Project management solution in DOU. Project management as a factor of successful activities

Today, the requirements are subject to the modern DW, in which the increase in the level of management becomes an objective necessity. The Dow is a subsystem of society that brings responsibility to him for its activities, fulfills its social order and therefore should work in development, ahead of time, constantly increasing its status.

The practice of innovation requires the transfer of management activities and methodical work to the DOW in its new condition - the innovative space of Dow.

Thus, the understanding of the whole thing that is happening and the need for the pedagogical team move forwarded led team of teachers MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outressive Type No. 6" "Pearl" of the Chistopolsky Mkunicial District of the Republic of Tajikistan to the management idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a mechanism that will be promptly, adequately and professionally respond to changes to the external medium.



Approved and introduced Act of

Order No. ______ from ________ 2014

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten number 6"

O.R. Zakharov


Project passport

name of the project

Dow Development Management under the introduction of GEF to

Project Type:


Basic grounds

Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education

Objective of the project

Creature effective model DOU control providing its development in accordance with modern requirements.

Project tasks

1 . Analyze the readiness of teachers to work on GEFs before the correction of professional difficulties. 2. Organize the methodological support of teachers implementingGEF to.

3. Consider the prospects for the activities of the DOU in the implementation of the implementation of GEF.

Terms and stages of implementation

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory. (January -APrel 2014)

3 stage. Generalizing (June 2015- May 2016)

Project appointment

The project is a goalless document of the activities of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Washing Type No. 6" for 2014, 2015, 2016

Expected end result project implementation

Professional readiness of teachers Dow to the implementation of GEF to.


Today, the requirements are subject to the modern DW, in which the increase in the level of management becomes an objective necessity. The Dow is a subsystem of society that brings responsibility to him for its activities, fulfills its social order and therefore should work in development, ahead of time, constantly increasing its status.

The practice of innovation requires the transfer of management activities and methodical work to the DOW in its new condition - the innovative space of Dow.

Thus, the understanding of the whole thing that is happening and the need for the pedagogical team move forwarded led team of teachers MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outressive Type No. 6" "Pearl" of the Chistopolsky Mkunicial District of the Republic of Tajikistan to the management idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a mechanism that will be promptly, adequately and professionally respond to changes to the external medium.

Directions of project implementation:

1. Creation of regulatory, methodological and analytical support for the implementation of GEF to;

2. Creation of organizational provision of the implementation of GEF to;

3. Creation of personnel support of the implementation of GEF to;

4. Creation of financial and economic support for the implementation of GEF to:

4. Creation of information support for the implementation of GEF to.

Stages of project implementation

(January - April 2014)

1.1. Analysis of the status of readiness of DOU and teachers to the introduction of GEF:

questioning teachers DOU;

study of work experience

creating a data bank for the implementation of GEF

determination of ways to improve methodical work with teachers.

1.2. Development of a methodological support program for the introduction of GEF pre-school education in the practice of DOW.

Stage 2. Implemented (May 2014 - May 2015)

(As part of the operation of the pilot site for the introduction of GEF to,Stage content:

2.1. Implementation of the GEF implementation program.

2.2. Control over compliance with the schedule of program activities.

3.1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation in all directions.

3.2. Identification, generalization of pedagogical experience in the conditions of introducing GEF into practice DW.

3.3. Determination of ways to improve methodical work, ensuring support for the introduction of GEF in the DOU.

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory

(January - April 2014)

No. p / p


Approximate deadlines


Expected Result

Forms of reporting documents

Creating a working group on the preparation of the introduction of GEF to

February 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Creating and defining the functionality of the Working Group

Order on the creation of a working group on the preparation of the introduction of GEF to,

Development and approval of the schedule of measures for the implementation of the FGOS directions to

February 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

System of measures ensuring the introduction of GEF to

Order, plan

The organization of the course training on the basis of the RT institutions on the issue of introducing GEF to

February -September 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Phased preparation of pedagogical and management personnel to the introduction of GEF to

Order on the approval of the plan for the improvement of qualifications, the plan for training

Analysis of personnel support of the approbation of GEF to



Zakharova O.R.

Analytic. reference

Creating conditions for the advancement of advanced training courses for teachers participating in the approbation of GEF to in 2014

April September.


Zakharova O.R.

Improving the professional competence of pedagogical workers in the organization of the educational process and updating the content of education in accordance with GEF to


Conducting the Pedagogical Council

"Introduction of GEF to: problems and prospects"



Zakharova O.R.

Protocol pedsovet

Conducting a workshop of the workshop "Perspectives of education. Education 3.0 »

March 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Active professional interaction for the exchange of experience, discussing problems and finding them

Protocol seminar

3. Creation of organizational and information support for the introduction of GEF to

Conducting diagnostics of readiness DOU to the introduction of GEF to.

March, April


Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Obtaining objective information on the readiness of the OO to the transition to GEF to

Diagnostic Card.

Accommodation on the website of the Dow Information about the introduction of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Stage 2. Implemenical

(May 2014 - May 2015)

(as part of the operation of the pilot site for the introduction of GEF to,

Based on the order of MO and H RT)

No. p / p


Approximate deadlines


Expected Result

Forms of reporting documents

1. Creating organizational and managerial conditions for the introduction of GEF to

Consideration of the introduction of GEF to the Pedagogical Councils.

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Assimilation and adoption by members of the headquartivity of the main provisions of GEF to

Protocols pedsovets

Preliminary resource analysis in accordance with the requirements of GEF to



Zakharova O.R.

Obtaining objective information about the readiness of the DOU to the transition to GEF to

Meeting at the head

Development of a methodological support plan for administration of GEF to Dow

September 2014

Danilina E.A.

Improving the professional competence of all categories of 3Pedagogical workers in the field of organizing the educational process and updating the content of education in accordance with GEF to


Monitoring the introduction of GEF to

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Diagnostic materials

Organization of reporting on the introduction of GEF to

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.


2. Creation of personnel support of the introduction of GEF to

Conducting guidance and methodological meetings and training seminars on the introduction of GEF to

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Elimination of professional difficulties

Methodical plan. Accompanies, Results Analysis of Iquisites. Pedagogues

Organization of the participation of various categories of pedagogical workers in seminars (webinars) on the introduction of GEF to

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Providing scientific and methodological support of the transition and introduction of GEF to

Materials seminars

Development and approval of the Dow curriculum



Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Availability of training plan

Protocol pedsovet, order

Development and approval of programs additional education

July 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Availability of programs

Protocol pedsovet, order

Development and approval of complex - thematic plans of groups

July 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Availability of complex - thematic plans in all age groups

Protocol pedsovet, order

Amendments to the regulatory framework of the activities of the DOU

June - August 2014

Zakharova O.R.

Additions to documents regulating the activities of the DOU on the implementation of GEF to

Order approval of local acts, protocols of meetings, pedsovets

Adjustment of the main educational program

may 2015

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.


Pedsove protocols, order

3. Creating material and technical support of the introduction of GEF to

Equipment to DOW equipment in accordance with the requirements of GEF to the minimum equipment of the educational process and training facilities

June August


Zakharova O.R.

Determining the necessary changes in the equipment of the OO, taking into account the requirements of the GEF

Information sheet

Ensuring the compliance of the material and technical base of the implementation of the OOP of the Dow-active sanitary and fire regulations, the norms of labor protection of employees of the educational institution



Zakharova O.R.

Bringing into compliance with the material and technical base of the implementation of the OOP OO with the requirements of GEF

Information sheet,

Meeting at the head

Providing staffing of the DOU printed library and electronic educational resources for all educational areas of OOP DOU.

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Equipment of the library necessary umk, educational, reference benefits, fiction

Information sheet,

Meeting at the head

Ensuring access to educators moving to GEF to, to electronic educational resources posted in federal and regional databases.

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Creating conditions for the operational liquidation of professional difficulties of teachers

Creating a bank of useful links, the presence of a page on the website of the DOU "GEF"

Ensuring the controlled access of participants in the educational process to information educational resources on the Internet.

During the account. of the year

Zakharova O.R.

Danilina E.A.

Expanding user access to the Bank of current pedagogical information and ensuring the possibility of remote support for participants in the educational process

Creating a bank of useful links, the presence of a page on the website of the DOU "GEF"

4. Creation of organizational and information support for the introduction of GEF to



may 2015

Zakharova O.R.

Informing the public about the progress and results of the introduction of GEF to

Posting a public report on the site Dow

Plan of measures to introduce GEF to 2014-2015

Name of the event



Regulatory support of the introduction of GEF to

Acquaintance with the approved list of exemplary programs before, learning the list of program programs.

Based on the registry

members of the Working Group

Adjusting OOP DOU in accordance with GEF to.


members of the Working Group

Ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework of the OO requirements of the GEF (amending and additions to the Charter, the provisions, etc.)



Financial support for the introduction of GEF to

Amendments to local acts regulating the establishment wages OO employees, including stimulating surcharges and surcharges, order and size of bonuses



Amendments to budget financing on:

Advanced training of teachers;

Updating the methodological complex;

Creating a Development Environment in accordance with GEF



Organizational support of the introduction of GEF to

Implementation of the plan schedule to improve the qualifications of pedagogical and managers of the Center in connection with the introduction of GEF to

Until January 2015.


Methodological support for the introduction and implementation of GEF to (series of training consultations, seminars, pedsoves, contests, electronic library of materials of GEF to and others).

In tech. Uch. year on the annual plan

Art. Educator

In tech. Uch. of the year


Accommodation on the website of the Dow Information Materials on the introduction of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year


Posting public reporting OO on the progress and results of the introduction of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year


Art. Educator

Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, preparation and publication of publications related to the introduction and implementation of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year


Art. Educator

Participation in scientific and practical events (conferences, exhibitions) on the introduction and implementation of GEF to.

In tech. Uch. of the year


Organization and conduct of internships of teachers of the specialty Pre-school education GAU SPO "Chistopol Pedagogical College" on the topic "Introduction of GEFs of pre-school education".

february 2015


Art. Educator

according to the CFU RT


Art. Educator

The plan for the methodological support of the introduction of GEF to 2014 - 2015 uch. year

No. p / p

Period of execution

Responsible performer

Episodic exhibitions:

"To the new school year"

- "Looking - contests"


- "Preparing for pedsovet";

- "Certification in Dow";

- "Advisory Material"

during a year


Talk about important (consulting):

1. Professional Teacher's Standard

2. The introduction of the variative part of the PLO of pre-school education in accordance with GEF to the structure of the basic general education program DOU.

3. Independence of preschool and primary education in the light of GEF

4. Creating a local kindergarten computer network

5. Formation of communicative qualities in preschoolers in conditions modern system Education






Art. Educator


Replenishing a bank of digital educational resources

may 2015.


Pedsoves in Dow on the issues of GEF to


"Organization of the educational process in 2014-2015 academic yearin the conditions of introducing GEF. "

The main directions of development of the education system for 2014-2015 academic year


Annual work plan for 2014 - 2015. g.; Curriculum;



27.08. 14




"Creating conditions for the introduction of the main educational program of the DOU in accordance with GEF"

1. The training of educational training of pedagogical frames.

2. The procedure and methodological support of the introduction of GEF into the structure of the OOP of pre-school education and to the conditions for the implementation of the OOP of pre-school education.

3. Psychological and pedagogical support for the transition to GEF to the structure of the OOP of pre-school education and the conditions for the implementation of the OOP of pre-school education.

4. The introduction of the variative part of the OOP of pre-school education in accordance with GEF to the structure of the basic general education program DOU.

29. 11. 14


« Formation of backgrounds learning activities Senior preschoolers in the aspect of continuity of preschool and primary education "

1. Approaches to the formation of prerequisites for the educational activities of senior preschoolers in the conditions of introducing GEF.

2. Preparing for school in the system "Kindergarten - Family - School" (formulate the tasks of a kindergarten and family in the preparation of children to school.

Indicate the requirements of teachers to the level of training graduates of kindergartens for school training).

3. On the effectiveness of teamwork of teachers and educators to prepare children to school


Methodical weeks

1. Creativity in pedagogical labor

2. Social family partnership and dow




Seminars - Workshop on the issues of GEF to

1. Comprehensively - thematic planning of the teacher DOU as a tool for implementing OOP DOU

2. The technologies of the problem dialogue as a means of implementing GEF.

3. Educational seminars for pedcolling teachers on the issues of introducing GEF to




Looking - contests:

Looking - Competition for the Group's best page on the website of the pre-school educational organization

View-competition of winter plots Dow.

Looking - Competition for the best theatrical corner in the group

Competition Pedmasmanship







  • Visa and photo reports;
  • Creating SU technology (network control);
  • Summarizing the experience of teachers for the use of ICT (presentation);
  • cumulative certificate professional activity Pedagogues

during the year

Art. Educator

  • Professional difficulties of teachers during the transition to GEF
  • Questionnaire to determine the relationship of teachers to innovation

in a preschool educational institution

  • Questionnaire to identify the readiness of teachers to activities in modern conditions development of pre-school education

Self-examination MBDOU





art. tutor


Presentation of the experience of introducing GEF to within the framework of the pilot site

  • The August Meeting of Education Workers "Advancement Education - Key Resource of the XX1 century", plenary session, August 2014
  • Municipal meeting of employees of education and science "Professionalism, innovation, creativity, success - the basis of the qualitative implementation of GEFs of pre-school education", section "Pre-school education", August 2014
  • Municipal seminar - Workshop for teachers and leaders of the Dow on the topic "Planning the work of the educator in accordance with the GEF to", August 2014
  • All-Russian competition of professional skills "Pedagog-Novator-Professional", September 2014
  • Municipal seminar - workshop for teachers Dow on the topic "Technology of a problem dialogue as a means of implementing GEF" within the framework of the work of the pilot site for the introduction of GEF to, November, 2014
  • All-Russian Competition of the Experimental Creative Group of the Pedagogical Club "Science and Creativity", December, 2014
  • Publications in the Municipal Journal "Children's World", published in the framework of the work of the RC "in talents from the Small years", January, April 2015
  • Republican contest "Educator of the Year of the Republic of Tajikistan - 2015", Municipal Stage, February, 2015
  • Municipal seminar - Workshop for teachers Dow on the topic "Forms of the organization of musical activity with family in the light of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Bde" within the framework of the pilot site for the introduction of GEF to, February, 2015
  • Open events organized in the framework of internships of GAE teachers SPO "Chistopol Pedagogical College" on the issue of "Introduction of GEF to", February, 2015
  • Municipal view - Competition "On best game and gaming technology aimed at strengthening emotional and physical health of preschoolers ", organized as part of the work of the MRC" Healthy child", March 2015
  • "IV Pedagogical readings 2015", March 2015
  • Municipal pedagogical conference among teachers of pre-school educational institutions of the CMR RT "Modern kindergarten: through traditions to innovation", organized in the framework of the work of the MRC "Healthy Child", March, 2015
  • Regional seminar for educators of preschool institutions "Use of project activities in the framework of the implementation of GEF in DOU", on the basis of MBDOU № 3 PGT Kamsky Polyany, Nizhnekamsky district, March, 2015
  • International Scientific - Practical Conference "Elementary School Today: Problems of continuity", on the base of the FGAOU VPO KFU RT, April 2015
  • All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity 2014-2015 academic year, April 2015
  • Republican constantly operating seminar "Management of the quality of the educational process in preschool educational organizations in the implementation of the implementation of GEFs to", organized on the basis of MBDOU No. 1, Chistopol, April 2015
  • Internships in the framework of the training program for educators of pre-school educational organizations "Systems and activity approach to education in the DOW in the conditions of the implementation of GEF to", conducted by the PMCPC PPPC COF from 14.04 to 24.04. 2015
  • Professional Municipal Competition "Pedagogue of the New Time" on the Prize of the Head of the Chief Polyopolsky Municipal District RT, May, 2015
  • Seminar for the leaders of the DOW and Senior Educators "Management of the Quality of Educational Process in pre-school educational organizations in the implementation of GEFs to", organized on the basis of MADOU № 20, May 2015

3 stage. Generalizing (June 2015 - May 2016)

Plan of measures to implement GEF to 2015-2016 ac.

Name of the event



Study of exemplary programs DOW in line with the registry

Based on the registry

members of the Working Group

Organization and conduct of internships in the framework of the training program of educators of pre-school educational organizations "Systems and activity approach to education in the DOW in the implementation of the implementation of GEFs to", conducted by the PMCPC PPCU KFU

according to the CFU RT


Art. Educator

Methodological support of teachers on the implementation of GEF to (on the sale of educational areas).

In tech. Uch. of the year

Art. Educator

Participation of teachers in advanced training and retraining programs at the city and RT level (webinars, seminars, conferences)

In tech. Uch. of the year


Accommodation on the website of the NEW Information Materials on the introduction of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year


Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, preparation and publication of publications related to the implementation of GEF to

In tech. Uch. of the year


Art. Educator

Participation in scientific and practical events (conferences, exhibitions) on the implementation of GEF to.


Art. Educator


Providing public reporting to the progress and results of the introduction of GEF to

may 2016


Plan of methodological maintenance of the implementation of the GEF to 2015 - 2016 Uch. year

Period of execution

Responsible performer

Organization of exhibitions in the Methodology Cabinet:

Episodic exhibitions:

"New pedagogical literature"

- "We study regulatory documents"

- "Looking - contests"


- "Preparing for pedsovet";

- "Certification in Dow";

- "Advisory Material"

during a year


Electronic consultations:

Organization of walking in Dow

Project method in Dow

Morally - patriotic education of preschoolers

Organization of health work in Dow

Active forms and methods of training

The use of game technologies for the development of intellectual and creative abilities Children

The role of the teacher in the organization of children's games

Modern approaches to the labor education of preschoolers

Summer decoration of a kindergarten










Art. Educator


Looking - contests

1. Concurs "I say and work in Tatar"

2. Summary - Competition Corners on traffic rules + car layouts

4. Funnisage "Amazing Childhood"







Pedagogical advice on GEFs to


« Organization of the educational process in the 2015-2016 academic year in the conditions of introducing GEF. "

The main directions of development of the education system for 2015-2016 academic year

(Results of the August Meeting)

Analysis of work for the summer wellness period.


Annual work plan for 2015 - 2016. g.; Curriculum;

Cyclicograms of teachers activities,


Grids directly educational


Schedule activities for

Additional education.

Discussion and alignment of personnel by groups.

Business game

"Pedagogical skills - the highest level of pedagogical activity"

1. Creating a social situation in the development of pupils, taking into account GEF

2. "School training readiness: problems in the preparation and difficulty in learning."

3. Business game with teachers to systematize knowledge about GEF to


« Modern teaching technologies: general characteristics of the implementation of the implementation "

1. Technological approach in learning.
2. Analysis of generalized pedagogical technologies.

3. Key the competence of a child - a preschooler in the educational process

4. Modular learning technology

5. Method of projects

6. Debatov method

7. Case - method

28.08. 15

28.10. 15



art. Educator

Guest sharing experience

  • Socio - personal development of children
  • Using the regional component in the educational process



art. Educator


Methodical weeks

1 . "Modern approaches to labor education of preschool children"

2. "Activities of DW to preserve and strengthen the health and physical development of pupils"

3. "Week of the native language"




art. Educator


Seminars - Workshop

1. Developing Pedagogues Dow Skills of Personal - Oriented Requirements

2. Formation of prerequisites for training activities as the most important aspect of the preparation of a child for school education (work with children in the pre-school period)

3. Music workshop "I will teach children to invent"




art. Educator

Results of the development of the educational program

View Final Lessons in Groups




Art. Educator

Development of an additional plan program educational services in Dow.

Report on the results of the work of Doperlug






Creating a data bank different areas DOU activities:

  • Visa and photo reports;
  • Electronic Didactic Library
  • accumulative certificate of professional activities of teachers.

during the year

Art. Educator

Monitoring the quality of the pedprocesssess (questioning teachers):

Creating an object and developing environment in Dow

  • Media educational activities in our pre-school institution
  • The self-analysis of the success of educational work.

Self-examination MBDOU





art. tutor


Presentation of the experience of implementing GEF to within the framework of the pilot area

  • Municipal seminar - workshop "Creative workshop" I will teach children to invent ", in the framework of the work of the MRC" I and the World "
  • Municipal seminar - workshop "Formation of ideas about the native territory through project activities", in the framework of the work of the MRC "Chishme"
  • Municipal seminar - workshop "Formation of psychological health of children by means of physical culture", as part of the work of the MRC "Healthy Child"
  • Internship in the framework of the training program of educators of pre-school educational organizations, organized by the PMC PCP
  • Participation in professional competitions of municipal, regional, Russian levels.

Expected project implementation results

1. Implementation of the requirements of GEF to the implementation of the OOP DOU.

2. The use of educators in working with pupils of modern educational technologies;

3. Awareness of teachers the need to transition to educational systems of education and training;

4. The possibility of professional communication of teachers and sharing experience with colleagues.

5. Organized informing of parents (legal representatives) on the introduction, implementation of GEF pre-school through parental meetings, information benches Dou, personal site.

Management project

"Development of professional competence of a pedagogical team Dow in the light of modern approaches and technologies"

Project type : Long-term, managerial

purpose : Development of professional competence of each teacher of the preschool educational institution in the light of modern approaches and achievements.

Project tasks :

    Organize the study of the regulatory framework for renewal of pre-school education.

    Improve analytical skills of teachers.

    Develop reflexive abilities and need for self-knowledge.

    Develop the ability to choose pedagogical technologies that meet educational tasks.

    Promoting the formation of the ability to solve educational tasks through the organization of the joint activities of the adult and child and the independent activities of children.

    Promote the development of self-esteem of professional qualities.

Project participants : Pedagogues (educators and specialists DOU)

The main forms of project implementation:

Consultations, seminars - workshops, designer seminars, pedagogical living rooms, round tables, work in creative groups, etc.

The relevance of the project:

New educational standards come to replace the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of pre-school education. The new standard is intended to lead the structure of the program and the conditions for its implementation in preschool institutions to the unified requirements, which will ensure the continuity between preschool and primary education programs.

The chief emphasis in a new educational standard is made on the development of pupils through the game, free conversation, dialogue, through communication with peers, senior guys, family, educators. The educator should be on the partnership position, comprehend new together with the child in the form of cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity, ensuring the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

The basic principles of pre-school education are identified:

    full residence of preschool childhood, enrichment of children's development;

    individualization of pre-school education;

    promoting and cooperation of children and adults;

    support for children's initiative;

    cooperation with family;

    the admission of children to sociocultural standards, traditions of family, society and state;

    cognitive development of the child;

    age-related adequacy of pre-school education;

    accounting for the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

The standard is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    increasing the social status of pre-school education;

    providing the state equality of opportunities for each child in obtaining high-quality preschool education;

    ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of pre-school education on the basis of the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions and results of their development;

    preservation of the unity of educational space regarding the level of pre-school education.

Defined targets at the stage of completion of pre-school education:

    the child seizes the main cultural activities of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in different activities, is able to determine the occupation itself;

    actively interacts with adults and peers; able to empathize, negotiate, seeks to resolve conflicts, take into account the interests and feelings of others; It has a positive attitude towards the world, different types labor, other people;

    the child has a developed imagination, implemented in the game and other activities, can obey the rules, distinguishes the conditional and real situation;

    the child owns well oral speech, knows how to express his thoughts and desires, can allocate sounds in words. The child has literacy prerequisites;

    the child has a minor and large motility, it is moving, straining, can control his movements and manage them;

    capable of volitional efforts can follow the norms adopted in society, complies with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

    the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in causal relationships, it is able to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena, human behavior; has initial knowledge about themselves and the social world; familiar with the works of children's literature; has elementary cultural knowledge; It is capable of making their own decisions, relying on these knowledge.

Targets are the basis of the continuity of pre-school and primary school education. Thus, the task of the pedagogical team of the Dow is not in the acceleration of the child's development, not in the forcing of the timing and the rate of translation of it for school training, and above all in the creation of each preschooler conditions for the most complete disclosure of its individual capabilities and interests, taking into account age. Chief Principle - preservation of self-relief and uniqueness of preschool childhood as an important stage in the development of man.


1. Insufficient level of professional competence of the teacher in the introduction of new educational standards of pre-school education;

2. Low motivation and psychological readiness of teachers to the study and implementation of pedagogical technologies;

3. Invulsion of teachers to realize and determine their professional capabilities and find it use in working with all participants in the educational process.

4. Insufficient ability to self-reflect and work with scientific literature and new technical means.

Estimated results:

    Improving the professional level of teachers in mastering modern educational technologies.

    Ensuring the constant professional growth and competence of the teacher.

    Modern educational technologies As a resource for improving the quality of pre-school education.

Strategy and mechanisms for project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

At this stage passes:

Studying the regulatory framework for its correlation with the new standard, it helps to improve the analytical skills of teachers.

Studying educational needs and professional difficulties of teachers in the study of modern technologies - to develop a plan for improving the training of teachers.

Questioning teachers of knowledge of knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies, as a resource for improving the quality of pre-school education

Develop a system of pedagogical measures aimed at systematizing knowledge about pedagogical technologies.

Basic Stage:

At this stage, it is impeded guidelines To work with children in the conditions of implementing new educational standards, it contributes to the development of the reflexive abilities of teachers and the ability to choose pedagogical technologies with appropriate educational tasks.


At this stage, there is a generalization and broadcast of the experience of teachers, which contributes to the development of self-esteem of professional qualities.

The main forms of methodical work with educators and specialists of the DWA will be activities aimed at mastering the teacher's position of the subject that implements an activity approach, as well as contributing to the formation of control and evaluation skills, the development of a reflexive position. Such forms of work are not just advice, where the teacher behaves passively, and seminars - workshops, designer seminars, pedagogical living rooms, round tables, work in creative groups, etc.

Terms of implementation:

1. Material - technical support

Bringing the subject-spatial environment of the institution in line with the requirements of new educational standards.

2. Personnel

Increasing the pedagogical competence of pedagogical workers in the field of organization of the educational process and updating the content of education in accordance with modern approaches.

3. Methodical

Creating a system of measures to ensure the use of modern approaches and the introduction of new technologies.

Estimated risks:

1. Absorption of the current work - the distribution of priority activities;

2. Increase the time spent on self-educational activities of teachers

3. A wide range of activities for teachers can reduce the quality of educational services

Expected results:

    Determination of the necessary changes in educational purposes, in the content of educational programs, in teaching and education technologies, in the methods and mechanisms for assessing the results of the educational process; Preparation of teachers to the selection of programs, and educational aids.

    Providing information, methodological, technological readiness of teachers to work with children under new educational standards.

    Raising the level of formation of the motivational - professional competence of teachers DOU: the development of new values, the principles of interaction and communication with preschoolers.

    Summing up the standards to the conditions that ensure the implementation of the main educational program of pre-school education.

    Familiarization of teachers with technology development technologies, taking into account educational areas.

    Expanding the possibility and needs of teachers in increasing their professional competence through the use of different forms of advanced training.

    Improving the quality of education.

Management project

"Management provision of administration of GEF to (on the example of a city kindergarten)"

Volgograd 2015.

"Time is the greatest of innovators," said english philosopher Francis Bacon. Time affects all spheres of human life, including education, periodically demanding its update. Today it is already clear to everyone: in the "new" time with the old standards "Log in" it is impossible. As the massive practice has shown, the task of forming a new personality is impracticable by traditional approaches to the formation of preschoolers. Therefore, the introduction of new educational standards is the trend of time.

The relevance of the project

The content of education in the modern world is a priority area, on which the development of a person who can independently and deliberately build its life in the spirit of universal values, taking into account the traditions of his people. Of particular interest in this plan is pre-school childhood, as the first stage of the system of continuous education. In recent years, significant changes in the system of pre-school education occur. Modernization russian system Education suggests that it is necessary to revise approaches to the formation and strengthening of the creative potential of teachers. Existing methods of work are gradually losing their relevance, yielding the place to something new. Regulatory and legal documents of the federal level of recent years primarily by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012. N 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"(adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012 and approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012)," Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education "(approved on November 14, 2013. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 155 of 10/17/2013)," Organization's procedure and Implementation educational activities On OOP "No. 01 of 08/30/2013 made significant adjustments to the system of pre-school education.

Introduction to the Preschool Education of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the DOW entailed not only the processing of the content of educational programs, but also the need to prepare teachers for the implementation of this new content, improving the professional competence of teachers and the development of innovative ways to implement this process. Modern requirements determine the use of new methods for the formation of teachers' readiness to innovative activities. Pre-school education is considered as a system in which the central place does not occupy a content and form, but the process of interaction between the teacher with children (pedagogical interaction). Since the teacher for a child is a significant figure, it is responsible for the quality of interaction with children. Consequently, there should be highly professional teachers next to preschoolers, which depends on what conditions will be created in an educational institution and what opportunities will be in children.

Natalia Markova
Management project

Currently, before the pedagogical community, the task of improving the quality of education, and, accordingly, the quality of the vocational education of the teacher is. The methodological service of pre-school educational institutions is designed to provide support for the professional development of teachers, the introduction of innovative processes into practice, ensuring the methodological support of all participants in the educational process.

Concept "Escort" means "Follow nearby", making it possible, really fulfilled what is planned. Methodological support in the preschool institution is aimed at renewing the implementation of the content of education, increasing the professional competence of teachers at the level of modern requirements, timely provision of methodical assistance.

The methodological support is based on pedagogical technology office innovative processes in Dow.

One of these processes can be called « management project» . Technology design Activities in working with preschoolers are currently popular, in demand and effective. But management projects To date, just begin to enter into practice preschool institutions and relate to innovative processes, which require effective methodological support. In the light of the concept « management project» , design Activities can be described so: This is the joint and independent and activity of the subjects of the educational and educational process of the Dow on planning and organizing activities within a certain topic or a problem that has a socially significant result, and submit a perspective

"Five "P":



Search for information;



Consider this on the implementation example management project project technology in Dow", Which was developed by the creative team of MDOU" Kindergarten "Smile" Likhoslavl.

Tasks were put forward by:

Organizations in the preschool institution of the system of work on introducing into the educational process innovative technology"method projects»


Creative team MDOU "Kindergarten "Smile" An implementation plan was developed project in areas of working with teachers, children, parents, social partners (PLANNING);

Information accompaniment project Provided by the methodological service and by self-education of teachers (SEARCH FOR INFORMATION)

In this way, design Activities in educational process:

promotes the cohesion of the pedagogical collective, the harmonization of relations with pupils and their parents.

Sales project"Methodical accompaniment of implementation project technology in Dow»In the preschool institution is scheduled for 3 years (2011-2014) .

Throughout the past 2 years, teachers were developed and implemented 46 projects(PRODUCT).

But the work continues at the present time.

management project project project

Design Activities are didactic Activation of the cognitive and creative development of the child and at the same time the formation of the personal qualities of the child. Knowledge acquired by children during implementation project, become the possession of their personal experience.

The implementation of the tasks set in 3 stage: preparatory, realization, total:

I. preparatory stage : Development projects, namely, the definition of goals, tasks project, definition of a phased model and action plan project, analysis of conditions, level of knowledge, ideas, skills on the topic project.

Implementation projects In our preschool institution, the creative group is headed, the main purpose of which is to create conditions for innovative processes in kindergarten.

In his task enters: Manual educational projects, counseling teachers, approval projects, control over the introduction of innovations into pedagogical practice.

Creative group developed guidelines for teachers for the introduction of pedagogical activities, criteria for implementation and protection projectare given recommendations for participation projects in contests.

At this stage, there is a realization of its own experience of professional activity, its weak and strengths are revealed, a problem-oriented analysis of educational activities, personnel support, material and technical conditions, a regulatory and scientific and methodological base, and so on, besides Contradictions and problems, there is a search for their subjective and objective reasons and ways to solve them.

Stage II - the main one. At this stage, independent simulation is carried out, designing educational projects, Development plans for the development of the material and technical base, attract extrabudgetary funds, cooperation with parents, public organizations and institutions. At this stage, the accumulated material is systematized and processed, an understanding and generalization of work experience is undergoing, a general approach is produced, guidelines for the organization and development. design activities of educators, specialists in dOU conditions, the preparation of creative implementation reports is carried out. project.

III Stage - Final: Results are summed up design The activities of teachers for the school year (participation in conferences and seminars of different levels, the presentation of experience design educational activities on Internet sites, publishing articles). Creative sales reports project Take place at seminars, master classes, workshops, discussions. RESULTS design The activity is drawn up in the form of multimedia presentations on a given topic.

As noted above, participants management project - Subjects of the educational process. And implementation project I demanded the organization of methodological support. Binder and coordinating link between participants project Methodical service.

Methodological service in the Dow is organized on the basis of three management levels: strategic, tactical and informational and analytical.

Under the leadership of the MDOU heading and the senior educator, the analysis was made, problems, goals and objectives were formulated, the expected results were predicted. (Strategic level);

At the stage of practical implementation project Members of the Pedagogical Council developed an implementation plan project In four directions of work, educational work was carried out. At this tactical level creative and "Themed" MicroGroups organized a variety of master classes, creative workshops, presentation of experience, projects benefits, etc..

Quality and efficiency of implementation project: Increasing the pedagogical level of educators and specialists of the MDOU "Kindergarten "Smile", control and analysis of the results of implementation activities project methodwas implemented by the Pedagogical Council of the MDOU "Kindergarten "Smile", as well as further actions.

Thus, the introduction of such an innovative form of the organization of methodological support in the activities of such an innovative management projectIt allows you to improve the quality of the organization of the educational process by increasing the pedagogical potential of educators and specialists to Dow.

Improving all parties to the activities of a pre-school educational institution is possible only under the condition of a clear vision by the head of the main directions of professional growth of all specialists. The professional development of the teacher of the preschool institution is a long process, the purpose of which is the formation of a person as masters of his case, a real professional.

Pre-school educational institution - "Kindergarten "Smile" Currently implements the following functions: Educational, educational, educational, wellness, general cultural, etc. In modern conditions, the contradiction between the required level of culture of the pedagogical activity necessary to implement these areas is deepening.

In 2011-2012 project method owned: 24% of teachers, 2012-2013g-70% of teachers, 2013-2014g-100%

Therefore, we create optimal conditions for education in teachers the desire to implement a highly efficient pedagogical process, for the manifestation of a high culture of pedagogical activities. At the moment, we have a problem of the formation of a teacher who has competence, creativity, willingness to use and create innovation, the ability to conduct experimental work. But we believe that systematic work organized with teachers to improve professional competence will help withdraw them to a higher level.

It's no secret that modern teacher It is necessary to be competitive, be able to position yourself in preschool institutions. Perhaps this will help him a selection of materials that characterize the level of its qualifications and containing the main directions of professional growth. These materials are accumulated in "Pedagogical portfolio".

PEDAGRAPHOP OF THE DOW Tempent contains the following sections:

1. Data on teacher (business card).

2. Regulatory and legal base of the teacher of the preschool institution (list of documents).

3. Raising level qualifications:

Self-diagnosis (learning difficulties and interests in professional activities of teachers);

Work on self-education (topic, stages of work);

Visit and holding events;

Glossary (vocabulary, definitions of pedagogical, psychological and medical terms).

Methodical piggy bank (articles, abstracts of classes, methods, description of pedagogical technologies, abstracts, quotes, etc.).

4. Materials on the generalization of advanced pedagogical experience (creating a teaching and methodological, training manual, presentation with a report, creating a photo album, video film, etc.)

Portfolio is starting to form with each teacher. The content of the sections vary depending on the age and the level of training of the teacher, the specifics of the group in which it works. This accumulated material will be used as an educator as a form. qualification test in certification.