How to make a web server on your computer available to others. Becoming an ISP How to Open a Web Server for Internet Access

Kivshenko Alexey, 1880

This article provides an overview five options for solving the problem of organizing access to corporate network services from the Internet. As part of the review, an analysis of the options for safety and feasibility is provided, which will help to understand the essence of the issue, refresh and systematize their knowledge for both novice and more experienced professionals. The materials of the article can be used to substantiate your design decisions.

When considering the options, let's take the network where you want to publish as an example:

  1. Corporate mail server (Web-mail).
  2. Corporate terminal server (RDP).
  3. Extranet service for counterparties (Web-API).

Option 1. Flat network

In this option, all nodes of the corporate network are contained in one common network (“Internal network”), within which communications between them are not limited. The network is connected to the Internet through a border router/firewall (hereinafter - IFW).

Nodes access the Internet through NAT, and access to services from the Internet through Port forwarding.

Advantages of the option:

  1. Minimum functionality requirements IFW(can be done on almost any, even home router).
  2. Minimum knowledge requirements for the specialist implementing the option.
Cons of the option:
  1. The minimum level of security. In the event of a hack, in which the Intruder gains control over one of the servers published on the Internet, all other nodes and communication channels of the corporate network become available to him for further attacks.
Real life analogy
Such a network can be compared to a company where staff and customers are in the same common room (open space)

Option 2.DMZ

To eliminate the previously mentioned drawback, network nodes accessible from the Internet are placed in a specially allocated segment - a demilitarized zone (DMZ). DMZ is organized using firewalls that separate it from the Internet ( IFW) and from the internal network ( DFW).

In this case, the firewall filtering rules look like this:
  1. From the internal network, you can initiate connections to the DMZ and to the WAN (Wide Area Network).
  2. From the DMZ, you can initiate connections to the WAN.
  3. From the WAN, you can initiate connections to the DMZ.
  4. Initiating connections from the WAN and DMZ to the internal network is prohibited.

Pros of the option:
  1. Increased network security against hacking of individual services. Even if one of the servers is hacked, the Intruder will not be able to access resources located on the internal network (for example, network printers, video surveillance systems, etc.).
Cons of the option:
  1. By itself, the removal of servers in the DMZ does not increase their security.
  2. An additional firewall is needed to separate the DMZ from the internal network.
Real life analogy
This version of the network architecture is similar to the organization of work and client areas in a company, where customers can only be in the client area, and staff can be in both the client and work areas. The DMZ segment is exactly the analogue of the client zone.

Option 3. Separation of services into Front-End and Back-End

As noted earlier, placing a server in the DMZ in no way improves the security of the service itself. One of the options for correcting the situation is to divide the functionality of the service into two parts: Front-End and Back-End. In addition, each part is located on a separate server, between which network interaction is organized. The Front-End servers that implement the functionality of interacting with clients located on the Internet are placed in the DMZ, while the Back-End servers that implement the rest of the functionality are left on the internal network. For interaction between them DFW create rules that allow connection initiation from the Front-End to the Back-End.

As an example, consider a corporate mail service serving customers both from within the network and from the Internet. Clients from the inside use POP3/SMTP, and clients from the Internet work through the Web interface. Usually, at the implementation stage, companies choose the simplest way to deploy the service and put all its components on one server. Then, as the need to ensure information security is realized, the functionality of the service is divided into parts, and the part that is responsible for servicing clients from the Internet (Front-End) is placed on a separate server that interacts over the network with the server that implements the remaining functionality (Back -End). In this case, the Front-End is placed in the DMZ, while the Back-End remains in the internal segment. For communication between Front-End and Back-End on DFW create a rule that allows the initiation of connections from the Front-End to the Back-End.

Pros of the option:

  1. In the general case, attacks directed against a protected service can “stumble” on the Front-End, which will neutralize or significantly reduce possible damage. For example, TCP SYN Flood or slow http read attacks against a service will result in the Front-End server being unavailable while the Back-End continues to function normally and serve users.
  2. In general, the Back-End server may not have access to the Internet, which, if it is hacked (for example, by locally launched malicious code), will make it difficult to remotely manage it from the Internet.
  3. The front-end is well suited for hosting an application layer firewall (such as a Web application firewall) or an intrusion prevention system (IPS, such as snort).
Cons of the option:
  1. For communication between Front-End and Back-End on DFW a rule is created that allows the initiation of a connection from the DMZ to the internal network, which creates threats associated with the use of this rule by other nodes in the DMZ (for example, due to the implementation of IP spoofing attacks, ARP poisoning, etc.)
  2. Not all services can be divided into Front-End and Back-End.
  3. The company must implement business processes for updating firewall rules.
  4. The company must implement mechanisms to protect against attacks by Violators who have gained access to the server in the DMZ.
  1. In real life, even without separating servers into Front-End and Back-End, servers from the DMZ very often need to access servers located on the internal network, so the indicated disadvantages of this option will also be true for the previous option considered.
  2. If we consider the protection of applications running through the Web interface, then even if the server does not support separation of functions between the Front-End and Back-End, using an http reverse proxy server (for example, nginx) as a Front-End will minimize the risks associated with attacks for denial of service. For example, SYN flood attacks can make the http reverse proxy unavailable while the Back-End continues to work.
Real life analogy
This option is essentially similar to the organization of labor, in which assistant secretaries are used for highly loaded workers. Then the Back-End will be an analogue of a busy worker, and the Front-End will be an analogue of a secretary.

Option 4: DMZ Protected

The DMZ is the part of the network that is accessible from the Internet and, as a result, is at the highest risk of host compromise. The design of the DMZ and the approaches used in it should ensure maximum survivability in the event that an Intruder has gained control of one of the nodes in the DMZ. As possible attacks, consider attacks that affect almost all information systems that work with default settings:

Protection against DHCP-related attacks

Despite the fact that DHCP is intended to automate the configuration of IP addresses for workstations, there are cases in some companies when IP addresses are issued for servers via DHCP, but this is a rather bad practice. Therefore, to protect against Rogue DHCP Server , DHCP starvation, it is recommended to completely disable DHCP in the DMZ.

Protection against MAC flood attacks

To protect against MAC flood, the switch ports are configured to limit the maximum intensity of broadcast traffic (since these attacks usually generate broadcast traffic (broadcast)). Attacks involving the use of specific (unicast) network addresses will be blocked by MAC filtering, which we discussed earlier.

Protection against UDP flood attacks

Protection against this type of attack is similar to protection against MAC flood, except that filtering is performed at the IP level (L3).

Protection against TCP SYN flood attacks

To protect against this attack, the following options are possible:
  1. Network node protection with TCP SYN Cookie technology.
  2. Firewall protection (provided the DMZ is subnetted) by limiting the rate of traffic containing TCP SYN requests.

Protection against attacks on network services and Web applications

There is no universal solution to this problem, but the established practice is to implement software vulnerability management processes (detection, installation of patches, etc., for example), as well as the use of intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS / IPS).

Protection against authentication bypass attacks

As in the previous case, there is no universal solution to this problem.
Usually, in the case of a large number of unsuccessful authorization attempts, accounts are blocked to avoid the selection of authentication data (for example, a password). But this approach is rather controversial, and here's why.
Firstly, the Violator can brute force authentication information with an intensity that does not lead to account blocking (there are cases when the password was brute force for several months with an interval between attempts of several tens of minutes).
Secondly, this feature can be used for denial-of-service attacks, in which the Intruder will deliberately conduct a large number of authorization attempts in order to block accounts.
The most effective option against attacks of this class will be the use of IDS / IPS systems, which, upon detection of attempts to guess passwords, will block not the account, but the source from which this cracking occurs (for example, block the IP address of the Violator).

The final list of protective measures for this option:

  1. The DMZ is divided into IP subnets based on a separate subnet for each host.
  2. IP addresses are assigned manually by administrators. DHCP is not used.
  3. On network interfaces to which DMZ nodes are connected, MAC and IP filtering is activated, as well as restrictions on the intensity of broadcast traffic and traffic containing TCP SYN requests.
  4. On the switches, automatic port type negotiation is disabled, the use of native VLAN is prohibited.
  5. The DMZ hosts and internal network servers to which these hosts connect are configured with a TCP SYN Cookie.
  6. Software vulnerability management is implemented for DMZ hosts (and preferably the rest of the network).
  7. In the DMZ segment, IDS/IPS intrusion detection and prevention systems are being implemented.
Pros of the option:
  1. High degree of security.
Cons of the option:
  1. Increased requirements for the functionality of the equipment.
  2. Labor costs in implementation and support.
Real life analogy
If earlier we compared the DMZ with a client area equipped with sofas and ottomans, then a secure DMZ will look more like an armored cash desk.

Option 5. Back connect

The protection measures considered in the previous version were based on the fact that there was a device in the network (switch / router / firewall) capable of implementing them. But in practice, for example, when using a virtual infrastructure (virtual switches often have very limited capabilities), such a device may not exist.

Under these conditions, many of the attacks considered earlier become available to the Intruder, the most dangerous of which will be:

  • attacks that allow intercepting and modifying traffic (ARP Poisoning, CAM table overflow + TCP session hijacking, etc.);
  • attacks related to the exploitation of vulnerabilities of internal network servers to which connections can be initiated from the DMZ (which is possible by bypassing filtering rules DFW due to IP and MAC spoofing).
The next important feature that we have not considered before, but which does not cease to be less important from this, is that automated workstations (AWPs) of users can also be a source (for example, when infected with viruses or trojans) of harmful effects on servers.

Thus, we are faced with the task of protecting the servers of the internal network from attacks by the Intruder both from the DMZ and from the internal network (infection of the AWP with a Trojan can be interpreted as the actions of the Intruder from the internal network).

The approach proposed below is aimed at reducing the number of channels through which an Intruder can attack servers, and there are at least two such channels. The first is the rule for DFW, allowing access to the internal network server from the DMZ (even if limited by IP addresses), and the second is the network port open on the server on which connection requests are expected.

You can close these channels if the internal network server itself builds connections to the server in the DMZ and does this using cryptographically secure network protocols. Then there will be no open port, no rule on DFW.

But the problem is that ordinary server services cannot work in this way, and to implement this approach, it is necessary to use network tunneling, implemented, for example, using SSH or VPN, and already within the tunnels allow connections from a server in the DMZ to an internal network server .

The general scheme of this option is as follows:

  1. An SSH/VPN server is installed on a server in the DMZ, and an SSH/VPN client is installed on a server in the internal network.
  2. The internal network server initiates the construction of a network tunnel to the server in the DMZ. The tunnel is built with mutual client and server authentication.
  3. The server from the DMZ within the constructed tunnel initiates a connection to the server in the internal network, through which the protected data is transmitted.
  4. A local firewall is configured on the internal network server to filter traffic passing through the tunnel.

Using this option in practice has shown that it is convenient to build network tunnels using OpenVPN, since it has the following important properties:

  • Cross-platform. You can organize communication on servers with different operating systems.
  • Ability to build tunnels with mutual client and server authentication.
  • Ability to use certified cryptography.
At first glance, it may seem that this scheme is overly complicated and that since you still need to install a local firewall on the internal network server, it is easier to make the server from the DMZ, as usual, connect to the internal network server itself, but do it by encrypted connection. Indeed, this option will close many problems, but it will not be able to provide the main thing - protection against attacks on the vulnerabilities of the internal network server, performed by bypassing the firewall using IP and MAC spoofing.

Pros of the option:

  1. Architectural reduction in the number of attack vectors on the protected internal network server.
  2. Ensuring security in the absence of network traffic filtering.
  3. Protection of data transmitted over the network from unauthorized viewing and modification.
  4. The ability to selectively increase the level of security of services.
  5. The possibility of implementing a two-loop protection system, where the first loop is provided with the help of firewalling, and the second one is organized on the basis of this option.
Cons of the option:
  1. Implementation and maintenance of this protection option requires additional labor costs.
  2. Incompatibility with network intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS).
  3. Additional computational load on servers.
Real life analogy
The main meaning of this option is that a trusted person establishes a relationship with a non-trusted one, which is similar to the situation when, when issuing loans, Banks themselves call back a potential borrower in order to verify the data. Add tags

Every year the competition in the field of trade becomes more and more due to the fact that many seek to open their own store and shopping center. Retail chains are becoming increasingly popular - these are 2 or more outlets that have the same owner, sell goods with a similar assortment, they have a single purchasing and marketing service, they are decorated in the same style.

Combining stores into a common network is one of the most effective ways to develop trade. This is confirmed by both Russian and international sales experience.

Benefits of creating retail chains

The main advantages are:

  • thanks to a wider territorial segment, goods can be placed by changing the space;
  • you can change the assortment of goods, as well as sell it at lower prices, which corresponds to consumer demand;
  • when buying goods in large quantities, there is an opportunity to save significantly due to discounts and reduced transport costs;
  • the management of the trading network is always centralized and is at a high level, the employees are mostly qualified specialists, which eliminates many shortcomings in the work that an ordinary store has in abundance;
  • the effectiveness of care can be increased by diversifying different activities;
  • the costs of the cost of goods are reduced, since there is no need to stimulate sales and purchase advertising;
  • a network store can combine both wholesale and retail networks;
  • each individual store belonging to the same network has a certain freedom, thanks to which it is possible to act independently, taking into account the preferences of local buyers.

Now in all developed countries, it is retail chains that make up the majority of the entire retail space, the rest account for approximately 4% of the entire market. In Russia, retail chains now account for 20-30% of the entire market, but there is a trend towards the development of retail chains. The network, which includes more than 19 stores or supermarkets, is considered a trading chain. According to experts, the most effective is such a trading network, which will include at least 21 stores. Retail chains are most widespread in Moscow, where they account for approximately 45% of the total number of outlets.

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The structure of the trading network and the conditions for its creation

In general, a retail network is considered to be several trading enterprises that are located in different territories, they have a common goal related to the sale of goods and customer service, they are under the control of one management. This is a single trading link, thanks to which the needs of buyers for certain goods are satisfied. When the trading network is operating, the population has the opportunity to conveniently, quickly, without spending a lot of time, purchase the necessary goods and services that are freely available, in the required quantity, not far from work or place of residence.

The characteristics of retail network trade are:

  • the ratio of the number of chain stores engaged in the trade of food and non-food products;
  • the share of one network from the total number of all trade enterprises;
  • the share of stores that sell specialized goods in the total number of outlets;
  • various forms of sale and various service methods that are used;
  • the number of retail and non-trade areas in the store, their ratio to each other;
  • the opening hours of the store, which is located on a certain trading area;
  • the ratio of the total area of ​​the store to that of its territory, which is located in the annexes and built-in premises;
  • the number of stores that have refrigeration equipment and sell perishable goods;
  • determination of the average area that falls on one store.

When studying retail with the help of the main classification features, it is necessary to obtain information about the quality, importance and relative size, the impact of external factors and the organization of trade in a single enterprise.

To open a retail network, you must:

Each store included in the network has a modern look, a strictly defined assortment of goods, a specific size of the sales area, pre-planned methods and forms of service. All stores use only advanced technologies related to doing business, as well as modern premises.

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How to create your own chain of stores

If you properly organize a business, then having a store is very profitable. You can get even more profit if you open a chain of stores, especially if they are located in different cities. Using some tricks, you can open it without much effort and without incurring material costs.

At the initial stage it is necessary:

  • draw up a business plan;
  • register an enterprise and obtain permits;
  • select premises;
  • negotiate with suppliers;
  • to recruit employees for work;
  • take care of advertising.

Operating procedure

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Rules for opening a chain store

With even a small start-up capital, with no experience in the field of entrepreneurship, it is possible to open a chain store. To open your own outlet, you can conclude a franchise agreement based on an existing business plan, according to which many enterprises that generate a stable income are already operating.

Store opening rules

In America, about 50% of all stores operate under a franchise. Franchising refers to the partial transfer of rights for the use of the brand and business plan, for which the franchisor receives a certain, pre-agreed fee or a certain percentage of the profits. This is a lease of a brand or trademark from its owner.

The undeniable advantages of opening a chain store are: the use of an already promoted brand, the supply of only high-quality products, the absence of the need to spend money on advertising, and a small level of entrepreneurial risk.

To open a chain store that will generate regular income, the first step is to choose the most successful company in the field in which you intend to work. It does not matter that it will be clothing, household appliances or the official representation of any brand, the main thing is that there are attractive franchise conditions and a short period for which the business will pay off.

This article will help you quickly answer your questions. Also, you can study the material in full to get a complete understanding of the network setup in Windows 7.


Purchasing an operating system Windows 7, the user must be prepared for the fact that sooner or later he will face the task of setting up the network in the operating system. For some, this task is not difficult. Typically, installing and configuring a network in Windows 7 is the next step immediately after installing Windows 7 ( If you haven't installed Windows 7 yet and aren't quite sure what steps to take, then you should read this section: Installing Windows 7).

The network setup step is required for the following post-installation steps:

  • downloading actual distributions of anti-virus programs from the Internet;
  • downloading the latest versions of the video player, web browser;
  • if necessary, downloading from the network drivers for some devices on your computer (if they were not downloaded and installed automatically, or if there are no installation disks);
  • use of the XBOX console;
  • document exchange and quick access to shared resources of multiple computers or laptops. In this case, you need to set up a wired or wireless network in order to use the Internet. As a rule, one computer or laptop serves as a kind of Internet distributor for all other pieces of computer equipment..
You can configure the network using the Control Panel. In the same place, if necessary, you can connect to a local or worldwide network. All connection settings can be found in the corresponding section of the Control Panel. Most users claim that if you follow the instructions and do not engage in unnecessary experiments, then the connection is quick and easy. Windows 7, in terms of its network connection parameters, is not much different from the earlier, but very popular and widespread OS all over the world. Windows XP. For example, configuring IP addresses in Windows 7 is almost the same as configuring them in Windows XP.

The same is true for MAC addresses and subnet masks. All these settings remain the same, they are familiar to users for a long time. Some changes have only affected the interface of the Control Panel and its items, with the help of which the network settings are accessed. Everything else without significant changes. This is another undoubted plus of Windows 7. Users who have previously used Windows XP will be able to understand the new operating system quite easily. As a rule, setting up a local network in such popular operating systems as Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 begins with such a component for configuring network properties as "".

This property configuration tool allows the user to select a network location, set up printer and file sharing, and view a network map. You can also monitor the status of all your network connections. It is very convenient and practical.

How and where to open the Network and Sharing Center component.

Before you can use the full functionality to create network settings, you need to find and open it. One of the following actions of your choice will correctly open the active window " Network and Sharing Center»:

As you can see, if you are careful and read everything, then with the search for the "Network and Sharing Center" component, there should not be any problems. It should be noted that in order to expand the ranges of IP addresses used in Windows 7, in addition to the pre-existing IPv4 protocol, a new one was added - IPv6. True, providers have not yet activated it, and when this will happen is currently unknown. Most likely, the creators of Windows 7 played ahead of the curve.
Figure 1. The illustration shows the Network and Sharing Center window.

What is the network location of the computer.

Understand what is network location”, you need even before you start working with this important component. For all computers, this setting is set automatically the first time they connect to the selected network. This also applies to the firewall and security settings of the network selected for connection. All of them are also configured automatically during the first connection of a computer or laptop to the network.

The Windows 7 operating system supports multiple active profiles at the same time. This allows for the most secure use of multiple network adapters that can be connected to different networks.
By the way, Windows Vista uses the most restrictive firewall profile for all network connections. Perhaps that's why Vista isn't as popular as Windows 7.

There are four main types of network location:

The first type is the home network. From the very name it becomes clear that this network location is intended for a computer that is used at home. It is also used in networks where all users know each other well. Such computers can not only create, but also join home groups. As a rule, for the convenience of users when using home networks, network discovery is turned on automatically. Home networks provide all computers with high-quality network access.
The second type is a network of an enterprise or organization. This type of network location also allows you to find the network automatically. The difference from a home network is that in an enterprise network, you cannot join or create a computer to a homegroup. The network is intended exclusively for professional activities in an enterprise, organization or office. This type is called abbreviated (SOHO), that is, it is used in a small office network.
The third type is the public network. Cafes, airports, train stations and other public places - this is where computers use the third type of network location. By default, the ability to join homegroups is disabled in this location. Network discovery is also disabled. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most strict arrangement.
The fourth type is a domain network. The domain type of the network location is almost no different from the working network. Except that in the domain type, the network discovery and Windows firewall configuration is determined by group policy. This also applies to the network card. In order for an existing network to automatically receive a network location type of "Domain", the computer only needs to be joined to an Active Directory domain. Only in this case the network can become a domain network.

Figure 2. Selecting the network location of the computer.

Network map.

In order to see the location of all devices included in a particular local network, a network map is used. This is a graphical representation of the devices included in the network and the scheme by which they are connected to each other.

You can see the network map all in the same "Network and Sharing Center" window. True, only the local part of the network card is displayed here. Its layout is directly dependent on the available network connections. In the upper left corner, you can see the display of the computer on which the map is being created. On the left you can see the display of the remaining computers included in the subnet.

Figure 3. An example of a network map.
You can view the network map at any time. True, only for locations such as "Home Network" and "Company Network". If the user is curious to view the maps for the "Domain Network" or "Public Network" locations, they will see a message that the network message has been disabled by default by the administrator. A network administrator can enable mapping through Group Policy.

In Windows 7, not one, but two components are responsible for the operation of the network map. This Link layer(Link Layer Topology Discover Mapper - LLTD Mapper). It is this important component that queries the network for devices to be included in the map.

Network connections.

In the window " Network connections"You can see the entire set of data that the user needs to connect the computer to the Internet, local network or any other computer from the home network.

This data is available for viewing only after installing all the necessary drivers for each network adapter on Windows 7 and after automatically configuring all network connections on a specific local computer or laptop.

There are several simple and affordable ways with which you can easily and quickly open the " Network connections»:

  • Opening the window " Network and Sharing Center"and follow the link" Change adapter settings» (see figure 4);

Network and Sharing Center""." href="/upload/nastroika-windows-7/windows-7-nastroika-seti-img-7.png"> Figure 4. Opening the window " Network connections" across " Network and Sharing Center».
  • Click the "Start" button and when the menu opens, enter "View Network Connections" in the search field. In the results found, select the application "View Network Connections" ( very convenient way);
  • You can also use the classic keyboard shortcut Win+R. This will open the Run dialog. In the "Open" field, which is located in the "Run" dialog box, you must enter the following command: ncpa.cpl or control network connection. Having done this, you need to click the "OK" button.

Figure 5. Network Connections window
Window " Network and Sharing Center” similar to the Windows XP window. All detailed information about the network connection can be obtained by selecting the "Properties" option for a specific network adapter (see Figure 6). In Windows 7, to configure the network connection in the "Properties" window, you need to select "Internet Protocol Version 4". In the same window, you can also make the necessary settings for gateways, subnet masks, DNS servers, IP addresses, etc. All this information can be obtained from the provider that provides the Internet access service.

Figure 6. Network connection details.

Rename the network adapter.

The developers of Windows 7 made sure that by default the operating system itself names all network connections "Local Area Connection" or another option - "Wireless Network Connection". If a user's computer has more than one network connection, the system also assigns a number to the connection. There are three ways to rename the name of any of the connections you have created.

  1. First way. Select a network connection and click on the "Rename connection" button located on the toolbar. After entering a new name, press the key Enter;
  2. The second way. With key F2: press, enter a new name and save using the same key Enter;
  3. The third way. To rename the network connection selected from the list, right-click on it, select the “Rename” command from the context menu that appears, rename and save the changes using the already familiar key Enter;

Network status.

In addition to the ability to rename the connection, you can also check the status of the network in this window. Using this window, which is called “Network Status”, at any time you can not only view any data about the connection network, but also find out details such as MAC address, IP address and many other useful and interesting information.

There are providers that allow users to access the Internet using the MAC address of the network card. If for some reason the network card has been changed or the entire computer has been replaced, the MAC address will also change, and Internet access will stop. For a new Internet connection, you must set the required physical address (MAC address).

How to see the MAC address of a network card in windows 7?

To view the current MAC address, as well as complete information about the connection, you need to right-click on the local network connection, and then select the “Status” item in the context menu that opens (see Figure 7).

Figure 8. How to change the MAC address of the network card (network adapter).

Network diagnostics.

If you encounter a situation where unexpected errors or failures occur in the operation of your network connection, you can resolve them using connection diagnostics. The diagnostic tool can be found in the Network Connections window.

Select window " Troubleshooting”, which, by analyzing the connection status, offers a choice of possible malfunctions and troubleshooting methods. To start diagnostics, you need to right-click on the network connection and select the "Diagnostics" command in the context menu.

Figure 9. Opening the Local Area Connection Troubleshooter.
The second way to start checking the network connection parameters is to select the desired network and click on the "Connection Diagnostics" button. The button can be seen on the toolbar.
In the dialog box that opens, to diagnose the connection, just follow the steps of the troubleshooting wizard. Nothing complicated.

Disabling the network device (network adapter).

Sometimes situations arise when network connection problems are not solved using the troubleshooting wizard, but by simply disconnecting the network adapter from the computer. This can easily be done by doing one of the following:

  1. Select a network connection and click on the "Disconnect network device" button located on the toolbar;
  2. Right-click on the network connection and select the "Disable" command in the context menu that appears;
Both methods are effective and will lead you to the desired result. The device will be disabled.


The article details how to configure, connect and diagnose network connections.
If you have any doubts about your own ability to configure and connect the network, then it is better to seek help from specialists, or read the article carefully again.

In order to make a network folder in Windows XP, create a folder, for example "Network Folder", right-click on it and select " Properties".

In the properties window, go to the " Access" and check the boxes next to " Share this folder"if you want network users to be able to change (add, delete) files in this folder, check the box-" Allow changes to files over the network".

On this, the creation of a network folder (it is called a "ball") can be considered finished. As you can see, a hand appeared at the bottom of the folder, which means that the folder is a network folder.

In order for other users to see it over the network, you need to go to network , select " Show workgroup computers", find the computer on which the network (shared) folder is located, click on it and see the shared network folder there.

Can be pressed "Start" - "Run" or keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R", enter //<имя или IP компьютера> , For example // comp, press the Enter key, all shared folders of the computer will open.

network drive .

How to make a network folder in Windows 7.


In the properties window, go to the tab " Access"and press" General access".

Now you need to add the necessary users and give them the appropriate access, in this example, everyone will have full access (the ability to change and delete files) on the folder. In the Add field, select " Everything", in the column Permission level choose " Reading and writing", press " General access".


After that go to " Start" - "Control Panel" -"or click on the button network connection on the taskbar and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the opened window Network and Sharing Center look at which network is used (in this example - Working) click on "".

In the profile you use (home, work or shared), make the necessary changes, namely:

Scroll down and:

Save your changes.

This completes the network folder setup in Windows7.

Computer, right click " Net", select the computer on which the network folder is located, all the shared folders of the computer will open on the right.

Another way is to click "Start" or keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" and enter //<имя или IP компьютера> , For example //User-PC.

For ease of use, a network folder can be connected network drive .

How to make a network folder in Windows 8.

In order to make a network folder in Windows 7, create a folder, right-click on it and select " Properties".

In the properties window, go to the tab " Access"and press" General access".

Now you need to add the necessary users and give them the appropriate access, in this example, everyone will have full access to the folder (the right to change and delete files). In the Add field, select " Everything" and in the column Permission level choose " Reading and writing", press " General access".

A message box will open stating that the package has become networked. Press " Ready".

After that go to "Control Panel" - "Network and Sharing Center or click on the Network Connection button on the Taskbar and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the window that opens, look at which network is used (in this example, Public), click on " Change advanced sharing options".

In the profile you are using (private, guest, or public), make the necessary changes, namely:

Turn on network discovery;

Turn on file and printer sharing;

Go to tab " All networks":

Turn on sharing so network users can read and write files in shared folders.

Disable password protected sharing.

Save your changes.

This completes the network folder setup in Windows8.

To use the network folder, go to Computer, right click " Net", select the computer on which the network folder is located, by clicking on the required computer, all its shared folders will open on the right.

Another way is to press the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R", enter //<имя или IP адрес компьютера> , For example //pk2. Pressing Enter will open a window with the shared folders of the computer.

For convenience, the shared folder can be connected network drive .

I hope now, regardless of the operating system Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8, you can share the folder without any problems.

Here we will look at information on how to become an Internet provider, what equipment is needed for this and what is generally needed.

To a large number of different people, and even to some businessmen, the scheme for organizing the activities of an Internet provider may seem very complex and confusing from a technical point of view. Therefore, the number of entrepreneurs who entered the telecommunications market is not so large. But everything is not as difficult as it seems at first. If you do not look at the organization of an Internet provider as a complex technical system, but as a business, then everything converges to three simple points.

Necessary equipment

We present you the minimum list of the equipment that you need to organize a provider:

  • Web servers;
  • Mail servers (can be combined with web servers on small systems);
  • FTP servers (usually combined with web servers);
  • Identification and terminal servers;
  • Master server;
  • Secondary servers;
  • News servers (option);
  • Servers for development and control;
  • Registration server (for online registration, option);
  • Settlement server (option);
  • Typical server (on large systems);
  • router;
  • Protection against unauthorized hacking of the system;
  • Network switches;
  • Racks for equipment;
  • Cables, tools and control equipment;
  • Remote access server;
  • Administrative panel and printer;
  • Uninterruptible power supplies (at least for 1 hour of supply);
  • Cabinets, racks, etc.;
  • Spare parts.

All your main costs will be related to the equipment. It will take from 2-3 million rubles to buy it at minimum prices and quantity (for a small Internet provider). Here it will be very important for you to seek the advice of specialists, because. they will help you avoid wrong and unnecessary purchases.

How to become an Internet provider - organizational and legal part

So, let's consider information on how to become a provider from the point of view of organizing this business.


Internet provider - as well as every other type of business activity, should be headed only by a legal entity. Therefore, the first step is to register a "Limited Liability Company" and obtain all the necessary documents for the Internet provider. The registration process of a "Limited Liability Company" can take from five to thirty calendar days, and the time for registering a legal entity is about five calendar days. Upon receipt of all registration documents for an Internet provider, it is mandatory to obtain a seal and open your account at a bank institution. The time taken to open an account depends primarily on the bank you have chosen, and varies from two days to several weeks. Do not forget - for bank account maintenance operations, you will need copies of constituent documents, copies of documents on state registration, and a certificate of tax registration.

The approximate cost is about 15,800 rubles. This amount includes:

  • State duty for registration of a Limited Liability Company - 4000 rubles;
  • The minimum amount of the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the certificate - 100 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the charter of the Internet provider - 500 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the memorandum of association - 1,200 rubles.


Upon completion of all the work of the first stage, you should proceed to a more “fine” setting of your business. To legalize the activities of our Internet provider, mandatory communication licenses are required, since it is a telecom operator.

List of licenses:

  1. License for telematic services;
  2. Data transmission license excluding data transmission for the purposes of voice information.

Additional licenses may also be needed for the Internet provider, but this is only when you intend to provide services not only for clients to access the Internet, but also others, such as IP telephony, hosting, data backup, cable TV and others. You can deal with the issuance of licenses for an Internet provider on your own, but if you do not have enough experience in this area, you should contact a consulting company for help - this will give you the opportunity to save unnecessary costs and valuable time. The time that will be spent at this stage can vary from ten to forty-five days. It will take two to three days to check and submit all the necessary papers to Roskomnadzor, and up to forty-five days, according to the law, your application will be considered.

The approximate cost will be about 28,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • The state fee for obtaining two licenses is 12,000 rubles;
  • Provision of services by a consulting company - from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles;

After receiving all the necessary licenses and documents, the Internet provider must begin to provide communication services, this is our final point.

Final part

After the time for considering licenses, and having received a positive response, we will proceed to the final stage. To finally secure the status of an Internet provider, you need to create a project of a communication center and submit it to Roskomnadzor for examination. In order for a project to successfully pass the examination, it must meet a large number of criteria. These criteria apply both to the project itself and the designers, as well as to the technical equipment of the node. The Internet provider's software must be exclusively licensed, and have all certificates of conformity in the Svyaz Certification System, special attention is paid to TM and PD services servers, Billing and channel-forming equipment. After successfully passing an expert assessment at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIR IT., commissioning is carried out. The stage of technical preparation of equipment is the longest. Depending on the amount of work, the design of the node can take from two weeks to three months, and the expert evaluation of the project in MIR IT., from a month to a year.

Stages of acceptance of the communication node into operation:

  • Notice from Roskomnadzor about the start of construction of the communication facility;
  • Collection of all necessary documents, according to order 113;
  • Notice from Rossvyaznadzor about the completion of construction, with a petition to appoint a representative of the RSN to the selection committee;
  • Consideration of documents by the RSN inspector, and verification of PD and TM units;
  • Obtaining an operating permit.

The approximate cost is 70,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • Unit design - 35,000 rubles;
  • Expert assessment at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Center MIR IT. – is from 30% of the design cost.
  • Commissioning - 30,000 rubles.