Thank you for buying in our online store. How to write a letter of thanks to partners for cooperation and assistance provided, sample

How to say thank you to the customer and do not contradict? We conducted a study of letters of gratitude and found out that it makes trigger mailing useful, and what can reduce efficiency and lead to the opposite effect: the failure of interaction, the fall of trust and loyalty.

Trigger letter - This is automatically generated notice, the content of which is based on the client's actions on the site, its preferences, friendship history with the company.

Personalized trigger letter works better than template. They are more often discovered, more often pass on the links, the level of failures on transitions from trigger letters is extremely low (less than 15% according to And the word "thank you" in the subject of the letter increases the level of opening (Open Rate).

For it is important to take into account three factors:

● The behavior of the user on the site is what I watched, which compared that I added to the basket, which sections were interested in;
● The behavior of the user in the mailing list - which distributions opened, by which links switched from which letters a target action made;
● Personal data - gender, age, activity.

For analysis, we chose letters of gratitude

Trigger letters of gratitude establish confidence relationships, show the value of the client for the company, increase loyalty. Such letters reduce the risk of sending the entire chain in spam.
Thank you say - it's cool. But as some companies do it, it is impossible to thank. Some mailing is a manifestation of disrespect for customers.

Thanksgiving letters should warm up the user's interest in collaboration with the company, and not repel. Even the automatically generated trigger letter can make the client feel special.

True letters of gratitude are not so much. This is an exclusive.

And when was the last time you sent a disinterested letter with sincerely thanks?

Typical errors of trigger letters

Error number 1. The purpose of the letter is not gratitude

Letters of gratitude are two extremes: either an excessive formality (dry "thanks for subscription"), or chase for sale or conversion. Of the 1000 analyzed letters, only about 10% are true letters-thanks without sales and conversion. In some "thank you" so triggered that it is difficult to find it. Here's how here:

Do you see gratitude? And she is! Why do this small line "Thank you" do so small and unreadable?

You can thank you for different actions: for a subscription, for the first purchase, for repeated acquisitions, for participating in any action. But in all these cases, the same rules work. In order for gratitude in the letter to become sincere, the letter itself is useful, and you were able to take care of the client, add values:

● Specify useful contacts;
● Imagine a command or responsible employee;
● Tell how to use the service.

If you thank the order, specify new ways of delivery, new branches, new payment methods. If you thank the subscription, tell us that the client will receive in the mailing list, and how often letters come.

Here is an excellent example, how to say to the client Thank you so that he wanted to part with you:

Error number 2. Unsuccessful appeal to the client

Of the 1000 analyzed letters, only 40% appeal to customers by name. Contact the client by name in the letter. It is important that information about the client is dismantled on the grounds (that is, you need to know not only the name of the client, but also the floor) so that it does not work like this:

Or as here (not with such a crackle as "Dear Olga", but still):

The appeal by name and the surname immediately suggests that the letter is temporary. After all, if we write themselves, we will never tell the customer "Hello, Ivanov Ivan".

Personalization task - to reduce the effect of the pattern to the maximum. it good way Add letter humanity.

The most ridiculous example:

Why is the name if there is email? And so go!

There are excellent solutions to how to turn to the client when he did not introduce himself.

You can use this option if it is appropriate and acceptable for the target audience:

By the way, Yandex does not use its advantage and does not personalize the mailing of the film:

Error number 3. Template

Excessive template comes in some cases to the absurd. Automatically generated letter should not be like this:

or so:

In the depths of the soul, users guesses that any message is generated automatically. But not as clearly need to be demonstrated.

For example, we will show how a slight letter notification - even without personal circulation - turns into friendly and memorable:

Error number 4. Letters of gratitude are not associated with a brand

Still often there are letters that do not contain brand aidctors, and we would like the user to open and realize who sent a letter and what about.

Error number 5. Disgusting text formatting

Letters with the theme "Thank you" open more often. As we have already found out, thanks - only the reason to convey a portion useful information. Often, we work on the formatting of the text on the site and forget about the readability of the text in the mailing list:

Error number 6. Disgusting text

To make fun on the client can be different. You can get to guess from whom sending, you can not format the text, you can write so that from the first offers you will break the eyes:

Punctuation errors and bulky structures more complicate the perception of text. Involuntarily you start to doubt the competence of the company.

But not everything is so sad. There are good letters, and they are becoming more and more.

Anatomy of a good thankful letter

● Proper appeal;
● performance;
● gratitude;
● Customer value.

Another example of a good letter-thanks:


● High-quality trigger letters are still extremely small. Marketers are thrown out of extremes to extreme: they are personalized where it is inappropriate, killing loyalty and trust, or automate letters, thanks so that any value is lost. Making a good template and correctly applying personalization, you can install contact with subscribers, boost Open Rate, get real fidbeck. Your automatic notifications will allocate among hundreds of others.

● In a trigger letter, it is not only the correct appeal, but also the design, formatting of the text and the text itself.

● To write a good letter of gratitude, follow the algorithm:

Personal circulation and greeting;
- view who you are;
- the occasion of the letter and gratitude;
- Letter value-thanks;
- Contact - preferably not hot line For all questions, and a specific division on mailing theme.

Make automatic letters as if you write them your friends. And with friends it is much easier to talk about important, right?

  • Who can and need to write a letter.
  • How to write the text of a thank letter.
  • What is the benefit of a letter of thanks.

Find a reason to write thank you letteryou can always always.

For example, a thankful writing for cooperation in the business community is considered a sign of good tone, an element of respect for sponsors, partners, customers or investors.

It is also customary to follow the achievements and excellent work of the personnel. Here will be appropriate to a thanks to an employee for a special contribution to the development of the industry, the company, participation in an important project, the performance of a special order, an anniversary birthday or anniversary of work in the company. Options can be a lot, and such attention to any person is nice - you show that you have not forgotten.

I know the leaders who personally write a letter of thanks to the parents of particularly distinguished specialists.

Thanksgiving letter is after-sales service.

Aleksey Ivanov, Director of the Creative Agency with Marketing Thinking "Mastreum", Moscow

Write a letter of thanks to the Client - an excellent after-sales service element. At the same time, a thankful letter should write - by hand. A similar gesture seems to say: cEO Ready to find time for your customers. For example, in dry cleaning you can invest such thanks in the client's clothing after washing.

Who will write a letter and for what merits

In a few words - for any action that a person did in your favor. Absolutely for any action. The unexpectedly there is a thankful letter, it will be better. There are no special limitations here: it all depends on the specifics of the sphere of activity and your imagination.

Why they are so important

  1. Compilation of a letter of thanks is the right thing from a moral position: you show personal respect.
  2. Competitive advantage.
  3. Motivation of the client (employee, partner), his willingness to new cooperation and work with your company.

3 examples of letters that should be sent to the Client in gratitude for the purchase

How to write a letter

Typically, a letter of thanks is compiled in arbitrary form. But nevertheless, it remains a business document, so you need to adhere to several rules.

Firstly,thank you writing on company brand book. Sections of the letter must be provided:

  1. The head of the letter is indicating a particular enterprise or a person who will be grateful.
  2. Appeal to those who thank.
  3. The text of the letter is in it and reflects the essence of the appeal.
  4. Information about the person, which expresses its gratitude - FULL NAME, position, signature.

If you are writing a letter of thanks, you select a refined and simple card. A reliable solution will be a white or creamy color card with the embossed "Thank you" on the front side. You should refuse cards with messages on the back side, with an excessive decoration, cluttered and "boiled".

Special attention deserves handwriting. If you are not sure about clarity and quality handwriting, show the sample to the substituent. Try to practice several times before writing. As a last resort, you can ask a person with calligraphic handwriting. But do not forget to independently sign a letter.

If the email address of the recipient is not, the only solution becomes sending an email. Also, this option is preferable if you communicate with a client or an email partner. The only drawback is high likely to ignore such letters. After all, the leaders comes every day many letters. To stand out on the background of the rest, still one should not be too luxurious e-mail or send an electronic card using a third-party site. After all, such mail will be perceived as advertising, which is why it can be ignored. A simple, short and timely email will be made.

  • How to choose a gift to business partners and please: 5 tips

Second. Contact your destination. Employees in companies traditionally turn "respected () ...". Such an appeal will allow to emphasize respect for the interlocutor. Refuse the appeals "Dear" or "Mr. (Mrs.)" - such appeals look insincere and reasonably, going beyond the official style. If you are in close relationship with the addressee, the expression "expensive" can be left.

Appeal "Dear, dear (name, patronymic)" will be appropriate for personal circulation. If you write gratitude to the collective, it is better to take advantage of the appeal "Dear Colleagues!" And in the text itself, let's specify which team thank.

When sending a beneficial letter of a partner, an appeal to the head, but the gratitude of the organization itself and the team is celebrated in the text itself.

3. Specify the initiator of gratitude. Write who and whom you thank. You can express my gratitude on behalf of the company personally or head of the structural division. For example:

  • "LLC" Caravan "thanks";
  • "The management of ABC ...";
  • "On behalf of the team" Dawn "and by itself, I personally thank you ...".

It is necessary to take into account - on behalf of the entire company, thanks for granting goods, services or opportunities. With gratitude to the team or an employee of the organization preferably an appeal on behalf of the head:

  • "We are sincerely grateful ...";
  • "We thank …";
  • "I am gratitude to your team ...".

There may be an elastic and solemn appeal: "I, as a manager (director) of the company, I want to thank sincerely ...".

It is worth resorting to this formulation in exceptional cases when gratitude for the contribution that is significant for the entire company is expressed.

4. Specify who you are thanked.You can send a letter regarding the entire organization, its leadership, team, or a separate employee. Due to personal gratitude, you will highlight a person from the team for manifested professionalism, successes and achievements. Personalization in this situation involves contacting the addressee on you:

  • "From the person of the whole company I want to thank you."
  • "Thank you".

If you write partners and want to thank the whole team for services and opportunities, you should clarify to whom gratitude is directed:

  • "We sincerely grate the team of your company";
  • "The company" ABC "thanks your company."

With gratitude to the team, the instructions will be useful (however, no more than five-seven people) will be useful:

  • "Dear Colleagues! I, as a manager, is very grateful to the team of the scientific and editorial department of our company, namely ... ".

In the case of a large collective, it is not necessary to list all, you can not specify the head of this team.

Talks practices

Alexey Dmitriev, Director of Corporate Development of the Trade Network ENTER, Moscow

Monthly departments leaders choose one or two employees who demonstrated overalls over the past period. This assessment is subjective. In particular, an employee who took the responsibility of a colleague who took place on his own initiative to be recognized.

In order for the leaders to remember the need to nominate employees, letters are sent to them with reference to the corresponding section of the corporate portal.

The reward for the selected employees becomes the medals "Number One in October", " Best employee September "etc. The award ceremony is held in the conference room in a solemn environment. Employees for each received medal are charged by points as part of the Olympiad rating. Among other things, we are sending thanks to the parents of "medalists".

5. Specify what you thank. Gratitude is expressed for something. However, it is not necessary to thank everything for everything.

Wrong: "Dear ...! The team of the company thanks you for everything you have done for us. " Here we see the template and the overall phrase without specifics. But after all, the specifics in a letter of thanks are needed.

What should I express gratitude? This largely depends on the occasion of gratefulness. If you send a letter to an employee, then you can express gratitude for professionalism in solving problems, vigilance and perseverance. It is possible to thank partners for providing opportunities, support, equipment, services, platform, etc.

Right: "Dear ...! The team of the company thanks you for a special contribution to the development of our partnerships and the provision of insurance services in the DMS system of our employees. "

6. Detail and specify gratitude.Stop on the moment that it was especially good. It is at the expense of this that the letter becomes individual. The individual this part of the letter will be, the better: the recipient will feel its value as a person and personality.

7. Praise the addressee, but without flattery. This part causes the most difficulties in writing it. It should take into account the general formulation of praise on the recipient or its company. Example: "Your experience in managing accounts has no equal."

8. Leave wishes to the addressee for the future.Gratitude is a letter with a positive promise. Take a look into the future and wish a few warm words to a partner. "We wish you new original ideas, inspiration and inexhaustible optimism. "

9. Express hope for further cooperation. Extremely important element In a letter of thanks. You express your interest in further cooperation. If the prospect of further cooperation will not be indicated, such a letter will have a farewell effect. "We hope for further fruitful cooperation with you."

10. Correct and view the text of the letter. Thank you, depending on specific circumstances, may be relatively simple and short - usually about half of the A4 sheet. With a long letter, you need to check the absence of unnecessary variables - except for the word "Thank you", it is necessary to specify each item only once. Check the constancy of your style in everything. You can attract 1-2 people to adjust the grammatical and lexical errors.

11. When you are confident in your text of the letter, immediately send it. The faster the letter is sent, the more it will be effective and memorable.

  • Methodology Minto: step by step algorithm how to write any texts

The rules for making a letter of thanks

  1. The entire text of the letter must fit on one sheet so that you can post a letter to the wall in a beautiful frame. That is why it should be responsibly approaching the selection of a form, avoiding tasteless solutions.
  2. Typically, a letter of thanks is made from one leader to another. The letter states from which company a letter to which organization in the face of the head is sent.
  3. In several words should be indicated, for which gratitude is expressed. In our expressions, try to choose good and warm words as possible. It will be very useful to indicate the positive business qualities of the leadership and the recipient of the recipient's organization.
  4. At the end of the letter, express the sincere hope for cooperation in the future.
  5. Sign a letter must be the leader himself, putting the printing of the enterprise.
  6. Before sending a letter, it should once again carefully check the correctness of the instructions of the name of the organization or the department, the destination position, etc.
  7. When writing a few thanks, try to exclude monotony.
  8. If it is not possible to draw up such a letter, you can use the services of professionals.

2 Sample of Thanksgiving letters

Dear Ivan Alexandrovich,

From the face of the whole team, let me thank you for your trust and consent to cooperation with our young company that makes the first steps in the market.

In many ways, its rapid development is obliged to your credit and support of your company.

We wish you and your organization success and prosperity!

Yours faithfully,

Andrei Alekseev

The company Satellite-Video LLC sincerely thanks and expresses deep appreciation to Igor Nekrasov for the development, promotion and continuous improvement of the site WWW ...

His time consuming, responsible and painstaking work allowed us to expand our client base several times.

Competence, professionalism and the operational decision of the tasks make cooperation efficient and enjoyable. We wish Igor further success in your work!

Sincerely, General Director of Satellite-Video LLC A.A. Kolesnikov

What in a letter of thanks should not be

  1. There must be completely absent familiarity.
  2. Exclude the references to the errors that were allowed upon your collaboration.
  3. Show numbers are not always appropriate.
  4. Be sure to exclude spelling errors in the letter.

7 qualities that will make your thank you will win

  • live language;
  • personality;
  • description of project details.
  • caring for man, interests of business;
  • unique design - without using frames.
  • exclusivity of the letter, abandoning templates;
  • invitation to further cooperation.

Also, a thanks can be accompanied by a gift - in the form of a personal bonus or discount; business offer; Invitation - on social networks, to visit an event or meeting.

New course in the "School of Director-General"

Letter №1

Let me express our sincere thanks for fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new customers and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that next year you will still stay in the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to thank you with high-quality and decent work that satisfies the needs of all our customers.

We wish you all your friendly team success on professional field and prosperity!

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter №2.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The administration of Stroy-Master sincerely thanks the team of "Case.Ru" for professionalism and decency, manifested during collaboration on the construction of the TRC "Grand Suite". We hope to preserve respectable partnerships in the work on new projects.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter number 3.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been collaborating for five years, and for all this time there was not a single case that would make us doubt in your professionalism and respectfulness. We, as before, thank you for the services rendered and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of the work on our last joint project - construction

The TRC "Grand Suite", we concluded that our company is obliged to make gratitude to the whole of your team, and especially the senior administrator Anne Nikonenko. It is thanks to its operational solution to all organizational issues, we were able to complete the project on time.

I sincerely hope to cooperate with you to repeatedly!

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 4.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I, General Director of Pocal.Ru LLC, together with all his team, express the sincere thanks to the company "Stroy Master." Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the GRAND-Luxe shopping center, completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism.

We hope that in the future we will still repeat to cooperate with your team.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 5.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Pocal.Ru LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We sincerely welcome the opportunity to work with you over joint projects. We especially grate to you and your team for decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to in the future our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful.

We sincerely wish you and every employee of professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 6.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

An individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks LLC "Case.Ru" for integrity, efficiency and professionalism in work. In the process of our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only to the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also the high culture of communication of your personnel.

I wish you new customers and rapid career development.

Yours faithfully,

Maxim Ivanov.

Letter number 7.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The company "Case.Ru" sincerely thanks for the cooperation of the informational publication "True". We want to emphasize your high level of professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in the lighting of events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Ivanov.

Letter number 8.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The team of information publishing "True" sincerely thanks the entire administrative and teaching composition of the Lyceum "Patriot". Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize the festival of youth creativity "Patriotic Autumn".

We believe that this project marked the beginning of the annual tradition to conduct patriotic events among children. school age Our area.

We wish you grateful students and success in raising youth.

Yours faithfully,

Today, raise the topic that few people light up.

Do you believe me that page "Thanks for the purchase" is one of the most studied pages in the online store? However, as the letter that the online store sends as an order confirmation. Users are trying to finish into each word, thereby checking the correctness of the order shipped on the online store.

Agree that it was it would be stupid not to take advantage of this attentive by the buyer. Today I will tell you how you can earn even more on this page and from writing a confirmation of the order.

  1. Page "Thanks for the purchase"
    - Level 0. Basic.
    - Level 1. Individual.
    - Level 2. Individual extended.
    - Level 3. Engage in working with the site.
    - Level 4. Engage subscribers.
    - Level 5. We recommend friends.
    - Level 6. Further development.
    - Comparison and conclusion.

As an example, I will use pages prototypes.

Page "Thanks for the purchase"

This page good By making an order in the online store, almost every user is read in it. And at the same time bad The fact that on this community of the buyer with the online store ceases to an indefinite period of time.

I propose to use the fact that every buyer shows interest in this page and, as a result, try delay buyer's attention on the online storewithout allowing him to leave

It sounds tempting, right?

Today you will pass with me all the steps to build this page from scratch and up high level, examples that are not so much. Immediately note that you will not need a wild staff or designers, everything is solved fairly trivially and without much difficulties. I also note that the individual study of this page is conducted from everyone who.

Level 0. Basic.

Sometimes I will even hurt to get such an attitude to my person

Terrible, such a page does not leave any options except to close this online store and go to your affairs, because this page No action offers at all. Yes, I can take a walk on the catalog or duck to other pages, but motivation is practically no motivation.

Let's try to improve this basic option.

Level 1. Add individuality.

What happened better:

Individuality was added;
The buyer can refer to the data that it entered;
Already at this step, he had an order number that he could report in case of problems (it will be sent to Email).

But again use for you as for the seller there is at all at all. Let's try to add more functional.

Level 2. Individual advanced.

Agree that this is a trifle, but an extremely comfortable trifle?

Level 3. Engage the user to work with the site.

Starting from this step, very useful bonuses begin for you as for the owner of the online store.. And you will feel particular benefits that have their own blog. And those who do not have it, immediately should think about his appearance

What are the advantages:

The buyer immediately does not leave the page "Thank you for the purchase", but continues to study your blog and get acquainted with another assortment. The probability that he will buy something else rises !
Given that almost every of your article in contains links to goods, the likelihood that the user will buy something else is extremely increasing;
If you succeed in removing relevant (suitable on topics to purchased goods), the effectiveness of this method will increase significantly.

But that's not all, let's try to get even more returns from buyers.

Level 4. We receive subscribers.

As you can see, we added to the page "Thank you for the purchase" Ability to subscribe to the newsletter online store. Let me remind you that the easiest way to keep such mailing is using the service, which will allow you to automate this process as much as possible.

The introduction of a subscription form will allow you to achieve the following goals:

Growth of the subscription base of your online store;
Placing such a form and on other pages of your online store will further affect the growth rate of your subscription base, which many call the "gold asset" of almost any online store;
Sales growth due to email mailings to your customers.

Now already clearly trace your benefit from the development of the page "Thanks for the purchase". Not only are you stimulating to read your blog, you also receive additional subscribers in your ranks.

We introduce a social component that will help us attract some more traffic on the online store. Important momentthat it will be loyal traffic and now I will explain why.

  1. The buyer makes an order;
  2. On the page "Thanks for the purchase", in addition to the offer to read the blog and subscribe to the newsletter, you offer you to recommend your online store to friends;
  3. The buyer clics to these buttons and "Laiking";
  4. In turn, friends see such a recommendation in social networks: “Friends, I am happy to buy such a product in such a store! Here's a promotion for such a gift”;
  5. After such a message, some of the friends are clearly interested in a free gift + Saranded Radio will work. And you know that the recommendation of a person who trust is one of the best recommendations.

What conclusions can be drawing:

Level 6. Further development.

How else can you develop your page "Thank you for the purchase":

  1. Sentence " Buy accessories at a super price only on this page and only now”;
  2. Offer additional services with discount;
  3. Offer buy another same product / products with a significant discount;
  4. Your option?

maybe a large number of different decisions And add-ons to this page and when it is modified, it should first be repelled from the range. As suggestions for mobile phones there will be some (covers, films on the screen ...), and for sewing machines Already at all (threads, needles ...).

Conclusion. Compare.

Friends, in the picture below, you can clearly pay attention to how the page "Thank you for the purchase" has been transformed.

If initially it was a worthless set of text, then thanks to our efforts, at the end we received a full-featured page with which you can:

Increase sales;
Attract new loyal visitors;
Get new subscribers;
Motivate buyers by further work With the site, thereby increasing the involvement;
Make so that you are sure to remember!

As you can see, some pros!

Thank you letter It is an excellent tool for building strong and loyal relationships. Consider - what are the gratitude forms, as they are drawn up and for which they are written.

What is a letter of thanks

A thanks form applies to a business document, including an expression of gratitude to a specific person or a firm for any reason. Gratitude can be expressed for professional performance tasks for the quality of the services performed, etc. Gratitude may be an independent letter or to respond to some initiative (for invitation, congratulations, etc.).

How to write a letter gratitude

There are no special requirements for the design of a letter of thanks. - It is allowed to draw up such a free-style document. However, a letter is considered a business document, therefore, certain recommendations are established for its structure:

  1. Cap Blanca placed in the top, right. It is filled only if necessary. Here are displayed on the person or firm to which gratitude are drawn:
    • Name
    • position
    • FULL NAME. man.
    • Specific appeal.
  1. Main section of the document Displays grateful expression. As a rule, the treatment of template words begins ("Let me state your appreciation ...", "We are grateful to you ...", "Express thanks ...", etc.).
  2. Signature. Below to the left is written by F.I.o and the position of a person who expressed gratitude, and the document is signed.

Instructions for writing a letter of thanks

The format of writing a letter of thanks has a clear sequence. Performing it, you will be able to ensure the storage of the structure and logic of the appeal, and it is clear to display your gratitude to the addressee. The amount of document should be at half a sheet A4.

  1. If the document is addressed to an employee of the enterprise, then it is advisable to apply phrases "Dear) ...", which emphasizes respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. It is desirable not to use the stateless phrases "Mr. ..." or "dear ...". They look unnatural and destroy the official style of the document. Using the phrase "expensive ..." is possible only when you have a personal relationship with the addressee.
  2. When expressing gratitude to your team, you can contact the phrase "Dear Colleagues!" In the content of the document you need to clarify who concretely expressed gratitude.
  3. You need to specify a person who has become the initiator, that is, who thanks and whom gratitude is expressed. A thankful form can be sent from the company, groups of people or individuals. For example:
    • "LLC" Light Path "expresses appreciation"
    • "Management of the company" Horn and hooves "..."
    • "On behalf of the StroyDravlik staff and personally accept appreciation"
  1. If you write a letter to partners or employees, then you can apply phrases with an indication of whom the document sent: "We want to express our sincere thanks to the staff of your plant", "StroyDravalka" thanks your team. " When contacting employees, it is desirable to note several persons (no more than 5-7 people). For example, "Dear colleagues! I, as a manager, I want to express my sincere thanks to employees ... ". With a large range of divisions, you can simply note the head of the department.
  2. You always need to specify, for which gratitude is expressed. It is necessary to avoid vague phrases like: "Dear ...! The organization thanks you for everything, for your good attitude ... ". This formulation is incorrect. Properly written appreciation will look like this: "Dear ...! The company's team expresses you appreciation for the assistance provided in the installation of partnerships, etc. .... "
  3. Gratitude must be specified and detail, noting the moments that successfully turned out at the recipient of the form. This formulation makes this letter individually.
  4. At the same time, it is impossible to resort to frankly flattery: "It does not have equal ...", "Unfortunate ...", etc. As mentioned earlier, it should be noted specifically for which the recipient was gratitude.
  5. It will be not bad if you wish success to the recipient in the future.
  6. TO last stage The compilation of the form should be attributed to the verification for errors and adjust the written content of the document.

A thankful form is awarded for the perfectly made work, assisted, support, for financial sponsorship, etc.

for work

Thank you for the work of the job is obliged to express the immediate head of the employee or the team. The text is written by the message, both to one employee and to the general team of the firm. Appreciation is usually displayed if the task was completed on time or early. If employees of the enterprise worked for a long time for some kind of project, as a result of which the company earned a solid profit, then gratitude would be a good moralize.

Approximate content:

"Dear (name by name, patronymic or company name)! Using the moment, I would like to express my gratitude to employees of the company (name) for the assistance rendered, great quality, prompt work and assistance in eliminating problems that have arisen. I hope for further long joint work. Sincerely, (Full name). "

Sample Blanca

  • For their contribution:

Not rarely enterprises thank their sponsors for assistance, support, contribution. Filling a form similar to previous samples:

Dear (I.O.)! Guide [Company name] Thanks for the contribution to the organization of songs and dancer. Successful implementation of this project would not take place without your active aid. We wish you health, promising projects and the further development of the company. Sincerely, (FF).

Sample letter

This type of thank document is very common. It is sent both to employees of the company and business partners. Such a letter is awarded at the official level.

Approximate content Next:

Dear (name by name, patronymic)! We deeply appreciate joint cooperation with your company. We greatly recognize that high achievements are required successful activities Your company. We wish you and your enterprise success and prosperity! Sincerely (full name manager).

Sample letter

Gratitude organization

The form with gratitude to the organization, as a rule, is an official document, with the content of good words to the organization's address for the completed project, for assistance in the event, for another job. This section proposes some samples of filling out such a document.

Such letters of gratitude possess the following structure.:

  • In the right top of the form is filled with the addressee.
  • Then the appeal from the organization wishing to express gratitude.
  • The filled text should not be official. The text of the appeal is written in an arbitrary style with an expression of appreciation.
  • The form is signed by an official expressing gratitude with the position.

Gratitude employee - how to write

Any work is obliged to reward - this is an axiom. Therefore, various achievements of workers need to be rewarded by stimulating it to even greater achievements in the process of their collaboration. Labor legislation of the Russian Federation registered different types Promotions. Thus, Article No. 191 states that the gratitude of the head to individual employees is able to be expressed as awarding valuable gifts, prizes or in the form of moral incentive. A thanksgirl form can be attributed to moral promotion.

In this section, let's try to describe the subtleties of filling such a form.

As a rule, the thanks to the talent form in honor of some famous event. Gratitude to the employee for the timely performance of the work is made on behalf of the leadership. More often, awarding with such a letter is carried out at a solemn meeting to all employees.

  1. The document is drawn up on the company's branded form. You can create a document on a specialized form acquired in the store or in a typographic institution.
  2. The letter is drawn up in a business style. When decorated, it is proposed to perform the following:
    • Apply official business style Registration
    • Appeal to the employee is carried out by name and patronymic: "Dear (Aya) ..."
    • You can not use familiar, astringent phrases
    • The text needs to reflect a reason for awarding
  3. The text content should display the merits of the employee, its positive characteristics, significant for the company.
  4. At the end of the text, you need to wish a successful career and hopes for continuing joint activities.

Gratitude employee sample

Gratitude to the client

When business, an important moment is to strengthen the relationship with the client in such a way that they again and again use your services. And here a great role is played by a thanks. This document Must possess individuality and follow the following rules:

  • When making a document, in greeting you need to properly write the name of the client.
  • Share the cause of a thank document.
  • The appeal must be sincere. You can give excerpts from the conversation with the client so that he seeks that he was not forgotten.
  • Attach related questions on improving the service.
  • Express the hope that the client is pleased with the service, and note the willingness to respond to his questions and recommendations.
  • Ask a question whether additional services are needed to increase its satisfaction.
  • Record the name of your company, logo and brand signs. It is better to fill in a branded letterhead, where these characters exist.
  • When sending a letter of thanks for E-mail, the name and logo of the firm should be placed under the signature of the sender.
  • In conclusion, we must express hope to continue cooperation with the client.
  • The letter must be coping in person personally.