Strong voodoo doll per person, make it yourself. How to make a voodoo doll on a person - the secrets of African black magic

Creating Voodoo dolls - one of the darkest magic rituals. As a rule, it is resorted to such witchcraft in the case when they want to punish the offender or perpetuate the beloved person. Such a "toy" gives full control over him, his condition and destiny. When creating a puppet, you need to be attentive and neat. Incorrect appeal to the attribute and ritual conducted by the rules can harm not only the prototype of the doll, but also its creator.

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    Preparation for the manufacture and rite

    Before you start working on creating a doll, you need to prepare a little. If you neglect these rules, the result may be unpredictable.

    The preparation for the creation of Volta consists of several stages:

  1. 1. Materials that will be used in work must be cleaned of excess energy. For this, you need to hold the necessary parts in salt or land. Cleaning must pass all items that will be used in the work.
  2. 2. During the manufacture of a puppet, you need to create the right aura around yourself, tune in to magic (dark - if the doll is evil, or light - if a doll-charm is created). During operation, it is impossible to miss the created image. You need to constantly think about who the doll is being done.
  3. 3. You can not buy ready-made voodoo dolls. It is not known what energy the creator invested in them. One hundred percent result can be achieved only if the product is made personally and comply with all subtleties.
  4. 4. The doll needs to be consecrated, for this you need to prepare church candles and sage. The product should be held over the smoke and fire candles.
  5. 5. The doll needs to give the name of which she was done. This stage of preparation is one of the most important and is mandatory.

    In order to give the puppet of an extraordinary force, giving her a name, you should pronounce a plot: "From now your name (Human name), with this doll you are one. What will turn with the doll, then it will happen to you. May it be so! You are in my power forever. Ago, Ago, Ago! "

    How to make a voodoo doll per person?

    Make a magic doll at home will not be a lot of work. The main thing is to find necessary materials And strictly observe the sequence of actions. It is necessary to take into account that in order for the ritual to work, you will need to find the personal beliefs of the victim. It can be hair, nails. One of the strongest custodians of personal energy is blood. But if you find such materials it is not possible, you can use the photo.


  1. 1. The "Skeleton" of Volta is originally manufactured. From the twigs there is a cross-shaped basis. The branches should not be raw, but also too dry are not suitable.
  2. 2. Blue thread branches are connected.
  3. 3. Then the body of the puppet is prescribed. You can make it from cotton fabric (or other natural components). Suitable for packing soft straw.

Maximize the puppet and the object of the ritual can be used distinctive features prototype. Moles, tattoos, scars - all this is unique signs on the human body. By adding them to the body of the doll, you can achieve almost maximum similarity with those who personifies the doll.


With the help of Volta, you can make a love spell on your loved one. For this, it is not necessary to refer to fortune tellers who ask the impressive amount of money for their services. Spend love ritual Self is capable of every girl (or man).


  1. 1. First you need to prepare a pickle torso. To do this, cut out volts from wax. If there is hair, nails or blood chosen is wonderful, they must be added to the doll. The main thing is to observe the sequence: the hair should be on the head of the doll, nails on their hands, and blood should be mixed with wax during the modeling process.
  2. 2. For the rite, things are needed that belong to the beloved, or which concerned the hand of the puppet's prototype. Into the napkin or piece of clothing chosen wraps volt and placed in beautiful box. It is very important: the prettier looks like a scene for the doll, the better. The box can be decorated with cloth, lace, cute figures, etc.
  3. 3. The main thing during the rite to visualize your favorite will thus the communication channel will be created. You need to constantly think about your chosen one, to represent how he "goes crazy from love," makes crazy actions for the sake of a woman, and to be exactly sure that the spell will work.
  4. 4. It remains only to pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "I give you a name (chosen name). From now on, you are with him (or with it) are one indivisible whole. I ask you mercy in the Spirit Oshun! Sorry forever (chosen name) and this doll. Inhales in her Life. You will never forget me, we will always together. "

After the rite about the puppet, you should not forget. It is necessary to talk to her (about dreams, problems at work, about all that you can tell the second half), care for, staging more. The more threatening and kinder will be a volt, the more caring in the relationship there will be a partner.

Many people attract and scary Magic Voodoo. Actually nothing to be afraid. If you correctly use the ideology of this ancient artT. negative consequences You can avoid.

Voodoo differs from black magic significantly. This is not a "conversation" at all about helping with evil forces, it is the use of the most ancient possibilities of nature to achieve its goals.

By the way, if they like ideas, they help with pleasure, almost free. Let's deal with.

Voodoo doll per person for love spell

Here is the case when you can use without any rest ancient magic. Do not pay attention to those stories and opinions that they are in society thanks to Hollywood films.

Try to focus on "move" any (concrete) cloud. No need to strain.

Just imagine that it melts or floats by the horizon. Fifteen minutes later look at the result. Happened? Then you can proceed to the manufacture of voodoo dolls.

If you remember how to sculpt from plasticine, then the process itself to make a doll, you should not cause difficulties. The doll is made in the form of a little man with explicit signs.

That is, you need to cut the head and torso, handles and legs. Magic elements are added to wax in the order as in a living organism. Namely, the nails should be in their hands, hair - on the head, blood - in the body and so on.

When the little seemingly victim is ready, it can be sprinkled by the material that is assembled from under the feet of the victim (dust, sand and so on). If you have saliva elements (for example, coffee), then add it to that piece from which you will make your head.

It is necessary to cut the face to make it clear how to handle a doll. The genitals are also an important moment. It is in these parts of the dolls add honey or pollen.

Voodoo doll should be wrapped in the prepared pieces of clothing or other things that the victim touched (in the extreme case, a napkin is suitable). It is further desirable to put your "creativity" in a special box.

Do not be lazy to fasten it with a piece of beautiful fabric, lace and that similar. The atmosphere of external beauty will only spur magic forces.

After the manufacture, you need to create a communication channel. To do this, in the process of work, you need to try to represent the object, associate parts with real parts of the body.

When the face, head, hair, imagine what is happening in thoughts. Imagine in detail how (or she) will "burn" with love for you.

Now you need to prone spell:

"Making you (the name of the victim). From now on, you with him (with her) one whole! I urge to help the Spirit Oshun! Connect (name) with doll! Inhales in her life! "

From now on, you become the owner of the most valuable energetically related to the sacrifice of the subject. Before, it is recommended to talk with a doll for several days.

You can talk about how a person will be happy to share his feelings and thoughts. At the same time, remember that the attitude to the doll should be respectful and careful.

You will dismiss with it to do, swearing or angry, the object may get sick, even to wave you. In addition, the Spirit Oshun is offended and stop helping you.

The ancient African religion Voodoo has been preserved in some backward states of the Black Continent and in Haiti. Local population There knows well, how to make a voodoo doll. This is black magic, so the goals of using the doll are unscrewed, since Voudism himself refers to black Magic. Thanks to many films, we know how sorcerers voodle stick into different parts of the needles dolls, and the same part of the body starts to hurt at the same time. Then she dies in terrible sufferings. Is it so in real life? No one will undertake to say. What can be done by voodoo doll? Yes, almost everything, but the most common dolls of fabric, wax (candles) and threads are most common.

  • What biological components are needed?
  • Voodoo doll from fabric
  • Voodoo doll from wax

What biological components are needed?

Despite the helpfulness of this religion, and maybe, thanks to her, there are people who certainly want to learn how to make a voodoo doll at home.

Doll should get energy concrete personFor which she will need it:

  • hair;
  • nails;
  • saliva;
  • blood;
  • leather, etc.

It is clear that all this is not easy to get to make Voodoo dolls with your own hands, but if this magic attribute is so important to you, you will probably think about something. For example, the hair can be concentrated at night or examine the place where a person sat, because often the hair falls out, especially in long-haired people.

Voodoo doll from fabric

Turning to black magic, Europeans often choose a way to make a magic doll voodoo from the fabric. For this, you will need the following materials:

  • pattern;
  • thin leather or fabric;
  • cardboard or tight paper;
  • needle with threads;
  • buttons, buttons;
  • any filler for dolls (straw, wool, rag);
  • biological material from the person for whom the doll will be made;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process

  1. Before making a voodoo doll on a person yourself, you need to draw or find a suitable sample for it and make from dense paper on it template.
  2. Template clab to leather or fabric and cut, retreating from the edge of a 5 mm template. Similarly, to prepare a mirror-second side of the doll.

  1. You can complicate the task, cutting both parts in half and connecting different pieces of each other. Send completely only the first two pieces, and the rest is only below and on top, not a touch of the middle.
  2. Then you can finally sew a doll at the edges of the cuts, leaving only a hole with one of the sides to refill the filler. It is also convenient to leave ease and legs.

  1. Then the doll must be fill with any suitable girlfriend, without forgetting to appreciate the hair or other biological materials of the victim.

  1. After packing you need to tightly sew a voodoo doll with your own hands, and the legs to bandage.

  1. Voodoo doll does not need clothes, only on the face it is worth indicating a pair of eye buttons.

Voodoo doll from wax

It is even better to know how to make a voodoo doll from wax, because it is them who uses African and Haitian sorcerers, since the wax is easiest to give the necessary shape of the human figure with all the details.

The following materials will be needed:

  • a lot of wax, paraffin or stearin;
  • two planks or wands;
  • fabric of the desired color;
  • twine;
  • needle with thread;
  • glue;
  • gas stove or alcohol burner;
  • capacity for melting wax;
  • buttons or beads;
  • biological material of the victim of the ritual.

Manufacturing process

  1. Two plates from any tree that will be a frame of dolls need to be associated with each other.

  1. Melt wax, stearin or paraffin on a water bath. As soon as the melt will cool down, you can continue to work.

  1. It is easier for people who know how to work in the technique of modeling plaster or clay, which can make forms where body and limb will be cast. The rest will have to manually sculpt the figure around the wooden frame.
  2. To get the head of the doll, you can ride the wax ball at the beginning, and you can take the head of the old doll as the basis and take care of it with a thin wax layer, although the first version is preferable.
  3. If the head is entirely wax, then in another plastic warm material It is necessary to fix the victim's hair.

On the full cooling of wax can take several hours, after which the hair will be reliably attached in the head.

  1. Over details, the features of the person can work at their discretion. The same eyes can be done by cutting them with a blade or pressing wax, but it is much easier and clearer to use small peas, colored beads or buttons.
  2. Then you should give a figurine to completely cool and start it. Clothes can be portrayed in the form of the letter "x" on the shoulders of the tissue strips and fixed with twine or ropes on the waist of the figure. Then threads can sew the sleeves. However, Voodoo doll does not need clothes too much.
  3. Then you need to hold rites of adventures of the voodoo doll and its cleansing, but not too much to be carried by them so that it does not melt in the lacaround. Next, it becomes suitable for ritual.

Video on how to make a voodoo doll from candles:

The latter will be described the option, how to make a voodoo doll from threads and beeps, for which you will need:

  • three pieces of thick copper wire;
  • thin threads;
  • beellus or thick knitting threads;
  • several buttons or beads;
  • suitable glue.

Manufacturing process

  1. Two pieces of wire need to be overwhelmed so that the pair of free ends remains to be left, which will become the feet of the dolls, and at the top there was a small loop required to form a head. Then you need to perpendicular to attach the third wire, from which the figures will come out later.
  2. Around the resulting frame should begin to firmly wrap a thick thread or a beggie, stopping when the doll gets enough "completeness". The color of the thread can be chosen anyone, which is closer to the color of the skin of the chosen victim. Each end of the wire must be wrapped as long as they do not resemble the hands, legs and human head of normal proportions.

Of course, it is not necessary to strive to comply with the proportion by 100% - in any case, the head will be disproportionately large.

  1. At the end of the winding, the ends of the threads can be fixed on the body of the dolls cooked in advance glue. This will be ready for the basis of voodoo doll.

  1. With the help of buttons, beads, studs and other suitable items will be left to issue her face. You can give her great attractiveness, coloring limbs and body or instead winding them with colored thin threads. Natural hair here to strengthen is not as simple as in wax, so they can be replaced with thin tissue stripes or threads.

How do you feel about black magic and do you believe in what Voodoo dolls is a real threat to a person? Tell us about it in the comments.

The doll is one of the most ancient crafts that has a centuries-old history. It is worth remembering only the Slavic Coa of Cups, which for a long period of time defeated our ancestors, and now in modern houses Increasingly perform a decorative function. However, the one who utters to use the experience of ancestors chooses things with a meaning that will not just decorate the house, but will be removed from evil. As for the dolls of Voodoo, they have a little different purpose. And how to make a voodoo doll and how to use it we will talk in this article.

Voodoo is considered one of the most ancient beliefs in which a special doll was used to achieve any given goal, which is also called "Volt".

The process of creating this craft itself is a magical, who gives an inanimate subject of force and makes it ready for further magical actions. If you decide to learn how to make a voodoo doll, it means that you decided to influence some person.

It is made by such an exercise most often for dark purposes when someone wants to harm, damage or make a spell on the person who symbolizes Volt. However, it is possible to use this thing and as a charm.

For the manufacture of the magic subject, almost any remedies can be used, although it is best to give preference natural materials. Below we consider the process of manufacturing the subject and answer the main question, how to make a voodoo doll.

As already mentioned above, it is best to choose natural, natural materials for making magic craft. Experts recommend to stop at the wax as the basis of the subject. Also required particles of a person with whom the thing will be associated. It can be elements of clothes, hair, nails, blood, saliva, sperm, dust with shoes.

The main stages of the manufacture of Kula Voodoo:

The wax is melts from which the magic manpower will be made.
From the melted wax, the likeness of a human figure is created, resembling one who symbolizes the thing. Holing hands, legs, head and so on, try to think and represent a person.

Next to the wax you need to add those particles of the person who you have. Here should be used nails, saliva, hair, sperm and so on. Try to place them where things have the necessary details. So, let's say nails in toy hands, hair - in the head of the head and so on.

Dust with shoes need to be treated on the craft;
It uses something from a naked man's clothes, the best is the best.
Now you need to give the name of the voodoo doll. Its calling it should also, as the person she denotes.

To give a name, a conspiracy is pronounced:

"Your name is now (name), with him you are one.
What will happen to the doll, then with a person will happen! ".

On this, the ritual of creating a Voodoo subject is completed. And it can be used for the purposes for which it was created.

The very doll Voodoo is created in order to attract luck, luck, love and other benefits. In addition, she can protect a person.

However, remember that if something happens with a cradle, it can affect you. Therefore, you should not joke with magic.

The process of creating a craft for itself is almost the same as on another person. However, at the time of the creation of the casing, you need to add coins if you wish to attract wealth, horseshoe or other success symbol to attract success and so on.

If you want to attract love, then put the housing in the body homemade heart red. After that, complete the rite, giving a name.

It is necessary to store it in an inaccessible place, because if she falls into someone in his hands, he can hurt you strong harm.

How to get rid of voodoo doll

Separate attention deserves the process of getting rid of the Voodoo doll, as simply throwing or breaking it, you can harm yourself and yourself, and another person. To get rid of it, you should sprinkle spring water And try three times:

"Cleaning the doll with water, I deprived it.
Over (human name), she will not be! ".

And the creation and destruction of voodoo dolls are specific processes that suggest the exact following instructions and faith in the result. Treating such a plan, rituals is very responsible in order not to cause harm to anyone and not to bring in misfortune.

The fact that there is such a mystical teaching like a voodoo, many of our compatriots know in Hollywood films. There, old Creoles curse unlucky white travelers, raise the dead from the ground, turn into obedient, but the bloodthirsty zombies of those who succumbed to the charm. And one of the strongest artifacts is a voodoo doll. With it, you can manage human life and even death.

Manufacturing process

Surely, many were thinking about Voodoo at home? Let us turn over the answer to this question to the connoisseurs of esoteric. As Masters Master say, there are two main ways, at home. The first one is more traditional. It is necessary to take two small sticks for its implementation.

We will also need threads, tissue type of burlap or canvas, any natural material For packing. It is quite suitable straw, dry grass, moss or flower petals. How to make it necessary to do before creating, you must be clearly and in detail to present the person or the spirit, whose personification it will be.

So, proceed. First you need to make a "skeleton". We associate a cross with two sticks so that one is divided into half, and the second is in the proportion of 1: 2. So, the first will be the future hands of the doll, and the second is her body and head. The second stage occurs in the master class.

Our skeleton will turn to the muscles - tightly wrap the wooden cross with straw, grass or moss. If you use last option, try not to break it - the integrity of the MHA is necessary for the ritual. After that, it is necessary over to cover and tinker a cloth doll. On my head you can leave some filler to imitate hair, and at the ends of the hands - for the image of the palms. Now our voodoo doll, at home made, practically ready.

Further for greater personalization, and, as a result, it is possible to give it the features of a particular person to enhance the effect of magic. For this you can sew her clothes. Especially valuable will be something made from his former thing. Little, maybe you have a shirt or flap of fabrics from the outfit of one or the one who will denote the doll.

You can also give individuality to the face. For this we are intertwining buttons-eyes, we denote by the coal or pencil, or even lipstick, mouth and eyebrows. It is especially important to portray the heart on the body. Also, to enhance the effect, it is possible to put on it beads, amulets or particles of the hair of that person, which you imagined while it was done.

Another variant

The second way, how to make a voodoo doll at home, more modern. To do this, you will need a cloth, a photo of a person, as well as a filler. Print on a printer in A4 format photo, and transfer it to the fabric or simply stir. Cut the outline on the contour.

Then, make the second same silhouette, and sew both parts of each other. Leave a small band to fill the figure for giving the volume. Next, we act on the previous scenario on personalization of our doll.


Many mistakenly believe that Voodoo rituals are designed to be harmful to man. But it is not. Any magic can be focused on good.

And therefore, in order to conduct such a ritual to attract good luck, love or wealth to a person, it is enough to choose pins with bright impressions - red, if it is a romantic relationship, green - in order to attract money, yellow to ensure positive emotions.

But the black pin is better to avoid - because bad thoughts about people and the wishes of the negative can return a hundredfold to the caster itself.

Now you know how to make a voodoo doll at home. Good luck!