Comic and original congratulations and contests for educators on graduation. Graduate from teacher literature

School time is the best in the life of every person. Only understands people much later than their last bell sound. The most important event For children and parents - graduation! Prepare for him carefully, choose outfits, venue of the celebration, decorate the school with balls and flowers. But the main thing is to graduates. They must be sincere, encouraging to achieve, filled with strength and positive notes. Leave the school sad, but it begins a new interesting and adult life!

Cool mom

After graduating from primary school, the guys fall into the hands of a class teacher. Over the years, she becomes their native, second mom! This woman protects his disciples, helps them in everything, pulls the fourth assessments, arranges extracurricular events. Children turn to the class teacher for any question, for help. It is very important to find with them and tie warm friendships.

Passing together for so many years, the guys sorry to part with their second mom! And it is heavier enough to her. Therefore, touching and causes tears.

Good words

On the day of the graduation, everything is worried without exception: teachers, parents, children, director of school. Speech that classroom teacher will pronounce at a solemn concert, you need to prepare in advance: "Dear my children, love you like relatives! Very hard to let you go to the world of adults. There will not be near me, no one will tell and help in a difficult moment! But you will have to independently put yourself the way to life. The school gave you a lot! You are educated and raised, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities so that we are proud of you. Conquer the peaks, strive for perfection! There will be time - come visit your favorite school and boast your achievements and successes! In a good way, your favorite children! "

Such wishes to graduates in prose will also like their parents. In such an important day it is difficult to choose the words, so you will memorize the phrases in advance.


The school principal is an important person, but the same humane as all the teachers. She is also experiencing for his graduates. What will be to them in the future, will they come to the university, will they be successful in life? Speech and wishes to graduates from directories are a nail of the program. Usually it is a few sentences that have been told with confidence and rigor. After all, it is impossible to lose your face to the director even at the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even the guys from junior classes want to say graduates. The solemn ruler should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, the share of humor in private poems will not be superfluous. Easy syllable and good wishes will not bring sadness on those present.

We wish you all to achieve in life,

Finish the institute, fall in love!

Find decent job

Parents identify care.

You never forget school

On the change at least once a year we run to us.

Doors for relatives are always open,

Pupils of loved ones, gold.

We are proud of you, graduates,

Today have fun from the soul!

Such simple wishes to graduates will enjoy all those present. No guy speeches, only laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Postcard for memory

Graduation ... This day will be remembered by the guys for life. But in order to periodically refresh the memories, give schoolchildren memorable cards. They can be ordered in the nearest printing house or manufacture on their own. Plore the photo of the whole class in the postcard and write down in it wishes to graduates.

Years flew quickly

Heat and rain, thunderstorm, blizzards!

Eleven years you were in the walls of relatives,

Now we accompany you expensive!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and insanely beautiful!

Walk today and have fun

What kind of life you choose,

And to the classroom, do not forget once a year!

Such postcards guys will save together with vignettes and exhaust ribbons. To write down the postcard and wishes to graduates in prose:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day we were waiting for, and were afraid. It's time to let you go into free swimming, and so I do not want! You have grown in our eyes, got smarter and wiser. We are proud of you, waiting for new successes and victories! you strong personalities, confident in yourself and their strength! Create and check! "
  • "Dear Guys! You have not been children for a long time, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We are experiencing for your future and get sick! But still we are confident that you proudly pass your life path and we are more than once we also hear about your victories! "

Such wishes to graduates in prose will like the guys, they will reread them and gain even greater confidence in their power.


It is always difficult to part with the disciples, because teachers get used to them, consider their loves. They, as well as parents, are worried and dream of the best future for them. But on the day of graduation, it is not worth it. Have fun, dance with the guys and meet the dawn. Make more colorful photos, you can later get together a friendly company and consider them. Graduates sound this day without stopping. No longer schoolchildren, but not students - best Period Life guys! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a chic graduation evening!

Graduation Scenario 11 A

(Teacher's response) 2015

    Viewing the magazine "Fitil" video stand.

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

You pleased with the kids

About nice childhood told ...

And we will try to make you aptive

We will be predicted and show

What awaits you in adult life.

So as not to be afraid, we will help

See you all forever ...

1. Like all teachers and sing a song by alteration "City in traffic jams" on the background of the school (photo)

    On the motive of the song "City in traffic jams", Trofim

1) So time to part.

The film is pressed, it's time to say goodbye,

Paved these 10 years ...

What will be interesting there

You walk to the unknown,

You now keep for all the answer.

Here would be now to find yourself in childhood

And careless to look out the window,

So that everything is easy and just

As in the magic cinema.

How strange it is always

It seems to be adults,

And in the head of nonsense,

Dream as children about a miracle ...

And in the head of nonsense,

Dream as children about a miracle ...

2) Frame behind the scenes life flashes.

As actors role playing,

But the script writes each one.

And now we understand

Man always happens

Director of his happiness.

It is a pity it is impossible to return to childhood

So that careless look out the window,

In life is not so easy and simple

As in a happy movie.

How strange it is now

It seems to be adults,

And now in your hands,

Make a great miracle.

And now in your hands,

Make a great miracle.

    Mosfilm presents the feature film "Operation s and other adventures ..."

Video Establishment "Why" s "

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

If you are very lucky, -

Student life awaits

It will be difficult, not everyone will be able to

Let them help you

Series 1: "Student"

Video from the film "Exams"

Scene "Signs"

- I take the ticket right hand

- Do not shave ...

- not to wash your head ...

- Do not change clothes ...

- mIN. and max

- Pyat ...

4. Video Study from the movie "Learn Student!"

2. There are three sites with gifts for children to the music of "Matryoshka ..."

1 Matryoshka -

2 Matryoshka -

3 Matryoshka -

1 Matryoshka

We are elegant, ruddy nesting,

You came to cheer a little.

2 Matryoshka

But first we want to give something -

Guys - graduates bless!

3 Matryoshka

Brought not bagels and not tortillas,

And the heart is a piece of each in his palm!

1 Matryoshka

Every hand is a conspiracy

To get rich, like Scroogeak McDak! (Ring with fives)

2 Matryoshka

So that thanks to the happy patch,

I was lucky how a fool was lucky in a fairy tale! (ring in pyataks)

3 Matryoshka

So that he helped them in the life of personal

And everything would be formed in "excellent" (ringing in the pyataks)

2 Matryoshka

So that all the vertices were able to take

Everybody passed the exams in life to "five" (ring in the pyataks)

3 Matryoshka

And if it is difficult to fighter the heel

In it, our faith, love of our sign! (let's give all the pyataks)

All Matryoshki Choir:

And now I have come a cheerful moment,

See the parent music present!

5. Video Caucasian prisoner "Cries"

3.Rerators execute a song- Alteration

"My heart has stopped"


We calmly lived so, before that summer

On vacation went out, dangled in water,

But it's time for the carefree ended this

And today to take children need to be needed


IU all the heart stopped,

All the heart froze

From the injection again beat

From the tablet again went


Quite by chance, when children rose

And somewhere now all of them need to give, but ...

Happened in the country of restructuring all these

And to children to the institute you need to do everything

And again…


Again the heart stopped,

Again the heart stopped

With Valeriah beat again

With Korvalol again went


And once with you we pulled tickets

Answered the topic sometimes not in foot

In the phone, in general, did not seek the answers,

On the exam you will not take the device

Well, and that that we did not shine in Hollywood,

Do not go through the podium in underwear,

Let us do not take autographs people,

But, but our children have passed everyone


All the heart beat hard

Everyone has a lot of heart

From the injection - stopped

From the pill - froze.



I see what I didn't even dream,

In children, graduation and school end,

But rather, first and heart beat

And end training for our hearts


Again the heart stopped,

Again the heart went strongly,

Again the heart stopped,

And then, suddenly froze

Again the heart stopped,

Again the heart went strongly,

Again the heart stopped,

And then, suddenly froze


Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

In the university you will go or not, -

Waiting for work in front

Can be built, il revenge,

Or in business suddenly go ...

2 series "Work"

6. Video "Who does not work, he eats", "Construction of Papuans"

4.Tannet Papuans on the song "Nose-NOS"

7. Videos "Citizens TUNADETS"

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

So that you choose the right way,

We are ready to tell.

We have a cap let

5. Those of thoughts leading verbician (puts on a cap, a musical fragment sounds)

8. Video Establishment "Ruso Tourist - Found Moral"

6.Thanktskaya "Flamenko"

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

University, work, abroad ...

The heart beats and sings ...

Well, most importantly, of course

Family life awaits you ...

3 series "Family"

9. Video from the film "Afonya" Dating on dancing

7. All Flashmob teachers

10. Video Shurik with a child

8. Square "Karapubuz"

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

Not always lucky all

Life happens and beat ...

Need to believe and want

All to have time and everything will be able to!

9. The song "All Bunch"

Poems I.A. Ribyotsky

So seriously believes children:

The teacher knows about everything in the world.

And children, of course, right,

But in size school program

We see through the walls, we read thoughts,

But - only during school life

Appeats graduation

Sad and cheerful

You meet the world big

Behind the school threshold

All that we knew, we handed you

And now we can trust you

We are ready to watch the series,

If a Katya They will play in them

We do not feel sorry Aishan and Galia

Grandchildren of the vigors to bring you ...

To work the enemies did not interfere,

Our rest Kirill protect

Well, and if the curve does not take out,

And interrupted the life run,

So be, let the reason find out

Our pathologist-anatom Oleg

Life goes amazingly fast

Just managed to say goodbye ...

Look, A. Dasha with Milan Ministers

Enlightenment and Justice

How to make a retirement, so the cow will

How to feed? - I will ask Sasha

I know Sasha will not refuse

In design a new word

Loudly say Vika Orlova

Whose happiness will make up and Vika , I. Lily

And will be friends how to friends

Anya. will forget the word "marketing"

Beautiful Prince once met

We will become loved by the most - the most

You will be both dads, you will be and mothers

Families will give advice Sveta

From his page from the Internet window

Seven Sciences Eldar. taught

Seven diplomas received

He walks on seven works

Seven times a year

Anya. glorify its generation

Invents the formula of medicine from laziness

Medicine from laziness will take Sergey

And will be a wealthy, as if Bill Gates

Medicine from laziness will accept and Nastya.

And will Nastya wealth and happiness

Medicine from laziness will take Kirill

And Cyril will be the same as

Medicine from laziness will take Artem

But only artem everything is not

Medicine from laziness he is not a threat

Artyom needs a double dose

Even if the princess of the Gulf of Persian

Pulbie Artyoma , Russian guy,

Good heart, beautiful dress,

In the attachment three tits and Maserati

It's not scary our frosts will be terrible,

But the wedding will be threatened,

If our movie star

Will tell artem modest "yes!"

Remained pro German Only a verse

He will fly one of the planets

Let's send a letter

On a sunny day,

About what blooms on the planet lilac ...

10. Focusing the song "White Lilac"


Cry girls, boys sigh,

Moms quietly tear wipe.

The childhood ended. How the bird felt

Adult life looked into your eyes.



School desk, with "5" notebook.

A look at the neighbor, and if only the furtively.

Here you studied, fell in love, were friends,

We laughed over something, something sad


White lilac wax to you like a bird.

The last school day - he will twist.

And now you will come down from the school porch,

Only the children's dream will take with you forever.


Here is your last lesson.

All that they taught, take without a doubt.

IN new life You and you are so easy ...

Childhood was kept, and you became adults.

White lilac wax to you like a bird.

The last school day - he will twist.

And now you will come down from the school porch,

Only the children's dream will take with you forever.


White lilac wax to you like a bird.

The last school day - he will twist.

And now you will come down from the school porch,

Only the children's dream will take with you forever.

White lilac wax to you like a bird.

The last school day - he will twist.

And now you will come down from the school porch,

Only the children's dream will take with you forever.

Only a children's dream will take with you forever ...

Photo album with the latest photos

Poems N.V.cerkovnikova

That is close to the instant forgive.

School years were used.

We tell you: "Goodbye!"

Departed childhood forever

In adult life, do not look for

Neither kind you nor silver

Everything is passing, you believe,

Other you need good.

Good Soul, Thought Flights,

Fantasy, patience, work,

Which we know

Everyone in this life is a little!

And you have your own way ahead,

Your dreams, your edges ...

Verifying you on the threshold,

The teacher will remain ...

We will believe and hopes

What happens to you

And that more than once you remember

And our school, and your class.

11. Final song "Festive Evening"


Tell me what you dream about

About the days of past do not be sad in vain,

And your cherished dreams

And then your cherished dreams

Fit this bright holiday.


Sadness dissolves

Good faces

Friendly come to you to meet

Joy will wake up

The world will smile

Joy will wake up

The world will smile

You at this holiday evening.


Light world of shining lights

A happy fairy tale will wake in the morning, -

Let such wonderful, bright days

As much as possible in your life will be!

So let such wonderful, bright days

As much as possible in our life will be!




Video letter "What are you doing here? Cinema has already over "

Curtains close.

The attitudes of the teacher and students are far from always perfect. As in any team, between participants educational process There are disagreements, conflicts and misunderstanding. But for the most part, all negative situations ends peacefully and gradually forgotten. But for a long time, good and bright moments remain in memory, which are supported by a sense of gratitude for invaluable experience. Moreover, such emotions are experiencing not only students, but also teachers who, together with children, know new verge of human relations. But unlike schoolchildren, teachers do not have much opportunity to say about this to their disciples. One of those few moments that are suitable for beautiful and touching speeches of teachers can be called the holidays of the last call and prom in 4, 9, 11 classes. For example, at the end elementary school The first teacher can express good and beautiful wishes to her little graduates. And on the holiday in honor of the release of senior classes, teachers are ready to speak with touching to tears with the last words with a deal against yesterday's students. Next you wait best words From teachers graduates in prose, which are perfect for farewell holidays at school.

Beautiful words from teachers graduates on the last call in prose

Examples of beautiful words in prose graduates on the last call from teachers

Here are some options for beautiful words from teachers with a deal against a ruler in honor of the last call.

So I left the last school bell! We congratulate you with graduation. Childhood remains for her threshold, you enter into an adult life. How many things have flashed over the years: the joy of the first victories, stubborn work on yourself, sleepless nights of the parents. Remember, what were your first inept steps in school, the first written letters read the words? All this is far behind. Everyone has their own way. Each of you, for sure, decided on the choice of profession. Now all the solutions you will take on your own. And only you depends on how your further fate will be. Easy to you endangers, successful accomplishments, bright future!

The last bell sounds, the call of joy and at the same time sadness. The school is completed, a new adult life path ahead. We wish you to be bright and joyful, complete accomplishments and victories. Be kind, honest, decent people. Let you always be love, luck, good and happiness.

Dear Guys! On this day, a new stage of your life begins, it's time to make a conscious choice and in many ways to rely on own forces. The last call is not a reason to be sad about the last amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep it, ahead of the great changes, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help, as soon as it is necessary.

Words with good wishes to graduates in the 4th grade of elementary school from the first teacher

The first teacher is the most important teacher for graduates of primary school. And for him, each of his class is also important and relatives. Therefore, the need of the first teacher to say a few words and good wishes with farewell graduates of grades of elementary school is quite natural. Especially considering the fact that the graduation evening is primarily a festival of farewell to your favorite pupils. Therefore, a few good words with a farewell from the teacher can be considered a kind of friendly accommodation for graduates.

Word options with good wishes for graduates of elementary school graduates from the first teacher

Four years behind
Ended "began",
Through the corridors to pass,
You will be like a chest
It is written "boss."
Your first school graduation
Some sad and funny:
And happily, and sorry.

The first graduation school -
All the guys are happy
And estimates in the tables -
You are for work award!

Matured you already
Dear children.
Say honestly - you are for us
Best of all in the world!

You switched to the fifth grade,
It will not be easy for you.
Know each of you
Pope, moms love!

Primary school graduate!
Became confident, bolder,
All serious and smarter
Every new day with an adult!
Congratulations, this is a holiday,
I exclaim the choir: "Bravo!"
Let the vacation give
Meetings, joy, fun!

Pogling words with graduates in graduation in graduation in 9 and 11 classes

In a separate category of touching words with adeques for high school students from teachers, you can include wishes for prom. The feast of the farewell ball and for students, and for teachers is a point of completion of their relationship. And in such a mental moment it is very important to support graduates and give them a little simple, but effective councils for the future. Most the best way - Prepare for graduates 9 and 11 classes touching words with facilities from teachers for graduation evening.

The most touching words with a slumber of graduates of 9 and 11 classes from teachers for graduation

Although you and children, but already big,
Independent, adults almost,
For us you have become close, relatives,
You are waiting for difficult and easy ways.
Everything will be in life joy and adversity,
Study and work day and night,
Love, separation, meetings and leaving,
And we are ready to help you!
You are us, teachers, do not forget
And come to school as home,
Now, in good way, friends, forgive,
Let life flow the river abundantly!

At the time of the solemn guys,
Everyone is very happy to congratulate.
Forgive the school today.
Only happiness to you and not to meet obstacles.
Let in life glorious will be only
Azart, success and positive.
Let help be sure
You have all the burdens and creative.
Look let in science, business,
Let it be near the faithful friend,
Let the body always be in the body
Let everything pleases around.

Here and the school behind
Warm in spring
Like a joyful result -
Here he is a graduation.

We wish you for the flow
To sail your life forward
And strive for their goals
Achieve your heights.

You face this -
Thirst knowledge not to lose!
Come visit to school
Talk about success.

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Losev
Marina Leonidovna! Can it come in handy?

Sad minutes of parting,
But we will not cry now.
All behind: an excitement, expectation,
And I want to say my memory:
All the way that we passed together
Walking steps steeply
I will remember for a long time, honestly!
Forever you have become my relatives.
All the years you enjoyed
I gave my soul all
As a mother - children, I admired
To you feel delicate feed.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that they looked at me
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own way
Whatever way you chose your own.
I'm waiting for you all at the school threshold
With an open, pure soul!.

I got an amazing class!
You, children in a thin soul, rich responsiveness, openness to all kind and beautiful.
My dear children!
I'm talking to you thank you
It was easy to work with you.
And today I am accustomed to you,
I wish good luck and health.
I also hurry to tell you
What I want to hug you all
Protect the road from bumps,
So as you did not know in the life of anxiety.
The main thing is never to lose ...

I wish you kids dear,
Never lose heart!
Even the roads in front of you are not easy
Faith is not lost!
And let it be near, whatever happened,
Only luck and success go!
What is conceived, then it turned out immediately!
Let adversity and care will come away!

I wish you to warm your eyes
Burn love, tenderness and passion!
I wish the soul to sing,
Words to which gives happiness.
I wish to live in Lada with myself,
Smile illuminate friends and loved ones
Be able to give and get love
And light up from the slightest spark.
Fire hopes and the most bold dreams
I wish that the fate kept you all
And all the desires, like a lot of bright candle,
Only for you she realized
I wish you a very strong shoulder,
So that it is not scary to rely
Love is so hot
Be happy! Love and welcome!

Dear Guys!
So the school years flashed, you have ahead long life, and there are many roads in life. Compass is a dream and a goal. I really want you to successfully go to the goal and all your dreams come true.
You will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dear, that you are judged by our people. Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Keep dignity, but do not be proud. We also need to remember: the will is not a timely person, violence - not robbery, do not get cruelty. Brave are always kind, because they are strong! Any service is yours, may be a service to the people! When you do not pass anyone, but explain and advise and only when your advice is asked. Good and happiness on your way!

Years flew unnoticed
Goodbye, school forever !!
Know, a minute of parting this
You can never forget!
Put your dream try
And B. large life Breshing go!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
And here is the end! And maybe even even
You will be without teachers, guys
Do not dispel right away I will tell you
What is close to the farewell:
I wish you to walk in life boldly,
I wish you happiness to everyone
Let it come true what everyone wanted.
On the road, friends! Have a good trip

You grew in sight of us
And in front of everyone you intelligently!
Suddenly somehow bloomed immediately
And imperceptibly matured!
Yesterday students,
What have become best friends!
And now graduates,
We admire, proud of you!

I am joying that you so indulted,
What instead of inconvenient children
Who once surrounded me
You grew up in decent people.
I am joying that all of you are so beautiful,
What are you in the flourishing of life spring!
That no medium of you is soulless and walking
And you are the dreams in the distance.
I am glad to your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But sadness in the shower, which came across the wounds
Part, ah, how hard it is

My kids! Cute! Relatives! How glad I am glad to see you now, my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you, I will be able to fill the emptiness? Looking with you I will pass, I don't know only that I find the years in return. I will be remembered by your eye radiant good litter how much would not go, I will hear your voices, and a ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, believe me, so so on. You have toreaves, cute, you are unique, and in the life of this you are my light moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to the first class. As for the first time we were left, I worked, worried, I studied you. In your eyes the interest of me:
What is it? What are they? I burned on a slow fire, you glowed like poppies fields. The days, and months, and the years were flying. And again we are now almost one that today remember you wanted? How did you gall malki? The literature was not taught? How did you cover each other, and the teachers were given? Yes, it was all once, and the nicknames were with you. But I will remember you guys, as the most cool class.

The graduation in school itself is a holiday filled with emotions, experiences and unrest. Particularly bright and unforgettable can be made a celebration, if it sounds congratulations to graduates from the first teacher. The most important thing is to carefully consider speech and pronounce it with feeling.

What should be a congratulation from the first teacher

Congratulations to the first teacher graduate school must be:

  • Emotional.
  • Filled with real events.
  • Sensual.
  • Rhythmic.
  • Sincere.
  • Spiritual.

A speech in which there are all the above characteristics, will certainly be forever in the soul to everyone who is present at the prom. Therefore, congratulations graduates in the first teacher on the last call is a mandatory part of the program that will give the mood. And also the speech of the first class teacher will help create the right atmosphere in such an important day.

How to present greetings to graduates from the first teacher

Of course, you need to try to show the originality and pronounce the words of congratulations in a special way. Make it easy. The most important thing is to:

It all depends on how developed fantasy at the teacher and how original congratulations to graduates from the first teacher. Naturally, the more fun and funnier is a teacher's speech, the more features can be made in the wish.

Touching parties from the first teacher

The graduation evening itself is an event that is filled with unrest, experiences and an unknown road ahead. Therefore, congratulations to graduates from the first teacher must be accompanied by emotions, touching speeches. The wish may be as follows:

I'm a little surprised

What time flies so fast.

And today you are graduates,

Although it seems yesterday I am you,

He took in the first class.

My dear children,

I wish you a bright way.

In life, each of you your vocation

Without difficulty finding.

Very difficult, guys,

I believe that you are so adults.

In the path - the road you adult, new.

Never forget you native school.

You have not been firsthanded for a long time,

You are graduates today.

How fast the time flew

Now you don't need diaries.

Soon institutions, universities,

Who has a job, someone has children.

I wish you dear,

With dignity in an adult way to enter

All adversity, complexity, problems,

With proudly raised head.

I took you by the kids,

You were for six years Ile Seven,

And now in front of me guys,

Girls are adults at all.

Congratulations I'm with graduation,

Of this difficult way

Many roads waiting ahead,

And let the school leave pleasant in the soul of the traces.

Such congratulations to graduates from the first teacher at the graduation will necessarily like those who graduated from school. And also such a wish will task the mood that is appropriate on the last call.

Comic congratulations to graduates from the first teacher

It is clear that the guys with whom the school says is inherent in the mood, enveloping nostalgia, sadness that they will never be in such a team for the parties to spend time, gnawing the granite of science. Therefore, there will be no extra words congratulations to graduates from the first teacher in the humoristic genre. They may be as follows:

I remember you with chips, my favorite class.

And today there is a school of you.

We hope your teeth remained

When the granite of science gnaw and tried.

Let school years

Stay in memory forever.

Do not forget the first dance and love,

Friends from school yard Meet again and again.

Let all obstacles on the way bend under pressure.

I wish to take a walk to graduation from school.

And then the miracle happened,

My former first class.

After all, I took you with crumbs,

Bouquets did not even see the eyes.

And today and now

School chants you.

You leave the school wall forever,

I am in it, the guys, right, I do not believe.

Without torn lessons

Merry boys and girls.

Of course, a lot and good in you,

He studied perfectly almost the whole class.

Let your new way leads only to victories,

Giving unsubstituted failures and troubles.

I am sure of you,

You are my first first class,

Your last call is calling with sadness,

But it does not call you already on the lesson.

Such congratulations to graduates from the first teacher at the prom withdraw for the soul and, of course, will have fun celebrations. It is worth pouring notes of humor to give those who are the last time in the lesson, good mood and memories.

Poetic wishes to graduates from the Junior School teacher

Congratulations should not necessarily be long and deployed, sometimes a couple of lines express all emotions and experiences. You can take the following poems greetings to graduates from the first teacher:

You were my first class,

Exclaving met the school you

Today we welcome you guys

After all, you have long been the first class.

Sometimes it was difficult with you very,

But still you all I and other teachers loved.

Calls the call the last today for you,

And the walls of the school leave you

Good hour!

Recently you hid bouquets

And with surprised eyes came to the first class.

After all, then you have not already knew

What awaits you ahead.

Now you are graduates,

Delivered all the notebooks, hid diaries.

Successful and light roads,

What awaits you, friends, ahead? ..

Such wishes pronounced with the soul will definitely like those who last crossed the school threshold. Therefore, teachers who opened school life For those who today say goodbye to the school, it is worthwhile to take into account such speeches.

Original congratulation with graduation from the first teacher in prose

Teachers, like people of other professions, are with different characters, sentiments. That is why each teacher can choose his maneer congratulations graduates. You can make a wish original. To do this, it is enough to choose the poem and think about the method of their presentation. For example:

Depending on how the fantasy is developed at the elementary school teacher, congratulations may be any sense.

Comic wishes in prose

We will not be able to pronounce funny speeches on graduation, because the end of the school is not only an unknown future and the sadness of parting, but also a holiday. For an example, you can take the following prose congratulations:

"Guys, I have your first teacher in this educational institution. I hope that you have not forgotten me. All the time of your studies I watched how you grow, change, if honestly, it can be compared with how moms are surprised to look at how the kid grow rapidly.

When you first came to school, your eyes were a bit frightened, you did not understand where you were led and what you need to do. We coped with all efforts and were able to start this long school way.

Today, even though I believe it with difficulty, you will leave school forever. In my eyes near each of you there is that seven-year-old kid with a glitter in the eyes. I know that now you dream to be faster on the school farewell ball and you do not want to listen to long speeches. I will not talk long, yet we are not in the lesson.

Farewell, my favorite former first graders, let your way be light, will always have a lot of money so that you can partly sponsoring school that gave you the first ray, freshen the world of knowledge. And I wish you to in five years or ten you brought my sons or daeines to me, in whose eyes I will know you. "

Such a wishes with notes of humor and touching at the same time. It is necessary to prepare to read congratulations to truly sincerely and emotionally.

Beautiful words from parents graduates for the first teacher

Of course, the graduation is a holiday not only for students and teachers. Most of all in this significant day are worried and are filled with emotions parents. Moms and Pope can also take the word and pronounce several lines for that teacher who took current graduates in the first class. The following congratulations come true:

"Today is a special day for us. After all, our daughters and sons graduated from school, the first way to adult life. I want to express the words of gratitude to a person who gave the first impetus in his studies and helped to become our children as they were throughout the academic period. Of course The same, this is the first teacher of our children.

It seems to us that yesterday we passed to you in the hands of our seven-year kids. And today, in our eyes, tears, because those who were still quite a blunder, today have already stepped over their first horizon.

Thank you so much that you gave to understand our girls and boys of the aza studies. After all, the first few classes are the most difficult, which can be used only shoulder to shoulder with professional teacher. This is a teacher and was our today's graduates in the first classes.

Let only decent children meet on your way, as well as understanding parents. Let's hope that we are still quiet. Who knows, suddenly in five or ten years we will bring our granddaughters and grandchildren to you. Happily staying in this beautiful school, which helps children to understand life! "

Such a wishes from parents produced touched the most hidden soul strings. It is worth take into account such words.

Surprise greetings from the first teacher to graduates

The most important thing is the effect of surprise. Those who today will leave school forever, should not guess that the words of congratulations from the first teacher will sound in their honor. Therefore, the teacher should appear unexpectedly and pronounce his speech:

I think you did not expect me to see me today, this evening.

Nevertheless, I really missed, because none of you was not seen.

Recently, completely even crumbs, I led you to the first class.

Everything was new and unexpected that day for you.

And today, quite adults, leave the school you,

For you no longer be on the lessons ring calls,

You will no longer be your desk at this school.

But you will go to a new trail,

Good luck, peace, lucky,

Excellent setting.

Let everything in life be great for you

My best former first class.

Such a congratulation touches to the depths of the soul, give the mood and bright emotions. Therefore, it is worth take into account such verses.

How should the wish to graduates from the first teacher

Of course, in order for the wish to remember, you need to think over all the details. Even the most beautiful congratulation of graduates from the first teacher should be:

  • Filled with bright emotions.
  • Read sensually with sadness.
  • Satimulated with mood and inspiration.

The most important thing is to invest a part of the soul into speech, then it will be perceived properly.

What is necessary to include in the words of congratulations from the first teacher

When he congratulates the first teacher with the release, he must understand which details must necessarily take place. The most important thing is to remind those who forever leave the threshold of the school that most recently they were small. Also, it will not be impossible to indicate that children have changed very much during this time.

How to make speech memorable and touching

In fact, the day when the students crossed the school threshold for the last time, any, even comic greeting It will be touching and mental. Ideally, if congratulating graduates from the first teacher in prose or in verses will touch on the deepests of the soul, give the tears of joy mixed with sadness, and charges the desired mood, which is necessary for the prom.