Prevention in adolescents of alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcoholism and drug addiction as a social problem

Alcoholism and drug addiction have become dangerous problems of our time. This problem concerns not only the person and his family itself, but also in the whole society, since the family is its integral part.

Dangerous disease and its influence on the social life of society

Like a cancer tumor, drug addiction and alcoholism destroy the personality and cause many people's failures that has become an alcoholic or drug addict. His family members become hostages of these problems. And most often, the whole life of these people is constant overcoming them. It is not always possible to solve the problems of this kind.

The social life of society is influenced by a terrible disease called "alcoholism and drug addiction." In the family, where the husband is an alcoholic, the most suffer from children. Wife, charter to fight with alcoholic husband's dependence, often herself begins to drink. Children, remaining no attention to their parents, completely abandoned. Some begin to be unexpected and commit offense. Non-costing majority can be selected from parents who lose their rights to the child. So the family disintegrates. But this is not the worst outcome.

There are families in which, looking at the parents, children begin to drink. Early drink and die. In some families, alcoholics refuse, not wanting to subjected to the constant stress of other family members. It is less likely that the family is fighting and defeated dangerous ailments. Unfortunately, it is a big rarity.

Drug addiction is not so numerous as alcoholism. But the dependence of a person from it is much stronger. If people of all ages are exposed to alcoholism, then the addiction kills mostly the younger generation. The country's genuofund suffers.

What does the offspring be born? After all, it is known that alcoholics and drug addicts are born physically weak children. Putting the addiction of parents affect their mental state. Often, parents of alcoholics and drug addicts, children are born alcohol- and drug-dependent. That is, already at the genetic level there is a contamination of the offspring of this disease. And this is transmitted from generation to generation.

What is happening in our society? It gradually dies. Recently, the number of drug addicts and alcoholics does not decrease, but constantly growing. Isn't it worth thinking about it seriously?!

What does it all start? How does a person become infected with this ailment?

Our society is infected with a terrible disease, which is called alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcoholism and drug addiction have different roots, but the end is always alone. People suffering from this disease, decomposing and dilding themselves, apply irreparable harm to society. Get rid of this disease to society will be very difficult.

Alcohol is present everywhere. And in joy, and in grief. They are accompanied by holidays, celebrations and meetings of friends. Business techniques and discussion of transactions occur accompanied by alcohol.

It is impossible to prove to people that you can have fun without this potion. Yes, and an alcoholic never considers himself as such. Although only he himself can cope with the disease. And the family and society should support him and start.

The state needs to limit alcohol consumption. It is obliged to better control the receipt of drugs into the country. Otherwise, the declaving society is waiting for an inevitable death.

What makes the use of alcohol and drugs?

With constant drug intake and alcohol, the human body is complete. All its organs and brain activity suffer. Immunity is violated. Cancer, nervous systems and digestive organs are destroyed.

The human body with constant alcohol consumption and soaked with toxins. It can not get rid of them on their own. Requires a "patient" in a medical institution and.

A person pays for his adhesion to health and even life. It may not be alone. In a state of intoxication or under the action of the drug, he can kill the child, knock down a man's car. May arrange a fire, and at the same time people will die or lose. So an alcoholic affects the life of society with its behavior, violates the normal course of events.

Under, in search of money for the next dose, the drug addict may not stop before. He becomes dangerous to society. Violation of social rules becomes the norm.

Capable of alcoholic intoxication The mind of a person is nervous. He cannot control his actions and emotions. Often, he does not even remember what happened to him. Introducing pain in other people, such a person damages the whole society.

Losing ability to think normally, a person degrades morally. He is not interested in the life of loved ones. He is disturbed by one thought, how to find another glass of alcohol or where to take money at the dose.

Gradually killing himself, he destroys everything around. Kills a good attitude towards themselves around others and causes disgust. With such a respect to people to alcoholics and drug addicts, a split arises in society, which leads to its decline.

Not only the body of an alcoholic and drug addict, but also the soul is dying. Left alone, he cannot cope with the disease, suffering. Death becomes solving all his problems.

The tragedy of one person is reflected in the life of the whole society.

Is life worth it to be doing so?

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Alcoholism and drug addiction - diseases that are peculiar to addiction. Those who do not drink alcohol and drugs do not always understand loved ones why they simply can not be thrown to drink or take drugs.

They are accused of lack of will of the will, the conscience of other human qualities that should submit to defeat the harmful habit. Today we will try to figure out why so many people can not quit drinking and taking drugs, ruin their lives.

Dependence is that it is

The name comes from the English word (addiction - a tendency, habit) is an obsessive desire to eat or perform actions, despite their ban. It occurs at the level of the psyche, it changes the structure of the brain.

Deals, which is not treated with pills. This is the habit that we assimilate. Doctors believe that the dependence is a disease that affects the brain.

She deprives a person the ability to control his actions, desire to do right choice. Most often, we believe that dependent is weak, selfish, unprincipled, but it is not. Such behavior is typical people.

Not everyone can be strong, independent, with ease to overcome adversity. Many people have to fight in life with some kind of sense.

This applies not only to nicotine, alcohol, drugs. With serious addiction, it is necessary to face workaholikov, to the game, to those who get the problem large quantity Food.

There are many chocolate lovers, without which they do not think their lives. Drug addiction and alcoholism are the most common, which are difficult to treat.

Principles of development

Before establishing how harmful substances act on the body, we learn what the main reasons for the spread of drunkenness and drug addiction in our society.

IN last years Another diagnosis is made even to children. Why do people drink? Scientists, psychologists are trying to answer this question. The reasons that generate drunkenness are very much, the main things can be considered:

  • Family troubles.
  • Surroundings - friends, colleagues.
  • Stresses, crazy rhythm of life.
  • Hereditary factor.

Alcohol accompanies all everywhere. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, friendly sites. Even in the grief do not care without alcohol. Easy drinks, cocktails, beer that even children can acquire, lead to cooking drunkenness.

In our rapid age of progress, not everyone can keep up with their luck, prefer to stay to relax and drink. First, remove stress, then for fun, then because "it is necessary." It has been proven that alcoholism can be considered a hereditary disease.

Scientists traced the seven drinks in several generations. Every year the situation has deteriorated. Drunky gave birth to such individuals. The third could not continue their genus.

What affects heredity? What happens in an alcoholic body? Alcohol participates in human vital processes, affects the future offspring. Drinking a certain dose, the alcoholic gets a feeling of euphoria, relaxation.

The main action of alcohol is the brain defeat. The body does not have pain receptors, even destroying, it does not give any signals. This is where alcoholism is dangerous.

With other diseases, upset flow of food or action, the patient feels pain, trying to limit itself into something, take medicine. Alcoholic has everything "good", nothing is sad, I want to drink yet.

Drug addiction - ailment of the XXI century

Drug use also leads to brain damage. In addition to the thirst, take another dose, immersed in the unreal world, the drug addict does not have any desire. Drug addiction meets less often than alcoholism, but drug addiction is much stronger.

Alone to quit a person can not, you need help medicine, long-term rehabilitation. A woman drug addict gives birth to a drug addictive child. Among the drug addicts are many infectious AIDS. Greater mortality from overdose in young.

What makes people take drugs? Many associate a narcotic state with life success, sex without borders, spiritual lifting.

Such "philosophy" leads to the spread of drugs. Youth rate each other not only by availability fashion clothesBut, if possible, visit clubs, where to really "catch a kayf".

Drug business flourishes at the expense of the destruction of the whole generation. People have to fight with a single system, where human life is worth nothing. Treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism is difficult in that the patients do not consider themselves those.

What is called drug addiction

Drug addiction is formed from the frequency of reception of drugs. Depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some sufficiently try one or twice to become drug addict.

Others after a longer reception can also dwell. Much depends on what a drug addict takes.

There are different types of narcotic drugs.

Group Name of the drug Influence on the body
OpiatesOpium, heroin, morphine It acts relaxing. Fast addiction.
PsychostimulatorsCocaine, amphetamine, ecstasyFeeling of intoxication, excitement. Can not sleep for days.
HallucinogensLSD.Causes hallucinations, psychosis. It is enough once to get used to.
CannabinoidsMarijuana, hashish, hempIt remains in the body up to 6 months. Acts on the brain and sexual system (impotence).

How does a person become a drug addict? For this, there are many reasons:

  • Try to relax, spend the evening in a cheerful company.
  • All do it, and I worse?
  • They say, inserts, I want to experience.
  • Forbidden preparations use athletes to achieve high results.
  • Family heredity.
  • Removing stress, depressive states.
  • Psychological problems.

Most of those who try drugs can no longer do without them. The artificial state in which they fall cannot be obtained in real life.

The need to relax thus becomes an intrusive idea. Rarely, who understands what has come to a dangerous feature and should urgently stop. Addictive strengthens very quickly.

A drug addict needs a high dose. In the interruptions between drug reception, fears, panic, pain in the whole body increase.

Drug addiction is scary

Only one thought remains in the head about where to take a dose. You can already talk about dependencies not only physical, but also emotional. The drug addict is lowered below. No work, everything you can sold out of the house.

The next stage is the threat to cross the law, commit the crime for the next. What is waiting later - this is AIDS, prison, overdose, such is the reality of life.

According to the power of influence on the body of drugs can be divided into steps. Many do not even suspect that they are also dependent - chocolate, coffee, tea. They can be attributed to weak narcotic drugs.

Many know that without having received a cup of tea or coffee in the morning, the day will be spoiled, the body requires its dose. Next, it is possible to name strong narcotic drugs, including nicotine, drugs and alcohol. Fighting with them is constantly.

  • Of 100% of trying to smoke, 80% are those who become an avid tobacco.
  • Who experienced drugs - 60% continue to take this potion.
  • Alcoholics become 30%.

Cigarettes are also addiction. How many people are trying to quit? He takes no less lives than alcoholism. Nicotine leads to problems with vessels, heart.

Many know about the dangers, but smokers do not become less. Cigarettes are in the first place.

Drug addiction and dependencies are not completely treated, you can only work out lifelong remission. After many years, having tried once, the ailment will come back again.

Toxication, as a kind

Chemical, healing abuse, biological drugsnot related to drugs, but causing a condition similar to the reception of prohibited funds.

Inhalation of various varnishes, paints, glue excites a very strong dependence, affects negatively on brain cells, it brings a lot of harm. Toxicism is distributed among children and adolescents.

The causes of the dependence of a lot. Among them:

  • Unfavorable conditions in the family, low standard of living.
  • Character traits - severe suggestibility, depressiveness.
  • Effect of environment.

Inhaling poisonous pairs, colorful hallucinations appear, the child goes into an unreal world in which he would like to live. Cruel reality makes it return to the package with glue to be happy to be happy at least for a while.

Toxicism very quickly destroys the child, irreversible processes leading to early mortality. Diagnosis in this disease is complex. It is possible to determine by symptoms, because the pairs of chemicals come out of the body, without leaving traces in a few hours.

Symptoms of toxicia:

  1. Dizziness, salivation, cough, extended pupils, hallucinations.
  2. The second stage comes after 15-20 minutes, nausea appears, thirst, headache.
  3. Mental disorders may occur.

With a frequent use of the toxicoman, extraneous sounds appear in the head, which can cause nerve disorders.

Alcohol addiction

Drink, which has tried most people, at least once in life. Supported by him arose approximately 20-30%, those who tried. There is a certain category, with severe life situations.

  • Drink usually for courage, those who feel uncertainty.
  • Without goals, passive, indifferent to the whole surrounding.
  • Nervous overvoltages, stressful situations, appearance of affective disorders.
  • Failures, monotony in life.
  • Psychological injuries.
  • Bad Education.

Alcoholism is divided into the stage. The initial are still treatable. In the later, it is possible to maintain the body that is already practically destroyed. Each stage is characterized by symptoms:

  • After the subject there is no disgust for drinking and vomiting reflex.
  • Lead control. Drinks until the alcohol is over.
  • Does not leave the thought that you need to fuck. The reason is no longer required.
  • The sense of satisfaction comes after adoption.
  • To enjoy, it is necessary to increase the norm.
  • Without a dose feels broken, can not work.
  • The hangover smoothly goes into drink.
  • Health problems appear (heartbeat, sweating, stomach suffers).
  • Memory losses. Alcoholic does not remember many events.
  • Nervous disorders. Hallucinations appear, psychosis, aggression.
  • Drinking comes from a small dose of alcohol.
  • Complete degradation of personality.
  • Depletion, defeat of all organs.

Throwing to drink on their own very difficult, even in the early stages. Requires medical care. Alcoholism and drug addiction, what is better? Sometimes they ask such a question.

Destroy your life to get away from reality. Does it matter how to do it? Toxins affect the brain, destroy the organs, destroy the personality, with any dependence.

Treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and toxicizing

Passes in one scheme.

  1. First remove poisoning.
  2. Conclusion from the state of the filing or narcotic.
  3. Work with a psychologist.

This applies to those who fell into a rehabilitation center or a drug clinic. The difficulty of therapy is that the patient is not aware of his illness.

Often patients fall for treatment in a state of strong intoxication. Drug addicts during breaking. Having received medical care, they are again taken for their.

For those who want to get rid of dependence, there is a way out.

  • There are groups of anonymous alcoholics and drug addicts, where psychological assistance is carried out.
  • Communes are being created, where the work therapy and sports are treated.
  • It is proposed to restore at home under the guidance of a specialist.
  • In severe case, closed hospitals are recommended.
  • Applied coding against addiction.

All types of treatment require psychological assistance. Only drugs cannot be helped by the patient. Toxicomia is usually suffering children. The technique is the same as from any dependence.

Only with parents can be stopped by the destruction of the children's body. The recovery of the patient lies not only at the desire, but also the people around him. Read new publications on our website.

Alcoholism and drug addiction is a serious problem of modern society.

How can these dangerous diseases be defeated?

Nowadays, alcoholism, drug addiction is a threat to society.

Often, people are incomprehensible how others turn into dependent drug addicts and alcoholics. They mistakenly assume that the reason is the absence of drugs and moral principles in drug addicts and alcoholics. It prevents them from stopping drug use, alcohol.

But drug addiction and alcoholism are complex diseases. Therefore, there is not enough good intentions or strong will to quit drinking and drinking drugs. Because narcotic drugs and alcohol cause changes in the brain. Throw drugs and alcohol is difficult even to those people who decided to do it. But drug addiction and alcoholism can be successfully treated.

Alcoholism and drug addiction have negative consequences for individuals and the whole society. The total cost of treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, from the loss of labor productivity and the costs associated with the crime of drug addicts and alcoholics, exceed hundreds of billions of dollars a year. But no matter how terrible these numbers, they do not fully describe the depth of their destructive results in the field of health and safety. Alcoholism, drug addiction undermines health, lifting life.

What happens as a result of the excessive use of alcohol and drug addiction?

These are such problems:

  1. Family disintegrate.
  2. A man loses work.
  3. There are failures in school.

Drug addiction: What is her essence?

Scientists have proven that as a result of drug intake, chronic human brain disease is developing. It is expressed in a impulsive, uncontrolled desire to use narcotic drugs. Gradually, pathological changes occur in the opposite brain. They do not allow him to control himself, impede his attempts to stop taking drugs.

What happens to the brain when a person takes drugs?

What are the consequences of drug reception? Drugs contain substances that violate the brain functions. They destroy brain tissues responsible for sending, receiving and processing information. Drugs (heroin, marijuana) are similar to neurotransmitters. These are substances produced by the human brain. Because drugs are able to "fool" the brain to cause a state of imaginary pleasure.

Drugs Cocaine or methamphetamine are able to break nervous cells to free an abnormal, huge amount of natural neurotransmitters (primarily dopamine). This interferes with the proper processing of neurotransmitters by the body. As a result, there is an excess of dopamine in the structures of the brain, which causes a feeling of pleasure in the body. Neurotiators are monitored by movement, emotions, motivation and feelings of satisfaction and pleasure.

An artificial excessive stimulation of the zone causing a feeling of pleasure, which usually reacts to natural factors associated with life situations (eating, carrying out time with beloved, native people). When admission to the body of psychoactive substances, there is a feeling of unreal, artificial pleasure. As a result, the mechanism of abnormal behavior of a person dependent on drugs is coming. Because now the brain of the dependent person seeks to enjoy the reception of drugs, and not as a result of the natural development of the organism itself of neurotransmitters.

When a person continues to use narcotic substances, the brain reduces the production of natural dopamine. This reduction forces the dependent drug to consume more and more to enhance the function of dopamine and lead it artificially normal. But now the increasing amount of narcotic drug is required to get the desired feeling of euphoria.

Long-term disorders cause changes and other brain functions. Neuromediator glutamate affects learning ability. When in the brain, the normal glutamate concentration changes due to drug addiction, a person is deprived of the ability to carry out intellectual activity. Now he is not able to perform mental activity, make the right decisions, exercise self-control. It does not feel fine without taking drugs.

The person who acquired addiction to drugs, heroin, marijuana and other drugs cause uncontrolled aspiration to use narcotic substances to get pleasure. Now these narcotic drugs are more necessary than everything he has in his life (family, friends, quarry, health, happiness).

What is the mechanism for the formation of drug addiction?

How does a person become a drug addict?

People begin experiments with narcotic drugs for various reasons:

  1. Some wish to try, movable curiosity.
  2. Others just want to have a nice evening in the company.
  3. Third see what friends do it.
  4. Fourth tend to improve sports results thus.
  5. Others use such a way to facilitate any psychological problem.
  6. A number of people have already been in the family.
  7. Someone does it because of the traumatic, children's experiences.

A random reception of a narcotic substance does not automatically lead to the development of drug addiction. But there is no specific border that separates the random reception and systematic consumption of a narcotic drug. This thin face depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Regardless of what the frequency, the frequency and the number of drug users consumed, this causes an increase in negative problems in the life of a dependent person. These problems relate to work, schools, studies, relationships with parents, acquaintances and friends.

What is the process of developing drug addiction?

A man experimenting with drugs is confident that he can stop at any moment. But medical practice shows that usually a person continues to receive them. The reason is that now only the drug preparation allows him to feel full and happy, causing Euphoria. Rare dependent people are able to recognize the moment when they switched to a dangerous feature, after which the trouble is waiting for them.

The irrepressible addiction to drugs always sneaks unnoticed. It increases sharply. Now the narcotic drugs are increasingly increasingly, in large doses. The gradually dependent person is no longer able to do without a drug. He is pursued by panic and pain, if he has not accepted narcotic substances. In this situation, drug addict is already very difficult to stop. If he does not find an alternative to narcotic drugs, their consumption will continue. In this way, a narcotic dependence occurs.

When addiction subordinates a person, he can miss or often be late for work, to school. Its productivity at work can gradually deteriorate, it begins to neglect social or family obligations. But he cannot stop independently. What began as a voluntary choice turned into a physical and psychological dependence on a narcotic substance.

Why are some people acquire dependence on drugs, and others do not have it?

No one may foresee the appearance of concrete person Addiction to narcotic drugs. The threat of the occurrence of this disease is depending on the range of conditions:

  1. Individual biological features.
  2. Social environment.
  3. The age of this person.
  4. Duration of drug intake.

The more there is a particular person of such risks, the more significant is the likelihood of dependence.

What conditions contribute to the increase in drug dependence on narcotic substances?

  1. Genetic features may strengthen the human vulnerability regarding the influence of drugs. These risks can enhance sexual differences, various mental disorders.
  2. Human environment: family, friends, colleagues, classmates and so on. It is important which moral principles were laid during education, which lifestyle is leading the closest environment of this person.
  3. Early start of drug reception. The earlier the use of drugs begins, the greater the likelihood of the transformation of a person in a drug addict. This is especially dangerous for people in adolescence. Since drugs have a negative impact on the brain function regulating the decision-making process, the adolescent self-control is deteriorating. For this reason, the face in the pubertal period is extremely susceptible to risky behavior and drug abuse.

It is possible to treat drug addiction. there is available toolshelping to resist the powerful destructive consequences of drug addiction.

How can the dependence on narcotic drugs be overcome?

This disease can be successfully managed. If a person uses drugs because they fill the emptiness in his life, he is at risk of destruction of his life as a result of accidental use or addiction to narcotic substances. To maintain a healthy life balance, you must have other positive impressions to feel comfortable. For a person, it is very important to have interests, hobbies and a favorite thing in his life. Need to communicate S. interesting people. Then they will not need drugs to artificially get a feeling of pleasure.

The country has established a fund to combat drug addiction. It exists in Moscow. In this fund, specialists are working who are looking for opportunities and ways to help drug addicts. There was no such foundation earlier. It was created to solve the problem of drug addiction. If people cannot decide on their own dependence, they can get help in the fund. People who are not indifferent to such misfortune help this fund.

The Orthodox Church does not remain aside from this problem. Therefore, she has created a charitable Foundation of the Holy Righteous John of Assistance to Drug Advanced Citizens. Many people could get on the right way thanks to this Fund. Today, such an organization exists in many major cities countries. The activities of such a fund are an example of a non-indifference attitude towards a nationwide issue. Representatives of the Fund organizes events that promote healthy image Life.

To combat drug addiction, a fund was created in Ivanovo. In Samara, there is also an organization in which experts help people dependent on drugs to get rid of this disease. In Yekaterinburg, a city without drugs has been created. It has already been fifteen years old. In Moscow, there is no drug in Moscow to fight drug addiction, which conducts serious work on the prevention of drug addiction. Foundation The city without drugs provide support to the inhabitants of the country with an active vitality. Former drug addicts are grateful to this Fund for help. Such a fund is also working in Irkutsk. The Fund is working, the purpose of which is to prevent drug addiction. To help the Fund, not indifferent people spend charitable stocks.

Prevention of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a disease that is possible to prevent. Research results have shown that attracting family, schools, media are effective in combating drug abuse. Education and educational activities are key in this preventive work to help youth and general public understand the risk of drug abuse. Teachers, parents, medical professionals should explain that drug addiction can be prevented.

What is the essence of alcoholism?

The problem of alcoholism is very acute.

Alcohol (or ethyl alcohol) is an antiseptic and solvent that has wide application In medical practice. But the body of a person with this alcohol is toxic effect, if the substance is used inward in large doses.

Almost all people tried alcoholic beverages at least once in life. But why is alcohol dependence not developing all people? The main factors that contribute to the development alcohol addictionThe features of the individual who prevent the adaptation of this person in public life:

  1. No life goals.
  2. Excessive shyness.
  3. Permanent mental and emotional stress and overvoltage.
  4. Inability to cope with problems arising in life.
  5. There are no hobbies and interests.
  6. Monotony in life.
  7. Psychological injuries.

Dependence on alcohol is a disease. Drunkenness ruins people. What could be worse?

It is characterized by abuse alcoholic beveragesDespite negative consequences.

The risk factors for the development of alcohol problems can be:

  1. Low self-esteem.
  2. Anxiety.
  3. Genetic features.
  4. Flaws in education.

It is believed that alcoholism takes place in its development three phases.

For the first phase, such symptoms are characteristic:

  1. No vomit reflex on alcohol.
  2. The feeling of disgust to the alcohol after drinking is disgusted.
  3. Alcoholic is looking for a reason to drink again.
  4. It is lost the ability to control the amount of accepted alcohol.
  5. Alcoholic is not able to stop, taking alcohol.
  6. It enjoys only after taking alcohol.

For the second stage, the following is characteristic:

  1. Increased doses of alcohol.
  2. A person takes it in the forms of condemn by society (for example, in the workplace).
  3. A man feels workable only by accepting alcohol.
  4. A few times rises the dose necessary to man to get rid.
  5. It becomes the usual hangover.
  6. For the first time, violations of the function of the internal organs are manifested: arterial pressure increases, there is a strong heartbeat, as the cardiovascular system suffers. Musks sweating, since the endocrine system is impaired. Become familiar violations of the digestive tract.
  7. A dependent person does not remember many events.
  8. Develops, the signs of which are hallucinations, obsessive ideas, attacks of aggression.

For the third stage of this disease, the following features are characterized:

  1. Exhaustion of the body.
  2. The hangover is even from small doses of alcohol.
  3. Intellectual and moral degradation.
  4. Insomnia, if you do not accept alcohol.
  5. Seriously amazed internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, brain). This is capable of leading a dependent person.

Sometimes people wonder what is worse - alcoholism or drug addiction. But what could be worse than the destruction of your own life? Both of these diseases are great evil. And what's worse than this? Only death.

Some people who live alcohol can quit on their own. But the majority makes it only temporarily.

Long-term abuse of alcohol and narcotic drugs, the development of alcoholism and drug addiction can be destructive and even life-threatening.

They negatively affect the functioning of almost all organ systems. But the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction can be successfully solved.

Thank you for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone get rid of husband from alcoholism? My drinks do not seek I don't know what to do ((I thought to divorce, but I don't want to leave a child without a father, and my husband is a pity, so he is a great person when he does not drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so much and only reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now it does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I duplicate just in case - link to the article..

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why sell on the Internet?

    Jules26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? On the Internet is sold, because shops and pharmacies put their markup of the brutal. To the same payment only after receiving, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And on the Internet now everything is sold - from clothes to televisions and furniture.

    Edition response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through the pharmacy network and retail Stores To avoid overpriced prices. To date, order only on official website. Be healthy!

Page 17 of 22

Alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicism

In the group of mental disorders arising from the use of psychoactive substances (that is, such that, even in one-time reception, cause the euphoria desired for the consumer, the excitation, activity and other psycho-emotional states, and in the abuse of them - mental and physical dependence), highly distinguish chronic alcoholism, Drug addiction, toxication. This is primarily due to the fact that mental changes caused by these diseases are noticeably violating the social stabilization of society. The share of the subjects who committed unlawful actions in a state of intoxication and passing in connection with the "incorrect behavior" of forensic psychiatric examination reaches one third. The most criminogenic is the asocial behavior with a simple and pathological alcohol intoxication, launched forms of chronic alcoholism, alcoholic and addicts of psychosis.

Alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicism are the progressive chronic mental diseases of non-psychotic etiology, artificially called and are widespread. In these diseases, persons gradually appear mental dependence on psychoactive substances, to which physical dependence is joined, and the pathological attraction to their reception and change in the reactivity of the body, and in the absence of a repeated reception of these substances, is heavily portable abstineent status ("Tinting" syndrome).

Patients are gradually formingly forming vegetary, somatonevological and psychopathological disorders, specific personality changes and their corresponding behavioral reactions. Among the latter, the desire to get and take alcohol (drugs) or other substances, ignoring the moral and material interests of the family and moral and ethical restrictions of society. Ultimately, such persons have increasing social and labor deadaption, which largely contributes to the growth of offenses and their severity. In remote stages, as the progression of alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicizing, psychiatrists are stated in this group of patients (as a result of long and chronic intoxication effects on the organism of ethanol, drugs and toxic substances) organic lesion of the brain and as a result of this increasing dementia.

Alcoholism. The greatest difficulty is to establish a diagnosis of simple or pathological intoxication, which is determined mainly by clinical manifestations, while laboratory studies have only auxiliary value.

Based on easy intoxication There are certain mental and somatoneurological disorders arising from the reception of even a small dose of alcohol. Alcohol selectively depresses primarily the central nervous system, violates the normal course of physiological processes of braking and excitement, determining this person's behavior. At the same time, the degree of intoxication depends not so much on the amount of accepted alcohol, as from the state of the body, functionality Brain, addiction to alcohol-containing drinks, method of its introduction to the body and a number of other reasons.

A simple alcohol intoxication has a certain mental, neurological and somatic dynamics, on the clinical features of which litigation psychiatrists give a medical conclusion.

Easy intoxication is often found in forensic psychiatric expert practice, and the solution of the amount of be charges does not cause difficulties, since such persons have a long time with contacts with external stimuli, the ability to critically perceive the situation, to realize the nature and public danger of their actions and lead them. They do not develop psychotic states (in the form of a twilight permanent of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations) and therefore they are subject to criminal liability (Art. 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Pathological intoxication It occurs only in some cases in individuals, as a rule, non-regular alcohol, in the past suffering injuries or diseases of the brain and considered mentally healthy persons, in conditions of emotional stress, overwork, chronic lack of sleep, uncertainty, fearlessness. It is based on rather complex psychophysiological mechanisms, including in the internal molecular level. This is a qualitatively different painful state of the psyche than with a simple alcoholic intoxication, which requires another (besides medical and legal) approach. This species Inxication is possible literally a few minutes after taking alcohol and is usually regardless of the adopted dose. Forensic psychiatrists in their retrospective studies, as a rule, establish that the oxanese after a while after taking alcohol, unexpectedly for others became anxious, confused, detached, inaccessible to what? Or contacts. Movement and Pose acquired a defensive nature due to the fact that the reality began to inspire them the scoring horror.

As a result of acute alcohol intoxication, such a person comes a briefly occurring psychotic disorder with a deep twilight permanent of consciousness, delirious and hallucinatory experiences and arising from this inadequate behavior, in many ways depending on the characterological characteristics of the individual. But motor excitement usually suddenly (in a few minutes) ends, goes into a state of physical weakness, and then into sleep with the subsequent amnesia of the events occurring.

With a forensic psychiatric examination, doctors, analyzing pathological intoxication, diagnose it as a rapid psychotic disorder in the form of psychosis and recognize such subeeration unbearable for a perfect act.

In social plan chronic alcoholism It is considered as the unlimited use of alcoholic beverages, leading to violations of behavior of life and society, which causes noticeable damage to the health, moral and moral and material welfare of the family. In medical terms, alcoholism is a disease that leads to pathological changes in internal organs (liver, heart, pancreas), nervous system and selectively brain. On the mental sphere, alcohol has a relaxing (relaxing, removable voltage), euphorizing and partly sedative (soothing) action. The need for such an effect is more peculiar to persons, poorly adapted, with neurotic and psychopathological characteristic features. At the same time, the importance of microenvironment, education, traditions, mental and physical overvoltage, psychotrauming situations are important. The causes of alcoholism are also (conditionally) heredity, a variety of metabolic (exchange) disorders of internal organs, some physiological disorders, primarily the autonomic nervous system. In its development, there are three consecutive stages:

- initial (compensated) with neurasthenic symptomatics and mental dependence on alcohol;

- medium (subcompensated) with attachment to functional changes in organic symptoms, the appearance of physical dependence on alcohol, abstineent (furious) syndrome (alcohol psychosis is already possible);

- severe (decompensated) with irreversible somatonevological disorders (dementia and disintegration of personality), phenomena of mental and social degradation, the emergence of chronic hallucinations and other psychopathological disorders.

In the analysis of acts of forensic psychiatric examinations of patients with alcoholism lawyers, it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the intensification of instinctive mechanisms (primitivism in their implementation) is at the heart of the offenses (primitivism in their implementation), increased suspicion (acquiring painful character), the pointed personality characteristics (straightness, consideration), The emergence of a number of new ones, to alcoholism of the damns of them (falsehood, cynicism, cruelty, etc.), which significantly affect the intent and the nature of the action of actions (often aggressive, meaningless and unpredictable).

The forensic psychiatric assessment of patients with chronic alcoholism is not relieved. Due to the fact that the disease itself (alcoholism) does not deprive their ability to realize the actual nature and public danger of their actions (inaction) and lead them, these persons are admitted by the accumulated offenses (part 1 of Article 97 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 2 of Art. 99 Criminal Code). Exceptions are those cases where alcoholism is combined with severe atherosclerosis of the brain vessels or age involutional changes that have taken the nature of pronounced dementia (dementia).

Alcoholic psychosis are complications of chronic alcoholism. They can be provoked: various psychodias (including a criminogenic situation, arrest, consequence, content in the detention facility, etc.); forced abstinence from the usual and regular admission of alcohol-containing drinks; In more rare cases - massive alcohol intoxication at the peak of the bobby. Most often in legal practice are found (depending on the prevailing symptoms), the following acute alcohol psychoses: Delium (white hot), acute hallicosis and paranoid. The behavior of such patients during psychosis is due to the confusion of consciousness and adequately hallucinatorially? Nonsense experiences, which determine the nature of their motor activity and can cause concerns about the life of the patient and others. In such a state, the awareness of the actual nature and the public danger of their actions and the possibility of leading them (that is, the criticism and will) have no. Therefore, persons who have undergone alcohol psychosis during the period of incriminated acts are recognized as insane.

In court? Investigative practice there are offenders and with such an alcohol disease such as true blind (dipsomania). This is an approached painful and insurmountable attraction to alcohol and its surrogates, to which longing, paranoid mood, olfactory hallucinations and other psychopathological symptoms can be joined, leading to aggression.

With a forensic psychiatric analysis of dipsomania, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of an acute attack of congenital biological dependence (insufficiency) to the endogenic ethanol (produced by the body) and the recognition of such patients during the attack ineffable, and outside the feed - sane for the acts perfect.

Addiction. This is a group of diseases united by painful addiction (addiction), as a rule, to non-medical reception of narcotic drugs, which are attributed to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to the list of narcotic substances. In Russia, Morphine, Obanopon, Codeine, Poppy, Hemp, Hemp, Synthetic substitutes (Promedol, Fentanyl, LSD), Stimulators (primanttin, caffeine) received the greatest distribution. They have a specific impact (stimulating, euphorizing, sedative, hallucinatory, etc.) on the central nervous system. Medicinal and other chemicals not included in this list (including " folk remedies"), Refer to toxic, and caused by them are called toxic acids; Despite the fact that they have a number of narcotic properties, the social danger of their abuse is not so high. This division is quite conditionally and is mainly legal.

Addiction - The general name of a group of diseases manifested by pathological, irresistible imposition to a constant reception in increasing doses of narcotic drugs and substances due to a persistent mental and physical dependence on them with the development of abstinence during the termination of their reception.

Drug addiction is characterized by unfavorable mental, somatic and social consequences. This is especially manifested in the period of forced abstinence from the usual drug intake. Drug addicts psychic and physical dependence on drugs are revealed, the desire to increase the dose (increase tolerance) to obtain even greater euphoria, compolution, good mood, tide of strength, ease, abundance from the world and emerging problems. Hence the painful need for re-taking drugs and active actions aimed at acquiring them. All this leads to a pointed personality traits, somatonevological and mental disorders, and then to mental, biological and social degradation. Often, psychiatrists are diagnosed with psychotic states with the twilight permanent of consciousness, nonsense, hallucinations and other manifestations of psyche disorders.

Psychiatras also found that drugs cause noticeable changes in oral speech. At their admission and acute intoxication and, accordingly, pleasant excitement and euphoria, there is a tendency to quickly speech, consuming jargon expressions, a manic strengthening of defects in pronunciation, flat humor, cynicism, junning, etc. for abstitented phenomena (during the the usual dose) And accordingly, the depression is noted slowing the speech pace, the evil response to comments (inadequate in form and intensity), "severe speech".

Another important diagnostic criterion are defects of written and oral speech from drug addicts. Experts' criminalists note that their handwriting is characterized by well-defined changes consisting of common and private signs. So, under the action of drugs - the feelings of "complacent and euphoria" - the handwriting is noticeably improved, when the effect of the drug is stopped (there are abstineent changes), it "flies", becomes uneven, "nervous", sharp, with plenty of damage to paper, blots , Kleaks, etc. At the same time, the disorder (change) of the handwriting under the influence of narcotic drugs also depends on the type of the highest nervous activity and the mental state of the person, from the preliminary reception of sleeping and "soothing" medicinal preparations. As established, the latter relax psychomotor and muscle analyzers and have a certain impact on high-quality and quantitative signs of the handwriting.

The main objective method of determining the narcotic substances and their alcoholoids (as well as alcohol, and other "potent" substances) is chromatographic and spectral analyzes, as well as a radioimmunochemical method. In the narcological institutions of health authorities to define drugs in dry form, express is used? Method. In addition, for the diagnosis of narcotic intoxication in people suspected of drug intake or toxic substances, these institutions use new imported and domestic devices with which they determine the presence of narcotic drugs in the blood and the urine of the surveyed. In this regard, the recognition of drug addicts using the above criteria (by appearance, changes in oral and written speech, clinical data, results laboratory studies) It is important for improvement of operational? search activities, developing investigative versions, building charges or protection in court. As defined by the officers of the investigation, prosecutor's office, vessels and advocacy (in the course of personal contact or observation), painful signs of drug addiction should be considered as subjective, having a supporting importance, since for the diagnosis of drug addiction, it is necessary for an examination only in a psychiatrist or psychiatrist? Narcologist. Diagnosis of clinical symptoms in the process of dynamic flow (and not in statics) of the mental illness of non-psychotic etiology (which is drug addiction) refers to objective research and is recognized by the courts as a type of evidence.

When analyzing the forensic psychiatric opinions of persons who committed crimes in a state of intoxication by narcotic drugs, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is usually recognized by the sane. Cases of offenses associated directly with acute intoxication of drugs are extremely rare (from? For the serious somatic and mental state of drug addicts and their helplessness at this time).

Only acts committed by them in psychotic states (twilight permanent of consciousness, delusions and hallucinations) or with deep changes in personality (degradation) and pronounced dementia, force experts? Psychiatrists recognize them insane and directly forced treatment into psychiatric hospitals.

Persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction complicate the conclusion of marriage. Family, housing and property transactions. In the civil procedure, examination of their capacity is certain difficulties. Therefore, civil legislation allows for the possibility of limiting their legal capacity (Article 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the establishment of a guardianship. The court, making a definition about this, all the questions solve individually, taking into account the behavior of these persons, data submitted by drug psychiatras and their mental state, degradation degree, and the possibility of medico? Social rehabilitation.

According to the terminology of the World Health Organization (WHO): Drugs - funds causing a mental or physical (or both species) dependence.

A substances that cause alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicism, in aggregate, can be called narcotic substances, because, despite the difference in the mechanism of action, the course of the disease proceeds quite similarly.

W. healthy manFirstly acquainted to the narcotic dope, Euphoria usually does not happen. There is a violent reaction of the rejection and signs of poisoning: headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. In addition, other reactions arise, depending both from the specific features of the drug, and from individual tolerance. A cough, reinforced heartbeat, cold sweat, hallucinations, a feeling of anxiety and even the fear of death, which often go into oblivion and sleep can appear. However, in subsequent receptions, these phenomena pass and the first stage of the disease occurs.

Alcohol, nicotine and other nourished substances affect the nervous system in different ways. Nicotine disrupts the nerve nodes of the vegetative nervous system, alcohol is striking the brain, a number of drugs violates the nervous conductivity of the intermediate brain, etc. But all these substances are capable of violating the work of emotional centers. In some cases, they cause the condition of calmness, in others - the state of fun, euphoria, and such a state becomes the need of a person.

The second feature of alcohol, drugs and substances causing toxicizing is that with repeated consumption they are able to be included in the metabolism. The metabolism is violated. That is why in the far stamed stages of the disease, deprivation of alcohol, drug or substance led to toxicizing, causes severe disorders in a patient, and not only mental, but also bodily unbearable headaches, back pain, spine, joints. For each substance, these sensations are different, the general is that they arise when the man of usual potion is deprived.

Alcoholism - This is a form of chemical dependence, differing from drug addiction by the fact that alcohol is a legal substance. The most important feature of alcoholism is that the sick person cannot conclude that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it.

Alcoholism is a disease of chemical dependence with the same features as drug addiction, and affects all spheres of human essence.

Alcoholism is a disease:

  • 1) primary, i.e. not a symptom or consequence of another disease;
  • 2) progressive;
  • 3) chronic (long);
  • 4) incurable;
  • 5) deadly.

"Prelude" alcoholism is drunkenness - first moderate, then chronic. In this case, ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is converted in the process of metabolism. Alcohol flowing through the digestive tract disintegrates to a poisonous acetaldehyde and has devastating effects on cells and organs.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is its denial (denies both sore and close). The disease is incurable, but it is possible to delay its development and improve the condition if the patient is ready to take responsibility for his recovery and change itself.

Alcoholism is caused by the abuse of drinks containing ethyl alcohol. Usually alcohol acts in fairly large doses, calculated by dozens of grams. Alcohol is primarily a nerve poison, but it acts on other organ systems. It disrupts the permeability of cell membranes, causes the restructuring of enzyme systems, excites or slows down the whole ensembles of nerve cells, disrupts the work of the liver and kidneys. At the level of a holistic organism, alcohol affects the function of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, violates the regulation of organs and human behavior. Under the influence of alcohol, energy exchange is significantly rebuilt. In patients with alcoholism, ethyl alcohol is used as an energy substance, and glucose is processed into fat. Hence the obesity of the heart and the vessels adjacent to it. The heart of alcoholics may differ big sizesbut weak efficiency.

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and after all, it is based on the formation of ATP (adenosyntrifyphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body), detoxification (neutralization) of poisons and much more.

Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing organism. Those doses that are acceptable to adult for young people can become fatal. Alcoholic intoxication occurs more often and faster. With the behavior of the brain, irreversible phenomena can occur capable of leading disabilities and death.

Alcohol abuse leads to the degradation of a person, makes a person mentally unbalanced. 70% of crimes against the person committed in a state of alcohol intoxication. These are the most severe social consequences of alcohol addiction.

In recent years, the consumption of low alcohol drinks and beers has significantly increased. But the passion for beer can also lead to grave consequences for a number of reasons. First, the beer is made using the so-called artificial (cultural) yeast. And the components of these yeast cause the human brain defeat leads to cancer, it is proven by research by US scientists, Canada, Germany. Secondly, frequent and unlimited use of beer leads to obesity of the liver (physicians have an expression - "beer liver"), then there is an accumulation of fats throughout the body, i.e. Obesity comes. These processes are enhanced when conducting a sedentary lifestyle, in urban conditions.

Addiction - This is a severe disease caused by the abuse of narcotic substances and acquired by the pathological dependence of the organism from soothing, foaming, immersing in the vision of substances (drugs). Moreover, appearing once, the mechanism of drug dependence acts constantly.

After the collapse of the USSR, many borders of Russia with the former fraternal republics became transparent, conditional. As a result, from Afghanistan through Kazakhstan (the border with Russia is 7,500 km) the flow of drugs hurried to Russia. As a result, the mass distribution and use of drugs of all types, which took the scale of national disaster began.

Drug addiction is a disease. Alcoholics children are 4 times more often than other people with alcoholism and drug addiction. The presence of heredity proves that a sick person in the process of drinking alcohol or drugs occur in the biological level. Drug addiction or alcoholism cannot be cured by a simple drug change or alcohol alcohol. In the process of drug use and alcohol, a person develops mental protection that does not give him to see and correctly explain what happens to him.

The main protection in chemical dependence is denial. The sick person himself does not suspect that it happens to him, and even wanting to stop the use of drugs, can not change what it has no idea. The main change in the spiritual sphere is the loss of the meaning of life, the emergence of the feeling of its own worthlessness. The drug addicts themselves note that the use of drugs in itself becomes the only meaning of life. For them, it is more important than studying, work, sex, relationship with loved ones and much more.

Most people suffering from problems caused by drug use, believe that it is enough to stop their use and life will be improved. Here and the main paradox of chemical dependence is manifested here: to restore its life and recover, it is necessary to remain clean and sober, and the damage caused by drug use does not allow such a lifestyle. The most frequent consequences of drug use for physical health are diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, psychosis, epilepsy, etc. develop depression, feelings of guilt, powerlessness, hopelessness, resentment and indignation. Sprieval qualities are violated: apathy appears, the loss of the meaning of life, the person begins to feel hostility of the surrounding world.

The social consequences of drug addiction is the addiction drug addict from the drug seller, the extraction of money is not labor, and sometimes completely criminal. Treatment of drug addicts and the content of their sick children is a severe social burden. Moreover, treatment of drug addiction is a process of long and expensive.

Toxicomia - The disease characterized by pathological addiction to substances not considered as drugs.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization under the toxicomicia (drug addiction), it means a state of periodic or chronic intoxication caused by natural or synthetic substance, dangerous to individual and society. This state is characterized by impulse to this substance, the tendency to increase the dose of this substance, as well as the mental (and sometimes physical) dependence on the effect of this substance.

Drug addiction and toxicism are developing very quickly, growing from a short-term habit of consuming substances that change consciousness.

There are three main types of changes in consciousness:

  • 1) illusion. A man begins to perceive reality modified;
  • 2) hallucination. A person begins to get sensations from what does not really exist. There are visual, hearing, tactile, olfactory, taste hallucinations;
  • 3) rave. This is an incorrect explanation of the actual events that occur, while there are false ideas about the device of the world.

According to the impact of substance, changing consciousness, are divided into three main groups:

  • 1) stimulants. These are cocaine and amphetamines, a number of medical preparations, ephedrine derivatives, caffeine and nicotine, substances used to reduce appetite;
  • 2) antidepressants. These include soothing and hypnotic drugs, all substances of the opium group (opiates and opioids) and alcohol;
  • 3) hallucinogens. This is LSD (applied to the United States when checking on the "lies detector"), marijuana, "Ecstasy", ketamine, some medical drugs possessing side hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogens are also contained in some mushrooms and cacti.

The use of any of these substances leads a person to the appearance of addiction. One of the main causes of drug use and toxicization, despite the harmful consequences, is the development of chemical dependence.

Chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicism, tobacocco) is a primary, chronic, progressive and often fatal disease with hereditary, psychological and social factors affecting its development.

Substances that change the consciousness affect the functioning of human body systems, giving it an inappropriate reality level of sensations; When a person is ill (drug addiction), the drug use becomes not just a desire, but the need, since without drugs does not feel the desired level of comfort.

Negative phenomena generated by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, makes a big danger to society. Alcohol consumption primarily affects the health of people. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development of somatic and mental illness, and this is one of the causes of death mortality.

The frequency of accidents and injuries in men who consume alcohol are higher than that of the entire male population of the country. Alcoholics there is a decrease in ability to work, deterioration of labor discipline. Drinking also determines the high level of crime. Drunk drivers and pedestrians are the culprits of most accidents.

Drug addiction is not smaller, but rather, on the contrary, the degree than drunkenness accompanies crime, because, first of all, in order to make drugs or means for their acquisition, the drug addicts make serious and especially serious mercenary and mercenary crimes. Secondly, drug addicts often commit crimes under the direct impact of drugs on the psyche.

The relationship of drug addiction and crime is also manifested in the commission of unlawful actions related to illegal drug transactions (manufacturing, storage, sales, acquisition).

The study of medical aspects of drug addiction, toxicizing, alcoholism allows us to talk about their common legal nature, and, as a result, the unity of measures to combat these phenomena and their prevention.

Anti-drug propaganda in schools and other educational institutions Must be conducted regularly and purposefully. Its main tasks are the warning of young people about the harmful effects of drugs and the creation of narcotic sustainability. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in recent times the drug dealers seek to teach young people to drugs through smoking of ordinary cigarettes with a filling of narcotic substances. Thus, it is imperceptible to addiction to drugs to complete drug addiction.