How to open a training center task 1. Opening a training center: how difficult and how much does it cost? Why training and not a book or video

Today, courses in various areas of activity and trainings are becoming more and more in demand as a type of business. The main reason for this attractiveness is a quick payback (from 7-9 months to a year and a half) and insignificant investments that are necessary to create a training center. As a rule, the founders manage at the initial stage of their work with their own funds, without attracting loans. According to experts, the cost of 500-800 thousand rubles for the launch of an educational institution is quite sufficient to receive a monthly profit of more than a million rubles in a few months.

In addition, opening a training center does not require the entrepreneur to have special knowledge, purchase any non-standard and expensive equipment, or search for large premises.

This business is not associated with seasonal fluctuations in demand; with proper organization of work and the presence of a verified curriculum, a training center can bring a stable income.

The considered business plan of the training center with calculations involves the following activities:

  • Study of the target audience of consumers of services. This stage of work should be started a few months before the opening of the center itself. To do this, it is necessary to order the development of a website for a future institution or organize work in social networks, during which surveys will be conducted to determine interest in certain educational services.
  • Registration of the training center. This is an important event that legalizes your activity and allows you to choose the most optimal taxation regime. Our example involves using the organizational and legal form of a non-state educational institution. This will make it possible to apply the simplest form of taxation, according to which 6% of the company's profit will be paid.
  • Licensing. According to the legislation in force in Russia, educational activities are subject to licensing. The list of required documents for obtaining a license is formed in accordance with a specific set of services.
  • Search and selection of comfortable premises for the training center, which is best opened in the city center.
  • Development of an institution's work plan, which includes several options for curricula that ensure the high attractiveness of educational activities and forms of education.
  • Selection of teachers and trainers, administrative and support staff. The quality of the performance of this work to the greatest extent depends on the profitability of the institution and its demand in the market of educational services. It should be remembered that only qualified, competent and extraordinary trainers can attract students and ensure success in the implementation of the entire project.
  • Organization of marketing and advertising activities. This work is aimed at identifying and forming the target audience. The main marketing resource of the company is the high quality of educational services provided by the center and their importance in the process of socialization of citizens.

Time schedule for the implementation of activities to launch the training center:

Stage/month, decade 1 2
Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3
Registration of a training center, opening a current account + + +
Signing a lease agreement + +
Acquisition of equipment and educational literature + +
Premises renovation + + +
Registration of a license + + +
Installation of communication networks for a computer class + + +
Consumer Market Research and Curriculum Development + + + + + +
Selection of specialists and teachers + + +
Conclusion of contracts with students for training + +
Center opening +

Market features

The modern market of educational services in Russia provides the population with a wide choice of a wide variety of areas of training. Both public and private educational institutions of various types actively compete on it. Moreover, the share of small private establishments of this kind is constantly increasing. This growth is due to the still weak development of the network of private educational institutions in the country, which provide services in areas not covered by state educational standards and plans.

According to experts, the advantages of training centers, which cause the growth in the popularity of these institutions, are as follows:

  • Reliability and demand for services in the labor market. The services provided by the training centers are more in line with the needs of the national economy. They are mobile and can quickly respond to changes in market conditions.
  • Educational programs and plans implemented by training centers are licensed, therefore they have an official status and can serve as a basis for confirming professional qualifications.
  • Small educational centers are focused exclusively on the needs of the market.
  • The quality of services provided in educational centers is not inferior to those provided in state institutions, highly qualified teachers, candidates and doctors of sciences, leading experts in their fields of activity are involved in their provision.
  • The level of teaching in training centers, as a rule, meets the most modern requirements. The educational process is organized on the basis of effective technologies using the latest material and methodological support.
  • The centers use hourly payment for services, which eliminates material and financial risks for students.
  • The training centers use flexible pricing methods and operating modes adapted to the possibility of visiting the maximum number of students.
  • Variability of forms, modes and methods of educational activity.

In recent years, individual training, comparable in its parameters to tutoring, has been increasingly spreading in small educational centers. According to this indicator, state educational institutions cannot compete.

Given the high profitability of training centers and other educational institutions, one should expect an increase in their number and an increase in the level of competition in this business segment.


The created training center will be engaged in the implementation of the following areas of educational activities:

  • Organization of courses on personal development and growth. In the classroom, issues of financial and spiritual development will be considered, examples from the personal lives of students will be analyzed, recommendations will be developed for overcoming psychological barriers that impede the effective self-realization of citizens in a complex social reality.
  • Organization of professional development courses, the list of which will be formed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market and the need for retraining of specialists in accordance with the technological re-equipment of enterprises. Courses are organized in close cooperation with industrial enterprises of the region, employment centers and at their request.
  • Organization of additional training courses aimed at youth and children. This type of activity includes conducting various developmental and educational activities with the involvement of parents and the public.

In order to optimize the work of the institution and the possibility of a more rational diversification of services, it is planned to combine several areas (forms) of activity.

Registration and licensing

The organization of courses and trainings is a kind of educational activity, therefore, in accordance with the current legislation, it is subject to licensing. To obtain a license, the following documents are submitted:

  • Founder's statement indicating educational programs.
  • Passport of the premises in which the classes will be held.
  • Information about the instructors of training center and their qualification.
  • Information about the predicted number of listeners.
  • List of methodical and training literature.
  • Information about the material and technical support of the educational process.
  • Certificate of registration of the training center.

The term for consideration of the application and obtaining a license is 1 month.

Room selection

Our business plan is designed to create a training center that can accept 100-200 students per month. The facility has four shifts. This will require 150-180 square meters. m of study space. They are equipped with:

  • Training (educational) classes (40-50 sq. m each).
  • Computer class room (35-45 sq. m.).
  • Room for teachers.
  • Head office.
  • A room for archives and storage of consumable office materials.

At the initial stage of the project, the premises of the center are rented.

The main requirements for the placement of training premises of the training center:

  • Availability of engineering communications, telephone lines, Internet, etc.
  • The corridor should provide free exit for students from all classes.
  • The computer class must be equipped in accordance with the requirements established for these types of classrooms.

The area of ​​classrooms and the furniture used in them should provide a free transformation of space for presentations, group classes, conferences.

The choice of premises is based on the closest proximity to public transport stops, preferably in the city center or a large residential area.

Depending on financial possibilities, it is planned to organize a catering point for listeners (buffet) and install coffee machines.


For the effective functioning of the training center, the following staff members are involved:

  • Chief administrator (organizes all the current work of the educational institution).
  • Managers for the recruitment of students (2 people).
  • Accountant (1 person).
  • Head of a computer room - teacher (1 person).
  • Technical worker (1 person).

The teaching staff for work in the training center is recruited on a competitive basis from among professional specialists in the areas in which the trainees will be trained. The teachers involved in the work at the center will work under a contract.

Labor costs for full-time employees of the training center:

Position Number of staff units Salary per position per month (in rubles) Labor costs per year (in rubles)
Chief Administrator 1 30 000 360 000
Student Recruitment Managers 2 25 000 600 000
Accountant 1 25 000 300 000
Head of computer room - teacher 1 25 000 300 000
Technical worker 1 15 000 180 000
Total 6 145 000 1 740 000

Training center equipment

The following equipment is the minimum necessary to ensure the normal operation of the center:

equipment identification Number of units Acquisition costs (in rubles)
Projector 1 40 000
Tables for listeners 40 40 000
Chairs 40 30 000
Computers 10 200 000
Xerox 1 15 000
Fax 1 5 000
Cabinets for storing documentation and educational literature 5 6 000
Educational and methodical literature, teaching aids, models and other items of material and technical support of the educational process 40 000
Other expenses for the purchase of equipment and consumables for the office 24 000
Total 400 000

Financial plan

The cost of the services provided is calculated based on the average prices for educational institutions of this type at the end of 2017:

Projected volume of services provided:

Months Services Number of concluded training contracts Price Revenue
1-12 Group trainings (courses) 10-20 50 000 – 100 000 500 000 – 2 000 000
1-12 Individual sessions 10 70 000 700 000
13-24 Group trainings (courses) 15-25 50 000 – 100 000 750 000 – 2 500 000
13-24 Individual sessions 15 70 000 1 050 000


The training center is a kind of promising super-profitable business with a high level of potential risks. As its additional competitive advantages, it should be possible to locate the facility near public catering places or open its own catering point for students (buffet).

This example of a business plan allows you to accurately calculate the break-even point. This can be done using this formula:

K \u003d SFI / (CPIud.),

  • SFI - total fixed costs;
  • P - the price per unit of the educational service provided to one person;
  • PIud - specific variable costs.

In the given business plan, the total fixed costs include the cost of renting premises, registration and licensing costs, the cost of purchasing equipment for equipping offices, paying for Internet service providers, and depreciation of equipment. All other expenses are characterized by variable values, these are the costs of promotional activities, tax deductions to off-budget funds, the salaries of teachers and staff of the center, the cost of purchasing office supplies and consumables.

Thus, even a small training center with a competent approach to its organization is a serious source of income and a promising direction for further business development.

I wanted to write an article that would be really useful for me 8 years ago, when I myself started to launch my own training center - an acting course studio.

I then found many articles on how to open a training center. But there was a lot about how to choose statistics codes, how to properly format, etc. But there were few concrete steps that I could take right away - without investments, special knowledge, etc.

In memory of our beginning and to help those active people who want to start doing the most wonderful thing - to open a training center - this article.

This information will be relevant for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open a training center in the following areas:

  • child development centers
  • dance schools
  • creative courses
  • yoga schools
  • training centers
  • language schools
  • refresher courses
  • etc.

This article will not contain rules and axioms from textbooks on finance, economics and business. Only specific practical advice and observations are described here, born from my experience of starting a training center from scratch, launching a franchise of creative studios and the experience of hundreds of our colleagues and partners of training center managers from different cities of Russia and abroad.

ATTENTION! Many thoughts you may not like. If you are a supporter of theoretical knowledge, you do not need to read further. This material will cause a lot of conflicting emotions and objections. Then do not write angry comments - I warned you.

Brief overview of the article:

Let's take a closer look at the following questions:

  • Major mistakes at the start
  • Where to begin
  • Working with the base
  • First clients
  • Consolidation and first staff
  • Rent
  • Further development

Major mistakes at the start

  • Writing a detailed business plan.(Fire this plan!)

Stop writing! Take action!

I have never seen any entrepreneur start his small successful business with a business plan. When you will already be doing your not the first, but already serious business, and will attract big investors, bankers, etc. - then the business plan is relevant.

At the initial stage, writing a business plan is like driving a pitchfork through water. Ephemeral indicators of incomprehensible systems.

In general, absolutely do not worry about the business plan. Below I will describe how to start with real cases and immediately get results, instead of wasting a lot of time and energy on writing this very plan.

  • Search for an investor.(Waste yours!)

According to statistics, 95% of the first businesses fail. And believe me, those who started these same 95%, just like you, did not think that they would fall into them. And if there is such a probability of failure, maybe it’s better to fail in such a way as to remain not with debts, but with experience? Business education is the most expensive.

And it’s better to think up (or read below) how to start working with zero, and not with borrowed money. Then later, when you get access to borrowed funds, you will already manage them wisely. Any fool can just spend money. Better think about how to earn them.

  • Looking for a big idea.(Well, look, lying on the stove)

When I was leaving a large auditing corporation, some comrades told me that they would also quit, but they would just wait for their idea and immediately quit. 7 years have passed - they are all waiting and complaining about the huge workload and miserable life.

Start doing what you enjoy right away. Otherwise, just create yourself a "golden cage," which then will be much more difficult to quit than a job. After all, it's YOURS!

Start with any, even the most banal idea. We need to start ACT! In the process, the idea will catch up, if it has not yet arrived.

  • More focus on costs(Playing businessman)

Rent an office; hire employees, managers; make beautiful business cards, booklets; swell a cloud of money in advertising ...

Test yourself - what are your first steps in your business? Steps that bring in money, or steps that spend that money? If the latter, then it is NOT TRUE! Stop thinking about expenses. I repeat for the third time in this article (and I will repeat many more times) - think about how to make money with zero costs.

Where to begin?

  • Choose a topic that interests you(Is it possible?)

Not the most money, not the most fashionable, but the one that you like. Love to dance - great! Get started. Love to draw - great! What you like - in that you have to try yourself.


Leo Tolstoy spoke about the art of the writer: “If you don’t write, don’t write”

So, you need to start the training center when you cannot help but start it! If you have any doubts about the topic and whether you need it at all, do not start. After all, it is a big responsibility. Any training center changes the world around it. Changes people. And if you do it without fanaticism, it’s better not to.

  • Create a free product.(Not a freebie! But a free benefit)

Make the most of it!

Make a master class, webinar, training, lecture - whatever. Some kind of event where you can show your expertise. And the participants of this event should get the maximum benefit! According to the law of conservation of energy, the more you give, the more you get.

  • Tell your friends about the free product(First lucky ones)

Post information about the free product on your social media pages. Invite your friends and ask them to bring their friends. Where and how to hold this event will be described below.

You can also write to all student councils in your city - they can help you attract even more visitors.

If your topic is more for an adult audience, look for various communities, associations, etc.

  • Host your free event.(Suddenly)

Host your workshop or webinar.

Be sure to record it on video or at least audio. This will be your initial material for filling the content of the site, blog or page on social networks.

You can hold the event completely free of charge - negotiate. Various anti-cafes, free sites from the Agency for Youth Affairs, training centers, etc. will help you. Seek and ask. Think about how you can be useful to the owners of the premises. At a minimum, you bring new people into the room. And this is a serious asset.

  • Start a blog on this topic(This is if trample)

If the free class went well, it was interesting for people and (more importantly) for YOU! So this topic needs to be developed further.

Create a simple website or just a group on social networks and start posting content on your topic there. The first content will be a recording of your free event. From it you can make articles, cut video or audio clips.

And do not think that there are already many competitors in this topic of yours. Don't worry about competitors at all. There will always be people who like exactly your presentation and your teaching style. Believe in yourself.

  • Find partners in a related topic.(Any competitor can become a partner - it's all in your head)

Think about who already has the same people who are interested in your topic?

If you are engaged in weight loss courses, then dance schools can be excellent partners for you. Make a free master class on proper nutrition there, and get your first customers.

It is always easier to look for those who are already involved in your topic and who have a base than to build a base from scratch yourself.

And the base decides!

Working with the base

People are everything!

The business of training centers is a business of communication and active work with clients.

If you constantly run around looking for those to whom you sell your course once and quit, you will quickly run out of steam.

There are good statistics that it is 7 times cheaper and easier to sell to an existing client than to a new client.

So from the very beginning, start actively collecting the base and actively working with it.

I just had a bug in this. For two years we worked without collecting the contacts of people who came to us at all. Now I deeply regret it.

I repeat once again - FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF WORK, START ASSEMBLYING THE BASE! Collect e-mail, phone and name of all your potential customers. This is the bare minimum to start with. Collect them at least in excel. If you feel strong in yourself, master the CRM system right away. This will make your life much easier. Find any with initial free functionality and go!

And understand - it's not the number of people in the database that decides, but the relationship with them. No need to just write down contacts and forget about them. Submit useful content on your topic regularly. And sometimes special good buy deals.

First clients

  • First sales on own and partner base(If you do everything right, then here you will start earning without spending a single ruble)

After your first free events, you have a small base of potential clients.

If you have truly contributed to these events, there will be those who want more. They want to buy. This is where you sell your first paid product. It can be a course, training, individual lesson - whatever you want.

For example, if you want to go in for dancing, you held a free master class at any dance school, agreed with the owner on an hourly rent, and in this hall you start leading one paid group. Then another and another, and so on.

  • Legal registration(It is better to work in "white")

At the initial stage, no one will arrest you for the first students. But I recommend that you immediately learn to work in the "white", because then you will have to do it anyway, and it will be difficult to get used to a smaller margin.

So in the beginning you do not need to register a legal entity. person - you can agree to work on the basis of an existing company. This is how you test your idea. If everything goes well, you will already open your own company or individual entrepreneur.

Development and first personnel

  • Own company(It's already cool!)

But only at this stage, when you have tested the idea, you have already begun to receive real money and the future seems bright - at this moment, start registering your company.

The statistics of closing firms, which I mentioned at the beginning of this article, would be completely different if everyone first tested their ideas for the possibility of earning money, and then registered the company. Do not repeat the mistakes of the majority. Then the results you will not be like most)

  • Hiring an assistant (Here you are Boss!

Your first employee is an assistant for a couple of hours a day. You can take a student or find someone. Just write an ad on your contact pages that you are looking for young interesting guys who want to start working already, and not delve into theory.

The easiest tasks. It’s hard to give advice here - until you hire the first employee, you still won’t understand them, and you’ll do everything wrong. But there is no other way! Hire an assistant and start your endless journey of leadership development.


This is generally an interesting topic. Many amaze with their Napoleonic desires (excuses). So, they say, when I have my own hall or even a building, then I can start normally.

We started with different semi-basements rented by the hour. And I advise you the same. I mean, not semi-basement premises, but rent by the hour.

You collect an advance payment from the students, pay the rent from it by the hour - and that's fine. Switching to monthly payment for your own hall makes sense ONLY when the hourly rent of several halls costs you as much as the monthly rent of the hall.

It is at the moment when you know for sure that just with the current number of students you can afford your hall - that's when you rent your hall.

In the same way, approach the second hall - first by the clock, then the second hall, etc.

Further development

What is described above (before renting the hall on a monthly basis) can be done in a month. Yes, for a month. How long have you been nurturing this idea and dream of yours? Enough to bear - give birth already. It's time.

And when you go through all these stages, you will understand that starting without money, without premises, etc. — these were the smallest problems on your way. Further more. But that's where all the fun is! Like in a computer game. The more experienced you become, the more difficult the levels and the scarier the opponents. If this scares you, you are not an entrepreneur. But if it sparks interest, then you are on the right track.

  • New employees(Immediately get used to the fact that finding good people for you will be a matter of life)

Will you hire new teachers and have fun solving problems - how to motivate them to work better, how to make sure that groups are not taken away and do not go to competitors =)

And when you grow up, hire a deputy or an executive director. How to make sure that he does not take away the business, that he cares about development as well as you ...

  • New destinations(Appetite comes with eating)

If you want to open new directions - tasks will appear - where to get time for these directions, when you are stuck in a routine, where to get money, where to get normal employees ????

  • VIP destinations(Already more interesting)

How not to hesitate to take 50, 100 thousand rubles from people for a month of your work. Such problems are more interesting to solve)

  • Automation ( uuuu where did you go)
  • Scaling(Eeeeeeeee)

And if everything worked out at the previous stages, you will want more! New branches, new directions, new cities, etc.

But this is all a completely different story.

I hope I scared you.

I'll quote Tolstoy again with a slight change: "If you don't want to run a training center, don't!"

This is a very complex business. A lot has to do with communication. But also insanely important and interesting business.

Each training center is changing the world for the better. We develop creativity, improve health, open borders through learning different languages, help preserve families, relationships and peace of mind ... We make people happier.

And I will be happy if this article helps open another learning center that will make its students happier.

Good luck, friends!

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P.S. Write your questions in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

P.P.S. for those who are more comfortable watching videos, I have prepared a video version of this article. And for those who are more comfortable listening - below you will find an audio version that you can download.

To download the AUDIO version of the article, click

Alexey Beba.
Head of the project "GlavUch"
Head of the creative studio "Evolution".

We wish you even more satisfied students!

“I have never seen any entrepreneur start his small successful business with a business plan” - Arguably, but in any case, the article is very, very interesting, and most importantly, useful. I am nurturing this idea, but I don’t know when the “delivery” will come. I got food for thought after reading it. Thank you.

We live in an era of great opportunity, and these are not just words. Today it is enough to come up with an original idea in order to get rich. In this case, it is the idea that is paramount. It is able to captivate capital and enthusiasts.

The largest and most famous corporations at their core once had a simple idea, often not supported by any money. People today are willing to pay for experience. Perhaps that is why training sessions have become so popular lately.

Money out of thin air?

Many entrepreneurs are willing to open their own companies and provide the services of experienced trainers on various issues. Why is training so attractive for businessmen? Why are Russians so actively investing in this area? Let's talk about all this in our material. To begin with, consider two ways that appear before a novice entrepreneur who decides to make money from trainings.

So, he can open his own training center. To do this, you can simply organize a small agency that will act as a kind of intermediary between freelancers and consumers of their knowledge. The second way is that a businessman opens a medium or large company, the main direction of which is training.

On the advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this case is the fact that it does not require investing millions. After all, you are not opening a waste processing plant, where only one equipment can cost several tens of millions of dollars. In the case of the field of training, the situation is different.

You can engage in this business without raising large funds. Your main expenses may be the registration of an individual entrepreneur in the tax office, renting a room (it is better to choose it in the city center), PR for your company and, of course, the salaries of managers who sell agency services.

What is in demand?

In addition, you can engage in the fact that you will find freelance trainers to whom you will provide groups of people who want to take their courses. And qualified specialists, in turn, will be able to have their own percentage of your earnings. The most important thing is to have among the partners trainers in the most demanded professions.

Entrepreneurs who have already achieved success in this business note that the most popular areas are management, sales, marketing and a number of others. Conducting trainings has a number of advantages: you do not need to have a special education, you may not have significant experience in the field of trainings, a wide range of different services is possible (your clients can be offered direct trainings, high-quality training or individual counseling on a wide range of issues).

Advantages and disadvantages

But, of course, not everything is so rosy. This business also has its downsides. The sale of intellectual services is always associated with a number of difficulties. Although this field of activity can be described as a business with minimal investment, a truly competitive agency will still require investment from you.

For example, in order for your services to be in demand and to be of interest to potential customers, you need to have in your arsenal several offers in various areas (finance, PR, personal growth, and so on). Often, entrepreneurs concentrate their business around one or two trainings, which means that they simply do not have a competitive advantage, and all the advantages that this business has with minimal investment simply come to naught.

A spoon of tar

Another disadvantage of a training company is that many organizations that want to improve the skills of their employees prefer to approach trainers directly, bypassing your agency. Indeed, why would customers pay you for intermediary services? In order for your company to be heard, you need to engage in advertising all the time.

You must constantly demonstrate your competitive advantage. Finally, another difficulty in developing this business is that you cannot guarantee 100% quality of the services provided, since your task is to bring clients and freelance trainers together. In the event of poor conduct of classes, the reputation of your organization will suffer in the first place.

Business plan with minimal investment

Think carefully before starting your own training agency. Most companies close in the first year of operation due to the fact that their leaders simply let everything take its course, without calculating their real financial capabilities.

Therefore, the business plan of the training center must necessarily include a calculation of all necessary investments and expected profit. If you plan to employ professional trainers, do not skimp on their salaries, because the image of your company and the number of clients will depend on the qualifications of these people.

What to expect?

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to initially focus on opening a medium or large company. In this case, you will have a larger staff of trainers, a spacious office, thanks to which you will be able to conduct more trainings at the same time. All this will give you a great competitive advantage over those companies that have been on the market for a long time. This means that the risk of burnout will be much lower. In order to confidently enter the market, you need to have at least $7,000. They will be needed for the following costs:

  • trainers' salaries - from about $ 700 per month;
  • rent of premises - at least 100 square meters in the central part of the city;
  • purchase of equipment (computers, projectors, video cameras, printers and copiers);
  • purchase of various consumables.

Be savvy

It is very important that the entrepreneur is competent in this business or at least has experience in such work. This is necessary so that he can realistically assess the current demand in the market, adequately determine the professionalism of hired coaches. Finally, you will need money to create your own teaching methods.

Without them, your business is doomed to fail. You will merge with the rest of the faceless mass of companies and after a while you will simply be forced to close due to the lack of a sufficient number of customers. Unfortunately, every second training center uses ready-made, someone developed training programs.

Over the past ten years, Western companies have accustomed the market to international corporate standards. Among other innovations brought from the West are business trainings. In the 2000s, domestic companies also began to use this format of employee training willingly. Today, the market for such services is far from being saturated, and both Moscow and million-plus cities are in dire need of professional training companies.

Now any large company is trying to invest in the development of its subordinates.

And training is one of the tools to motivate and retain employees. And with today's shortage of specialists in Moscow, this is becoming an urgent task for an increasing number of employers.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the capital's training market: more than 1,000 trainers now work in Moscow, while the market is experiencing an acute shortage of highly professional services in this area.

This is due to the fact that a significant place in the market is occupied by small and weak companies.

Judge for yourself: there are more than 500 training companies in Moscow, employing from two or three to 50 trainers. But there are no more than ten large and universal ones. Therefore, if you can create a company that offers quality training (programs) and consistent quality, you can find a place in the market. For example, we have grown to a company with a staff of 50 people and a turnover of $5 million in seven years. Now, with proper organization of work, such indicators can be achieved in just three to four years. Dare! Investments

I have a feeling that today most training companies are created without any money at all. Such "budgetary" companies work approximately according to the following scheme: they sell trainings in all areas (management, project management, sales, procurement, finance - whatever), they just sold them, they immediately begin to look for a freelancer trainer in the market or in their database who can conduct training on the topic sold (as a rule, such companies have few programs and trainers of their own).

With this scheme, investments are really minimal.

In fact, these are not even training companies, but intermediary platforms.

In my opinion, in the future, such agencies are not competitive. After all, customers know that they invite freelancers.

How to open your own business

And if so, it’s easier to invite a freelancer directly than to overpay an intermediary company twice or three times.

Creating a truly professional company with a large staff of trainers (not freelancers!), with a stable service is a rather expensive project.

Let's start with employee costs. It is difficult to find a high-level coach with real business experience for a salary of less than $4,000. Accordingly, a coach’s salary will be at least $50,000 per year.

The optimal number of trainers for a company focused on long-term work is at least 20. As a result, only $1 million will be required for a salary per year.

That's not all. A serious company definitely needs an office, representative office, category not lower than B+. For 20 trainers and 20 back office people, at least 300–400 sq. m.

This is another $150-200 thousand per year for rent.

The third item of expenditure is equipment. Each coach - a laptop, a video camera with a tripod, plus one projector for two or three coaches. This is about another $80,000 at the first stage.

From my own experience, I can say that taking into account these expenses, own production (preparing handouts for trainers), organizing an office, paying for mobile phones and the Internet, etc., it is almost impossible to meet less than $1.5 million.

Don't rely on banks.

Banks do not understand the training market, for them this area is completely incomprehensible, therefore they prefer not to take risks.


If you are interested in a low-cost, however, and unpromising business with freelance trainers, I can not give any recommendations. If you are closer to the option of creating a serious training company, you will have to think about its concept. I will say right away: it is not interesting to work in the low price segment ($1.5 thousand per training day). We will have to look for ways to minimize costs, and this is only possible by hiring “budget” trainers, using standard or even mediocre programs, low-quality handouts, etc. The quality will also be an economy category. A more interesting niche is from $2.5 thousand and more.

It turns out that it is difficult to count on success as a standard training agency - there are hundreds of them, and against their background a potential customer is unlikely to see you. In my opinion, the most promising formats today are "training boutique" or a network agency.

The concept of the first one is to bring together several (up to ten) superstars, preferably people from business who have reached significant career heights there, or experienced consultant trainers with a name in the market. Having such resources, you will be able, firstly, not just to conduct one-time trainings, but to work with customers on a long-term basis, for example, to develop employee training concepts for them. Secondly, having practitioners of a very high class on the staff, you will be able to take on a clientele of the same high level - top managers.

And work with this audience is paid higher than with average management. Thirdly, with high-level specialists, the company can take on non-standard projects.

It is also a higher paying product. There are only a few such companies on the Russian market today, in my opinion.

A network project, on the contrary, should work in the middle price segment and with average management. But against the background of competitors working in the same field, it can be distinguished by standardization, which means predictability of the quality of services. I think it is easier to reach large customers with such a concept. It is easy to replicate such a company in several regions at once, because there are uniform standards, uniform programs, etc. The customer will know that in Moscow, Alma-Ata, Kiev, his employees will be taught the same way. For them it is very important.


Do not repeat the mistakes of others - do not select employees based on whether they have a psychological education or not. The fact that the coach must be a certified psychologist is a purely Russian delusion. Training is not a treatment, but the development of professional skills.

In the West, there are no trainers younger than 35, and most of them are people who have reached a high level in business.

What do we have? Picture this: a 23-year-old graduate psychologist is teaching project management training for project managers. The fact that she does not have any practical knowledge will become clear to the participants of the training-students at the third word. The credit of trust to the trainer is zero, the effectiveness of the training is zero. What are the prospects for such a company? As I said, in my opinion, the best option for a start-up company is to attract specialists from real business to its staff.

Ideal - those who worked in a large Western company in leadership positions or in the training and development department.

It is almost impossible to invite a freelance star to your place. A good specialist of this profile can earn $10-15 thousand per month. He is not interested in going to a fixed salary. But it is quite easy to find and interest in cooperation "personnel officers" from large companies. Many of them are already cramped within their positions in their companies. Moreover, many of them dream of creating their own training projects, but are afraid to do something on their own, as they are used to being hired employees.

But people with such experience know all the needs of your potential customers! In a word, seek. In most cases, the specialists you need are either the director of personnel or the manager of training and development. A training and development manager can be lured away from a large company for $4-5 thousand, an HR director - for $7-12 thousand.


Perhaps the biggest difficulty in the training market is to reach a large interesting client. There are no standards and criteria in trainings by which it would be possible to check the effectiveness of a training company. Therefore, HR directors, who in large companies are responsible for large training budgets, work only on recommendations.

Spamming is completely ineffective. In addition, most companies form budgets in advance, for example, the budget for the next year is formed in the autumn of the previous one. Therefore, if you created a company in the second half of the year, there is practically no chance of finding customers for this year.

Do this: start hiring people in the summer, start training them in the fall, and in the meantime sign contracts for the next year. If you do well on both tasks, there is a chance that by the middle of next year the company will start earning its first money.

For most newcomers, making their first steps in the market is terribly difficult. On average, in order not to “wear out”, it is advisable for a coach to work no more than 100-120 days a year. But, as a rule, at first, due to the company's low reputation, narrow client base, etc.

trainers in new companies are employed no more than 40–50 days a year. Be prepared, this slow development will continue for the first year or two.


If you are planning to create a large company with long-term prospects, you should look for clients with an annual turnover of at least $50 million. It is interesting to work with those companies with a contract value of $100,000 or more. Smaller companies, firstly, do not have sufficient training budgets, and secondly, they do not need high-quality trainers as much as the leading companies. And development-oriented companies allocate about 1% of their turnover for training. Accordingly, a corporation with a turnover of $300–400 million spends an average of $1–3 million on employee training and development. Newcomers always face a dilemma: focus on Russian companies or Westerners.

There is no single answer.

The advantage of foreign companies is that they clearly know what they want to get from the training. They have successful training practices from other markets, and they clearly understand who, what, when and for how long to teach. If you give them a high-quality product that meets their standards, you can successfully, and most importantly, long-term cooperation.

But they have their own characteristics: many companies have their own international standards, which must be strictly adhered to, which reduces the level of creativity of trainers.

It is sometimes more difficult to negotiate with Russian companies, they often do not have a clear understanding of what they want in general from training. But domestic customers are ready to order non-standard and complex projects, which are often much more profitable. And most importantly, such projects allow the development of trainers and programs.

In any case, it is worth concentrating either on Moscow or on the key million-plus cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

When choosing a geography, be guided by one criterion: whether there are decision-making centers in this city (either head or regional offices of federal companies). At the moment, it does not make sense to go to smaller cities.


Don't expect big earnings right away. Most start-up companies end their first year with zero profit at all. The main reason, as I said, is the difficulty in finding large clients. If in two years you have not entered the top ten largest training agencies in Russia, there is no reason to consider the project a failure.

If the client base is not growing at all, try to prove yourself at one of the specialized events. In my opinion, the most effective exhibitions are Trainings and "Personnel".

The performance of the company is best assessed in the second year. The main evaluation criteria are whether the company has its own portfolio of programs, whether customers recommend at least half of the company's trainers to other potential customers, and finally, whether there are at least 10–15 clients who are ready to continue working with you next year. If at the end of two years this is still not the case, perhaps the project should be sold.

Although, since the main asset of a training company is trainers, it is very difficult to sell it. For example, we are interested in buying a company that has two or three strong specialists in a narrow professional field and eight to ten programs on it. But buying without people is not interesting. After all, the program can be bought in the West. Therefore, leading companies are ready to buy companies with stars, provided that they work in the company for at least two more years.

Newspaper \"Business\"

How to open a training center for psychological support

How much can you earn by organizing trainings, webinars and seminars


Sale(organization) of both one’s own and other people’s trainings and seminars is a very profitable and sought-after business. Moreover, it is very new, not very competitive, and therefore there is a chance to take a firm place in it in a niche for quite a long time. In the age of the Internet, these are very attractive qualities for business that you are going to do. Businessmen realized that such events can and should raise business. It brings:

  • client base
  • and income from sales as the event itself, if it is paid
  • and from the resale of its past materials on it
  • and sales of new products of your business

But businessmen have no time to organize in full and they are happy to pay someone who will replace them in this matter, who will take over the organizational and related chores.

A profession with a business perspective

And what is the long-term performance of paid work, if not a profession? Moreover, by organizing these events for others, sooner or later you:

  • start spending yours, that's for sure.
  • because by then you will have accumulated enough experience yourself and to train your clients
  • and for the profitable organization of their training.
  • at the same time, you will already have your own client and partner base
  • which will help you to immediately increase the sales of your trainings.

The longevity of your business is made up of:

  • you learned the profession on your own (for a long time you looked for grains of materials,
  • disrupted events, lost money and image)
  • or did not waste time and simply learned from specialists all the latest methods of work in full
  • whether or not you continue to learn everything new that appears in business
  • whether you have chosen the right niche and identified the target audience
  • and many more

About how much you can earn

Imagine that a hairdresser came up to you and asked how much he would earn in six months, in 2 years. How would you answer his question? You do not know:

  • whether he will work diligently these 2 years.
  • will work alone or organize a team
  • will he pick up new trends to win the competition
  • will he learn from super specialists or will he trust only his ingenuity

So - to answer such a question can only the man himself. And experts in this business can also clarify the prospect of income growth. And you will be taught to calculate future income and what you need to do for their growth. Do you want to understand how much you earn? Or just want to earn a lot in this niche? Welcome to Training for training organizers. The training is carried out by excellent professionals, Valery Morozov, Ruslan Gafarov. They not only show outstanding results in their practice, but also the students acting according to their system, in less than 1.5 months from scratch, start organizing seminars from 100 person and above.

Who should not spend time on this training:

  • Losers who are constantly looking for excuses
  • Anyone who just wants to “cut the dough quickly”

Who needs to come to the training:

  • Anyone who wants to collect full houses for their trainings, but lacks experience and personal knowledge
  • Anyone who wants to teach a personal organizer

How to sign up for a training?

Pre-registration is open, enter your details in the form below:

Education center business plan

The development and implementation of a profitable business project is always associated with certain tasks and difficulties that must be completed and resolved on time and according to a specific plan. It is no secret that the main goal of any entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit, it is the size of it that measures the social and professional status of the entrepreneur and the significance of the project. You can get the desired profit through a well-built, efficient work process.

In order for the financial performance of the project to be high enough, in addition to the original business idea, resources for its implementation, partner support, etc. a clear work plan, built in accordance with the goals and objectives, is needed.

In this article, we will look at the step-by-step process of developing and implementing a business plan for creating a technical training center.

It should be noted that this process takes place under the following conditions:

■highly competitive business environment;

■presence of advanced clients-users;

■limited material (financial) and intangible (people) resources.

The development of a business plan begins with the formulation of the main idea of ​​the project, and more broadly, the definition of the company's mission in the market. In our case, the general concept of the project may look like this: creation of a single corporate information and educational resource in key areas of technical training; this project is intended for corporate clients, key partners, users who receive knowledge in the format of open trainings; the ultimate goal is to establish effective intra- and international communication and encourage partners to cooperate and interact with the company and its branches.

Training is a process aimed at bridging the gap between what an employee knows and what he needs to know and be able to do in order to be productive at work.

An effective system of professional training of personnel is the key to its further competent and qualified work, which, in turn, guarantees the achievement of the company's goals. Since the high qualification of the staff is one of the key factors of the company's competitiveness, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the employee training process.

As the strategic priorities of the project, first of all, one should indicate financial success, social relevance (due to the formation of a positive image of the provider of educational services), the search for new business partners and strengthening ties with existing ones.

According to what criteria will we determine the effectiveness of the project?

First of all, this is the material satisfaction of the investor (project customer). Do not forget about the material satisfaction of the performers of the work - members of the project team, who receive payment for their work, additional remuneration based on the results of the project and, among other things, improve their professional level.

How to create your own training business from scratch

In addition, it is necessary to mention the benefits for the state, which receives good taxpayers in the person of customers and executors, and in the person of the educational center - an assistant in improving the technical literacy of specialists working, including at state enterprises.

Thus, we can formulate the following main goals for the presence of the training center in the market:

1) receiving an annual net profit in the amount of 30% of the initial costs;

2) capturing the market share of educational services (35-40%);

3) systematic improvement of the quality of services provided.


The market of educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is currently at the stage of its formation, this is indicated by the following characteristics:

■non-guaranteed quality of education;

■lack of publicity of companies and services provided;

■weak post-training support, insufficient control during the step-by-step training of the client.

Speaking of technical training, we mean the training of specialists in the field of software and system equipment.

The main areas that major training centers in Kazakhstan are implementing are training in working with Microsoft software products and transferring the knowledge and skills necessary to install and configure Cisco equipment, troubleshooting in small business networks. The acquired skills and abilities will allow students to configure switches, routers, maintain the connection of the branch network with the global network, and ensure security in the administered network.

All training centers adhere to approximately the same pricing policy, the differences in the cost of the services of the centers are insignificant. The main advantage of the center, which is planned to be created within the framework of the project, is the full authorization of courses, the high qualification of the coaching staff, and a positive image. Conducting a SWOT analysis will help us gain a better understanding of the competitive environment in which we are implementing our project. On fig. 1-4 presents the results of the analysis of several centers-competitors (companies A, B, C and D). Note that the opportunities and threats for all companies in this case are the same.


Service description

At present, the information technology industry is a highly dynamic, constantly evolving industry. Accordingly, ever higher requirements are imposed on the personnel employed in this area. The competence of the company's employees is one of the main conditions for its competitiveness. Thus, the technical training of personnel is an important strategic direction in the work with personnel.

Training Center X provides comprehensive training for IT specialists with subsequent certification tests.

A wide range of areas of study in the field of information technology and system integration includes more than 300 authorized courses. Clients can receive training at various levels (from beginner to specialized) in the following areas: Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Linux, Sun Microsystems.

The training center has spacious rooms equipped with modern technology, a large number of laboratory and projection equipment.

Certified teachers of the center have extensive experience in practical work. Most of the trainers previously held the positions of engineers, developers, project administrators of national importance.

The main advantage of this training center is the status of CLSP (full authorization of courses).

We list the main tasks that need to be solved as part of entering the market:

1) creating a positive image of the company - the provider of educational services;

2) constant monitoring of the work of trainers;

3) constant control over the quality of handouts;

4) search for new connections, customers;

5) search for new directions in work and forms of service provision.

The management and staff of the center strive to ensure that the proposed training is interesting and most useful for students. This is achieved through the practical orientation of trainings, as well as original technologies and training programs.

Carrying out the learning process, the specialists of the center adhere to following principles:

■maintaining a high level of relevance of training materials;

■appeal to the life experience of the participants;

■the presence of feedback between the coach and the participant;

■orientation to real tasks in a real context.

Trainers of the training center use in their work a full arsenal of modern teaching methods (trainings, discussions, analysis of case studies and specific situations, modeling / role-playing games).

Applying to the training center X promises clients obvious consumer benefits:

■high quality of the service provided;

■ timely provision of services;

■high quality service;

■relatively low price of the service;

■availability of a system of discounts.

This educational organization segments its target audience into four levels:

1) heads of technical departments, leading specialists;

2) heads of companies;

3) engineering and technical staff;

4) sales managers, HR managers.

What does cooperation with the training center give to corporate clients?

Firstly, the center can provide assistance and support to company employees in setting up effective work (technical and administrative

parts); secondly, to establish an exchange of ideas and experience in the field of specific technologies between the company and its partners through the introduction of interactive communication systems; thirdly, to form a personnel training system based on determining the needs of the company and assessing the level of professional and personal development of employees. Finally, such cooperation stimulates the desire of managers for self-education and professional growth.

The creation of a unified educational system will allow the client company to choose the optimal strategy for personnel training, as well as

the most effective methods for its implementation (taking into account available resources).

We list the main goals of the training center X as part of the promotion of the service (second half of 2010):

■bring the service to the designated market;

■set average, competitive prices;

■carry out a broad PR campaign (in the media, through direct mail);

■identify the main competitors, conduct a comparative analysis of training programs;

■form commercial offers for the target audience;

■prepare high quality trainers.

To achieve the set goals it is necessary:

1) develop a marketing activity plan;

2) find the best way of pricing;

3) analyze the competitive situation in the market;

4) identify target market segments, calculate their capacity;

5) determine the most promising areas of study.

The pricing policy of the training center pursues three main goals:

1) maintaining the image;

2) obtaining maximum profit;

3) achievement of the status of a leader in the quality of services.

Given these goals, the organization should adhere to the strategy of "high quality - reasonable price".

Initially, the training center can set prices for its services based on the level of prices in the market of educational services of a technical nature. The basic principle of pricing can be described as "average costs + income" (calculation of a certain margin on the cost of goods). In the future, the scheme may be transformed under the influence of changes in the pricing policy of competitors (for example, price dumping by competitors). In addition, mention should be made of the possibility of providing discounts (3-10%) to regular customers.

Marketing activity plan

Marketing activity involves a set of activities, the cost of which should be calculated in advance. In table. 1 shows one of the options for such a complex.

It is necessary to understand how effective cooperation with the media will be. Unfortunately, a wide coverage of the audience always implies an extremely high cost of services that have to be resorted to in the course of implementing a marketing strategy (Table 2). Thus, as in the case of pricing, you need to find a middle ground where getting a tangible effect does not mean spending the entire marketing budget.

Based on the main characteristics of the service and the specifics of the consumer audience, it can be concluded that the most appropriate methods of marketing activity will be cooperation with specialized magazines (advertising, publication of PR materials) and the use of such a direct marketing tool as direct mail.

To promote the service to the market, it is necessary to use a set of marketing communications:

■sales promotion (various promotions, discounts for regular customers);

■personal selling.

Organizational structure of the training center

The total number of employees of the organization is ten people.

The head of the center performs the following functions:

■coordination of the work of the organization;

■building a system of relationships with clients;


■monitoring, analysis and planning of the organization's activities.

The terms of reference of the accountant of the training center are traditional:

■maintenance of accounting and tax records in accordance with national standards and regulations in force in the territory of the region;

■providing tax and financial reporting to the relevant authorities and within the time limits established by applicable law.

The duties of the trainers of the center (four people: two trainers - Cisco direction, one trainer - Microsoft direction, one trainer - Oracle direction) include direct training of students and technical consulting of clients.

Training sales managers (two people) perform the following functions:

■establishment of business relations;

■search for clients;

■maintenance of the client base, contacts with customers (before trainings, post-training support);

■conclusion of agreements and contracts for training.

In addition, the staff includes a secretary and an administrator.

Main costs Premises rental

For monthly training of 100-150 people in four shifts (morning, two afternoon, evening) you will need a room with a total area of ​​200 m2:

■two classrooms (50 m2 each);

■computer class (ten places equipped for work - 60 m2);

■reception and director's office (about 40 m2). Based on the cost of renting 1 m2 (average

50 c.u.) we get: 200 x 50 = 10000 c.u.

Equipment and teaching aids

The required minimum will look like this:

■projection equipment - 1000 USD;

■15 computers - about 3000-3500 USD;

■20 tables - 1000 USD;

■closet - 100 USD;

■fax - 100 USD;

■copier - 200 USD;

■ educational literature - 1000 c.u.

Total: about 7000 USD

Employee salary

A significant part of the costs is the remuneration of the staff of the training center:

■head: 2000 c.u. x 12 months = $24,000;

■accountant: 600 c.u. x 12 months = 7200 USD;

■two sales managers ((400 USD + interest (10%)) x 12 months) x 2 = 10560 USD;

■coaches: ((600 USD + interest (5%)) x 12 months) x 4 = 29376 USD

Total: 71136 c.u.

Marketing activity

Taking into account the data presented in table. 1, the costs will be:

■ for 1 month - 1500 USD;

■for 12 months - 18000 c.u.

Formation of the overall project budget

The profitable group consists of ten people. At least ten groups must be assembled per month. As already noted, the main way to attract students is direct mail, advertising and PR in print media.

In table. 3 shows the main budget items of the training center.

Project implementation plan (second half of 2010)

June 2010

Preparatory stage:

■carrying out research to identify the existence of similar programs in competing companies;

■analysis of the possibilities of such educational centers.

July 2010

Work on the creation of the center:

■legal registration, rental of premises;


■determination of areas of study, specification of the target audience;

■formation of a database for direct mail.

August 2010

Marketing activity:

■preparation of PR materials to familiarize the audience with a new training provider in the territory of the designated region (specialized newspapers, magazines, Internet portals);

■holding presentations and seminars;

■beginning of training.

September 2010

Development of a customer motivation mechanism:

■search for new forms of education and presentation of information;

■simulation of business games;

■publication of informational announcements in the media, continuation of information distribution;

■continuation of education.

October 2010

Development of a mechanism for motivating employees of the center:

■creating a bonus fund for employees;

■formation of the basis of non-material motivation;

■set of groups for training;

■continuation of education.

The success of the project is based on an effective business strategy, professionalism of the performers, and excellent technical equipment. These components should be considered both separately and in interconnection, as an integral structure, the work of which is aimed at increasing the profitability of the organization. We hope that this article, at least in general terms, familiarized the reader with the scheme for developing a project in the field of technical training and the main actions in the framework of its phased implementation.

Chernysheva Alina Petrovna - head of the training center of JSC LogyCom (Almaty)

Journal MARKETING SERVICES ■ 04(24)2010

J oomla SEF URLs by Artio

Not so long ago, in Soviet times, the educational level of a person did not play a global role in his fate. There was no such fierce competition in the labor market as it is now, and even without skills, everyone had the opportunity to get a job and receive a stable salary. Moreover, they could learn many professions right at the place of their employment. They even paid for it!

At that time, the majority could not even think that there would come a time when it would be necessary to have not one specialty, but even two or three, and that in the conditions of a gradual transformation of the economy, some professionals would simply be out of work. Previously, no one wondered how to open a training center, and did not guess that a very profitable business could be built on training.

In modern times, everything has changed dramatically. Now the employer prefers to take ready-made personnel into his staff, and even more so, rarely anyone agrees to pay for training. Understanding the situation, today people are ready to invest good money in knowledge, and not necessarily in the education of children, many want to improve their level or acquire a new profession in a short time. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend many years on expensive education at universities, so a business built on short-term education is now considered highly profitable and relevant (if there is a properly drawn up business plan), which is currently of interest to many investors and entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that if a person has a plan to open a non-state educational institution (NOU), then you should know that such a business is subject to mandatory licensing in the education supervisory authorities at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Licensing must be included in the business plan, since without this procedure, such activities will be considered illegal, and the entrepreneur will inevitably face large penalties.

This process includes the submission of the necessary documents to the licensing authority. Their consideration takes place, as a rule, within a month, and if the applicant meets certain requirements, then a decision is made to issue a license. It is beneficial to pay tax in this case according to a simplified system.

List of required documents for the licensed body

  • An application in which it will be necessary to indicate which educational programs will be provided at the training center.
  • All information regarding the teaching staff, which must correspond to their category and have supporting documents. Staffing should correspond to the declared number of future students.
  • Documents confirming the availability of an appropriate training room and its plan.
  • Information that the necessary technical equipment of the premises and the relevant educational and methodological literature for each declared training program are available.
  • Information on the registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution with a list of the entire founding staff.

Back to index

What start-up capital is needed, and what will profitability depend on

As can be seen from the above, the training center must be equipped with special equipment, and therefore, the entrepreneur, after selecting a suitable room (it must be at least 200 sq. M.), The plan should include the costs of acquiring the necessary furniture, equipment, and so on. For example, if it is supposed to open computer courses, then for this it will be necessary to buy such items as modern computers, tables and chairs for them, copiers, faxes, and so on.

If there is a plan based on the training of future hairdressers, then completely different attributes should be present in the center: mirrors, special chairs, professional hair dryers, and so on. In this case, it will be necessary to purchase consumables (shampoos, varnishes, combs, scissors), which will be needed to train the profession of a hairdresser.

In other words, what start-up capital will be needed depends to a greater extent on the direction of the training center and its volume. A business plan before starting its activity is worked out strictly on an individual basis by each entrepreneur or investor, and it is impossible to give exact figures for the required initial capital.

You can take on such a business, having on hand an amount of about 300 thousand rubles. The training center will be relevant both in large cities and in villages, where there is a catastrophic shortage of teaching staff. The business plan is calculated based on the fact that renting a suitable room will cost an average of 1-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m.

NOU can be opened in several areas of study. For example, it may include accounting, computer and language courses. Today, such areas as teaching the 1C program, design and layout of sites, studying feng shui and many others are popular. In fact, the choice of courses in this area is unlimited, and additional services for individual training can be added to the business plan even during the operation of the center. Such additions can also change from fashion trends.

If the fashion for hand-made has gone, then you can open, for example, courses on making dolls. It is imperative to monitor the saturation of the labor market with various professions. In the event of an overabundance of any specialty on it, it will be necessary to abandon training for it in your center and offer the population a more popular option.

It should be taken into account that the more the educational institution provides services, the more significant the profit will be and, accordingly, the faster it will pay off. Depending on the investment, the cost of renting the premises, what kind of marketing plan is in place, and other factors, such a business will approximately pay for itself in one to two years. Its profitability, as a rule, is about 30% of the invested funds.