Features of emotions of preschoolers with violation of vision. Emotional-volitional sphere of children with violation of vision

Experimental studies of emotions and feelings of blind and visually impaired in typhlopsychological literature are very small. Many work give only a description emotional states and feelings of blind in observation or by self-observation (A. Kro-Gius, F. Sech, K. Bürklen, etc.). Emotions and feelings, serving a reflection of the real relationship of a person to the subjects meaningful to him, cannot but change under the influence of violations of vision, in which the spheres of sensual knowledge are being tested, needs and interests. On the other hand, blind and visually impaired, as well as inequate, have the same "nomenclature" of emotions and feelings and show the same emotions and feelings, although the degree and level of their development may be different from Seryachi (A.G.Litvak, K .Pringle, B.Yomuliki, N.Gibbs, D.Warren).

In experimental studies, problems of blind with rude emotional disorders are more considered, where it is difficult to divide, which is the cause of these disorders, whether it is the influence of blindness, deep violations of vision and social to the conditions of education, whether it is a general violation of an active M central nervous systemin which emotional disorders perform on a par with blindness as primary. In addition, D.Woren also notes that many of the works devoted to comparative studies of the emotional life of the blind and sores are not valid enough. Studies of blind children with retroental fibroplasia have shown that among the examined - a significant number of children with emotional violations by the type of autism. However, the lack of accurate data in all categories of blind children allows us to only assume that among them a higher percentage of children suffering from emotional disorders than medimormatically seen children. D.Skoll (1986) leads criteria for which children are determined with a violation of the emotional sphere, indicating that it is enough that it is enough to determine at least one of these criteria. It:

Inability to learn, which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory factors and health of the child;

Inability to successfully build interpersonal relationship
with students and teachers;

Inadequate type of behavior and well-being at normal
conditions or circumstances;

The prevailing general mood of depression or feelings
an unhappy itself;

Trend towards the development of physical symptoms of fear,
Staff in school or school challenges.

In comparative experimental studies, greater disadvantages are noted with greasy and weak-visual children in the emotional reflection of their relations with the world of things, people and society. P. Khastings, comparing the emotional attitude of children with a violation of violation and sighting 12 years to various life situations, with the help of the Californian personality test found that they are more wounded than the vigorous, especially on the scale of self-esteem. At the same time, the visually impaired children showed greater emotionality and anxiety compared to totally blind children. Deserves discussions and the fact that children from boarding schools showed greater insecurity during self-esteem than children from the family. This suggests that the social environment and conditions in which the child is brought up, play a large role in the formation of emotions and feelings in children with violation of vision. Studies show that if the education was carried out taking into account the peculiarities and capabilities of children with blindness and weakness, their difficulties in organizing activities, in these cases, emotional relations were formed, adequately reflecting life situations and problems. It should be emphasized that in order for a blind and visual-visual child to achieve the same level of development and get the same knowledge as the sore, he has to work much more. This physical and psychological burden causes unequal emotional reactions in children, which is associated with the type of nervous system, individual features and system relationship with adults.

Based on its work with the blind children, N. Bibbs (1966) notes that not all children suffer from tensions, concerns related to the difficulty of comprehending things and events, and not all have emotional violations. Available difficulties cause various emotional reactions from different children. Many of them are made passive or immerse themselves in fantasy, it is afraid of unfamiliar phenomena and situations: for these children there are many items, the impact of which they are afraid, because they cannot identify them and understand. D. M. Ville calls this uncertainty, Distress and shows the negative impact of this state for the deployment of a creative game, since the field of activity is narrowed. Fear in front of an unknown, unknown space, filled with it, with their dangerous properties, are also blind. However, this fear appears in children only with the inept leadership of parents who made many unsuccessfully ended attempts to satisfy their need for their needs in motion and mastering the space. This also applies to acquaintance with living objects. The study of N.S. Sirik, dedicated to the survey of living facilities, showed the presence of fear and fear of their examination with blind schoolchildren, overcoming which is associated with the skillful direction and leadership of the cognitive interests and development of cognitive needs of blind children.

Feelings regulate the behavior of a person in society, reflect the degree of its adaptation to the medium and to its changes. Feelings are associated with the awareness of the cause, which causes them, while emotions are manifested in the active forms of the unconditional reflex actor arising somewhere between the need and action to meet this need, i.e. Reflect the objective relationship of a person as a living organism to their needs (K. K. Platonov, 1972).

Emotions are under the smaller influence of view pathology than feelings. Although F. Workshop, for example, suggests that the blind, granted to himself, is easily developed by the "low" feelings, for example, an unlimited need for food, even as he claims, voraciousness, and A. A. Krogius marks an increased interest in sexual interest Life, explaining this by a significant abundance from the outside world, closed, strengthened attention to its internal state.

The view is also common that the blind is less emotional; There is their peace of mind and equilibrium, which is indeed due to the lack of expressive facial expressions, gestures, pos. The greatest emotionality of the blind is found in speech - in intonation, pace, volume, etc. Studies of understanding the blind emotional state of another person in a voice (according to the same features - intonation, tempo, volume) indicate that blinding show! And this case is greater sensitivity in comparison with vigorous. Evaluating emotional states, they highlighted and adequately evaluate such qualities of the identity of the speaker, as activity, dominance, anxiety. A.Krogius also noted the exclusive abilities of the blind to understand emotional states based on the study of the most "fine changes in the voice of the interlocutor The emergence of pleasure and displeasure in the satisfaction of life needs depends on their importance and place and the structure of needs and is largely individual as the blind, So in moant. If the need is associated with the activity of the visual analyzer, then its satisfaction or dissatisfaction may cause differences in the emotions of greedy and persons with profound violations of vision. Mtohymecrates due to the inability to perceive them and not evaluate the blind and visually impaired interest and emotional attitude towards them. A.G.Littvak quite rightly arguing! that "blindness, limiting the ability to accumulate sensitly experience and changing the nature and dynamics of needs, entails perthe essence of the sphere of emotional life, some changes in the emotional attitude to a certain (difficult) parties to reality, without changing the essence of emotions, "1. In contrast to the emotions of the feeling, they represent a new one, only the human form of reflection and are social in nature. Rachie, famous in general psychology The types of feelings (moral, intellectual and aesthetic) are also peculiar to the blindness and depth depend on the social conditions of life and the relationship to the blind and visually impaired by the sides of V. P. Gudonis (1995) showed that the negative stereotype of ideas about blind as poor, Unhappy, S. limited features People are still dominant in society. The Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Board of the V.I.Schev, speaking at the International Symposium in 1989, said: "The ratio of moaning to disabled people in vision can be divided into three categories: fear of the blind, the feeling of compassion to blind and squeamishness to the blind. Such an attitude causes a blind way, on the one hand, a sense of discomfort, and on the other, it forms moral traits of dependency, the lack of a sense of debt, self-love. "

Great value has parents to the defect of the child and flowing out of it various systems relationship in the family. The revaluation of violation of vision leads to an excessive hyperex and contributes to the development of an egoistic personality with a predominance of passive, consumer orientation and negative moral qualities. The underestimation of the defect leads to unjustified optimism and indifference, to the frightness and loss of sense of duty. E. Keller said that the hardest is not blindness, but the ratio of moaning to the blind.

Dedicated L.N. Silkin (1983) Four types of identity according to the degree of adaptation show that two of them are characterized by good psychological adaptation, and two are bad. Describing the identity of all four types, it shows the dependence of the negative and positive moral qualities of the circumstances of the life and environmental factors.

Stephens and Simpkis (Stephens & Simpkis) investigated the moral feelings of the blind children between the ages of 6 and 18, based on the analysis of the reactions of children on a series of hypothetical situations, including rules, duties and punishments, etc., and concluded about small differences between blind and vigorous.

Development intellectual feelings blind directly related to the formation and participation of them in mental activity.

Research compensation of blind and visually impaired showed great importance in its system of higher cognitive processes. The development of thinking in the learning process is also associated with the formation of intellectual feelings that are already manifested in preschool and school age In the desire to solve "difficult tasks » and in the sense of satisfaction from their execution or chagrin with the wrong solution.

The possibilities of high intellectual development of the blind showed the achievements of the blind in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics, in the literature, economy, jurisprudence, in pedagogy and other sciences, where blind doctors and candidates of science work. Known to the whole world, an experiment conducted at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, - training in the specialty "Psychologist" of four shameful students. Training difficulties were overcome thanks to compensatory capabilities that ensure the learning of knowledge and the development of mental activity, as well as due to the emergence of the acquisition of the new and development of intellectual feelings.

The formation of aesthetic feelings at the blind and visually impaired and significantly more connected with a violation or loss of vision, since the defect turns off from the sphere of their perception to a whole range of feelings arising from the visual perception of nature, visual arts, architecture. However, the aesthetic feelings associated with the perception of the world based on the preserved analyzers allow the blind and visually impaired to enjoy nature, poetry, music.

The blind writer M. Sizarrava writes: "People are well known to the votes of nature - howl storms in the forest or the sea, rolled thunders and mountains, flow noise or waterfall. But they usually do not listen, do not pay attention to the mass of slightly noticeable, lungs and gentle sounds, which nature harvested in abundance - the rustling of insects in the grass, the rift of evening grasshoppers, blows of the wings of birds, the ropot of the slim, like a thread, stream, light wind noise, Almost a few leaves exciting. The wind not only revives the visual landscape, he makes movement and life is also in the landscape, which I would call the auditory. "

Music executive skill has become the area of \u200b\u200bcreativity, where the successes of the blind are especially noticeable. V.P. Hudonis (1995) showed that from the list of names of people with disturbed vision, which has achieved high professional skills and various fields of science, technology, art, almost a third were associated with musical activities.

The formation of aesthetic feelings is associated with the upbringing of T. V. Egorova (1982) says that the abilities to aesthetically enjoy develop primarily, not in the field of contemplation, but in the field of activity.

Pictures, sculptures of Moscow school students for the blind show the possibilities of aesthetic development in the field of visual art. The course of Tiflography not only teaches children to read, understand and create embossed drawings, but also develops their aesthetic tastes, forms views on art. This also applies to partially visible and visually impaired children who, in the process of learning, the perception of paintings become capable of using the violated vision to understand and feel the beauty of their ideas and execution, assess the composition, color gamut. Familiarity with the visual art finds a large emotional response in children with violation of vision, forms the correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful and aesthetic attitude towards it.

Emotional states

Emotional states are a common mood, affective behavior, stress, the emergence of which is associated both with social living conditions and relationship with the surrounding people and the substantive world. Naturally, gross violations of vision affect the emergence and course of emotional states. We have already said that a significant number of domestic and foreign typhoids were noted at the blind changes in activity, the appearance of tension, impassable, uncertainty, depression, manifested in relations with others.

A special place in the appearance of severe emotional states is the understanding of its difference from normally seen peers, arising between the age of 4-5 years, understanding and experience of its defect in adolescence, awareness of restrictions in the choice of profession, partner for family life in youthful. Finally, deep stressful condition It occurs with the acquired blindness in adults. For persons who recently lost their vision are also characterized by a reduced self-esteem, low levels of claims and pronounced depressive behaviors. Stressing under blindness was carried out within the framework of psychological rehabilitation work. M. M. Sorokina (1990) suggests that excessive concentration on its problem gives rise to a feeling of hopelessness, to get rid of which psychotherapeutic work in SCHTS helps.

R. Bdzavyneva, in its study of stress under blindness, allocates vegetative, emotional-behavioral, cognitive and socio-psychological subsidon records, showing it that blindness disrupts the relative balance in the system of human relations with the subject and social sphere Life, with himself and surrounding people. Stress causes and exacerbates difficulties and restrictions in knowledge, in practical activities, in communication, in understanding itself as a valuable personality. PsychoreAgnitational and psychological assistance in such cases is not related not to the passive adoption of a defect of view, but with the active activity of the very blind, aimed at reorganizing the psychological installation, which includes an understanding of the ability to find a place in life, establishing a new life prospect. When orientation in space, especially in an unfamiliar area, the blind is experiencing difficulties to determine the direction of movement, its verification, which also causes emotional tension. Movement itself in an unfamiliar space creates for a blind stressful situation. Training methods and means of orientation based on preserved analyzers, the use of cards and plans of the area, speech and communication process with unfamiliar people Contribute to removal of voltage and stressful situation. Psychological correction such negative consequences blindness, as emotional on wheels, requires individual work A psychologist to determine the psychological structure and dynamics of stressful peages, their dependence on the conditions for the occurrence of the stress situation, the positions that can be relying in the leveling of the defect.

Will blind

The focus and self-regulation of their behavior associated with the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties, characterize the will of a person. The very determination of the will indicates that it plays very much for the blind and visually impaired important role In the self-determination of the person and its position in society, since these persons have to overcome great difficulties than in vain, in training and acquiring professional knowledge In the same volume and the same quality. In addition, in domestic and foreign typhopsis literature, the smaller activity of the blind in the knowledge of the surrounding, especially in early and preschool age, when turning off the visual analyzer reduces the external stimulation of the child. Therefore, in Typhlopsihology there are two opposite positions: they consider the effect of blindness on volitional qualities negative; The position of others is to be convinced that the need to overcome difficulties forms a strong, fastener will.

The formation of the volitional qualities of blind and visually impaired children begins with early age, under the influence of an adult tutor. Experimental typhalopsychological studies in this area are practically no. Only the formation of the structural components of the will, such as the motivation of preschoolers and schoolchildren, the arbitrariness of the operating of the concepts, the development of self-monitoring.

Village qualities The blind child is developing in the process of activity characteristic of each of the ages and corresponding to the potential individual possibilities of the child. The formed motives of behavior, adequate to its age and the level of development, will stimulate its activity.

One of the most important motives of the behavior characteristic of the child of the younger preschool ageis the motive of communication with adults, from which he gets care and affection. Here the goal and the motive of the activity of the child merge. In support of this interest and involuntary attention to near man The introduction of new forms of motivation of the activity of the junior blind preschooler is carried out. This contributes to the influence of the speech environment and mastering the child skills of speech communication, providing closer contact with adults and peers.

In the middle preschool age, the motivation of behavior and activity acquires a qualitatively more complex nature: the encouragement of the educator, a positive assessment of the efforts of children and the results of these efforts is an important motive of behavior and become an indispensable condition for determining their position in the family or in kindergarten.

Based on this motivation, the educator gets the opportunity to create conditions for the introduction of higher motivation, showing the value of the child's activities for the family and the educator. A feature of this period at the blind is the low effectiveness of their efforts in practical activities, and therefore, with great care to approach their activities.

Thus, in the middle preschool age, a certain educational role begins to play the word as a factor for the correction of behavior and activities of the blind child.

And although the motive of communicating with the educator during the training of household and labor skills remains even effective and persistent, it is significantly different from what can be observed from junior preschool children. If in junior group Children have enjoyed any friendly communication with adults, at the middle age, it becomes important for them and assess their activities from the adult.

This period in the education of the child's personality is especially important, since the child's middle preschool age has already created prerequisites for understanding the importance of active activities, active participation in the life of the team and the need for its positive assessment, although its practical achievements are still insignificant.

The motivation of the activities of the blind child of the older age group as an effective force, leading behavior, is developing in such a way that, on the one hand, it reflects the formation of a child's identity, his personality, the consolidation of his position in the group of peers, on the other - the public orientation of the motives of activity arises.

Great importance At this stage, the authority of the educator, to which children sometimes resort to strengthen their position in the group. However, the prerequisites for the emergence of independent estimates and relations to comrades who can diverge with the point of view of the educator. If in the younger and in medium groups the opinion of the teacher on the PTI continuously, then in senior group Children produces an independent assessment of their comrades based on intragroup relations.

The complication of motifs contributes to the transition to more and more complex and socially more significant forms of activity in the children's team. Motivation plays a stimulating role in the formation of labor skills.

As they transition from one age group to the other, the role of the educator increases, which is obliged to practically ensure the harmonious development of the relevant motives and behavior, communication and labor activity of blind children.

The development of arbitrary activities of the blind was studied by A.F. Samamylov (1975) on comparative material Forming operating with ideas at the blind with normal and disturbed intelligence. The study showed the dependence of the content and structure of activity and independence on different age levels from the quality of development and the ratio of cognitive processes, knowledge and motives of activity. Differences in the level of intellectual development of blind with normal intelligence and blind mentally retarded led the different level of formation of arbitrary activities when operating by the views.

A.F. Samamylov showed that the motives that prompted the younger blind schoolchildren with the deployment of active activities are direct interest in the content and forms of training, and the motives that encourage intellectual independence are an understanding of the goal, its ratio with the means of achieving it - operations, actions, knowledge. Therefore, the formation of the arbitrariness of mental processes in the blind requires the use of specific correctional methods for the mandatory setting of goals and tasks in organizing their activities, especially when correction of certain actions and operations. A. V. Politov shows it on the development of self-control at the blind schoolchildren in the process of productive work: at the initial stage of the formation of labor skills, when the formation of differentiated representations about labor objects is becoming a blind number of impressions and adjustments to the action compared with partially visions and vigorous. B. G. Sheremet (1984) allocated three phases of forming the accuracy of the implementation of motor acts, the duration of which depends on the age and visual capabilities of children. Blind children need more repetitions to achieve relative stability of implementation, which is due to the need to develop the ability to analyze propriceceptive perceptions coming from their own body, and this requires the inclusion of higher cognitive processes.

V.P. Gudonis conducted a study of the motives of social and labor activity of students with violation of adolescence according to the T. Ahayan technique. In five groups of children, a large scatter was revealed in the ratio of positive and negative moral qualitiesmanifested in society and the nature of motivation. For children, both socio-significant motives are characterized (an understanding of the social sense of activity, cognitive motifs) and procedural. Pretty large group make up children with obscure motifs, showing indifference to evaluating their work and behavior, reluctance to carry out labor orders.

Comparison with data obtained during examination of the children of the mass school shows general trends in the development of motives, which indicates the lack of direct negative impact of violations of their formation.

However, emotional experiences associated with a defect, ambiguity of goals and roles various shapes Activities cause various degree of intensity of children with violation of vision, the situationality of their behavior, the dependence of the formation of activity and independence on the conditions of their organization and management.

The development of will is the most important task of educational work with children who have violations of vision. Only disciplined feelings and strong will will help blindly overcome difficulties, inevitably arising in the learning process, and become a full-fledged member of society.

Insufficient volume of visual information, the lack of visual impressions leads to a smaller mental and motor activity A blind child, retardant in psychomotor development on the level of development of malicious babies. However, up to two or three months of life, a baby with deep violations of vision by the nature of the reactions and behavior is almost no different from the greasy child of the same age. This is explained by the peculiarity of the mental acts of children of this age associated with the multimodal information obtained by them. Since the primary sensory reactions of the infant are generalized, the limitation of visual information does not cause significant damage to the vital acts of the child's activities. And only after two-three-month age when healthy child Such visual reactions appear as binocular fixation of the gaze, tracing eye movement lack of vision begins to significantly affect the mental and motion development of a child with a deep violation of vision (L.I. Solntva, S.M. Good, 1988; L.I. Solntva 1997, 2000).

The lack of visual perception from the moment of birth is more affected by the motor development of an early age. Children are lagging behind in the development of skills related to the initiation of their own mobility (turns from the back on the stomach and back, moving from the position lying to the sitting position, pull up to get up), basic locomotor skills (crawl, self-walking and movement around the room), Thin motility. Most blind children have these skills later than 95% of seen children. The child has a weakness of an act of grabbing, delays the differentiation of movements, there are difficulty in mastering the vertical position of the body. It is afraid of spaces and new items. The insufficiency of spatial orientation causes the underdevelopment of the gait, inhibits the formation of the body scheme. The negative effect of blindness for the purchase of motor skills is associated with the central role of visual perception in coordination of movements, the adaptation of the position of the hands of the hands to the size and shape of the subject, in the control of the poses, in establishing and maintaining the balance of the body. Lagging in engine development blind or visually impaired child It also affects the development of its gaming activities (S.M. Good, 1983; A. Hartman, 1998). For such children, primitive monotonous repetitive manipulations with objects can be maintained. The difficulties of mastering subject actions lead to a slowdown in the tempo of the development of thinking. The decline in visual functions has a negative impact on the emotional development of the child, which is expressed in a reduced mood background, the trend towards autism as a consequence of objective difficulties of contacts with other people (V.V. Lebedinsky, 1985; L.I. Solntva, S. Horosh , 1988; L.I. Solntva, 2000). Difficulties in communicating with people and the substantive world form certain features of the development of a blind child - the tempo of the development of speech is changed, systemic underdevelopment of speech is noted, diverse in their structure.

Huge importance in the perception of reality in children with deep violations has hearing. Hearing images of the objective world enable the blind child to respond to distant stimuli, correlate them with objects and in accordance with this organize their behavior. The development of auditory differentiation and the formation of auditory perception ensures the activity of the child's speech activity, which in the future becomes the most important channel of compensation of blindness (L.I. Solntva, S.M. Good, 1988; L.I. Solntva, 2000).

At blind babies, in the event of a hearing safety, the development of basic hearing sensitivity begins from the first days of life and throughout the first year undergoes the same stages of development as in the norm. However, in contrast to the ability to distinguish audio incentives, the formation of interaction with them somewhat lags. Therefore, it is obvious that blind babies need to form their motivation to interact with sound incentives. This motivation can only be formed in communicating with close adults with a focused impact.

The mental development of a child with violations and its social adaptation is largely dependent on early diagnosis. The need for early diagnosis of violations of violations is due to the fact that the critical period of development of the human visual system is short and limited to the first half of the life of the child (L.I. Filter, 1999; L.I. Filter, M.E. Bernadskaya, O.V. Paramy, 2003 ).

The limitation of visual experience during this period due to various diseases of the organ of vision leads to irreversible morphofunctional changes at all levels of the visual system of the child and exacerbates the primary visual defect. At the same time, it is optimal for the correction of the developing visual functions of the child. In order to prevent blindness and visibility since childhood, early diagnosis of visual disorders is necessary. From how quickly and exactly the diagnosis is raised, the results of the abillation of children with violations of violations depend.

Diagnosis of diseases of the visual system in young children is a challenge. They cannot be used by psychophysical methods for assessing the view applied in adult practice. There are significant difficulties in the interpretation of an ophthalmoscopic picture, due to the features of the eyeboard in the first year of the child's life. At this age, even in healthy children, macular reflexes are not differentiated, and the disk of the optic nerve can have white or grey colour. In this regard, there are special importance objective methods Diagnostics, allowing to identify violations from the first days of the life of the baby.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Fundamental Research Problems emotional Development Preschoolers with violation of vision in special psychology.

1.2. Features of the development of emotions in preschool children according to the results of studies of age and pedagogical psychology

1.3. Emotional development of senior preschool children with violation of vision.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the singularities of the emotional development of children of senior preschool age with violation of vision.

2.1. Methodological aspects of the organization of the study of the emotional sphere of senior preschoolers with violation of vision.

2.2. Detection of the characteristics of the emotional development of children of senior preschool age with violation of vision.

Chapter 3. Amplifying the emotional development of children with violation of senior preschool age.

3.1. Ways and means of effective correctional and developing impact on the emotional development of preschoolers with squint and amblyopy.

3.3. The results of the formative stage of experimental work.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Features of the intellectual readiness of preschoolers with violations of vision for school training 2006, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Slyusarskaya, Tatyana Vadimovna

  • Correctional and pedagogical work on the development of a connected speech of senior preschoolers with violations of violations 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Doroshenko, Oksana Viktorovna

  • Pedagogical technology to overcome systemic underdevelopment of speech taking into account the formation of the emotional sphere in preschoolers with functional violations of vision 2011, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Karakulova, Elena Viktorovna

  • Correctional focus of classes for the formation of ideas about yourself in a preschooler with violation of vision 1995, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Seleznev, Elena Vladimirovna

  • Correction of deficiencies in the development of orientation in space in children of senior preschool age with strabismus and amblyopy in combination with mental delay in plane constructing 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Mineva, Natalia Gennadievna

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Features of the emotional development of children of senior preschool age with violation of vision"

The second half of the XX century has made a significant contribution to historically rich tradition Philosophical and methodological analysis of education, adding it with numerous foreign and domestic sociological, psychological and pedagogical studies, concepts of education. At the same time, the processes of conceptualization of education problems in last years The XXI century has become particularly sharp. This applies to all elements of the education system, including correctional and educational institutions.

According to research, in correctional psychology and pedagogy currently not only for our country, but also for the countries of the whole world, an increase in the number of children with various development disorders is characteristic. At the same time, violations of the emotional sphere as a secondary defect in this category of children are becoming increasingly diverse and difficult to implement correctional support (V.Z. Deniskin, E.E. Dmitriev, Ji.A. Druzhinina, V.A. Kruchinin, I.Yu . Levchenko, D.M. Mallaev, G.V. Nikulina,

B.G. Petrova, L.I. Plaksina, L.I. Solntseva, U.V. Ulyenkova et al.)<

In this context, the emotional sphere is displayed in the rank of the basic basis of the personality of the preschooler, its "central link" (LS Vygotsky), the "nuclei of the individuality" (A.V. Zaporozhets), the primary structure that regulates the behavior and activity of the child, its orientation In the outside world. Emotions have an impact on all types of psychic activities of the child of preschool age, which is confirmed by the scientific works of teachers (N.A. Vetlugin, S.A. Kozlov, T.S. Komarova, T.A. Kulikova, S.I. Maslov, O. P. Radynova, N.P. Sakulina, K.V. Tarasova, etc.), psychologists (B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozovich, G.M. Breslav, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, BC Mukhina,

C.L. Rubinstein, E.O. Smirnova, P.M. Jacobson, etc.).

The modern social situation does not always contribute to the satisfaction of the needs of preschoolers with disabilities, especially children with violation of vision, in positive emotional experiences that contribute to the enrichment of their vivid impressions from the world around. Many phenomena and events, exciting children of this category and leaving an indelible mark in their soul, remain unnoticed by teachers and parents; Adults do not always understand their problems and the difficulties of orientation in the environment. In this regard, there were cases of various kinds of deviations in the emotional development of children, manifestations of aggressiveness, anxiety, egocentrism, unwillingness to sympathize and empathize with others.

The choice of category of children with squint and amblyopy in our study is due to the fact that children with functional disorders of vision are susceptible to serious loads of medical and psychological and pedagogical support. Treatment of vision creates special difficulties of visual-spatial orientation: shutdown is better than a vidical eye leads to a monocular orientation due to the "spatial blindness". This manifests itself in the fact that preschoolers do not distinguish the depth, distance, length, which leads to frustration - dissatisfaction in communicating with the outside world. All this provokes the negativeness of the emotional sphere of preschoolers of this "category (L.I. Plaksina, 2009).

For this group of children, such features are characteristic as emotional instability, mood fluctuations, the predominance of negative emotions, increased anxiety and, as a result, loneliness, fears, problems in the formation of moral and ethical sphere, social emotions. Children are not ready for emotionally "warm" relationship with peers, with close adults. The depleted emotional life of a child with squint and amblyopy, the primitiveness of emotional experience can not always be replenished in the next age stages. With the arrival of children in many ways, the sensitivity of children in violation of vision for affective development, emotional susceptibility and impressionability, sensual world-knowledge in general (G. Butkina, V.Z. Deniskin, M.I. Zemtsova, I.G. Cornilova,

V.A. Krucchinin, L.I. Plaksina, ji.c. Sex, O.I. Skorokhodov, etc. Sviri-Duk, L.I. Solntheva et al.)

Insufficiency of the developed psychological recommendations relating to the emotionality of a child with squint and amblyopy, targeted influence on emotions in the process of knowledge of the surrounding, on the one hand, and the lack of a comprehensive theoretical understanding of this problem and its methodical development, on the other hand, determine the relevance and novelty of our research.

The purpose of the study is to study the characteristics of the emotional development of children with strabismus and amblyopy, as well as the rationale, design and testing of effective means of correctional and developing impacts aimed at amplifying.

The study of the study is the emotional sector of children of preschool age.

The subject of the study is the specific features of the emotional development of children with violation of vision.

During the study, the following hypotheses were nominated: there are significant differences in the emotional development of senior preschoolers with strabismus and ambulopia and normally visiting peers, due not only to the primary defect, but also the peculiarities of medical and psychological and pedagogical support; In conditions of visual failure, adhesiveness with strabismus and amblyopia can manifest themselves negative emotional states, in particular a significant lack of integrity of the understanding of the emotional experiences of people; The presence of a reduced structure of knowledge of emotions, negative reflection by the type of uncertainty, anxiety, impulsivity and others; The inclusion of senior preschoolers with a functional disorder of vision into targeted activities implemented in the framework of the correctional work that takes into account their age characteristics and features of the defect may contribute to the amplification of their emotional development.

In accordance with the goal and hypotheses of the study, we defined the following tasks: to carry out the theoretical analysis of the special psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the emotional development of children of preschool age with impaired vision, determine the structure and content of the concepts used in the study; Develop an experimental diagnostic material for the study of the characteristics of the emotional development of children of senior preschool age with violation of vision, in particular, with squint and amblyopia; experimentally examine the degree and nature of the influence of visual failure on the emotional development of children with squint and amblyopy; Systematize the features of the emotional development of children under study in order to determine the foundations of the psychological and pedagogical strategy of corrective support; design paths and means of * effective correctional and developing impact on the emotional development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia; Test the content of a psychocorrection program aimed at developing and enriching the emotional sphere of senior preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia; Submit statistically reliable data from the efficiency of the developed ways and means of psychological assistance to children.

Methodological foundations of the study determined: theoretical approaches to the disclosure of the interdependence of the emotional and rational in the mental reflection of reality (JI.C. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, Ya.Z. Neverovich, C.Jl Rubinstein, P.MM . Jacobson, etc.); ideas and positions of the psychology of emotions (G.M. Breslav, K. Isard, E.P.Ilin, P.V. Simonov et al.);

Provisions on the emotional field of children of preschool age (N.S. VKova, E.I. Isotova, A.D. Kosheleva, S.I. Maslov, V.I. Merchad, O.A. Sha-Grava, etc.);

Provisions on the activities and social nature of the emotional development of preschoolers (JI.C. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, etc.);

The doctrine of the laws of the development of an anomalous child, about the leading role of training in the development process (L.S. Vygotsky, I.Yu. Levchenko, N.N. Ma Lofeev, V.G. Petrova, W.V. Ulyenkova, etc.) ;

Regulations on the leading role of the visual analyzer in cognitive and practical activities (B.G. Ananyev, A.N. Zaporozhets, V.P. Zinchenko, I.P. Pavlov, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.);

Regulations on the interaction of common and specific persons in individual development of persons with violation of vision (O.L. Alekseev, A.I. Zotov, V.Z. Kantor, N.M. Nazarova, A.G. Litvak, D.M. Mallaev, G.V. Nikulina, L.I. Plaksina, L.A. Semenov, L.I. Solntva, B.K. Stupukovogov, V.A. Foktistova, etc.);

The doctrine of the formation of the sensory sphere in children with violation of vision (V.Z. Deniskin, M.I. Zemtsova, V.Z. Kantor, V.A. Krukhinin, Yu.A. Kulagin, A.G. Litvak, L.I . Plaksina, L.A. Remezova, L.S. Sechovets, L.I. Solntheva et al.).

Methods and experimental research base. To test the hypothesis and implementation of the objectives of the study, a complex of complementary research methods was used: a method of theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical works; method of studying and generalizing pedagogical experience; Theoretical modeling based on system-structural analysis of the projected activities; study of medical and pedagogical documentation; experiment; testing; Methods of mathematical statistics, in particular, T-Wilkoxon's criterion.

Research work was carried out on the basis of pre-school educational institutions of combined and compensating species for children with violation of the city of Tula, Tula and Kaluga regions. In total, 64 children of senior preschool age with squint and amblyopia took part in the study at different stages.

Organization of research. Experimental research was carried out for four years (from 2006 to 2009) and included three stages. The first stage (2006) is the search and theoretical, during which the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical scientific literature was carried out on the topic of research, the scientific problem was also formulated, scientific hypotheses, goals and objectives were formulated, research methods were selected.

The second stage (2007 - May 2009) - experimental experimental, in the process of which a state-standing experiment was carried out in order to obtain actual data, the processing of empirical material was carried out, a formative experiment was carried out, during which I was tested by a model of a correctional and educational impact aimed at The development of the emotional sphere of senior preschoolers with visual pathology.

The third stage (June - October 2009) - the final, on which the results of experimental work were generalized, theoretical provisions were adjusted, and the textual "design of the dissertation study was carried out.

Scientific novelty research:

The scientific ideas about the role, the place of emotional development in the psychological structure of the identity of children of senior preschool age with squint and ambiopia are summarized and systematized;

The specific features of the emotional development of children with partial visual defect (strabismus and amblyopia) are presented: a significant lack of integrity of understanding, understanding the emotional experiences of people; The presence of a reduced structure of knowledge about. emotions related to the specifics of the verbalization by these children of external manifestations of emotional states of people; difficulties in building the structure of human emotions and in the deepening of these structures; lack of ideas of children with squint and amblyopy about the inner world of people, about the reality of emotional experiences, which remain superficial, infantile, not enough adequate situation; the presence of negative reflection by the type of uncertainty, anxiety and impulsivity;

The relationship between the emotional development of senior preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia and the peculiarities of medical and psychological and pedagogical support are established;

The main directions of psychological assistance to amplifying emotional development in the conditions of visual failure, focused on the mutual influence of primary and secondary defects, as well as the interaction of emotional and sensory spheres: acquaintance with the authorities of feelings and training for their uses; development of affective, cognitive and reactive components of emotional development;

Created software and methodological support for the amplification process of emotional development, including a description of the complex of educational tasks, principles, pedagogical tools, methods, techniques and conditions for the successful implementation of correctional work.

Theoretical significance of the study:

Theoretically analyzed the structure and content of the concept of "emotional development". Analyzed various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of its peculiarities in preschool age;

Theoretical principles of studying the emotional development of children with squints and ambulopy are identified, based on their basis the psychological technique of individualized diagnostics, consisting of four series;

Theoretical principles, content, conditions and directions for the implementation of the correctional and developing program for amplification are identified. EXCHANGE DEVELOPMENT. Senior preschool age with squint and amblyopia;

Theoretical conclusions and provisions emphasize the importance and social significance of the study discovering the area of \u200b\u200bfurther expanded ways to improve the psychological and pedagogical strategy of education of the feelings of children with visual pathology.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of applying new data on the features of the emotional development of senior preschoolers with visual pathology in the educational and educational process of specialized pre-school institutions.

Methodical materials prepared during the study aimed at overcoming emotional disadvantages were introduced into the practice of the work of pre-school educational institutions of combined and compensating species.

Research materials can be used in the implementation of training programs for future defectologists in pedagogical colleges and universities; Applied in the design of the content of special courses and special seminars in the institutes to improve the skills of education workers.

The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by the methodological substantiation and effectiveness of the initial theoretical provisions; a comprehensive research methodology, the adequacy of the methods applied to its goals and objectives; the use of empirical and statistical methods, qualitative and quantitative analysis, the representativeness of the data obtained during the experimental study; Publication of research results in scientific, methodological and monographic work. Determined by the wide testing and demand of the research provisions in the educational practice of specialized pre-school educational institutions.

The following main provisions are made on the defense:

1. The emotional development of children is understood as a comprehensive natural process of complication and enrichment of the emotional sphere in the context of the overall socialization of the child. The structure of emotional development is: affective, cognitive and reactive components.

2. In preschool age, emotional development undergo significant changes towards its complication, differentiation of the characteristics and integration into a single holistic system. The emotional development of a senior preschooler with normal vision is characterized by the following features: the situational variability of the emotional response, the expansion of a number of emotional modalities (basic - social), identification of emotional states for the expression of the person, social transformation of the expression of emotions, forming the structure of ideas about emotions, verbal designation of emotions.

3. The emotional development of children with squint and amblyopy has distinctive features caused by the difficulties of visual-spatial orientation, the insufficiency of visual information in the monocular nature of the vision, orientation in the process of treatment for worse seeing eye, dissatisfaction with social and perceptual contacts with the surrounding world. These include: a significant lack of integrity of understanding the emotional experiences of people; The presence of a reduced structure of knowledge about emotions, negative reflection by the type of uncertainty, anxiety, impulsivity and others.

4. Successful correction of negative manifestations of emotional development in children with strabismine and amblyopia is achieved through a targeted program that takes into account the age-related features of senior preschool age and the influence of the visual defect, the features of medical and psychological and pedagogical support, the functional unity of the body as a holistic system, the subjectivity of the child with squint and ambopia

5. The resulting experiment, a broad approbation of scientific and methodological developments proved the effectiveness of the proposed content and forms of correctional work. At the same time, directions for further improvement of this area towards a deeper penetration into a comprehensive relationship of medical and psychological and pedagogical support of children were allocated.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and the results of the dissertation study were discussed and received approval at meetings of the Department of Special Psychology, Child Psychology and Preschool Education of the Tula State Pedagogical University. Ji.h. Tolstoy (2007-2009), at the International Scientific Student Conference in Stavropol (2007), at international conferences of students, graduate students and young scientists "Lomonosov" in Moscow (2007-2009), 2 "The International Scientific and Practical Conference" Psychology and Modern Society "in St. Petersburg (2007), at the International Scientific Conference in LDU. A. S. Pushkin in St. Petersburg (2008, 2009), at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Space of Europe" in Prague (2009), as well as at the annual final scientific conferences of the Prof. -Refractive composition of the Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy (2008, 2009);

The results of the study were reflected in the Governor of the Governor of the Tula region in the sphere of science and technology of 2007 (No. 60-K-1/1054), in the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation of 2008 (No. 08-06-12124 c), during pedagogical activities the author in the Tula State Pedagogical. Entroduce them. L.N. Tolstoy at lecture and practical classes in the process of reading elective courses, as well as in the process of cooperation with the Tula regional special library for the blind.

The main results of the study are reflected in 14 printed works and 1 methodical manual.

The dissertation structure. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications. The total work is 200 pages. The list of references includes 171 source, of which in foreign languages \u200b\u200b- 8. The text of thesis is illustrated with 18 tables and 11 drawings.

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Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Correctional Psychology", Fedorenko, Julia Viktorovna


An analysis of scientific literature has shown that emotional development in foreign and domestic psychology is understood as a comprehensive natural process of complication and enrichment of the emotional sphere in the context of the overall socialization of the child. According to psychologists, the dynamics of emotional processes of children of preschool childhood is associated with the regulation of activities, a change in the content, forms of manifestation of emotions, their place in the temporary structure of activity, which is due to the nature of relationships with other people (teachers, psychologists, parents). The content of emotional development and its age dynamics determine emotional neoplasms, consistently forming at various stages of ontogenesis: the situational variability of the emotional response, the expansion of a number of emotional modalities (basic-social), identification of emotional states on the expression of the person, social transformation of emotion expression, the formation of the representation structure of the ideas about Emotions, verbal designation of emotions. The structure of emotional development is affective, cognitive and reactive components.

Studies conducted by typhalplopes and typhopsychologists have shown that in children with violation of vision, the development of emotions has a number of features: the predominance of negative emotions, an increased anxiety, loneliness, fears. Psychological observations of children with squint and amblyopia show that they have negative reactions when teachers are trying to include them in joint games and classes. Sometimes affective and stormy emotional experiences, accompanied by a cry and crying. Impulsiveness and deprived of active interaction with people The condition of the child with strabismus and amblyopia explains the manifestation of the paralysis of the volitional effort, passivity and depression, the loss of interest in the surrounding reality. In addition, most preschoolers with strabismine and ambulopias with their training and education of the methods of familiarization with themselves, receptions and methods of sensory education are observed in practice, inaccurate information about their own sensory perceptual opportunities, on external signs, structure, functional appointment of organs. The feelings that does not allow a child with pathology of view to actively engage in the process of compensation of its own defect.

In this regard, we were selected a set of diagnostic techniques for the study of the characteristics of emotional development. According to the data obtained on the stating stage of the experiment, it was possible to establish that, firstly, there was a significant lack of integrity of understanding, an understanding of the emotional experiences of people; The presence of a reduced structure of knowledge of emotions associated with the specifics of the verbalization of the external manifestations of emotional states of people is found. Secondly, difficulties are noted in building the structure of knowledge of human emotions and in the deepening of these structures, about the ideas of children with strabismus and amblyopia about the inner world of people, the reality of emotional experiences remain superficial, infantile, not adequately adequate. Thirdly, in behavior, negative reflection on the type of uncertainty, anxiety and impulsivity appeared quite often. All this indicates the need for an appropriate correctional work, which makes it possible to improve the understanding of preschoolers in violation of their emotional states and states of other people.

Based on the identified features of emotional development, ways and means of effective correctional and developing impact on the emotional development of preschoolers with squint and ambiopia were developed. In the organization of psychocorrection work with children with squint and amblyopy, including work on the development and enrichment of the emotional sphere, it was necessary to comply with ophthalm-hygienic requirements. Working with children on the protection of vision and strengthening their health was carried out in close contact with the family in the following areas: informational and analytical, cognitive, advisory. Correctional and developing work was to develop and enrich the emotional sphere of senior preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopy, and the content included the following directions: familiarity with the senses and training bodies of their use; Development of affective, cognitive and reactive components. The development of the procedural side of the correctional impact relied on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe regulatory functioning and development of the emotional sphere in the senior preschool age. The theoretical basis for the implementation of correctional and developing work was the differential-level approach of U.V. Ulyenkova, which allowed to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe current and nearest development in children on the basis of accounting for individual-typical features (current and potential) emotional development of children with violation of vision.

The results of the test experiment suggest that the path of emotional development selected by us has proven its effectiveness. The use of this system of correctional and developing work allows not only to develop the emotionality of a child with visual pathology, but also an emotional attitude towards himself and the world, allows you to form a conscious attitude-to behavior standards, makes it possible not only to increase the psychological sustainability of children with strabismism and ambulopia and Optimize the formation of socially adequate behavior, but also influence the process of forming their cultural identity.

Thus, on the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources, the state of the problem of emotional development of preschoolers with a partial visual defect was studied, which determined the relevance of the topic. Theoretically substantiated and developed ways and means of an effective cor-reconstructing impact aimed at developing and enriching the emotional sphere of senior preschoolers with squint and amblyopia. The specific features of the development of the emotional sphere of children with squint and amblyopy in the context of a stateing experiment are revealed. The possibilities of compensatory overcoming the insufficiency of the emotional development of children from the standpoint of violated vision, as well as the purposeful use of the means of correction of their visual failure are determined.

It has been proven that in order to effectively correct the emotional development of children of preschool age with violation of vision, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto comply with the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and interact with the families of preschoolers with visual failure; Include the following directions in the content of correctional and developing work: familiarity with the senses and training of their use; development of affective, cognitive and reactive components; In the process of implementing correctional and developing work, ensure consideration of individual-typical (relevant and potential) features of children due to violation of violation. The resulting theoretical and experimentally proven practical results confirmed the validity of the hypotheses extended.

The proof of the hypotheses hypotheses and the solution to its tasks allow, in our opinion, to argue that the provisions made on defense are confirmed, the goal of the dissertation study of the peculiarities of the development of the emotional sphere of children with squint and amblyopy, as well as theoretical justification, design and testing of paths and means Effective correctional and developing effects aimed at developing and enrichment in children are achieved.

The conclusions outlined in the thesis do not claim to end. For promising areas of its further study, it is possible to study the conditions of emotional development from the position of the tender characteristics of children with violation of vision, continuity in the emotional development of children of preschool and younger school age. An important area can be the development of individual programs for the emotional development of children with the squint and amblyopy of the younger, secondary and senior preschool age implemented in pre-school educational institutions and family conditions. The question of professional training teachers and teachers and teachers and psychologists to amplifying the emotional sphere of preschoolers with strabismism and amblyopia is needed.

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The emotional-volitional sphere of the psyche of the blind is the least studied in typhalopsychology, which is mainly due to the difficulties of objective study of emotion, feelings and will. This issue was engaged in Litvak, Solntheva, Matveyev, Budai, Ermakov, etc.

N.N. Buday notes that children with violations have the following specificity: children have an increased personal level of anxiety, children have a weakly developed emotional-willed sphere, poorly correlate emotion with the expression of facial expressions, are not competent in the manifestation of emotions, weakly understand the mimic manifestations of other people's emotions. Insufficient or weakly developed reflection.

E. P. Ermakov notes that emotional disadvantages associated with the difficulty in communicating with peers and other children can lead to two types of behavior.

The first group includes children with violation of violation unbalanced, easily excitable; Unsurance of emotions often becomes the cause of the disorganization of their activities. In the event of conflicts with peers, the emotions of this category of children are often manifested in affects: anger outbreaks, insult, are often accompanied by tears, rudeness, fights. There are accompanying vegetative changes: redness of the skin, strengthening sweating, etc. Negative emotional reactions: quickly flashing, quickly fade.

The second group consists of children with violations with a sustainable negative relation to communication. They have a resentment, discontent, dislike for a long time in memory, but when they are manifest, children are more restrained. For such children is typical, they avoid communication. Emotional disadvantage is often conjugate with unwillingness to attend kindergarten, with dissatisfaction with relations with educators or peers.

The view is common that the blind is less emotional, more calm and balanced than people who do not have defects. This impression is explained by the lack of reflection of their experiences in facial expressions, gestures, poses. However, their speech is quite intonationally expressive. Studies of understanding with blind emotional states of a person in a voice, intonation, tempo, volume and other expressive signs of speech (T.V. Kornev) indicate that the blind detects greater accuracy in recognizing the emotional states of the speaker. Assessing emotional states, they allocate and adequately evaluate such qualities of the identity of the speaker, as activity, dominance, anxiety. A.A. The krogius also noted the exclusive ability of the blind to understand emotional states, catch the most "subtle changes to the voice of the interlocutor."

According to psychologists, in the blind, such emotions as wines, fear, resentment occupy a significant place in the system of emotional states. Most of them are associated with "social fear" communication with other people, including with representatives of another sex. Researchers, analyzing the attitude of children to their defect, suggest that they have a comparison of themselves with moays, the desire to prove that they are better than them. In the same, deep internal conflicts and inadequacy of behavior are manifested.

When a child goes to school, there is a significant personal neoplasm - the inner position of the student, which ensures the focus of the child to study, its emotionally positive attitude towards school, the desire to comply with the sample of a "good student". If the most important needs of the child, reflecting the schoolchild's position, are not satisfied, it can experience sustainable emotional disadvantage, expressing in anticipation of constant failure at school, poor attitude towards himself from teachers and classmates, in the fear of the school, unwillingness to visit it.

In psychological literature, the following features of the emotional sphere of children with violation of vision will be allocated:

1. The idea of \u200b\u200bgestures are low. Due to the reduction of visual acuity, they use gestures in cases of refinement of information, indication of the direction of action, that is, as an aid. Spontaneously, based on the imitation of gestures without verbal designations, they are absorbed and used by children very slowly and poorly, which indicates the possibility and need to teach children gestures.

2. Children with violation of vision observes the poverty of the Mimici. The expression of emotions and the definition of their modalities in such children at a lower level than that of normally seen peers. This suggests that they have a small sensitive experience of experiencing emotional states. They have amymality of the face, the lack of sensations of expressive movements.

3. Preschoolers with defective vision, poorly focusing in the elements of expressive body movements and without knowing how to use a large motility to express their mood, their desires, do not pay attention to the pantomime of other people. They see in movements and poses only practical actions aimed at performing any activity.

Consultation for educators

Consultation for teachers "Development of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with violations"

Kondratieva Lyudmila Vasilyevna, teacher-speech therapist,
MBDOU CRR-DS №53 "Fir-tree" Tambov

The emotional-volitional sphere of the psyche blind is the least studied in typhopsychology, which is mainly due to the difficulties of an objective study of emotions, feelings and will.

Emotions and feelings as a specific reflection of the outside world, manifested in a person's subjective attitude to reality, depend on how fully, the world around us is fully reflected and what exactly is the object of reflection. Of course, no view, a narrowing sphere of sensual knowledge, cannot affect the greatest qualities of emotions and feelings, their nomenclature, value for vital activity, etc. The blindness, as shown observations, can only affect the degree of manifestation of individual emotions, their external expression and to the level of development of certain types of senses.

The dependence of emotions and feelings from the state of the sensory sphere is mediated by the material and spiritual needs, the development of which is directly related to the accumulation of sensory experience.

Arising from the same source and closely related, emotions and feelings are at the same time different in the nature of the ratios of mental activities.

Emotions arising from the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of organic needs and in direct reactions to the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, with the loss of visual functions, obviously undergo not such significant changes as feelings.

As for the needs, the satisfaction of which is associated with the normal functioning of the visual analyzer, is not the doubt that blindness affects the sign (positive or negative) and the depth of emotions. For example, often observable negative emotions or the lack of an emotional relationship with direct response to some objects can be explained in one case by the dissatisfaction of cognitive needs, and in the other - the lack of need to know this object. At the same time, it can be seen that a number of objects and their properties, situations that almost do not cause emotions in normally seen, the blindness cause strong emotional experiences.

Feelings, emerging in the sphere of emotions, are a special form of a person's attitude towards the world around. These are stable emotional relations to reality, and emotions reflect the importance of situational phenomena. Inherent only man of feelings has a pronounced social character. Different types of feelings are moral, intellectual and aesthetic - to some extent inherent in all people, which is explained by their social and historical nature. Different types of senses are in different extent associated with direct reflection of reality. Moral feelings are least associated with him, more intellectual, and the most close relationship exists between sensations, perceptions and ideas, on the other hand, and aesthetic feelings - on the other. Therefore, the narrowing of the sensory sphere has a different effect on certain types of senses.

According to the nomenclature of the feeling of blind and sores, there can be no differences. The specifics of the feelings of the blind, due to the violation of relations with the natural and social medium, is manifested only in the nature of the expression and dynamics of the development of feelings.

Sometimes observed with the blindness of the abnormal development of moral and intellectual senses (lack of a sense of debt, selflessness, lack of a sense of partnership, sense of humor, feelings of a new one, etc.) There are also silent and in no way can be explained by blindness. The non-harmonic development and the emergence of negative feelings can only be explained by the lack of education. First of all, it concerns moral senses with a pronounced social character and reflecting a substantial system of human relations. Not blindness, but the wrong attitude in the family (petty guardianship, stacking, contrasting a child to other family members, as "offended by fate" or, on the contrary, abandonment), at school (emphasizing the inaptability of the child to life, the blades obtained through the social security system, reassessing opportunities and abilities, etc.) Give negative moral feelings. Understanding the essence of moral feelings and numerous examples from the life of the blind gives a complete opportunity to argue that with proper education, the moral feelings of the blind are not deviated from the norm.

Intellectual feelings also substantially depend on the social status of a person and the surrounding environment. A prerequisite for the development of intellectual feelings is to participate in mental activity. Providing blinding opportunities, in particular their training in Central and Higher School, opens up ample opportunities for the development of intellectual feelings.

At the same time, the development of intellectual feelings is due to the success of cognitive activity and the ability and ability to open all new and new parties in subjects and phenomena, to penetrate their essence, establish the patterns of development. The blindness narrows the scope of sensual knowledge, which in turn adversely affects the development of thinking, puts serious obstacles on the way of developing intellectual feelings arising in the process of knowledge. That is why the blind, especially preschoolers, often there is no curiosity. However, huge compensatory capabilities allow blind to overcome numerous obstacles to mastering knowledge, successfully engage in mental activity, in the process of which intellectual feelings are developing.

The most significant effect of blindness has for aesthetic feelings, emerging and developing in the perception and creating a person's excellent. Aesthetic feelings arise not only with visual, but also with perceptions of other modalities. (auditory, tactile, taste and olfactory). However, total or partial blindness completely or partially makes it impossible to perceive the parties of reality, which have the most powerful emotional impact on humans. The same reasons caused a negative change in the field of cultural needs and interests, which also have a significant impact on the development of aesthetic feelings.

In Typhlopsihology of the XIX century. It was widely believed that the blind is very beautiful, since they have a born ideal of beauty, and for the development of their potential opportunities, special education is necessary. The thesis of the need for aesthetic education of the blind is valid to this day, although we see the foundation for him not in the innate ideal of beauty, but in the ability to blindly reflect the surrounding world with the help of the integral activities of the preserved analyzers. In the process of training and education, the correct ideas about the beautiful and correct attitude towards it are formed.


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