Words of gratitude to graduation teachers, class, from graduates, a class teacher, teachers from parents.

On touching to the tears of the last call festival and children, and moms, and the Pope want to express their gratitude to patient and good teachers. Real teachers have always treated the disciples and tried to help them solve important issues. Choose beautiful words from parents to teachers in verses and prose. Our readers can among the proposed examples. They can be read by the first teacher primary classes. Also, the original words of gratitude will help to congratulate all class managers and teachers-subjects of 9 and 11 class. We also recommend viewing a useful video example.

Words of gratitude from parents teacher of primary classes for graduation - in verses and prose

Farewell to elementary school always passes cute and tremble. Therefore, all moms and dads of the former students of the 4th grades should congratulate their children with this afternoon. Pick up beautiful words of gratitude in verses and prose for primary school teachers to graduate parents will help our selection of examples.

Examples of poems and prose with the words of gratitude to parents for primary school teachers

Among the examples of the mother and dads of the former students elementary school Can be easily found thank words for teachers. Congratulations number they can include at the beginning or end of the festive evening. Ready examples You can complement in your own words.

Dear our teacher! Thank you so much, for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly convey to our children, because primary classes are the basis of all the knowledge and further study of our children. We are very much grateful, for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thank you for your mild character, patience and wisdom. We wish you our dear and favorite teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positive.

How hard sometimes happens

You to raise our babies.

But we all understand this

And you really want to say:

Thank you, dear teacher,

For kindness, your patience.

For children, you are the second parent,

Take gratitude to our!

Dear our first teacher, the faithful and kind mentor of our children, is a wonderful and wonderful person, an extremely specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to tell you a lot of thank you, that I never left one of the guys alone with fear and doubt, thanks for understanding and loyalty, thanks for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish to always achieve success in activities and happiness in life.

Thanks for you, teacher,

For our dear children.

Azam with patience you learned

My daughter, sons.

Thanks for love, care.

Darili kids you warm

Unskilled in the souls you are joy,

Crupitsa happiness and good.

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, wonderful and good person, I sincerely thank you but that they helped to make the first steps to our mischievous in the country of great knowledge and bright science, thanks for the patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible forces, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and good, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Touching to the tears of the words from parents to teachers for the last call and graduation - for 11, grade 9 in prose

Sincere and cute words of appreciation are well complemented by any holiday for graduates and teachers. We picked up the best prose to include in the event scenario. Sensual and touching to tears from parents to teachers in prose will help create an unforgettable graduation and last call 9 and 11 class.

Words of gratitude in prose Teachers 9, graders graduates from parents

Great teacher of our children congratulate with the beautiful and joyful event of life. We wish you joy and delight, faith in yourself and strong life forces, well-being and respect, mutual understanding with students and great success in activities, extraordinary luck and sincere happiness, bright love and great good luck.

Dear our teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to diligently take sticks and hooks, fold and deduct, read their first books. And here we are standing adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today the doors in adulthood will open. Everyone she will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they all will walk through life with honor. We know that you have a lot of nights, checking their notebooks, many misunderstood your families, in order to have an extra hour to spend with our children, they gave them warmth of their hearts, spent their nerves on them so that worthy people grew up.

Today we are from the soul Thank you for everything, even for the twos, which you sometimes put it. And we, and our children will never forget everything that you have done for us.

Low you bow and great human thank you!

On behalf of all parents, we want to thank a wonderful teacher, an excellent person who gives our children the possibility of self-realization and appropriate education. Thank you very much for understanding and loyal to your disciples, for an individual approach to each of our children, for important knowledge and a present example of purposefulness.

The school is a holistic organism that has a unique feature - the ability to displace unnecessary, leaving those who can sincerely love and mentally empathize, devotion to be friends and truly feel another person. School, similar to the stairs, on which you can move only to swell, to the stars.

One day stepped onto the original stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But if this end? Most likely, no, because a person is destined to learn all his life - and helping the teachers' school angels, teachers are called in this important work.

In school, everything begins with them - loyal, light carriers of wisdom and knowledge. The life rise becomes easier if the mentor of God warms the crystal-clear light.

With each step, an understanding of the fact that the higher the raising, the warmer it becomes the extraordinary light, heating the soul. Sponge of loving and understanding, at times of a strict and principled teacher.

Dear, dear our teachers!

From the face of all parents, we want to express you extraordinary thanks for everything you did for our children. To tell you just thanks - this is not to say anything. Trusting your children to you, we were sure that they fall into reliable hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts to us - parents - it would not be possible to achieve the main goal, to which we all went and continue to go - each of us wants to grow from your child a man with a capital letter.

You helped and directed our children, you supported us when we were not able to us with them. You worried about our students no less, but perhaps even more than we.

Low bow to you for your hard work and sincerely sincere words of great gratitude from everyone from parents!

Thank you!

Words and greetings from parents to teachers for the last bell and graduation 11, grade 9 in verse

Good words of gratitude will be pleased to hear all the teachers of graduates. For moms and dople of former students of schools we found best examples. Pick up the words of gratitude to parents to the last call and graduation in 9 and 11 class for teachers in verses can be among the following texts.

Words of gratitude and congratulations in verses of parents graduates 9 and 11 classes for teachers

Once again, the teacher

You hear speech in your address

What you need to worry about

What heart should be preserved.

That the disease will not pass by

When it gets tired,

That everything in the light is replaced

And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird

She strives for children here and there,

To pumped in chest

In the same beating hearts!

How fast children grow up.

Fixed, all winds called,

Leave forever keeping

Your heart heat!

Thank you for taught

For the fact that next to them were always

When they needed to tell something!

Thank you for all your efforts,

That they gave them the opportunity to become better

For the fact that you are in matters of education

Always participated tried to take!

In the future, we wish you success

Thank you, the head is cool, for your sensitivity, kindness, heat. Although we are sincerely tell you and honestly, that we all lucky with you! You are gratitude to the words, we have prepared them specifically for you. You wish you and the patience, success to you and the strength of great stock. Many thanks to you, our wonderful and dear cool leader. You are for us - faithful support and good advice, you always take away any problem with understanding, you can always cheer up and give a bright hope. Thank you for making our class friendly and cheerful, for the fact that at school we are always waiting for interesting activities and fascinating leisure. We wish you bright ideas, well-being and happiness in life, success and inspiration in activities.

Thank you talk to teachers from parents 9/11 class

Your professional class management allowed our children to achieve stunning heights in the field of knowledge in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside the school. Children went to school with interest every day, extraciassed extracurricular classes with enthusiasm, with brilliance in the eyes they solved complex and non-standard tasks with them.

Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your student, every day they revealed everything more fully, becoming full-fledged personalities. The class always reigned the atmosphere of interpretation and mutual assist, respect for each other.

We express our sincere appreciation for the fact that they have invested their soul and time in the upbringing! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teacher's business! Parents of class 11 A 3 students.

Gratitude to the class teacher from parents for graduation

Our head - you are very cool! We allow so in verses to say! I love your item, and you are able to learn and convince. You didn't choose a light way, you all achieved your persistence. Everyone's soul wish you wish you want in your cool leadership ! *** The latter is the last ... The summer will sweep up to school, as before, we will not come to school, you can, let's stand with her nearby somewhere, sighing in the September rain. Whispering "Thank you ..." - sincerely, heartily, for every year hard work ... Neither children nor parents, of course, forget you will never be able! You are a teacher from God, by calling. So love children, and children! For six years to mathematical knowledge, our not always obedient class ... In four hundred fourth cabinet, that in school on the fourth floor, they grew, they grew up next to you, and now Now - they say goodbye ...

Thank you teacher

  • Unity of the school and family in the upbringing and development of the younger generation, creating a single educational environment.
  • Portfolio of the Teacher of Russian Language and Literature
  • Family holiday »Goodbye, elementary school!"
  • Professional portfolio.

Thanksgiving letter from parents to the class teacher

What you should not write in a letter of thanks not worth expressing personal gratitude from someone from someone from parents and graduates. Thank you should get a neutral.
If you want to express my gratitude to the class teacher, it is best to do it behind the scenes, and not publicly at the prom. This can be done both oral and writing.

When writing gratitude, try to avoid personal moments that concern only you. Even if the class teacher helped you solve some complicated or non-standard problem.

It is not always worth consulating and such too standard and several familiar phrases: "Always your 11" a "class"; "With love from parents 11" a "class"; "With the tenderness of graduates and parents 11" a "class."

Samples of text for thankful letters of parents of graduates.

We wish you good health, happiness and well-being! Director ......... .. Cool leader .......... Detard Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! Pedagogical team of school .......

He expresses deep appreciation for the good education of the Son for the manifested interest not only to his study activities, but also to the life of the school. We wish you good health, family happiness, success in labor and further education of your child, who showed himself a thinking student who can overcome any difficulties, defeating worthy rivals and showing excellent results.

His victories and achievements are our common joy and reward! Director ......... .. Cool leader ..........

Gratitude of parents on graduation: grade 11

School life is rich in various holidays. But such events, as the end of the school year or school, never pay for gratitude to parents, teachers, schoolchildren and graduates. How to congratulate the class leader to promoters? Gratitude can be created in oral and writing, but best, if warm words are written on a beautiful postcard or literacy, which can be viewed for a long time after the release of the class.


Here are the main examples of gratitude to the class teacher from graduates, which can be written on a postcard donated on behalf of the whole class. What is best to write in a postcard and how to choose a colorful big card or gram - half of the success.

A small postcard, even with the most beautiful words, will not be perceived, especially if you choose it for prom.

Gratitude words to the class teacher

Together with the disciples you have rejoiced to their successes and supported in complex situations. Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children believe in itself, discover new abilities and talents, open every day as a flower.

Thank you for your patience, attention and care towards students! Thank you for the fact that 4 years you prepared our children, inserted our soul in them, built full-fledged personalities from them, directed them to the true path of cultivation! We wish you new professional achievements, achieve new pedagogical heights with your students! Parents of students 4 "a" class 2. Text thank you letter Cool leader from parents of graduates Dear Tatyana Evgenievna! We sincerely thank you for the upbringing and training of our children - students of 11 grams of school №131 of the city of Omsk.

Poem from children "let the first ray of the sun outside the window will give you good luck and lucky, thank you for love, warmth, and your endless patience, let all dreams come true, and good day will always come for you, and you will be happy with all students like It is a pity to part - we love you! ". A sample of words of gratitude in prose "Dear Margarita Markovna! Graduates and parents of the 11 "A" Class Conditioner Cardiguely thank you for creative work and sleepless nights, knowledge and skills that you were given to our students.

We will never forget your lessons, a sensitive, responsible attitude towards your wards, kindness, dedication and dedication to your work, energy and enthusiasm, without which we would hardly be able to cope not only with school, but also with life problems and difficulties.

Thank you letter to the class teacher from parents grade 11

When moving from the initial in high School Gratitude to the class teacher from elementary school students can be written on a bright postcard or literacy. Usually there is also a small wish from parents and students of the class. The postcard may contain two wishes from parents and students written on different pages of reversal. Most often, parents write wishes in prose, and the words of gratitude from children are decorated in the form of a beautiful and short poem (no more than 8 lines). Sample congratulations from parents "Dear Svetlana Petrovna! We sincerely thank you for the excellent education of children, knowledge, skills, creative approach to students, competent, professional and responsible attitude to their work. We wish you good health, good mood, talented students you could be proud of! ".


The beloved and expensive class leader is cordially grateful for the designed kindness and understanding, for constant optimism and strong character, for a worthy example good man and support. Thank you very much for your interesting school life, easy learning and fascinating leisure! Handbook is not easy, but, sometimes, dangerous - Thank you big! For labor and spellcome gratitude, because your guide is a great joy.

Thank you for the knowledge, for honesty and good, for faith, understanding - I'm lucky with you! How do you want to say thanks to you gentle, warm will to give words. Don't just cool you leader - We are supporting us, support and savior. Let God give you and happiness, and good, so that in the house it was quiet and warm. I detect you, success, mood, good luck, light, joy, luck.

Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! Pedagogical team of school ... .. expresses you deep gratitude for the good upbringing of your daughter ......... We wish you good health, family happiness, success in labor and in the upbringing of your children / child.

Director ......... .. Cool leader .......... Detard Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! Pedagogical team of school ............ expresses you deep gratitude for the interest in the training activities of your son Ivan and for participating in class and school affairs. We wish you good health, family happiness, success in work and in the upbringing of your children / child director ......... .. Classier manager ..........

Unusual, special holiday in school life. It is equally important both for graduates and for parents, because they have lived all school ups and falls with children. And in this memorable solemn day, they again worry, uttering words of gratitude to the director, to the class teacher, teachers. In the last minutes before the start of the graduation, you did not have to look for words of gratitude, Nnmaam.ru portal. He prepared for you a small thematic selection of "Parents' response word on graduation". She will help you make this holiday are still brighter, penetrating and gentle.

Response word parents on graduation manager

  • Cool leader as the second mom. She knows everything, will always help, tell me and support. With her example, she grieved in secretly and inspires students to achieve his goals, so warm, sincere words of gratitude sounds at its address one of the first.
  • From the face of all parents I want to thank you, dear (name). Thanks to the diligent work, the talent of the teacher, patience and the ability to correctly communicate with schoolchildren, you were able to teach children everything that they could come in handy in later life. Your work is truly invaluable. Children are very often talking about you, they love and respect their teacher, and it stands dear. Let the disciples listen to you, and colleagues understand. Happiness to you, (name)!
On this warm flight day, we all gathered here not just like that. Today, our children and their teachers celebrate graduation. Of course, each teacher made his contribution to the training of our children, but most of all want to thank the class teacher. It was the manager who did for students of the 11/9 class, she gave them not only school knowledge, and the simple life advice. Thanks to this person, they grew up good, honest and decent people, for what her huge thank you!

We want to say now about many

How we all grateful to educators,

Who were given all the forces

And for children as we worried!

The teacher of our loves

She is considered better than everyone in the world.

And a low bow to her from dad and mothers!

She managed to find an approach and to us!

Director team unites

From the storms and troubles the whole school protects.

We sincerely wish her to continue

Teaching work to burn!

  • Dear (name), I want to say thank you for spending a class through interesting and cognitive 11 years of life. Thank you for ever lowered your hands and had iron patience. All parents gathered here sincerely wish you health and strength to teach the following generations of guys. Never know troubles and worries. Happiness to you, (name)!
  • From the face of all parents of 9/11 students, thank the class teacher for kindness, care and ability to find a common language with children. You have become the second mom for students, they love you and respese very much. We, like him, are difficult to part with such a beautiful person, but, alas, life is going on with their own, and it is time for children to leave the cozy walls of their native school. I want to wish you (name), good health and good disciples. Let in every day there will be something good, and on the heart will always be warm.
  • Cool leader is a very important person in the life of each of us. Even after many years, our kids will remember your advice and instructions. You have discovered all new and new horizons before them, helped go through problems and experiences. It is thanks to you who have become kind and responsive people. Thank you, (name), and a low bow!

Response word parents at graduation teachers

Over the years of study, children get acquainted, admire and with interest are learning many subjects and all thanks to the knowledge and labor of teachers. These words of gratitude for them:

  • Dear teachers! In this solemn day, I first want to say thank you very much! Thank you for giving children unforgettable years of study, for always good and tolerant for them. The teacher's work is not only teaching, you need to be a psychologist, friend and parent, and you all know how. I am proud that my child graduated from this school and was under such excellent teachers. Thank you!
  • From the face of the parents of graduates, I want to thank all the teachers who taught our children. Step by step, you helped them to overcome life obstacles. You taught them not only to school subjects, but also simple life things: friendship, kindness, empathy, patience. Today, they can easily overcome any difficulties, because from the Small years they have learned to be strong and confident. Happy holiday you, dear, because this is your celebration. And a huge human thank you!
We love all teachers - no secret.

Nowhere else in mom no longer!

Chemistry teacher teaches by the mind -

Yes, so that everything is in smoke from the tubes!

Our mathematics teacher is exactly the magician,

The tasks rarely set it without a guide!

Russian teacher - philosopher and poet

On the shelves it will decompose everything, give advice.

History teacher - knowledge treasure,

Tell about Berlin and Petrograd.

All with graduation congratulate hurry!

And congratulations on this end.

  • Today is special for all of us. After all, today our children finish school, finish their 9th grade. These were happy and long 9 years. During this time there were a lot of things, there were joys and difficulties. But we all overcame them together, because we had one goal - to finish the 9th grade. And this moment has come, our children graduates. Standing on this scene I want to say separate words of gratitude to every teacher for his contribution, for his work. Without you, there would be no something that. You are not just a teacher, you are a teacher for all your life. Your knowledge will always help your personal life experience will be an example for all today's student. And let them all have a life in different ways, but none of them will forget.
  • I, like everyone here, the present Parent seemed to be the graduation very far away. But I did not have time to come to my senses, as he came. It's time to admit, kids became adults. It is difficult to say that I feel more - sadness or pride for my child. But, I know for sure that I am overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude to every teacher of this school! I am grateful to you, dear teachers, for your attention and care for your disciples. For the fact that you did not give up even when they gave themselves, stubbornly leading them to the goal. Thank you for believed in them! You good people And wonderful teachers!

Response word of parents on graduation first teacher

Who can't he say thank you? The first teacher depends on the whole further school life. It is like first love with knowledge.

  • Our children are already graduates, they graduated from the 9th grade and hurry to say goodbye to a loved school. Of course, for 9/11 years of study, many teachers shared knowledge with them, but the first teacher will remain the most closest man. You have done so much for our babies, which can not be conveyed in words how much we are grateful to you. We are glad that one day decided to give children to your wing. You are not only a teacher, and also a mentor, friend and the second mother! Many thanks!
  • You, (name), the most important person in the life of our children! Yes, they have long grown, but believe me, they never forgot their first teacher. Thanks to your kind heart, our kids have always been surrounded by the necessary concern and the next years in school have become much easier for them. You saw their hidden talents and taught to be a friendly class, which they stayed until today. Thank you for everything, dear (name)! Let it be more than one class of kids in your life, because you are really a talented teacher. Be healthy and happy!
  • First teacher ... how much does he mean in the fate of man? I, like, probably, each of those present, remember your first teacher and always remember that distant school time. In general, the first years of school are memorable especially bright, which is why it is so important that they go well. It is not always that way, but our children were lucky, on their way there was an excellent teacher and part-time teacher of primary classes - (name). This man managed to make the life of small students bright, cheerful and cognitive. In my opinion, this particularly helped them with ease to learn, overcome the thorny path of knowledge and finish school well. We gradually thank. We wish you happiness, career growth, family well-being and good health!

Response word of parents on graduation workers

  • Dear (name), you are definitely main man at school. Without your ready leadership, it simply would not exist. Yes, to be not easy director, but it's great for you. We, like our children, always admired your hardworking and ability to organize work in educational institution. Thank you for being conscientious of your duties. Let work brings happiness and good income!
  • Dear school dining workers! We want to say thanks to everyone who treated our kids with such warmth and care. You did not just feed our toddles with delicious food, and also cared for them. Many respond about school meals with a negative, but students (school name) were lucky, because they were fed better than in many cafes. Take our gratitude and always cook as well as now!

Parting words graduates from parents

  • From the face of all the parents gathered here, I want to congratulate graduates of the 11/9 class! Let the goals that you set themselves will be achieved. Let the student in the university become a pleasant adventure and at the same time a ticket to good life. Never give up, and then you will definitely achieve your own. We believe in you and love very much!
  • Favorite our children! Congratulations on the bottom of my heart with the receipt of secondary education! Most have done adequately with their task and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, in it only evaluating your knowledge is a ticket voucher, entitled. Let not everyone got the first class cabins, there will still be time to fix and achieve more! For now, have fun and enjoy youth, but do not forget about parents. Good luck!
So quickly flew time, as if yesterday, our children were insecably walked into the first class, and today they are already celebrating the end of the school. Favorite our kids, we want to wish you success in school, faithful friends, good health and good mood. Let them always be a smile on your faces, and in the heart - love. Let each of you reaches success in the chosen profession and will find a good, profitable work. Do not forget about your hometown and school that gave you the way to life. Happiness to you and good. With graduation!
  • Favorite our kids, in this solemn day I want to wish you a lot of happiness and good health. Let your cherished dreams be sure to come true, and school friends will never forget. Always go ahead and do not forget that we, parents, love you very much and always wait for home. Do not forget the teachers who gave you knowledge and their care. Let the guardian angel will always be with you. God bless you!
We wish you native children
So that nothing was afraid in the world.

Bright and beautiful words of gratitude to your class teacher usually speak the last call or on graduation. They are pronounced naturally from graduates and students of the class. Such words can be both in prose and in verses, to solve you. We offer you approximate texts of the words you can say. Because for each school, each class and every teacher, you need your text, your approach and your gratitude.

Dear our and favorite cool leader! We have been floating in one boat for many years with you and now it's time for us to go ashore. And you will find a new journey with new characters. During our "swimming" we had a bad and good, we quarreled and put up. You constantly help us, directed us on the right path and supported, no matter what. We all are immensely grateful for your work, for your help and kindness. And now we have different roads, but we will remember you. We promise you to gather at least once a year and remember all the good things that were with us in school years. We wish you a happy new swimming, let your new team be worse than our.

That ended our journey - a journey for the name of the school. All these years you were with us, you were our assistant, our senior comrade, our captain. Today, after so many years we experience relief from what we finished school. But we are tested and bitter from what we will no longer sit with you in the lessons, we will not meet after lessons and talk, we will not meet for change.
You are our cool leader, and no one will replace you and will not take your place in our life, in our hearts. Thank you for noting us, brought us to a logical finale. You know each of us on perfectly, and we will try to justify all your expectations and not to dare you and our school!

When we came to school, they perceived you as a teacher, whom we do not want to listen or understand. But every year we, thanks to you, became wiser and adult, and here, after many years we understood - that you are not just a teacher, you are friend and comrade, who was always there and always helped us. Thank you, our cool leader, for all your efforts. Thank you for all that you have done for us. We will definitely remember all your advice and instructions, all your lessons of life and you.
Of course, it is always hard to part after so many years, but we promise you not to forget you or a school, nor each other. We will arrange graduates meetings, and you will be the most desired guest.