing 40% formaldehyde). Formalin should not be mixed with hot soap, since if the latter is alkaline, formic acid can easily be formed.
1. Hot shaving soap. Such soap is prepared from 12 kg of fat, 4 kg of lard and 250 g of rosin. All these materials are boiled down to a solid core. After boiling, the solid mass is carefully separated from the lye and placed in a special vessel. Then, in another cauldron, 3 kg of coconut oil are boiled with 2 kg of 30° potash liquor. After the end of the saponification process, they increase the fire and add, carefully stirring, the sound soap prepared in advance. If the mass should not be too thick, then add another 2 kg of water and boil until the sample taken hardens on the glass. When the soap is ready, the mass is cast into molds and 50 g of lavender oil is added to perfume the soap.
2. Cold shaving soap. Take 14 kg of bacon, 2 kg of bleached palm oil, 4 kg of coconut oil, 8 kg of soda lye at 30 ° B.; for aromatization, 100 g of lavender and 80 g of timpani oil are added.
3. Shaving soap melted down. 4 kg of lard and 2.5 kg of coconut oil are melted in a sand or water bath; to the melted fat, continuously stirring, add 2.75 kg of potassium liquor at 42 °. When about half of the lye is added, the mass begins to thicken, but when all the lye is added, it is so thick that it is impossible to stir.
The mixture is left at a temperature of 60-70 ° C for several hours at rest. The hardened mass is ground in a marble or porcelain mortar, gradually adding 9 g of bitter almond oil, previously dissolved in 100 g of alcohol.
4. Liquid soap for shaving.
a) Mix 60 g of olein with 125 g of hot water and add to the resulting liquid, with strong stirring, 50 g of soda lye and, finally, 120 g of white soap. The whole mixture is diluted with 75 cm3 of hot water, 25 cm3 is added. alcohol and filtered
b) Mix 1 kg of white soap, 100 g of almond oil. 500 g of alcohol, 500 g of rose water, 10 g of amber and 10 g of benzoin tincture.
5. Soap paste for shaving. Take 90 g of spermaceti, 90 g of sweet almond oil, 100 g of potassium soap and bitter almond oil for fragrance.
6. Soap powder for shaving. Mix 400 g of soap powder, 50 g of borax and 25 g of almond bran.
1. Cooking soap in a handicraft way. Take wood ash or weed ash and sift it through a sieve, then scatter it, moisten it and mix it until a uniformly moistened mass of ash is obtained. After that, it is collected in a pile, in which a recess is formed on top. In the latter, lime is put, which is quenched from the presence of moisture. Lime should be taken in half the amount of the weight of the ash taken. When the lime breaks down into a fine powder, it is covered with ash. Then pour water over and leave for 24 hours, after which the lye is drained. This is the first lye, the most concentrated. It is placed in a special vessel, and then the ashes are poured over again with water, drained and a weaker lye is obtained. When this lye is ready, the stronger one is poured into the cauldron and heated to a boil.
Next, an appropriate amount of various fatty wastes is added to the lye and boiled, adding weaker lye, until the sample taken on a glass plate solidifies into a transparent sticky mass. In this way, a liquid potash soap, commonly called soap glue, is obtained. To turn the soft mass into a solid, dense soap, salt is added to the soap glue. In this case, the so-called soap core is released, which is a solid, soda soap.
After the addition of table salt, the resulting heart soap is scooped out, as well as lye, after which the soap is placed again in the cauldron, boiled again with thicker lye, salted again, scooped out and placed in boxes lined with linen; when the excess lye adhering to the soap collects drop by drop to the bottom of the box, the latter is turned over, the soap is taken out, cut into pieces and dried in air.
For the manufacture of soap, it is better, of course, to take not ash and lime, but directly caustic soda.
2. Preparation of simple soap - solid and liquid, a) To prepare solid soap, take 2 kg of caustic soda, dissolve in 8 kg of water, bring the solution to 25 ° C and pour it into the lard melted and cooled to 50 ° C (the lard should be unsalted and take it 12 kg 800 g for the specified amount of water and soda). The resulting liquid mixture is thoroughly stirred until the whole mass becomes completely homogeneous, after which it is poured into wooden boxes, well wrapped in felt, and placed in a warm, dry place. After 4-5 days, the mass hardens and the soap is ready. If you want to have a more foamy soap, then add another 500 g of purified potash to the indicated amount of water or take 2 kg less fat and add the same amount of coconut oil instead.

i. Hot way. As the bulk for toilet soaps, you can take tallow soap prepared with soda lye, or prepare it separately, using pork fat in combination with coconut oil.
Coconut oil must be of the highest quality, and lard must be exceptionally fresh and well-refined.
Fat is cleaned as follows: fresh fat is washed several times in cold water, cut into pieces and placed in a bag, which is hung in a cauldron of water and boiled. When the water boils and the lard blooms, it is lightly squeezed out, with most of the fiber remaining in the bag along with the garbage. The bag is taken out, and in a mixture of fat with water, for each kilogram of fat, put 4-5 g of table salt and 1-2 g of alum in powder, with a strong boil of the liquid and constant stirring. After some time, the boil is stopped and the fat is allowed to float to the surface. The resulting scale is carefully removed, filtered through the canvas into a clean vat and allowed to harden. Thus prepared fat can be stored without change in a cool place for a very long time.
To get a good toilet soap, for every 100 g of fat, take 5-20 g of coconut oil. The latter is added not only to reduce the cost, but also in order to "pour" it with more water.
The soap itself is made in the usual way, only it is necessary to ensure that the resulting soap is neutral, that is, that there is no excess of alkalis in it. For this purpose, it is salted several times and then boiled again. After the last salting, boiling is continued until the sample taken with a glass rod on the plate is completely satisfactory, i.e., when the mass is squeezed between the fingers, solid plates are obtained that should not break.
In order to have a perfectly clean soap, it is stirred with a pole, skimmed off the foam and poured into molds until it is transparent. The soap mass remaining at the bottom of the boiler will be less transparent and pure, and therefore it must be allowed to harden separately.
2. Cold way. The preparation of toilet soaps in a cold way, by means of stirring, is distinguished by many advantages, which mainly boil down to the fact that here coloring and perfumery are carried out simultaneously, constituting, as it were, one operation, after which it remains only to cut and stamp the hardened soap mass.
To prepare soap in a cold way, coconut oil is taken, previously cleaned of random dirt, and saponified with strong soda lye at low temperature and constant stirring. In order for the resulting soap to be neutral, it is necessary to make several preliminary samples and accurately determine the quantitative ratio of fat and alkali. On average, you have to take caustic soda in solid pieces about 15% by weight of the fat part.
When the saponification process reaches such a state that the contents of the boiler turn into a homogeneous and difficult to stir mass, then dyes and perfumes are added to it, which, due to prolonged stirring, are evenly distributed throughout the mass.
3. Remelted. The preparation of toilet soaps by melting is carried out as follows: ordinary heart soap is cut into pieces and thrown into a cauldron inserted into another cauldron with boiling water (water bath). So much water must be poured into the soap so that the sample taken has a good consistency, after which the soap is poured into molds and mixed with coloring and perfume substances. The amount of added water poured for remelting depends on the properties of the soap: for hard greasy soaps, more water is needed than when other grades are used, which already contain a lot of water. Water is generally poured so much that, when cooled, a solid soap is obtained, which foams strongly in water.
If the soap taken for remelting is heavily contaminated, then it must be melted with a large amount of water (50-60%), and then salted and boiled.
4. Planing. Preparation of toilet soap by planing is carried out as follows: heart soap is turned into shavings using a special machine, collected in a wooden trough, mixed with coloring and odorous substances and then turned into a homogeneous mass using a kneading machine. The machine consists of a horizontal cylindrical drum, on the circumference of which there are 4-8 knives. Above the drum, which is driven into rotation, there is an inclined plane, on which layers of soap are placed for planing. The soap is pressed by its own weight on the drum, the knives of which continuously cut the chips from the soap layer. The knives are set at a very significant slope and therefore can cut chips as thick as writing paper.
Here are a few recipes for іyualeiny soaps, іііріуіоінініХ in many different ways:
5. Almond soap. To prepare it, take 4 kg of white heart soap, scrape it into small chips and add a little milk. The mass is poured into the cauldron, put on moderate heat and stirred until it thickens and begins to stretch. After cooling, artificial bitter-almond oil is added and the soap is poured into a flat wooden box, on the bottom of which a linen is laid. The soap is allowed to cool, harden, and then it is cut into pieces of the required shape.
Factories prepare almond soap from good strong liquor with twice the weight of tallow, fat, coconut or palm oil, which must be boiled down until the sample taken out, placed on a cold, smooth plate, quickly hardens.
6. Rose soap. To prepare this soap, take: 64 coconut oil, 40 greasy soap, 30 water and heat this mixture for 2-3 hours, knead and add a little eosin for touch-up. Then remove from heat and stir in artificial rose oil. Soap is cast in molds.
7= Violet soap= To prepare this soap, which gives softness to the skin, take 100 white heart soap, 10 orris root, 10 dew frankincense. The soap is kneaded with water, dyed purple and perfumed with violet essence. Then add as much starch as is necessary to impart hardness to the soap, after which the soap is put into molds.
8. Lemon soap. Mix, with gentle heat, 1 white fatty soap and 1 starch, dye yellow and perfume with lemon essence. From the resulting mass, it is molded in special forms in the form of a lemon and tinted on top in a yellow-lemon color, dipped in yellow paint, with the addition of wax.
E. English round soap. To prepare this soap, you need to cut into small pieces 200 good white sound soap and then grind in a heated porcelain mortar, adding 1 camphor to the mass. 100 starch is added to the resulting batter, dyed in various delicate colors and perfumed. Flat-round pieces are formed from this mass.
10. English shaving soap is prepared as follows: 100 pieces of white soap are scraped into small chips and dissolved in water to the consistency of liquid jelly. Then 10 talc and 10 powdered alum are added, dyed cream and perfumed with musk and orange oil. This soap is cast in a cylindrical mold.
11. Egg soap. The egg yolk is boiled until the water has evaporated so much that no oil will ooze out of the yellow mass when squeezed with your fingers. The latter is squeezed out, filtered and turned into soap with the help of potassium. Then the yolk is mixed with a sixteenth part of this soap, 1 starch and fragrant oil are added per 30 yolks, and when all this is properly thickened, they are put into molds.
12. Glycerin soap. 13 lard and 12 coconut oil are melted in a cauldron and filtered through a sparse cloth; a mixture of 12 lye at 39.5 ° B. and 8 alcohol at 95 ° is poured into the strained fats. The mass is stirred, then 3 glycerin is poured in and at the end the so-called honeycomb is added, consisting of 8 sugar and 5 hot water. When the sample taken on the knife shows that the soap is ready, it is poured into molds. Color and scent can be added as desired.
13. Soap cologne. 50 kg of basic soap, 60 g of lavender oil, 35 g of rosemary and 30 g of bergamot oil, 70 g of lemon oil. For coloring, take 1 g of chlorophyll dissolved in the listed oils.
14. Benzoin soap. 50 kg of basic soap, 40 g of Peruvian balsam, 1 g
fisіlkoёїo root, 15 i іelioironin, 5 i benzoic shnkіurі. For coloring, I take brown diamond (aniline) paint.
15. Soap for children. 10 kg of basic soap, 200 g of white Vaseline, 200 g of rice flour, 30 g of geranium oil, 20 g of terpineol. White colour.
16. Coloring toilet nyl. Soap can be dyed in two different ways: a) Aqueous solutions of basic and acidic dyes are poured into the hot soapy mass, with constant stirring. Fat-soluble dyes that are mixed with oil are also suitable for this coloring method. All colorants must be free of alum.
b) Dry soap is cut into small pieces (shavings) and processed on a kneading machine together with basic and acid colorants dissolved in water or ground with oil. This method allows the use of insoluble resinous colored varnishes. This is how marble soaps are made.
The dyes used to tint toilet soaps can be very different. The main conditions that they must satisfy: be strong enough, mix well with soap and not have a harmful effect on the skin. Such paints can be divided into two groups: soluble and insoluble. The former deserve preference over the latter, if only because they do not leave behind an insoluble powdery residue; in addition, soluble paints are distributed in soap more easily and more evenly than insoluble ones.
Red color. For transparent soaps: alkine, magenta, eosin. For opaque - cinnabar, minium.
Yellow. For clear soaps: turmeric extract and picric acid. For opaque - chrome yellow paint.
Orange is made up of a mixture of red and yellow dyes.
Green color. For clear soap: green aniline or a mixture of indica carmine and picric acid. For opaque - chrome green paint.
Violet is made up of methyl violet or a mixture of red dye and indigo carmine.
Brown color - from light or dark brown aniline paint or burnt
Insoluble paints are applied in the form of a fine powder, which is sprinkled on chips entering the planer box. Then a new layer of chips is applied to the sprinkled chips, which are again sprinkled with paint, etc. When all the soap is thus prepared, the chips are stirred and passed through a kneader to obtain a uniformly colored mass.
17. Perfuming toilet soaps. Along with a first-class, completely neutral soap base (kernel soap), perfumery plays an especially important role in the manufacture of toilet soaps. The fact is that the fragrance should not only be pleasant, but also should retain its smell for a long time and even, if possible, improve when the soap is lying and drying.
When starting to perfume, you need to strictly distinguish which types of soap you want to perfume, and in accordance with this, choose the necessary odorous substances. Toilet soaps are divided, as we have seen, into those that are made 1) hot
method, 2) cold method, 3) tampering, 4) churning.
Therefore, when perfumering, the first question is at what temperature the soap should be perfumed. Then, secondly, what is the effect of alkalis on the applied, odorous substances. And, finally, thirdly, whether these odorous substances are well preserved in alkalis. These three basic questions underlie the entire art of skillfully perfumed toilet soaps.
Toilet soaps, made by hot process or by melting, are, for the most part, cheap grades. It is impossible to spend a lot on their perfumes, so that these soaps do not cost too much. Therefore, for the perfume of such types of soaps, you can choose only cheap odorous substances, but nevertheless having the strongest possible smell, since it is with these types of soaps that it is often necessary to kill some unwanted foreign smell. For this purpose, mainly mirban oil, safrole, citronella oil, artificial bitter almond oil are used.
For the second category of cold-made toilet soaps, that is, for good varieties of coconut soaps, higher quality odorants can be used, and the choice among them seems to be more varied. Although coconut soaps, which also include almond soaps, have recently been pushed into the background by planed soaps, good and pure coconut soaps are very readily bought, especially in areas where the water is very calcareous, and therefore planed soaps do not lather well. Coconut soaps can be perfectly perfumed thanks to the numerous natural and artificial fragrances available. You can also greatly improve the quality of these soaps by adding lanolin to them. Even soaps made with Japanese wax are very popular, as they look exactly like planed soaps. They should not only be left in the mold for a long time, otherwise they become too hard and very difficult to press.
Of the odorous substances, one can highly recommend anise aldehyde, which has a very delicate smell, bornyl acetate, which is remarkably good in coconut soaps; citronella oil, which is especially good for honey soaps. Then, a good effect can be achieved with coumarin, eugenol and geranyl acetate. Nerolin can also be recommended, and in particular terpeneol. Cinnamon aldehyte is also used with brilliant success. The scent of violets can be achieved with ionone II, with the addition of terpeneol, and brilliant results are obtained from the use of artificial neroli oil.
18. Marble toilet soaps. It is produced in order to give them the appearance of spotted or sinewy marble. To do this, liquid soap is poured into the mold to a certain height, sprinkled or doused with insoluble resinous varnishes on its surface, then a new layer of soap is poured, the same operation is performed, etc., until the mold is filled. A wooden spatula is lowered into the soap mass, which is stirred, moving it parallel to the mold walls. If they want to get wavy marbling, then they move the spatula along curved or spiral lines. Various colors are used for motley marbling.
b) To prepare liquid soap, the same amount of crude caustic potash is dissolved in 2 kg of water, the solution is brought to 25 ° C and thoroughly mixed with 8 kg of unsalted lard, previously melted and cooled to 50 ° C. Further proceed as indicated above.

To start a soap making business, you need to purchase special units. It is very profitable to engage in the creation and sale of this product. Solid soap is absolutely necessary for every person. Soap production equipment must be of high quality and reliable, this condition guarantees product quality and profit.

What may be required?

The list of required equipment often varies greatly. Specific devices are selected according to the budget and human capabilities. To start production, you will need the following devices:

  • stove for heating (can be gas or electric);
  • container for cooking;
  • casting molds.

The items listed are the minimum to start a soap making business. They require a minimum investment and will allow you to make a profit in a short period, but you will need to use manual labor to work with them.

After expansion or with a large budget, entrepreneurs can purchase fully or partially automated equipment, which will simplify the process of creating products and increase efficiency.

Among the automated devices, experts distinguish:

  • industrial refrigerator for cooling;
  • device for ;
  • device for cutting finished products;
  • molding machine.

With the purchase of modern equipment, it will be possible to fully automate the production process. It is worth noting that the listed products are suitable for creating different types of soap.

For the industrial production of soap products, a separate room will be required. It will need to be rented or bought (rent is preferable). Personnel will be required to maintain the molding machine.

Creation at home

A fairly popular option is making soap at home. This does not require high-tech devices. The emphasis is on product quality. The cost of soap products that are made using manual labor is much higher.

To work from home you will need:

  • scales for liquids;
  • thermometers;
  • refrigerator;
  • stove for heating;
  • measured products;
  • casting molds;
  • stainless steel pots.

There are two main ways to make soap: cold and hot. Depending on which method is chosen, the speed of receiving the goods will change. In the cold method, all components are mixed and placed in mixing molds for a long period (1-12 months).

The hot method is characterized by high heating of the pan when mixing the components, so the products are sold within 1-2 weeks after cooking.

Experts have proven that the longer the soap is stored, the better and more aromatic it becomes.

Production at home is a labor-intensive process. Producers can make a profit only after creating a large number of goods. It is not difficult to implement it via the Internet, you only need to correctly present the product.

Solid soap products

The most popular and easy to manufacture is solid soap. It enjoys great popularity. It is easier to create it, and it is sold faster on the market, especially when it comes to the economic option.

A beginner can easily get into the production of laundry soap, it does not require the addition of various dyes and flavors.

Such soap is in demand and profitable for manufacturing.

Equipment for the production of laundry soap will require simple, specialists can create at home.

Among the solid products it is worth highlighting:

  • economic;
  • toilet;
  • antibacterial;
  • baby soap.

A wide range of buyers will need to create all kinds of solid products in order to reach a new level of entrepreneurial activity. Specialists can be limited to a specific type only at the initial stage.

Liquid soap products

Many people wish to start a business selling only liquid soap. The difference in the production of a solid and liquid version is just a few details. As in the production of ordinary soap, fats are heated in a vat, but potassium hydroxide or a similar alkali is added. As a result, when cooled, it is possible to obtain liquid soap. Instead of molds, it is placed in a container.

Different types of oils are added to soap for a better product

If you can create a unique formula that people like, then soap makers can easily increase the number of products.

Equipment for the production of liquid soap plays a secondary role in the manufacturing process. If you want to start a business, it’s easy even with simple household appliances.

Raw material

Every businessman will need to regularly purchase raw materials. To create a quality soap, you will need the following materials:

  • Fat components or finished soap products as a base (the first option involves creating a product from scratch).
  • alkalis.
  • Dyes.
  • Stabilizers.
  • Perfumes.
  • Additives to add a unique effect (antibacterial powders, skin moisturizers, therapeutic and prophylactic elements).

The listed components are combined in the finished product. For large-scale production, you will need to purchase all this in order to be able to create different goods.

Process of creation

Soap is created by chemical reactions. Various equipment helps in the production of detergent, speeding up this process and allowing you to produce a huge amount of goods in a short period of time. The more technological devices, the faster and more goods are produced.

If the creation is carried out in an industrial building using special technical means, then the following production stages must be distinguished:

  • In the digester, the main components are heated and a chemical reaction is started.
  • The quantity of raw materials with which the equipment is able to handle is placed. After that, soap glue is obtained.
  • Separation of soap glue into liquid and solid components. This process does not take much time, after which the products are almost ready.
  • Adding various dyes, fragrances and other elements to the solid component.
  • Here, unique technologies can be applied or already classic developments can be used.
  • Mass pressing.
  • Cutting and packing.

The creation process is very simple, the main thing is to keep the proportions and mix the matching elements. It is recommended that every businessman start with home production in order to understand how a product is created. If you follow this step, then in the manufacture of soap on an industrial scale, errors will be eliminated.

An important point is the hiring of personnel who will service technical devices. Modern molding machines are automated, only 1 person is enough to operate them.

Is it profitable?

The equipment must be wear-resistant and comply with safety standards. The payback depends on the volume of products created and the search for sales outlets. If it is possible to find partners who will buy up all the goods received, then the expensive equipment will pay off within a few months. You will need to find partners who will supply raw materials in bulk at a bargain price.

Many people have achieved success with minimal investment. The creation of soap products is a type of entrepreneurial activity, it is available to everyone.

With the right calculation, there is always the opportunity to move to a higher level. In case of failure, it is easy to sell raw materials and all fixtures.

The purchase of special equipment should be carried out in a specialized store that provides a guarantee, as well as quality certificates. The success of all business activities depends on reliability. Soap making is a very profitable process that is sure to bring profit.

A small business at home, as an addition to the main job, is always a very profitable investment of time and money. does not require large financial investments, takes little time and is highly valued due to the uniqueness of the manufactured products or goods. These “hobbies” include the handmade soap business, and much more.

Why is this particular business very good for a small home factory?

The business idea of ​​soap production for our country is new and has not yet had time to unwind on the market. Beautiful, original, and most importantly, useful, soap has turned from a hygiene item into the best gift for loved ones and an opportunity to express your creative self.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Why start selling handmade soap as a business?

Soap making has many advantages:

  • Inexpensive equipment;
  • Soap making technology is available to everyone;
  • Your customers can be men and women of any age, social status, profession;
  • Making handmade soap is pure creativity, an opportunity to experiment;
  • Even if your city has several dozen soap makers, the products of each of them will be unique. This means that there will be no problems with the clientele.

Of course, working with soap has its drawbacks:

  • You still have to invest certain resources in this business;
  • The sale of finished products is far from being established immediately;
  • Soap production is not suitable for allergy sufferers. Working with essential oils or chemicals, if you have sensitive skin or mucous membranes, can turn from a pleasant pastime into a living hell.

Manufacturing technology

Soap manufacturing technology includes two global stages:

  • Cooking soap base with additives;
  • Formation of this mixture into a product ready for sale.

Soap making process

The soap base with which our process begins is sold in stores. You need it in large quantities, so negotiate with suppliers. So, you can buy raw materials for the future (if you're lucky, then at a discount), so that later you don't have to look for the base you need after each new batch of the finished product.

The base for soap is poured into a saucepan, where it is then boiled, and the master simultaneously adds essential oils, dyes, and aromatics. Soap making has a lot of recipes, so every master should know at least a couple of dozen.

A more labor-intensive process is full-scale soap making. In such production, natural fats, alkali and other components are used. This method requires more careful preparation. You must be familiar with industrial production technologies, know the principle of the saponification reaction, be able to measure the pH of the resulting product. It takes a long time to ripen the finished product. It takes about 30 days for the soap to reach a neutral pH.

The appearance of the soap is critical to the success of the business. Most often, people buy soap as a gift to loved ones for the holidays. Beautiful packaging, bright color, impurities of shades, enchanting aroma - something that will cling, attract attention. The more little things are successfully combined in the finished product, the more likely it is to sell it profitably.

Business plan

We will consider a business plan for the production of soap for two cases: selling products at home (via the Internet, for example) and opening a store.

The first case allows you to safely omit as many as three points of the plan:

  • Registration;
  • room;
  • Repair.

You do not need to draw up or search for anything: you can immediately proceed to the stage of purchasing equipment.

The second situation is much more interesting. The first step is the registration of an individual entrepreneur (private entrepreneur), registration with the tax authority and the local administration, obtaining permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire stations, and then searching for a place.

Premises for rent

Let's talk about the room. The small room chosen for the future store should be located where it will be seen by future buyers. The ideal option would be a street, avenue, areas close to the metro or the center, large shops. The property will require appropriate renovations. Think of a concept that will make it unique, draw attention to it. Glue beautiful wallpaper, hang draperies on the walls, arrange racks that will house beautifully packaged soap sets, set up a counter, a chair for the seller, purchase a cash register and a computer. If your point of sale has a specific theme, for example, “soap made according to ancient Indian recipes”, all the more interesting. So, the store will have a chance to become a tourist attraction.


To make handmade soap at home, you need one or more stoves (gas or electric), huge pots (15 liters, no less), forms where the final solution will be poured, scales, laboratory glassware, a thermometer. The stove will cost the future businessman from 100 to 300 dollars. The pots will take from 60 cu. e., and 20 forms will pull about $ 200.

Forms can be very different. The simplest option is ordinary rectangular shapes. But it is much more interesting if the soap takes on the appearance of some flower, bird or geometric figure. You can use children's molds for the sandbox, baking, special (they are sold in soap making stores).


A large expense item will be the purchase of materials: soap base, oils, perfume compositions, vitamins.

For example, 1 ton of base will cost about 6 thousand USD. e. A ton is too much, for a start, 100-200 kilograms will be enough. To give products a beautiful appearance, various dyes are used. The production of handmade soap as a business is attractive in that each piece of the finished product will be different from its fellow. To achieve this, the manufacturer needs to purchase a wide range of aromatic and vitamin supplements, herbs, honey - in general, let your imagination run wild.


Soap production does not require a lot of personnel. While the master works at home and does not plan to open a store, he will be the only employee in this company. Unless, his relatives want to help. When the time comes to open a retail outlet, sellers (2 people in shifts), an accountant, a security guard and a cleaner will be required there. The salary of each of them will go from 20 thousand rubles a month. Selling products via the Internet from this point of view is clearly more profitable.


Soap production is a process that produces a very beautiful product. Advertising should be based on this. Make a website with artistic photos, come up with an original presentation, create communities on social networks.

Many soap makers at the initial stages held pre-holiday themed promotions. Making a batch of themed New Year or Christmas soap, they offered it in offices and shops, took orders, handed out business cards. Booklets, flyers, business cards - generally a universal way to tell about yourself. They can be left everywhere and given to anyone.

Laundry soap is an environmentally friendly product, as it is made mainly from natural raw materials - animal fats and vegetable oils. In addition, it also contains technical fats and synthetic fatty acids.


Due to its properties, such as high washing power at any temperature, no irritating effect on the skin, low cost, complete and natural biodegradability, antibacterial and hypoallergenic effects, safety (non-combustibility and non-toxicity), long shelf life (one year), laundry soap received a wide range of applications, both in production and in everyday life:

  • as a cleaner and detergent, incl. for washing dishes and hands with heavy pollution;
  • for washing cotton, semi-woolen fabrics, as well as children's underwear;
  • for cleaning premises;
  • as a plasticizer in the production of acrylic, oil-adhesive putties, as well as PVA-based putties;
  • for washing parts in some industrial sectors, such as mechanical engineering, watch and aviation industry;
  • for washing containers in the food industry;
  • in agriculture - for washing eggs of birds;
  • for cleaning fruits and vegetables in vegetable stores;
  • in medicine - until now, soap is considered an effective antiseptic.


Due to its characteristics, laundry soap is a truly universal product, which is in very stable demand both from buyers who purchase it for private needs, and from enterprises in almost all sectors (manufacturing, agriculture, industry, trade, medicine, engineering, etc.) .) The wide demand for laundry soap allows it to easily find its buyer, which makes the business of its production quite attractive.


Laundry soap is traditionally classified according to the following criteria:

  • by appointment - for washing and soaking linen and cotton fabrics, for washing various surfaces, dishes, as well as for washing heavily soiled hands;
  • by consistency - lumpy solid, liquid, powder, ointment;
  • according to the content of fatty acids - 72% (group 1), 70% (group 2), 65% (group 3);
  • according to the manufacturing method - glued, sawn, sound;
  • by color - normal or clarified;
  • by the presence of additional properties - flavored, colored, abrasive, antibacterial;
  • by lump mass (in grams):<150>, <200>, <250>, <300>, <350>, <400>, <500>;
  • by the nature of the packaging - open (without packaging) and closed;
  • in shape - a rectangular shape or a piece of complex shape;
  • by name - although laundry soap does not have a special name, recently soap factories have been producing a high-quality product in polymer or paper packaging with an individual name.

It should also be noted that the quality criteria for laundry soap are regulated by GOST 30266-95 “Hard laundry soap. General technical conditions”, and the procedure for testing and acceptance of soap is described in GOST 790-89 “Hard household soap and toilet soap”.

Necessary equipment

In the case of an economical implementation of this, a significant amount of equipment is not required.

With a capacity of 50 kg / hour will include the following main equipment:

  • 2 digesters - 50 and 250 liters;
  • melting tank for melting raw fat;
  • mixer - for mixing the soap base with various additives provided for by the soap recipe (perfume, dyes, etc.);
  • two-stage auger press designed for soap sawing;
  • installation for cutting and marking soap;
  • pneumatic press for marking and punching soap;
  • stamping matrices;
  • compressor.

To place such a line, an area equal to only 16 square meters is required, and one person can handle its maintenance. The cost of this kit is approximately $ 22,000.

The production line can be equipped with the following additional equipment: conveyors, filters, drip collectors, packing machines, steam ejectors, flow dividers, vacuum systems, etc. You can also purchase a device for packaging finished products, but many manufacturers successfully do without it.

A more expensive example of an expanded automated line with a capacity of 2500 kg/h is the manufacturer NPO Agromash, which costs about $100,000. Such production requires an area for its placement of 70 square meters. m.

Initial Cost Estimation

Subject to the purchase of a mini-line with a capacity of 50 kg / h, in the case of 2-shift operation, the following capital costs will be required:

  • equipment cost - 670 thousand rubles;
  • delivery and installation of the line - 50 thousand rubles;
  • preparation and repair of a production facility (20 sq. m) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • creation of a commodity stock for a month - 500 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Total - 1,370,000 rubles of initial investment.

Revenue and profitability

The average wholesale price for the sale of laundry soap is from 30 rubles per kilogram, and the monthly revenue will be from 700 thousand rubles. Thus, the profitability of production is 40-50%. Under these conditions, the initial investment will pay off within six months to a year.