Business plan example of growing vegetables. Growing vegetables as a business

Various types of business in the field of agriculture today are among the most promising. Growing potatoes is a promising and highly profitable project, but when implementing it, it is important to take into account all the nuances and strictly adhere to the developed business plan.

Business Relevance

Growing potatoes is a relevant and profitable business. Getting a high income from the project is due to the popularity of the root crop - it is eaten regularly by almost all citizens of the country. At the same time, even if a family grows potatoes on their own plot, they are not always able to provide for their own needs, so they buy root crops.

This business has certain advantages:

  • growing potatoes is easy, it does not require special skills and abilities;
  • the demand for the product does not depend on the season - it is consumed in large quantities all year round;
  • low financial threshold for entering the business;
  • quick profit - with proper organization, income will be received at the end of the first season;

and cons:

The implementation of the project will require material investments. Investments include items such as:

  • plot rent - from 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of tubers for planting - 300,000 (at a cost of 15 rubles per kilogram of potatoes per 10 hectares of land);
  • purchase of fertilizers - 100,000;
  • organizational issues - 100,000;
  • purchase of agricultural machinery - 2,500,000.

Important! You should also include in the list of costs money for the construction of a vegetable store - from 2,000,000 rubles and the amount for payments to employees.

The minimum investment amount to open your own agricultural business will be 5,200,000 rubles. Since the investments are quite large, it is necessary to competently approach the implementation of the project and study the technology of growing vegetables.

Step-by-step algorithm for organizing a business

At the decision-making stage, it is important to assess your financial capabilities - growing potatoes requires certain investments, as well as to think over the algorithm for opening an enterprise.

The first step is legal registration - the entrepreneur needs to decide on the scale of the business and choose the form of doing business:

  1. If you decide to grow root crops on your site on your own, then such an activity is considered to be an auxiliary personal farm and does not need official registration. But, only the farmer can sell the goods himself.
  2. If the scale of cultivation is large, industrial, then it is advisable to formalize the activity, register with the Tax Authority as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the ESHN taxation system and indicating the OKEVD code 01.13.31.

Important! Retail chains and large buyers cooperate more actively with entrepreneurs, and not with farmers who sell their products privately.

Area selection and soil preparation

In order to grow vegetables in sufficient quantities for sale, you need to buy or rent a land plot. In particular, in the municipality it is possible to lease a land plot for a period of 49 years. The minimum area should be from 10 hectares.

Soil preparation begins in the fall - at this time, weeds are removed from the field, the land is plowed and organic fertilizers are applied. It is important to strictly observe the amount of fertilizer, otherwise, instead of a large crop, the opposite result will be obtained. You should also prepare planting material:

  • buy tubers for planting;
  • select medium specimens;
  • cut large tubers in half, and sprinkle the cut with ash;
  • potatoes are laid out in an even layer, left for three weeks, while it is important to prevent sunlight from falling on it;
  • after this time, the tubers are moved to the storage place - the optimal indicators for the preservation of potatoes are humidity up to 85% and a temperature of about 3 degrees Celsius;
  • a month before planting, the material is taken out into the light (but not under direct rays) and left until “eyes” appear.

Important! The optimum soil temperature for planting root crops is 8 degrees.

To optimize the process of planting, caring for and harvesting vegetables, you will need to purchase equipment:

  • tractor - from 900,000 rubles;
  • potato planter - from 320,000;
  • harvester - from 430,000;
  • a machine for inter-row cultivation of land - from 300,000;
  • sorting line - from 410,000.

You will also need to equip a room for storing equipment and a vegetable store - it must be dry, have good ventilation.


To ensure smooth operation, you will need to select the right staff. As a rule, for cultivating the land, caring for plantings and harvesting, you need:

  • machine operators - 2 people;
  • mechanic - 1;
  • security guards - 3 people, work in shifts;
  • handymen - 10 people for the period of harvesting.

The business owner can take on some functions, such as bookkeeping and sourcing.

To obtain a quality harvest, it is important to follow the technology of planting and caring for vegetables. Potatoes are planted in rows, the distance between which should be at least 70 cm, while between the plants there should be a free space of 15-18 cm.

From the moment the tubers are planted to the appearance of sprouts, it takes from two weeks to a month, during which time weeds appear, the presence of which reduces the yield by 30-40%. To harvest a large crop, you need to carry out land cultivation activities:

  1. Agricultural machines and cultivators are used to form soil ridges, loosen the earth and remove weeds. The soil is cultivated 5-9 cm deep. This treatment is carried out when the first shoots appear.
  2. The second stage of processing takes place a week after the first. The main task of these activities is to create a favorable water and air balance in the soil.

Important! Timely processing and well-formed ridges contribute to an increase in plant resistance to drought, heat and diseases - late blight, rhizoctoniosis and others.

When processing, it is important to strictly observe the proportions of preparations, the speed of the spraying unit should not exceed 15 km / h, and the weather should be almost calm - the maximum wind speed is 4 m / s.

Important! Watering plantings should be regular 3 in the absence of rain, it is carried out every 3-4 days.

A couple of weeks before harvesting, desiccation is carried out with Basta or Stomp preparations. This procedure will allow the assimilation of nutrients from the tops into the tubers, which will improve the quality of the crop. Then:

  • the dried vegetative mass is mowed;
  • loosen the soil - such activities will allow you to get a high quality crop and improve its characteristics.

Video. Potato growing technology

Sales market

You should think about the possibilities of implementing the product at the stage of developing a business plan. As a rule, farmers sell products:

  • independently - selling in the markets, from hands;
  • through intermediaries - they sell the product to wholesale buyers, conclude a supply agreement with retail chains.

Important! To increase the value of the product, it is washed, packaged, vacuum-packed in a cleaned form.

Packaged potatoes are 2 times more expensive than what is sold by weight. You can pack root vegetables yourself, for this:

  • potatoes are sorted, spoiled tubers are removed;
  • the product is washed - the tubers are placed in a container, filled with water for an hour, after which the water is drained, this procedure is repeated 3 times;
  • after washing, the roots are laid out in 1 layer until completely dry;
  • dry potatoes are packed in bags, while it is important to observe a certain weight - for example, 2 or 4 kilograms;
  • a label is attached to the package indicating the manufacturer and the weight of the product;
  • the package is closed and fastened with a stapler.

Since these options do not allow you to make a big profit, you should think about organizing your own production - for example, you can make chips from potatoes. You can also increase the amount of profit received by opening your own catering enterprise, where all kinds of dishes from root crops will be served.

Business plan for growing root crops

An entrepreneur starting a business should take into account the possible risks - dependence on weather conditions (in dry and rainy years, the yield decreases), problems with the sale of products and high competition. You should also consider how to cope with these difficulties, whether it is possible to cope with competitors, for example, by offering the consumer a better product or the same product, but at a lower price.

When drawing up a business plan, it is important to take into account annual investments separately from the initial costs. These include:

  • payment of land rent - 220,000 rubles;
  • wages and tax deductions - 730,000;
  • equipment maintenance and repair costs - from 100,000;
  • fuel and lubricants - 190,000;
  • purchase of chemicals and fertilizers - 170,000;
  • ensuring normal storage conditions for the crop - 150,000;
  • other expenses - 60,000.

Accordingly, the total amount of expenses for the year will be 1,620,000 rubles. With a yield of 25-30 tons per ha, from an area of ​​10 ha, a crop of 250-300 tons will be obtained.

With an average market price of potatoes of 20 rubles per kilogram, the profit will be from 5 to 6 million. Accordingly, under favorable circumstances, the minimum profit will be more than 3 million rubles.

These calculations show that growing potatoes is a cost-effective and profitable business that will pay off the funds invested in it in the shortest possible time.

Growing potatoes is one of the most profitable business options. But, it will bring profit only in case of competent organization and management of the project. An entrepreneur should familiarize himself with growing technologies, legal aspects and the specifics of the business, and only after that decide whether this business model is suitable for him.

Video. Business idea for growing potatoes

  • Marketing plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

A brief business plan for growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse) with an area of ​​1000 square meters.

Marketing plan

The supply of high-quality fresh vegetables in our country is much lower than the demand for them. In Russia, only 25% of the total consumption of vegetables is produced under greenhouse conditions, and even less in the winter months - only 15%. The same vegetables that are imported from abroad cannot retain their freshness without additives, due to which the vegetable becomes hard and stored for a long time. This primarily applies to tomatoes, which as a result are delivered to the counter of our stores almost tasteless. This suggests that the sale of products grown in the greenhouse in our country will be found by 100%. Local products will have at least four advantages: freshness, taste (no additives), price (lower transport costs) and speed of delivery. The planned production volume should be about 200 kg of vegetables per square meter per year. This is the average yield shown by greenhouse farms in Russia, without the use of artificial lighting. Main crops: cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. Sales of vegetables are planned to be carried out at public catering points, food markets, local grocery chains and processing industries.

How much money do you need to start growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse)

For the construction of a greenhouse, the property already has a land plot with an area of ​​​​3000 square meters. meters. Therefore, the cost of starting a business will be somewhat lower. To start a greenhouse for growing vegetables, you will need:

  • Purchase a turnkey greenhouse (1000 sq. m.) + installation + delivery - 3,000,000 rubles. (frame from a profile pipe, coating - from a film).
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and inventory (racks, gas boilers for heating, etc.) - 500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase fertilizers and planting material - 200,000 rubles.
  • Bring communications (electricity, water supply) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Register a business (peat farm, tax regime - ESHN) and create a reserve capital - 300,000 rubles.

Total total costs for the opening of the project will be: 4,100,000 rubles.


It is planned to attract 4 hired workers to service the greenhouse. Their responsibilities will include planting and caring for the crop, harvesting, packaging products, and maintaining the greenhouse area in good condition. Wages will be piece-bonus and will average 25 thousand rubles per month (per person).

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Salary + insurance contributions - 160 thousand rubles
  • Utilities (electricity, water) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Planting material, packaging - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Plant protection products - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Depreciation - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - 70 thousand rubles.

Total - 450 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse)

Profit from the sale of vegetables depends on the season of sale. Traditionally, the maximum price for vegetables is observed in the spring-winter period. Tomatoes and cucumbers in this period of time can be sold at a price of 80 to 120 rubles per kilogram.

From a 1000 sq. m. monthly you can get about 16,000 kg of fresh vegetables. Even if we take the minimum price of 60 rubles per kg, then, provided that all products are sold 100%, the monthly revenue of the farm will be 1.2 million rubles. Net income in this case will be: 960,000 - 450,000 (fixed costs) = 510,000 rubles. Naturally, we will be able to receive such income only within 5-6 months. The rest of the time (summer-autumn) prices for vegetables are 2-3 times lower. Nevertheless, the project pays off, with proper organization, in just 8-12 months.

Potato growing business plan: detailed financial calculations + 7 basic steps for becoming a successful business.

Capital investment: 90,200 rubles.
Payback period: 4-5 months (time from planting to harvest).

Growing potatoes - business?

This question was asked by many of those who at least once grew potatoes with their own hands.

We answer with confidence that yes, and quite promising.

The main thing is to take the first steps correctly.

There is no need to talk about the popularity of the potato once again, as it can be called the real master of the table for more than one hundred years.

The Indians of Latin America discovered its secret 7,000 years ago.

Then the Spanish conquerors brought it to Europe, and later, thanks to the efforts of Peter I, it ended up on our tables.

Given the popularity of the vegetable, it can be assumed that growing potatoes is still a business, and a promising one at that.

However, you must be aware that, as in any other type of activity, in order to achieve success, you need to make some efforts, think carefully and act on the basis of everything.

Of course, like all undertakings in business, it will require certain costs.

Their size depends on what volumes you are going to "swing".

Where does a business plan for growing potatoes begin?

Like any project, it starts with the fact that they make up a business plan for growing potatoes.

It is carefully thought out, based on what you have:

  • acreage for cultivation;
  • financial business opportunities;
  • choice of technology for growing potatoes;
  • capital (initially necessary) investments;
  • daily or current expenses;
  • expected business outcome.

So, having made a decision for yourself that growing potatoes is the business to which you decide to devote your efforts and time, you need to carefully conduct analytical work.

The business analysis is as follows:

  1. Find out the average price for seed.
  2. Determine and clearly understand what equipment you will need and its price.
  3. Which planting technology is most suitable for your climate zone.
  4. Average yield and how to raise it in your area.
  5. Average price for fertilizers and fuels and lubricants.
  6. Average wholesale and/or retail selling price of the harvest.
  7. Legal aspect and nuances of taxation.

Incorporating a Legal Question into a Potato Business Plan

If we are talking about entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to include such an item as the legal registration of one's relations with the state in the business plan for growing potatoes.

If you decide to limit yourself to the scope of your subsidiary plot, then with a clear conscience you can sell the crop on the market without any registration, according to the legally valid concept of "personal subsidiary plot" (PSP).

But if the planned scale of production is higher, then (indicating the OKVED code A.01.13.21).

At the same time, the UAT taxation system will be the most beneficial for you, deductions for which will also need to be included in the list of future expenses.

Potato growing business plan: necessary equipment and fixtures

This is one of the most expensive points of your business plan, but sooner or later you will have to return to it and decide.

To be successful in this type of business, it is necessary to gain complete autonomy from the beginning to the end of the potato growing process.

Of course, when it comes to a subsidiary plot with a plot area of ​​​​6 to 10 acres, then, although this is not easy, it is quite possible to cope with the muscular strength of family members and a primitive shovel.

And if you went out into the open spaces of the site, say, 30 acres?

There is no doubt that mechanization is needed here.

There are two ways: buying a mini-tractor or renting.

As for rent, you should know that the price of the service is on average 400-500 rubles per hundred square meters in the country.

The price of your own "horse" is about 30-60,000 rubles.

Here, the amounts vary depending on the type, power and capabilities of the unit.

If your farm has a horse and an old peasant plow with a cart, then this is also a good option for mechanizing labor at the initial stage:

What technologies are used to grow potatoes?

Speaking about growing technology, it should be said that there are a lot of options.

Which one to choose is up to you, based on the information collected on the appropriateness of the method for your region and based on the expected end result.

It should be borne in mind that, like any business, growing potatoes should be based on the most advanced technologies.

In this regard, we will introduce you to a relatively new, but already successfully tested technology for growing potatoes in Southern Patagonia (Argentina).

The climate of that area is similar to the central zone of Russia, and closer to the south it is even more severe.

It should be noted that this method is successfully used at all latitudes of the country, up to its subtropical part, and gives good yields.

For planting, flower pots made of organic material with a depth of 60 cm are required (this type of pot is well known to gardeners who plant seedlings of tomatoes).

Soil is poured into them, the top layer of which is mixed with manure and a small amount of sand and water.

6 weeks before planting, selected potatoes are planted and left in a cool place with natural light.

When preparing planting material, we decide on the size of the fruits of the future crop.

If our plans include medium-sized potatoes with a large number of fruits, five sprouts are left.

If our plan is to get very large tubers (with fewer of them), then we leave 3 sprouts.

Growing potatoes in this way requires fertile, well-drained and rich in organic matter soil (prepared before planting) with a hole depth of about 60 centimeters (according to the dimensions of the planting pots).

Holes (landing holes) in the ground are made at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

Potatoes are planted directly in pots.

Two weeks before harvesting, the ground part of the plant is cut off just above the root, leaving 5 - 10 cm above the ground.

2 weeks after removing the plants, we can harvest.

The yield and quality of potatoes with this method is simply fantastic.

Potatoes are resistant to the process of decay and are stored for a long time, retaining their original appearance.

To this it should be added that the described technology is more costly and troublesome, but gives a minimum yield of 450-500 kg per hundred square meters, which is twice the average yield in Russia (250-300 kg).

What kind of staff is needed to mark potato growing in a business plan?

This question is not as unambiguous as it seems at first glance, and depends on several factors.

As a rule, growing potatoes is a family business and 90% mechanized, even on a small scale.

Especially if a person undertook the implementation of a business idea for growing potatoes, having the necessary skills for this.

That is, he knows the cultivation technology, has the skills of a machine operator, automation of the process of planting, processing and harvesting sown areas.

Then it will not be difficult for him to cope with the sowing areas and hectares.

But during the harvesting process, assistants will still be needed to pick potatoes after the tractor (up to 20% of the crop remains in the field, or even more), sorting, packaging, etc.

Experienced farmers attract a number of workers.

As a rule, they are hired for several days (for calculations, we take 6 days for harvesting and sorting), and their number is determined by the area under crops and the amount of crop.

On average in Russia, payment for a workday in the field is 400-600 rubles per day, and is regulated by a labor agreement.

How much money do you need to invest to grow potatoes?

Investments in the potato growing business consist of several points: determining the price of seed, fertilizer and fuel, as well as the purchase of equipment.

Starting investment in business

Summarizing everything in the final table, I would like to note that in the future the costs will be much less, because the purchased equipment and devices will last for many years.

Price for seed

The prices for planting potatoes are different and depend on the variety, the region and the place where you purchased it (station or market).

To understand what prices are relevant in Russia, pay attention to the table of average prices for all regions for the main varieties of seed.

These data must be reflected in the business plan for growing potatoes.

Fertilizer and fuel costs

The business plan for growing potatoes includes another significant expense item - pesticides, fertilizers and fuel and lubricants.

In the calculations above, we proceeded from the fact that our sown area is 35 acres.

Based on the average fuel consumption of an average mini-tractor, the amount of fertilizers and chemicals for processing one hundred square meters, for such an area, the costs for this article will amount to 15,000 rubles.

The video below provides a list of the features of growing potatoes:

Expected net income from the potato growing business

Interesting fact:
Today, the price of potatoes is not high, but a kilogram of the most expensive potato in the world will not be so cheap. Variety "La Bonnotte" is grown by hand on the coast of France and is valued at 500 euros per kilogram. During the gold rush, potato tubers were saved from scurvy, and in the circles of prospectors were valued more than gold.

The most important point for a future entrepreneur is, of course, information about the profitability and profitability of a business:

Based on the data in the table, we get the figure of net profit from the business:

262,500 - 90,200 = 172,300 rubles.

For those who are just starting or are thinking about starting a potato growing business, there is good news.

Statistics and economic analytics indicate that, in terms of payback and profit, growing potatoes is one of the most effective types of business of this type.

The full cycle from planting seeds to harvesting is, on average, 4 months, and the level of profitability, according to modest forecasts, is 150-200%.

As seen, potato cultivationbusiness which is worth doing.

If we take subsequent years, then the net profit received can be safely added to the costs of the purchased equipment, minus the funds that will be spent on maintenance and repairs (as a rule, this is about 15% of the cost of the equipment).

It turns out a good amount of stable profit, so it’s really worth doing this activity.

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Greens will transform any dish and make it spring fresh. You can buy lettuce, parsley, dill and other spices in hypermarkets and on the market at any time of the year. The product is in demand, but 70% of the greens offered to buyers in Russia are brought from abroad. Greenhouse farms for growing greens in the 90s fell into decay, and imports took a niche. Meanwhile, domestic greens get into stores in a shorter time, and buyers get a fresher and better product, rich in vitamins and microelements. It is not difficult to organize a greenhouse economy and grow greens if you approach the matter wisely. A business plan for growing greens all year round will help beginners to organize their business. The example was designed for growing greenery in a greenhouse.

Legal information about the company

Type of activity: cultivation of greenery of various types for sale.

Form of legal registration: LLC.

Target users: wholesale buyers, shops, large retail chains, canteens, cafes, restaurants.

Location: located in a suburban area on its own plot of land with an area of ​​40 acres. Ownership is confirmed by a certificate of ownership. The land has an agricultural purpose. On the site there are 10 heated greenhouses and a room for packaging and storage of goods, with an area of ​​60 square meters. m. The room is divided into separate zones: locker room for staff - 8 sq. m. m, manager's office - 10 sq. m, packaging area - 20 sq. m, storage - 15 sq. m, bathroom - 3 sq. m, corridor - 4 sq. m.

Based on the analysis of competitors' prices, the following price list and the name of the cultivated greens are proposed:

Greens are packed up on 10 kg in a box. Delivery is carried out from 1 box in the city for free. For parties over 10,000 rubles. 10% discount. The minimum lot is 1,200 rubles.

Tax reporting: STS (income minus expenses scheme).

Working hours: every day from 8:00 to 19:00. Day off - Sunday.

OKVED: 01.1 "Cultivation of annual crops"; 01.28.1 "Cultivation of herbs".

Product packaging features: Greens will be packaged in food foil, on disposable pallets and plastic containers. The packaging indicates the manufacturer, packaging time, batch number, shelf life. At the request of the buyer, a mixed package of several types of herbs is offered on a disposable pallet at a price of 25 rubles per piece. The price of the container was taken into account when forming the price of the goods.

Goals and features of the work

The main goal is to completely replace imported greens in your city with domestic ones, purchase additional equipment and open a seed production workshop. In three years, to open several large retail outlets from his greenhouse, not only in his city, but also in neighboring ones. The following goals are planned to be achieved in the coming year:

  • Purchase new equipment.
  • Buy neighboring plots and expand the area of ​​the farm to 1 ha.
  • Build another building for a workshop for packing and packaging seeds.

To achieve your goals, you need to quickly gain the trust of customers and draw attention to your product. For this, a system of discounts for wholesale buyers is used.

Greenhouse facilities

To organize a small greenhouse, you will need to purchase equipment for several working areas:

  • Shop for packing goods.
  • Greenhouse complex.

To ensure the continuous operation of a small greenhouse complex, you will need the following equipment:

The cost of the lighting system in the amount of 100,000 rubles is added to the main amount. along with design. In total, 756,500 rubles will be needed to equip a small greenhouse for growing greenery. You can cut costs and grow greens right in a small room without the equipment of a greenhouse complex, but in this case you should not expect high incomes.


The quality of greenery largely depends on the physicochemical properties and biological properties of the soil. Practice shows that products grown on a high agricultural background are distinguished not only by high yields, but also by better quality - they contain more vitamins and microelements.

The quality of products is greatly influenced by the organization of plant protection from weeds, pests and diseases. Products grown on plants affected by pests and diseases lose their consumer properties.

In the greenhouse complex, it is planned to accumulate, deliver and apply fertilizers for the following amount per month:

To obtain high yields of greens, the quality of seed material is important. Seeds are planned to be purchased only once, in the future there will be a part of the plants to receive their seeds. In the first month, about 35,000 rubles will be required to purchase seeds. The total cost of fertilizer and seeds is 68,120 rubles.

Personnel policy

The owner will manage the greenhouse complex. 2 teams of 5 people are hired for work. Shift work every other day. At the same time, there should be five people at the workplace: two in the packing area, three in greenhouse work.

The core staff consists of the following:

Material remuneration for the work of employees consists of: piecework earnings; payment of additional payments and bonuses; payments for work experience in this company; payment in kind.

The increase in material incentives for employees against the rates established by the regulation, tariff rates and official salaries is carried out due to: expansion of service areas; combination of professions; saving material resources.

Payments of additional payments and bonuses to employees are made from profits. With a clear performance of official duties and obtaining high performance indicators, an employee can be encouraged financially from 10 to 50% of earnings.

Project implementation

It will take at least 3 months to organize and launch a greenhouse complex for growing greenery. It is wiser to use summer time, since in winter the demand for greens is higher.

The table shows an approximate opening plan:

Each stage of implementation is scheduled for a specific date. This will help control the process, and you will not lose time. The assembly of greenhouses and heating systems should be personally controlled, as this will determine how successful the business will be.

General income and expenses

Investment amount

Opening a greenhouse complex for growing greens involves the following costs:

Investments in the amount of 1,301,620 rubles. can be reduced if drip irrigation and a greenhouse heating system are not organized. But this will increase costs in the winter, as additional equipment will be needed to heat the greenhouses, and additional staff will be required for irrigation.

Monthly expenses


Profits are influenced by seasonality. In the summer, the number of sales will be reduced, so it is planned to reduce the staff to 5 workers. Since September, sales have increased. On average, it is planned to sell greens in the amount of 30,000 rubles per day. Monthly profitability of at least 900,000 rubles. In winter, the amount will increase by 60%.

From the amount received, subtract the costs:

900,000 - 349,000 \u003d 551,000 rubles.

Profitability will be:

(551,000 / 1,301,620) x 100% = 42.3%.

The profit will be divided into two parts:

  • 80% - for the implementation of plans and expansion.
  • 20% is the entrepreneur's income.

The entrepreneur will receive an average of 20% per month, which is 110,200 rubles. The rest of the money will be spent on the maintenance and development of greenhouses. With an investment of 1,301,620, the payback of the project is 1 year.


The presented business plan for growing greenery with calculations can be changed for each specific case. It is necessary to invest in the greenhouse complex at least 1 million 300 thousand rubles. The business will pay off within 1 year. The project provides for the accumulation of funds for the expansion and organization of an additional workshop for packing seeds. This will provide an opportunity to organize new jobs and increase profits by at least 15%.