Online love fortune telling. Fortune-telling of the section "Fortune-telling for love and relationships

The Tarot Layout “Three Cards” is suitable for analyzing any situation, event or question! This is truly the most versatile Tarot layout, suitable for all occasions. You can determine the value of the positions of the cards in this fortune-telling yourself or choose the appropriate ones.

The approximate values ​​of the positions of the cards that will help you in analyzing the past, present or predicting the future are presented below, but you can also use this layout as a clarifying or additional one to any other tarot divination.

Possible card values ​​in positions 1 - 2 - 3:

  • past present Future;
  • what will happen - how will happen - how to act;
  • the cause of the problem - the main thing in the problem is the solution;
  • where - who - why;
  • what - why - how;
  • essence of the problem - perspectives of solution # 1 - perspectives of solution # 2;
  • feelings - thoughts - actions;
  • the essence of the situation - actions to the detriment - actions for the benefit;
  • the desired goal - what will accelerate its achievement - what hinders its achievement;
  • what a person thinks about - what he wants - where he is / what he does;
  • my condition today - how will the day pass - advice of cards for today;
  • the main event of the day - the mood of the day - surprise today

    If before fortune-telling you feel anxiety or anxiety, we recommend.

    The scheme and meaning of the cards of the Tarot layout "Three cards"

    So, focus and ... see the alignment!

    MAP 1

    Before you is the Queen of Pentacles. She is a reliable, firmly standing on the ground, caring woman, rational, prosperous, able to enjoy life. An extraordinary personality, capable of reaching great heights in the chosen type of activity. Patroness, boss, who knows how to get her way. Strives for inner harmony, willingly shares experience. Also - the need to believe in your talents and intelligence, to demonstrate your rationality and pragmatism.

    MAP 2

    The Three of Swords fell out - a card of heart dramas, painful experiences, difficult but necessary decisions. Longing for love, disappointment, tears. Criticism, rejection. Loss of illusion, sobering but traumatic. Separation, divorce. A choice made against feelings, stress. Antipathy, incompatibility, hatred, assault. Illness, lack of money.

    MAP 3

    You fell the Queen of Swords - an intelligent, cold-blooded, resourceful woman, sane, successfully making a career, probably divorced or a widow, looking for new knowledge and easily comprehending it, with a strong, sometimes arbitrary character. Eloquent, calculating, flirtatious, but able to distance herself. Insidious manipulative friend. Also - the path to independence, clarity of thoughts, intelligence, purposefulness. Solving problems with logic.

Fortune telling with the help of three Tarot cards for attitude will give an answer about what the hidden person feels. You can find out what thoughts take possession of him, what emotions he experiences in relation to you. The layout method is very simple, even a beginner will cope with it without problems at home.

Preparing for the layout

It is important to tune in correctly before fortune-telling. The cards can be interpreted rationally and intuitively. Many tarologists believe that the intuitive way gives the correct values.

Preparation for fortune-telling involves full concentration on the question. You can practice meditation to get your thoughts and feelings in order. During the alignment, you can not be distracted. It is worth excluding unpleasant odors and annoying sounds. The atmosphere in the room should be cozy.

When everything is ready, take the deck in hand and start shuffling slowly. During this, try to distance yourself from extraneous thoughts, to feel relaxation. At the level of intuition, you yourself will understand when you can start the alignment.

After that, turn the Tarot upside down and remove it with your left hand towards yourself. At this moment, we ask a question of interest. Intuitively, we begin to take out the cards for the layout. Everything is done carefully, with concentration on every movement.

Step-by-step fortune-telling plan for three cards

The layout will help give answers to the past, present, future.

Past and present cards will help you understand events and how they can affect the future. You can ask a question of this kind: "Relationship with my boyfriend in the past, present and future." Next, we take out three cards and begin to interpret them. The meaning of the images are presented below. It is better to guess with the Major Arcana.

Divination by thoughts and feelings

This type of fortune-telling will help you find out the relationship of a hidden person to you. The layout will show the feelings that the person has for you and the goals for you. For fortune telling, it is better to use the Major Arcana.

Thoroughly mix the deck, remove the deck with your left hand towards yourself. At the same time, we think about the person we are guessing at. We take out any three cards from the deck.

  1. The first card is associated with the feelings that the hidden person has for you, shows his intentions and plans for you. The card is associated with the emotions that a person experiences when they are in your company.
  2. The second shows your current relationship.
  3. The third illustrates the possibilities and prospects for the development of relations. Shows what they will lead to: friendship or love. The card will indicate the true intentions of the person.

How to read the layouts and interpret the dropped cards

Direct positionInverted position
JesterNothing serious. Flirting, intrigue. Illusion perfect love and disappointment.Showdown. Acquaintance with the prospects for the continuation.
MagicianIndependence. Either exit to new level relations, or divergence in different directions.Unpromising acquaintances.
PriestessInsincerity, jealousy. People are suspicious of each other, they cannot open up. The possibility of a love spell.The secret will be revealed.
The empressOfficial marriage. Declaration of love. Romantic date.The possibility of divorce. Excessive nagging in the choice of a partner.
The emperorTyranny. The possibility of an official or civil marriage.Quarreling. Loss of a close friend.
PriestPlatonic love. Benevolence, condescension.Deception. The illusion of an ideal partner.
LoversLove, but marriage does not mean. Can talk about the hesitation of a partner between two women / men.An important conversation. Stress, jealousy. A decisive moment, but not a threat.
ChariotLong marriage. The two spouses seem to be in one harness: neither run away, nor make up.Forgiveness. Calm relationship, but no love. Balanced environment.
ForcePositive card. Harmony. Spiritual and physical relationships.Quarrels over different views of relationships. Breakups and disagreements.
HermitUnfavorable value. No compromise in relationships. Can mean a big age difference between partners.People are forced to contact each other, but do not want to do this.
Wheel of FortuneRare meetings. Acquaintance. A new period in love, it is not known - good or bad. But nothing can be changed, everything will be decided by fortune.Everything is the same. If there is a relationship, it will remain the same; if not, it will not.
JusticeLegal marriage or divorce. A karmic meeting destined by fate.The impossibility of a formal marriage.
HangedTormenting relationship. In a favorable vein - long courtship.Conflicts. Pursuit of one's own interests, unwillingness to listen to another. Misunderstanding.
DeathInstability in relationships. Nervousness, constantly annoying. Oppressive atmosphere.Partners get bored with each other. Stability.
ModerationAn established way of life. Long-term relationship.Parting and quarrels
DevilThe partners are fed up with the usual sex, they are looking for novelty. Civil marriage.Sexual incompatibility. Preference for spiritual communication. Relationship fatigue.
TowerConflicts and quarrels. In some cases, it can mean rape.Reconciliation.
StarRomance.Either dreams come true, or hope collapses.
moonInsincerity. Treason.Showdown. Unpleasant conversation, frankly.
The sunUnderstanding. Love or friendship. Possibility of marriage, childbirth. Family and home.Disagreements, disputes. Temporary separation.
The last judgmentMarriage or divorce.Everyday life. Lingering courtship.
PeaceFocus on one person. Goodwill.Narrowing the circle of communication. Parting with someone.

It is worth getting to know Tarot on your own. At the level of intuition, you can determine what emotions a particular card evokes.

Memorized ready-made interpretations do not always help in interpreting the alignment. Any card can change meaning in combination with other Tarot. It will take a very long time to learn all the variations.

The values ​​written in books and on websites can be very different. When interpreting, pay great attention to your intuition.

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In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

  1. Emotional condition... In the process of fortune-telling, a mental connection is built between the fortuneteller and the person to whom they are fortune-telling. With strong emotions (panic, excitement, a state of passion), the connection may be broken.
  2. The personal interest of the fortuneteller in the situation also portends mistakes in the alignment. This can attract those cards that the fortuneteller wants to see, and not those that should be in reality.
  3. Incorrectly formulated question.
  4. Repeated divination in short term to the same question. It is not recommended to "guess" if something in the answer does not suit you.

The Tarot is a philosophical book of life. The images on the cards describe the main experiences, problems, stages of life. Only with experience will the ability to quickly and clearly read values, adequately and correctly perceive them.

Lay out the Tarot cards for relationships - only 3 cards will indicate the thoughts and feelings of your chosen one. This fortune-telling is within the power of even beginners who have just begun to study the magical world of tarology.

How to guess for love by three cards?

To find out what is going on in the thoughts of the chosen one in relation to you, make a simple alignment.

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare a tarot deck. Better to use the classic one. It is necessary that it be yours personally - no one should touch it anymore. Store maps in a private place so other people do not find
  2. Make sure no one gets in your way. Guessing should be done in a quiet, calm room, where noise sources do not penetrate. Dim the lights. You can light candles - the energy of fire will increase magic power kart
  3. Sit down at the table and shuffle the deck, thinking about your chosen one. Imagine his image in your imagination. What thoughts and feelings arise in your subconscious mind at the same time?
  4. Draw three cards at random from the deck and place them in a row on the table

Then proceed to the interpretation:

  1. The first card is your past. She will talk about what actions and events affect the current course of events. These are your fears, thoughts, desires, attitudes in the subconscious. The first lasso will help you figure out what you need to work with so that in the present relationship you are happy and do not bring disappointment
  2. The second card is the present. Its decryption will reveal what your chosen one thinks about you. You will find out what the state of affairs in the relationship is now, what thoughts and feelings are in the head of your lover
  3. The third card is the future. She will tell you what awaits your relationship, where it will lead. To a quick separation or, conversely, to a long and happy union

Important: if fortune-telling has given a negative prediction, you should not despair. In any case, the responsibility for the relationship lies with you. It is in your power to change the course of events in the right side... And the Tarot arcana will advise what needs to be done.

In addition to fortune telling on three cards, there are other, more detailed layouts.

"Thoughts" layout

The purpose of this alignment is to get advice on how you should behave in your relationship to keep it happy.

Only the major arcana will be needed. Remove the rest from the deck and set aside. You need to guess in the same way as in the previous method. Only, not three, but four cards are laid out on the table. So, as shown in the picture:

Deciphering the alignment:

  1. The first card symbolizes you. She will talk about what personality traits and character traits most affect relationships with the opposite sex in general and with your lover in particular.
  2. The second card is the man's attitude towards you. This lasso speaks of how it feels and how it affects your worldview, self-esteem. Pay attention to the position of the lasso: if it falls upside down, the value changes to negative
  3. The third card is the personification of your relationship. Reflects the true picture of what is happening and helps to draw conclusions. Pay attention to the advice of the lasso, and then follow it. It will help steer the relationship in the direction you need it.
  4. The fourth card is the future of your union. You will find out how long your relationship will last, what will lead to in the very near future

The prediction may turn out to be negative - for example, the cards will tell about the imminent separation. But you must remember that it is within your power to change everything. Tarot gives only the most probable prediction, but there is always a chance to turn the course of events in the other direction.

This layout can only be used once. You can only repeat it if there have been some dramatic changes in your relationship with a man.

Feelings layout

This is even more detailed divination on the relationship. Use this layout if you and your man are already together. If you are only in love, but do not know how the chosen one feels, try other options for the Tarot layouts.

Watch a video on how to make a simple layout for relationships and love:

With your beloved in mind, shuffle the deck and arrange the cards in the order shown in the picture:


  1. The first card is the perspective of your relationship. What are the chances of parting, getting a marriage proposal, getting married. Perhaps the lasso will bring surprises, and the prediction will be completely unexpected for you.
  2. The second is everything that prevents your relationship from moving on and developing. These are all sorts of problems that should be addressed immediately. Conflicts in which you need to find a compromise. External circumstances that negatively affect your couple
  3. The third is your thoughts and feelings in relation to the chosen one. Also, this lasso helps to check if the cards are telling the truth at the moment. If the prediction coincided with your real emotions, continue fortune-telling. If not, wait for a better moment.
  4. The fourth is the near future. Events that will happen from day to day and affect the relationship
  5. Fifth - the true intentions and feelings of a man in relation to you. Perhaps you will make an important discovery for yourself.
  6. The sixth is the Tarot advice on how to behave so that feelings flare up every day, and the union becomes more and more durable. But the prediction can also be negative: for example, the cards will say that the chosen one is not your destiny, it is worth looking for another
  7. Seventh - everything secret that is hidden from you at the moment. It may be some past sins of your man, which he is silent about, his carefully hidden thoughts and desires. You can not watch the interpretation of this arcana if you are afraid to learn secrets that will disappoint you in your beloved

This alignment should also not be done too often. Use it in the most extreme cases.

Musical ammeter, love phonendoscope - will tell you about what kind of music is now playing in the heart you are interested in with the help of one of eleven songs about different manifestations of love.
Practically - fortune telling by poetry... True, in a musical setting.

Will tell about the nature of the current, future, virtual or potentially possible love relationship.
The painting by the surrealist Rene Magritte is divided into 4 parts and, depending on which combination they fit into, has acquired a dozen additional interpretations, one of which will (not) accidentally drop out to you.

A recognized expert in matters of the heart - William our Shakespeare - has prepared 154 advice on love especially for you, calling them sonnets (so that no one would guess).
Tips ... sorry, the sonnets are written in such a way that they mainly tell about the attitude towards you human, O his thoughts and desires.
But you can simply imagine an exciting situation (of a person) in colors and ask William of our Expert: "What should I do with all this?" or "Tell me, William, it's not for nothing ...?" Well, and so on.

Thoughts, feelings, subconscious attitude of a person towards you (or some people towards each other), told using unique symbols.

A simple and quick fortune-telling transformer about what the person you are interested in thinks, feels and intends (or so far only dreams of doing) - in relation to you or to someone else.
The full (as far as possible) spectrum of basic feelings that one person can experience for another: from love to hate, from pity to admiration, from affection to a fierce desire to destroy.

100,500 epithets, folding randomly on known scheme John Vasilyevich in one meaningful sentence, they will tell about the personality of the future husband, the current guy, ex-lover and all the real and mythical "boyars" who have ever put their everything on all of them. In general, of course, it is universal divination on the character (and a little on the fate) of all and all personalities, people and kings. And on you too.

"I want to marry N.!", "I want her to agree!", "Will we be together?", "Will this stick to me?" and other selfish desires and questions about love and hate will be processed by spellcasting.
You will need to find and count the colored "I" among the gray poly-letters and read what it all means.

[by symbols]
It looks like the previous fortune-telling about desire, and questions can be asked about the same and in a similar formulation: "Will I marry N.?", "Will there be a meeting / continuation / trip / divorce / everything the way I want?", " Will he come back? "," Will she leave me alone? " etc.
Fortune-telling not only determines the likelihood of a particular outcome, but also tells you from whom and where you can expect help in the matter of interest, and what can significantly harm or even destroy everything.

Simply, quickly and in 25 different intonations he will answer all 2 questions from the previous fortune-telling and all your other questions about love, formulated in such a way that you can answer them either “Yes” or “No”.

["Not really. Deluxe Edition "]
An extended, sooooo much extended version of the previous divination.
Questions about love are still asked in a way that can be answered with either yes or no. But the number of all kinds of combinations of answers that this simple fortune-telling-transformer can give exceeds 20,000, although the answers, the right word, are sooooo simple and obvious. And in addition, fortune-telling will tell you under what conditions this or that outcome is possible.

In all seriousness, but not without humor, he will tell you about the character and thoughts of the person you are interested in, about his attitude towards you (or towards other people) and about what you should do now with this shocking information or situation, whether or not that has developed between you and the person you are interested in.

Mentally ask any of the questions already mentioned on this page (well, or formulate your own), a short free SMS with special numbers comes to your brain
(Page number and line number), you duplicate them carefully and without errors in the comments.
After midnight, you read in the same comments the answer to your question that emerged from the depths of the Universe (the Book of Wisdom) in the form of an aphorism.

“What awaits me in love (that is, in general)?”, “What awaits me in a relationship with N.”, “What is N. in love relationship, how does he (a) usually behave? "," What does N. expect from me in a relationship? " and other questions of a love nature will be answered using one of twenty unique symbols, in the "Love" and / or "Advice" tab.

"What will happen to us next", "Where to look / wait for your love?", "When will this love happen to me?" and other questions designed to clarify the development, outcome and, in general, the future of various love situations. If you are too drunk and relaxed from love, use other, less "brain-bearing" fortune-telling, or even better - turn off everything and surrender to this love without a trace. There is still something to surrender to.