Ascendant in Natal Map. Ascending zodiac sign or an ascendant in a horoscope

And ascendent - the three most important figures in natal mapdefining the identity and form of its manifestation. They rarely converge in one sign, although such cases are (it is such cases most of all correspond to the classical descriptions of a particular sign). As a rule, men, the Sun constitutes the "basis" of the person, a set of its constant properties, and the moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and development dynamics. Women both shine "change roles".

Ascendant shows the degree of implementation of the opportunities laid in person. It can be said that the sun-lunar horoscope is like a "genotype" of personality, a set of properties, a person at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation ( left hand in chiromantia). While the ascendant can be called an astrological "phenotype", a set of properties purchased by a person more or less consciously during his life (in the Hiromantia - right hand). This is the expression of the very freedom of the will, about whom another Ptolemy, indicating that "stars" define fate only half, - all the rest of the person suits himself. Another thing is that far from all people can (or want) to become the "grasshoppers of their own happiness," many only float within the flow, providing fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that in the West it is customary to record a person's birth time with an accuracy of a minute, so the calculation of Ascendent rarely causes difficulties. In the countries of the East (including in the Soviet Union), such an opportunity is not always available; Birthday error can reach a few hours. Here you have to either rectocate an ascendant on life events, or bypass the sunny-lunar horoscope, which unfortunately looks like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But back to the houses counted from Ascendent. We received twelve round - their value varies depending on the geographical latitude, the time of year, as well as from the time of day. In addition, we received four important points, of which one is an Ascendant. Consider them in more detail.

Descendant in a cosmogram

Directly opposite Ascendant is a descendant, downward (or coming) degree. If at the time of the birth of a person in the east, some degree of the celestial circle dates back, then in the West, naturally, at the same time some degree comes and is called a decendant or Deesandant. Descendent is the edge and denoted by the DS letters.

The ascent decendent line represents a horizontal or, simply speaking, the horizon. If the Ascendant corresponds to the human "I", the beginning of the human person (the edge), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the surrounding, the point of the human relationship to other people and their attitude towards him, no wonder, the descendant opens, "the House of Marriage and Partner".

Next, on the cosmogram there are two more points, constituting the isvy of IV and X houses; The first point is called Nadir, the second middle of the sky. Nadir opens the fourth house and is indicated by IC (from the lat. "My goal" is the lower part of the sky). The middle of the sky corresponds to the edge of the tenth at home and is indicated by the MC (from the lat. The "medium of the target", meaning the same).

In the physical sense, IC corresponds to midnight, and the MC - noon: these points of ecliptic The sun passes (approximately) at twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of this calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, let's say, at 11.45 local sunny time, the MS point almost coincides with the point of the sun position, and at birth at 12.05 - will leave it a little bit behind.

In the Occult Plan, Nadir (IC) personifies the "initial capital" of a person, genetic and mental baggage, given to him at birth; The middle of the sky (MC) is the purpose of his aspirations, that Zenit, to which his personality seeks during its development. Human life is like a line connecting nadir with zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram on the North and South, and the line of Meridiana is to the Western and Eastern Half. There is already a quick look at the cosmogram, it is enough to determine how planets are located relative to these lines, and make some conclusions.

For a better presentation, redraw your on your blank sheet of paper, and spend two lines on the blue shooters, Ascendent (AS) in the 1-house and middle of the sky (MC) in the 10th house. Redraw the card is recommended to all novice astrologers, it will help more deeply plunge into the sacrament of the influence of subtle energies.

If most planets turn out to be above the horizon, that is, in the southern half of the cosmograms, this usually suggests that the "owner" of the horoscope is a person of action: he prefers to manage his fate himself. Than closer sun To the meridian, the higher the high position it reaches. This is true even in cases where the remaining indicators are not quite favorable.

If the planets are located more under the horizon, in the northern half of the cosmograms, the fate of a person is not too favorable: all its development is "inside", in the shower, not giving a tangible social result. Such a person is usually not able to cope with circumstances. If near Nadir (IC), that is, the lower point of the northern half of the sky, the sun or Jupiter turns out, the person often devotes himself to classes by mystical teachings, metaphysics, occult sciences. If, near this point, Mars and Saturn are, it speaks of a tense relationship in the family.

If most planets fall into the eastern half, that is, at the limits of the MC-AS-IC triangle, this means early personality development, bright events in adolescence, in general, the early independence of a person, and other favorable conditions - And early success in life. If the horoscope is generally unfavorable, it can mean a lot of difficulties and obstacles in the first half of life.

If the planets are focused mainly in the Western half, that is, in the IC-DS-MC triangle, then the most important events will occur in the second half of life. Such people are generally inclined to wait without taking active actions; They make decisions that they impose the environment. In general, the inner life is more important for them.

The horizon and meridians share a cosmogram for four sectors - quadrant. These sectors are rarely equal to each other, because in different latitudes and at different times of the year day and night, the bright and darkness of the day have a different duration. American astrologer Dane Redjar in his book "Astrology of Personality" indicates that the North-West Sector gives the concept of emotional sphere man, and southeast - about his logical thinking; Southwest talks about the peculiarities of his perception, and the northeast - about the methods of processing information.

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From time to time, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors around us, we will know the dates of their birth and appeal to the help of astrology. After all, how clear to us is specifically a symbol of the zodiac and determines the character of a person. However, do not everyone know that the idle, fate and personal features of the lava form three indicators: the location of the Sun on the sky in the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the personality, the position of the moon, which is determining the nature, and the value of the ascendant. This implies the question: What does the last term mean, what does he have an impact and how to calculate an ascendant?

Ascendant (with a lat. The language is translated as "ascending", from English - "power", "impact", "predominance", "domination") - a symbol of the zodiac, ascending over the horizon at the moment of the human birth. In other words, this is a second time when the starry sky with all the planetary location, imprinted this moment, forms personal horoscope For a newborn and his personal actual path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the plane of the ecliptic.

Earth and any point of its surface, turning, once a day passes the whole zodiacal circle, Locking the value of the ascendant in a specific zodiac sign. A man is assigned a symbol, such as Capricorn, because this value (and not the sun, as many people suggest) is in the sign of Capricorn. The place, time and date of appearance on the light are directly affected by the born ascendant.

What influences

In almost all astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and the point of reference in the construction of the horoscope. His unique imprint, received by a person at the moment of birth, becomes an integral part of the person, determining the factor in behavior, nature, external and attitude towards others. Specifically, your reaction on people, situations, and what other people see you. Ascendant, calculated which can be independently forms a feature, personality properties, its self-expression and worldview.

This is a point, in contrast to the sign of the moon that formulates the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, face, a mask that a man shows others. Ascendant symbol represents outer layer, your shell "I" and determines what people see in you primarily. Ascendant (abbreviated ASC) is called the gate, followed by the inner world.

According to astronomers, the symbol of Ascendent is the fundamental component of the natal card (birth card), on the position of which the remaining characteristic of the horoscope depends on the position. Without the calculation of this criterion, the human horoscope will not be the most complete and related to the moment of appearance.

How to define ascendent

  • Hour, number, month and year of birth.
  • Geographic longitude and breadth of place of birth.

Manual ascendant is calculated by a special formula:

arctg (COS S / - [(TG f · sin ε) + (SIN S · COS ε)]) \u003d ASC, where

  • f - geographical latitude of the place of appearance on the light;
  • ε is the angle of inclination of ecliptic to the equator (23-26O);
  • s is local starry time (calculated by the formula S \u003d SO + L + UT + D, where SO - stellar time in the middle Greenwich midnight of the desired date (can be viewed in the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - global time;
  • d - amendment in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) on the discrepancy of stellar time with an average sunny.

S must be multiplied by 15 to translate it to degrees.

The calculation may take a lot of time and not to ensure the accuracy of the result, so it is better to refer to the help of computer programs.

Features of programs

Before the emergence of information technologies, people treated professional astrologers and astronomers to determine ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope, the Ascendant calculate. We are only interested in these questions, and contact specialists in astrology will not need. For this, there are special computer programs that allow you to get the desired information about your ascending sign of the zodiac. The program will be able to calculate according to the formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its impact on nature. After all, a specifically ascending symbol of the zodiac determines your goals, tasks and creative potential, affecting even fate.

Not fail if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. The professional program will determine their own, it is worth only to you to make a country and the city to the appropriate Count (if your homeland is the village, specify the close city), converting local time to the global format (mean Greenwich), and then to the Siderician (time relatively fixed stars) . Sideric days are not identical for earthly time, they are four minutes shorter than Greenwich day.

One program, whatever she failed, will not be able to give you complete and exhaustive information regarding the degree of the ascending sign of the zodiac and the location of other planets at the time of appearance. Calculate Ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal card on the basis of several programs, additional information or using a specialist.

Value for the Sun.

To determine the ascendant may not refer to the help of specialized programs, and simply learning the dawn time and sunset in the day of your birth. Turn to the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendent coincides with the solar sign of the zodiac. For example, if you are Aries, then your aspant symbol is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after the dawn, the value moves to one symbol forward, therefore, Aries, having made the light with its appearance at 8 am, along the ascending sign of the zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shift their native symbol for another two horoscope forward. That is, the Assandent of the Aries - Gemini.
  • If you were born about at noon, the ascending point moves another three sign (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move for another four sign, this means that Aries is already lion.
  • The appearance of 2-4 hours before the sunset is marked by the value of the Ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves about one character forward. However, not all points are moved equally, some can move righter or slower. Therefore, the ascendant is to calculate the time of sunrise and sunset sufficiently difficult, for greater reliability it is better to contact the help of programs and professional astronomers.

The impact of ascendent on the appearance

It is not sensitive that ASC is able to influence the illness of a person. However, it is impossible to argue with complete confidence that the person will be outside specifically as he implies his ascendant. After all, genes are a considerable role in the formation of the physique, the features of the face and other elements of the appearance. Genetic signs of the body along with the impact of a certain sign of the zodiac and give the final result, determining the features of the outside.

Before you learn an Ascendant, read the standard description of each sign of the zodiac.


Athletic body, medium height, energetic walking, open smile, straight, slightly penetrating gaze. The activity and energy of the fire sign are expressed in offensive actual positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Strong, strong, decisive Aries always goes, is subject to rapid acts.


The compound of the ascendants in the Taurus gave a sign of a tight, strong body, accurate features, huge eyes, a square type of face. Slow, reliable, thinking every step, appreciating luxury and comfort Taurus is under the auspices of Venus, who gave it a sensual charm.


Gemini have low growth, mobile, thin body, pointed by the features of the face, alive, open eyes, rapid gait. Twins are incredibly smart and mental, sociable and friendly, possess movable facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and able to show talent in several spheres at the same time.


Cracks - discusses, offensive, possess incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of Ascendant in this sign usually medium height, have soft features, round face type, gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and feet. Cracks - scattered, dreamy, sensitive nature, appreciate the family and the house, are hard to come to contact unfamiliar people, but they can manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The ascendant and the idle of the lion are characterized by a magnificent posture, a beautiful shape of the head, a dazzling smile, a thick chapel. Lions are incredibly proud, energetic and passing, possess pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The patronage of the Sun gives the lions courage, courage, confidence within himself.


The sixth symbol of the Zodiac - Virgo is characterized by the highest or average growth, brittle physique, aristocratic features of the face, tenacious, attentive gaze. Mercury's domination endowed the virgin by the analytical warehouse of the mind, the highest degree of observation, the demandingness to himself and others. Virgin is balanced, a little small and picky.


Ascendant in the scales involves a well-folded figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, thin, honed features. The patronage of Venus gives representatives of this sign by beauty, charm, composure. Scales - inborn diplomats and aesthetes. In all, they seek to achieve harmony, sometimes they are quite indecisive and scattered.


Scorpions have a strong physique, protruding the features of the face, piercing, hypnotizing gaze. They are distinguished by steel power, rigid character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are hidden, incredulous and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascending sign in Sagittari have an athletic physique, small, pleasant features, peaceful, slightly mocking eyes, a tendency to completeness. Sagittarius are positive, benevolent, energetic, sincerely, love to travel. They are sometimes neutactic, straight, but always honest and open.


Capricorn is different highest growth, thinness, deepest, thoughtful gaze, a radiant smile, strong, strong legs. The impact of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, principled, susceptible to stress and depression. It disciplined, reliable and aims at a career and power.


Ascendant in Aquarius empowers the holders of this sign with dense physique, developed muscles, accurate features of the face, contemplative eyes. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, unpredictable character.


Middle or low growth, huge dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, huge hands and feet secrete fish from a variety of horoscope representatives. Fishes are endowed with the ability to foresee, developed imagination, some "otherworld". They are indecisive, lazy, hidden, create a memory of slow and sluggish people. Although in fact it is not always the case.

Astronomers believe that the Ascendant is to calculate very fundamentally for a person. After all, the knowledge of his ascending sign will allow you to familiarize yourself with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creative potential and factors that can affect fate and make them more realistic.

Ascendant, or the ascending sign - the zodiac sign, the one that has risen on the east side of the horizon at the moment of the birth of a person, that is, the point of intersection of the horizon plane with the plane of the ecliptic. At the Ascendant directly affect the time and place of birth.


1. Long time astrologists were obliged to calculate the ascendant independently. Today, the need for it disappeared, from the fact that special sites and programs allow you to get the necessary information in online mode. One of these sites is Astroland. Complete the link under the article in order to go to it.

2. Specify in the appropriate fields your name, exact time and place of birth. Please note that in different years, due to the transfer for an hour ahead and back, the present time could differ from the official one. You need exactly the present. Install the extension options optionally. Click the "Make Horoscope" button.

3. Scroll through the page until you see the circle and the two tables to the right of it. In the first line, the 2nd table will be specified ascendent (abbreviated ASC): a sign marked with a special character accepted in astrology, and degrees.

4. Another method to determine the ascendant is a special program "ZET" (reference is indicated below). Run it later download, specify data about place and birth time. The program mechanically determines all the necessary data.

5. Determine the power of Ascendent on the temper is allowed on the third site specified under the article. From the list on the page, select your zodiac sign and go to the next page. Among the proposed options, detect paragraph with your ascende. The data specified on this site is not complete and exhaustive, from the fact that the degrees of the Ascendant and the location of the other luminaries at the time of birth. You can calculate a complete natal map only with the support of expert and additional programs and information.

Ascendant is the top of the first house in the natal map of the horoscope. What does this mean and why is it so important to compile an individual horoscope? The fact is that Ascendent (ASC.), Being the top of the first house, shows how a person looks for others. If you speak briefly, it affects the external manifestations of our lave. Ascendant will tell us how they perceive the surrounding, what they see us.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - Tables of placid houses or koche;
  • - Efemerides:
  • - Astrological tables for calculating the birth's time and place of birth.


1. Because Ascendant is a "ascending sign" of the horoscope, then people born closer to the sunrise will be more kind of comply with their zodiac sign in external manifestations (clothes, behavior, habit). The greater the breakdown between the time of the sunrise and the birth time of a person, the smallest external manifestations will correspond to his inner world. Because to calculate the ascendant?

2. It is easier for everyone to calculate the ascendant with the help of a special astrological program. Now the network is allowed to detect the non-free free astrological programs, allowing to make up, without extra suffering, an accurate natal man's map. In addition, it is allowed to use the online service in order to calculate the ascendant.

3. If you decide to calculate the ascendant omnoscient, then be patient and free time. To begin with, it is necessary to detect the IMH (local starry time), which corresponds to the birth time of man. This requires the coordinates of the place of birth of a person who are allowed to learn from any atlas or a special director of the astrologer "Coordinates of cities and temporary amendments". The same directory will help to detect the birthday of a man in Greenwich or GTM. Currently, the place of birth (RVM) is allowed to detect if I detect Greenwich amendment. To do this, the longitude of the place of birth is to multiply for 4 minutes. The result exceeding 60 minutes, it is necessary to lead to an acceptable mind, that is, translate into hours, minutes, seconds. After that, the detected amendment must either take away from longitude (Western longitude), or add to the longitude (Eastern longitude).

4. Because the Ascendant is taken from the "Placid House Tables", then we need to know the local Star Time (MW). In these tables indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the vertices of the horoscope houses that correspond to the Star Time in Greenwich (SID TIME). RVM, which was discovered above, corresponds to clear time in Greenwich. Correction is performed using the "Adjustment Clear Time for Star" table. The MSV value you need will be located on the crossing line (minutes per GTM) and the column (GTM clock). This amendment will be given in the form of minutes and seconds, it investigates it tediously lead to an acceptable form (say, 00h 24 minutes 12s). Finally, it is allowed to detect local time: MSV \u003d SID Time (taken from the 2nd ephemeride column) + the amendment "from the time of clear to the star".

5. Now, having the "Table of Placida Houses" on the hands of the "Table of Houses", to calculate the ascendant in a dysente. Further to find out among the many tables that in the left upper corner which is indicated by the coming local time (MW). After that, we find a column with a latitude of the place of birth (between the 2nd and third plate there is a LAT column). Now it is necessary to detect the crossing of the LAT string containing the coordinates of the geographical latitude of birth, and the columns of the plate containing in the upper left corner of the local Star time (MVR). The middle column of the table contains an ASC value., Which will represent the desired value of the ascendent. ASC is represented as a zodiac sign coordinates. In order to determine the zodiac sign containing an ascendant, it is necessary to raise up the ASC column. The 1st sign of the zodiac who met us between the values \u200b\u200bof degrees and minutes of Ascendant will be a sign of the zodiac containing the 1st house of our horoscope.

All astrological calculations are conducted in hours, minutes and seconds. Thus, 20.40.55 + 3.15.30 \u003d 23.55.85 or 24.05.25 (resulting on the result of an acceptable form).

Tip 3: What is an ascendant and how it affects the character

Astrology is not official science, however, many people resort to the comprehension of the stars in the stars. According to many years of astrological data, three components are influenced by the person's temper: the zodiac sign (the location of the sun in one of the 12 stakes of the zodiac circle), the lunar sign (the location of the moon) and the ascendant. Knowing the terminology and some features of the representation of the ascendant, allowed to calculate which powerful and weak sides There is in man.

What is ascendant?

If you draw a circle of the movement of the Earth around the Sun (plane of ecliptic) and a line from the center to the east, then the ascende will be the intersection point in the east of the horizon. Determine where the East helps the exact place of the birth of a person.

The zodiac sign (the location of the sun in the sign) reflects the external behavior of a person in relation to the world in aggregate, career, people. The moon in the sign indicates the internal features, what sources are in man and how he sees himself. Ascendant is hidden motifs. Considering the views from the point of view of psychology, Zodiac will be an interaction with the world, the lunar sign - consciousness, and Ascendent - the subconscious.

Calculate the ascendent is allowed with the support of special tables and schematic sketches. The responsible approximate sign of the ascendant is calculated according to the exact time of sunrise and sunset on the day of the man's jam (allowed to look at the calendar).

Draw a zodiacal circle. The point of reference (sunrise) will be your zodiac sign. After all sorts of 2-4 hours later, the ascendant's sunrise moves approximately one sign clockwise.

It happens that the point of sunrise coincides with a clear sign. A man who was born at dawn, in his ascende will have a sign equal sign of the zodiac. This is called a double sign (say, a dual side elder, etc.). At the same time, all the calls are intensified, both positive and negative.

Effect of Ascendant on character

Ascendant is divided into male and female. Male signs are the signs of fire (lion, Sagittarius, Aries) and air (twins, scales, aquarius), female - water signs (fish, cancer, scorpion) and earth (Virgin, Taurus, Capricorn).

If a woman has a female sign in the ascende, it is favorable on maternity and moral in aggregate. There is a smooth movement, softness, knowledge to forgive, etc.

Male sign enhances the harsh features of the lava and village qualities. Male S. male sign In the Ascende - the nee warrior and the conqueror. When signs are changing: a man is born with a female sign, and a woman with a male, it allows you to talk about the elasticity of the lava - the person is easily adjusted for any decomposition (provided that the ascendant is not clearly pronounced).

A pronounced female Ascendant in a man (Cancer, Fish, Virgo) suppresses men's energy, making a man cowardly and shy, driven in skillful hands. And the male (lion, Aries, Scorpio) Ascendant in a woman makes a woman in a unbelief and somewhere rough.

The full astrological map of the nrava must be compiled, taking into account all the features: a normal-atypical zodiac sign (depends on the decade of birth), etc. It is worth considering that science refutes the power of the horoscope on the temper and writes off all sorts of coincidences for the power of human hope in prediction.

Tip 4: Scorpio in Ascende: Interaction with a clear sign

People who believe in astrology traditionally large attention pays for their zodiac sign. A sign under which a person was born is truly much significant. But at all, the arrangement of Ascendent at the time of birth is at all. An exceptionally fascinating setting is folded if the ascendant turns out to be in the sign of Scorpio.

The ascende is called the point of sunrise, the degree intersection of ecliptic with the eastern part of the horoscope. In the horoscope, Ascendant is marked with ASC letters, it indicates a sign of the zodiac, ascending at the moment of the birth of a person.

The value of Ascendent

The ascending sign has a significant impact on the figure of a person, sometimes changing its temper. Let's say, a man was born under the sign of Scorpio - it was allowed to assume that it would be a strong volitional figure. But at the time of birth, the Ascendant was in the fish, which determined the external manifestations of a person's inheritance - shyness, impracticality, stiffness. It is important to understand that the Ascendant forms the external qualities of a person - how he manifests itself in communicating, in public. In this case, the quality of the clear sign is not canceled. A man born under the sign of Scorpio with fish in the ascende will own durable freedom, but it will manifest itself in his principle, the ability to go to the goal, despite anything. But externally, it will be a rather weak indecisive person.

Interaction with clear signs

Consider what external qualities a person who has a sign of Scorpio in the Ascendant will be owned. About Scorpio more closely was mentioned above, we will investigate other signs of the zodiac. Strain. Frank freedom-loving man. Scorpio in the ascende will give him freedom, conviction in itself, courage. This is a solid person for which there are no authorities. Curious, putting everything in doubt, invariably talking what it thinks. Camerogen? Practical, responsible, solid. Scorpio in the ascende is even more much intensifying these qualities. Such a person can become a somewhat excellent managers, demanding both to himself and to subordinate. Aquarius? Independent intellectual. Tolerant, friendly. Scorpio in the ascende will increase its autonomy even much. Can add impatience, determination. Inability to restrain sometimes will bring important troubles to such a person. Soft compassionate man. Friendly, sensitive. Scorpio in the ascende will add him freedom, determination, courage. Such a person can become an epochable humanist, working for the benefit of people. Aries? Energetic, initiative, impulsive. Scorpio in the ascende will add to him courage, determination. Such a person can achieve a lot of many people? Weathered, hardy, practical. Scorpio in the Ascende will give him freedom to achieve goals. Excellent option For merchant. Clips? Contact, non-conflict person. Due to Scorpio in the ascende, it will be likely to promote their ideas, entail other people. Cancer? Careful, indigrant, economic. Scorpio in the Ascende will give him hope, activity, enterprise. A good merchant, a worker. The unmarked, volitional, radical. Due to Scorpio in the ascende, these qualities will increase even more. Such a person can be an outstanding leader, politician, merchant.Deva? Tidy practical person. Scorpio in the Ascende will allow him to achieve everyone, what he dreams about. All plans are practical, realistic. No fantasies and sublime dreams. Are there? Peaceful, friendly, sociable. Ascendant in Scorpio will give him freedom and determination. Delightful qualities for politics, entrepreneur. When reviewing the horoscope, the ascending sign should be given the closest attention. It is the general quality of the qualities of clear and ascending signs that indicates the main qualities of a person's gear.

In addition to the native sign of the zodiac calculated by the date of birth, another zodiac sign affects you - Ascendent. IN natal map this is ascending sign At the moment of birth. Below are given values Ascendent in each sign of the zodiac Francis Sakoyan..

Ascendant in Ovne

Strong will in the surrounding world - possession of the world around. Aries is directed forward with intensive energy and pristine power. His determination helps to carry out any intention, does not lose time, full of enthusiasm, the desire to distinguish between everything that does. He cannot but asserted, manifesting tireless energy.

Energetic behavior, punching force, feeling own dignity, dynamics, ambition, dedication, professionalism, impulsiveness, passion. Multilateral social chances of success. Fanaticism, extremism, excessive hurry, unceremoniousness, weldability, egocentrism, thirst for struggle.

You meet life allouy, with heat and enthusiasm rushing into the uncharted. You are straight, open, assertors are usually absolutely honest in all our affairs. Frequently, not capable of deception, insincerity or false, you make an impression of a person confident, sometimes arrogant.

Often you lack clock and sensitivity, you can absolutely not notice the needs of other people, be inattentive, selfish. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least, to such an extent as other people.

You love originality and are not afraid to stay alone. You can not feel very well in the team, and it is not easy for you to cooperate with others. You prefer to be either a leader, or a single.

You are a man of business, crave freedom, challenge and active activity. You tend to think clearly: or black, or white, your views are somewhat simplified, and this allows you to act very strongly and confidently.

Inspired by the idea, you feel so impatient and excitement, which often boldly strive to embody it immediately, but at the same time, an uncomplicated, unverified way. Patience and attention to detail are not your strengths.

However, you never recognize yourself defeated, and you are waiting for brilliant, unprecedented achievements and discoveries, however, as painful defeats. It is much better for you to try and make a mistake than not to try at all.

You treat the weakness and passivity of other people with contempt, as well as their desire to imitate others and go after others. You are not from those who follow. Others see in you a strong personality, a person, maybe daring and even shameless. You are turned to the world strong side And usually do not allow others to see your vulnerable, unprotected side.

Ascendant in Tales

Providing the surrounding world - preservation of property. Investment of force in cash enterprises and the processing of raw materials. He loves the pleasant sides of life and himself, his work, creates beauty.

Striving for stability, peace and safety, resistance, hardness, home contact, friendly. The environment meets the internal needs of property, harmony and material values. "I" requires an increased value, the basis of the facts. Practical lifestyle.

Egoism, thirst for pleasure, stubbornness, stubbornness. It is characterized by a reasonable, realistic look at life, and you are firmly standing on Earth (although in thoughts you can sometimes turn in the clouds). Others often see in you the embodiment of strength, strength, reliability and constancy.

You really are surprisingly consistent, because you have a huge excerpt and do not like to make changes or improvements in the usual schedule. You do everything thoughtfully and methodically, with difficulty adapt to the surprises.

Outwardly, you are mild, but you have a huge power of will and stubbornness. You go on our own and do not like to be hurried or pushed to something that you do not feel confidence. You can easily induce, incline to something with the help of charm, beauty, love, tenderness - but not only forces.

You will not fight with anyone, but you just stubbornly resist any attempt to make you do what you do not want to do.

When you have a goal, then you are striving for it hard, with incredible constancy; You can not knock down from the course. Your stubbornness often leads others to rage, especially, because a lot of effort is required to make you ignore or respond to someone else's anger.

Most of the time you look a person calm, indifferent and unimoneed, but huge power is hidden behind your good-natured and peaceful appearance. When it comes to competition in the power of will, then you often win simply because of your inexorable perseverance capable of overpowering anyone.

Another reason you are reluctant to change - this is your strongest need to protect. You feel the best in stable, relatively unchanged conditions and really want to have tangible testimonies of our security - own house, money in a bank, a steady position at work, etc.

The other side of your constancy is the power of the habit, under the action of which you easily fall and strive to stay in a familiar situation (at work, in the family - anywhere) for a long time after she has lost their vitality and interest.

You are sharply appreciate the material benefits and get a lot of joy from ordinary life facilities and physical world with all of his countless pleasures. You are very sensual - in a natural, healthy sense - and you know how to delve pleasure.

You are experiencing natural, earthly attraction to the opposite sex. You are also a big connoisseur of beauty - and your tastes can be called generally accepted, classic, but not modernist.

Ascendant in Gemini

Diversity in the surrounding world - fast reaction, original creative thinking, differing in its circle intellectual abilities. The ability to formulate their ideas scientifically and bright, as they identify themselves with their ideas, so they correspond to the intellectual form of expression.

Mandatory essence, joy of communication, rapid perception, mental mobility, adaptability, versatility, thirst for knowledge, curiosity, passion for travel, diverse scientific interests.

Surface, impermanence, boasting. You are always asking about something, learn and seem like a young man, alive, regardless of how much you really have. Your mind is always active, curious, flexible, is open to new knowledge.

You with childish enthusiasm treat everything new, learn quickly, but you can also easily bother. You can be somewhat scattered because you have so many ideas that they are difficult for them to keep track. You crave a variety, changes, food for mind and active public life.

Eloquent, smart, often mixed and witty, you are always a fresh and interesting interlocutor. You like to meet and interact with many different people. You are friendly, love to smell, charming, easy and playful.

Even if you feel bad, appearance You never tell you that you are hard, you never look gloomy. You can seem like frivolous other, more serious personalities.

You have a sense of humor and see the perspective that it does not allow you to perceive yourself and life is too serious. And indeed, the impression can be created that you feel frivolously inattentively affected by others are considered very important.

In general, you perceive life mentally, objectively, and not emotionally, and you can not very sympathize with other people. You do not like you to allocate too much responsibility or the burden of other people's emotions. Moreover, if you can't understand something mind, logically, you often prefer to ignore it (here include irrational feelings, desires and needs - yours and other people).

Constancy and reliability are not your qualities. Your restlessness fills life with movement and change. You become a man nervous and fussy, if things do not move fast enough. You are interested in everything that is happening here and now, the latest news.

Your advantages are a fast mind, eloquence, ability to languages, temptation and sophistication in society, sociability, talkative, the ability to bring bridges between people and ideas. You can become overly boltles if you do not have a job or classes where you could apply your mental, verbal and public skills.

Ascendant in cancer

Susceptibility in relation to the world around emotional dependence. Indecision, but passionality in feelings expressed in a dramatic manner, with romanticism. Will supports emotions. Strong fusion with family and family matters.

Sensitivity, readiness to help, adjacent, sympathy, self-sacrifice, family feeling. Filled family lifechanging (mostly simple) living conditions.

You give the impression of a man of soft and calm; In a relationship with others, very careful, and just learning a person well, making sure that nothing threatens you, you can open it. You strongly need emotional protection, in the desire to possess and deeply tied to the past: inheritance, roots, family, loved ones and friends, familiar places, etc.

It can be very painful and difficult to produce radical changes or abandon what is already known safe. You tend to "cling" for people, memories, all personal and sentimental. It is very important for you to have your home, "quiet harbor."

Your approach to life is emotional and subjective, you are sensitive to an emotional atmosphere, implicit sentiments and the finest feelings within you and around you. Instinctive and irrational, you are often unable to give a clear, simple explanation for your actions. Just something is perceived correct, or vice versa.

Your thoughts and opinions are painted with emotions and personal attachments. You look at life from a very personal point of view and are often not able to separate yourself from your personal inconsistencies, from prejudice.

You are prone first of all to take care of how something will affect you and those who are expensive to you and are close, and not about the principal side of the issue or a wide public influence. For example, you can be very patriotic and assume that everything that "my country" does, right, not knowing anything about politics and point of view of other nations. Simply put, "Well, that's good for me and my loved ones," and vice versa.

You are extremely faithful to those care about, in every possible way, we care and support them, you have a very strong maternal reflex (regardless of your gender). You are attentive to others, intuitively understand the feelings and needs of people. Comprehensive and sympathetic, you are sharply feeling someone else's pain and often you are the one who is looking for people when they need consolation, support or help.

Your mood often fluctuates and changing. Sometimes you are open, and sometimes emotionally removed. You can communicate without words and appreciate people who are able to understand the slightest hint without needing exhaustive explanations. You never forget any good nor evil.

Ascendant in Lev

An image of the surrounding world is an individual image of the world. Full dignity, energy, will, but often arrogant and cutting. They say when they want, interfere in affairs when they are not asked.

Conscious behavior, the need of authoritative, recognition, dignity, nature latitude, openness, cheerfulness, creating a luxurious life situation. Egoism, manners, boasting, own person is designed to the world around.

Very proud and several vains, you like to make the impression, you want to be perceived as someone special. You are not timid, not crokes, not modest, rarely satisfy the subordinate, not enough high position.

You yourself are a born leader, and do not really like to hear orders from others. You must have something your own, something creative is some kind of project, business, something in domestic affairs, etc. - What could you develop and exercise in accordance with your own desire and your point of view.

Whatever you do, you do peculiar and dramatic. You love the results of labor wore your "personal stamp". You also have a very strong feeling of dignity, self-esteem, pride, and you are deeply offended if someone humiliates or dismisses you.

You rarely enter confrontation with the offender - you are too proud for this - but losing love and respect for it. You do not like petties and hate when you will repulse and ignore you.

You admire the same strong individualities as you yourself. With those who are made friends, you are extremely sincere, true and ready for everything to make these people happy. You are very generous and generous, but your gifts are never anonymous - you are waiting for you to be recognized and appreciated.

You are also waiting for you expensive people of the same extraordinary loyalty as yours. However, you often have trouble when working with people, who are also strong as you yourself, as you are not easy to interact and share power. If you do not take a leading position, then strive to take it and compete with those who take it.

You are generous and courageous, and people often go to you for support and approval. You are always turned to the world with your "best face", and rarely allow others to see you with a person hard, heartless or vulnerable.

You have a very strong need for love, you admired you, you are valued, praised, although at the same time you do not want others to understand how important for you is all important.

Your view of life is largely painted personally and rather egocentric. Your self-expression, self-effectiveness and self-realization takes you the most in the world. It seems to you that if you are in your place to do everything in the best possible way, then everything else will go by itself.

Ascendant in Vid.

Interest in the surrounding world is a family order and at work. The principle is manifested in practical matters. In the development and implementation of ideas act systematically and systematically. Tell me to register each trifle and analyze it. This is based on success.

The main goal is perfection. Everything that is being done should be infallible. Quality is valued more quantity. Modesty, conscientiousness, caution, observation, thoroughness, correctness, simple and streamlined living conditions, practical overcoming situations.

Calculation, pedantry, ceremony, prejudice. Often the exploitation of the neighbor. Modest, unobtrusive, often very quiet, shy. You are the person who prefers to occupy a subordinate position, serve as an assistant, in auxiliary role, and not as a leader.

You are rather modest in assessing yourself, you need perfections in everything and extremely self-critical. Regarding how well you have done something, you always see flaws and see how it can be done better.

Often you just refuse to try to do something, as you feel that you can not meet your strict standards. You see well the details and upset if something is done not quite so - usually in the trifles that others are considered completely insignificant or for themselves to be granted.

It is difficult for you to please, and this can suffer from others. You are also sophisticated and very smashed and scrupulous in choosing food, clothes, friends, work, etc. The order surrounded for you is very important.

You take care of the work very carefully and only after the realistic assessment of all risky moments and potential winnings. If something is not safe enough, you can hardly take it. You tend to underestimate your own opportunities, feel the lack of confidence and confidence in life, which holds back your immediacy.

You have a bad habit - worry about everything. On the other hand, you rarely fall into the dirt face, and all you do, do very well.

Other people see in you a person's independent and rather closed. You have a strongly developed sense of decency. Politeness, good manners, correct behavior are important for you.

Another young people are first striking your clear, cold, objective and non-modest attitude, and although in fact you are capable of helping and care, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed so that the surrounding immediately felt it.

You can seem like a man dry and business, more conservative than you actually, in the depths of the soul. You are the person from whom the surrounding people can expect a technical council or an unbiased opinion, but not emotional support.

You are very observational, smart, you have a huge desire for study and self-improvement, but not particularly ambitious and are often satisfied with the most common, not outstanding position in life.

Ascendant in scales

Those who have an Ascendant in the scales can say about themselves that they were born under the sign of the scales, since it was this sign that was the horizon at the moment of birth. Harmony in the surrounding world is a harmonious image of life.

Usually they show their identity in collaboration with others. Their actions produce the impression of beauty and grace in combination with discipline, rigor and sense of justice. Their better quality is the ability to enter the rest of the other and understand its point of view.

Do not love loneliness, as they feel lost and granted to themselves. The exacerbation of feelings, mobility, sophistication, harmony, sociability. Love for art and good manners define an elevated lifestyle.

Suit, vanity, exaggerated understanding of yourself, fear of work, non-independence. Revenues and social lift often at the expense of others.

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, are always ready to listen to different points of view, look at the question from another point of view. Even if you do not agree much with someone, you will rather try to find moments of similarities and consent, and not to emphasize the differences.

You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in whatever. You have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personify the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and justice.

You really want you to love, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily affected by someone else's opinion, especially in youth. You want to please so much that they often neglect the interests and feelings to not only offend others.

Sometimes your politeness is trying to see far-reaching ideas or perceive it as weakly accuracy.

Your need for the establishment of harmony applies to your physical environment, and your self-image. You value the beauty and have a natural sense of equilibrium, symmetry and proportion.

In all matters you show a good artistic taste, a sense of style. Starting from the situation of your dwelling and ending with the choice of clothing - everything should be aesthetically attractive, and not just functional or utilitarian.

You also feel that the relationship is art, and it is especially interested in you, and you usually have extensive experience in this area, because you have a tact and an exacerby understanding of other people.

Marriage is of particular importance for you, so it is extremely important for you to find a suitable person with whom you could live life. For you, it is natural to be half the paved couple - you are not an independent loner. The presence of a partner increases your self-confidence.

However, you have a tendency to become extremely dependent on the partner - to such an extent that you may not be perceived by an independent person, outside of the relationship. For you, the problem is to find the balance between being yourself and alloy, merging with another person.

Others see in you a person compliant, soft, harmonious and generally wonderful. This is a kind of mask you are addressed to the world, although for you she can be something much big. It is characterized by personal charm and restraint, no aggressiveness.

Your motto can be "better to have many friends than many enemies," and you come to everything from the standpoint of friendship, cooperation, and not from the standpoint of strength, conquest, coercion.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Self-preservation in the outside world - preservation of the genus. Show themselves energetically, hard, ready for risk to achieve the goal. As a rule, it is useless to explain the impracticability of the task, they will still have to achieve its implementation by all means.

Enthusiasm is heated by intense feelings and solid determination. Able to detect hidden sources to carry out their plans. Perseverance, adjustment, readiness for action, diligence, vanity, determination, sub-step energies.

Cruelty, readiness for fighting, stubbornness, aggressiveness, passionality, instinctivity, infractiveness, quick temper, violence. Often a violation of relationships with neighbors.

You have a very strong will, proud, but also extremely hidden, you are not easy to find out. For your calm appearance hid a huge emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, as well as incredible determination.

When you want something, then see it without a rush, but persistently and with complete returns - and usually achieve success. You are not from those who live easily and superficially. You want to live passionately, intensively and do not avoid challenge, danger, meeting face to face with the dark side of life, human pain and struggle.

You act well in critical situations and often look for them, because you like to feel that you live "on the whole coil."

You are very intuitive about other people and especially with regard to their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. You usually arise a strong, instantaneous inner reaction, which is subsequently properly.

Your approach to life is largely instinctive, you do not always fully realize why you feel or act one way or another. You have a very strong contact with animals, an extremely sensitive wordless communication channel with them.

In a relationship with others, you are very careful, sometimes even suspicious until you recognize them close and not begin to trust. In general, trust is not easy for you. When you associate yourself with someone emotionally, whether it is a friend or a loved one, you show extreme devotion, literally dedicate yourself to this person, but expect the same unconditional, without hesitation of loyalty.

If you ever change the one, about whom you cared so, then you can hate as passionately as they loved. You do not stick anyone. You are actually completely captured and often tied to what or about someone care - be it a person, an idea or some kind of deal. You definitely have some emotional fanaticism.

Because of your natural restraint, others can consider you a mystery man. You pay great attention to self-defense and often take a defensive position. You are also very magnetic, especially for representatives of the opposite sex.

Ascendant in Streltsy

Integration in the surrounding world is a harmonic attitude with the surrounding world. Optimists, ambitions are aimed at high goals, friendly, interested, are patronized, everything is taken as granted, they only think about themselves.

Could convince in their rightness, defending the point of view that they are beneficial. Their optimism is a source of inspiration for anyone who communicates with them. The joy of communication, social and religious interests, enthusiasm, sociability, love for nature, interest in sports, self-expression ability, interest in studying and learning, sense of justice, multilateralism, hardworking, many goals; Relationships with near harmonious.

Sentimentality, splitness, vanity, anxiety, spontaneous mood change. High-fuels, full of enthusiasm, with energy driving through the edge, you like adventures, change, research new territories.

You feel like a prisoner if forced all the time to be in the same calm, familiar, safe little Mirka. You are restless and strive for something more than everything you managed to experience before, and you often live in your visions and dreams about the future.

You tend to believe that somewhere else, and grass greener; You like to constantly be in motion - literally or figuratively. Being an idealistic and optimistic person, you are always waiting for something better from the future.

You love to be the goal to which you can strive, but reaching it, they immediately look for another. Always in search of new opportunities, you are a gambling player, ready to risk and mastering new lands. The possibility of opening something new is what makes life for you interesting. You have a huge faith in life and quickly come to yourself after disappointment and lesions.

Freedom-loving and independent, you do not take a long time for imprisonment, and your friends and beloved must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibility are often in you, and you may seem to resist the growing up before the need to take on restrictions on adulthood.

You are friendly and open, cheerful and playful. Your mind is configured by philosophically, and often you are completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, being covered with enthusiasm, you can show a tendency to exaggeration.

Often you like to talk, to promise something, and at the same time are usually very convincing. You do everything widely, by and large. You like to have all the best, and you all heart hate stoopness and petty things.

Your dreams are always large. You are able to perceive large pictures, general models and principles, well understand policies, business, higher education and religion.

Other people see in you a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent and dependent. You can also consider man wiselySince you do not appreciate in the latitude of petty and triviality, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities.

You are from those who believe in miracles, the favor of fate or just in good luck, never disappoint in life and inspire others with optimism to look into the future.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Concentration on the world around the world is a suitable image of life. Discipline, systematically in work, hard work, patience. Everything that is being done makes sense and is aimed at achieving a practical purpose. Severity, sobriety, melancholicity and restraint.

Materialistic installation, vanity, self-restraint, excerpt, diligence, businesslikeness, sense of responsibility, diplomacy, rigidity. All relations with the outside world are considered from a practical point of view. Sobriety, timidity, egoism, trick, incredulusity, closure, many conflicts with the outside world.

You are careful, careful, quite closed, approach the life realistic; You will not go to rampant actions and do not allow you to master it overly optimistic or idealistic plans for conversational dreamers.

Generally speaking, you often very critically treat such plans. Already at an early age becoming a man of ugly experience, even a few cynical. Often the world does not seem safe, friendly, and you are inclined to approach life wary, moderately. In general, you are calculating, careful and rarely we have a relaxed person, a variable, open, similar to the child.

You are pragmatic, insightful, excellent strategist, carefully planning your actions to achieve maximum efficiency And the best result. You are ready for a long time and hard to work to achieve the desired, although it is not easy for you.

You do not expect that someone takes care of you and sometimes reject help from the side or just do not look for it. You are often very ambitious, but do not exhibit it at the bottom. You generally avoid all the bright, striking.

You are very responsible, reasonable, extremely concerned about our duties towards other people, how do you look in society, so to speak, your "rank".

Others see in you a person of mature, serious, calm, judicial and emotionally removed. You do not like tearful sentimentality, and you will not expose our feelings, especially positive. You love to always look balanced, keep yourself in your hands and hate manifestations of weakness, vulnerabilities.

You respect the tradition, the fact that I endured the test of time, and feel that you can learn a lot from the history and the older, more experienced people. Often in life you are led by a wise teacher or father, and you, in turn, hard work acquire the wisdom, which you like to share with the younger.

You treat yourself seriously, demanding, strictly. You expect from yourself maximum return, and you cannot afford to experiment and mistaken.

You can be a person quite stingy, rather copy and protect your money and resources, and do not brag them, do not pass and do not spend them on pleasure. You spend money on high-quality things that will serve for a long time, which can be considered a favorable room of capital, and not on frivolous entertainment.

You are inherent in some extent asceticism. You have a huge self-discipline and self-control and easily can do without much. Your tastes are generally simple and infertility.

Although your personality can have other sides, brighter, filled with imagination, but your face facing the world is quite moderately and conservative.

Ascendant in Aquare

The conversion of the surrounding world is an image of the surrounding world. Original, creatively independent, are painted with desires. They want to contribute to the common cause. Love jokes, pleasure, contacts.

Miles, modest, do not like to draw attention. Want to love them, and not admired. Draw your power from collective activities in a narrow circle of friends. Tolerance, binding, humanity, openness, sociability, ideals, creativity, structural abilities, knowledge of people, the ability of the device, the wealth of ideas, reformity. Changing mood, insufficient exposure, often changing goals.

A person looking forward, progressive, you support change, innovations, striving for progress and are often associated with something humane, with the improvement of society. You are acutely aware of the relationship and interdependence that exist between all people and always relate personal motives with some more large-scale structure.

You see the political or social significance of your actions and dream of leave some trace in the world or at least in your community or group. Your view of the world and approach to life is painted by ideals of equality, justice, fraternity, human rights, etc. You are sincerely interested in the overall well-being, and not just in your own.

Sometimes you may not notice or ignore personal needs, desires and feelings - yours and other people, especially if they do not meet your ideals of how to feel or act. Although you do not tolerate the conservative narrowness of the mind, but sometimes there are dogmatically dogmatically in views and ideology.

You entails all the advanced, the newest achievements of human thought and development, and your tastes are eclectic and cosmopolitan. You will rather call yourself a "citizen of the world" than you will preach the narrow limited interests of race, nation, people, family, etc.

You have a much greater impact of the interests of the group of peers of the time when you grew than the influence of parents or family. You are engaged in active activities in groups, communities, cultural and progressive movements.

As for personal relationships, you are friendly and showing to others as if impersonal good attitude. You probably have many acquaintances, but very little really close people, and your proximity to others is based on common ideals and principles, and not on emotional connections.

Others see a good friend and comrade in you - objective, fair, emotionally impartial. You infrequently show your emotions and may be difficult to respond to other people on the emotions, as you tend to be very rational.

You are also very independent and avoiding in someone else's disposal. You are not in freaks with traditional views on sex, rather prone to "free" views on marriage, relationship, separation of responsibility in raising children, etc.

You are needing in life outside the personality, home sphere, in cooperation with a wide range of people. Maintaining family connections, close, deep, personal relationships can be in your second roles, after work or public affairs.

Ascendant in Fish

Waiting in the world around the world is privacy. Sensitive, foul, can adapt, air, clairvoyant. The achieved obliged thin feeling of underwater flows.

Their mystical insight helps them intuitively understand human nature. They have an artistic and musical talent. Willingness to help, sensitivity, sympathy. A variety of social activities, often contrary to their aspirations.

Privacy, depression, interference, fearness, timidity, incontinence, uncertainty, exposure to influence, self-esteem, passion for enjoying, mania, illness, phlegmology. Accident affects the life path, which leads to numerous crisis.

You are a mild person, sensitive, have a deep understanding of people, tolerance, an unbiased approach to life. In a noisy company, in the atmosphere of competition you are often extinguished, go to the background, since you are a non-aggressive person, no power warehouse and extremely negative about conflicts.

In fact, you are inclined to be a few passive - to feel a lot, know, expect, watch, but to act a little. Often your way to solve problems is to give them themselves to quickly or exhaust themselves, and not to use their will and not interfere.

You may have a deep religious, spiritual attitude to life - not necessarily in the orthodox sense, but as an intuitive understanding of the immension and unity underlying the whole life, compared with which such many human desires and struggle becomes insignificant.

To flourish, you need a peace-loving environment, and for your emotional balance and welfare, periods of quiet privacy are necessary.

You are also very compassionate and do not take the torment of any living being - neither a person nor an animal or even plants. Perhaps as a child, you easily frustrated and started crying if somewhere someone was wounded, physically or emotionally.

For you, the world of your imagination and fantasy was very real; He was a refuge for you when the outside world became too aggressive, demanding or simply uninteresting.

You are very generous and generous, and people stretch to you, feeling compassionate. Often you continue to give, provide a person, even if you understand that it abuses your attitude or becomes overly addicted to you. You do not notice and forgive weaknesses of both other people and our own. Organizations and self-discipline for you are not typical.

Although you may not be less smart than others, you do not have a rational, logical approach to life, and attempts to prove to you with the help of logical arguments often remain in vain.

You guide feelings, intuition, heart, but not a head, which can bring into rage or puzzling your more rational friends. You know for sure that life is something much more than what can be explained intellectually and decomposed on the shelves, and inadvertently, with interest in mental phenomena, telepathy, parapsychology, etc.

You are not as structured and tough in your relationship, like many other people, which gives you the opportunity to see different points of view and take them all as eligible for existence. This can lead to ambiguity, uncertainty and confusion in your approach - and maybe a very flexible, holistic path to achieving any goal.

The importance of Ascendent in astrology is difficult to overestimate. The calculation of the ascendent will learn a lot of interesting things about the faces of your personality, will help to understand the features of character. Let's talk about how to calculate the ascendant in the natal map.

In Vedic Astrology, Ascendant is called by one of the following names: logna, Dzhanma Lagnaor Loan Lota. All these concepts denote the zodiac sign in contact with the line of the horizon in the east at the time of the birth of a person (aspant sign). Before answering the question of how to calculate your ascendant, let's remember the effect of the Sun and the Moon on the character and personality of a person.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the horoscope

Most people got used to pay attention only to sunny and lunar signs of the zodiac, i.e. What kind of sign was the sun and the moon during the year of man. But the ascending sign plays hardly crucial role In compiling a complete "space portrait" of the personality.

Sun (Surya) Responsible for spiritual strength, energetic, development. The solar zodiac sign affects the inner essence of a person, his self-awareness, how he directs active energy into the world.

Moon (Chandra) "Heads" the unconscious, emotions, peculiar to us by reflexes, habits. Moon sign It is determined in which zodiacal sign during your birth was the moon. It indicates how a person adapts to external circumstances, building a kind of psychological protection, as well as a person behaves alone with himself.

In the case when the sign located in the ascende coincides with the lunar or solar signs, the potential laid in the ascending sign is intensified.

The ascending sign determines how we perceive this world, how our self-expression occurs in it . In other words, Logna affects the first impression that we are surrounded, and, on the contrary, the impression of the world around us, which is in the process of his knowledge.

It was Ascendant who is responsible for what psychological qualities and physiological features we inherit from parents. Our talents and abilities, behavior manner, position in society, health condition - all this also lies in the zone of Lagna's responsibility.

How to calculate Ascendant?

We believe, you have already been convinced of the importance of the ascending sign in Vedic astrology. Now let's tell you how to determine your ascendant.

What should be done:

  1. Go to this site
  2. Register
  3. Click on the "New Card" button and enter your data: Name, date, time, place of birth and time zone
  4. We look at the first home and the figure in it, where 1 is Aries, 2 - Taurus, 3 - twins and so on in order of zodiac signs. This is your ascendant

We see an example:

Want to make a natal map and see what awaits you and with what you need to work to achieve success and harmony? Then watch our free webinar and get answers to the most important questions. Register, and we will send you a link to the webinar

Zodiacal sign on the line of Ascendant of your natal card and there is your ascending sign.

You can calculate the lag and without a natal card. To do this, you need to know the exact time of the human birth, as the Ascendant is pretty movable: it goes into the next zodiacal sign in just 2 hours (for comparison: the sun goes to it, the moon is 2.5 days). Calculate your ascendant using our table:

Time of birth Ascending sign
At sunrise (+/- 1 hour) Coincides with the solar zodiac sign
2-4 hours earlier or later The first sign from the solar sign (for example, if you are twins, it will be either a calorie (-2 hour), or cancer (+2 hours)
4-6 hours earlier or later sunrise The second sign from the solar (for example, for the twins an ascende will be either Aries or lion)
Day between the sunrise and sunset The third sign from the solar (for example, for twins - Virgo)
4-6 hours before the sunset Fourth sign from solar (for example, for twins - scales)
2-4 before sunset Fifth Sign from Sunny (for example, for twins - Scorpio)
At sunset (+/- 1 hour) Sixth Sign from Sunny (for example, for twins - Sagittarius)
After 2-4 hours after sunset Seventh Sign from Sunny (for example, for twins - Capricorn)
4-6 hours after sunset The eighth sign from the solar (for example, for twins - Aquarius)
At night between the sunrise and sunrise Ninth Sign from Sunny (for example, for twins - Fish)