How much does it cost to open a clothing factory. Sewing business from scratch: how to open a sewing workshop

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From 150 000 ₽

Starting investments

155 000 ₽

50 000 ₽

Net profit

6-8 months

Payback period

Atelier is a women's business that is quite simple to organize with minimal investment. As in many other areas of activity, the basis for success is the skill of the staff and location.

Atelier is a business that is quite simple to organize and is considered a female occupation. You can open your own atelier at minimal cost and in a short time. If you know how to sew and dream of opening a mini-business, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe atelier will suit you.

Market Review. The relevance of the studio as a business

In the field of consumer services, which includes atelier services, there has been an increase in demand recently. According to statistics, each year the atelier opens twice as many as it closes. Annual growth in this area is about 10%. Even in times of crisis, atelier services are in demand, because people begin to save on clothes and more often turn to ateliers for repair services.

The two main services of the atelier are tailoring and repairing clothes. In the past few years, the demand for tailoring has declined - the market is overflowing with ready-made products, which, moreover, are often cheaper than tailor-made products. Everyone knows the situation with modern light industry: the overproduction of inexpensive and low-quality Chinese clothing has "corrupted" the taste and culture of the consumer. He has lost the habit of repairing his dress, generally loving him, respecting and treating him with care. The consumer has long been accustomed to throwing tons of everything at the nearest trash can, immediately buying a ton of new, "from the latest collection." Therefore, today, seamstresses are more often used by people who need to refine their clothes - shorten trousers, fit them, etc. That is why clothing repair points began to open actively in shopping centers.

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Atelier can be conditionally divided into two categories. The former rely on wealthy clients, the latter, on the contrary, on people with below-average incomes. Accordingly, the range of services is slightly different. The first category of workshops is focused on the creation of individual clothing - for example, business suits. Profit is made up of the execution of several, but expensive orders. Such a business, as a rule, rests on wealthy and regular customers who go to the atelier year after year. The second category of workshops fulfills small orders and makes money on their quantity.

Benefits of an atelier as a business:

    studio services are in demand in any locality;

    high demand for this type of service, even in times of economic instability;

    opening an atelier requires minimal investment, which can be recouped in a few months;

    a small studio needs a minimum of equipment and tools. The main thing is a good master.

Many people think that opening an atelier is very simple: you find a room, buy a sewing machine, and you can expect profit. However, in practice, things are not so rosy. Many studios burn out and close, never reaching a payback. In order for the business to develop successfully, one should take into account many nuances, research the sales market in advance and draw up a business plan for the atelier. Therefore, we will consider in detail each stage of opening an atelier and the features that need to be taken into account.

Who can open a studio

A seamstress, a tailor, a cutter can open their own business. Usually the owners of the atelier are good craftsmen who understand the intricacies of sewing and know the market. This would be the preferred option. However, even if you are far from the sewing business, you can realize yourself in this business as a manager, and entrust all production work to hired employees. And yet, many note that the atelier - especially with the service of individual tailoring - is, first of all, creativity. Therefore, without a soul here is impossible. Knowledge of the specifics of work and an individual approach to each client will help to achieve success in this business.

Market analysis

Before opening an atelier, you need to study the sewing services market in your city. It is important to understand if there is a free niche: you can determine the approximate number of ateliers using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. Find out the cost of your competitors' services, the service they offer. In addition, you will need data on the composition of the population in the area and income levels in order to identify your potential customers. The collected information will allow you to assess the prospects of the business and decide what competitive advantages you will have.

List of studio services

At the next stage, you need to determine what exactly the studio will do and what contingent its services will be oriented to. In addition to custom tailoring, you can also repair, restore or remake. Depending on the list of services, equipment and staff are determined. For example, if you plan to provide an individual tailoring service, then you need to impose certain requirements on the seamstress.

What services can the studio provide to clients:

    hemming, shortening clothes;

    design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are very often in demand);

    repair of old things (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

    replacing zippers, steaming, repairing and making pockets, altering buttons, replacing a collar or cuff, etc.;

    sewing carnival costumes for children (in demand before New Year's parties);

    tailoring of school suits;

    tailoring copies of famous designers (also in demand, as it is still cheaper than the original);

    sewing curtains;

    urgency of order fulfillment (20-50% of the cost of work is added).

It is recommended to start with a clothing repair studio, and then, having built up a client base and gaining a foothold in the business, move on to individual tailoring. The cost of opening a clothing repair shop is much lower than that of tailoring.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what your competitors are offering and lower yours a little. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But be careful with price dumping - do not work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs. To deal with the calculations, draw up a business plan with cost and income calculations and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business. In addition, you will definitely need a business plan if you decide to take a loan to start a business.

Studio registration

How to register a company for tailoring and repairing clothes? In order to conduct commercial activities, you need to register your business. You can choose the form of sole proprietorship or LLC. The difference is that if you are the sole owner of a business, it should be registered as an individual entrepreneur. This will significantly facilitate accounting and simplify taxation conditions.

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Since the demand for quality clothing is constantly growing, the garment industry brings a good income to its owners. In order to properly organize such a business, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different nuances. We will talk about how to start sewing production in this article.

Choice of direction

Before you open a garment factory, carefully analyze the market in your area. Thanks to this, you can decide what exactly to sew and for whom. You will have to spend a lot of time on such research, so be patient and look for your gold mine.

The market is constantly changing, so you need to carefully monitor which product demand is greater than supply, as well as which commodity items can be sold at lower prices. Try to use only reliable data for your research, as the success of your enterprise largely depends on this.

If financial opportunities allow you, seek help from specialists who will help you figure out how to open a sewing production from scratch. It is better to spend money at the start than to suffer serious losses in the future.

After that, think about where you can sell the finished product. It can be a clothing store, a retail outlet in the market, or wholesale buyers. At the same time, we should not forget that sellers also want to make a good profit, so offer them goods at affordable prices.

The most popular types of sewing production:

  1. Baby clothes;
  2. Linens;
  3. Teenage things;
  4. Clothes for adults.

If you do not have experience in this area, hire a qualified consultant assistant who will calculate the costs and tell you whether to launch this or that product into mass production.

Business registration

Let's figure out step by step how to officially formalize the garment industry as a small business:

  • Registration of a legal or natural person. After you decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, as a rule, it is an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you should submit a package of documents to the tax office. They will be reviewed within 5 working days, after which you will be informed of the decision of the state authorities. If it is positive, you will be issued a certificate of registration;
  • Print making. For this you will have to spend about 500 rubles. Another 2000 rubles will be needed in order to open a bank account;
  • Registration of permits in the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

Scheme: sewing production

Selection and arrangement of premises

If you decide to organize a clothing production as a business, first of all you need to find a suitable premises. A small business can be placed on 50-70 sq. meters. This is quite enough to install all the necessary equipment.

It is most convenient to rent a room in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city. In this case, you can find an inexpensive option that meets all technical requirements.

Do not forget that the equipment for sewing production operates on 380V. In addition, certain requirements for the premises may be imposed by the SES and the fire inspection. All this must be taken into account at the start, so as not to redo anything in the process of work.

Workshop equipment

If you are planning to open a garment manufacturing business, the business plan should include the costs of purchasing the following equipment:
  • cutting machine;
  • Overlock;
  • Ironing device;
  • Button machine;
  • cutting knife;
  • tables;
  • Cutting equipment.

Since the technology of sewing production for different products is practically the same, all sewing enterprises are equipped with the same equipment.


The success of the sewing business largely depends on the qualifications of seamstresses and their professionalism. The selection of personnel is a crucial stage, which should be given special attention. Each employee must have some experience in the sewing industry. In addition, seamstresses must be polite towards customers.

If you cannot find qualified employees, hire two professionals who can train new employees. Having received the necessary knowledge, they will be able to work no worse than specialists.


The price segment of manufactured products largely depends on the place where you work. If this is a small provincial town, you should not sew expensive designer clothes. Choose simple affordable models that can be implemented at an affordable price.

The profit of the enterprise can be increased through mass sales. But at the same time, one should not forget about competitors. Before you start production, ask what fabrics they produce products from and at what price they sell it. Thanks to this, you will be able to correctly form an assortment in order to receive a good income.

If there are several large tailoring enterprises operating in your area, it is better to choose a different line of business for yourself. In addition, the financial capabilities of potential buyers should be taken into account. For example, in rural areas, where people receive small salaries, it is not advisable to trade in expensive things.

Financial calculations

Sewing business, like any other business, requires certain financial investments. You need to allocate 250 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment. Another 50 thousand rubles will be needed for fabric and consumables. In addition, you need to pay for the rent of the premises and pay salaries to employees.

Experienced businessmen advise not to save on the purchase of equipment and fabrics, since low-quality goods may remain unclaimed, and you will incur serious losses. It is better to buy consumables from regular trusted suppliers.

You can organize such a business with minimal investment. If you have never done sewing, you should not immediately risk a large sum. Rent a small space, buy used equipment, and get to work. When the business begins to develop, you can rent a more spacious room and re-equip the enterprise with expensive sewing machines.


Everyone knows that without advertising it is impossible to succeed in any kind of business. Therefore, you should make sure that the advertising campaign is organized at a high level. Thanks to this, potential customers will quickly learn about your products.

In order for the sewing business to bring a good income, you need to produce a quality product that will be in demand among consumers. Don't leave a single detail unattended as it can have a devastating impact on your business.

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Sales of finished products

Many aspiring entrepreneurs make a serious mistake at the start. When compiling a business plan for the garment industry, they forget to include a clause on the sale of finished products. A person spends money on the purchase of equipment, consumables and salaries for seamstresses, and the finished product lies unclaimed in the warehouse and, accordingly, does not bring any profit. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to take out loans in order to pay salaries and pay for the rent of the premises. Debts grow, and after a certain time the company has to be declared bankrupt.

To prevent this from happening, the sale of finished products must significantly outpace production. Experienced entrepreneurs who have been working in this area for a long time believe that it is better to start such a business with one sewing machine. If you work to order, regular customers will appear, so you can determine the need for a specific group of goods. When the number of orders starts to grow, you can expand the business to a sewing workshop.

If you are interested in sewing, have skills in working with various materials, follow fashion and like to create interesting things with your own hands, you should consider your hobby as a source of income. You can open a small workshop even at home, with a minimum set of equipment. If properly organized, the income from such an enterprise will provide for the maintenance of the whole family. And if part of the money earned is constantly invested in the development of the business, then over time you can build a whole factory and open your own outlets. In this article, we will talk about how to start a sewing business from scratch and look at the most interesting ideas in this area.

The first thing to do when deciding to open your own workshop is to decide on the direction of activity. At home, you can engage in individual tailoring or small-scale production.

Producing various garments in small batches for free sale is a more risky business, but at the same time more promising. Small-scale tailoring is an unlimited space for the realization of any creative and design ideas. In addition, this is an opportunity to work not only with private clients, but also with retail outlets, Internet sites, etc.

Before you open a sewing business from scratch, you also have to resolve the issue with the target audience. You must clearly represent the portrait of your end user. Monitor the garment market, study your potential competitors. Find out what is most often bought, in what price category, what customers lack, what they are satisfied / dissatisfied with. This will allow you not only to present the big picture, but also to understand what can be done to stand out from the competition.

Another important step is the choice of segment. It’s not worth taking on everything at once, try to focus on some narrow specialization, on what is in demand in your city. Consider the current ideas of the sewing business that can be implemented at home.

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Home Sewing Business Ideas

Thinking about what is better to sew, of course, you should take into account the existing skills and experience. But at the same time, don't be afraid to try something new. Take the time to attend all kinds of courses and master classes. At such events, you can not only get interesting ideas and learn how to make beautiful and fashionable things at home, but also learn about the most effective ways to promote products.

Sewing clothes and/or accessories for children

Branded foreign clothing for children, widely represented on the shelves of chain stores, often has an unreasonably high price. Many parents, not wanting to overpay for a label with a promoted trademark, opt for cheaper, but no less high-quality options offered by domestic manufacturers. Beginning entrepreneurs have every chance to take their place in the market.

You can start a sewing business for the manufacture of children's things both at home, carrying out a complete assembly of products on your own, and at a factory, giving orders (ready-made sketches, patterns, fabric, accessories) to craftsmen for conveyor production.

  • Baby Clothing;
  • underwear for children of different age groups;
  • pajamas;
  • school uniform;
  • baby bed linen;
  • crib sets (sides, canopies, pillows and blankets for babies);
  • accessories for newborns (discharge envelopes, slings, kangaroo backpacks);
  • carnival costumes.

In any of these areas, you can make good money. According to entrepreneurs involved in the small-scale production of children's clothing and accessories, the profitability of such a business ranges from 120 to 130%. Although in many respects this indicator depends on volumes. The main condition for success in this business is the impeccable quality, attractive appearance and safety of the finished product.

Curtains are an integral part of any interior, they are associated with comfort and coziness. The abundance of tulle and curtain fabrics, a large selection of decorative fittings and a variety of design solutions for curtain design allow skilled craftsmen to create real masterpieces.

Important! Tailoring curtains to order involves not only the manufacture of models from the client's materials. In this case, an integrated approach is important.

If you want to occupy your niche in the market and compete with existing salons, then you need to go to the sites, take measurements, think through various options and offer sketches to customers, select materials, sew and hang finished products on the windows.

All your work should be photographed and made out in the form of a portfolio. Having completed several successful orders, you will provide yourself with a stream of new customers who will apply already on the recommendations.

The cost of sewing curtains for decorating a standard window is on average from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the design. Additional income can be generated by the sale of fabrics and accessories.

Tailoring of women's clothing at home

One of the most interesting, profitable and promising options for the sewing business is tailoring women's clothing to order. Bespoke tailoring is always popular with many customers because it has a number of advantages over buying mass-produced ready-made garments. Tailor-made dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, suits take into account the features of the figure, meet taste preferences, are distinguished by their uniqueness, and in some cases they are cheaper. Therefore, a good seamstress, who also has the skills of modeling clothes, will never be left without orders.

Important! Individual tailoring requires maximum involvement in the process of both the master and the client. Before proceeding directly to sewing, you need to coordinate with the customer every detail: style, style, cut, finish, color, etc.

The cost of services will depend on the complexity of the cut, the quality of the materials and the level of your skill. It is recommended to start with simple and not too expensive models. In the first months of work, such activities usually bring a profit of about 10-12 thousand rubles. The first customers are friends, relatives and acquaintances. Then, gradually, with the help of the so-called word of mouth, the circle of customers expands, and, accordingly, income grows.

Business opening costs

Before you open a sewing machine, you will need to purchase a minimum set of equipment. However, if you are into sewing, chances are you already have everything you need. The kit, with which you can implement all of the above ideas, includes:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • cutting table;
  • ironing board;
  • iron;
  • steam generator;
  • working equipment (scissors, a set of needles, etc.).

The amount you spend on equipment will depend on its functionality and manufacturer. If you follow the rule of the "golden mean", that is, buy the average in quality and price, then you can meet the amount of about 80 thousand rubles.

In addition to equipment and inventory, you will need at least a small supply of materials, fabric samples, and accessories, a mannequin. All this will take another 10 thousand rubles.

If you plan to immediately apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur in order to transfer your activities to a legal field, you will need to pay a state registration fee of 800 rubles (see).

It is also desirable to set aside part of the money for advertising, transportation costs, training and advanced training. If you take it as a whole, then, having about 100 thousand rubles, you can safely start with a small home sewing workshop.

How to sell products and grow a business

To get your client, you need to declare yourself. Offer your services to friends and acquaintances, make discounts, distribute business cards with contact details and a list of services. Yes, at first it will be unprofitable, you may not earn anything on such orders. But each of your customers will have their own social circle, each of them will recommend you as a good craftsman to their friends and acquaintances. Gradually, you will be able to develop a client base.

Word of mouth is an inexpensive and effective form of advertising. But in order to acquire a sufficient number of customers in a short time, it alone is not enough. Use internet advertising. Be sure to create accounts focused on your products on all popular social networks. Place photos of the most successful, in your opinion, works in your profile. Don't list prices, but mention discounts. Find information on the Internet on how to properly and effectively promote goods and services on social networks, and take action!

As you develop your clothing business, there will be a need for more active promotion. Then you can think about creating your own online store (see,).

As for development, experts recommend from the very beginning of activity to set aside part of the money earned (about 50% of profits) for business expansion. Each direction will have its own perspectives. So, if you successfully sew curtains, then in the future you will be able to open an interior design studio (see) or a store where you will sell tulle and curtain fabrics, cornices, blinds and ready-made window decoration solutions. If you intend to carry out individual tailoring of women's clothing, then in the future you will be able to create your own modeling agency or a large atelier.

There are many opportunities and ways to develop a clothing business. In any case, home space and one's own strength are no longer enough here. You will need a separate room where you can organize jobs for employees, install additional pieces of equipment. How and when to expand, you will feel it yourself in the process of work.

Open a mini-studio in your apartment: it would seem, what could be easier? Today, among fashionistas, things made to order are becoming more and more popular. It is understandable: not every girl or woman is pleased to walk down the street in the same type of dress or skirt, bought in the market or in the shopping center.

Sewing of clothes to order is carried out by specialized mini-studios, opened by many right in their own apartments. The advantage of such institutions: the client can order clothes, as they say, for herself, ask the masters to hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure.

The mini-studio in his apartment is available to customers, has many opportunities for advertising promotion.

What equipment to choose for a sewing business at home

When buying a sewing machine, many people try to save money and purchase models made in China. It is better not to do this: such machines serve no more than five to seven months and, in the end, the owner of the mini-studio incurs losses. It is better to give preference to high-quality European samples. The best, in my opinion, machines are made by the German factory Veritas. In Chisinau, such a machine can be bought at the Central Department Store, in a specialized store near the railway station, as well as in the Detsky Mir store.

Many order cars from abroad. The price of a good sewing machine starts from four thousand lei. It is clear that the more expensive the machine, the better it is. A good overlocker costs 2-3 thousand lei, but in this case you can save money by buying an overlocker from your hands for a hundred euros.

Of course, to open a mini-studio, you will need professional scissors (the price is approximately 350 lei), threads (from four lei per spool), irons (a good iron with steam will cost one and a half thousand lei).

How to advertise a home sewing studio

Most seamstresses working at home promote their business solely by the quality of products: they do not give advertising in the traditional sense. Still, when working in your own apartment, surrounded by expensive equipment, a person willy-nilly will experience fear and reluctance to let strangers into the house. So in this case, the best advertisement is word of mouth, when one client tells another about a good seamstress.

How much can you earn at home sewing studio

Sewing business, unfortunately, cannot be called a stable income. As in some other industries for the provision of certain services, the seasonal factor has a great influence here. For example, in winter there is a lull, there are very few orders. Before the holidays, on the contrary, the number of customers increases.

Influenced the sewing business and the economic crisis. A few years ago, people sewed much more, but now many are not up to tailoring: at least somehow make ends meet. This also needs to be taken into account.

But, if the master really loves his job and knows how to sew, if he has golden hands, a regular clientele will provide him with a stable income.

The profitability of the sewing business also depends on the client niche that the mini-studio is trying to occupy. For example, I initially counted on the middle class, I have a fairly extensive regular clientele, but incomes are still low, there is not enough money.

Is it worth starting a sewing business? If a seamstress has golden hands, a large social circle and a certain charge of optimism, then yes, it’s worth it. The main thing is to like the work, otherwise progress is impossible.