Morphology games for children younger group. Classes for the formation of the morphological side of speech

Consultation for educators "Formation of life safety basics in children preschool age»

Formation of the basics of security and vital activity in children of preschool age.

"The most expensive person in a person is life"

N. A. Ostrovsky.

Formation of the basics of security and vital activity of children in preschool educational institution It is a relevant and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, the acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life. We are in conjunction with parents in this area, targeted work.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare his meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most dangerous situations, On the need to comply with precautions, instill him in the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example to imitate. The concept of security in the FDO has previously included in itself only the protection of the life and health of children. But modern world Changed the approach to the security problem, it also includes such concepts as an environmental catastrophe and terrorism.

When familiarizing children with initial security bases, the following objectives must be identified:

Formation of the fundamentals for preservation and health promotion;

Education of safe behavior, the ability to foresee dangerous situations, if possible, avoid them, if necessary, to act.

Working with kids on the burden includes a whole range of tasks:

Acquaintance with household sources of danger, with necessary actions In case of danger, the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods of safe behavior in everyday life;

Development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude towards the native nature;

Education of the competent participant road;

Education of feelings of mutual assistance and partnership.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial base basics is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

Systemity and sequence (any new stage in learning children is based on already mastered in the previous one);

Availability (complication of material occurs taking into account age characteristics of children);

Inclusion in activities (game, cognitive, search and other species);

Visuality (safety equipment is best perceived through a rich illustrative material);

Dynamic (integration of tasks in different activities);

Psychological comfort (removal of stressful factors).

Stages of the implementation of these tasks:

1 stage - the interest of children, to actualize, clarify and systematize their knowledge of safety rules;

2 Stage - introduce rules to the life of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, to train these rules in the ability;

3 Stage - on the basis of learned knowledge and skills to help consciously master real practical actions.

Forms of organization of the educational process:


Memorizing poems;

Collecting photographic materials;

Games - classes;

Memorizing the rules of safe behavior;

Didactic games;

Outdoor games;

Reading fiction;

View illustrations on the topic;



Theatrical submissions;

Plot - role-playing games;

Games - trainings;

View cartoons;

Labor activity;

Productive activity;

Guessing riddles;


Foaming situations of the right and improper behavior;

Meeting with interesting people;

Participation in various contests;

Personal example of adults.

Along with the traditional forms of learning in parity, much attention is paid to the organization of various types of activities and the acquisition of experiences of experience. After all, everything we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, on practice.

The child falls into various life situationsin which he can just be confused. First, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge generally accepted by man of behavior. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously act in a particular setting, help preschoolers to master the elementary skills of the behavior of the house, on the street, in the park, in transport and third, develop independence and responsibility from preschoolers.

Solving tasks Secure safe healthy image Life is possible only with a constant communication of an adult with a child on an equal footing: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, together discuss the problem, we are discussing a dialogue, we will know together, we wonder.

To form secure behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject - developing medium in the group. It includes:

1. Corner of security, which contains materials:

Security Shield S. various species sockets, switches, locks; Street layout with road signs, marking for transport and pedestrians, traffic light; Attributes for plot games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Adjustable", "Rescuers", " Ambulance"Etc. The microdistrict plan scheme in which the kindergarten is located, with a marker of dangerous sites, places favorable for games; Posters on the Obzh on the themes "If you are lost on the street", "Attention! Terrorism! "," Fire safety for preschoolers "and others; Albums "Medicinal Plants", "Poisonous plants and mushrooms", "professions", "Valeology, or a healthy baby", "If the baby hurt", etc.

Creating a traffic platform at a plot to use the knowledge gained in gaming activities.

2. Gottheck, which contains:

Didactic games "DANGER - not dangerous", "continue a row", "name in one word", "the fourth - extra", "so - not so", etc.;

Wallpaper - Printed Games "Basics of Safety", "Big walk through the city", "Good - bad", "Valeology", "Road signs", "rapid situations of the house", etc.

3. The library in which there are cognitive and fiction, photo albums, illustrations for viewing and discussing various situations.

L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Firefighters";

V. Zhitkov "Fire", "in smoke";

S. Marshak "Fire", "Story about an unknown Hero", "Fairy Tale of a Stupid Mouse";

T. Shuragin "Green Fairy Tales", "Caution Fairy Tales";

K. Zaitseva "Lessons Aibolit";

Fairy tales "Wolf and Cats", "Three Piggy", "Red Cap", "Zayushkina Hut", "Kolobok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", etc.

Yu. Sokolova "Safety Rules";

I. Seryakov "Street, where everyone is in a hurry", "Scientist's Friendship";

E. Permyakov "Hurry knife";

Fees "Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom! Caught Koshkin House! "," Okuchechik ";

A. Ivanov "ABC security. How inseparable friends did not burn in the fire, "" How inseparable friends were not tone in the water, "" How inseparable friends were protected ";

I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and Road";

I. Leshevich "Traffic light";

N. Nosov "Car";

G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";

A. Dorokhov "Underground Transition", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrbum";

L. Galopein "Tram and his family";

A. DMOKOV "Wonderful island";

V. Sevennin "is prohibited - permitted";

A. North "Three Wonderful Colors."

Working with parents is one of the most important directions of educational and educational work in Udo. After all, the range of problems associated with the safety of the child is impossible to solve only within kindergartenTherefore, you need close contact with your parents. Nothing raises with such persuasive as visual example Adults.

The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance, the importance of the security problem of children, to increase the educational level of parents on this problem, refer to the range of rules that must be acquainted primarily in the family.

In working with parents, an informational and analytical direction is used: conducting surveys. Questioning of parents; Cognitive Direction: parental meetings, vividly information direction: organization of days open doors, outdoor viewing of classes and other activities, information on the stand, folder-mobile, development of memo; Leisure direction: Joint holidays, leisure, excursions; Exhibitions of family creative works, products from a cast and natural material.

Thanks to the work done, results are expected:

1. The knowledge gained by the child and their health and their health will be allowed to find ways to strengthen and preserve health.

2. Acquired skills will help consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

3. The experience gained will avoid accidents.

Consultation for educators on the topic:

"Enrichment of knowledge, skills in educational region "Safety"


Selezneva N. A.

educator MBDOU № 84

Avtozavodsky district

cities of Nizhny Novgorod

In preschool age, the foundation of life orientation in the surrounding, and everything that the child feels in kindergarten will remain firmly in his mind forever. Therefore, it is very important with early years Attach the skills of safe behavior in the surrounding world. One of the topical problems of today is the formation of preschool children of their own livelihoods. Therefore, teachers and parents of preschoolers should work on the implementation of the following main tasks for the OBZH:

  1. Contribute to the development of interest in children to study the rules of safe behavior of the house, on the street, in nature;
  2. Expand the ideas of children about their body, the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle;
  3. Form and develop the skills and skills of safe behavior;
  4. Rise sustainable habits to follow safety rules.

To successfully solve these tasks in working with children, follow the following principles:

  1. Systematism
  2. Psychological Comfort
  3. Semantic attitude to the world
  4. Visuality
  5. Availability
  6. Continuity

The formation of knowledge of safe behavior in children occurs in stages:

  1. Diagnostics
  2. Expansion of initial ideas, accumulation of new knowledge.
  3. Consolidation of knowledge gained and the formation of a conscious relationship to compliance with the safety rules;
  4. Formation of a sense of responsibility - understanding and assimilation of claims;
  5. Development of sense of control and self-control.

Teaching children the basics of safety of their own vitality, it is important to use a variety of forms and methods of work: conversations, discussion and resolution of problem situations, observations, excursions, learning of poems, reading artistic texts, viewing video and diamers, didactic games, dramatization games, experiments, practical exercises, joint creative activity of children and parents ,. Fastening the knowledge gained, it is desirable to conduct through the organization of games, competitions of quiz, holidays, competitions and entertainment on the OBZH.

Work on the dow must be carried out comprehensively, turn on in all areas educational activities. It is also very important to ensure interaction with parents on this issue, since the example of the father and the mother is the main resource in teaching a child safe behavior.

In the planning of the content of work on the formation of children's own livelihoods in children, the main directions presented in tutorial "Safety" N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Prince, R.B. Sorberry:

  1. Child and other people
  2. Child and nature
  3. Child at home
  4. Child Health
  5. Emotional welfare of the child
  6. Child on the streets of the city

When planning work on the formation of pre-school children, the basics of security of their own vitality is important to adhere to the following principles:

  1. The principle of completeness (the content of the work on the OBZH should be implemented in all areas presented in the Security Guide N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Berkina)
  2. The principle of systemicity (work on the formation of children's safety fundamentals should be carried out systematically all academic year with a flexible distribution of work in the day)
  3. Principle of seasonality
  4. The principle of accounting area
  5. The principle of age addresses
  6. Principle of integration
  7. The principle of continuity with families
  8. When planning work on the formation of the security of the safety fundamentals of their own livelihoods, teachers are recommended to use the following methodical literature:

1. Sterkina R.B., Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Security. - M. 1998.

2. Saulin T.F. Three traffic lights. - M., 1989.

3. White K.Yu. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. - M., 2004.

4. Izvekov N.A. Road rules for preschool children. - M., 2007

5. White K.Yu. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. - M., 2004.

6. Fisenko MA LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. - Volgograd., 2006.

7. Zhukova OG, Trushina G.I., Fedorova E.G. ABC "AU!" - C-p., 2008.

8. Aralina N.A. Familiarization of preschoolers with rules fire safety. - M., 2008

9. Vdovichenko L.A. Child on the street. - C-PB., 2008

10. Garnyysheva TP How to teach the children traffic rules? - C-PB., 2010

11. Shoryina TA Conversations on the basics of child safety 5-8 years. M., 2010.

A prerequisite for the implementation of tasks aimed at the formation of the children's safety fundamentals in children is to create the necessary subject-developing environment in groups.

The following materials and equipment for OBZH must be presented in groups:

  1. Didactic games: "How to avoid troubles", "Healthy baby", "kids-fortresses", "If the baby got into trouble," "Natural and weather phenomena", "edible and poisonous mushrooms"," Road signs "," Attention! Road! "," Azbuka Pedestrian ",
  2. Visual manuals for OBZH (posters, reproductions, photographs in the formation of the security of the security bases of their own vitality: "How the human body is arranged", "personal hygiene", "Sun, air and water - our best friends"," Sports "," Rules of behavior of the house (on the street, in transport, in nature: in the forest, in water bodies), "hazardous items", "Calling Emergency Response Services", "Device of the roadway", etc.)
  3. Mocks of intersections, which present avenue, crossroads, houses, traffic lights, cars, road signs.
  4. Attributes for plot-role-playing games (telephone for calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Emergency, Police, Wands, Whistles, DPS Employee Form, Transport Toys, Crossroad Tablets)
  5. Road signs Chest and portable ("pedestrian transition", "pedestrian movement is prohibited", "Circular motion", "Bus stop", "Caution - Children!", "Phone", "Item medical care"," Power point "," Movement right (left) ")
  6. Illustrated books, coloring, encyclopedia
  7. Books and Posters on Obzh, made by children along with parents and educators to form the basics of security of their own livelihoods.

"Formation of pre-school conscious relationships to personal security and security issues"

The XXI century, unfortunately, is the time of anxiety and uncertainty of tomorrow: terrorist attacks with numerous victims, custom killings, banditry, theft of children to organs, increase the frequency of manifestation destructive forces Nature, the number of industrial accidents and disasters, household fires and road traffic accidents ...

What would at least protect yourself from such a variety of negativism, you need to know and follow the rules of safe behavior.

Sofá dyry - the absence of any risk, in the case of the implementation of which arise negative consequences (harm) in relation to anyone or anything. (Wikipedia)

Safety of man - Such a state of a person when the effect of external and internal factors does not lead to a bad state, deterioration of the functioning and development of the body, consciousness, psyche and man as a whole and does not prevent the achievement of certain desirable targets for a person. (Wikipedia)

Therefore, it was necessary to search for a mechanism for the formation of a conscious and responsible attitude towards the preservation of life and health, to personal security and the security of others. Specialists of different scientific trends are noted that such a mechanism should be education. This preparation should be held at all stages of a person's life, and it is necessary to start with preschool age. Preschool age is characterized by increased motor activity, curiosity, manifestation of initiative and independence. As a result, traumatic situations often occur. The teacher requires a lot of work on education in children of safe behavior.

In order for children to make the right solution, it is necessary:

Give a certain amount of knowledge about human norms generally accepted;

To teach adequately, consciously act in a particular situation, situations, help preschoolers to master the elementary skills of the behavior of the house, on the street, in transport;

Decoral from preschoolers independence and responsibility.

It is important to teach each child to explain our own behavior, to evaluate your actions, be able to draw conclusions.

While children are in the caring hands of parents and teachers, no one seriously thinks over security problems. Fully protect them from any incidents are not possible. The time will come and the preschooler will go to school. There will be one at home. Can he actually do and prevent a dangerous situation? Will it be able to show independence in choosing the right solution? Is it ready to protect yourself and avoid dangers?

Each child should know how to behave in nature with poisonous plants, dangerous animals, how to make safe hiking. Everyone should be careful with communication with unfamiliar people, To understand that good intentions are hidden for pleasant appearance.

Each child should know and follow the rules of the road, the rules of behavior in public places and transport, be able to navigate the terrain if lost. Everyone should know and be able to apply urgent response telephones.

That child who learned "school healthy man"It is experiencing emotional well-being and psychological comfort. He focuses in the structure of his body, keeps the rules of personal hygiene, knows the role of drugs and vitamins, knows how to treat a sick person, etc. It is very important to form the formation of the pre-school age of motives, concepts, beliefs. In the need to preserve your health and strengthen it with the help of an admission to a healthy lifestyle.

Great interest in children cause actions with real objects of life. Therefore, it is very important to teach preschoolers with caution, under the supervision or with adult permission to use affordable home appliances and tools. Homemade household objects are sources of potential danger to children. They can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. objects that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas plates, Electrical Outlets included).
  2. objects with which, depending on the age of children, you need to learn how to correctly, contact (needle, scissors, knife, stapler).
  3. objects that adults should be stored in inaccessible places for children ( household chemicals, medicines, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cutting tools).

What would form in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards personal safety and security issues of others, n either of the systematic, systematic, preventive work with children carried out in the most acceptable for children gaming formwhich is closely intertwined with a cognitive process.

Gaming activity:didactic games make it possible to introduce children with dangers; clarify and systematize presentation data, form ideas about precautions and possible consequences their violations about the ways of safe behavior; introduce the necessary actions in case of danger. Everyone knows such games as: "Mess", "ABC of Safety", "The Rules of etiquette or how to behave in society", "I am a lifeguard", "Alphabet of Health", "Guess the subject", "Draw a Gangup", "Connections Points "," so wrong. "

Outdoor games: "Red, yellow, green", "kidnappers and resourceful guys", "fire", "Once, two, three, which can be dangerous - find."

Familiarization through works of fiction:Works of fiction makes children think and feel something difficult or impossible for them in everyday life. These are riddles and fairy tales S.Ya. Marshak "Koshkin House", "Tale of an unknown hero" and others; Poems by E. Khorinskaya "Match-Nurse", S. I, Marshak "Fire" and others; Stories V. Galchenko "Fire Adventures", B. Zhitkov "First Anxiety", M. Putypalskaya "Eternally Live", "Stories about Fire" E. Vasilyeva "In order not to be trouble - do it right," S. Wallpaper "ABC Safety" ; Consider illustrations of "Children by the fire", "on the hunt" and other it is important to conduct a conversation with children about the work read, interested in their opinion on the act of heroes.

Target strolls and observations:through the streets of the city, to intersections, along stops, on city Square, in the fire station ... where, during the walk, various emerging situations are discussed, the rules of the road, the rules of safe behavior are enshrined.

Joint creative activity: Knowledge gained by children is desirable to reflect in drawings, layouts, crafts, fasten into dramatization games, playing problem situations. For example, parents along with the child paint the plan-scheme of their apartment, find and diverge dangerous, in their eyes, places, justifying their answers.

For the connection between the content of knowledge about the safety rules and the organization of activity on their use, the method of I.I. Logvinova and I.A. Shchegolev - situational imitation modeling (The process of designing a model of a real situation (in this case, dangerous situation) and the formulation of experiments on this model in order to understand various behaviors in it). Those., Having learned to enter imitated gaming conditions, closely reproducing contact with potentially hazardous objects Life, preschoolers will feel much more confident in real conditions. The use of the SIM method in working with preschoolers unfolds in the following order:

  1. familiarization with the layout;
  2. drawing teacher's situations on the layout with puppet characters (after reading fiction);
  3. joint modeling of situations on the layout and in the game corner;
  4. independent games of children.

Holding events With children on the basics of life safety, it is necessary to conduct not only in the month of security, and weekly: the first Monday of the month is PPB; Second Monday of the month - traffic rules; The third Monday of the month is the appeal with household items; Fourth Monday of the month - natural disasters and antiterror, etc. It is necessary to invite employees of PDM employees, traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations ... After all, everything that we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life in practice.

In the upbringing of conscious safe behavior, children are not small important role Play allies - Parents. To maintain uniform safety requirements with parents, consultations are held, information on the side of the Dow is placed, stands, booklets, folders - mobile, and joint holidays are held. Parents of pupils take part in the manufacture of layouts, exhibitions, booths on the burden.

It is necessary to try to protect the kids from possible dangers, help them, show an example, to teach correctly and safely behave in transport, in public places, on the street, at home, in communicating with unfamiliar people.

senior Educator MA Sevostyanova

Svetlana Ovcharova
Consultation for educators "Safety and Health of Children"

With the dangers of a person familiar from the moment of his appearance on Earth.

it natural dangers (air temperature, precipitation, wild animals, poisonous plants, natural phenomena of nature);

Technogenic hazards - i.e. the dangers of the born machinery.

Social dangers- Wars, crimes, low culture of communication between people.

Safety formula says: anticipate a danger; If possible, avoid: if necessary to act. For children, it is stamped in verses:

Security formula is:

We must see, foresee, take into account.

If possible, everything is avoided

And where necessary - to help call.

Education of children's security children is an urgent pedagogical task, in the decision of which not only teachers, but also parents, the public, various departmental structures, which are responsible for the life and health of citizens.

During preschool age, the child meets with large quantity rules, norms, cautions, requirements. However, it is difficult for him to imagine their significance.

You can highlight a number of hazards associated with the place of stay of the child:

1. Hazards at home.

Most accidents occur at home. Our home, to the failure filled with different household appliances and chemistry, often represents mines. Damage that the child receives as a result of accidents, in the apartment includes: bruises, abrasions, scratches, stretching, dislocations, burns. Damage to foreign bodies (swallowing, inhalation, introduction into the nose, eyes, ears, etc.).

2. Dangers on the road and street.

One of the most serious problems of any city and region is road traffic injuries. To date, reduce its level fails. As the analysis of the incidents with children conducted by the traffic police shows, injuries occur by negligence of children, due to non-compliance or ignorance of traffic rules. The most common mistakes that make children are: an unexpected way out of the roadway in an unidentified place, output due to standing vehicles, unpleasures of traffic lights, violation of bicycle riding rules, etc. The carelessness of children on the roads depends on adults, from low The level of their culture of behavior. And the price of this is childhood.

3. Danger in nature.

Natural hazards include:

Natural phenomena (hurricanes, floods);

Extreme situations (fire, transport)

Plants, animals, mushrooms and other phenomena and objects

4. Dangers in dealing with unfamiliar people.

Preschool age is the most important period when a human person is formed, and a strong basic foundation of life experience, a healthy lifestyle is laid. Children need to be reasonably helping to avoid damage, because it is impossible to drive them over the arm all the time, to hold near themselves. It is necessary to raise the habit of correctly use the objects of life, to learn to handle animals, ride a bike, explain how to behave in the courtyard, on the street and at home. It is necessary to instill children the skills of behavior in situations fraught with injury, to form their idea of \u200b\u200bthe most typical, often encountered situations.

However, safety and healthy lifestyle is not just the amount of learned knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. In addition, children may be in an unexpected situation on the street and at home, so the main task is to stimulate the development of independence and responsibility. After all, everything you teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

Safety - continuous, systematic and consistent process starting with early age, continuing in the pre-school system, and then school education.

The formation of the basics of the safety of the life of children is carried out in different directions:

Work with children

Work parents

Work by pedagogical team and staff.

Work with children

The key to the success of this work can be a combination of various types of children's activities:

Comprehensive occupation

Observations, excursions (in the kitchen, fire station)

Games: Competitions, Movable, Didactic, Scene-Role, Theatrical

Compilation of collages;

Modeling and analysis of the specified situations; ("Wet floor", "Mom went to the store, we stayed alone ...");

Essay of stories, creative stories ("Where can the trouble be coming," you and the forest ")

Conversations, reading fiction

Cognitive quiz.

Minutes of safety (descent on the stairs, riding from the mountain,);

Registration of the stand (where all services and phones are indicated)

The use of the so-called conversories "Imagine that you got lost in the woods"

Consider illustrations, posters on which dangerous situations are depicted.

Dramatizing fairy tales, drawing,

Thus, children in an affordable and fascinating form assimilate the rules of safe behavior

Separately, I want to stay on fairy tales. Tales is a textbook for which small man Begins to learn to live. It is only in the form of a fairy tale allegorizing, and their content is the life experience of many generations. Fairy tales are multi-layered, and one of the layers are the very most security lessons that our children should master. Listening and "discussing" with you folk tales, playing in them, the baby will easily wait that in "friend", big world must be observed certain rules. Do not believe anyone else, seek help, do not crime bans, do not rob and not give up. When repeating these simple, but very important "fabulous" truths, you learn the child and vigilance, and caution. Gradually, children will be able to understand that the world is different, which is in it and kind, and evil and depends on you, in what hands you will fall into what environment. And if you suddenly fall into the alteration - how to get out of it, to return home whole and unharmed.

For example:

Baby, be ready for surprises. Not everyone comes with good. There are cases when it is not ashamed to seek, but you can and need ("Gus-Swans").

Do not be naive, kid! Do not buy for flattering offers. If you have somehow (deceived) and you got into trouble, call to help, shout louder, raise a lot of noise. Hold on help will come ("Cat, Rooster and Fox").

Trust in people is a wonderful feature. But blindness is dangerous ("Zaikina Hut", "Wolf and Seven Cats").

Work with parents

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare his meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most dangerous situations, about the need to comply with precautions, instill in the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who come to the child an example for imitation.

The safety of the preschooler largely depends on what knowledge of his parents will be laid in early childhood.

The safety of the preschooler is subject to a threat, because children are very trusting, and they are easy to fool. It is necessary to explain to the child so that it does not lose sight of the parents, and they have always seen their child. This rule at first glance is quite difficult to establish for the safety of a preschooler, but it is only at first glance. Children are interested in where their parents gone, how they are afraid to move away from their parents or lose sight. The child will seem pretty simple and logical. It is necessary to demand from the baby so that he informed about his actions not only outside, but also at home. For an example, and faster establishing this rule can be shown on your experience that everything is quite simple. Each time, leaving the room, inform the child where you go and it will do the same.

A feature of the security of the preschooler is a very increased gullibility of children. They do not understand that such a bad can make an adult man, even if not familiar. A child does not understand why it is impossible to go somewhere with adults, and parents' prohibitions often do not give the desired result. It is also important for the security of a preschooler to teach him to say the word "no!". In the complex two of these rules may become powerful weapons against the surrounding world.

If you teach a child with this two simple rulesYou can avoid many unpleasant moments. If the child will call somewhere, he will answer: "Well, but first I will say mom (dad)." If it is not to tell him not to tell, then the child will use the 2 rule and says: "No! I must first tell my parents!"

In this direction, you can with parents to carry out the following work:

conduct parental meetings, consultations, seminars, open views, evenings - entertainment and exhibitions of the artistic and productive activities of children and adults

the design of the booth "Preschooler - in a safe environment", where you can accommodate for educators and parents:

Memo "use of electricity for children and adults", "Procedure for an accident";

Booklets "The Basis of the Safety of Children's Life", "bring up a literate pedestrian", "Fundamentals of the safety of the life of children of preschool age", "Dr. Aibolit";

Consultations "I know children with medicinal plants"," The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries "," the prank of children with fire ", etc.

Work with pedagogical team and staff

Safety is not only children learning the basics of a healthy lifestyle, not only the careful and correct behavior of children in certain situations. As well as security educational process, namely:

Safe environment (fixed cabinets, racks; lack of poisonous and spiny plants; Safe location of plants in the group; Equipment of premises where children are located, observing fire safety measures)

Proper storage different materials, medicines (scissors, needles are in an inaccessible place for children, meet the requirements; medications are only in the first aid kit, the first-aid kit is in an inaccessible place for children; detergents are also in the place inaccessible for children)

Furniture selected for the growth of children; Marking of furniture

Bed linen marking

Proper lighting

Check plots before going to walk (cleaning broken steel, elimination of acute items, etc.)

We, adults, carry personal responsibility for the life and health of children.

Caring for the preservation of children's life is the most important task facing us.


for teachers

"Safety technician during

gaming activities for children

preschool age "

Golubova Elena Vasilyevna

May 2016.

The game - interesting and interesting to the child activity - has great value For its upbringing and development, so it requires constant attention and leadership by adults. The game activity of the child includes: scene-role games, game-dramatization, games with building material, Didactic, moving games with rules. Educators should know and fulfill child safety requirements.

From what dangerous and harmful factors Do you need to protect children?

    It is impossible to leave children unattended adults.

    Wrong selection of children's furniture, as this may entail a violation of the posture, the curvature of the spine, the development of myopia.

    Insufficient illumination and ill-conceived placement of "Corners of books", corners for board games, corners of P. fine activities May lead to violation of visual acuity in children.

    The presence in the group of foreign long-term noise, loud music, loud speech can cause a violation of hearing acuteness.

    Faulty electrical equipment in group rooms and other rooms, which can lead to the defeat of children electric shock, Fire caused by short circuit.

    Improper storage and use of stitching, cutting small items, the use of equipment and furniture in a faulty state or with defects can cause various injuries.

    Failure to follow the children of the rules of safe behavior when moving from the group to a sports, a music hall or another premises of a kindergarten, especially when descent or lifting on the stairs - the cause of various injuries in children.

    When working with children, it is necessary to use a durable, serviceable demonstration and distribution educational materialcorresponding to sanitary and hygienic, didactic, aesthetic requirements.

    Toys should be hygienic, not broken, for different species Gaming activities that allow them to proportionate through the motor load in accordance with the season of the year and the age of children (toys of motor, desktop, construction).

Life safety of children

during moving games

    The educator should know the state of the health of children, and their deviations in physical development.

    Moving games are held indoors and on fresh air while walking.

    Permanent and portable equipment is placed on the edges playground In order to stay space for moving games.

    For moving games in the group room should be released more places, if possible, push the tables and chairs so that they do not interfere with the children move.

    For jumping, crawling, throwing a special inventory: hoops, arcs, balls, kegli ...

Security requirements before starting moving games

    Moving games should be in perspective plan educational work, as well as in the work plan for every day.

    Moving games are carried out with the whole group of children or with a small subgroup.

    Before the start of the game, you should pay attention to the well-being, the health of children of the group, and the compliance of the proposed exercises to each age group.

    Moving games that will be used in working with children, the educator should know well to clearly explain the meaning, rules, movements that are in the game.

    The educator before the start of the game should examine the site, room, check the devices, attaching racks, shops, stairs. Check the clothes and shoes of children.

Security Requirements during Movable Games

    Before the start of the game, the educator explains the rules of the game.

    During the execution of movements, the educator organizes children in such a way that they do not injure each other, depending on the preparation, age of the child, the height of the equipment, the complexity of exercises.

    Performing jumps and scroces, it is necessary to land easily on the socks, compensating for the body load on the legs a little squeezing.

    Clearly adhere to the requirements of the curriculum on loads.

    It is necessary to alternate calm and moving games.

    In summer, mobile games are held in a cool shaded platform location. In winter, during a walk, it is necessary to use running and jumping.

Security requirements after graduation

movable games

    Check the well-being of children.

    Collect sports equipment, toys.

    Do not drink cold water And go out to go outside.

Security Requirements B. emergency situations

    Upon receipt of injuries, worsening the child's well-being - immediately notify the elder nurse.

    To provide the victim first medical assistance, and if necessary, call ambulance.

    Notify the accident manager, methodist.

Safety of children's life during

walks in the open air

    Walk is held daily in any weather with the exception of adverse weather conditions.

    The duration of the walk in the fresh air must comply with physiological requirements.

    Clothes and shoes children must match the weather.

    During a walk outside the kindergarten, the teacher reminds children the rules of behavior when moving a pedestrian crossing. Such walks are necessarily accompanied by two adults that must have a first-aid kit and drinking water.

Safety requirements before walking

    In order to prevent injuries, it is necessary to carefully check the platform for a walk. There should not be broken glass, garbage, poisonous plants, mushrooms.

    Before starting a walk, the teacher must moisten and explode sand in the sandbox.

    During the walk, the teacher should see all the children in sight.

    The educator must be near during the independent mobile activity of children using game equipment.

    In the warm season, the presence of boiled water must be mandatory, stick to the drinking regime while walking.

    All toys and sports equipment that is used during a walk should be good and comply with hygienic standards.

    After the end of the walk, the tutor must organize the children in the group.

From all this, it should be concluded that while walking it is necessary to organize interesting and useful affairs, carry out games and exercise, which exclude accidents will contribute to the psychological well-being and full-fledging education of each child.


by ecology

"Protect the environment"

Golubova Elena Vasilyevna