Connecting radiators with a single-tube heating system. Installation and connecting heating radiators with their own hands

Heating radiators. Methods for connecting radiators. Properties and parameters.

In this article you will learn:


At the sight of various radiators, eye disassemble ...

I will help you quickly deal with the views and tell about the ways of connecting separate species radiators.

Convectors and cast iron radiators we will not consider ...

You can learn about them from this article:

We continue ...

Today the most popular radiators - These are sectional: aluminum and bimetallic.

Aluminum radiators

Working pressure up to 16 bar.

Bimetallic radiators

Working pressure up to 20-40 Bar.

What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic?

Some bimetallic radiators for appearance Very similar to aluminum radiators.

As B. bimetallic radiators hidden steel coated with aluminum shell.

Many people write in their articles that no longer make sense more than 10 sections, I speak the opposite. There is a sense, heat transfer from the radiator with large quantity Sections are much more. The law of heat engineering.

20 section radiator. Example from life! Heats perfectly!

If you decide to put up to 20 sections, then pay attention to the fastening elements, four may not be enough. There are two types of fasteners in nature:

1. Corner bracket

2. Pinsteen bracket

The angular bracket is suitable for smooth twisted walls.

Pins bracket - for any walls. The only disadvantage is that the pin bracket will be bad in the hollow brick.

The best angular bracket is the one on which the wall with the fastening is the largest area. Such an angular bracket holds a horizontal position, without deforming to bend down.

From the pin brackets, there are better those whose thickness diameter, and is better cutting in traffic. At the moment I like from the company "Omec".

Methods for connecting radiators.

Consider various many connections. Below will look at which connection is suitable for various schemes. For example, for apartment houses with single-pipe systems and with two-pipe systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of each scheme.

1st place. Connection diagonally. Most effective methodin which the maximum consumption of thermal energy from the coolant occurs. The disadvantage in the absence of the possibility of changing the number of radiator sections.

2nd place. Side connection. It does not lose in terms of efficiency from diagonal connection. If there is a question between options 1 and 2, I choose a side connection. Since if, for some reason, it does not suit me, you can add (or decrease) the number of sections without alterations through the connection nodes.

3rd place. Lower connection. There is a lot of myths on this connection. And now I will tell the lack of this connection.

Lack. For a private house. When you start pouring a non-freezing fluid into the system, without mixing the volume of distilled water, there is a layer in height (water / non-freeze). And, since, non-freezing liquid is heavier than water, then it is below ordinary water. Therefore, puff pastry occurs in the mass radiator in the form of two different environments: water and non-freezers. This, non-stirred puff cake prevents inside the radiator. This phenomenon is similar to how you try to mix the oil with water and, of course, due to different density, these two environments (water and oil) will be on each other.

An incoming non-freezing liquid in the radiator cannot rise up and stirred with water, as it goes in a straight line. See image:

Very often, I, personally, came across such a problem that the upper part of the radiator remained cold. Even the water cooled at 100 degrees will not be heavier non-freezes.

This problem is eliminated as follows.

Through the crane of Maevsky, you need to pour the entire upper (light) water. And at the very end, you will see when there will be a non-freezine-specific color (blue, pink or green).

As for smooth heating in the radiator with such a connection, it is complete nonsense. And do not focus on this attention.

Connecting the radiator from top to bottom

This is the best that can be for the heating system. Believe my experience like hydraulics and heat engineering.

In our company, when it came to laying systems central heatingWe used for the strapping only steel pipeline. And it was not discussed, as they are laid.

The advantage of the steel pipeline for central heating.

For those who do not know. Steel pipeline is an ordinary iron. There is a galvanized pipe - it is steel (iron), covered with a thin layer of zinc. Zinc is harmful to the system, that is, for our health. Zinc protects steel from corrosion, but even on the zinc there are deposits. There are chemical flushing to remove deposits.

Try to find plastic pipeline With such parameters!

And in central heating systems such collaps may happen as:

Therefore, for central heating systems, it is necessary to put a steel pipeline.

Plastic does not like temperatures above 80 degrees. Polypropylene all the more. By the way, the record holder for high temperatures resistance. You can of course choose copper, but with copper, also there were problems. Copper can collapse from wandering currents in a pipeline with a touch of some metals. An example is steel fittings in the wall. Copper contact with aluminum and steel is also harmful. The tin solder at the joints does not like an alkali that is present in the central systems. In practice, things happened when copper pipeline Forged holes due to touch copper pipe with steel reinforcement. Therefore, how not to twist, and the steel pipeline is better suitable for central heating. In addition, he is cheaper.

In order for no deposits in the steel pipeline, add various additives.

But everything is not so scary as it seems !!!

Above, I told the bike about all the advantages of the steel pipeline.

For central heating systems, sewn polyethylene, polypropylene, copper can be used. However, you need to know their features fully.

There are houses in which there are their own with a personal closed system. Therefore, if you decide on a plastic pipe or copper, then you must consult with the housing and control company. In addition, in many boiler rooms there is an automation that will not allow high temperatures and high pressure In the heating system.

Life is not standing on the spot, and the automation simplifies us life. But there is always a risk that automation will not work.

Therefore, mounting plastic into the heating system, you act at your own risk. Although, with each decade, these risks are becoming less and gradually reduced to zero.

How to change old radiator on a new central heating systems?

If it is a single-tube system, then the riser with the jumper is better not to touch and leave as it is!

On the running steel pipelines from the riser after the jumper, you need to put the repair valves for the repair of the radiator. It can be ordinary ball Valves. After the cranes, continue with steel or other pipelines before. It is better to put thermostatic valve to the radiator to adjust the temperature in the room.

Thermostatic valve on the radiator.

The thermostatic valve with a thermal head carries out the climate control to the room. That is, the thermal head itself, feeling the temperature in the room, changes the position of the rod at the thermostatic valve, the rod, in turn, closes or opens the valve passage. If it becomes hot, the valve closes the coolant passage. If cold - the valve opens the passage for the intake of the coolant.

Montage of radiator

As for the installation of the radiator, then the minimum distance from the floor according to the standard from 10-12 cm.

From the wall 2-3 cm.

All these gaps affect the heat dissipation of heat from the radiator. The farther from the wall, the more heat. If you are dripping into the floor, it will also reduce the heat dissipation of the radiator. The minimum distance from the floor should be 10 cm. Maximum - 15 cm. Also, from the top of the radiator to the windowsill should be the opening for ventilation.

And you do not need to stick the chair and the bed with the back to itself - this reduces heat dissipation.

If your home is cold, then in your case, close the radiator with decorative lattices is contraindicated.

This system creates an equal length of the pipeline to the radiator. This condition helps to create a uniform distribution of consumption between radiators.

The fact is that there are resistance through the length of the pipeline that affect the flow rate.

If you want to understand deeper what resistance in the heating system, then you should get acquainted with such sections as:

Collection of photos for reflection:

All schemes workers, there are some disadvantages. Scheme data only for reflection ...

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The choice of a method for installing radiators depends on the configuration of the heating system, which may be a single-tube, two-pipe, collector, with natural or forced circulation coolant. Important parameters are also: the length of the system, the laying method of supplying and reducing pipe coolant, dimensions and the number of radiators sections. The control circuit of heating batteries should contribute to the maximum heat transfer of instruments.

Example of the lower connection of the radiator during installation autonomous System Heating B. country house

Connecting radiators: sequential and parallel

In a single-tube system, the coolant heated by the boiler passes consistently through all radiators, so such a battery connection to the heating system is called sequential. The coolant as it turns along the contour cools, which leads to uneven heating heating devices (OP). In the premises located closer to the boiler, it will be warm or hot, and in remote rooms - cool or cold.

IN two-pipe system one pipe (feed) hot water Enters the OP, and on another (removing) cooler coolant returns back to the boiler. This pipe wiring diagram suggests parallel battery connection, providing uniform heating of all rooms in the house, regardless of their remoteness from the boiler. To reduce the temperature in the room, any battery can be overlapped with a valve blocking a hotstock path, while the remaining system will work as usual.

Where and how the heating devices are installed (OP)

Regardless of the connection type, radiators are usually installed under the windowsill to overlap the cold weather. Warm air flows rise up, forming an invisible protective screen. To " heat curtain"It worked effectively, you need to withstand the assembly distances prescribed by construction norms. Properly located OP will be:

  • 100 mm from the bottom of the window sill;
  • 120 mm from the floor surface;
  • 20 mm from the wall plane.

Important! You cannot violate these standards, otherwise the installed equipment will not work in full force.

Three ways of connecting heating batteries

Method # 1: One-sided connection

The feed and removal pipeline is connected to one side of the radiator. At the same time, the supply of the coolant goes to the upper part of the battery, and the outflow - on the return on, which is connected to the op from below. This method Installation provides uniform heating of all sections. This option for connecting the batteries-harmonicak is especially good for one-storey houses.

Important! You should not use one-way connection type if the number of sections exceeds 15. Ignoring this recommendation leads to significant heat loss.

Scheme of one-sided connection of the heating device

Method # 2: Lower connection

Suitable for pipelines hidden in the floor. The saddle type enters the same group, but the pipes go over the surface of the floor. In this case, the supply and discharge pipes are connected to the bottom of the battery: one on the left, the other - to the right. Batteries of heating with lower connections can be unevenly warm up at the top, while it is possible to lose up to 15% heat.

Lower connection scheme, which shows the direction of movement of the coolant in the device

Method # 3: Diagonal connection

Used when installing long heating devices with a large number of sections. The supply pipe pipe is connected to the upper part of the radiator, and the discharge - to the bottom alloy located on the opposite side of the device. Result: Water or antifreeze is evenly heated by the convector surface. The magnitude of the heat loss is only a couple of percent.

How does the circulation of heat carrier affect the installation of equipment

If a circulation pump is installed in the heating system of the private house, forcibly chasing water or antifreeze on a thermal contour, you can choose any method of connecting radiators. The effectiveness of the system functioning in this case will not depend on the installation scheme of the OP to the pipeline. With the natural circulation of the coolant it is better to use diagonal method Connecting batteries.

Without a high-quality heating system, no house will be as comfortable and cozy. Especially if it is in Russia - after all, our country does not have a mild climate. Planning the heating system in own home And what will be the system of connecting radiators of heating, we try to make it so that it warmed the house or apartment well, it was highly performed and worked without failures.

But many owners add another requirement, which, it should be noted, is quite logical. The heating system must also be economical. That is, and its acquisition, and installation, and further exploitation, and what the connection of heating radiators is better, should not "fly into a penny", as they say.

One of the most common ways to save on the heating system is the acquisition and installation of it without attracting specialists.

And it should be noted that even those who have never before have dealt with heating systems, perfectly cope with a similar task. Of course, to do everything correctly, it is necessary to get acquainted with some information, including those - schemes for connecting heating radiators. Consider the same ways to connect radiators of heating and how best to connect the heating radiator is to you.

The principle of connecting radiators

Heating devices can connect to the system different ways. Consider examples of connecting heating radiators. In many ways, the choice of the type of radiator depends on its size and the location of relatively different system radiators, as well as the type of system itself.

There are such methods for connecting heating radiators: lateral, diagonal, heating radiators with lower eyeliner, serial connection Heating radiators and parallel.

The most common can be attributed to the side connection and radiators of heating with lower connections. Consider detailed these types:

  • side connection. For such a method, it is characterized by connecting the supply pipe to the upper nozzle, and the discharge - to the bottom. That is, both pipes - and feed, and the outflow of the coolant, are located on one side of the radiator. This method is sufficiently distributed for the reason that it allows to achieve maximum heating of the radiator, and, accordingly, the maximum heat transfer. However, heating radiators with side connections should not be used for a large number of sections - in this case, the latter may not be deviated enough. However, if there is no other connection method, it should use the water duct extension to eliminate the problem.
  • heating batteries with lower eyeliner. This option is applied if heating batteries with lower layout Pass under plinths or floors. The lower connection is called the most beautiful - the heating batteries with the lower connection and supply of the coolant, and its outflow is hidden under the floor and connect to the radiator using nozzles directed to the floor.

Types of heating systems

To date, there is enough a large number of species of heating systems. Each of them has its own features of the connection of radiators. Undoubtedly, if you decide to attract the batteries to attract the master - it all is known to him. But if you plan to install radiators yourself, then you need to distinguish the types of connecting radiators of heating - because you need to know which system will function in your home.

Single pipe system

This type of heating is distributed in multi-storey houses. Simplicity of planning and installation, as well as the minimum number of materials used make it very profitable.

But the single-tube connection of heating radiators has a weighty drawback - there is no possibility of adjusting heat supply (the degree of heating the batteries). And in some cases it is a weighty minus.

At the same time, the heat transfer of the system is calculated in the creation of a heating project, and in the future fully meets the specified parameter.

The principle of operation of this heating system is simple - a heated heat carrier is supplied to the battery. And the outflow of the cooled heat carrier is carried out on another contour. Everything heating devices In the system connected in parallel. The weighty dignity of the two-pipe heating system is that it is possible to control and, if necessary, to adjust the level of heating. For this, on two-pipe connection Heating radiators - special valves are put on a separate radiator. It is important to remember - when connecting radiators, it is necessary to observe all the rules indicated in SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Where is it better to install the radiator?

Heating radiators installed in any room, in addition to the heating function, have another, no less important protective. That is, stream warm airThe heating device creates a kind of shield that protects the room from the penetration of cold air. And, in this case, it does not matter how radiators are connected - parallel connection of heating radiators or it sequential connection Heating radiators.

It is the creation of such an asshole from the cold and forces us to install radiators where it is possible to seep cold air - in a niche under the windows.

Therefore, a parallel or sequential connection of heating batteries will be in this case - it does not matter.

In order for the room to be most protected from the cold, before you begin directly to the installation of radiators, it is necessary to determine the locations where they will be located. This is not an excess precautionary measure - after all, in the future, it will not be possible to change anything.

One more important feature - You should not only know exactly where to place the batteries, but also how to do it correctly, but in the future - what will be the scheme for connecting heating radiators.

In particular, there are several rules as to which a heating device must be installed on the surfaces:

  • from the lower point of the window sill to the upper point of the radiator should be at least 10 cm;
  • from the floor surface to the lower point of the radiator should be at least 12 cm;
  • from the rear wall of the radiator to the wall should be at least 2 cm.

Types of coolant circulation and connection options

The heat carrier, which in most cases acts water can circulate in the heating system in two ways - forcibly and naturally. Forced circulation implies the presence in the heating system of a special pump, by means of which the coolant is moving. The pump can be an element of the heating boiler (that is, it is built into the inside) or it is installed immediately before the heating boiler - to the reverse tube. When developing a heating battery connection diagram must correctly define a pump for the pump.

System S. natural circulation The carrier is an excellent solution for those houses in which electricity interruptions are often available. The basis of the movement of the coolant is the elementary laws of physics. In such a system, the boiler is non-volatile.

In many ways, the types of heating radiators are connected not only on the type of coolant circulation. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the duration of the system pipes and the feature of their location.

This type of radiator connection assumes that the hot heat carrier feed pipe, and the reverse tube will be connected to one side of the battery. Using a similar connection principle is the most rational for one-storey houses. It is especially suitable in the event that it is planned to connect enough long radiators - up to 14-15 sections. However, if the number of sections is greater than 15, it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of heating - that is, the last sections of the radiator will be colder than those that are closer to the pipes. Therefore, in this case, you should choose other options for connecting heating radiators.

Saddle and lower connection

Such connection is suitable for those systems whose pipes are mounted under the floor surface. In this case, only a small cut pipe will be over the surface, which is supplied to the bottom nozzle. In this case, the underlining tube is mounted on one side of the radiator, and the discharge - on the other. The disadvantage of this method is a substantial (up to 15%) heat loss. In the upper part, the radiator can not be warmed completely.

The diagonal connection of heating radiators is rationally used to apply for radiators with a large number of sections. The design of the radiator allows the coolant to be distributed within the sections as much as possible - this makes it possible to obtain maximum heat transfer. The essence of the connection is simple - the pipe supply pipe of the heated coolant is connected to the upper nozzle. And the reverse tube is supplied to the bottom nozzle on the other side of the radiator. The advantage of this type of connection is the minimum heat loss - it is only 2%.

From how correctly you will determine the ways to connect the heating batteries to your heating system, and will depend on the quality of the room heating. The proposed options for connecting heating batteries are extremely simple and as high quality as possible.

In this article, we will consider the diagrams of connecting heating radiators and you will understand which scheme to choose you. Today there is a question in choosing two schemes and two systems for systems radiator heating. The first is a gravitational system that works without forced circulation with circulating pump. And the second system is the system that works forced using the circulation pump. But these systems can be cooperated with each other.

That is, we have a gravitational scheme of radiator heating, which works itself, precisely according to the physical laws of heat and cold, and there is a forced system.

What could be easier schemes for connecting heating radiators? There is a boiler: solid fuel, diesel, gas, etc. The coolant is heated in the boiler, which falls there under the action of the pump. The heated coolant goes to the radiator system of heating, in radiators heat is given to the surrounding air. The coolant cools and the already cooled returns again to the boiler, where heats up and so the circle is closed. Everything is very simple, but, nevertheless, in reality, the scheme is much more complicated. Let's see what these schemes are and what they differ from each other, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Scheme connecting spider radiators

I figuratively imagine the boiler from which we take the pipeline, and take it somewhere in the center of the house. Usually such a system is called spider. We lower the risers and collect, send it all into the return. Connect radiators to the pipes. The coolant rises up in its natural physical laws. That is, a hot heat carrier goes up, and in the second tube in the middle it goes and falls down. It passes through the radiator, cooled and falls into the return.

Please note the lower pipes go under a slope. This is the only problem that you need to make slopes. But in today's time, many are again moving to these old systems, as problems with energy carriers begin. For example, electricity is often turned off, while the pump will not work. The system will just get up. But this system works with you constantly. The boiler can be any: gas, coal, diesel and even electric. The whole system will work.

This system is very cumbersome. It must be practically removed on the roof and in the attic. Therefore, not everyone is given to mask it.

Connection diagram "Leningradka"

Consider the second system. When we take feeding from the boiler and then lower it down. We carry out at the level of radiators and then we return it back to the boiler. Here it is also necessary to abide by. It is figuratively called a radiator heating system, since 2-3 radiator is mounted in length. That is, the first falls into a hot heat carrier, some part goes on the reverse cooled, and the hot goes to the next radiator. Such heating Radiators Connection Scheme Also called "Classical Leningrad". The only thing to lift the pipes is a bit up to create overclocking. Then the water will go on a slope, here they are also very important. It is not always convenient to do, because you will interfere with the door. Also, the fewer taps, the better this system works. If you do not comply with this rule, you can plant the entire system.

Leningradka can work with the pump. It crashes into the return. Due to it, speed increases and the system is efficient. The only drawback of this system is large diameter pipes. If in forced scheme Connecting heating radiators We take the pipes of diameter 32, we will put the pump and it will sell everything everywhere. Here, so that the system worked, the pipes must be large. Therefore, now it is very good systems. In new buildings, we always recommend doing such a scheme for connecting heating radiators, if there are problems with the supply of electricity. And here you can turn the stove or even gas boilers. Now there are non-volatile systems with temperature adjustment.

Single-pipe forced scheme

SAMI simple scheme Connecting heating radiators from those that are used in practice is a single-tube system. She is good because it is simple and less pipes goes on the tracks. It is because of this that it was often used in Soviet times, precisely to save material.

However, this dignity of "one-tube" looks doubtable against the background of its minuses. The main one is parallel streams. The coolant comes into the radiator, it gives heat around the ambient air, further returns to his own stream. But, since the coolant in the radiator cooled a little, the flow temperature decreases somewhat. That is, in the second radiator, the coolant comes colder than the one that came to the first. The second radiator again gives the heat, the coolant cooled again and mixed again in the coolant, which comes from the boiler and from the first radiator. By the third radiator, he comes even colder than the second. If the system is long enough, then on the last radiator, the temperature change will be quite noticeable.

How can I correct the situation when different radiators warm in different ways? The only output is to increase the size of the last radiators. And the easiest way is not to use a single-tube scheme, but choose some other. What? Will we consider on?

Dual-pipe radiators connection scheme

It is very simple: all the devices in this diagram of connecting heating radiators are connected in parallel to each other. Like everything that moves, liquid, of course, chooses the path that gives it the easiest. With a two-pipe scheme, the coolant is easier to flow through the first radiator. Further, on the second radiator, the pressure will be weaker, therefore it will be less through it. On the third radiator there will be even smaller pressure, and so on throughout the network. If there is a lot of radiators, then the likelihood is that with such a scheme through the last radiator, nothing will not flow.

It turns out that the first radiator warms the best, the second warms worse, the third is even worse, the fourth warms very badly, and the latter does not warm at all. The problem is similar to the one that we watched in one-pipe scheme, It is partially solved by increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe last radiator.

Both systems are bad in that they are very poorly balanced. We can beat for a long time that one radiator warms us, and the other does not heat. If we close one, begins to warm first. We close the first, begins to warm the second, and the first warm is stopped. Here is such a nonsense in two-pipe schemes Connecting heating radiators. It happens that there are two radiator, through one duct, and there is no other duct. That's all. Like anyone, no matter how regulating, heats or one or the other, but never together. Therefore, if you apply such a system, then use it in very small rooms.

Tichelman scheme: all radiators in the same conditions

As clearly from the name, this scheme for connecting heating radiators is quite simple, but at the same time the tricky. The first radiator is located closest to the pump, but then all from the inverse tube, and the latter is farther from the pump, but closest to the "return". It turns out that resistance on each radiator, or the head on each radiator is the same. Doubles through all radiators are the same. If we take and block any of these radiators, the rest will work as worked, the system itself balances. It seems to be more pipes, but in fact, if these radiators are located in a circle of the building, the scheme is much easier, it is much easier, easier, elegant than previous ones. Tichelman's loop can be tied up and two, and even three floors. Moreover, if you close all the radiators on the same floor, on the other they will continue to warm normally.

Radiation scheme for connecting heating radiators

Consider such a scheme in which the collector is applied. The collector is suitable for the coolant from the boiler, and already from the collector to each of the radiators there is its own pair of pipes: direct and reverse. If these pipes hide in the floor, for example, in the insulation of the tie of the warm floor, or in general, put them between the "black" floor and the first floor, then the room without pipes will look very aesthetic. Pipes on another floor can be carried out on the ceiling. With such a scheme, each of the radiators can also be turned off, but the rest will continue to work.

What and where in the end use?

Let's summarize. If you live in the central cities and you have no problems with energy carriers, gas, electricity and other, we recommend using a two-pipe system, with counter movement, with the movement of circular and forced circulation. Since then we save on the diameter of the pipes and on the volume of the coolant. Accordingly, the less water you need, the less energy consumption is necessary to heat it.

If you have problems with energy or often arise emergency situationsYou should consider the schemes for connecting the heating radiators of the gravitational type with natural circulation. Just in case, you can also embed the pump there, only it crashes around the pipe so that it does not interfere with the main passage. During when you have electricity, you will drive it with the pump, because the speed increases, radiators are all uniform temperatures. The effectiveness of the pump is increased by 30-50%. When there is no electricity, this system will continue to work with you. You already know what radiators you have chosen, their number and size. Accordingly, you can now calculate what you need to connect them. Let me remind you in the first case, you need large, large diametersYou can use large valves. And of course in this case heavily regulate the temperature. Of course there are options, we will definitely consider them in a more detailed review.

Methods for connecting radiators

The classic multisective radiator consists of several sections that transmit heat from the coolant into the surrounding air. When collecting the radiator, thanks threaded compound The upper and lower collector of each section is tightly connected to each other, increasing the total length. Forms closed systemusing a coolant as a source of energy.

There are 3 heating battery connection schemes to the system:

  1. Side.
  2. Lower.
  3. Diagonal.

We analyze in detail each option.

Side connection of heating batteries

When side Connection The radiators of the input and outlet pipe occurs on one side. Most often, a hot heat carrier comes through the input point in the top of the battery, and it exits speaking through the bottom point of connection. But there are exceptions when the connection is made on the contrary. It is assumed, the coolant evenly proceeds to the entire length of the radiator, then lowers down and exits. But in fact, this is not the case, through the closest section of the section, the coolant passes much faster than through distant.

This is due to the path length, if for the near section it is 8-10 cm of the width of the section, the vertical pipeline and 8-10 cm before the output, then for the long section, this path is longer times. During the time the heat carrier reaches the discontinuity, and then return back, through the near section it can take two or three times more. Because of this, the process of heating the battery occurs unevenly, long-range sections can be slightly warm, while the neighbor to the input and exit will be hot.

There is also a scheme of lateral connection of heating radiators, only below. With such a scheme, the hot coolant comes from below and in theory evenly rises upwards. But in fact we have the same as with the upper connection: the first sections are warmed perfectly. The rest are less and less.

Lower connection of heating batteries

Quite often, such a diagram of connecting radiators of heating occurs when the incoming coolant stream is connected to the lower collector, while the output stream is connected to the lower collector from the other edge of the radiator battery.

Hot water has a smaller density and due to this should rise up, and the cooled heat carrier drop down. Thanks to this circulation, the coolant is replaced by more hot. But according to the calculations of the manufacturers, with this form of the connection of the batteries from 10 to 20 percent of the coolant, it simply flows past vertical pipelines and do not participate in heat exchange. This is due to the fact that the narrow channel does not contribute to effective circulation and the process of displacing the cooled coolant can occur very slowly. Naturally, when depositing on vertical pipelines of salts and scale, the rate of circulation will deteriorate and the effectiveness of falling even more.

Diagonal connection batteries

Most effective scheme Connecting the heating battery to the heating network. In this case, the incoming thread connects to the upper collector, and the output to the lower collector from the opposite side. The flow of the coolant flow is diagonally and all sections are involved in efficient heat exchange. This achieves the maximum efficiency of the use of the coolant and decrease the loss.

Special models of radiators

In apartment buildings, heating layout is often done in such a way that only lateral or lower connection Heating batteries. You can make changes to the project only in coordination with the Commission, and this is a long and tedious thing. But many manufacturers radiator batteries Provide such a problem and produce systems with diagonal layout of collectors:

You can make such modernization and with already installed batteries. Brackets with stream extensions can be easily found in plumbing stores. An experienced plumber will be needed to be installed, as it will be necessary to turn off the radiators from the network, disassemble the suitable or discharge pipeline and seal the assembly.

To overlap the extreme section, there are similar solutions. Most often it is a coupling twisting at the outlet point and having a remote cap. It overlaps the hole between the penultimate and last section of the radiator and redirects the main flow of the coolant on the workapor.

And finally, several useful tips:

  • do not make too long branches, especially on other floors. The coolant must accommodate the radiator;
  • when placing a collector in the room, do not put it in the end. The length of the branches to the radiators should be approximately the same. IN otherwise, coolant temperature in different radiators may differ significantly;
  • when installing pipes into the floor or in the ceiling, lead them to the whole radiators, without breaking the connections. Otherwise, if one day such a pipe flows, it will be a very big problem.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the schemes of connecting the heating radiators of type heating systems. To deal with them in order to design and pave your system, any person who has a general secondary education. Of course, when creating heating systems, it is necessary to take into account the set of nuances, but this is a topic for a separate conversation.

Sooner or later, any heating radiator will have to change. This happens if he failed, starting to leak. Either if on his internal surface For many years of operation, such a number of lime deposits accumulated that it does not cope with the heating function. This requires a high-quality installation of heating radiators, which meets the standards established by SNiP.

In a private house, mounting can execute the owner. Even if the system starts to flow, it is easy to disable individual heating To eliminate shortcoming. In high-rise buildings, everything is more complicated. If in the fields of the joint and radiators, the coolant will begin to rip out 2-3 weeks after the start heating seasonIt is difficult to turn off the heating system of the whole house. In addition, neighbors suffer due to the lack of heating or due to flooding.

Plumbing specialists know how to properly install heating radiators in the apartment, so it is better to entrust this work to them.

Even if after starting the system, an accident happens, they will be responsible for what happened. They will have to eliminate it for their own funds, as well as pay damage caused by residents. If the installation of heating radiators is carried out by masters, the price of which was too high, the consumer is not affordable, work will have to do it yourself. To do this, you need to get acquainted with the instructions attached to a new heating device, study the installation scheme.

Before making the installation of heating radiators with their own hands, check out the following stands of SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning":

After purchasing the heating radiator, the installation is performed depending on the type of system and the connection scheme.

Types of heating systems

From the type of heating system in an apartment or the house directly depends on the level of heat supply. According to the pipe connection scheme, 3 types of systems can be distinguished: one-tube, two-pipe system and using a collector.

Single pipe system

A single-tube is mounted so that the coolant comes on one pipe (sequentially) to each radiator, after which it is cooled on it back into the boiler. Such a system is the simplest for installation. Everywhere installed in high-rise buildings. Its disadvantage is that each next radiator gets an increasingly cooled coolant, and the room warms worse. There is also no possibility of local repair of one battery. If it is necessary, it will have to turn off the entire riser.

Two-pipe system

It implies the receipt of a hot heat carrier to each radiator separately (parallel compound), on one pipe. Thus, they all warm up to one temperature. And the cooled fluid enters a separate inverse tube and moves to the boiler for reheating. In this case, the rules for the installation of heating radiators are simplified. After all, it is possible to disconnect from the system of only one old radiator.

Collector system

The collector system is very complicated. It is designed for cottages. It assumes a large consumption of pipes, since individual pipes are bodied to each battery. Only professionals can be mounted such a system.

Connection schemes

Before you independently install the heating radiator, decide on the method of connecting it to the network. Most often such schemes are used:

You can ask the specialists from how much heating radiator is worth establishing, and perhaps agree to their services. Experienced masters Let's prompt what kind of connection scheme to choose, and what will need auxiliary elements for mounting.


Performed at any time of the year. It is impossible to install in the system with a natural circulation of liquid for more than twelve batteries, and with artificial - more than 24. Before installation, you need to purchase a pass or sealing tape, sealant, locking and thermostatic equipment, as well as fasteners from the corresponding material, for example, brackets of a certain length, Signs different size. The size of the threads of the Signs must correspond to the size of the batteries and pipes.

Since additional details of the non-souls, and the cost of mounting radiators of heating can also be called low, with specialists can be problematic. In addition, this work includes and disassembling radiators of heating price for which although not high, but still affects the total cost. And therefore, disassembly in any case is better to perform yourself in order not to overpay.

To do this, first drain the coolant from one radiator, which changes, if it can be localized, bounce the valves at the entrance; or from the entire single-tube system. In the work of work in apartment house It should be applied to the ZHEO so that its employees will descend water from the riser on which it is replaced. After that, you can remove the old radiator.

To install the heating radiator yourself, it is pre-installed on it a shut-off-adjusting equipment.

As well as mount the crane of Maevsky, with which it will later be possible to produce air from batteries. The brackets are installed on the wall, pre-carefully placing the place to install. It is believed that for the installation of medium in size of the radiator, you will need 2-3 bracket to hold its upper part, and 2 for fixing the bottom.

Fasteners are aligned by level, and install the battery on it. If the brackets are installed correctly, it should fit tightly to the supports, do not fumble. A small trifle: the heating device is installed with a small slope (0.3 cm for each meter of its length) so that Maevsky crane is located near the upper point. Actually installation of the heating radiator the price of which is reduced due to independent installation, begins with the fact that the caps are unscrewed from the battery.

If you install bypass with valve. With a two-pipe system, only a Sgon is connected on which the valve is installed. Then the Signs are connected to the pipes. This requires dynamometric keys. They will have to buy, which will increase the cost of installing the heating radiator, but without them can not do. They will allow not overdoing when tightening nuts and other fasteners, since the instructions for each auxiliary element indicates a permissible dynamometer.

The weak compound is also dangerous due to the possibility of leaks. Joints seal the packs moistened oil paint, or special seal. You can also cook them. After mounting, the connection needs to prescript. It will be caused by the indispensable plumber, as to buy the crimping tool is expensive. At the end of the work, you need to trigger the system, and, if necessary, immediately eliminate the shortcomings.

After reading how to install heating radiators properly, it is worth thinking whether it is necessary to do this work independently. If there are no skills in the installation of heating devices, it is better to hire professionals, after learning prices for the installation of heating radiators in the settlement where they will be mounted.

If you are installed aluminum or, leave them in the package until the end of the installation so that when accidentally damage does not damage the surface. It is noteworthy that the installation of iron heating radiators also has its own characteristics. They are heavy, so require the installation of a larger number of brackets. In addition, these details must be deeper into the wall, especially if it is brick.

If the wall is made of drywall, the heavy battery is not valid on it, but is installed on special floor stands, and a pair of wall brackets is needed to prevent the decoration of the structure. In addition, if the mountable device is pig-iron, then its connection with pipes is performed welding apparatus. That is, in this case, the installation of heating radiators by gas welding is almost always used, and it is not necessary to neglect.

Of all the above, it follows that the installation of heating batteries can be quite simple, if it is initially good to prepare to it, and to study all the instructions that attached to the device. After performing all the procedures in the installed sequence, the heating system will be durable and will serve not one decade.