AOGV BORINSKOE 11 6. BORINSKY Outdoor gas boilers: detailed overview of the device

Outdoor Borinsk gas boilers AOGV heating is supplied on russian market Heating gas equipment For more than 25 years. During all this time, buyers and specialists have left many reviews on thematic forums and sites.

We will also not stay aside and make an overview of the outdoor Bordean gas boilers Ishma, Aogv and AKGV, we will analyze the specifications, differences in models and automation installed on these heating machines.

I will identify the main fault of the boilers and ways to eliminate them with your own hands. And, as usual, at the end of the article we describe the main advantages and disadvantages of the heating boilers of the production of P. Borinskoye (Borino) Lipetsk region.

Model range of Borinsk gas boilers for heating

Like all Russian manufacturers outdoor heating devicesThe Borinian boilers are also produced single-circuit AOGV, and two-circuit AKGV. Single-mounted devices are capable of measuring residential and industrial premises with a total area of \u200b\u200b30 to 300 m2, and single-unit gas boilers of the Ishma series up to 1000 m2.

Borinsk gas boilers

Double-circuit models, besides their heating function, have a built-in outline (steel or copper) for cooking hot water Performance from 3.5 to 8.3 l / min. When water is heated to a temperature of 35 seconds, depending on the model and power of the gas burner. To date, the company issues the following modifications:

- single-mounted gas boilers: AOGV-11,6-1; 17.4-1; 23.2-1; 29-1 and compact AOGV-7.3; 11.6-3;

- Two-integral gas boilers: AKGV-11,6-1; 17.4-1; 23.2-1; 29-1 and compact ACGV-11,6-3;

single-mount boilers Large power "Ishma": - 25; -31,5; -40; -50; -63; -80; -100 kW;

- boilers 30; 37.5; 40; 63 with a cast iron heat exchanger;

outdoor boilers with a closed combustion chamber KSGK-12,5 EUROSIT;

- A series of wall gas boilers "Ishma-12.5".

All floor boilers are equipped with a gas burner from the stainless steel brand "Worgas" or "Polidoro", except for outdated series with automation "Signal" and "PC". The devices are set to the thermostat, with which the user is supported by the user in the heating circuit.

There are traction sensors and flame control sensors that transmit an automation signal that overlaps the gas flow to the burner in emergency situations. Stabilizer of thrust on models AOGV and ACGV turns off the boiler when "strangling" chimney or insufficient thrust in it.

Ishma gas boiler: device, automation

Decoding Abbreviation of the Borinsky Gas Boiler

Outdoor boilers have a certain abbreviation, deciphering which, you can correctly pick up the boiler AOGV or ACGV:

- symbol "O": one-connecting boiler;
- symbol "K": a two-round boiler;
- symbol "M": a two-round apparatus with a copper heat exchanger of the DHW;
- Symbol "B": a boiler with a side connection of the heating circuit;
- symbol "P": interchangeable with gas boilers AOGV or ACGV.

Automation of Borin Gas Boilers

On the boilers Aogv, AKGV and Ishma Lipetsk company sets several types of automation, from the simplest and inexpensive type "Signal" and "Sabk" with the SabK T4 gas valve, to the modern, Italian "SIT" with the EUROSIT 630 valve.

Automation of the Borinsky Gas Boiler SIT

Boilers with Italian automation are somewhat more expensive, but the gas savings are about 20%, and Punozzhig is very convenient when the device is turned on. It is easier to configure and has less problems With its operation. It should be noted that the Russian automation is less reliable and gradually goes into the past.

Device of the Borinsky gas boiler Ishma: instruction scheme

1 - steel heat exchanger with a thickness of 3 mm;
2 - Gas burner of the Borinsky boiler;
3 - chimney nozzle;
4 - facial removable shield;
5 - protective panel;
6 - boiler housing;
7 - thermometer;
8 - temperature sensor in the heating system;
9 - nipple;
10 - SIT gas valve;
11 - thermostat handle;
12 - ignition electrode;
13 - traction sensor;
14 - thermocouple;
15 - spice;
17 and 18 - traffic jams;
19 - Gas Padlist;
20 - thermogenerator;
21 - thermostat temperature sensor;
23 - adjusting thermostat;

Device of the Borinsky gas boiler Ishma: instruction

Malfunctions of the Borinsky Gas Boiler and the methods of their elimination

1. It goes out the burner or a stall.

It is possible to form a car on thermocouple or there is no contact in its chain. Clean the thermocouple and ventirate the boiler firek, before connecting the gas crane. If it does not help, the thermocouple replacement will be required. The electromagnetic valve node malfunction can also explain the constantly extinguishing basic or power burner.

2. Blurry flame yellow color, burner smoking.

Problems with gas boiler. Perhaps the chimney is clogged or the wind blends him.

3. The boiler is bad warm water.

Insufficient amount of water in the heating system. It is necessary to add the coolant to the expansion tank if the system is open (samotane) or through the feeding tap, if the system is closed with a circulation pump.

4. The temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the gas boiler is not regulated or exceeds 90 C.

Faulty a boiler thermostat or heating system is not sealed.

5. The stammer (wick) does not ignite or the flame is intermittent and "weak."

Clean the nozzle of the ignition burner. Check out its gas pipeline for tightness, if the gas pressure is low.

6. The gas burner does not light up or burns weakly, turns off.

Gas burner nozzles or gas filter. You must perform their cleaning.

7. The burner is not turned off, the flame is not regulated.

Silphon-thermobalon is faulty. It is necessary to replace it.

8. Cotton with burner ignition.

Disrupted location of the ignition burner in relation to the main one. Call a specialist to eliminate this malfunction.

Advantages of the Borinsky Gas Boilers:

- many models and modifications;
- non-volatility;
modern system boiler safety;
- Low facing temperature;
- low price;
- inexpensive parts.

Disadvantages of gas boilers Borino:

- outdated design;
- an insufficient amount service centers;
- Many models have automatics of Russian production.

Borinsk gas boilers Have a good value for money in our segment of floor heating devices. We looked at the difference between the model "line" of the boilers of AOGV, AKGV and ISHMA, their instructions and specifications. Made a review and review, describing the advantages and disadvantages of the Borinian boilers, and also disassemble their main malfunctions during operation and ways to eliminate them.


The device is designed for heat supply of residential premises and buildings to mumanal-domestic purposes equipped with water heating systems with waterproof height in water circuit not more than 6.5 m.
The device is designed for constant work on natural gas according to GOST 5542-87.
The device is made in climatic execution Uhl, category 4.2 according to GOST 15150-69.
Characteristics Security devices
  1. Connecting dimensions to the heating system correspond to "Zhukovsky"
  2. Special design heat exchanger, use of high-quality material:
    a) durability;
    b) high efficiency;
    c) reliability.
  3. Burner out of stainless steel
  4. Optimal camera Combustion
  5. Temperature control
  6. Convenience of mounting and maintenance
  7. Polymer coloring
  8. Reliability
  9. Repairability
  1. Temperature controller preventing heat exchanger overheating
  2. Turning off the supply of gas in the event of a population (control of the flame)
  3. Disconnection in the absence of traction
  4. Stabilizer of thrust with wind gusts
  5. Low temperature Facing boiler

 (Connection Scheme See in the present passport of the device)


Name of parameter or size Value
AOGV- 11,6-1. AOGV-17.4-1 AOGV-23.2-1
1. Fuel Natural gas
2. Nominal pressure of natural gas in front of the automation unit, Pa ( 1274 (130)
Natural gas pressure range, 65…180* 1
3. Volumetric content of carbon monoxide in dry undiluted natural gas combustion products,% not more than 0,05
4. The efficiency coefficient of the device,% at least 89
5. Coolant water
6. The parameters of the coolant, not more:
- absolute pressure, MPa;
- Maximum temperature, ºС 95
- carbonate rigidity, mM-eq / kg, no more 0,7
- Content of suspended substances absent
7. Nominal thermal power Automatic burner, kW (kcal / h) 11,6 (10000) 17,4 (15000) 23,2 (20000)
8. Size of gas supply fitting:
- Conditional passage of Du, mm 15 20 20
G 1/2 -B. G 3/4 -B. G 3/4 -B.
9. Safety automation parameters
- Time to disable gas supply to
Fast and basic burners, sec
- when stopping the supply of gas or absence
flame on the ignition burner, not more
- in the absence of thrust in chimney, no more than no less 10
10. Valuation in chimney for the apparatus, from 2.94 to 29.4
mm. waters. Art. from 0.3 to 3.0
11. Conditional pass water connections do, mm 40 50 50
- carving according to GOST 6357 - 81, inch G 1 1/2 -B G 2 -b. G 2 -b.
12. Mass of the apparatus, kg, no more 45 50 55
13. Heated Square, M 2, no more 90 140 190
14. Capacity of the heat exchanger tank, liter 39,7 37,7 35
15. Maximum temperature of extending to chimney of combustion products, ° С (at a gas pressure of 180 130 160 210
* 1 Note. The device is protected from emergency supply of gas inlet pressure to 500 mm. waters. Art. Gas valve design.

Device and principle of operation.

The device consists of the following nodes and parts: the tank - heat exchanger, the main burner, the block of the ignition burner with the thermocouple mounted in it and the electrode of the ignition, the combined gas valve (multifunctional regulator), the supplied gas valve, the details of the facing.

In the upper part of the tank, the heat exchanger is installed the thermostat sensor connected by the capillary tube with the actuator of the thermostatic valve (the Silphone - Thermobalon System), and the thermometer sensor

The design feature of the combined valve 630 Eurosit is the presence of a gas output device for stabilizing the gas output, as well as combining the valve control in one handle with the designation of the positions with the corresponding symbols and numbers on its end and the pointer on the valve lid. The dependence of the temperature of the heated water from the position of the control handle scale is presented below:

The principle of the temperature controller is based on the expansion of the fluid during heating. The working fluid, heating in the sensor (thermobalone) from the water in the tank - the heat exchanger heated due to the combustion of natural gas, expands and flows over the capillary tube to the bellows, which converts the volume extension into a linear movement of the mechanism that leads the system of two valves (instantaneous and dosing ). In the design of the mechanism, protection against thermal overload is provided, which protects the "Silphone - thermobalon" system from damage and depressurization.

  1. When installing the required water temperature, an instant (clickable) valve, then dosing, is first opened in the apparatus of the control handle.
  2. When the temperature of the water reaches the temperature in the apparatus of the set value, the dosing valve is smoothly covered, translating the main burner to the "Small gas" mode.
  3. When the temperature is raised above the specified, an instantaneous (clickable) valve is triggered, completely overlapping gas to the main burner.
  4. In the absence of thrust in chimney, the gases from the furnace heat heat the thrust sensor, the sensor works, blurring normally closed contacts of the thermocouple chain. Electromagnetic (input) Valve closes and overlaps gas access to the main and ostar burner. The thrust sensor is designed for triggering during the absence of traction at least 10 seconds.
  5. When the gas supply is stopped from the network, the ignition burner instantly goes out, the thermocouple cools, the solenoid valve closes, overlapping gas access to the main and the ignition burners. With the resumption of gas supply, the passage through the device is completely blocked.
  6. When the gas pressure decreases on the network below 0.65 kPa gas pressure on the ignition burner will also fall, the EMF thermocouple will decrease to the value, insufficient to hold the valve. The solenoid valve will close and block gas access to burners.

Accommodation and installation

Accommodation and installation of the apparatus, as well as a gas supply to it, is made by a specialized construction and assembly organization for the project agreed with the operational enterprise (trust) gas farm.

The room where the device is installed, must have free access of air from the outside and the ventilation hood at the ceiling.

The room temperature in which the device is installed, should not be below +5 ºС.

Selecting a place to install the device in accordance with the instructions of the security measures set out in section 7 of this passport.

The device is installed in non-regulated walls at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

  1. When installing the device in an employed wall, its surface must be isolated steel sheet Asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, protruding 10 cm for the envelope of the case. The device must be a passage of at least 1 meter width.
  2. When installing the apparatus on the combustible floor, the floor should be insulated with a steel sheet of asbestos thick with a thickness of at least 3 mm. Isolation should be for the dimensions of the housing by 10 cm.

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to hold the apparatus to carry out, check the correctness of its assembly in accordance with Fig. 1 and fig. 8 of this passport, and make sure in reliable and complete consolidation of all parts and assembly units.

Attach the device to chimneys, gas pipeline and heating system pipes. Connecting pipes of pipelines must be accurately adjusted to the location of the input fittings of the device. Attachment should not be accompanied by mutual tension of pipes and nodes of the device.

Safety instructions

Persons who have studied a real passport are allowed to maintain the device.

Installation and operation of devices must comply with the requirements of the "Rules of the device and the safety of the operation of hot water boilers, water heaters and overpressure steam boilers", as well as the requirements of the Safety Rules of Systems Rangery and Gas Available. PB 12 - 529 ", approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

The operation of the devices should be carried out in accordance with "Rules fire safety For residential buildings, hotels, hostels, buildings of administrative institutions and individual garages PPB - 01 - 03.

The device is allowed only with good safety and thermostat automatics.

Gas automation Security must provide:

  1. Reducing gas supply when the water temperature is reached in the heating system of a specified value.
  2. Disabling gas supply to the main burner when the desired heating temperature is exceeded.
  3. Disabling gas supply to the machine in the following cases:
    • with the termination of gas supply to the device (during no more than 60 seconds);
    • in the absence of damage or in the boiler firebox (during at least 10 seconds and not more than 60 seconds);
    • when the torch is resetting the torch (during no more than 60 seconds).

When operating the device, the temperature of the hot water should not exceed 95 ° C.

Do not:

  1. operate the device with partially filled with water heating system;
  2. apply other liquids as a coolant instead of water **;
  3. install the shut-off - adjusting fittings on the feed line and the pipeline connecting the heating system with the expansion tank;
  4. operate the unit when the gas leak through the compounds of the gas pipeline;
  5. apply an open flame to detect gas leaks;
  6. operate the device when the gas network, chimney or automation malfunction;
  7. independently eliminate malfunctions in the device;
  8. make any constructive changes to the apparatus, gas pipeline and heating system.

With the non-working device, all gas cranes: in front of the burner and on the gas pipeline in front of the device - should be in a closed position (the crane handle is perpendicular to the gas pipeline).

All problems in the operation of the apparatus on gas must immediately report emergency service operational enterprise of gas economy.

In case of detection in the gas room, it should immediately stop feeding it, venture all the premises and cause an emergency or repair service. Before eliminating a malfunction, it is prohibited in the room to light match, smoke, apply

** The use of household coolant "Olga" is allowed (manufacturer: CJSC "Organic Products" CJSC) according to the instructions for use. After the period of operation, the coolant must be merged and recycled.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design and appearance of the product.
Present technical documentation May differ from the description above, see the operating manual invested each boiler when buying.

Distinctive feature boiler AOGV 11.6 (m) lies in the fact that all connecting dimensions Made exactly like a similar boiler of the Zhukovsky plant. This will allow you to easily easily invest and technical changes Replace the "Zhukovsky" boiler for Borinsky.

Buying gas boiler AOGV-11.6 (M) Made at the Russian factory in the Lipetsk region skillful workers with a sober head and straight hands, you are first of all acquire comfort and warmth for yourself and your family. Boilers of OJSC "Borinskoye" do not flow and do not break t. The plant management takes care of the quality of its products and always stands out all the rules and GOST in production.

AOGV-11.6 (M) - One of the most popular among not expensive and most importantly reliable Russian boilers, for the heating of premises area from 40 to 90.

The boiler AOGV-11.6 (M) has a security system that is triggered during:

  • lack of gas or traction;
  • overheating water;
  • support for a given temperature;

Reliable and convenient automationSIT. With Piezorozhigi will provide you with a long, faithful service.

Attention! Copper AOGV 11.6 one-connecting and is intended only for the heating of your home. If using this boiler you want to have a hot water supply, then you need to use a double-circuit analogue - AKGV 11.6 (m) boiler

Technical parameters of the AOGV-11,6 boiler (m)

Factory manufacturer

JSC Borinskoye Russia

Warranty period

3 years (36 months)


Natural gas

Type of automation


Rated thermal power of automatic burner, kW (kcal / h)

11,6 (10000)

Heated Square, m²

Natural gas pressure in front of the automation unit, Pa (mm. Water. Art.)

- Nominal

1274 (130)

- Minimal

637 (65)

- Maximum

1764 (180)

Complete content of carbon monoxide in dry undiluted combustion products of natural gas,% no more

Efficiency of the device,% not less


Water GOST 2874-82

The parameters of the coolant, not more:

- absolute pressure, MPa

- Maximum temperature, ° C

- carbonate rigidity, mM-eq / kg


Size of gas supply fitting:

- Conditional passage of Du, mm

- carving according to GOST 6357-81

G1 / 2 - B

Safety automation parameters. Time to disable gas supply to the ostar and main burners, sec:

- with the termination of the supply of gas or the absence of a flame on the ignition burner, not more than

- in the absence of thrust in chimney

Pulvement in chimney for the apparatus, Pa (mm. Waters. Art.)

From 2.94 to 29.4
(from 0.3 to 3.0)

Conditional passage of water connecting pipes DU, mm

carving according to GOST 6357-81

G 1 ½ - B

Tank-heat exchanger capacity, l

Maximum temperature of exhaust to chimney products of combustion, ° C at a gas pressure of 180 mm of water. Art.

Mass of the apparatus, kg


- Width, mm

- Depth, mm

- Height, mm

Contents of delivery:

Boiler AOGV 11.6 (RK) with non-volatiletGV automation was created at the Borinsky Gas Equipment Plant of Lipetsk and is an absolute analogue for all connecting and overall dimensions The apparatus of the heating gas water (AOGV-11,6-3 ROSTOVGAZOAPAPAPA). The gas boiler is equipped with a TGV-307 automation unit, which is made of reliable components that have proven themselves with reliable work. Management is carried out using installed thermostat In a bundle with an electromagnetic valve. A thermocouple and thrust sensor are mounted in the automation system, which is driven by turning on and disconnecting the device at a given temperature. The design of the boiler provides for the ignition at the beginning of the ignition burner by means of a piezoelectric element, and only after that the main burner is a tag, which is made of the horn type and is more reliable and modern.

Gas heating apparatus AOGV 11.6 (RK) is perfect for replacing your round boiler production of Rostov, and both connections to the heating system are made of the same diameter of DU-40, the nut G1 1/2 "and have an emergency distance of 540 mm. Distance from the surface of the installation of the device to the center The lower nozzle is 265 mm, which is also sustained as an AOGV-11,6-3-3 boiler produced from production. Gas pipe (gas supply fitting) has a DU-15 mm and the thread G 1/2 ", the chimney pipe framed to the boiler must have outside diameter 112 mm and also invariably joins the apparatus through the cap (the bait stabilizer) supplied with the boiler.
When replacing your gas boiler with a capacity of 11.6 kW on AOGV 11.6 (RK) No need to change project documentation, and the installation will pass quickly and without any difficulties.

One of the most popular for heating a private house can be called the boiler Rostovgazoapparat AOGV 11.6. Given not expensive components, ease of design and excellent reliability, these boilers have proven themselves to operate for many years. Such a boiler is installed for heating residential premises with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 120 square meters. Inside the water heats up using a burner, which is located below the water tank. Gas boilers connect to natural gas. However, if desired, you can replace the nozzles and translate the operation of the device to liquefied gas. The hull of the boiler and the heat exchanger are made of high-quality steel.

Boilers AOGV Rostov found wide application In the heating of residential premises and when it is replaced, if you do not find a suitable analogue on dimensions, accession and a axity, and just buy another boiler, in particular foreign production, then when installing can be faced with a number of difficulties.
The cost of such gas heaters is high enough, and for the correct, proper work is often necessary to reorganize existing system Heating of a private house. This is the replacement of cast iron or steel radiators on new aluminum and replacement expansion tank under new Type Boiler with pre-installed membrane. And since all modern boilers are designed to work in closed system Heating with applied for forced running coolant and installation of an additional pump. What ultimately may pour out substantial costs. It is always convenient and without high costs to replace the heating boilers to domestic analogues and save time and save yourself from unnecessary expenses for reworking heating, and also project documentation.

Construction and main parts of the apparatus of gas heating AOGV-11.6

The connecting dimensions of the nozzles and dimensions of AUG-11,6 kW Borino Analogue of the Round Boiler Rostov

The layout of the main and pilot burner in the circular boiler AOGV 11.6

We specify information on the presence when ordering.