How to open a holiday home. Opening a recreation center, what do you need? Collection and preparation of all necessary documentation for opening a camp site

First you need to decide where exactly your recreation center will be located, because the success of your entire business depends on the convenience of its location (remoteness from the city, the presence of an access road, etc.), as well as the scenic area around it. The main requirements for a place to organize a base "from scratch" include the presence of a forest or a grove, as well as a reservoir (preferably clean, with the ability to swim without risk to health), remoteness from the urban area (but not more than an hour's drive from it ), as well as a sufficient area of ​​​​the territory (from five hectares or more).

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Another important condition is that the site for the recreation center should not belong to the protected area, otherwise it will be very difficult and expensive to obtain a building permit, and in some cases even impossible. In addition, you can purchase a non-functioning sanatorium or a former children's camp. This option has an undeniable advantage: a proven location suitable for outdoor recreation, and the availability of all necessary communications, even if they require repair. Its main disadvantage is the high cost and difficulty in finding.

After choosing a land plot for the construction or reconstruction of a recreation center, it is necessary to conduct test geological studies of the soil and order an architectural project. At this stage, you should already decide how your base will work - seasonally or year-round. The first option will be much cheaper, but the profitability of such a business will be significantly lower.

The site chosen for the construction of the base must be agreed with the administration of the district or city and a building permit must be obtained. The construction project is also approved and then submitted for state expertise. The list of mandatory documents for development includes a topographic plan of the land plot, a conclusion on the technical conditions for connecting the facility to engineering networks, and documents for cadastral registration. Depending on the region, local regulations and features of the area purchased for the recreation center, the list of required documents can vary greatly.

At any base, regardless of its size and "specialization", all buildings can be divided into two types - holiday houses and administrative facilities. Houses for accommodation of vacationers for the night should be designed for a different number of people. They can be either individual (from two to five), or cottage with several rooms (mini-hotel). As for the building material, it all depends on the size of your starting capital, budget and format of work. If the base is designed for summer operation, then the houses are often made of wood without additional insulation. Budget options include houses based on cabin cars. It does not take much time to manufacture and install them - a couple of weeks is enough, they are mobile - they are easily transported from place to place, while any electrical equipment and equipment can be installed in them. The cost of one such house starts from 400 thousand rubles. True, there are also disadvantages: such houses are designed for a small number of people (2-3 maximum), they do not look very presentable and short-lived. Therefore, cottages made of profiled wooden beams, which are reliable and look beautiful, are the most popular among the owners of recreation centers. The construction of one such house will cost, of course, more expensive - from 800 thousand rubles.

Cottages designed for several rooms are more profitable to build from container-type block modules. The use of individual modules can significantly save time on the construction of a building and, if necessary, even move it to a new location.

During construction, you will need to solve the problem of gas, electricity and water supply. As a rule, in such places there are no central water supply and sewerage systems, so it will be necessary to drill artesian wells. If the base will work all year round and / or you also plan to build a sauna, bath or swimming pool, you will also have to consider heating and sewerage systems. With a sufficiently large area, it is more profitable to build your own boiler house in order to solve the problem of heat supply once and for all.

Decide how vacationers will spend their time at your base. In the simplest version, you can simply build separate gazebos with tables and benches, put up barbecues, take care of the landscape and equip at least two playgrounds, put up a trampoline, as well as a sports ground for playing tennis, football and basketball. If there is a good reservoir nearby, it will be necessary to organize a beach, and in the absence of one, put a pool (however, one does not exclude the other). The swimming area must be fenced with buoys. Of course, the bottom of the reservoir must also be clean. You will also have to monitor the condition of the water in the river or lake.

There are recreation centers with certain specializations. These include, for example, bases for active sports recreation (quad bikes, bicycles, catamarans, etc.) or bases with their own restaurant. Additional items of expenditure also include the purchase of inventory and equipment necessary for recreation. To ensure the smooth operation of a small recreation center with a capacity of up to fifty people, the following workers will be required: an administrator, cleaners, security guards (watchmen), animators (instructors), a doctor, cooks, waiters, a plumber, an electrician, an accountant. At first, some of these functions (at least administrative ones) can be taken over. Finding workers will not be difficult, since most positions do not require high qualifications. But think in advance how your employees will get to work in the event that they are not supposed to live on the base during the season. If it is located not very far from the settlement and public transport goes to you, then there will be no problem. However, if you can only be reached by car, then you will need to take care of the delivery of your workers at least from and to the nearest stop. With a remote location of the base, which involves not a Sunday one-day rest, but a longer stay, it is also necessary to provide a transfer for vacationers. To do this, it is not at all necessary to purchase transport - you can use the services of a third-party driver with your own minibus.

Ready-made ideas for your business

When it comes to advertising, word of mouth has been and remains the best way to attract new customers. However, for a new and still little-known recreation center, standard means will be quite effective - print and outdoor advertising. Don't forget the internet. Take care of creating your own website. This is not the biggest expense item in your budget (at least when it comes to a simple business card site), but it will pay off very quickly. People do not blindly choose bases - they want to get as much information about the conditions and see photos. Monitor local websites and forums, advertise there, and answer questions from interested potential customers. Agree on cooperation with other companies, for example, with training centers or firms that organize corporate parties and other outdoor events. Such a partnership will be beneficial to both parties.

When setting prices for the services provided, study the offers of your direct competitors. Rent can be either hourly or daily. New recreation centers offer, at the very beginning of their existence, the possibility of pre-renting at reduced prices. On the one hand, it will attract people's attention. On the other hand, it will allow you to correct various shortcomings, which will definitely be, already in the process of work, without causing much dissatisfaction on the part of vacationers. When calculating the payback period, determine the minimum number of people at the same time staying at your base, which will ensure profit. In further calculations, proceed from this figure (or the average version), and not from the maximum capacity of the base. The latter option will be achievable if your complex is located in a very good location (for example, by the sea in one of the seaside villages with a large flow of tourists or in a forest area with an inland lake near a large city). If the base works in the “weekend” format and there are competitors nearby, you can’t count on full workload, at least in the first weeks of work.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Of course, this business requires significant investments. The minimum starting capital is 15 million rubles. This includes construction work and landscaping (no more than five hectares), purchase of equipment and staff salaries. The capacity of such a base will be quite small, it does not imply a full board and, in fact, is a place for outdoor picnics with the opportunity to spend the night in a house in not the most comfortable conditions. The payback period of such a project is increased to four years.

Recreation center cottage type with an area of ​​15 hectares for 22 cottages with an area of ​​120 square meters. meters each and three mini-hotels with an area of ​​500 sq. meters will cost over 170 million rubles.

In general, the opening of a small recreation center with five one-story houses for four people each, a mini-hotel for 24 rooms and a restaurant for forty people will require about 30 million rubles. It will be possible to return the investment after 5-7 years of work.

General concept of the project

The project involves the implementation of the following activities:

  • Rent of operating areas of a non-functioning facility (pioneer camp, recreation center, etc.).
  • Reconstruction of facilities for the equipment of 25 hotel rooms.
  • Construction of baths and saunas.
  • Pool construction.
  • Landscaping of the territory of the recreation center.

The tourist base complex is being formed in a suburban forest, not far from transport communications.

The considered business plan of the camp site with calculations provides for project financing from the following sources:

  • own funds of the founder - 500 thousand rubles;
  • commercial loan - 4,500,000 rubles.

9 full-time employees are involved in the work at the facility with the operation of the camp site 24 hours a day.

Forecast indicators of the economic efficiency of the project:

Payback period - 40 months.

Profitability - 70%.

The creation of a tourist base will ensure the receipt of tax deductions to the local budget in the amount of 370,000 rubles per year.

Starting costs for the project implementation are presented in this table:

Expenditure Amount of expenses (in rubles)
Construction of additional facilities and reconstruction of existing facilities for a hotel complex, finishing works (total area approx. 700 sq. m) 2 million rubles
Construction of additional facilities:
Bath 300 thousand rubles
Sauna 400 thousand rubles
Swimming pool 300 thousand rubles
Acquisition of ownership and registration of additional plots of land 300 thousand rubles
Purchase of equipment for equipping the camp site (kitchen, sound, sports equipment, etc.) 200 thousand rubles
The cost of building a summer cafe 300 thousand rubles
Construction of a mini waterfall and an open aquarium 300 thousand rubles
Landscaping of the territory of the complex 400 thousand rubles
Expenses for the purchase of office equipment, furniture and consumables 200 thousand rubles
Additional costs (outsourcing) 300 thousand rubles
Total 5 million rubles

The terms of the project implementation and the cost of costs by stages of activity are given in this table:

The main activities for the creation of a camp site Deadlines (in months) Amount of costs
Construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures of the complex 3 3 000 000
Conclusion of a lease agreement and registration of land plots 2 300 000
Construction of a summer cafe 2 300 000
Development of a landscape design project and landscaping 2 700 000
Purchase of furniture, office and technological equipment, sports and tourist equipment and equipment, consumables 1 700 000
Competitive selection of personnel 1
Launching an object

Base opening

Market analysis

Russia has a huge potential for the development of the tourism business, which has not yet been assessed and fully realized.

The main factors hindering the movement forward of the domestic tourism industry are:

  • Insufficient number of facilities to accommodate potential consumers of tourism services, especially in the middle price segment.
  • Long payback periods for newly built tourist infrastructure facilities.
  • High depreciation of the number of rooms and provided tourist equipment and equipment.
  • Low level of training of personnel of hotel and tourist complexes.
  • The high cost of tourism services provided, which results in the outflow of consumers to foreign objects.
  • Wide distribution of the so-called "shadow" objects of the tourist business.
  • A high level of bureaucratization in the creation of tourism business facilities.

According to market experts, there are many objective and subjective problems in the Russian segment that hinder its growth. For example, one of the most important is transport. In a huge country, there are absolutely unimaginable prices for air travel. With such a level, it is simply not necessary to talk about great prospects for the mass movement of people in search of a more attractive tourist product.

On the other hand, this situation creates more favorable conditions for the development of local tourist facilities in regions designed for a “close” consumer with low incomes. But this is largely hampered by the poor quality of Russian roads, so the creation of small tourist complexes in the regions is hampered by the poor development of transport infrastructure.

In recent years, a certain step forward has been made in the direction of the development of the tourism industry in the country. This is due to the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2016". It should be noted that thanks to the activities carried out within the framework of this program, a lot has been done to develop roadside infrastructure and improve roads in general. However, at the moment this has not yet led to a serious increase in the interest of investors to invest in the development of the regional tourist network.

The main subjective factor that scares off both entrepreneurs and potential consumers of the tourism product is the low level of "leisure culture". This problem, of course, cannot be solved solely by financial means, it requires the awareness of all subjects of activity in this industry of the place and role of tourism in the general culture of people's behavior. Still problematic is the quality of service at tourist sites, the low level of staff training, the discrepancy between the skills of employees and the modern requirements adopted for this type of activity.

Due to these circumstances, as well as in connection with the general economic situation in the country and political nuances, today the most attractive type of tourism for Russians is domestic. The growth of its annual volume is estimated at about 25%. Given the unstable position of the domestic currency, it can be expected that in the coming years the growth of the domestic tourism product will reach 30% per year. According to VTsIOM, in recent years, approximately 55-60% of Russians spent their holidays within the country, and ordering domestic tours amounted to 15% of their total offer.

As one of the levers for the development of regional tourism, the Association of Tour Operators proposes to subsidize at the state expense programs of private investors that relate to the creation of tourism infrastructure facilities for domestic tourism. These projects create attractive conditions for the appearance in the regions, first of all, of small tourist complexes of the middle price range. Our hostel business plan is focused specifically on these activities, which can reduce the overall potential risks for entrepreneurs and investors just starting to work in this area.

It is the affordability and mass character of domestic tourism that will make it possible to ensure high profitability of enterprises and organizations, increase the employment of the local population and tax revenues to local budgets.

Choosing a taxation system

The creation of a small tourist base will require the founder to register the status of an individual entrepreneur. This will allow the use of a simplified taxation system with the payment of 6% tax on gross income. Entrepreneurial activity will be carried out according to OKEVD 92: "Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment."

Description of the facility and staff

The following buildings and structures are provided on the territory of the facility:

  • The main building is 700 sq. m, which will accommodate: rooms for sleeping and resting visitors; economic block with a rental point for sports equipment and tourist equipment; cafe-bar.
  • Space for the kitchen.
  • Summer cafe with a dance floor.
  • An open aquarium with fish and a mini waterfall.
  • Bath with sauna and swimming pool.
  • Summer garden.

All facilities of the facility must be connected to engineering communications.

The territory of the tourist base is being landscaped according to the project of the involved landscape design studio. It is planned to create small architectural forms, walking paths, install benches for rest and so on.

The following employees are involved in the work at the facility:

Administrator (at the initial stage of the project, the duties are performed by the founder) 1
Accountant 1
Cook 1
Waiters 2
Cleaning woman 1
guards 2
Handyman 1
Total 9

The cost of wages for full-time employees of the tourist base will be:

Position Number of staff units Monthly salary Monthly expenses by position Payroll expenses per year (in rubles)
1 waiters, cook 2 14 thousand rubles 28 thousand rubles 336 thousand rubles
2 Administrator 1 15 thousand rubles 15 thousand rubles 180 thousand rubles
3 Accountant 1 12 thousand rubles 12 thousand rubles 144 thousand rubles
4 Handyman (janitor) 1 8 thousand rubles 8 thousand rubles 96 thousand rubles
5 Cleaning woman 1 8 thousand rubles 8 thousand rubles 96 thousand rubles
6 Security guard 2 9 thousand rubles 18 thousand rubles 216 thousand rubles
Total 89 thousand rubles RUB 1,068 thousand

Recruitment of personnel is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the standard selection criteria for specialists established for this industry. The duration of the competition is 2 weeks.

Products and services

The enterprise operates all year round with round-the-clock reception of visitors. As one-time services, various celebrations are organized, including weddings, corporate parties, anniversaries, family celebrations. Preference is given to teams with more than 15 people. The banquet hall is designed to serve one organized group of visitors at the same time. The minimum order is set at 10,000 rubles per team. This price includes:

  • Booking tables with drinks (800 - 2,000 rubles per person).
  • Sauna and bath services (1 thousand rubles per hour).
  • Payment for rooms (300 rubles per bed).
  • Preparation of the hall for the celebrations (1,500 - 2,000 rubles).
  • Photographing, carriage rental (2,000 rubles).

To provide photography, rental and other services, third-party specialists are involved, the remuneration of which is made under a work contract. It is allowed to pay for services in a non-cash way, for which the company opens an appropriate current account in the bank.

Marketing and Advertising

To promote the services of the tourist base on the market, the following activities are planned:

  • Creating your own business card site with the possibility of ordering services, a photo gallery of the complex, a list of services provided and contact information.
  • Organization of advertising messages in local newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
  • Work in social networks.
  • Placement of banners on the elements of urban transport infrastructure.

The main marketing resource of the enterprise is the high quality of the services provided and the implementation of a flexible pricing policy, due to the seasonality of the complex and the preferences of vacationers.

Financial plan

The activity of the tourist base is seasonal. The main period of work is from May to October. An example of this plan provides that during this period the base will be able to fulfill at least 15 orders per month. Most orders are expected on weekends. With an average order value of 35,000 rubles for a company of up to 15 people (corresponding to average prices for a tourism industry enterprise), the total revenue for the main period of work will be 3,150,000 rubles.

During the period of decline in the number of visitors (November-April), the total revenue will be approximately 700,000 rubles. Thus, for the year the tourist complex will be able to receive 3,850,000 rubles in revenue.

General indicators of the economic efficiency of the project are given in this table:


The most likely potential risks for this business are:

  • Deterioration of the general economic situation in the country.
  • Mistakes in project investment.
  • Unfavorable socio-political conditions for doing business.
  • Errors in choosing the location of the object.
  • Problems with the implementation of the forecast of the sale of services.
  • Falling demand for specific hostel services.

Minimization of risks is carried out primarily through the development of an effective strategy for the development of the enterprise and the use of methods for diversifying business activities.


As the calculations set out in this business plan show, the net profit of the enterprise at the end of the year will be 1,400,000 rubles per year with a profitability level of 70%. Thus, the opening of a small tourist base can be considered as a highly profitable type of business with an average level of risk and significant prospects for expansion, given the current trends in the market for these services.

Rest is an integral part of the life of any person. After a hard week of work, everyone wants to relax. Only everyone chooses a way to relax to their liking - someone prefers to relax at home, sitting in front of the TV, someone goes in search of relaxation to clubs and cafes, someone tries to get out to the country or to nature. Agree that the rest is more comfortable if everything is already available and you don’t have to worry about the availability of tents and look for a suitable place in the forest. In this regard, our ready-made business plan for a recreation center in the forest will have a priority.

Each opening enterprise or organization in the first place always has clearly defined goals and objectives that must be fulfilled in order to achieve the desired effect. Our business is no exception. As the main goal, we consider the possibility of effectively investing money in our business and further development.

A ready-made business plan for a recreation center in the forest can be used not only to get help from. Also participate in preferential programs in banking institutions, but also as a kind of information aid for a budding entrepreneur.

In order to effectively implement your project, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to carry out construction work on the reconstruction of the existing building. You will need to complete the construction of a banquet hall and have at least 25 hotel rooms available.
  2. In order to, you need to proceed from their possible desires and needs. For these purposes, it will not be superfluous to build a bath, sauna and, of course, a pool.
  3. In order to accommodate all this, you need to expand the available territory. For these purposes, it is required to acquire ownership of land plots that are adjacent to our future recreation center.
  4. Each room should have its own individual design solution. For these purposes, you can install figures throughout the territory of the base, you can install an open-type aquarium and put fish into it, you can also organize a place for a summer garden, it is best to plant a lawn throughout the territory.

Project characteristics

A typical business plan for a recreation center with calculations includes general information on the project. This project can be implemented in any city with more than 800 thousand inhabitants. For location, it is best to choose a piece of land that is located in a forest area. The site and the building itself must be registered in the property. We plan to carry out our work around the clock. For these purposes, we will need to hire nine people in the staff.

In order to implement recreation facilities, you need to have about 5 million rubles on hand.

Of this amount, the business owner is able to invest only a part of the funds - 500 thousand rubles. The rest of the amount, namely 4,500,000 rubles, will be taken on credit. In order to receive such a large amount, we plan to participate in the banking program and take a loan on favorable terms, as for start-up entrepreneurs.

Project efficiency

If we consider an example of a business plan for a recreation center with calculations from an economic point of view, then we can receive almost 125 thousand rubles of net profit every month. The payback of funds that will be invested in the development and construction of a business will occur no earlier than in three and a half years.

Indicators of the future project

If we consider our organization from a social point of view, then we can help reduce unemployment by creating additional jobs in the city for the local population. For this purpose, we plan to hire 9 people to the staff. Also, a new type of activity will be registered in the city, and the city budget will be replenished with new funds due to the receipt of tax and insurance contributions.

Expense item for opening a recreation center

In order to invest in the following:

  • To carry out construction work on the reconstruction and expansion of the existing premises - 2 million rubles.
  • To build a bath - 300 thousand rubles.
  • To build a sauna - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Construction of the pool - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a plot of land to be able to expand the complex - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of additional equipment for the kitchen - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Carrying out construction work on the construction of a summer cafe and a small waterfall - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Installing an aquarium - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Development of a design project - 400 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of purchasing office equipment - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 300 thousand rubles.

Thus, we will spend 5 million rubles for all this.

OKVED code

The recreation center will be registered on the IP. In our case, OKVED code 92 is suitable - organization of recreation. As a system, we choose the simplified tax system, the amount of tax paid will be 6%.

Project Implementation Steps

To date, a sample business plan for a recreation center in the forest, on a lake or in the mountains has begun the implementation process:

  1. We have completely passed the registration process in the tax office.
  2. The purchase of a plot of land and further registration of the property.
  3. The territory of the recreation center is supplied with a gas pipeline, water supply, electricity.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

The business plan of the recreation center should include all costs for arranging all houses or complexes for living with the necessary furniture, equipment, inventory and accessories.

In addition, it is necessary to organize meals, additional services for entertainment events, playgrounds for children, sports grounds for adults.

No one will do a business plan for a recreation center for free and quickly, you need to find out all the features of an existing recreation center, calculate the necessary expenses (without forgetting anything). When drawing up a business plan, the expected profit margin and profitability of the recreation center, its payback are calculated.

A ready-made business plan for a recreation center is available on the Internet or in special organizations that deal with such issues. It is possible to download a business plan for a recreation center in a few seconds.

The business plan should be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of your territory, etc. The recreation center business plan that you found on the web may be perfect for you or contain only basic organizational problems.

A business plan is a serious undertaking, including many organizational and financial problems. Building your own recreation center is a very costly business, it is better to take it on a long-term lease. The first important factor in the organization of recreation is the location of the selected object. This place could be:

  • - land near the sea;
  • – recreation center in the forest;
  • - a complex of holiday houses near the river, lake, rate;
  • – tourist base in the mountains;
  • – recreation complex on the outskirts of the city;
  • – recreation center in a beautiful village, etc.

Depending on this, the area of ​​the territory, the number of possible vacationers, the level and quality of existing communications, the equipment of the houses with furniture, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc., depends on the amount of investment.

The main condition for the normal functioning of the recreation center is the presence of constant electricity and running water without interruption. When there are interruptions in centralized water, it is better to build your own water intake tower with a pumping station and a good filtration system.

A sewerage system that functions efficiently and without failures will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the drain sewer.

If the activity of a recreational institution is connected with water, then it is necessary to protect the places for swimming. A medical worker and a lifeguard must be on duty at the base. It is desirable to have a pharmacy kiosk and catering establishments.

In connection with the growth of the level of service to the population, the demand for a truly comfortable stay has increased. When earlier vacationers on the sea were content only with the sea, now their requirements are associated with the presence of:

  • – individual refrigerator;
  • - TV;
  • – air conditioner;
  • - electric kettle;
  • - kitchen utensils;
  • – iron, etc.

Good to know!

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Now vacationers strive for a certain amount to get the maximum of the highest quality services. And they are right, many recreation centers offer accommodation services complete with cultural events, performances by artists, clowns, circus performers, animal trainers.

An important factor in attracting customers is the advertising of the recreation center. Special booklets, posters, commercials on local television, advertising on transport or billboards will make your recreation center popular. The final result of the event for the organization of the recreational base will depend on the number of vacationers.

Watch the video: “Recreation center “Sunny Sonata”

Opening a recreation center is a great business idea. Everyone needs a vacation, especially residents of large cities who increasingly want to find a quiet, picturesque place to take a break from the city noise.

Before you open a recreation center, you need to draw up a business plan, which will be a guide in future work.

Site selection and organization

First, you need to register a business and obtain ownership of the land and all necessary permits and approvals.

The main thing in this type of business is to choose the right place for the camp site. It should be located at such a distance from the city that you can easily get to it by bus in 2 hours, and even faster by car. A prerequisite is a picturesque area. It can be a forest or the bank of a river or lake. To organize a comfortable stay for guests, you need an area of ​​​​3-5 hectares. For vacationers, you need to build houses, at least 6-7 pieces. The most interesting option would be a wooden frame. Guests will feel cozy and comfortable in such houses. They can have rooms for 2-4 guests or be family, where one house of several rooms is designed for the rest of the whole family. Each house should have a bathroom, a small kitchen equipped with a stove and a refrigerator. Each room needs a TV and Internet access.

On the territory of the base you will need an administrative building. It will house the base management, first-aid post, canteen, meeting room, billiard room and other facilities. Mandatory organization of a children's room and playground. Before opening, you need to clearly understand what contingent the camp site will be oriented towards and, based on this, carry out its equipment. The more interesting and exclusive entertainment will be provided to vacationers, the more likely it is to do business successfully.

A sauna or a Russian bath can be organized on the territory of the base, especially if there is a reservoir. The beach should be equipped with everything necessary for recreation: trestle beds, beach cabins, awnings. The bottom of the reservoir should be cleaned and buoys placed. If there is no reservoir, then you can build a pool. A gym and playgrounds for active sports: volleyball, basketball will be appropriate at the camp site. Fans of extreme recreation will be happy to ride ATVs or kayaks, fishing, horseback riding. Surely there will be many who want to practice at the shooting range. A good plus in the organization of recreation can be additional services, including the rental of equipment for fishing or boating, balls for games, air mattresses for swimming.

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The convenience of vacationers is part of the business

To attract customers, you need to conduct an advertising campaign. Place an announcement about the opening of the base in newspapers, create a page on the Internet listing the services provided. Before the start of the season, you can organize the distribution of leaflets, place advertisements on fixed-route taxis, trolleybuses and trams in nearby cities. It is necessary to develop a system of bonuses, for example, a discount for a stay of a company of 10 people or discounts for visiting a sauna, a gym.

The recreation center can provide services to companies that can hold seminars, trainings, corporate parties on its territory. In order to provide such services, the activity of the base must be registered as a limited liability company, because in this case payment for services will be made by bank transfer.

In a service-based business, details matter. Therefore, it is necessary that the necessary communications work smoothly: electricity, gas, water supply. It is necessary to organize the delivery of guests to the base and their removal to the city. For those who come with their own transport, convenient guarded parking and other services should be provided.

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Qualified staff is half the success

In order to meet the needs of guests at a base designed for 30-50 people, the following staff is needed:

  • administrator;
  • cook and assistant;
  • waiters;
  • medical worker;
  • sports instructors (if necessary);
  • locksmith;
  • an electrician;
  • technical staff (cleaners, maids);
  • watchman.

Personnel should be suitably qualified based on clearly articulated needs. The comfort of guests resting at the camp site will depend on their work.

Basically it is a seasonal business. For the winter, it is better to preserve everything and leave only watchmen on the territory.