Comic characteristics on teacher's day. Scene-Congratulations on Teacher's Day "School Oscar"

Teacher's Day is the best reason to original and beautifully congratulate expensive teachers with a professional holiday. In addition to traditional wishes in verses and prose, bouquets and postcards, you can also congratulate the teachers with the help of a concert in the performance of children. Most often, the basis of such an event on the day of the teacher, funny contests, games and nominations. Moreover, it can be both the movable options that are ideal for the gym or street, and quiet games at the table. And so that after fun entertainment, please our favorite teachers with unusual gifts can be arranged for them. comic nomination With ridiculous names and award. Next, we offer you examples of competitions, games and a nomination that are ideal for the celebration of the Teacher's Day at school.

The most funny contests for the teacher's day are very funny ideas for teachers and children.

Funny competitions for the teacher's day with funny tasks love both teachers and children. Such comic competitions always raise the mood to all participants and viewers, help to make festive event Dynamic and interesting. Options for funny competitions for the day of the teacher, a great set. It can be both team competitions between teachers and students and individual contests, where everyone for himself. As for the subject, it is the most diverse. You can use exclusively school theme, but you can choose original contests For creativity, speed, smelting, etc. The main condition - contests must be fun, short and diverse. You can also prepare small funny prizes for teachers for participation.

Ideas for cool and funny competitions for teacher's day performed by children

"Tongue Twisters"

A very simple contest - you need to quickly pronounce the patter. First, the presenter sets teacher participants pretty simple examples, gradually reading more complex options Cleaners. That teacher wins, who has better diction.

"School program"

Lead Specifies participants Caverzny questions from school program different items. The task of each participant in a short time to give the maximum number of correct answers.

"Create that we want"

Each teacher is issued a set of markers and sheets of paper. The presenter reads the definition of any object and participants should block something similar to the speed. For example, the task may be said to draw something black, round and heavy, and teachers must depict a stone or something similar.

"No emotions"

A very simple and funny competition, in which teachers and children participate. The task of the teacher is to sit with a stone expression of the face and not give in to emotions, right as on an important control work. Pupils at this time are trying to laugh in every way teacher, building funny faces. The teacher wins the teacher who will remain unmatched longer than his colleagues.

"He did not decide"

The lead in turn sets the funny questions to which participants should answer. At the same time, it is impossible to answer "yes" or "no" and one who violates this basic rule is immediately eliminated from the competition. Questions can be the most different, but the main thing they must encourage to give an unequivocal answer and read them quickly.

Cheerful and moving games for teacher's day for children and teachers - examples and ideas

Children and teachers can participate in merry and moving games for the teacher's day. Usually they are broken into two teams who compete for the victory among themselves. But you can also crash in classes or on the principle of boys / girls, if there is a sufficient number of men among teachers. As a rule, such active games are conducted in nature or in the gym. Among the most popular options can be noted sports relay. Also adapt to a school holiday can be adapted and traditional fair games: pulling the rope, running in bags, with teeth with water from water, etc.

Examples of cheerful moving games for teacher's day for children and teachers

As examples merry games You can also give active command quests. Quests format is very simple: Participants are divided into teams, tasks are issued in stages (new after the completion of the previous one), the tasks should be on the smelter and speed. For example, if the holiday passes on a large area, then you can give small riddles tasks, the answers to which should be hidden in secluded places. This game is best carried out in nature, for example, in the park.

If we talk about a more traditional format of the celebration of the Teacher's Day - a school concert, then you can implement interesting games. For example, you can play a little in all your favorite folk Games: handkerchiefs, bell, rods, etc. Surely many teachers will be pleased to feel carefree again, as in childhood. This can also attribute classics, labrencules, rinses - games, familiar and adored not by one generation. And so that they are more suitable for this event, they can be slightly removed under competitions.

Comic and funny nominations for teachers for the holiday day of the teacher - the best options

As part of the celebration of the Teacher's Day, comic and funny nominations for teachers are actively used. Usually, at the end of the event, a leading student announces the ceremony of awarding teachers for their professional progress. In each nomination, one teacher is defeated, to whom a comic medal and diploma, indicating its category. As a rule, at the ceremony, absolutely all teachers, as well as director, heads, psychologist, speech therapist and other members of the pedagogical team.

The main chip of such a ceremony is comic nominations that it is important to choose individually under each teacher. Also, do not forget that the names must be ridiculous, but not offensive. It is good to add a nomination to solemn music, balls and other attributes of festive award.

Cool options for comic nominations for teachers' day holiday

As for the names themselves, here you can turn on the fantasy to the full coil! We give a few examples that are relevant for the class teacher: "Well, a very cool lady", "the most cool teacher", "first-class man of the year", etc. Here are some more options for nominations for different teachers:

  • director - "Queen-Mother", "Tsar-Batyushka"
  • zapada - "Miss Marple", "Sherlock Holmes"
  • mathematics teacher - "Queen / King of Integrals"
  • history teacher - "Keeper Knowledge"
  • physics teacher - " Best friend Ohm and Newton "
  • the teacher of the Russian language and literature - "Great and Mighty"
  • teacher of English language - "Representative of the British Empire"
  • chemistry teacher - "The biggest fan / fan of Mendeleev"
  • biology teacher - "The faithful follower of Darwin"

Contests, games and nominations for the teacher's day are funny and funny entertainment for children and teachers who make a holiday truly fun and joyful. Especially funny is the award of teachers on comic nominations, whose name come up with the disciples themselves. Movable competitions in nature or in the gym always contribute to the establishment of a friendly atmosphere, and the intellectual ones at the table help the participants develop and better recognize each other!

Your students are graduation. This is an exciting and touching event. It is difficult and simple, this is the law of life. New students will come to you and everything will be a bit in a new way, but a little old. And now the graduation, and therefore is a holiday. Comic nominations are prepared not only for graduates, but also for teachers. They can be distributed both at the graduation party and in a narrow teacher's circle.

"From the smile will be all light"
The leader in the nomination "From a smile will be all light" - the smaling teacher. Her smile can compete with the smile of the sun. From her smile not only lighter, but also warmer. Let this smile over the years will be only better.

"Cool lady"
Well, of course, she is cool! Strict, knowing, fair. In short, cool. Cool in everything. We love her very much for her kindness and skills, for her beauty and decency. Leadership in the nomination "Class Lady" we give to her.

"Star style"
This teacher is not invited to the transfer "Fashion sentence." He is so dressed with the needle. The style of his clothes can be called Star. He is always flawless. Championship in the "Star style" nomination for a teacher who loving fashionable clothes.

"Early bird"
She comes to school before everyone. Previously, she wake up, probably, only birds that need to sing their wonderful morning song. To find yourself in school in the early morning. Textbooks and globes, school boards and parties are still sleeping. But soon active life will begin ...

Golden Fund
Palm Championship in this nomination can be given to the teacher, the pedagogical experience of which is quite large. She taught even when there were no technical innovations. She was always taught with the soul, worried about his graduates. All my life, this teacher dedicated to school.

"Running on the waves"
The winner in this nomination can be a physician teacher. It is a physics teacher knows everything about the waves. Such difficult but necessary necessary.

"Creative person"
Creativity is her horse. To any question she fits no standard, creatively, with a light. What would you think about this? To be clear, fresh, non-standard. She plays incredible scenes with students, puts performances. And in her head there is always a lot of ideas.

"From point A to point b"
From the mouth of which teacher, we constantly heard these words? Of course, from the mouth of a mathematics teacher. Mathematics - Queen of all sciences. And for us, the teacher of mathematics is a real queen. Wise, competent, understanding. The winner in the nomination "From point A to point B" - our favorite teacher of mathematics.

"Big Umnets"
And she (or he) really big clever. And the teacher is good, and in the campaign with us always, and at the birthday of the birth. She seemed to be along with us. But we never forget that she is a teacher. Home tasks on this subject pupils are always performed with special zeal. We give her the championship in the nomination - "big clever".

"National Treasure"
The winner in this nomination can be the director of the school, honored teacher of Russia, or just a teacher with solid pedagogical experience. She teaches not only children, but also young teachers. It is always interesting with her.

"You are my melody"
Without a doubt, there is a person who sings well in the pedagogical team. And this does not have to be a teacher of singing, it may be a chemistry teacher, and a teacher of junior classes. The main thing is that this person sings with a soul. He wins the nomination "You are my melody."

These comic nominations for teachers I wrote for graduation, but they can also be used on the last call, to congratulate the teachers to their holiday - the day of the teacher, on the birthday of a particular teacher, at the school week of physics (and other items).

The nomination to teachers can be announced, you can write on, or enter into a frivolous diploma, or develop the idea and do. In short, the choice is wide. I am writing, and you adapt to your situation.

Again, I ask: do not pay attention to the sequence of a list at all - as it has been composed, and wrote. This, by the way, is always good: when there are thoughts and ideas - write down all the stream. As soon as you start to rank, sorted - everything, Muse is gone! If, in general, came

Teachers nominate students

(declare, hand awarded) or school leadership. From the mouth of the graduates it will sound more interesting. Like that:

The winner of the nomination "Queen - Mother" for the authority inherent in the queen, and the mother, as well as for the royal patience and maternal concern is the Lydia Vasilievna Ivanov, director of our school. If, we would suddenly forget to declare this, Dear Lydia Vasilyevna would automatically become the winner of the nomination "I did not understand!" And then we no longer know where they were))

It would be nice to combine with the presentation of colors and gifts. And so on in the same vein directly on the list:

Cool leader (woman) - Oooooochin cool lady

Cool leader (man without mustache) - Hero of our time

Cool leader (man with a mustache) - Mustache nyan 11th-and

1st teacher - Second Mom

School Director (Woman) - Queen Mother

School Director (Male) - The King of All Russia on a separate area

- Teachers teaching:

Chemistry - teach chemisy, quickly and efficiently

Native language and literature - ownership of the word and language

Biology - no doubt

Mathematics - Lobachevsky is resting

Astronomy - through thorns to the stars

Drawing - what we have to build a house, let's draw - we will live

Drawing - the same beams, only in profile

English - simultaneously with London

French - Made in France

Physical education - tutor Hercules

Geography - around the world for 267 days (academic year), or for what aborigines ate Cook

Physics - Newton and his apples

Story - roll past, or back for knowledge

Informatics - Wrong Bill Gates

Music and singing are our school X factor (for those who are not in the subject: the X-factor is an international singing competition, where almost anyone come to participate.

Labor - work made a monkey man (or - so that a person did not turn into a monkey)

The foundations of military training are not Rio de Janeiro.

Basics of Medical Training - Sister of Mercy

Basics of Economics - Economy Class

Fundamentals of Law - Fans of Femis

Ethics and aesthetics - Legend of Style

Special nomination:

For survival in conditions close to the combat - the class teacher of the most terrible class, which is always frightened by children and parents (although it is often not so terrible, this class).

You can also take a look at and possibly choose something carefully.

Nomination to teachers from our

active reader Mikhail:

Physical education teacher - But the fact that I am a bad athlete does not mean that I and the coach necessarily bad!

Labor training teacher - warrior flight "Monkey - Man"

Astronomy Teacher - Stargotchik

The teacher of history is not any - do not listen (or it means it was so ...)
Mathematics teacher - Mr. X (Mrs. X)
Music Teacher - Troubadur (Trubadurochka)

Class Leader in elementary school - ABVGDIKA
Cool leader of the same class, starting with high School And before the graduation - Yeklmneka (read as "Ykalememan"))))))

If I forgot - write without constraint! Also complement the comic nominations for teachers themselves so that the choice is more.

I make add-ons - thanks to the reader Elena!

Comic nomination for a school psychologist

  • Mrs. Peacemaker (or Mr.)
  • Custodian of childrens secrets
  • Diagnostics - Proofreader - Optimizer. Or optimist?
  • The heirs of Cota Leopold ("Guys, let's live together!")
  • We take hands, friends!
  • Between the hammer and anvil
  • And who promised, what will be easy?
  • Forward to harmony! Or
  • Teacher - Harmonist. Because teaches harmony.

I hope at least one nomination you liked it!

P.S. Dear friends,

Comic nomination for teachers

continues Elena

School teacher, Mom graduates last year and 17 graduates of the current one. And - on pleasant part-time - the grateful reader of my site. His ideas and practical experienceLena is divided into comments under the article. I specifically noted him in bold italics - use it! I invite you to exchange experience in comic nominance


With a nomination for the school director. The nomination in the comments is also highlighted - use, please our director and thank Nastya!


  • Employees of the library - "Lotsmans of the Book Sea" - for the unmistakably laid course to the bookshelf.
  • The guard - "And the mouse does not slip!"
  • Head of the dining room - "Fairy Pan and Skin" - for the ability to prepare almost everything from almost nothing.
  • Technical staff of the school - "Clean and order" - for the courage to demand from the office not only from students and teachers, but also the director.

Evelina (that is, I am author)

  • individual schools
  • their continuation is.

▫ And who appointed him with the prime minister, and ... In addition: nothing will happen. There will be poverty, lies and corruption. SLABNOVNA (Chairman of the Party Apple, Deputy Cares Karelia Emilia Slabunova ... By the way, your colleague in the past, friends) criticized Putin's message` - Karelia, Edition` Rune`.
▫ Thank you.
▫ Grateful to you, Lyudmila Nikolaevna !!!
▫ The many different structures are fed on such cavities and playeries. Both legal and criminal. By the way, the crime also performs its environmental function in society. Retreaty Retired Mikhail Orsky said NSN that traditional crime should be an ally of the authorities in the fight against dangerous ethnic groups. You can relate differently to Putin, but it really broke the ridge of organized crime. However, I do not really understand why to finish remnants? Who will keep the street? Who will control the situation with ethnic crime? I hope this topic is directed against any corruption teams like Arashukov and other voltages of national property, and not against this traditional thickening crime. She has nothing to do with it, "he added. Interlocutor NSN stated that the greatest danger Now represent ethnic criminal groups whose activities are much more difficult to control the state. The thieves have a certain framework, and the state knows what they can do, and what they will not do. Ethnic groupings will come to the change of traditional street Slavic crime. Only they are called clans or earthland. They will not find a common language with law enforcement officers. The same Tajiks, this is the most dangerous ethnic group. They had civil Warand they know what to kill such. On our territory hundreds of thousands of Tajiks. And plus they have a lot of dough, because there is a drug.
▫ Call of love In our life, the most beautiful not for money is bought. The sun shines clear and the moon with the sky with the sky smiling with the sky. The rain is poured on the plowed stripes with generosity abundantly. A gift to the wind strokes our hair, from the oak leaves tear the hand Her husband. With a gift of the root of the birds enjoy, dresses, sunrises, sunsets. With loved ones, we meet, and inhale the air is not for the fee we. The rain is poured on the plowed stripes with generosity abundantly. A gift to the wind strokes our hair, from the oak leaves tear the hand Her husband. I will not pay any coin for a child an unusual, for spouses tender hugs, for love, for the friendship of an immune. But everything is more expensive, gently for us as a gift to God was presented in Jesus Eternal salvation, take and smile fun. Look at how he is inclined to you, and understand that how the light of the sun is clear not at the price of money is bought in our life the most beautiful. The rain is poured on the plowed stripes with generosity abundantly. A gift to the wind strokes our hair, from the oak leaves tear the hand Her husband. The rain is poured on the plowing strips with generosity abundantly! Various the wind strokes our hair, from the oak leaves a hand of Hero strongly !!!

Rud Natalia Anatolyevna, biology teacher and obzh

MBOU SOSH with WEOP No. 8 of Voronezh.

Last call script - 2014

"Ceremony of awarding award" Recognition "

In the proposed scenario, two parts can be distinguished: a solemn ceremony with an invitation of officials and congratulations on graduates for school teachers is a small concert. The presentation of the "Recognition" award allows you to name all those who worked with the classes of teachers and other school employees, thank everyone and congratulate in a short time allotted for the holiday.

The script leaves an opportunity for improvisation (the response word of teachers, parents). Some rooms (from first-graders, from parents) are not spelled out in the scenario, as they were not original and can easily be replaced. The main idea of \u200b\u200b"recognition in love", the image is "heart", the main goal is a warm and touching atmosphere of the holiday. In losses, the songs sound warm words, wishes to teachers and parents.

Slides for screensaver, fanfare, music themes Also allow graduates to express the attitude to what is happening. The premium presented to teachers is framed as a grades. The decoration of the scene and the literactions are made by a common pattern (hands holding multicolored hearts). For the event on this scenario, sound equipment is needed, the projector with the screen to demonstrate the presentation. Before the scene, there is a small table on which all the awards are lying. The presentation of colors teachers are assumed, but it is more convenient to entrust it with graduates not involved in the announcement of nominations.

The script allows you to attract to participate in the holiday a large number of Graduates do not require long rehearsals (except for the waltz), does not require the participants in outstanding acting and singing abilities.

The solemn part scenario will then "echo" with the "last call" scenario - graduates receive certificates for the nominations "Cinema", execute the waltz, in the scene show how the exams were handed over for grade 11, etc.

Several rooms, poems and ligaments, we found in scenarios laid out on various sites and thank their authors.

School songs sound, screensaver on the screen.

Sound fanfare

Lead 1 (music background):

Here he came - the last school day,

And May-wizard, admire yourself

Satisfied generously tender lilac,

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Lead 2.

In the rain or in knowing

But on the deadline

Each new spring

There is the last call.

Lead 1:

He exam seems to

He is like a new dawn,

He sums up

Eleven school years.

Lead 2.

He will signal to the beginning

The main in the life of the steps.

How many promises in it!

He and bitterness of farewell

And hopes Million.

Lead 1:

May Day on the line plays.

Shepts gently in the foliage of the breeze.

In the path of their children

The school will give you the last call.

Leading 2:

There will be a sea of \u200b\u200bguests to worry,

There will be many poems and flowers

Oceans of stormy ovations

We welcome graduates!

Leading 1: Meet the graduates of 2014!

(music sounds,entrance graduates).

Lead 2: 11 A class - classroom teacher Barabash Galina Ivanovna!.

Lead 1: 11 B Class - Class leader of the company Angelica Mitrofanovna.

Lead 2: Attention! We begin the solemn ruler on the end of the school year for students of the 11th grades and the holiday "Last Call".

The right to make the school flag is provided with a student of the 11th Class Harina Yuri and students of 11b class of Gorbunovy Yulia and Skakodub Catherine.

Takeaway flag.

In the execution of the anthem of the Russian Federation, I ask everyone to get up.

Sounds the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Leading 1: I ask everyone to sit down. In this spring day, graduates, parents, teachers, administration, administration, in one word those who were next to you have been gathered at this spring day.

Leading 2: The word for the approval of the order for admission of students of 11 classes to the final certification is provided by the Deputy Director for the educational work of Kurchaginina Lyudmila Ivanovna.


Leading 1: Dear friends, see how many people came today to our holiday to share with you this solemn moment of parting with the school. We provide the word to our guests.

Performance of guests - representatives of the department of youth policy department of the Department of Education, the presentation of the diploma, GTO icons to graduates and teachers.

Leading 2 :

Flying years birds

Do not catch up, do not return.

And you want to learn

Yes, a schoolboy is not.

Leading 1:

Let's give the floor to those who first crossed the school threshold for the first time. The most young residents of our big, noisy school house.

Leading 2: Brew, guys, you word! Welcome!

Speech of first-graders.


The song "Festive Blues" performed by the first grader.

Fanfare, change leading.

Ceremony of awarding award "Recognition"

Lead 3.. Ladies and Gentlemen!

Lead 4.. Ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 3.. Madame and Monsieur!

Lead 4. Dear comrades!

Lead 3.. Senoras and senorites!

Lead 4. Sudari and Sudari!

Lead 3. Citizens and Citizens!

Leading4 : We are glad to welcome you at the solemn ceremony of presenting a premiums of the festival "Recognition"! She is timed to K. an important event In the life of our country - the last call, which will be silent today for 42 of our graduates.
Lead 3:School, wonderful school years. Eleven years ago we came to school with wide eyes, waiting for a miracle. We were similar to the clean white pages on which you, our teachers, wrote our text, created a person.

Leading 4: In these 11 years, a lifetime fitted.

Lead 3:This life would be boring and badly, if we were not accompanied by our teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisers.

Leading 4: Who were the guidance and guiding force of our growing up.

Lead 3:They tried to invest their souls in us without a balance, although we did not always appreciate the good and bright, that I laid the school in us.

Leading 4: But today it seems to us the last opportunity to express all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect for you, our dear teachers.

Leading 3 : So, let me take the recognition ceremony to consider open!

Leading 4:

It all starts with love ...

Spere: "At first there was a word."

And I proclaim again:

It all starts with love!

Everything begins with love:

And insight, and work,

Eyes of flowers, baby eyes

Everything begins with love.

It all starts with love

Dream and fear

Wine and powder.

Tragedy, longing and feat -

Everything begins with love.

R. christmas.

Lead 4.: Waltz graduates are devoted to all winners of our wonderful premium.

Graduates perform waltz "When we leave the school yard ..."

Lead 3:Award "Recognition 2014 ..." will be handed today in 8 nominations:

Lead 4.To determine the winners, an independent jury was formed. The Counting Commission, considering the result, sealed the name of the winner in the envelope.

Lead 3.. So at the moment the names of their laureates - no one knows yet.

Leading 4: For 11 years of study, the school has become our second home, the corner, where we lived truly interesting, young life. But was our second house with hospitable, warm and reliable without his main mistress - director of the school? Would the house in the house, if not our veships?

Leading 3: For the announcement of the laureates in the nomination "School of School, the most economic and responsible students of the 11th grade Harin Yuri and Black Catherine are invited.

Harin: The director of the School of Rodionova Tatyana Yurevna, Deputy Director for Educational Works of Korchagin Lyudmila Ivanovna, Fedorova Irina Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Works of Semenov Dmitry Andreevich, Pedagogue-organizer Chibisov Elena Vladimirovna, are becoming the winners in the nomination. We ask you to go to us!



Director team unites

From storms and troubles protects the whole school,

And you, Tatyana Yurevna, we wish to continue

To shine and burn the enlightenment!



Deputy Director!! How is your hard way!
For moments you do not have a little rest!
We know: for you all the children of smart!
Quiet, beautiful, cunning, terrible, best,
Such here like us!

Lead 3:Could we present eleven years ago what is school life?

Lead 4:And let's remember how it all starts. So, the first of September 2003, the solemn rule.

6 schoolchildren come out

    On this day, too, agitated moms, looking at us, first-graders, carefully plastered folds on our festive clothes, which has been pregnant in just a few hours, pretty to dive and get dirty ....
    2. And asked the same question, at the same time, for some reason, smiling nervously:
    3. - Well, how? Did you like the first day at school?
    All: I liked it!
    4. And what else could we answer?
    5. I, for example, did not say that the new shoes are hisery and very not even green as I wanted ...
    6. I also did not speak mom that this tie, "like dad", I don't need a lot, if you can not wipe the dirty hands about it ...
    7. And the main thing is that from a long seating in one place for me, for example, tingling in certain parts of the body begins. And so ...
    All: We all liked everything!
    1. And flowers, and noise, and turmoil on this day!
    2. But most of all we liked the beautiful, elegant aunt, who immediately approached us and took my hand in a friendly.
    3. She had a name not "educator" as in children's garden, and quite another - "teacher"!
    4. She was completely unfamiliar to us, but I smiled like my own, and us, and our mothers.
    5. Communicating with our teacher every day, we have comprehended, in addition to the school program, simple truths ...
    6. Which morning it would be quite good to come to the lesson in time ...
    1. What should I write not on the desk and not in your hands, but only in the notebook ...
    2. What the elders cannot be understood, and the kids need to protect it ...
    3. And many other wisdom that should know educated person, even such a young age, as a grade 1 student.
    4. No, of course, the parents told us about it ...
    5. But the teacher led all our disheveled knowledge to the system
    6. And now we can proudly say that this system ...
    Everything is working!

Lead 3. For announcement of the "first among the best" nomination, the future teacher is invited primary classes Logacheva Svetlana!

Logacheva: The laureates in the nomination "First among the best" are Dubova Valentina Alekseevna, Lisyanskaya Olga Viktorovna, Perova Olga Dmitrievna!


We thank you for all, you know, probably,

As if the teacher did not teach, for us you are forever - the first!

Primary school teacher: Dear guys, dear graduates! Today you are such beautiful, elegant and very, very adults. And we remember that day when you were beautiful, elegant and completely small. Your hearts turned out to be kindness, hope and faith in the best. It was eleven years ago. Today we want to wish you so that in the future adult life you always accompanied faith, hope, love. And try to keep in your hearts that part of the childhood, the kindness with which you came to the first class. Good luck to you guys!

Lead 3:And after elementary school I went - I went, spinning - twisted.

Leading 4: Lessons, contests, competitions, Olympics. Care and joy, falling and ups.
Lead 3.

The honor to call the laureates in the nomination "Souls of beautiful gusts" fell out the seasura of the Olympiad in the world artistic culture EVTUCH CATERINA.

(Prize is awarded the teachers of the Russian language and literature, history and social studies, world artistic culture).

Evtukhova: Laureates of the Recognition Award in the nomination "Souls are beautiful gusts" become Kazhmin Tatyana Vasilyevna, Biryukova Galina Ivanovna, Lancina Elena Evgenievna!


Dear our teachers!

Thank you for views strict,

For markers fair

For opening happy,

For what you believed in us

For everything you did for us!

Sorry for mistakes.

Your good smiles

And punishes and advice

Leave memories bright.

Leading 3: Name the winners of the Recognition Award in the nomination "What is natural, then beautifully" a student 11b class, a multiple prize-winner of the municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad in the Chemistry of Gorbunov Julia are invited.

(Award is awarded teachers of chemistry, biology, geography).

Gorbunova: In the nomination "What is natural, then beautiful" the winners of Steel Antipkin Natalia Pavlovna, Kolosov Vera Nikolaevna, Borovikov Olga Vladimirovna.

Thank you from the heart of you

For wisdom, for attention,

For experience and knowledge stock,

Patience and understanding!

And, like flowers, always

Let children surround you

My teachers, thank you,

Wonderful there is no you in the world.

Leading 3: Yes, now all teachers seem to be kind and cute.

Leading 4: Yes, now and all students seem to teachers of good, smart and conscious. But even a couple of years ago ...

Leading 3: In order for us to take to study in the 10th mathematical class, it was necessary to somehow survive the exam ...

Scene "Exam in grade 9"

Pupil: Tuk-Tuk, can I?

Teacher 1. What do you want?

Pupil: I am ... Well, the exam came to pass.

Teacher 1. And who are you? Something I do not remember you at all.

Pupil: (puts his head on folded hands, as if sleeping at the desk) That's how?

Teacher 1.. A, Lyn! Well, do you, how did you get ready?

Pupil: Preparing!

Teacher 2.. Well, what did you cook?

Pupil: Song! (Sens):

To the exam in physics

For a long time I was preparing!

I rent today on "three" -

Mom will not be upset!

Teacher 2: Well, all, stop, lunov, pulling ticket. All clear. Taught Einstein's basic law?

Pupil: (negative shakes his head) Yes!

Teacher: Write a formula on the board. So, the energy ... Energy is indicated by the letter E. ( Writes a little E in the middle of the board) Big E. ... (corrected, draws a huge E)... Capital E, so, energy, energy is equal, equal to ... Lyn, how is it equal to? Parallel straight! Yes, not vertical, flashers! Horizontal straight! Energy is the mass, mass M, multiply on S. Young man, did you forget the letter with? Yes not russian c, Latin s! Like Russian with, Es Russian. (Writes es.) Yes, not ES, but with, without er, just sy. (The student writes SM). Oh well. In a square. ( The student draws a square around his records). Yes, not all in a square, with in a square! (The student carries the square C). Well, twice, flashes, in the corner of the two! (The student puts a two to the corner on the board). Let's think about, lzyna, many options!

Teacher 1. Past! Again by! Oh, here! Well, well done, Lyn, you can, if you want. Three! Well, go, my mother will delight.

Leading 4: An authoritative specialist in the field of life safety and physical culture of Batuta Andrei is invited to declare the nomination laureates "Not so scientifically" the "Recognition" school premium.

(Award is awarded physical culture, technology, basics of life safety, iso, music).

Batuta: In the nomination "Not so scientifically, the Corchagin Zinaida Aleksandrovna became unconditional winners, Rud Natalia Anatolyevna, Bukhonova Inna Viktorovna, Natalia Valerievna.


Moving to the goal, doubt without knowing

In the reality of the dreams we paid more than once.

But we must have every victory

People who believed in us.

Let us envy: We believe and we know,

In this envious, our right.

The main thing in this success of the terms

What you taught us all you!

Leading 3: In the nomination "For a huge contribution to a bright future of graduates", the most laureates. They will call them today's wonderful guys Poleniakin Ilya and Kamornik Valery.

In this nomination, in addition to teachers, health workers, librarian, technical staff, psychologist, etc. may be called.


Lists teachers and other school staff.


Here is such an unprecedented and huge nomination!

We invite you to leave those school employees who have been shared by children's joy and anxiety with us for many years. Invested in each particle of their heart, their love, cared for the year, our knowledge and skills grew from year to year, helped us find our place in life ...

You learned to be sensitive, honest, useful and necessary people, own country.

Comannik: Thank you for your hard but noble work and low we bow to you !!

The song "My heart stopped" in the performance of the choir.

We learned each other in two thousand thirds,

When moms for the handle brought us here.

Persons closed big bouquets,

Smiled parents, standing away.

Chorus: My heart stopped,

My heart froze,

My heart has stopped,

My heart froze.

And eleven years flew carelessly,

Even if it seemed to be drawn,

And it's time to say goodbye to the school cardiovascular,

And sorry, of course, if something is wrong.


Behind the resentment, rewards,

Changes, lessons, campaigns,

Tea drinking, games and olympics,

The exams are waiting ahead. One thing is clear:


In this life, we will be able to achieve,

And in the struggle, do not break, reach the end,

Believe - you can be proud of us,

Our hearts are fighting in your hands.


I will see what once only dreamed,

I say goodbye to the school, my childhood passed.

My heart has stopped…

A little moved ...

And again went !!!

And my heart stopped, my heart froze ..

And my heart Asta La Vista, my heart froze ...

Lead 3:Graduates want to celebrate the special prize of teachers who are distinguished by special love for children. Laureates in the nomination "Go away to return" will call the favorite of many teachers Smygol Anastasia . (Nomination for teachers staying on maternity leave).

Schegol: Cyrilova Marina Nikolaevna, Plescheyev Victoria Viktorovna, Maksimova Natalia Valerievna become the winners in this particular nomination "to go back to return". Marina Nikolaevna We have waited, and your return, Natalia Valeryevna, Victoria Viktorovna, Tamara Egorovna, waiting for junior schoolchildren, and school staff.

There are saint and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly indicated in the ages:

The most beautiful of women -

Woman with baby on hands.

S. Ostrovsky.


Beautiful Hall, favorite guys,

Spring came again, again.

And the school spirit of the holiday is embraced.

The bell is the latter soon silent for you.

Yesterday I was a cool lady,

You were schoolchildren, my students.

Now I just doubled mom,

And you are now graduates.

I wish you, friends, achieve goals,

Go ahead without knowing obstacles

All get what they wanted

I am sure that the university will be happy to teach you.

Leading 3:

The honor of calling the laureates in the most mysterious nomination "The Most Cool Mom" \u200b\u200bgot indispensable assistants - Avdeeva Christine and Smirnova Yulia!

Avdeeva: Barabash Galina Ivanovna and Sovotorov Angelica Mitrofanovna becomes laureates of the award.

Reads by a recitative for rhythmic music (rap).


You need us all!
You need you more than a change call,
Need than in mathematics examples and divides
You need you more than the theorem Pythagora,
More more than in Voltmeters and ampere physics
You need us all!

How will I be without you?

How I will without you - I do not know guys.

Without maiden disputes, without legal jokes,

I agree in the summer to work and even without salary,

If only I would again be rebuilding with Lynov.

I will not do, honestly, not a single comment,

When Polclass again goes to competition.

What a pity that there were deadlines for communication.

Stay as a computer without motherboard,

How will I be without you?


You need you than for boys food,
Than after physical education to all water,
Than on the examination the ability to write off,
Than for a psychologist warm and caress
And than for Gleb sandwich with a sausage!

And how will I be without you?

And how do I do not know without you, guys,

Without delays of the skodube and coleshove coles,

Without our tea drinking, cakes, salads,

No balls, newspapers and ballerinas wing!

No one like you can congratulate with New Year,

Although there is still a lot of good people at school,

Original and cool, and warm and yet

Bocharov will no longer say "everything will be fine."

How will I be without you?


You need us than oxygen and water,and even than to sleeparly in the morning,you need you than the queen for the British,

You need you than music for dancing,

you need us all!

Lead 3: So it came to the completion of the "Recognition of Love" awarding ceremony.

Leading 4: But our holiday is not completed.

Leading 3: Recognition in love must definitely hear those who have studied all these years and suffered with us.

Leading 4: Who raised us in the morning to school and handed the notebook with the tasks that were solved for us at night.

Leading 3: They tinted the walls written by the negligent children, and pulled off the linoleum from Zhwakhk,

Leading 4: It was they blossomed for us in front of teachers when we ran away from lessons or received two.

Leading 3: This is proud to look at us today and rejoice that we were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

Leading 4:

Thank you, our moms and dads, for your love, help and support.

Leading 3:

Word for greetings is provided by the parent Filatov Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich.

Congratulations on behalf of parents.

Room from parents.

Song "Mamino Heart"Performed by choir, dance - graduates are invited to dad dance, and graduates - their moms.

Leading 3:

TSS !!!

Solemn graduates

Screamed tear chickens mom

Different calls there are calls,

Now it will sound for us the most important.

Leading 4: The right to give the last call is provided to the winner of the regional stage on the Obzh, the priest of many sports competitions 11 "a" class of Batheu Andrei and a student of 1 class Aksen Alice.

Lead 3: Three seconds, two, one ...

Well, link call, it's time!

Last call.

Song"Last call" performed by all graduates. On the screen - a presentation with photos of their school life.

In the loss - "Salute" from balloons.

Everyone is invited to the courtyard where graduates run balloons and take pictures.